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Functionalism is a value consensus theory and so functilonalist like Emile Durkhiem, Parsons and

Malinowski sees religion as a positive apparatus in society which promotes social solidarity and allows
society to run smoothly. Also religion, helps to create social order and maintains the value consensus.
One of main function of religion is to provide guidelines for human actions like having core values (nd ). The functionalist Perspective on Religion. Retrieved November 2020.

Functionalism is a theory in the social sciences that holds that

all facets of a society—institutions, roles, norms, etc.—serve a
purpose and are necessary for the society's long-term existence.
Thus, Functionalism also holds that every cultural or social phenomenon serves a necessary
purpose and is therefore unavoidable and functionalist like Emile Durkhiem emphasizes that religion is a
positive apparatus in society which promotes social solidarity and allows society to run smoothly. One of
main function of religion is to provide guidelines for human actions like having core values. Religion is
one that gives meaning and propose of life, forming social unity and religion may serves as to control
behaviors. Also, religion promotes physical wellbeing and motivates people to work for a social change.
(Britannica, 2008)

Britannica. (2008). Functionalism | social science. In Encyclopædia Britannica.

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