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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

1. c% of 525 is 63. Find c.

2. c% of 340 is 221. Find c.

3. There are 196 members in a reading club and 147 of them wear glasses. Find the percentage of
members who wear glasses.

4. There are 460 books in a school library and 322 of them are written in Chinese. Find the
percentage of books which are written in Chinese.

5. There are 850 employees in a company and 68 of them live in Yuen Long. Find the percentage of
employees who live in Yuen Long.

6. There are 240 members in a club and 144 of them are male. Find the percentage of members in the
club who are female.

7. There are 640 students in a school and 608 of them are right-handed. Find the percentage of
students in the school who are left-handed.

8. There are 1 050 tourists in a museum and 546 of them speak English. Find the percentage of
tourists in the museum who do not speak English.

9. 18% of 150 is a. Find a.

10. 64% of 275 is a. Find a.

11. Jenny spends 70% of her savings to buy a new handbag. If the amount of her savings is $380, how
much does the handbag cost?

12. Tommy spends 15% of his pocket money to buy a new shirt. If the amount of his pocket money is
$920, how much does the shirt cost?

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

13. Carol spends 36% of her daily salary to buy a new watch. If her daily salary is $1 250, how much
does the watch cost?

14. There are 245 tickets available for a concert. If 40% of the tickets are sold, how many tickets are

15. A total of 850 eggs are stored in a bakery. If 76% of them are used, how many eggs are left?

16. There are 1 150 leaflets available for a seminar. If 24% of them are distributed, how many leaflets
are left?

17. 30% of b is 72. Find b.

18. 55% of b is 308. Find b.

19. There are 76 red roses in a garden, which make up 40% of all roses. How many roses are there in
the garden?

20. There are 41 teachers in a graduation ceremony, which make up 5% of all participants. How many
participants are there in the graduation ceremony?

21. The volume of orange juice in a refrigerator is 798 mL, which makes up 84% of all drinks. Find
the total volume of the drinks in the refrigerator.

22. In a theme park, 96 tourists are female. If 60% of the tourists are male, how many tourists are

23. In a sports club, 217 members are VIP members. If 72% of the members are not VIP members,
how many members are there in the sports club?

24. In a storage room, 70 light bulbs are broken. If 92% of the light bulbs are not broken, how many
light bulbs are there?

25. 180 movies were shown in this year, and the number of which was 80% of the number of movies
shown in last year. How many more movies were shown in last year than in this year?

26. There are 336 people living in village A, and the number of which is 28% of the number of people
living in village B. How many more people are living in village B than in village A?

27. In an election, 98 people voted for candidate A, and the number of which was 8% of the number of
people who voted for candidate B. How many more people were there who voted for candidate B
than for candidate A?

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

1. The value of x increases from 135 to 216. Find the percentage increase.

2. The value of x increases from 750 to 915. Find the percentage increase.

3. The number of passengers increases from 130 to 247. Find the percentage increase in the number
of passengers.

4. The volume of water increases from 120 mL to 126 mL. Find the percentage increase in the
volume of water.

5. The savings of Anderson increase from $225 to $504. Find the percentage increase in his savings.

6. The value of x increases by 189 to 459. Find

(a) the original value of x,
(b) the percentage increase.

7. The value of x increases by 27 to 927. Find

(a) the original value of x,
(b) the percentage increase.

8. The selling price of a pair of shoes increases by $102 to $272. Find the percentage increase in the
selling price of the pair of shoes.

9. The number of employees in a company increases by 90 to 465. Find the percentage increase in
the number of employees.

10. The height of a tree increases by 175 cm to 315 cm. Find the percentage increase in the height of
the tree.

11. The original value of x is 340. If the value increases by 70%, find the new value of x.

12. The original value of x is 575. If the value increases by 24%, find the new value of x.

13. The original volume of oil in a tank is 75 L. If the volume increases by 8%, find the new volume of
oil in the tank.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

14. The original number of patients in a hospital is 525. If the number of patients increases by 36%,
how many patients are there in the hospital?

15. The original number of animals in a zoo is 350. If the number of animals increases by 136%, how
many animals are there in the zoo?

16. The value of x decreases from 360 to 252. Find the percentage decrease.

17. The value of x decreases from 650 to 494. Find the percentage decrease.

18. The savings of Johnson decrease from $260 to $234. Find the percentage decrease in his savings.

19. The price of a suitcase decreases from $750 to $495. Find the percentage decrease in the price.

20. The number of participants in a marathon decreases from 725 to 696. Find the percentage decrease
in the number of participants.

