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Snapshot FLASH MRI. Applications to T1, T2,

and Chemical-Shift Imaging


Institute ofphysics, University of Wiirzburg,Am Hubland, 0-8700 Wiirzburg,FRG

Received November 15, 1988; revised February 23, 1989

Snapshot FLASH magnetic resonance imaging techniques have been developed to en-
able real-time imaging of MR parameters. The first realization of the method is based on
a 64 X 128 FLASH tomogram acquired within 200 ms, using improved MR system
hardware conditions. The soft tissue contrast obtained in FLASH MRI almost disappears
by using flip angles of less than 5" and repetition times of 3 ms. This work describes
extensions of FLASH MRI placing conventional MR experiments before the whole im-
aging sequence. This creates images ofany desired contrast without changing the measur-
ing time. Examples of inversion-recoveryT1, spin-echoT2, chemical-shift-selective,and
spectroscopic FLASH MRI are presented. Further extensions to real-time MRI of blood
vessels, diffusion coefficients, combination with two-dimensional MR spectroscopy ex-
periments, and other nuclei are discussed. 0 1990 Academic Press, Inc.


Several methods of fast MR imaging have been described ( 1-5). They can be classi-
fied as single-shot or multiple-shot MR imaging techniques. In single-shot MRI one
MR excitation of the plane of detection is followed by a series of MR signals, which
are created either by a frequent reversal of at least one magnetic field gradient ( 1 - 3 )
or by a series of spin echoes ( 4 ) .In a multiple-shot technique many MR excitations
of the plane of detection are needed, each followed by the acquisition of one MR
signal. We proposed the first multiple-shot technique, dubbed FLASH MRI (fast
low angle shot) ( S ) , in which low flip angle radiofrequency pulses were used. The
MR signal was created by reversing one magnetic field gradient. The measuring time
of single-shot imaging methods, e.g., echo planar (EPI), lies between 32 and 128 ms
(2, 3 ) , while conventional FLASH MRI is at least 30 times slower, with measuring
times of between 1 and 5 s. This large discrepancy is caused by the different hardware
conditions necessary for EPI techniques. For example, one precondition for EPI ex-
periments is a gradient coil system switchable within a fraction of I ms (6).
The purpose of the following experiments was to investigate FLASH MRI using
considerably improved MR system hardware. It can be demonstrated that under
these conditions, the repetition time can be reduced to a value of 3 ms, giving a total

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measuring time of 200 ms for a 64 X 128 pixel MR tomogram. This opens up a new
field of FLASH MR experiments giving any kind of parameter-selected snapshot
MR image.


The proposed extension of FLASH MRI to an extremely short repetition time TR

and read-out time of the gradient echo TG needs a reconsideration of the signal be-
havior in fast repeated FID signals. If we assume that any transverse magnetization
has been spoiled between two successive radiofrequency ( RF) excitations, the signal
Sis given by
kp( 1 - exp(- TR/Tl))exp(-TG/T2)sin a!
1 -cosa!exp(-TR/Tl)
using a RF pulse of flip angle a to observe MR signals with a spin-lattice relaxation
time T 1 and spin-spin relaxation time T2 (8).The factor k denotes a constant given
by instrumental conditions, and p is the spin density. In our case of snapshot FLASH
MRI the time in which the gradient echo appears, TG is about 1 ms (TG 4 T2), TR
is 3 ms (TR 4 T 1 ) , and the flip angle a! is less than 5". Therefore in almost all parts
of biological soft tissues, the ratios of TR/T1 and TG/T2 for 'H MR are less than
0.01. In the extreme limit (a! < 5", TR 4 T I , and TG 4 T2) the signal S will not
depend on the relaxation times T2 and T 1, and will be proportional to the spin den-
sity p and the constant k.
However, if we consider a steady-state free-precession FLASH experiment ( 7 ) ,
where transverse magnetization is refocused between the RF pulses, then the signal
Sis given by ( 9)
kp( 1 - exp(TR/Tl))sin a!
S= . 121
1 - exp(TR/Tl)exp(TG/T2) - (exp(TR/Tl) - exp(TG/T2))cos a!
In the case of TR 4 T 1, TG 4 T2, and a! < 5" the signal S is no more dependent
on relaxation times T1 and T2 and will be dominated by the spin density p. Summa-
rizing both experiments, which are used in many biomedical applications of FLASH
MRI, it is difficult, in some cases even impossible, to provide sufficient image contrast
by using extremely short values of TR and TG. However, a considerable advantage
is that magnetic susceptibility artifacts are no longer visible, and the effective spin-
spin relaxation time T2 * is approximately T2.
It is generally accepted that differences in MR parameters, e.g., T I and T2, deter-
mine the basis of all medical and biological applications of MRI. The real success of
a high-speed FLASH imaging technique would be to achieve any desired contrast
with respect to relaxation times and to overcome the limits imposed by Eqs. [ 11, [ 21.
Hence it is necessary to develop new approaches to FLASH MRI.


