2021 Bull CAT 02

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2021 Bull CAT 02

Directions of Test

Test Name 2021 Bull CAT 02 Total Questions 100 Total Time 180 Mins

Section Name No. of Questions Time limit Marks per Question Negative Marking
Verbal Ability 34 1:0(h:m) 3 1/3
DI & Reasoning 32 1:0(h:m) 3 1/3
Quantitative Ability 34 1:0(h:m) 3 1/3

Section : Verbal Ability

DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the passage and answer the question based on it.

Question No. : 1
Among the chemicals on the National Toxicology Program list carcinogens, is a simple looking molecule called cisplatin. It is
formed when a platinum atom bonds with two chlorine atoms and two ammonia groups. First synthesized in 1844 by an Italian
chemist who was experimenting with platinum salts, cisplatin received little attention for more than a century. Then in the early
1960s it was found to have powerful biological effects. Like so many scientific discoveries this one was serendipitious – a foray
into one hypothesis veering unexpectedly in another direction, answering questions no one had known to ask.
In his laboratory at Michigan State University, Barnett Rosenberg was exploring how cells behaved in the presence of electricity.
He had been struck by how much the stringy, stretched-out shape of a cell undergoing mitosis resembled the field lines that
appear when a magnet is held beneath a sheet of paper sprinkled with iron filings. The means by which a cell divides were
poorly understood, and he wondered whether some electromagnetic effect might be involved. Reducing the problem to
simpler terms, he placed two metal electrodes in a dish of single-celled organisms, Escherichia coli, and applied an electrical
current. Before long the bacteria stopped dividing. Each one, however, continued to elongate, producing new protoplasm – that
extended spaghetti-like until the cell was some three hundred times longer than it was wide. He turned off the current and the
cells began dividing normally again. It was like having his finger on a mitotic on-off switch.
Decades later he still remembered the moment: "God, you don’t often find things like that," he said. He immediately began
thinking about cancer. If we could control the growth of a cell with an electric field, we could control some cells with a
frequency of one sort, other cells with a frequency of another, and then we could attack a tumor by choosing a unique
frequency and affecting only the tumor cells and abnormal cells." But then came a bigger surprise. It wasn’t electricity that was
interfering with mitosis; the electrodes that had been used in his experiment were made of platinum, an element he had
chosen, specifically because it was chemically inert. But through the process of electrolysis some platinum ions were getting
into the solution, where they combined with other atoms to form cisplatin.
Rosenberg went on to test the molecule's effects on metazoans, creatures like us that consist of many cells. Just a pinch of pure
cisplatin was enough to kill a mouse. But in very dilute doses it would cause sarcoma tumors to shrink. Cisplatin also had the
power to arrest other cancers, and over the years scientists discovered how that works. Before a cell can reproduce, the double
helix must relax its windings so that the molecular information can be copied and passed on to the next generation. Cisplatin
caused bridges to form between the two helical strands. This chemical straitjacket blocks mitosis and sends the cell into turmoil.
It tries to recover by dispatching DNA repairing enzymes. When that fails, apoptosis is initiated and the cell destroys itself.
Cisplatin can affect any cell in the body, but since cancer cells divide at a faster rate they bear the brunt of the attack. Once the
cancer is destroyed, the rest of the body stumbles, as best it can, back to health. After clinical trials in the 1970s to determine
how much cisplatin you could give people without killing them, it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It
became known as the penicillin of cancer. Because of its effect on other rapidly dividing cells – hair follicles and cells in the
gastrointestinal lining and bone marrow there were sickening side effects. Patients would suffer a bone chilling nausea and their
hair would fall out. Kidney and nerve damage might occur, and since cisplatin monkeyed with a cell’s DNA, it raised the risk of
causing a secondary cancer alongside the one the oncologists had been enlisted to treat. The trade-off was usually worth it. For
testicular cancer the cure rate approached 100 percent. Other tumors were less responsive, but the chemical, often combined
with radiotherapy could slow cancers of other organs and extend lives. Sometimes it could save them.
Excerpted from pages 109-111 of ‘The Cancer Chronicles’ by George Johnson
2021 Bull CAT 02
Which of the following is definitely true of Rosenberg’s first experiment in the 1960s?

A) There was a threshold voltage, below which mitosis would continue to happen
B) Permanent magnets were used in the experiment to create powerful magnetic fields
C) The volume of protoplasm in each bacterial cell was constant, even when it elongated
D) The solution in the petridish contained ammonia in some form

Question No. : 2

Which of these fallacies did Rosenberg subscribe to, before he did his petridish experiment?

