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Renewable Energy 181 (2022) 1188e1196

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Spatiotemporal estimation of photovoltaic system adopters using

fuzzy logic
Diego Marcochi de Melo , Joel Villavicencio Gastelu *, Patrícia T.L. Asano , Joel D. Melo
The Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Sciences Center, Federal University of ABC e UFABC, Santo Andr
e, SP, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A considerable amount of governmental agencies have sought to improve their inhabitants' quality of life
Received 9 December 2020 in recent years, encouraging new sustainable technologies. The characterization of how these new
Received in revised form technologies are disseminated in urban areas can help planners carry out campaigns or incentive policies
20 August 2021
that help achieve decarbonization goals. This paper presents a methodology based on fuzzy logic to
Accepted 27 September 2021
characterize the spatiotemporal dynamics as to the adopters of photovoltaic systems in residential
Available online 30 September 2021
subareas. This characterization model proposes to demonstrate the influence that the first inhabitants,
who adopted the technology of photovoltaic systems, can exert on the inhabitants of adjacent sub-areas.
Fuzzy logic
Considering that the degree of adherence to photovoltaic technology is related to subjective character-
Photovoltaic systems istics, the proposal uses three linguistic variables: low, medium, and high to model such adherence using
PV system Adopters fuzzy sets. The proposed methodology results present heat maps that identify the subareas with more
Spatiotemporal analysis inhabitants adopting photovoltaic systems. Hence, it has been applied in a medium-sized city in the state
of Sa~o Paulo, Brazil. The obtained spatial distribution of photovoltaic adopters is heterogeneous, with
subareas presenting medium and high values of photovoltaic adopters for each study year. The per-
centages of categorized subareas as high in the years 2017, 2018, 2019 are 8,3%, 19,3%, 19,7%, respectively.
These results indicate that planners should promote more PV technology, especially in the city's outskirt
subareas. A spatiotemporal estimation method and the history of recording installations of photovoltaic
systems are used for comparison purposes. The comparison of results shows that the proposed method
better characterizes the PV diffusion installed in the first years. This class of results can help planners
better assess the diffusion goals of photovoltaic systems in urban areas, which are being used in the
integrated planning of sustainable cities and provide information for planners to reach decarbonization
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction fuels [3]. These measures for promoting renewable energies are
part of an integrated planning towards implementing sustainable
Climate change concerns have motivated governments around cities [4,5].
the world to encourage the use of renewable energies [1]. Thus, Inhabitants' preferences towards PV system installation depend
subsidies or compensation have been offered to inhabitants that on technical, economic, and environmental factors. Thus, incentives
adopt renewable energy sources. In Brazil, for instance, the gov- offered by governments can stimulate them to adopt PV systems.
ernment has provided a net metering scheme tariff since 2012 for Additional incentives include the possibility for PV adopters to
grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems [2]. Alternatively, in connect their systems to the power network. An interesting issue is
Denmark, the government imposed a real-time pricing structure to to know how inhabitants are responding to these incentives. This
incentivize inhabitants to use renewable energies instead of fossil knowledge can help governments during the elaboration of energy
policies for future years.
Five types of consumers are observed when adopting new
technologies such as Photovoltaic: innovators, early adopters, early
* Corresponding author. majority, late majority, and laggards [6]. The innovators and early
E-mail addresses: (D. Marcochi de Melo), j.
adopters influence other inhabitants from these groups, changing (J. Villavicencio Gastelu),
(P.T.L. Asano), (J.D. Melo). their acceptance for the new technology. Therefore, it is essential to
0960-1481/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Marcochi de Melo, J. Villavicencio Gastelu, P.T.L. Asano et al. Renewable Energy 181 (2022) 1188e1196