The snapshot FLASH technique was implemented on a 40-cm-bore 4.7-T magnet

(Bruker MEDSPEC system). Two gradient coil systems were used. The magnetic
field homogeneity was optimized by a 36-cm-diameter gradient coil system. A 15-

FIG. 1. Radiofrequency (RF) pulse. and magnetic field gradient timing diagram for snapshot FLASH
MR imaging. The magnetic field gradient for the slice definition is Gs, the phase-encoding gradient Gp,
and the gradient for the production of the gradient echo G,. The gradient GSRserves for refocusing or
spoiling oftransverse magnetization, and can be omitted in many biomedical applications. The time period
for T, is 0.8 ms, the interval for phase-encoding Tpis 0.4 ms, the data acquisition period T, is 1.6 ms, and
the refocusing or spoiling period T,, is 0.3 ms. The flip angle of the RF pulse is less than 5". The repetition
time TR is 3 ms, and the read-out time of the gradient echo is 1.45 ms. The measuring time of snapshot
FLASH MRI is 192 ms using 64 phase-encoding steps.

cm-diameter inner gradient coil was used to supply three orthogonal gradients in the
x, y , and z direction of the magnet. A maximum gradient strength of up to 30 mT/
m was supplied by three gradient coils. Using a modified digital preemphasis unit,
magnetic field gradients could be switched within a time period of 0.1-0.2 ms. A 12-
bit ADC was used with a maximum sweep width of 80 kHz. In all 'H MR experiments
an 8-cm-diameter resonator tuned to 200 MHz was used.
Figure 1 shows the timing diagram of 'H FLASH MRI under these improved hard-
ware conditions. A Gaussian-shaped RF pulse of 0.5 ms duration was applied to
select a detection slice of 8 mm. The time period T, for the whole slice selection
procedure amounted 0.8 ms. Sixty-four phase-encoding steps within a time interval
Tpof 0.4 ms were used and 128 real and 128 imaginary data points were acquired in
the interval T, of 1.6 ms. At the end of data acquisition a time interval T,, of 0.3 ms
was introduced, either for spoiling transverse magnetization ( 10) or for refocusing
transverse magnetization by phase-encoding pulses ( 7). In many biological applica-
tions this part was not needed. The resulting cross-sectional snapshot FLASH MR
image was zero-filled to 128 X 128 pixel elements giving a spatial resolution of 1 X 1
mm. No further postprocessingwas needed.
The electronic devices and gradient system, described here, show that MR system
hardware conditions did not reach the high standard required for EPI. A completely
optimized MR system (gradient switching time of 0.2 ms, increased detection
bandwidth) would reduce the read-out time of the gradient echo from 1.45 ms in the
present stage to about 0.8 ms. The repetition time could be reduced from 3 ms to

FIG.2. Snapshot FLASH 200 MHz ‘H MR image ofa phantom composed of six tubes of I-cm diameter
containing water doped with different concentrations of Gd(DTPA). The TI values are ( A ) 0.14s, ( B )

about 1.4 ms, giving sampling times of less than 100 ms for the same spatial res-


The application of snapshot FLASH MRI under improved hardware conditions

has to be considered in relation to its ability to measure various parameters. As stated
above, the contrast due to relaxation times, e.g., T 1, disappears using short repetition
and read-out times. This can be seen in Fig. 2, which shows a snapshot FLASH cross-
sectional image of a phantom containing six tubes filled with water, doped with
different concentrations of Gd(DTPA). The T1 values varied from 140 ms up to
2400 ms, i.e., by a factor of 20. A flip angle of 3” has been applied. Apparently the
contrast due to the parameter TI almost disappeared.
The following describes some experimental applications of snapshot FLASH, to
improve the contrast and to obtain quantitative values of MR parameters. These
techniques use different types of classical MR experiments prior to the snapshot
FLASH sequence. These classical MR experiments produce a “magnetization label”
which is stored as different values of longitudinal magnetization and then measured
by the high-speed imaging sequence. Applications are shown for inversion-recovery,
spin-echo, CHESS (chemical-shift-selective), and spectroscopic snapshot FLASH
MRI. One of these ideas has been briefly discussed in our original work describing
FLASH sequences ( 5 ) .