A) Cancer is untreatable B) Platinum is chemically inert C) Plans are important D) A disease can be a cure

Question No. : 3

Why is cisplatin referred to as a chemical straitjacket?

A) It does not allow the two DNA strands to unwind

B) A straitjacket is used to keep violent prisoners from hurting themselves or others
C) Cancer is the deadliest of all diseases, and cisplatin arrests the spread of that disease
D) Cisplatin has unintended side effects, like secondary cancers

Question No. : 4

Here are two statements from the passage, which contradict each other.
Second Para: It was like having his finger on a mitotic on-off switch.
Third Para: It wasn’t electricity that was interfering with mitosis.
What can be the best explanation to resolve this contradiction?

A) Electric current served as a catalyst in the chemical reaction

B) The experimenter did not take into account the source of the chlorine ions
C) The production of platinum ions stopped once the electricity was switched off
D) Electrolysis causes the separation of a compound into its oppositely charged atomic ions

Question No. : 5

Order the following cell groups from slowest to fastest cell division.
A. Gastro-intestinal lining
B. Sarcoma
C. Bone cells.


2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the passage and answer the question based on it.

Question No. : 6
The ability to labor is usually greatest in early adulthood, when people are in their physical prime. Back in the days when many
workers did in fact contribute little more than their physical exertions, a middle-aged manual laborer was typically less
employable than a young man in his twenties working in the same occupation. But today, when most people who work for a
living earn more as they grow older, this is much more consistent with their earning a return on their human capital, which
tends to increase with age. The human capital concept is also more consistent with narrowing income gaps between women
and men, as physical strength counts for less and less in an economy where power increasingly comes from machines rather
than human muscle, and an economy in which information and high-tech skills count for more.
While the growing importance of human capital tends to create greater equality between the sexes, it tends to create greater
inequality between those people who have been assiduous in acquiring knowledge and mastering skills and those who have
not. In addition, like every other source of greater rewards for work, it tends to create greater inequality between those who
work and those who do not. American families in the bottom 20 percent of income earners supply only a fraction of the hours
of   work per year supplied by families in the top 20 percent. Both the rising incomes of more experienced workers and the
growing inequality in incomes in free market societies show the influence of human capital.
While almost all jobs today provide both pay and experience, at one time it was common for inexperienced and uneducated
young people to take jobs that paid them nothing. This was obviously an investment of their time and labor for the sake of
acquiring human capital. Apprenticeship, with and without pay, has been a centuries- old institution in many parts of the world,
and unpaid labor was not uncommon in the United States as late as the Great Depression of the 1930s, when people desperate
for work took jobs without pay for the sake of gaining work experience that would improve their chances of getting paying jobs
later. Back around the time of the First World War, a young black American named Paul Williams decided to become an
architect— a virtually unheard of occupation for someone of his race at that time— and turned down the only paying job he
was offered at an architectural firm, in order to go to work as an office boy without pay in a more prominent architectural firm,
from which he expected to gain more valuable knowledge and experience. He was clearly thinking beyond the initial stage of
his career.

In the given context of the passage, 'human capital' means:

A) the price at which the person is acquired in the job market and its co-relation with the benefits derived by the
B) the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual, viewed in terms of their value to an organization.
C) the value of a human being in the buy and sell matrix, which is in turn driven by market forces. 
D) the value of a human being decided on the basis of the number of hours of work he puts in. 

Question No. : 7

It is implied in the passage that:

A) In the past, people forsake financial gains in exchange for skill development.
B) In the past, people eschewed the financial opportunity to invest and preferred gains in the physical world.
C) In the past, people took up work which provided intellectual as well as physical rigour. 
D) In the past, people looked down upon intellectual work and preferred physical work. 

Question No. : 8

According to the information provided in the passage, an investment in human capital leads to:
I. Erosion of gender inequality.
II. Division of society, in terms of skills, into haves and have-nots.
III. Enhanced earnings for those who are experienced.

A) I & II B) II & III C) I & III D) All of the above
2021 Bull CAT 02
Question No. : 9

Which of the following lines would be fruitful continuation of the given passage?

A) But few months down the line, Paul Williams found that the office boy job didn’t really help him learn about architecture
as much as he had wanted
B) But few months down the line, Paul Williams left his job as office boy and joined the paying job, at the architectural firm,
he had earlier declined
C) At the later stages of his career, Paul participated in designing local buildings and houses for general populace
D) As the later stages of his development unfolded, Paul Williams went on to have a long and distinguished career as an

Question No. : 10

Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?