identify where the innovators and early adopters are located within The authors in Müller and Trutnevyte [16] used PV installation
an area of interest. This identification will help the government to data to make a spatial projection of this type of installation at sub-
promote the diffusion of PV technology. national level. Socio-economic and socio-demographic variables
The effect of information dissemination on PV system adopters were considered to this end. The authors found that population
is quantitatively evaluated in Palm and Lantz [7]. The authors density and electricity prices were directly related to PV diffusion.
concluded that campaigns promoting renewable energy improve They concluded that neighboring subareas influence the adoption
PV adopters' rates [7]. Therefore, policy-makers should include this of PV systems in one subarea.
kind of campaign to increase the diffusion of PV systems. Indeed subjective factors influence the inhabitants' decision as
In Palm [8], the author investigated what motivates early to installing PV systems. Some works have analyzed these factors
adopters of PV systems. The author concluded that early adopters using fuzzy logic, as the fuzzy system proposed in Wu and Zhou
are mainly driven by non-financial aspects such as environmental [17]. However, the spatial influence of these factors which charac-
concerns and technophile. This environmental motivation di- terize the PV adopters has not been presented in the specialized
minishes as the market matures, once late adopters are primarily literature. Performing this characterization is challenging for
motivated by economic benefits. Therefore, it is essential to planners and agents involved with the PV technology diffusion.
consider the market's maturity stage during the estimations of PV Therefore, the modeling of PV adopters performed in this work can
system adopters' rates. provide information for planners to reach decarbonization targets
In Bao et al. [9], from interviews with stakeholders of PV sys- and contribute to the city's sustainable development [18,19].
tems, the authors surveyed homeowners in order to understand Inhabitants' preferences toward PV system installation present
what they need and expect from PV systems. The authors found more than just “yes” or “no” alternatives. According to specialized
that solar adopters are influenced mainly by cost savings, solar literature, the vagueness of inhabitants' assessments can be modeled
system reliability, installer warranty, and reviewer ratings. Current using fuzzy logic [20]. Taking these inhabitants' preferences into ac-
adopters considered installer reliability more important than price. count, a methodology based on fuzzy logic is proposed to estimate PV
The interviews presented in Mah et al. [10] show that high system adopters in this paper. Besides, considering the peer effects on
upfront costs and long payback periods are the main barriers to PV PV system adoption reported in the specialized literature, e.g., in
diffusion. The authors also identified that a short payback period Graziano et al. [13], exploratory spatial data analysis is included in the
changed the attitude of users towards PV system installation. proposed methodology. Considering that input data include socio-
Furthermore, regarding energy policy measures, residential con- economic and socio-demographic information, which has changed
sumers indicated preferences for subsidies. Therefore, govern- over the years, the proposed method is formulated to perform a
ments should assume a proactive role to promote PV system spatiotemporal analysis of PV system adopters considering and
deployment. dividing them in three categories: low, medium, and high, and
Mundaca and Samahita [11] analyzed the influence of subsidies applied to a medium-sized Brazilian city. The results obtained by the
and non-economic variables on PV system adoption. A survey proposal can bring information to the government and local author-
indicated that subsidies and peer effects are the main drivers to the ities to implement sustainable cities. Another method and historical
adoption of PV systems. Besides, environmental concerns played a data of installed PV systems are used for comparison purposes.
positive role as well. Therefore, subsidies and interacting house- The contributions of this paper are:
holds' information exchange process must be included in energy A methodology that analyzes a spatial and temporal distribution
policies. of adopters of photovoltaic systems by subarea. Such distribution is
A diffusion model of PV adoption based on social networks was presented in heat maps to identify the subareas with the highest
presented in Wang et al. [12]. The authors found that the promotion number of adopters. Furthermore, temporal analysis allows the
of PV systems is linked to policy intervention on PV profits and planners to determine the subareas with a high tendency of in-
households' information exchange processes (social influence). habitants to adhere to photovoltaic systems technology because of
Therefore, campaign information about PV systems' benefits (eco- the influence of the first adopters of this technology.
nomic and environmental) is crucial to increase the PV system The proposed approach seeks to model the inhabitants' sub-
adopters' rate. jective characteristics related to the adoption of photovoltaic sys-
The authors in Graziano et al. [13] analyzed how spatial peer tem technology. Such modeling differs from methods that
effects change when the built environment and jurisdictional characterize the inhabitants' preference by the possibility of
boundaries are considered. The authors noticed that spatial peer whether the inhabitant might adopt this technology or not.
effects occur even among tows, as in transcending municipal bar-
riers. In urban areas, peer effects last for a short time and in a short 2. Proposed methodology
distance. Therefore, the spatial peer effect must be considered
during the estimation of PV system adopters. In the proposed method, fuzzy logic and exploratory spatial data
The influence of exogenous and endogenous factors, including analysis categorize PV system adopters in subareas and through the
political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal years.
aspects on solar energy development, is evaluated in Alipour et al. Inhabitants' decisions for installing PV systems or not are
[14]. The authors found that economic and political factors domi- generally based on their socio-economic characteristics as shown
nate the development of PV systems. Furthermore, these factors in Gastelu et al. [15] and the economic profit of the PV installation
indicate that financial analysis must be included in the estimation project [14]. Therefore, an economic feasibility analysis is consid-
of PV system adopters. ered during the estimation of PV system adopters. Other factors
In Villavicencio et al. [15], inhabitants' uncertainties for that positively influence the decision mentioned above are the level
installing PV systems were modeled using a hierarchical Bayesian of solar irradiation [7] and the quantity of useable area on rooftops.
model. In this model, the installation probabilities of PV systems However, economic feasibility, solar irradiation, and useable
were estimated considering inhabitants' socio-economic condi- rooftop area generally change from one place to another within a
tions and the spatial dependence among neighboring subareas. study area and through the years of a planning horizon. Therefore,
Eventually, these probabilities were used to estimate the PV po- it is more suitable to perform a spatiotemporal estimation of PV
tential at the subarea level. system adopters.
D. Marcochi de Melo, J. Villavicencio Gastelu, P.T.L. Asano et al. Renewable Energy 181 (2022) 1188e1196