21. The value of x decreases by 32 to 128. Find

(a) the original value of x,
(b) the percentage decrease.

22. The value of x decreases by 108 to 492. Find

(a) the original value of x,
(b) the percentage decrease.

23. In a town, the number of S1 students in this year is 141, which is less than that in last year by 94.
(a) the number of S1 students in last year,
(b) the percentage decrease in the number of S1 students.

24. In a village, the average rainfall in this month is 63 mm, which is less than that in last month by
12 mm. Find
(a) the average rainfall in last month,
(b) the percentage decrease in the average rainfall.

25. The sales of a supermarket in this month is 759 thousand dollars, which is less than that in last
month by 66 thousand dollars. Find
(a) the sales of the supermarket in last month,
(b) the percentage decrease in the sales of the supermarket.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

26. The original value of x is 220. If the value decreases by 80%, find the new value of x.

27. The original value of x is 160. If the value decreases by 55%, find the new value of x.

28. A ribbon is originally 160 cm long. If 20% of the ribbon is cut, what is the new length of the

29. Maria spent 400 min in watching TV last weekend, and the time she spent in watching TV this
weekend decreased by 79%. How much time did she spend in watching TV this weekend?

30. There were 325 visitors to a school’s open day yesterday and the number of visitors decreases by
4% today. Find the number of visitors today.

1. Complete the following table.

Cost Selling price Profit Percentage profit
$85 $119

$150 $156

2. A cup is bought for $30 and sold for $54. Find the percentage profit.

3. A bracelet is bought for $680 and sold for $918. Find the percentage profit.

4. A dictionary is bought for $170 and sold for $374. Find the percentage profit.

5. Complete the following table.

Cost Selling price Profit Percentage profit
$931 $441

$984 $504

6. A pan is sold for $138 and a profit of $23 is made. Find the percentage profit.

7. A telescope is sold for $280 and a profit of $120 is made. Find the percentage profit.

8. A calendar is sold for $42 and a profit of $2 is made. Find the percentage profit.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

9. The cost of a piece of goods is $215 and it is sold at a profit of 20%. Find the selling price.

10. The cost of a piece of goods is $220 and it is sold at a profit of 165%. Find the selling price.

11. Wenda bought a pack of tea leaves for $95 and sold it at a profit of 20%. Find the selling price of
this pack of tea leaves.

12. Henry bought a phone case for $50 and sold it at a profit of 24%. Find the selling price of the
phone case.

13. Donna bought a camera for $925 and sold it at a profit of 4%. Find the selling price of the camera.

14. Complete the following table.

Cost Selling price Loss Percentage loss
$15 $12

$675 $486

15. A shop bought a jacket for $95 and sold it for $38. Find the percentage loss.

16. Anson bought a cooker for $650 and sold it for $403. Find the percentage loss.

17. Alex bought a pack of rice for $75 and sold it for $69. Find the percentage loss.

18. Complete the following table.

Cost Selling price Loss Percentage loss
$54 $6

$705 $45

19. A pair of gloves is sold for $14 and a loss of $126 is made. Find the percentage loss.

20. A memory card is sold for $52 and a loss of $148 is made. Find the percentage loss.

21. A dining chair is sold for $273 and a loss of $27 is made. Find the percentage loss.

22. If the cost of a piece of goods is $45 and it is sold at a loss of 40%, find its selling price.

23. If the cost of a piece of goods is $600 and it is sold at a loss of 7%, find its selling price.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

24. The cost of a backpack is $360 and it is sold at a loss of 30%. Find the selling price.

25. The cost of a pair of jeans is $875 and it is sold at a loss of 88%. Find the selling price.

26. The cost of a T-shirt is $175 and it is sold at a loss of 92%. Find the selling price.

1. Complete the following table.

Marked price Selling price Discount Percentage discount
$60 $42
$500 $410

2. The marked price of a model car is $115 and its selling price is $46. Find the percentage discount.

3. The marked price of a pair of headphones is $800 and its selling price is $528. Find the percentage

4. The marked price of a clock is $150 and its selling price is $147. Find the percentage discount.

5. Complete the following table.

Marked price Selling price Discount Percentage discount
$80 $120

$399 $76

6. The selling price of an umbrella is $76. It is sold at a discount of $19. Find

(a) the marked price,
(b) the percentage discount.

