Reflection On The Teaching Profession

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(September 25, 2022)

The lesson on the introduction of teaching profession had given me knowledge

on the main purposes of education, and that is, learning and developing self-knowledge,
life skill, and social skills; and to optimize life chances and quality of life. Nevertheless,
the thing that I could not forget from this lesson is that the purpose of teaching is to
change individual’s behavior. It is very true that change is inevitable and so teaching is
a weapon to embrace change.

It was stated in the our lesson that teaching can be regarded as a “profession”. If
one has to be a teacher, he/she has to show fine personal qualities on high moral
principles and ideals, and strive for excellence. With regards to teaching as a “mission”,
it is a “task-assigned”. Teachers are set to accomplish an given duty. Teaching is also
viewed as a “vocation”. When we say vocation, it is a calling, one has a strong urge to
perform what to do, an innate desire to share their love of learning and of the subject.

In a society, a teacher as an individual, has to showcase his/her talent and skills

by using body parts either literally or symbolically for them to become efficient and
effective. Teachers as professionals must also possess creativity, critical-thinking,
commitment, and character,

Lastly, the video presented has made me realized that teaching is also about
relationship with the learners by creating an environment where a teacher and the
learner working together harmoniously to reach their goals.

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