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Germany 1871-1890 graphic organiser Key events

Key terms
Structure of the empire
1871 Liberals win 155/399 seats - to get their support Bismarck begins

liberal - someone who wants more rights for the

Kulturkampf, Centre party formed, new currency brought in.

conservative - someone who wants tradition and opposes
1873 May/ Falk laws which target Catholics brought in. Bismarck fails to pass eternal law and

change. Wilhelm I - Kaiser Reichstag pass Septennial law - army budget only checked every 7 years, economic depression

socialism - someone who puts the needs of the many above

the individual 1874 Press law increase censorship
federal government that runs the individual states 1875 SPD formed
Reichstag lower house of federal government
1877 Alliance of steel and Rye - Junkers and businessmen unite to support tariffs - end of free trade
Bundesrat upper house of federal government Otto von Bismarck
Ministers 1878 Liberals and socialists lose seats, 2 x assassination attempts on Kaiser, first anti socialist law

Kaiser - emperor of Germany - chancellor

Prussia -largest and most powerful German state passed
Junker - rich land owner 1879 Tariff law introduced with support of centre party
protectionism - protecting businesses from foreign
1881 Conservative parties only get 85 seats
competition 1882 German Colonial league set up to promote Germany getting colonies if Africa
tariffs - tax on imported goods that makes goods made in

the country cheaper Upper house -

lower house -
1883 First of state socialism laws - health insurance
Kulturkampf - attack on the Catholic church to Bundesrat Reichstag 1884 Centre party becomes largest with 99/397 seats
3 stage voting system - Prussia's electoral system which

1885 state socialism - Accident insurance

gave more more weight to the votes of the elites.
state socialism - Bismarck's attempts to weaken growing
1886 Central association of German industrialist created
support for socialism Kulturkampf officially ends
Septennial law - Reichstag passed a law agreeing to check

army budget only every 7 years. 1888 Wilhelm I dies -replaced briefly with Fredrich who dies and grandson Wilhelm II becomes

Kartel - groups of businesses that work together to keep

prices high 1889 State socialism old age pension, Bismarck proposes to make anti socialist law permanent.
1890 Reichstag rejects anti socialist law, socialists have 35 seats in Reichstag showing failure of

state socialism

Social democratic Liberal Progressive

National Liberal party Centre party Free conservative party German conservative party
party party

The liberal period The conservative period

Falk laws

Kulturkampf (May laws) Central Association

Health Centre party

Alliance of
Tariff law
of German

parties get 85
Old age

Liberals win
law passed, steel and
Laws are
League is
End of
Wilhelm I

introduced seats law largest law

155/399 created Kulturkampf died pension resigns
Rye introduced. founded

1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890

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