Inhabitants' decision for installing PV systems can present The useable area on rooftops represents the area where solar
different categories and not only “yes” and “no” linguistic values. panels can be installed. Rooftops' area can be estimated using im-
Thus, fuzzy logic is considered during the estimation of PV system age processing [29] or statistical data collected in census tracts [15].
adopters in the proposed methodology. In any case, during the useable area determination, reduction fac-
In general, fuzzy logic is performed in three stages: fuzzification, tors should be applied to consider some limitations in the use of the
inference, and defuzzification. In the fuzzification stage, crisp in- rooftop area. These limitations can be related to existing facilities,
puts are represented by linguistic variables [21]. For instance, solar windows, chimneys, or types of rooftops (pitched or flat). Historic
irradiation levels (quantitative values) can be defined using the buildings are excluded when estimating the useable area, as this
linguistic values: moderate, good, very good, and excellent. Next, type of building presents legal restrictions. The useable area must
membership functions are used to represent linguistic variables. be calculated for each year of the horizon plan, as the number of
More common membership functions (MFs) employed in special- domiciles increases through the years.
ized literature are triangular, trapezoidal, and Gaussian [22]. There The economic indicators NPV, IRR, payback, and LCOE are ob-
are no rules or criteria to select the most proper MF; therefore, it is tained after performing a financial analysis of PV systems' instal-
up to the experience of planners to decide which MFs better lation [30]. This analysis is performed in each subarea of an area of
describe the linguistic variables [23]. Accordingly, we use trape- interest and year of a planning horizon.
zoidal MFs, and two exceptional cases of it called R-function and L-
function. These selections allow us to consider an interval for the 2.2. PV system adopters’ categorization
maximum degree of membership.
In the inference stage, input linguistic variables are combined For each jth year of a planning horizon (j ¼ 1, 2, …, T), the
according to defined rules using “IF-THEN” statements together categorization of the PV system adopters in subareas (i ¼ 1, 2, …, I)
with logic connectors “AND” or “OR” to make the necessary con- of an area of interest is performed following the five steps shown in
nections among the variables obtained in the fuzzification stage Fig. 1.
[24]. Thus, the output of the inference stage is a fuzzy set of lin- In Step 1, fuzzy logic estimates the economic feasibility (EF) from
guistic variables. crisp values of the economic indicators: NPV, IRR, payback, and
According to the penetration level of PV systems in the study LCOE. Then, in Step 2, fuzzy logic estimates the inhabitants' partial
area, the planners can define fuzzy rules using the registration of feasibility for installing PV systems (IPF) from crisp values of solar
consumers with PV systems or questionnaires to identify the in- irradiation, percent of useable area (PUA), and the crisp value of the
habitants' preferences for PV technology. For relatively high values EF variable obtained in Step 1. Next, in Step 3, the inhabitants'
of PV penetration (e.g., over 30%), the corresponding statistical data feasibility for installing PV systems (IF) is calculated considering PV
is available. In this case, such data can be used to construct the fuzzy system installation technical adhesion degree. Then, in Step 4, a
rules, as indicated in Tercan et al. [25] and Wu and Zhou [17]. On the spatial analysis of the IF variable's crisp value in subareas is per-
contrary, for relatively low values of PV penetration, the fuzzy rules formed using the local Moran's I statistics. Finally, in the last step,
could be constructed from questionaries elaborated by planners, as PV system adopters are categorized, applying fuzzy logic to the
mentioned in Ko czy et al. [26] and Hendiani and Bagherpour [27]. crisp values of IF and two other variables (MoranSTD and
Therefore, it is possible to calibrate the proposed methodology to MoranLAG) obtained in Step 4.
determine the PV system adopters in different cities. Furthermore,
according to the expertise of the planners, it is possible to consider
2.2.1. Step 1: economic feasibility
using the registration data and questionnaires to define fuzzy rules.
The economic feasibility is represented as a linguistic variable
In the defuzzification stage, the obtained fuzzy set (e.g., set A) of
whose linguistic values are EF ¼ (low, medium, high). The values of
the inference stage is interpreted by means of a crisp value (x* ).
Several defuzzification methods are employed in the specialized
literature, such as the center of gravity (COG) or centroid of area,
the mean of maximum, and the center average method [28]. One of
the most popular techniques is the COG method, which is consid-
ered here. For continuous membership functions, the crisp value is
calculated via COG method using (1):
xmA ðxÞdx
x* ¼ ð ; (1)
mA ðxÞdx

