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Evaluating a Controversial Argument

Joe Rogan, a pundit, comedian, and podcaster, confronted the issue that engulfed the

media and the American public. A prominent figure who purports to be anti-racist and an ally of

people of color may in fact be the polar opposite.

It began when a widely circulated compilation on February 4, 2022 revealed him

regularly using the n-word in the early episodes of his over-a-decade-long program "The Jose

Rogan Experience." Using the n-word, dubbed the "nuclear bomb of racial epithets," became a

rhetorical red line because it embodies possibly the most heinous chapter in US history. The term

seems to have always conveyed the user's opinion toward a black person. In other words, it has

always been about how the speaker felt, not about who the term was directed towards. It will

always cast a bad light on the user.

Joe Rogan is the closest thing the podcast industry has to a major cultural product. He

professes not to be racist, yet there is a film showing him using the N-word on social media, as

well as a video of him comparing a gathering of black people to "Planet of the Apes." "So I have

to go to one where there is a planet of apes, so I look on my iPhone apps and it says take me to

this one, and the guy goes okay, is that in a good neighborhood, he says oh yeah, guy barely

speaks English, he takes me there, we get out and we're giggling, we're going to see plenty of

apes, we walk into the planet of the apes, we walk into Africa, dude This was one of Joe Rogan's

videos in which he used racial slurs and spoke contextual terms, eliciting varied reactions from
[Last Name] 2

netizens. He is not explicitly calling someone a name, but his words about the planet monkeys

make one pause to examine his motives when using that term; he brought stains to his name, and

what he said may have an effect on his personality. Simply because when you use the n-word to

refer to a black person, you are implying and implying that you are the source of the issue and a

blight on the human race.

He is subjected to a great deal of criticism and has a pessimistic attitude on life "He was

using the term in the midst of a conversation and so perhaps out of context," "it was blatantly

racist, there is no other way to put it. It's a stain he'll never be able to erase at this point "as

netizens make remarks about him. Even high-profile celebrities have withdrawn their support for

Rogan and his program, such as Dwayne Johnson, who did so when the video collection leaked.

"I was unaware of his use of the N-word prior to the comments, but now I've been educated on

his entire narrative," Johnson tweeted in response to New York Times bestselling author Don

Winslow, adding "Learning moment for me." Some well-known artists have removed their work

from giant content streaming services, but the worst was when singer India Arie posted a video

protesting Rogan's racial language and including a compilation of Rogan using the N-word more

than 20 times over the course of a year.

Rogan expresses regret over the video. He stated that it is the most shameful and

regrettable thing he has ever done and referred to his past use of the slur as shameful. He felt

queasy as he watched the compilation and wished he could retract his remark. "I never said, nor

would I ever claim, that black people are apes, but it certainly sounded that way. And I

immediately stated, 'That is a racist statement,' but I am not a racist "'. He later deleted the

podcast and apologized for saying "an idiotic thing; my sincere and humble apologies; this is a

teachable moment for me." For what he did may help educate others who are unaware of how
[Last Name] 3

offensive certain words can be. As a result of his apology, we look forward to seeing him

develop into a less troubling media figure. He may be positioned to effectively combat systemic

racism in a rapidly changing media environment. What could be more nerve-wracking than that?

Historically, white public figures who used the n-word drew universal, unequivocal

condemnation. However, it was altered as a result of Rogan gaining some support. As Akilah

Green, the Emmy-nominated cowriter of a Black Lady Sketch Show, tweeted, "A comedian's

duty is to produce irreverent, hazardous stuff that challenges authority, tuck it away in your

morning pages diary, and make two broke chicks." Whitney Kummings offered her support for

the comedians by tweeting that their role is not to be heroes but to be irreverent and dangerous in

their challenge to power. Even former President Donald Trump advised Rogan to refrain from

apologizing for his issues, which included the use of racist slurs and spreading COVID-19

falsehoods, since he should not let opponents to portray him as weak and fearful. Rogan was

pursuing an ethnic group; he did not join a mob that drove lawmakers into hiding. He never

brought a Confederate flag into the rotunda of the US Capitol. Nobody was killed attempting to

stop him from uttering the n-word. His program has long been a platform for right-wing comedic

voices and libertarian political ideas. His very special ability is what has propelled him to where

he is today.

The Joe Rogan Experience podcast's episodes have been deleted off Spotify in bulk. For

decades, though, life would never be normal for a white person who was discovered uttering the

n-word. This is a watershed point in American culture. There was once a widespread belief that

anybody caught using the n-word or other racial insults would face severe consequences.

However, in Rogan's instance, the usage of the n-word may actually benefit his career. Rogan

has not yet suffered a high professional price for uttering a racist slur; in fact, the incident may
[Last Name] 4

have benefited his career. That, according to others, is what happened to another white performer

recently discovered using the term. The fact that Rogan's remarks were recently viewed as the

latest racial scandal is indicative of how hardened we have become to the escalating levels of

verbal and physical violence in our nation. However, once we let a white public person to

regularly utter the most heinous racist insult in the English language without facing

repercussions, we transformed into a new nation.

While racism is not as pervasive as it once was, it continues to afflict minorities on a

daily basis. It is incorrect and insulting to use the n-word if you are not black. It makes no

difference whether you are a racist or a prejudiced individual; when a white person uses the n-

word, they exercise power over minorities. From a racial aspect, a white individual retains an

advantage over minorities. Rogan's latest barrage of criticism stemming from allegations over

racist insults may seem disproportionate. However, it is also what occurs when a media celebrity

moves beyond communicating with his core fan group to capturing the world's attention. If this

is genuinely an educational moment for Rogan, then the time has come for him to demonstrate

his knowledge to the world. Apart from figuring out how to make an apology video, which

should be the first step toward resolving the concerns, this is not the end.

Work Cited

Marquardt Andre. "Donald Trump's opinions, Joe Rogan's racial slurs, and Neil Young's

activism. Here's the latest in the wild Spotify saga". 8 February,

2022<https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source= web&rct=j&url=>.
[Last Name] 5

Marife Ramishs and Brian Shelter. "Joe Rogan apologizes after a compilation of him using racial

slur spreads". 6 February, 2022 <https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=>

Vinlove Jasen. "Joe Rogan: Pad cast star apologies for past use of racial slur". 5 February

2022<https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source= web&rct=j&url=>

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