Assignment 2

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Developing Your Personal Mission Statement

A firm's mission statement specifies the businesses it intends to compete with and the customers
it intends to serve. Among many things, a mission statement should "establish a firm’s
individuality and should be inspiring and relevant to all stakeholders."
In the article Why You Need a Personal Mission Statement
statement/?sh=723383259aa7  (Links to an external site.)  Links to an external site.), Melody
Wilding wrote a personal mission statement as "is much like a corporate mission statement: it
describes your convictions, what you stand for, and how you plan to create a life that embodies
your values. The statement becomes your personal definition of success, sets te direction you
intend your life to move in, and act like a compass to help you stay on track, and ensure that you
are heading in the direction you want to go.
Materials abound on the internet on how to write a personal mission statement, and the following
suggested steps are not, in any way, the only method.
Step 1: Determine your core values
Core values are the beliefs, traits, or qualities that represent your highest priorities and the
fundamental forces that drive you)
Start by placing an "X" by the 10 items in the list of values below. Then narrow the list to 10
values, and then further the list to 3 core values that are fundamental to you. (10 pts)
1.a Consistency “X”
1.b Honesty
1.c Integrity “X”
1.d Perseverance
1.e Logic
1.f Trustworthiness
1.g Loyalty
1.h Discretion
1.i Respect “X”
1.j Diligence
The 3 most fundamental core values for me are Consistency, Integrity, and Respect. I
believe being consistent means striving towards my goals regardless of what I feel and what
people say to me. In addition, I think consistency is very vital in all aspects, whether in
relationships, careers, and life itself. To be consistent means to persevere and stand firm,
therefore it is very essential, especially in having my mission. Moreover, a lasting relationship,
career, or even goal requires consistency to flourish. Second, integrity is I believe one of the
hardest core values to attain. It takes a lifetime to preserve integrity. Sure, we can be honest or
truthful in some instances, but having integrity means living life in honesty, justice, and fairness.
Knowing right from wrong is just a part of being a man or woman of integrity. Lastly, I think
respect is what we need in order to live a life that is purposeful. Giving someone the respect he
or she needs means you are disciplined enough to not invade other people’s privacy. Living
respectfully, encompasses us being role models and leaders of the future generation.
Furthermore, I would like to point out about these three as a whole. With the good image or
legacy that each of us wants to attain, we all need these three values to achieve it. We must
ensure that as we live life, we live with consistency to achieve our dreams. We must clothe
ourselves with integrity to have proper discernment and then respect one another because I do I
and you do you.
Step 2: Define what you want to be and do
A meaningful personal mission statement contains two basic elements: a) What your want
to do or accomplish, or the contributions you want to make, and b) What you want to be -
what character strength you want to have, what qualities you want to develop.
Write down five (5) answers each to the questions "What I'd like to do?" and "What I'd like
to be?" (10 pts)
What I’d like to do?
1. I’d like to open my own Café/ Bakeshop.
2. I’d like to make my family, especially my parents to be proud and happy.
3. I’d like to live all for the Glory of God.
4. I’d like to have my own house, money, and car.
5. I’d like to live better, healthier, and happier.
What I’d like to be?
1. I’d like to be a Certified Public Accountant.
2. I’d like to be a person who motivates and encourages others to live.
3. I’d like to be a person who focuses on eternal gains, rather than temporary happiness.
4. I’d like to be someone who respects and cares for others without expecting in return.
5. I’d like to be a person who is confident.
Step 3:  Identify your role model/s
An effective tool to focus on what you want to be and do is to identify a person that highly
influenced your life and views
Answer the following questions:  (10 points)

Who has been one of the most influential people in your life?
My family is the most influential person in my life. My father is the one who assures me
that everything I like will be possible if I just work hard and do my responsibilities. My mother
motivates me and gives me support by helping me out with the things I need to do. I remember
the time when I was baking at 3 AM and she woke up and helped me pack orders. Then, I have
my sisters who, even though are not that vocal they always do things which always make me
feel loved. They inspire me to do better despite what I am facing.
However, I can say that my Lolo is my anchor. Even if he passed away last 2021, I can
still remember in my mind and heart all the teachings he said to me. He was the one who stood
up for me before whenever I feel so small. He was the proudest one whenever I achieve
something. And he is also the one who always say “mangan ka parin naman nasi anjang nanu
malyari” (You will still eat whatever happens), whenever I fail and cry.

Which qualities do you admire most in that person?

I admire my Lolo for being a hardworking, intelligent, disciplinarian, and sweet. He
always makes sure that everything he does will be done at the specified time. Actually, he stood
as the mother of my father and his siblings while my Lola was a vendor in the market. He was
also able to own his own farm just by working hard consistently. Actually, even in old age, he
was also the one who took care of us and walked us to school while our parents work.
Furthermore, even if he did not finish school, he was very bright and strategic. He was also a
disciplinarian which is why we are tamed now. Of course, being sweet is also one of his traits.
He guides and comforts us all the way. He actually hugs and kisses away all our fears and

What qualities have you gained (or hopes to gain) from that person?
I have gained wisdom and love from him. Through him, I was able to understand life
more, he also was the one who made me strong despite all the difficulties. All the teachings he
said to me are now embedded in my heart and soul. Thus, these are my swords whenever I am
battling life’s challenges. In addition, I was capable of loving because he taught me the definition
of love, not just love for loved ones but also love for what I do and plan to do.
Step 4:  Guided by the pointers in the Forbes Magazine article above, write your personal
mission statement (10 pts)
Note that the final tests of the effectiveness of a mission statement are (a) whether it
represents the best that is within you, (b) provides direction, purpose, challenge and
motivation whenever you read it, (c) reflects what you like to do and who you would like to
be and, more importantly,  (d) it inspires 
“To be a living testimony that consistency, integrity, respect, and love still exist in living a
purposeful life. I will do this by exercising these traits each day of my life, whether through
small and big things, no compromise.”

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