where x is a linguistic variable of the fuzzy set A, and mA is the

membership function of the linguistic variable x.

2.1. Input data

Input data are the level of solar irradiation (G), the percentage of
useable area on rooftops (PUA), and feasibility economic indicators:
net present value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), payback, and
Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE).
Solar irradiation represents the energy source that will be
converted into electricity. Solar irradiation is available in most
countries, and it is considered constant for small- and medium-size
cities [15]. Fig. 1. Flowchart for estimating PV system adopters.

D. Marcochi de Melo, J. Villavicencio Gastelu, P.T.L. Asano et al. Renewable Energy 181 (2022) 1188e1196

economic indicators are considered as input crisps. They are also

represented as linguistic variables, whose linguistic values are:
NPV ¼ (profit, loss); TIR ¼ (bad, good, excellent); Payback ¼ (short,
medium, long); and LCOE ¼ (low, high). The considered member-
ship functions of the variables mentioned above are shown in
Figs. 2e5. For each of these figures, the parameters ak, bk, ck and
dkðk ¼ 2; 3; 4; 5Þ are set based on knowledge of the correspondent
variable (NPV, IRR, Payback and LCOE). Alternatively, optimization
techniques can be used to set membership functions, e.g., Ref. [31].
A description of methods for setting membership functions can be
found in Ross [32].
A set of “IF-THEN” statements together with logic connectors
“AND” are used during the inference stage of the fuzzy logic to
make the necessary connections among the fuzzy variables. The set Fig. 3. Membership functions of IRR variable.

of statements considered in applying the proposed methodology

(steps 1, 2, and 5) are available in Melo [33]. The outputs of the “IF-
THEN” statements are established, seeking to keep the input and
output coherence. Thus, for input variables unfavorable to the PV
systems investment, the EF variable results in a “low” linguistic
value. For instance, IF NPV is “loss” AND IRR is “bad” AND payback is
“long,” AND LCOE is “low,” THEN the EF variable will be “low."
Similarly, input variables favorable to the PV system investment
result in the “high” linguistic value of the EF variable. The inter-
mediate combinations consider the number of modifications of the
input variables. Here, the EF variable will be activated; for instance,
if NPV is “profit” AND IRR is “excellent”, AND payback is “short” or
“medium” AND LCOE is “low."
The COG method indicated in (1) is considered to find the crisp Fig. 4. Membership functions of payback variable.
value of the EF variable. The linguistic value: low, intermediate, or
high, of the EF variable, is used for this crisp value, as described in
the following. First, the degree of membership of the crisp value is
calculated for the three linguistic values of EF. Then, the highest one
and its respective linguistic value are identified from the computed
degree of memberships. This determined linguistic value is the one
to which the EF variable belongs.

