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Nama : Gigih Bayu K

Kelas : XI PSPTV 1
No. : 18




Questions number 1 to 3 refer to the following text.

Earthquake jolts Yogyakarta, Southern C. Java

Bambang Muryanto, The Jakarta Post, Yogyakarta | Archipelago | Sat, January 25 2014, 3:37 PM
Archipelago News

A 6.5 Richter scale earthquake has jolted Yogyakarta and most of Central Java. The epicenter
was reported to be 104 kilometers away from the southern coast.
National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said the
quake was considered strong and affected Cilacap, Kebumen, Magelang, Semarang and Yogyakarta.
“It has been reported that a house was severely damaged and many others were mildly damaged in
Purworejo,” he said on Saturday.
No reports of damaged houses or facilities in Yogyakarta were available. He said the quake was
the result of tectonic activity between the Indo-Australia and Eurasia platforms below Indonesian
waters. When asked about the possibility of a Tsunami, Sutopo said the chance of a Tsunami was
slim, therefore people had no reason panic.(dic)

1. How far was the epicenter of the earthquake?

2. What caused the quake?
3. Why did people have no reason panic?
4. a. What are the causes of Forest Fires?
b. What are the effects of Forest Fires?
5. Read the sentences and find the cause and effect.
a. Early man used weapons because they needed to find food.
Cause :
b. My sister was very tired because she stayed up past midnight.
Cause :
6. Read the cause, write the effect, then write the complete sentence using signal words.
a. Cause : The road was slippery.
Effect :
Sentence :
b. Cause : He forgot to bring the book.
Effect :
Sentence :

Jawab :
1.The epicenter was reported to be 104 kilometers away from the southern coast.
2.He said the quake was the result of tectonic activity between the Indo-Australia and Eurasia
platforms below Indonesian waters.
3.Sutopo said the chance of a Tsunami was slim, therefore people had no reason panic.
4.a.High temperature mainly due to global warming
b.flora and fauna lose their habitat
5.A.Cause : they needed to find food
Effect : early man used weapons

B.Cause : she stayed up past midnight

Effect : My sister was very tired

6. A.Effect : car accident

Sentence : theres a car accident because the road was slippery

B.Effect : Andi punished by teacher

Sentence : Andi punished by teacher because he forgot to bring the book

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