( a ) Inversion-Recovery FLASH MR1

The MR pulse sequence applied for inversion-recovery (IR) FLASH is shown in
Fig. 3a. A 180”pulse inverts the whole magnetization of the object. The snapshot
FLASH experiment starts after an inversion-recovery delay Tr. During this delay
“spoiling gradients” could be applied to destroy any residual transverse magnetiza-
tion resulting from imperfections in the RF pulse. In many cases, the measuring time
is short with respect to biological T1 values. The magnetization detected by the
FLASH sequence depends no longer on the spin density, as stated above, but on the




I spoiling

Tir 1
FIG. 3. Timing diagram for two pulse programs for inversion-recovery (IR) snapshot FLASH MR im-
aging. The rectangle "FLASH MRI" represents the application of the complete snapshot FLASH experi-
ment using the timings as shown in Fig. 1. The spoiling period is applied to destroy transverse magnetiza-
tion caused by RF pulse imperfections. ( a ) Single-point IR FLASH MRI using one 180" inversion pulse
and an inversion-recoverywaiting delay T,r.The complete measurement of the inversion-recovery curve
needs the repetition of the experiment using different values of Ti,. (b) Single-shot IR FLASH MRI using
one 180" inversion pulse and the measurement ofthe inversion-recoverycurve with n FLASH MR images.
A single experiment is needed to measure the inversion-recoverybehavior represented by n FLASH images.
The total measuring time and number of images n are given by the largest T1 value.

spin-lattice relaxation behavior. Any desired inversion-recovery T 1 contrast can be

selected by the choice of T,, in the FLASH image. A further and even more efficient
method for inversion-recovery FLASH MRI is shown in Fig. 3b. Here a complete
series of FLASH images is acquired during the recovery period following a single
In Fig. 4 a series of 16 images of the phantom of Fig. 2 was acquired after one
inversion RF pulse. One image approximately reduces the longitudinal magnetiza-
tion about 6% using a flip angle a of 3". Each region of the phantom followed its own
characteristic inversion-recovery behavior. The time-dependent intensities for each
tube of the phantom are shown in Fig. 5. It demonstrates the well-known characteris-
tic behavior of magnitude-calculated inversion-recoveryMR images. With these im-
age data calculated T1 values were within a range of 10% compared to the values
measured by conventional IR methods. The results could be improved by taking
into account the reduction of longitudinal magnetization during the experiment. The
value of T,, was the time interval between the 180" pulse and the middle of the time
period of the FLASH imaging sequence (as indicated in Fig. 3).
The first biological application of this IR FLASH method is shown in Fig. 6a with
four cross-sectional 'H IR FLASH images of the hand of a normal volunteer. IR
delays of 200, 700, 1200, and 3000 ms were chosen. The delays of the images (A)
and (B) were selected to give the zero-crossing point for fat and muscle tissue. In Fig.
6b the time-dependent intensity curves for muscle (A) ( T1 = 1.4 s), fatty tissue (B)
(T1 = 0.4 s), and bone marrow (C) (T1 = 0.3 s) are shown.
These results show that especially for long T I values, a complete inversion-recov-
ery curve can be measured in one single experiment using at least 16 snapshot FLASH

FIG.4. Series of cross-sectional snapshot IR FLASH 200 MHz 'H MR images of the phantom, shown
in Fig. 2. The images are obtained using the single-shot IR FLASH technique, described in Fig. 3b. The
numbers indicate the order in which the images have been measured following a single 180".

images. This type of technique is the first snapshot T 1 imaging technique described
to date. It could be argued that FLASH experiments under these nonequilibrium
conditions resulted in a changed spatial resolution, due to a distorted point-spread
function. This effect could be observed in the case of short T1 values with respect to
the measuring time of 200 ms. However, for biological applications this effect causes
negligible problems and would probably be eliminated by using shorter repeti-
tion times.