2.2.2. Step 2: inhabitants' partial feasibility for installing PV

The inhabitants' partial feasibility for installing PV systems (IPF)
is modeled as a linguistic variable, whose linguistic values are IPF ¼
(low, medium, high). Furthermore, values of solar irradiation (G),
percent of useable area (PUA), and economic feasibility (EF) are also
represented as linguistic variables, whose linguistic values are: G ¼
(moderate, good, very good, excellent); PUA ¼ (very low, low, Fig. 5. Membership functions of LCOE variable.
medium, high); and EF ¼ (low, medium, high). The membership
functions of the variables mentioned above are shown in Figs. 6e8,
respectively. For each of these figures, the parameters ak, bk, ck, dk, ek, and fkðk ¼ 6; 7; 8Þ are set based on knowledge of the corre-
spondent variable (G, PUA, and EF).
The fuzzy rule-base used during the IPF variable determination
comprises “IF-THEN” statements together with logic connectors

Fig. 2. Membership functions of NPV variable. Fig. 6. Membership functions of G variable.

D. Marcochi de Melo, J. Villavicencio Gastelu, P.T.L. Asano et al. Renewable Energy 181 (2022) 1188e1196

(5), respectively:

MoranSTDi ¼ ; (4)

MoranLAGi ¼ uik MoranSTDi ; (5)

where, IF and s are the mean and variance of IF in the area of in-
terest. “I" is the number of subareas of the area of interest and uik is
Fig. 7. Membership functions of PUA variable.
an element of the neighborhood matrix. This matrix is set so that
uik ¼ 1 if the subareas i and k shared a border and uik ¼ 0
Moran's scatter plot is divided into four quadrants: “high-high,”
“low-low,” “high-low” and “low-high,” where high values are
positive values whereas low values are negative values. Points in
the high-high category indicate subareas with high IF surrounded
by subareas with also high IF. Similarly, Points in the low-low
category indicate subareas with low IF surrounded by subareas
with also low IF. Points in the category low-high indicate subareas
with low IF surrounded by subareas with high IF. Points in the
category high-low indicate subareas with high IF surrounded by
subareas with low IF. Points in the high-high or low-low indicate
positive spatial autocorrelation. The other cases mean negative
spatial autocorrelation. The distance between MoranSTDi and
MoranLAGi is directly related to the IF value difference between the
Fig. 8. Membership functions of EF variable.
subarea i and the mean of their neighbors.

“AND.” The same logic described in the previous section is followed. 2.2.5. Step 5: PV system adopters categorization
Thus, for example, IF G is “moderate” AND PUA is “very low,” AND The PV system adopters (PVA) in subareas is estimated using the
EF is “low” THEN IPF is “low.” The IPF variable is activated if G is fuzzification of the crisp values of IF, MoranSTD; and MoranLAG
“very good” AND PUA is “very low” or “low,” AND EF is “high." described in Steps 3 and 4. The proposed methodology character-
The procedure to find the crisp value of the IPF variable and the izes the peer effects among inhabitants to adopt the PV technology
linguistic value to which this crisp value belongs is the same as by considering MoranSTD; and MoranLAG. For this characterization,
shown for the EF variable. the linguistic values considered for the aforementioned linguistic
variables are: IF ¼ (low, medium, high); MoranSTD ¼ (low, high,
2.2.3. Step 3: adhesion degree to the PV technology and inhabitants' significance 0.1); MoranLAG ¼ (low, high, significance 0.1) and
feasibility for installing PV systems PVA ¼ (low, medium, high). The respective membership functions
The payback is one of the economic indicators that change in- are shown in Figs. 9e12. For each of these figures, the parameters
habitants' decision to install PV systems or not [10], i.e., their ak, bk, ck and dkðk ¼ 9; 10; 11; 12Þ are set based on knowledge of the
adhesion degree to the PV technology. According to Villavicencio correspondent variable (IF, MoranSTD, MoranLAG; and PVA).
et al. [34], for the year "j" of the planning horizon, the adhesion The membership functions of IF were elaborated, grouping their
degree of the PV technology (ADj ) can be calculated using (2): values using the Jenks natural breaks classification [35]. This clas-
sifier seeks to generate data groups so that differences among data
ADj ¼ exp  0:3  tj ; (2) belonging to the same group will be minimum, and the difference
among groups will be maximum.
where, tj is the payback in the year jth year of a planning horizon. MoranSTD and MoranLAG membership functions are based on
Considering the adhesion degree mentioned above and the IPF the values of Moran's scatterplot. For the “low” linguistic value,
described in Step 2, inhabitants' feasibility for installing PV systems
(IF) is calculated. For the subarea "i" of an area of interest and the
year "j" of a planning horizon, the IF is calculated using (3).