A) Discussing Today’s Knowledge Based Economy B) Paul Williams and Human Capital
C) Growth of Knowledge Based Jobs D) Discussing Human Capital

Question No. : 11

What is tone of the author in the passage?

A) Analytical B) Grandiose C) Caustic D) Commiserating

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question : Read the passage and answer the question based on it. 

Question No. : 12
The starting point for appreciating that there is a distinctive part of our psychology for morality is seeing how moral judgments
differ from other kinds of opinions we have on how people ought to behave. Moralization is a psychological state that can be
turned on and off like a switch, and when it is on, a distinctive mind-set commandeers our thinking. This is the mind-set that
makes us deem actions immoral (“killing is wrong”), rather than merely disagreeable (“I hate brussels sprouts”), unfashionable
(“bell-bottoms are out”) or imprudent (“don’t scratch mosquito bites”). The first hallmark of moralization is that the rules it
invokes are felt to be universal. Prohibitions of rape and murder, for example, are felt not to be matters of local custom but to
be universally and objectively warranted. One can easily say, “I don’t like brussels sprouts, but I don’t care if you eat them,” but
no one would say, “I don’t like killing, but I don’t care if you murder someone.” The other hallmark is that people feel that those
who commit immoral acts deserve to be punished. Not only is it allowable to inflict pain on a person who has broken a moral
rule; it is wrong not to, to “let them get away with it.” People are thus untroubled in inviting divine retribution or the power of
the state to harm other people they deem immoral. Bertrand Russell wrote, “The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a
delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell.”
We all know what it feels like when the moralization switch flips inside us — the righteous glow, the burning dudgeon, the drive
to recruit others to the cause. The psychologist Paul Rozin has studied the toggle switch by comparing two kinds of people who
engage in the same behavior but with different switch settings. Health vegetarians avoid meat for practical reasons, like
lowering cholesterol and avoiding toxins. Moral vegetarians avoid meat for ethical reasons: to avoid complicity in the suffering
of animals. By investigating their feelings about meat-eating, Rozin showed that the moral motive sets off a cascade of
opinions. Moral vegetarians are more likely to treat meat as a contaminant — they refuse, for example, to eat a bowl of soup
into which a drop of beef broth has fallen. They are more likely to think that other people ought to be vegetarians, and are
more likely to imbue their dietary habits with other virtues, like believing that meat avoidance makes people less aggressive
and bestial.
Much of our recent social history, including the culture wars between liberals and conservatives, consists of the moralization or
amoralization of particular kinds of behavior. Even when people agree that an outcome is desirable, they may disagree on
whether it should be treated as a matter of preference and prudence or as a matter of sin and virtue. Rozin notes, for example,
that smoking has lately been moralized. Until recently, it was understood that some people didn’t enjoy smoking or avoided it
because it was hazardous to their health. But with the discovery of the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, smoking is now
treated as immoral. Smokers are ostracized; images of people smoking are censored; and entities touched by smoke are felt to
be contaminated (so hotels have not only nonsmoking rooms but nonsmoking floors). The desire for retribution has been
visited on tobacco companies, who have been slapped with staggering “punitive damages.”
At the same time, many behaviors have been amoralized, switched from moral failings to lifestyle choices. They include divorce,
illegitimacy, being a working mother, marijuana use and homosexuality. Many afflictions have been reassigned from payback
for bad choices to unlucky misfortunes. There used to be people called “bums” and “tramps”; today they are “homeless.”  This
wave of amoralization has led the cultural right to lament that morality itself is under assault, as we see in the group that
anointed itself the Moral Majority. In fact there seems to be a Law of Conservation of Moralization, so that as old behaviors are
taken out of the moralized column, new ones are added to it.
Passage Source: New York Times ( Article name: A moral instinct by Steven Pinker)

Suggest a suitable title for the passage.