(b) Spin-Spin Relaxation Contrast in High-speedFLASH MRI

Figure 7 shows the MR pulse sequence to obtain T2-weighted high-speed FLASH
images. A three-pulse sequence is applied in front of the FLASH experiment. This
pulse sequence is known from driven equilibrium Fourier transform (DEFT) meth-
ods. The longitudinal magnetization following the last pulse is attenuated by spin-
spin relaxation during the interval TE between both 90" pulses. The intensity mea-
sured by the following FLASH experiment therefore depends on T2 relaxation. A
spoiling period between the DEFT sequence and the FLASH experiment destroys
residual magnetization caused by RF pulse imperfections.
Figure 8 shows the time-dependent intensity profile of 16 FLASH images. Each
image of a phantom composed of two bottles, one containing water and the other
agarose gel, was obtained after different echo times TE of the DEFT sequence. It is
apparent that ideal monoexponential T2-relaxation curves can be obtained from

FIG.5. Time-dependent IR-intensity profiles of selected regions within the phantom shown in Fig. 4.
The intensitiesof 16 images of Fig. 4 are displayed. The time resolution is 220 ms, including a 20-rns time
delay between the images. The curves are from (A) tube A with T1 = 0.14 s, (B) tube B with TI = 0.3 s,
(C)tubeCwith T1 = 0.51 s, ( D )tube D withT1 = 1.0 s, (E) tube E with T1 = 1.7 s, and(F) tube Fwith
TI = 2.4s.

both bottles. The T2 values were 800 and 200 ms. It has been measured that the T1
values were identical. This can be seen by the IR FLASH measurement in Fig. 8.
This experiment demonstrates that exact T2 measurements can be performed by
using a DEFT preceded high-speed FLASH method. There is no need to increase the
read-out time of the gradient echo to improve T2 contrast. The definite advantage
over other high-speed imaging techniques is the ability to observe extremely short T2
times. In alternative techniques, e.g., EPI, only parts of the object with long T2 values
will give the MR signal, while short T2 values will never be detected.

(c) Chemical-Shift-Selective High-speed FLASH MRI

The pulse sequence for CHESS FLASH MRI is a straightforwardextension of the
original CHESS MRI technique ( 1 2 ) and is shown in Fig. 9. A frequency-selective90"
pulse excites unwanted regions of the MR spectrum. The FLASH sequence follows
spoiling of the excited transverse magnetization. The imaging sequence will detect
magnetization unaffected by the CHESS pulse. The characteristics of the CHESS
technique have been described elsewhere ( I I ) .
A clear demonstration of the CHESS snapshot FLASH experiment of a human
hand is shown in Fig. 10. The image (A) shows the cross section of the hand after
destroying the water resonance line and the image (B) after elimination of the CH2
FIG.6. ( a ) Four cross-sectionalsnapshot FLASH 200 MHz 'H MR images of the human hand after the
application of a single 180" pulse. The images have been acquired after ( A ) T,, = 200 ms, (B) T,, = 700
ms, (C) T,, = 1200 ms, and ( D ) T,, = 3000 ms and show the corresponding IR contrast of the human
hand. ( b ) Time-dependent IR-intensity profiles of selected regions (indicated by white crosses) within the
image shown in (a). The x and y values give the position within the 128 X 128 pixel image. The curves are
from (A) muscle tissue, ( B ) adipose fat, and (C) bone marrow.


- r--- -

FIG.7. Timing diagram for spin-echo snapshot FLASH MR imaging. The rectangle "FLASH MRI"
represents the application of the complete snapshot FLASH MR experiment shown in Fig. I. The spoiling
period is applied to destroy transverse magnetization caused by RF pulse imperfections. The RF pulse
sequence prior to the FLASH experiment uses a 90'-180"-90" technique to label the longitudinal magne-
tization with T2-dependent magnetization. The complete measurement of the T2 decay curve needs the
repetition of the whole experiment using different values of TE. It is also possible to apply a complete
CPMG sequence in front of the FLASH imaging procedure.

resonance line; the image ( C ) is the conventional high-speed FLASH image showing
both water and fat containing structures.