IFi;j ¼ IPFi;j  ADj (3)

2.2.4. Step 4: exploratory spatial data analysis

The exploratory spatial data analysis is performed to identify
how the IF value in a subarea, e.g., subarea i (IFi ), is influenced by
the IF values in neighboring subareas. Moran's scatterplot is used to
this end, where IF's normalized values in each subarea i
(MoranSTDi ) are localized in the abscissa. In contrast, the average of
their neighbors' normalized values ðMoranLAGi Þ are localized in the
ordinate. MoranSTDi and MoranLAGi are calculated using (4) and Fig. 9. Membership functions of IF variable.

D. Marcochi de Melo, J. Villavicencio Gastelu, P.T.L. Asano et al. Renewable Energy 181 (2022) 1188e1196

variable called “significance 0.100 is considered. This linguistic

variable represents the IF values with statistical significance higher
than 0.05 and lower than or equal to 0.1. This linguistic variable
intends to identify subareas that will have their values of IF un-
modified or slightly modified.
The set of fuzzification rules used during the determination of
the PVA variable are composed of “IF-THEN” statements together
with logic connector “AND.” The same logic described in the pre-
vious sections is followed. However, in this case, it is sought that the
linguistic value of IF in the subarea "i" will not change if the
MoranSTDi and MoranLAGi variables belong to the “low-low” or
Fig. 10. Membership functions of MoranSTD variable. “high-low” category, respectively. This is due to the fact that in the
above categories, the neighbors' low values mean small influence in
the subarea "i." On the other hand, in the “high-high” and “low-
high” categories, the neighbors' influence will change the linguistic
value of the IF variable to the next class.
The proposed method can be implemented using any SIG soft-
ware, provided it has the spatial analysis tool described in Step 4.

3. Application study

The proposed method was applied to estimate the PV system

adopters spatial distribution and its evolution over the years in a
Brazilian medium-scale city. The study area's socio-economic and
Fig. 11. Membership functions of MoranLAG variable. socio-demographic data were obtained at the census tract (sub-
area) level, totaling 301 subareas. The planning horizon is
comprised of the years 2017, 2018, and 2019.
The study area's average annual solar irradiation is 5.4 kW/m2/
day [36]. Therefore, for the estimation of PV adopters, this value can
be considered the same throughout the area.
The useable area percentage was estimated using statistical data
of owned houses' rooftop area reported in Ref. [37] and the
reduction factors mentioned in Section 2.1.
Economic indicators (VPL, IRR, payback, and LCOE) were ob-
tained after carrying out a financial analysis for each subarea of the
study city and each year of the planning horizon. The necessary
socio-economic data for this analysis is obtained from Ref. [37]. A
net-metering scheme tariff is considered, which has been the
Brazilian government's current incentive for grid-connected PV
Fig. 12. Membership functions of PVA variable. systems since 2012 [2].
The proposed methodology was implemented using QGIS [38],
negative values with statistical significance lower than 0.05 were GeoDA [39], and the programming language Python [40]. QGIS and
used to obtain the membership function decreasing region. Simi- GeoDA were used for spatial data processing and spatial data
larly, for the “high” linguistic value, positive values with statistical analysis, respectively. Python programming language was used
significance lower than 0.05 were used to obtain the membership within QGIS to automate the steps of the proposed methodology.
function increasing region. Additionally, an intermediate linguistic The above software was used because they are open-source.