A) The Psyche of Morals B) Moral Judgments & Behavior C) The Moralization Switch D) Wave of amoralization

Question No. : 13

Keeping the viewpoint of the moralist illustrated in the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A) If one smokes a cigarette in public place, one should be punished for the same.
B) If one smokes a cigarette personally, one should not be punished as it is not immoral to smoke
C) People are homeless not because they are punished for their past actions but for the fact that they are unlucky.
D) Avoidance of meat makes people healthy by lowering cholesterol and also makes people less aggressive and bestial.
2021 Bull CAT 02
Question No. : 14

Which out of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A) When the moralization switch flips inside of us, we feel a sense of contentment.
B) The code of moralization sees the adage, ‘an eye for eye’, as morally acceptable.
C) The increasing amoralization of many behaviors has meant that moralists have been under pressure to create new
behaviors that can be added to the list.
D) The code of moralization is dictated by situations, and needs adaptation according to the situation.

DIRECTIONS for the question : Read the passage and answer the question based on it. 

Question No. : 15
What separates us from our fellow apes is a question that rarely focuses on one aspect of human behaviour that is unique to us
- human fatherhood. To understand the role of the father, we must first understand why it evolved in our species of ape and no
other. The answer inevitably lies in our unique anatomy and life history. As any parent knows, human babies are startlingly
dependent when they are born. This is due to the combination of a narrowed birth canal – the consequence of our bipedality –
and our unusually large brains, which are six times larger than they should be for a mammal of our body size. Life-history
describes the ways in which a species invests its lifetime allotment of energy: the currency of life. How this is distributed –
between reproduction, growth and maintenance – will affect aspects of the life course such as gestation and lactation length,
age at sexual maturity, litter size and lifespan. Unlike in most species, including all primates apart from ourselves where there
are distinct life stages: infant, juvenile and adult, in humans there are five life stages: infant, child, juvenile, adolescent and adult.
So mum births her babies early and gets to invest less time in breastfeeding them. Surely this means an energetic win for her?
But since lactation is the defence against further conception, once over, mum would rapidly become pregnant again, investing
more precious energy in the next hungry foetus. She would not have the time or energy to commit to finding, processing and
feeding her rapidly developing toddler. At this point, she would need help. When these survival-critical issues first appeared
around 800,000 years ago, her female kin stepped in. But 500,000 years ago, our ancestors’ brains made another massive leap
in size, and suddenly relying on female help alone was not enough. This new brain was energetically hungrier than ever before.
Babies were born more helpless still, and the food – meat – now required to fuel our brains was even more complicated to
catch and process than before. Mum needed to look beyond her female kin for someone else. Someone who was as genetically
invested in her child as she was - this was, of course, dad. As time ticked on, another stage of human life-history evolved: the
adolescent, a period of learning and exploration before the distractions that accompany sexual maturity start to emerge. With
this individual, fathers truly came into their own. For, there was much to teach an adolescent about the rules of cooperation, the
skills of the hunt, the production of tools, and the knowledge of the landscape and its inhabitants. In all cultures, regardless of
their economic model, fathers teach their children the vital skills to survive in their particular environment. While Western dads
might not appear to be passing on overtly practical life-skills, they do convey many of the social skills that are necessary to
succeed in our competitive, capitalist world. Fathers are so critical to the survival of our children and our species that evolution
has not left their suitability for the role to chance. The hormonal and brain changes seen in new mothers are mirrored in
fathers. Irreversible reductions in testosterone and changes in oxytocin levels prepare a man to be a sensitive and responsive
father, attuned to his child’s needs and primed to bond. Hormonal analysis has shown that, when it comes to interacting with
each other, fathers and children get their peaks in oxytocin, indicating increased reward, from playing together. The
corresponding peak for mothers and babies is when they are being affectionate. Where parent-child attachment is concerned,
the attachment between a mother and her child is exclusive, an inward-looking dyad based on affection and care; a father’s
attachment to his child has elements of affection and care, but it is based on challenge.

What is the primary purpose of the passage?

A) Men have evolved to father and to be an equal but crucially different part of the parenting team.
B) It is fathers who aid the development of appropriate social behaviour, and build a child’s sense of worth.
C) The majority of men, co-resident or not, are unlikely to invest their time and energy in their children’s lives.
D) Any parenting behaviour a man might display was the result of learning rather than any innate fathering skill.

Question No. : 16

The tone of the passage is

A) Apologetic and concerned B) Analytical C) Skeptical yet objective D) Optimistic yet cautious
2021 Bull CAT 02
Question No. : 17

What does the author mean by the words “fathers truly came into their own” as used in the passage?

A) Fathers began to exhibit characteristics such as affection and care.