(d) Spectroscopic High-speed FLASH MRl

The efficiency of CHESS MRI is based on a high magnetic field and RF pulse
homogeneity. SpectroscopicMRI has to be applied in all cases where a better spectro-
scopic selectivity or a high-resolution spectrum for each image element is required
( 1 2 ) . One possible example of a whole group of pulse sequences for spectroscopic
high-speed FLASH MRI is shown in Fig. 1 1. The technique needs the acquisition of
a series of FLASH images, each followingthe application of a 90"-90" pulse sequence.
The time interval Ti between both pulses has to be increased linearily from one
FLASH experiment to the next. A Fourier transform with respect to the parameter

FIG. 8. Time-dependent spin-echo intensity profiles using the pulse sequence described in Fig. 7 of
selected regions of a phantom composed of two tubes containing water and agarose gel. (A) The curve
from the tube containing agarose gel shows a monoexponential T2 decay with T2 = 200 ms, and (B) the
curve from the tube containing water shows a monoexponential T2 decay with T2 = 800 ms. The curve
in (C) shows IR FLASH measurement of the T1 relaxation time of agarose gel and (D) of water. Both
tubes give identical TI values of 2.6 s.

CHESS I------

FIG.9. Timing diagram for chemical-shift-selective(CHESS) snapshot FLASH MR imaging. The rec-
tangle “FLASH MRI” represents the application ofthe complete snapshot FLASH MR experiment shown
in Fig. 1. The spoiling period is applied to destroy transverse magnetization caused by the CHESS pulse.
One single CHESS RF pulse excites unwanted spectral regions prior to the complete FLASH experiment.

T, will provide the desired MR spectra for each image element. The experiment re-
quires short 90” RF preparation pulses in order to avoid off-resonance effects. The
‘H MR spectrum at 4.7 T field strength covers a spectral region of *lo00 Hz. Here
the RF preparation pulse length should be less than 0.25 ms, which works even under
the conditions of whole-body experiments.
Figure 12 shows a spectroscopic FLASH experiment on a water-oil phantom. Im-
age (A) shows a two-dimensional representation of the acquired three-dimensional
data set with one spectroscopic axis and one spatial axis. The summed spectroscopic
images are shown in image (B), which represents the cross section of the phantom.
The data set has been acquired within 16 s, using 16 different time intervals T,, and
a repetition time for the whole pulse program of 1 s.


Snapshot FLASH MR imaging techniques are presented, which result in a measur-

ing time of about 200 ms using improved gradient hardware. Short measuring times
of FLASH MRI open a completely new field of MR techniques in biomedical applica-

FIG.10. Three cross-sectional snapshot CHESS FLASH 200 MHz ‘H MR images of the human hand
after the application of a single CHESS pulse. ( A ) The CHESS pulse was centered on resonance of water,
giving a “fat” image, (B) the CHESS pulse was centered on resonance of CH2, giving a “water” image,
and (C) the CHESS pulse was centered 4 kHz off resonance to CH2resonance, giving the composed image
of water and fat regions.

- -

I spoiling

FIG.1 1. Timing diagram for spectroscopicsnapshot FLASH MR imaging.The rectangle "FLASH MRI"
represents the application of the complete snapshot FLASH experiment shown in Fig. 1. The spoiling
period is applied to destroy transverse magnetization caused by RF pulse imperfections. The FW pulse
sequence prior to the FLASH experiment applies a 90"-90" technique to label the longitudinal magnetiza-
tion with chemical-shift-dependent magnetization. The complete measurement of the spectroscopicinfor-
mation needs the repetition of the whole experiment using different values of T, and a Fourier transform
with respect to T,.

tions. These applications would benefit, if the available hardware could be improved
to the high standard which is necessary to apply single-shot MRI, e.g., echo-planar
It should be emphasized that EPI is the fastest technique to measure a cross section
of an object. FLASH sequences are a factor of 1.3 to 1.4 slower under the same hard-
ware conditions, mainly because of the frequent slice selections which are necessary
for the experiment. In almost all biomedical applicationsthis factor can be tolerated.
Furthermore, the signal strength of EPI can be at least a factor of 10 higher, since
snapshot FLASH needs excitation flip angles of less than 5". However, if high spatial
resolution is desired, a large number echoes are needed for EPI. This requirement
results in a signal loss of the echo-planar image due to T2 * decay. However, a com-
plete comparison of the sensitivity of snapshot FLASH and EPI is beyond the scope
of the present work.
Different applications of snapshot FLASH MRI have been presented. These have
been selected to show the principal characteristics of the whole new field of MRI

