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Differences between Accuracy, Error,

Tolerance, and Uncertainty in a Calibration

by edsponce with 6 Comments

Are you familiar with the differences and relationships between Accuracy, Error, Tolerance, and
Uncertainty in calibration Results?

There are so many terms that we always use or read during our measurement process.
Knowledge in these terms is the key to proper understanding and execution of your measurement

I have recently received the below question to most of the comments in my posts, and therefore,
it is worth a topic to discuss.

Q1. I am unable to understand the relation between Accuracy, Error, and uncertainty. Can you
tell me with example?

Q2. What is the difference between Tolerance and Uncertainty?

One way to easily learn, implement the results in a calibration certificate, and to properly
understand most of the calibration procedure is to understand the measurement terms in it.
In my last article, I have presented the difference between Calibration, Verification, and
Validation in the measurement process. See this link if you did not read it yet >> Calibration-

Now in this article, I will present the difference, relationships and Interpretations of the
following terms: Accuracy, Tolerance, Error, and Uncertainty.

Moreover, I will share with you below topics to answer the questions above:

1. The Difference Between  Accuracy and Error (Accuracy vs Error)

2. The difference between Error and Uncertainty (Error vs Uncertainty)
3. The Difference between Tolerance and Uncertainty (Tolerance vs Uncertainty)
4. The relationships between Accuracy, Error, Tolerance, and Uncertainty in Calibration

As per JCGM 200 and 106: 2012, below are the actual definitions:

1. Accuracy = closeness of agreement between a measured quantity value and a true

quantity value of a measurand
2. Error or measurement error = measured quantity value minus a reference quantity
3. Tolerance =difference between upper and lower tolerance limits
4. Uncertainty or measurement uncertainty = non-negative parameter characterizing the
dispersion of the quantity values being attributed to a measurand, based on the
information used- make more meaningful

First Let me present each term in a simple way that I understand (I hope for you too)


Accuracy is the closeness of UUC results to the STD (true) value. This ‘closeness’ is usually
represented in percentage value (%) and can be shown in the same unit by converting it into an
error value (%error). The more close the percentage value to ZERO (0%), the more accurate.

Accuracy is more on a qualitative description which means that it does not present an exact

Accuracy is equivalent to or a percent error (%error). This is where the value of error will be

Accuracy can be calculated using the formula: 

the formula on how to calculate accuracy

If you know the error from a specific range, you can calculate the accuracy.


Error is simply the difference between the UUC and STD results after calibration. It has the
same unit as the measured parameter.

See the below example from a calibration result based on the photo above.
ulating error in calibration result


It is the maximum error or deviation that is allowed or accepted in the design of the user for its
manufactured product or components.

formula and its related terms
Tolerance is a range of values that is acceptable or permitted by the user from the result of the
process or product measurement.

It is the permitted error that is:

1. Calculated from the process design by the user

2. Prescribed by regulatory bodies (based on Accuracy Class)
3. Manufacturer specifications (based on Accuracy)

The formula is Upper limit – lower limit (UTL-LTL)

If we perform a measurement, tolerance value will tell us if the measurement we have is

acceptable or not. 

If you know the calibration tolerance limits, it will help you answer the questions like:

1.        How do you know that your measurement result is within the acceptable range?
2.        Is the final product specification pass or fail?
3.        Do we need to perform adjustments?

 “The bigger the tolerance, the more product or measurement results will pass or accepted.”


I will only explain here what measurement uncertainty is, not how to calculate measurement

This will be in a different post because there are many processes involved before we can come
up with a single expanded uncertainty result. My point here is to show you the difference and
relationships of uncertainty results with the other measurement terms.

Ok let’s go…

Uncertainty or Measurement Uncertainty is defined as the quantification of the doubt. There is

always a doubt that exists, an error included in the final result that we do not know, therefore,
there are no perfectly exact measurement results,

Why do we have uncertainty or doubt in our measurement?

Some of the main reasons why we have doubt or uncertainty in measurements are:

1. Inadequate knowledge of the Effects of the environmental conditions on the

2. Personal bias in reading analog instruments, an example is the resolution or smallest
value that you can read.;
3. inexact values of measurement standards and reference materials;
4. approximations and assumptions incorporated in the measurement method and procedure;
5. variations in repeated observations of the measurand under apparently identical
conditions – Repeatability 

You can read more under JCGM 100:2008 also known as the GUM 

We do not know this error that is added to our measurement results, and therefore, we cannot
remove or correct it.

Because we cannot correct it,  what we can do is to determine or estimate the range where the
true value is located, this range of true value is the measurement uncertainty result.

See below image  with calibration result as an example:

A measurement result with

the Measurement uncertainty

  “The smaller the measurement uncertainty, the more accurate or exact our measurement

Differences Between Accuracy, Error, and Tolerance,

their Relationships and  Interpretations in Measurements
Accuracy Versus Error

Accuracy is for gauging how small/large the error is (a qualitative description),  while the Error
is the actual representation of accuracy in the same units as the measured parameter (measurand).
In other words, the error shows the quantity of accuracy in the unit of measurement used.

Accuracy and error have opposite relationships (indirectly proportional) but they are directly
related to each other.

Accuracy is a qualitative form, meaning no exact value or measurement result is presented, only
a presentation (usually in percentage form) of how good or bad or how far and near but no exact
value, while error shows the absolute value or actual value.

In order to show the exact or absolute value, we need to use the error. The error shows the exact
distance of the measurement result from the true value.

Sometimes, accuracy is presented in a quantitative form which is actually the error at a certain
range. See below example based on the photo above:

Example: accuracy of 0.1% of Full scale is more accurate than a 0.5% of full scale reading.