7. The selling price of a jacket is $234. It is sold at a discount of $216. Find

(a) the marked price,
(b) the percentage discount.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

8. The selling price of a set of forks is $188. It is sold at a discount of $12. Find
(a) the marked price,
(b) the percentage discount.

9. The marked price of a piece of goods is $240. If it is sold at a discount of 70% on its marked price,
find its selling price.

10. The marked price of a piece of goods is $975. If it is sold at a discount of 28% on its marked price,
find its selling price.

11. The marked price of a novel is $190 and it is sold at a discount of 20% on its marked price. Find
the selling price.

12. The marked price of a wardrobe is $920 and it is sold at a discount of 45% on its marked price.
Find the selling price.

13. The marked price of an oven is $740 and it is sold at a discount of 5% on its marked price. Find
the selling price.

14. Complete the following table.

Marked price Selling price Discount Percentage discount
$36 30%

$24 5%

15. Eason buys a pack of seafood at a discount of 20% on its marked price and he saves $26. Find
(a) the marked price,
(b) the selling price.

16. Benedict buys a box of building blocks at a discount of 32% on its marked price and he saves $80.
(a) the marked price,
(b) the selling price.

17. Janice buys a hat at a discount of 5% on its marked price and she saves $11. Find
(a) the marked price,
(b) the selling price.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

Exercise 6A (page 1)
1. 12
2. 65
3. 75%
4. 70%
5. 8%
6. 40%
7. 5%
8. 48%
9. 27
10. 176
11. $266
12. $138
13. $450
14. 147
15. 204
16. 874
17. 240
18. 560
19. 190
20. 820
21. 950 mL
22. 240
23. 775
24. 875
25. 45
26. 864
27. 1 127

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

Exercise 6B (page 3)

1. 60%
2. 22%
3. 90%
4. 5%
5. 124%
6. (a) 270 (b) 70%
7. (a) 900 (b) 3%
8. 60%
9. 24%
10. 125%
11. 578
12. 713
13. 81 L
14. 714
15. 826
16. 30%
17. 24%
18. 10%
19. 34%
20. 4%
21. (a) 160 (b) 20%
22. (a) 600 (b) 18%
23. (a) 235 (b) 40%
24. (a) 75 mm (b) 16%
25. (a) 825 thousand dollars (b) 8%
26. 44
27. 72
28. 128 cm
29. 84 min
30. 312

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

Exercise 6C (page 5)

1. Cost Selling price Profit Percentage profit

$85 $119 $34 40%

$150 $156 $6 4%

2. 80%
3. 35%
4. 120%

5. Cost Selling price Profit Percentage profit

$490 $931 $441 90%

$480 $984 $504 105%

6. 20%
7. 75%
8. 5%
9. $258
10. $583
11. $114
12. $62
13. $962

14. Cost Selling price Loss Percentage loss

$15 $12 $3 20%

$675 $486 $189 28%

15. 60%
16. 38%
17. 8%

18. Cost Selling price Loss Percentage loss

$60 $54 $6 10%

$750 $705 $45 6%

19. 90%
20. 74%
21. 9%
22. $27
23. $558
24. $252
25. $105
26. $14

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

Exercise 6D (page 7)

1. Marked price Selling price Discount Percentage discount

$60 $42 $18 30%

$500 $410 $90 18%

2. 60%
3. 34%
4. 2%

5. Marked price Selling price Discount Percentage discount

$200 $80 $120 60%

$475 $399 $76 16%

6. (a) $95 (b) 20%

7. (a) $450 (b) 48%
8. (a) $200 (b) 6%
9. $72
10. $702
11. $152
12. $506
13. $703

14. Marked price Selling price Discount Percentage discount

$120 $84 $36 30%

$480 $456 $24 5%

15. (a) $130 (b) $104

16. (a) $250 (b) $170
17. (a) $220 (b) $209

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

Exercise 6A
1. 525  c %  63
c% 
 0.12
 c  12

2. 340  c %  221
c% 
 0.65
 c  65

3. Required percentage   100%
 75%

4. Required percentage   100%
 70%

5. Required percentage   100%
 8%

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

6. Number of members in the club who are female  240  144

 96
 Required percentage   100%
 40%

7. Number of students in the school who are left-handed  640  608

 32
 Required percentage   100%
 5%

8. Number of tourists who do not speak English  1 050  546

 504
 Required percentage   100%
1 050
 48%

9. a  150  18%
 150 
 27

10. a  275  64%

 275 
 176

11. Price  $380  70%

 $380 
 $266

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

12. Price  $920  15%

 $920 
 $138

13. Price  $1 250  36%

 $1 250 
 $450

14. Percentage of tickets left  100%  40%

 60%
 Number of tickets left  245  60%
 245 
 147

15. Percentage of eggs left  100%  76%

 24%
 Number of eggs left  850  24%
 850 
 204

16. Percentage of leaflets left  100%  24%

 76%
 Number of leaflets left  1 150  76%
 1 150 
 874

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

17. b  30%  72
b  72  30%
 72 
 240

18. b  55%  308

b  308  55%
 308 
 560

19. Let x be the total number of roses in the garden.

x  40%  76
x  76  40%
 76 
 190
 There are 190 roses in the garden.