FIG. 12. Spectroscopic cross-sectional snapshot FLASH 200 MHz 'H MR images of a phantom com-
posed ofwater (below) and cooking oil (above). (A) The image shows a two-dimensional representation
of a three-dimensionalspectroscopic data set showing one spatial axis ( y ) and one spectroscopicaxis (F).
The resonance lines of fat (upper part) and water (lower part) are visible. The resonance lines are curved
due to magnetic field inhomogeneity within the phantom. (B) the image shows a combined cross section
through the same data set by summation of all spectroscopicimages.

experiments which are now available. The principal idea of all methods is that the
imaging measuring time is no more the time-limiting factor of the MR experiment.
Furthermore, the imaging technique itself produces only minor modifications of the
longitudinal magnetization. For example, a frequent application of 64 3" pulses
would result in a 6%reduction of the total longitudinal magnetization (assuming that
no relaxation processes occur within 200 ms). The short measuring time shown in
these experiments is comparable to the acquisition of a single FID signal in a conven-
tional NMR technique.
The total investigation time using snapshot FLASH MRI is given by the desired
resolution of a parameter. The desired contrast can be selected by the MR experiment
in front of the complete FLASH sequence. Therefore, in contradiction to statements
made by other authors (2), any image contrast can be produced without changing
the measuring time of the FLASH MR experiment. In the case of T2 measurements,
a series of different TE values are needed for the DEFT sequence prior to FLASH
imaging. This gives access to high-speed images even from substances with short T2
values, below 30 ms. Other high-speed techniques, e.g., EPI, do not allow this experi-
ment. Two TE values are often used in clinical MRI applications to observe patholo-
gies. Using DEFT experiments prior to snapshot FLASH MRI this experiment would
need about 2 s.
Snapshot FLASH MRI obviously presents possibilities for combining imaging
techniques with any kind of other MR technique: ( 1) Quantitative T 1 imaging can be
performed either by combination with inversion-recovery experiments, as described
above, or by combination with saturation-recovery MR. ( 2 ) Quantitative T2 imaging
is possible by using combined FLASH and DEFT techniques. Moreover this tech-
nique is the only one described to date to measure short T2 values with a high-speed
technique. ( 3 ) Spectroscopic high-speed FLASH is applicable to 'H MR and other
nuclei, e.g., 31P,I9F,and 23Na,to allow fast determination of the regional distribution
of metabolites of biochemical interest. ( 4 ) Quantitative measurements of self-diffu-
sion coefficientswill be possible by the combination ofthe T2 FLASH imaging proce-
dure described in this work with magnetic field gradient pulses (13, 1 4 ) . ( 5 ) Real-
time measurements of flow velocities and angiograms will be possible with the DEFT
combined snapshot FLASH method using flow-sensitive magnetic field gradient
pulse techniques ( 1 5 ) . ( 6 ) The high-speed FLASH sequence can be combined with
many conventional 2D MR spectroscopy techniques (16). ( 7 ) Snapshot FLASH can
reduce the measuring time of a 3D imaging experiment to less than 15 s using the
hardware presented here.
Snapshot FLASH MRI offers a solution to many problems for biomedical MR. It
is applicable to small-bore MR systems in animal studies and offers a straightforward
solution to flow imaging artifacts ( 17). Moreover it could be applied to whole-body
MRI, when gradient systems and electronic data acquisition of conventional MR
systems can be modified, e.g., to perform techniques such as EPI. The economic and
scientific applications of MRI techniques should benefit from this approach.

This work was supported by a Heisenberg grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(DFG) and
funds of DFG ( Le 277/ 7-2 ) and of BundesministeriumFur Forschung und Technologie ( BMFT) ( 0 1-VF-
85 14). This work has been completed using the facilitiesprovided by the NMR group of the University of
Bremen (Professor D. Leibfritz). The author thanks Professor D. Leibfritz and Dr. D. G. Noms, Univer-
sity of Bremen, FKG, for critically reading this manuscript, and Dr. D. Matthaei, University ofGottingen,
FRG, for many helpful discussions during the preparation of this work.

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