Fig. 13. Spatial distribution of PV system adopters for the year 2017. Fig. 14. Spatial distribution of PV system adopters for the year 2018.

D. Marcochi de Melo, J. Villavicencio Gastelu, P.T.L. Asano et al. Renewable Energy 181 (2022) 1188e1196

Fig. 15. Spatial distribution of PV system adopters for the year 2019. Fig. 16. Spatial distribution of PV system adopters obtained using the PROP method-
ology and historical data of installed PV systems for the year 2019.

3.1. Spatiotemporal analysis of PV adopters

The categorization of the PV adopters obtained by the proposed

methodology in each year of the planning horizon is shown in
Figs. 13e15, respectively.
The spatial distribution of PV adopters is heterogeneous. Over-
all, the PV adopters in subareas located in the central zone is
categorized as high or medium. In contrast, the PV adopters in
subareas situated in the city's periphery is medium or low.
Comparing Figs. 13e15, it is observed that the PV adopters in some
subareas changes their category from low to medium or from
medium to high. These changes are observed mainly in subareas
located in the central zone. In the outskirts of the city, only a few
subareas change their PV adopters category; e.g., the subareas S1
and S2. A summary of the percentage of subareas in each type of PV
adopters for 2017, 2018, and 2019 is indicated in Table 1.
More significant changes among categories of PV adopters in Fig. 17. Spatial distribution of probabilities of installation of PV systems obtained using
subareas are noticed between 2017 and 2018. In this period, 11% the BAY methodology and historical data of installed PV systems for the year 2019.
more subareas present a high class of PV system adopters. In the
same period, the percentage of subareas presenting the medium
and low category lowered by 8.6% and 2.4%, respectively. However, This normalization is performed considering their respective
no substantial change is observed between 2018 and 2019, in which maximum values for the year 2019. The obtained values were
period changes on subareas' category are less than 1%. This last classified into five groups.
result can be a consequence of the increasing exchange rate in Besides the above probabilities, historical data of installed PV
Brazil in previous years. The maps presented in Figs. 13e15 can help systems are plotted on the maps obtained using the PROP and BAY
the planners of sustainable cities because those maps show the methodologies. Obtained maps are shown in Figs. 16 and 17,
regions where it is necessary to promote PV technology more respectively, where installed PV systems are represented using
widely. black-filled circles.
The estimations obtained from the BAY methodology match the
historical data of small subareas with a high number of PV systems;
3.2. Comparison results e.g., subarea S3. However, this characteristic is lost in the city's
outskirts, where a low number of PV systems were installed in
For comparison purposes, the installation probabilities of PV subareas. In some subareas of the boundary, the classification ob-
systems considered in Villavicencio et al. [15] are used. These tained by the proposed methodology matches the historical data
probabilities are estimated using a Hierarchical Bayesian Model better; e.g., subareas S4 and S5. Therefore, the proposed method is
(BAY). As these probabilities are numerical values, the comparison helpful in zones where PV adoption is at an early stage (at the
is performed considering PVA's crisp values obtained by the pro- bottom of the technology adoption life cycle [6]). Also, it becomes
posed (PROP) methodology. Because the probabilities and crisp an interesting methodology for the integrated planning of sus-
values mentioned above use different scales, they are normalized. tainable cities. For instance, it can direct the combined resources
planning to supply the users' demand locally. Furthermore, it can
Table 1
Percentage of subareas according to their categories of PV adopters. be used to identify where utilities should initialize their operation
planning studies considering the integration of PV systems.
PVA category Year

2017 2018 2019

4. Conclusion
high 8.3% 19.3% 19.7%
medium 41.7% 33.1% 33.1% A methodology for performing a spatiotemporal estimation of
Low 50.0% 47.6% 47.2%
the PV system adopters was presented. Factors as solar irradiation,
D. Marcochi de Melo, J. Villavicencio Gastelu, P.T.L. Asano et al. Renewable Energy 181 (2022) 1188e1196

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