20. Let x be the total number of participants in the graduation ceremony.

x  5%  41
x  41  5%
 41 
 820
 There are 820 participants in the graduation ceremony.

21. Let x mL be the total volume of the drinks in the refrigerator.

x  84%  798
x  798  84%
 798 
 950
 There are 950 mL of drinks in the refrigerator.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

22. Let x be the number of tourists in the theme park.

Percentage of female in the theme park  100%  60%
 40%
x  40%  96
x  96  40%
 96 
 240
 There are 240 tourists in the theme park.

23. Let x be the total number of members in the sports club.

Percentage of VIP members  100%  72%
 28%
x  28%  217
x  217  28%
 217 
 775
 There are 775 members in the sports club.

24. Let x be the total number of light bulbs in the storage room.
Percentage of broken light bulbs  100%  92%
 8%
x  8%  70
x  70  8%
 70 
 875
 There are 875 light bulbs in the storage room.

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

25. Let x be the number of movies shown in last year.

x  80%  180
x  180  80%
 180 
 225
 225 movies were shown in last year.
 Required difference  225  180
 45

26. Let x be the number of people living in village B.

x  28%  336
x  336  28%
 336 
 1 200
 1 200 people are living in village B.
 Required difference  1 200  336
 864

27. Let x be the number of people who voted for candidate B.

x  8%  98
x  98  8%
 1 225
 1 225 people voted for candidate B.
 Required difference  1 225  98
 1 127

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

Exercise 6B
1. Increase in the value  216  135
 81
 Percentage increase   100%
 60%

2. Increase in the value  915  750

 165
 Percentage increase   100%
 22%

3. Increase in the number of passengers  247  130

 117
 Percentage increase   100%
 90%

4. Increase in the volume of water  (126  120) mL

 6 mL
 Percentage increase   100%
 5%

5. Increase in the savings of Anderson  $(504  225)

 $279
 Percentage increase   100%
 124%

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

6. (a) Original value of x  459  189

 270

(b) Percentage increase   100%
 70%

7. (a) Original value of x  927  27

 900

(b) Percentage increase   100%
 3%

8. Original selling price of the pair of shoes  $(272  102)

 $170
 Percentage increase   100%
 60%

9. Original number of employees in the company  465  90

 375
 Percentage increase   100%
 24%

10. Original height of the tree  (315  175) cm

 140 cm
 Percentage increase   100%
 125%

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

11. Increase in the value of x  340  70%

 238
 New value of x  340  238
 578

12. Increase in the value of x  575  24%

 138
 New value of x  575  138
 713

13. Increase in the volume of oil in the tank  75  8% L

 New volume of oil in the tank  (75  6) L
 81 L

14. Increase in the number of patients in the hospital  525  36%

 189
 New number of patients in the hospital  525  189
 714

15. Increase in the number of animals in the zoo  350  136%

 476
 New number of animals in the zoo  350  476
 826

16. Decrease in the value of x  360  252

 108
 Percentage decrease   100%
 30%

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17. Decrease in the value of x  650  494

 156
 Percentage decrease   100%
 24%

18. Decrease in the savings of Johnson  $(260  234)

 $26
 Percentage decrease   100%
 10%

19. Decrease in the price of the suitcase  $(750  495)

 $255
 Percentage decrease   100%
 34%

20. Decrease in the number of participants  725  696

 29
 Percentage decrease   100%
 4%

21. (a) Original value of x  128  32

 160

(b) Percentage decrease   100%
 20%

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

22. (a) Original value of x  492  108

 600

(b) Percentage decrease   100%
 18%

23. (a) Number of S1 students in last year  141  94

 235

(b) Percentage decrease   100%
 40%

24. (a) Average rainfall in last month  (63  12) mm

 75 mm

(b) Percentage decrease   100%
 16%

25. (a) Sales of the supermarket in last month  (759  66) thousand dollars
 825 thousand dollars

