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(Gov emn, ·Jnt of India Unde rtal,i ng)

Umitl ltions as to use
i)1 10e Poli~ _cover s use only unde r a perm
it within t he meaning of the
Limit s of U abTiitv
; ~or Ve •Cle.S Act. 1988 or such Umit of the amou nt the Company's
0 a carrla ie falling unde r Sub-sect,on Liabi lity Unde r Secti on 11 1(1) in
ect1on 66 of the Motor Vehic 3 respe<t or any one accid ent: as per the Moto
~<,ve , use FOR ii !Organised racinles
Act. 988.T he Poh;?,' does not
of the amou nt of the Comp any'_ s Uabl
r Vehic les Act, 1988 . Llm,t
need Test, ng Pace Making c)Re ,ability Tnuls d) r espec t or ani li~ Unde_r Secti on 11 1(11) In .
one claim or sene s of cla ms arisin
Up to< 7.50. 00 g out or one even t.
For Indivi dual cover s (OD) In ?; 1290 000
Impos ed excess In ?:
Volun tarv excess In?;
Persons or class es or oen;ons entitl Compulsorv excess In?;
ed to drive 1500
f,ny perso n lnclud,n?i ~e insure d
provided that a person dr,ving holds
d,squahfied from ho ding or obta, nin an effec tive drivin g licens e at the
ven,e1e and u,at sucn a person sat,sP such a license. Provid ed also that the person holdin an effec tive t ime of the accid ent and Is not
ies the requi reme nt or Rule 3 of the Learn
PA cove< for Os·ine r Dnve r Centr al Moto r veilc les Rules. 1989 er's Licen se may also drive the

tlume or Nominee
Age of Nominee Relationship v11th the Name of the Appo intee (if Relat ionsh ip to the
none Insure d Nomi nee Is a mino r)
lo non~
Nomi nee
none none
?A cover fer name d <!rsons
' l ame
CSI Opted (?)
Nomi nee Relat ionsh i
tlA NA
Pre?m,um an:.I GST D~tai ls

Rate of Tax Amou nt In INR

' GST ~5192
:GST 9 467
: ST 9 467
0 0
·err :-1:TI
::;sr ~43037
6 2582
;sr 6 2582
0 0

•. ·;,itness where of :Jus polic 'l has

, ,s pclic:y ,s sub;e ct to the Te,m s. IWU~ OF THi: PREMIU~'. CHEQUE, th,s 23/06/2021
10J/n ew,nd1a.co.1n; l~H Endo rsem con:ll t,ons and excep :,ons applicable to DOCUMENT STAMOS AUTOMATICALLY CANCELLED ABIN mO
ent Numb er(s) printed herew ith attac Package/Lia bility policy attac hed/a vaila ble on the web site
hed 21 .23.4 0.7.
,corta nt notice :
,e ir,sure :l ,sno t ,ndem nif,ed. ,r. tne vehic
mpan y by reason or w,der t erms appe le is us~d or dnve n other wise than ,n accor dance wilh this sched
anng in the cert,r icate in order to ule. Any
; uced: see daus e headed ·.1,vOIDAIK
OF CERTAIN TERMS AND RIGHTS comp ly with the Moto r Vehicles Act, 1988 paym ent made by the
e nee or otner prev,ous pohcy details Emade OF RECOVERY"' . It is clarif ied that 1s recov er aole from the
In case the decla ration rn9ard1ng
licv. v,ill stand forfei ted . by the insure d. ,s round t o be incor rect,
al1 lhe bene fits (Inclu ding cloim )
unde r sccti on·l of this
/ e ilen:by certif y that the policy to
lll as this Certi ficate cf. Insur ance Ylhich this Certif i~ate relate s as For and on beha lf of The New lndlil
: ~rov.stons of Oiap ter X and XI ofare issued In accor dance 1:1ith As:iu ran,c Compony Umi~ cd.
: AMC N4 1 65CST1B1 . M.V. Act. 1988 . tllA S.T.RE GM
te or lssu':! : 2Jto612021

Duly Cons titute d Attor ncyb )

Tax Invo ice Mo: 55010220P000061


Policy No.: 5S010231200100000S14 Occum

ent e ener.it ed by 39013 ol 23106/ 20211
Re¢. & He•d Office : Ntw lnd;o A:;suro 6:0S:2 3 Hour., ,
nt<! Bldg, a71,1.C. Ro•d. Fort, Mumb
:.crrl~ I of your gri~an ce, ,f ."Jny,yo o;• 400 001. TOLL FREE No. 1 800
u mJy ,3ppro xh any one or lhc follow 202 1~1~.
n g,r1nenc r ,~drt.s~al mtcha n,sm: :ng office , .. 1. Policy ls5ulng offic.c 2. Rcglon
you m.1y al-so approach tnsur:.nct JI omcc J, HC41'1 office.lo cue, you
Ombl.l':isman. For d r tails of our offica llrn nol :)i>tl:>OCNJ w1lh
addrc ,soi, and ee3d~ s,e.s of oNlc.e
vl!lt our \YllbSi11 hnpJlm:wind1a co.In. ot lnsur-'ince OmDudsnian, plea~r

P(l~O2 of 3

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