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19 September 2022.

Ms. Mayerlin Palacios.

Science lab. Classes.

Dear teachers,

I am writing this with the purpose of knowing your opinion regarding what the best approaches
are to work with the students and improve the science lab classes. We successfully completed the
first week of classes at the science lab! The kids enjoyed the outcome and were very excited
about coming for the first time.

I had the opportunity to talk with some of you about what areas you consider should be improved
in order to spice the lessons up. Some of your observations were concerning the classroom
management in terms of furniture organization, so I can reach kids faster and support them or
explain anything that needs to be clarified. Next class, these changes will take place. Since this is
a new methodology, we will require, hopefully, a short period of time to adapt to these new

In order to make the classes as smooth as possible, it is important to remember that the topics of
the lessons taught in the science lab need to be discussed in advance, specifically, one week
before attending the lab. In this way, I would have enough time to plan the activities as well as to
find the necessary materials. Once this is clarified, it should be taken into account that:

 Teachers will discuss the theoretical, concepts, definitions, and hand-outs with their
students in class, so students have the theory knowledge about the activities they will be
doing in the science class.

 The lab class day should not be a continuance of lessons discussed in regular science
classes; the idea is to develop an activity that is closely related to the subject under study
in regular classes where kids can see and study those concepts in action.

 Teachers should communicate in advance if there is a specific activity that they want
their students to work on. Based on this information, I will design a plan that addresses
the topic under study.

I appreciate all your support during these classes. Communication is the key to making this time
as enjoyable and meaningful as possible for our students.

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