(b) Percentage decrease   100%
 8%

26. Decrease in the value of x  220  80%

 176
 New value of x  220  176
 44

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27. Decrease in the value of x  160  55%

 88
 New value of x  160  88
 72

28. Decrease in the length  160  20% cm

 32 cm
 New length  (160  32) cm
 128 cm

29. Decrease in the length of time  400  79 % min

 316 min
 The time Maria spent in watching TV this weekend  (400  316) min
 84 min

30. Decrease in the number of visitors  325  4%

 13
 Number of visitors today  325  13
 312

Exercise 6C
1. Cost Selling price Profit Percentage profit
$85 $119 $34 40%

$150 $156 $6 4%

2. Profit  $(54  30)

 $24
 Percentage profit   100%
 80%

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

3. Profit  $(918  680)

 $238
 Percentage profit   100%
 35%

4. Profit  $(374  170)

 $204
 Percentage profit   100%
 120%

5. Cost Selling price Profit Percentage profit

$490 $931 $441 90%

$480 $984 $504 105%

6. Cost  $(138  23)

 $115
 Percentage profit   100%
 20%

7. Cost  $(280  120)

 $160
 Percentage profit   100%
 75%

8. Cost  $(42  2)
 $40
 Percentage profit   100%
 5%

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

9. Selling price  $215  (1  20%)

 $258

10. Selling price  $220  (1  165%)

 $583

11. Selling price  $95  (1  20%)

 $114

12. Selling price  $50  (1  24%)

 $62

13. Selling price  $925  (1  4%)

 $962

14. Cost Selling price Loss Percentage loss

$15 $12 $3 20%

$675 $486 $189 28%

15. Loss  $(95  38)

 $57
 Percentage loss   100%
 60%

16. Loss  $(650  403)

 $247
 Percentage loss   100%
 38%

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

17. Loss  $(75  69)

 $6
 Percentage loss   100%
 8%

18. Cost Selling price Loss Percentage loss

$60 $54 $6 10%

$750 $705 $45 6%

19. Cost  $(14  126)

 $140
 Percentage loss   100%
 90%

20. Cost  $(52  148)

 $200
 Percentage loss   100%
 74%

21. Cost  $(273  27)

 $300
 Percentage loss   100%
 9%

22. Selling price  $45  (1  40%)

 $27

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

23. Selling price  $600  (1  7%)

 $558

24. Selling price  $360  (1  30%)

 $252

25. Selling price  $875  (1  88%)

 $105

26. Selling price  $175  (1  92%)

 $14

Exercise 6D
1. Marked price Selling price Discount Percentage discount
$60 $42 $18 30%

$500 $410 $90 18%

2. Discount  $(115  46)

 $69
 Percentage discount   100%
 60%

3. Discount  $(800  528)

 $272
 Percentage discount   100%
 34%

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

4. Discount  $(150  147)

 $3
 Percentage discount   100%
 2%

5. Marked price Selling price Discount Percentage discount

$200 $80 $120 60%

$475 $399 $76 16%

6. (a) Marked price  $(76  19)

 $95

(b) Percentage discount   100%
 20%

7. (a) Marked price  $( 234  216)

 $450

(b) Percentage discount   100%
 48%

8. (a) Marked price  $(188  12)

 $200

(b) Percentage discount   100%
 6%

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

9. Selling price  $240  (1  70%)

 $72

10. Selling price  $975  (1  28%)

 $702

11. Selling price  $190  (1  20%)

 $152

12. Selling price  $920  (1  45%)

 $506

13. Selling price  $740  (1  5%)

 $703

14. Marked price Selling price Discount Percentage discount

$120 $84 $36 30%

$480 $456 $24 5%

15. (a) Let $x be the marked price of the pack of seafood.

x  20%  26
x  26  20%
 130
 The marked price of the pack of seafood is $130.

(b) Selling price  $(130  26)

 $104

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Effective Learning Mathematics Basic Drills | S1A Chapter 6

16. (a) Let $x be the marked price of the box of building blocks.
x  32%  80
x  80  32%
 250
 The marked price of the box of building blocks is $250.

(b) Selling price  $(250  80)

 $170

17. (a) Let $x be the marked price of the hat.

x  5%  11
x  11  5%
 220
 The marked price of the hat is $220.

(b) Selling price  $(220  11)

 $209

 2016 Chung Tai Educational Press. All rights reserved.  31 

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