B) The survival of mother and baby and the continued existence of our species depended solely on the father.
C) The juvenile life stage had enormous contribution by the father in the upbringing of the child.
D) Adolescence provides fathers with the right conditions to impart knowledge and skills to the child

Question No. : 18

All of the following are true as per the passage except

A) Fathers and children get their peaks in oxytocin from playing together while mothers and babies when they are being
B) The mother felt the need of involving fathers in the upbringing of the child when brains made a leap in size, which
necessitated an increase in the consumption of food, which was difficult to procure.
C) In some cultures fathers and mothers switched roles from time to time to teach adolescents the critical skills needed to
survive in a particular environment.
D) The hormonal and brain changes seen in new mothers are very different from those found in new fathers.

Question No. : 19

A species invests its lifetime allotment of energy in all of the following except,

A) Reproduction B) Growth C) Maintenance D) Sexual Maturity

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question : Read the passage and answer the question based on it. 

Question No. : 20
In the case of an accident, ongoing crime, emergency or a cry for help in public, capable people in the vicinity of the incident
should offer help as human beings if not as responsible citizens of the country. In a lot of incidents, people do not step forward
to offer help and instead become silent onlookers complicit to the agony of a fellow citizen. This results in preventable loss of
life becoming a certain loss of life.
If we were to analyse and understand this cause of this public apathy it would become evident that there exists a certain
underlying psychological phenomenon, Bystander Effect, which contributes to the inaction of the community. The bystander
effect occurs when the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency. It essentially means that
larger the group the lesser is the possibility of individuals stepping forward to help.
There are two main explanations for this (Cherry, 2018); The first explanation is that the presence of others creates a ‘diffusion
of responsibility’. This leads to the inaction of the entire group of people present at the scene of the incident. The second
explanation is that the individuals feel the need to behave in a manner which is correct and socially acceptable.
In the Indian context, there are other factors which also contribute to the Bystander effect like legal red-tapism, obsession with
social media and social mindsets of the people. Another reason is that people want to upload pictures and videos of the
incident instead of helping the person or calling the authorities. This stems from the lackadaisical attitude which consequently
affects society. Every scene where the effect grips people, arguments, criticisms and the blame game is played.
The effect is so deeply ingrained in the minds of the Indian people that they cannot take cognizance of their inaction. This can
be attributed to a lack of empathy and sensitivity which the bystander effect further aggravates and fosters.
Also, from a legal perspective the people cannot be held legally accountable for their inaction for the very reason that a guilty
frame of mind or simply put a guilty intention (Called Mens Rea in criminal law) cannot be discerned in their inaction. Thus, it
can only warrant social and moral repercussions. The consequences of the Bystander Effect are not to be taken lightly. The
effect normalises public apathy. Normalising public apathy erodes the cohesion of society and consequently the state.
Public Apathy is especially dangerous in a diversified country like India. After independence, there was a strong sense of
fraternity prevailing amongst the Indian masses, which cohesively held together the fragmented Indian diversity until now. But
the current apathetic attitude of the public would eventually lead to an insensitive and fragmented society.
The damaging nature of the Bystander effect warrants quick and effective measures. There can be two methods to go about it.
If people are not only taught about sensitivity, empathy and fraternity at a young age but also how to use these values to be a
good samaritan then the effect can be tackled at a grassroots level. The second way is a much more viable method and has two
components to it. It entails countering the effect through sensitization programs which would aim to enlighten the public about
the Bystander effect and its consequences. The second component which is more prominent than the earlier methods is the
incentivisation of good samaritans. As a norm, good are usually rewarded for their selfless actions and goodwill. All they lack is
protective measures in the form of legislation. The Supreme Court of India has laid down directions for the protection of Good

The Bystander effect

A) has legal ramifications and social repercussions, but not moral consequences
B) has social consequences, but not moral or legal ramifications
C) has moral and social repercussions, but no legal consequences
D)  has political consequences but has no legal ramifications

Question No. : 21

The phrase “diffusion of responsibility”, as used in para 3, possibly means

A) Empathy results in all viewers taking responsibility of helping the victim.

B) Fear of bearing the brunt does not allow the bystander to act with responsibility.
C) Each person assuming that someone else will take the responsibility of acting.
D) The responsibility is not distributed; rather the one who is morally affected acts.
2021 Bull CAT 02
Question No. : 22

All of the following can replace the word “normalize” in the passage except

A) formalize B) individualize C) regularize D) standardize

Question No. : 23

According to the author the remedial measures for tackling the bystander effect would be all of the following except,

A) From a young age, one is taught to be empathic and have a feeling of fellowship.
B) People are made aware of the effect and its consequences.
C) Legal protection given to Good Samaritans who can tackle the Bystander effect.
D) Each person must legally be compelled to help victims involved in accidents.