@Full scale = 5000 psi

For 0.1% accuracy = 0. 1%*5000 = 0.001*5000 = 5 psi

For 0.5% accuracy = 0.5% *5000 = 0.005*5000 = 25 psi

From the results above, it is clear that 5 psi is a much smaller error compared to 25 psi,  which
means that 0.1% is more accurate than 0.5%

Accuracy Class and MPE: A Manufacturer Tolerance Value

At this point, accuracy can be used as a Tolerance based on manufacturer specifications. We call
this type of accuracy as the Accuracy Class or Grade. 

Then from accuracy class, it is calculated to its equivalent error which is called the MPE
(maximum permissible error) as required by standards like ASTM and  ISO or manufacturer’s
specifications. This is then used as the tolerance limits and afterwards, the tolerance value. See
the below image presentation.
An example of how an accuracy class is used as a Tolerance

The Difference  Between Error and Uncertainty and its

Relationship in Measurement Results
Error vs Uncertainty

As we know now, Error is the difference between UUC – STD reading. The smaller the error,
the more accurate the measurement results.

UUC -TSD = error

Any error that we know can be corrected. From calibration certificate results, where a standard
value is given, we can now determine the error. And since the error is determined, we can correct
it by either adding or subtracting the correction factor which is the opposite of the error.

Correction = STD-UUC.
From the table above, we now know that the error is a +3, or more than 3, therefore, in order to
achieve the most accurate result during use in measurement, we need to remove the excess 3,
hence minus 3. Now, the final value of our measurement result is 497.

In reality, the exact error is not known, therefore, what we can do is to estimate it. This estimated
error is the measurement uncertainty. A range of estimated errors. 

Uncertainty is the ‘range of values’ where the true value or actual location of the measurement
results (UUC) lie, while the Error is the ‘exact result’ of the difference between the UUC and
STD which shows how accurate the measurement result is by showing the actual distance to the
true (STD) value.

Uncertainty is a boundary within the measurement results to show the range of its actual location
based on a given confidence level (95%, k=2)). See the below photo.

When the uncertainty results are included in the measurement results,  we are 95% sure that the
true value lies somewhere in the range 496.1 to 503.9 psi. 
The smaller the measurement uncertainty, the more accurate the result, because it shows that the
range of estimated errors are very small.

The Difference  Between Tolerance and Uncertainty  

Based on the image above, it shows the difference between Tolerance and Uncertainty, such as:

1. The Tolerance is the boundary of permissible value or limits of errors; 

2. The Uncertainty shows the boundary or limits of an estimated error where the exact
measurement result’s location.

Calibration tolerance limits are provided by the user, by regulatory bodies or as per
specifications while Uncertainty is calculated based on the combined errors related to the STD
and UUC.

With a given Tolerance and Uncertainty, TUR (Test Uncertainty Ratio) can be calculated. A
ratio of 4:1  is recommended. 

The formula for TUR is equal to tolerance/uncertainty. See the below formula and example. The
TUR for this is equal to 12.8:1
Tolerance and Uncertainty As a Basis for Decision Rule as per ISO 17025:2017

Uncertainty is used or included when determining compliance with specifications as per the
requirement of ISO 17025:2017. One way to tell if a product has passed or failed based on a
given tolerance, a decision rule.

What is a Decision Rule? 

As per ISO 17025:2017, clause 3.7, it is a rule that describes how measurement uncertainty is
accounted for when stating conformity with a specified requirement.

Below are the decision rules (as an example based on the image below):

1. If the results of our measurements are within the tolerance indicated including the
uncertainty results, then it is a ‘pass’.
2. If the results of our measurements are outside the tolerance including the uncertainty
results, then it is considered  ‘fail’ or ‘out of tolerance’.
3. If one of the uncertainty limits is outside the tolerance while the other limits are inside the
tolerance limit, then it is not a pass or a fail, we call it ‘Indeterminate’. The decision now
is based on the user. 

The requirement is that, during the assessment of the statement of conformity,  we should
consider the uncertainty results and apply the above decision rule. See below presentation to
explain more:
The use of tolerance and uncertainty results to come up with a decision rule. The UUC results
including the uncertainty are within tolerance and therefore, it is ‘Passed’

Based on the above results/presentation, it is “passed” because the result (UUC reading)
including the uncertainty results is inside the tolerance limits.

For a detailed explanation regarding the ‘decision rule’ and ‘reporting statement of compliance
to specifications’, I have read a good guide, which presents almost all that you need to know
regarding this topic. Check out this link>> Guide for statements of conformity and decision rules

The Relationships Between Accuracy, Error, Tolerance,

and Uncertainty – The Interpretation from a Calibration
Accuracy shows the degree of closeness of a measurement result to the true or reference value.

The degree of closeness from the reference value is presented in the actual value (not a
percentage (%) of) through the calculated Error (UUC-STD).

The error shows how the measurement results have deviated from the true value.
While accuracy is calculated based on error and true value,  Uncertainty is calculated based on
the combined errors or inaccuracy of reference standards (STD) and the measurand (UUC).

Uncertainty shows the range where the measurement results (UUC)  actually located. An
estimated location of true UUC value which is limited by the confidence interval (usually @
95%, k=2).

In order for the result to be acceptable, uncertainty results should stay within the tolerance limit.

Not in all cases uncertainty is larger than the error as presented here. But in all cases to have a
sure ‘Pass’ remarks, when included in measurement results, it should stay within the tolerance

Tolerance shows the permissible error of measurement results and it is the difference between
the UTL and LTL (UTL-LTL)

To sum it all, see below image. 

The Relationships Between Accuracy, Error, Tolerance, and Uncertainty from a

calibration results

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