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Change and reaction, 1536–1547


‘Henry’s need to increase his income was the main reason for the dissolution of the

monasteries in the years 1535 to 1540.’

Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. AS 2017

To what extent did the Dissolution of the Monasteries bring about a social upheaval in

the years 1536 to 1547? A-Level 2019

To what extent was the dissolution of the monasteries, in the years 1536 to 1540, a result of

Henry VIII’s need for money? A-LEVEL 2021

The main causes of pilgrimage of grace were economic and social." Explain why you agree

or disagree with this view. AS 2022

‘The Seymour faction and Cranmer dominated the Church of England in the years
1543 to 1547.’
Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. AS 2018

‘In the years 1541 to 1547, political factions were more important than Henry VIII in

determining religious policy.’ A-LEVEL 2022

Henry VIII was in complete control of religious policy 1541-47 Explain why you agree

or disagree with this view. AS 2022

There was little change in the doctrine and services of the Church in England in the years

1536 to 1545.’
Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. AS 2019

How important was the death of Cromwell to the religious changes of the 1540s?

A-Level 2020
With reference to these sources and your understanding of the historical context,

which of these two sources is more valuable in explaining Henry VIII’s attitude to

religion in the years 1540 to 1543? as 2017

Source A
From a letter of 1541 from the English religious reformer, Richard Hilles, to Heinrich

Bullinger. Bullinger was a leading Protestant reformer based in Zurich and a follower of


In Parliament, the King published a general pardon by which he forgave the nobility,

and others of his subjects, all heresies and crimes against statutes of the realm

committed before 1 July 1540. However, many were exempted from this pardon, and soon

after the dissolution of Parliament on 30 July 1540, six men were executed. Three of

these were popish priests who continued to refuse to acknowledge the King’s title as

Supreme Head of the Church and his authority over the clergy. The remaining three

were preachers of the gospel. I could never discover why these reformers were

executed. I can only guess

that the King wanted to please the clergy and
obstructive members of the nobility.

Source B
From an Act for the Advancement of True Religion which was passed in 1543 in an attempt

to end the differences of opinion which had arisen as a result of encouraging the laity to

read the Bible.

Those books of the Old and New Testaments in English, which are false translations by

William Tyndale, and are contrary to the doctrine laid down since 1540, shall be abolished.
No printer or bookseller shall distribute such books. No persons shall retain any English

books or writing concerning matters against the holy and blessed sacrament of the altar.
There shall be no annotations or preambles in Bibles or New Testaments in English. The Bible

shall not be read in English in any Church. No women, apprentices, serving men of the

degree of yeoman or under shall read the New Testament in English. Nothing shall be

taught, or maintained contrary to the King’s instructions.

With reference to these sources and your understanding of the historical context, which of

these two sources is more valuable in explaining the Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536? AS 2018

Source A
From ‘The Oath of the Honourable Man’, drawn up by Robert Aske before the Council of

the Pilgrims’ Captains, October 1536. The oath was taken by all the pilgrims.
You shall not enter into this our Pilgrimage of Grace for the commonwealth, but only

for the love which you bear to Almighty God, his faith and to his Holy Church. The

Pilgrimage is for the preservation of the King’s person and his heirs. It is to purify the

nobility and to exclude all common blood and evil councillors from the Privy Council.

And you shall not enter into our Pilgrimage for profit to yourself, nor to do harm to

any private person. Have in your hearts the Faith of Christ, the restoration of the

Church, the suppression of these heretics and their opinions, by the holy contents of his


Source B
From a sermon preached by Hugh Latimer, the Bishop of Worcester at St Paul’s Cross,

October 1536. This was the location of sermons which had official support.
These men in the north country, they make pretence as though they were armed in

God’s armour and clothed in righteousness. I hear say that they wear the cross and

the wounds before and behind. They seek to deceive the poor ignorant people. They

say that they fight for the King but really they fight against the King and his

ministers. They say they fight for the Church but go clean against the laity. They say

that they fight for the people but in truth go about making the commons kill each

other. What false pretence can the devil send among us! It is one of his most crafty

assaults, to send his warriors forth under the badge of God.

With reference to these sources and your understanding of the historical context, which of

these two sources is more valuable in explaining the ways in which Henry VIII attempted to

secure the succession c1529? AS 2019

Source A
From a speech made by Henry VIII to his nobility and councillors, 8 November 1528.

When we remember that we must die, we think that all our doings in our life are not worthy of

memory, if we leave trouble at the time of our death. For if one’s true heir be not known at the

time of one’s death, what mischief and trouble shall follow for others and their children? And,

although it has pleased Almighty God to send a fair daughter, born of a noble woman and me and

begotten to our great comfort and joy; yet it has been told us that neither is she our lawful

daughter, nor her mother a lawful wife, but that we live together abominably and detestably in

open adultery.

Source B
From the Succession to the Crown Act, 1534. This Act was drafted by Cromwell.
We, your most obedient subjects, do most humbly beseech Your Highness that the marriage

solemnised between Your Highness and the Lady Catherine shall be, by the authority of this

present Parliament, deemed utterly void and annulled. The marriage solemnised between Your

Highness and the most entirely beloved Queen Anne shall be considered lawful. For the

establishment of the succession of Your Most Royal Majesty, the heirs of Henry and Anne shall be

All the nobles of your realm, spiritual and temporal, and all other subjects, shall be required to

make an oath that they shall keep the whole of this present Act. If any persons refuse so to do

they will be punished for high treason.

With reference to these sources and your understanding of the historical context, which of these two

sources is more valuable in explaining why Wolsey fell from power. AS 2022

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