Question No. : 24

The primary purpose of the author is to

A) Make people aware of their social and moral responsibilities.

B) To highlight the fact that the Bystander Effect is detrimental to only a diversified country like India.
C) To put forth the problem and consequences of the Bystander effect and suggest actions to tackle it.
D) To underscore the feeling of apathy that has led to people not helping one another.

DIRECTIONS for the question: Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a
meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. Choose its number as your answer and key it in.

Question No. : 25

1. Blues and Jazz share the common parentage of the music of African-American communities in the deep South during the
Antebellum era.
2. Fittingly, the beginnings of Blues music were anything but happy.
3. Their music echoed key features of the music of their ancestors such as Conversational elements, Complex polyrhythms etc.
4. These slaves had brought with them the rhythms and musical sensibilities of West Africa.
5. The genre originated during the pre-Civil War era in the southern United States, with the field hollers, work songs, and
spirituals of African-American slaves, struggling to express their human thoughts and emotions in the midst of subhuman
(write the answer key)

A) 1 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: The five sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4, and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form
a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.

Question No. : 26

1.  A number of studies have found that certain organic molecules, called PAHs, may be present in the nebulae and star systems
all over the universe.
2.  It turns out that the conditions for life to arise may actually be quite common throughout the universe.
3.  At the very least, the building blocks of life as we know it – amino acids, simple sugars, and other organic compounds –
seem to show up wherever we point our telescopes.
4.  For instance, organic molecules form quite readily in the clouds of dust and gas that hang between and around stars.
5. These molecules, made up of rings of carbon and hydrogen, have structures that might allow them to help RNA strands self-
assemble in the oceans of planets.
(write the answer key)

A) 23415 B)  C)  D) 

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a
meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. Choose its number as your answer and key it in.

Question No. : 27

1. Hummingbird is one the biggest changes to Google’s search algorithm since 2001 and further refines the updates that were
introduced with the 2010 Caffeine update.
2. Google Hummingbird is ultimately about the user - finding better, more contextually accurate results for increasingly longer
and voice-based information searches.
3. Hummingbird’s objective is not a new optimization of the indexation process, but to better understand the user’s intent
when searching, thereby offering the most relevant results to them.
4. Developing content for SEO has always strived to achieve a balance of optimizing for individual keywords while delivering
high-quality, audience-focused content.
5. Caffeine’s purpose was to optimize the indexation of the billions of internet documents Google crawls, presenting a richer,
bigger, and fresher pool of results to the users.
(write the answer key)

A) 4 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a
meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. Choose its number as your answer and key it in.

Question No. : 28

1. Each of these is associated with a threshold of capability, which is determined by the availability of trained personnel,
expertise, equipment, supplies, communications, vehicles, and buildings. 
2. This is because, however extensive a disaster may be, the theatre of operations for managing and responding to it is always
3. However, if local resources are overwhelmed, it becomes necessary to move up the scale of response to inter-municipal,
regional, national, or even international responses.
4. The “bedrock” level of emergency planning is the municipal level or local area.
5. Above all, emergency planning should be a process, rather than a product or outcome.
(write the answer key)

A) 5 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: The four sentences (labelled 1,2,3 and 4) given in this question, when properly sequenced, from a
coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of four numbers as your answer.

Question No. : 29

1. By now most executives have at least heard about design thinking’s tools—ethnographic research, an emphasis on reframing
problems and experimentation, the use of diverse teams, and so on—if not tried them.
2  Another social technology, design thinking, has the potential to do for innovation exactly what TQM did for manufacturing.
3. It helps to  unleash people’s full creative energies, win their commitment, and radically improve processes.
4. But what people may not understand is the subtler way that design thinking gets around the human biases or attachments to
specific behavioral norms (“That’s how we do things here”) that time and again block the exercise of imagination.
(write the answer key)

A) 2314 B)  C)  D) 

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: The four sentences (labelled 1,2,3 and 4) given in this question, when properly sequenced, from a
coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of four numbers as your answer.

Question No. : 30

1. Though the Mississippi Delta blues were born after slavery was abolished, the lives of African-Americans remained difficult, as
they faced racism and financial instability.
2. The original blues sung in the cotton fields of plantations by African-American slaves were sung to ease the burden of work,
for spiritual reasons, or as a lamentation of hardship.
3. Delta blues musicians, therefore, retained elements of their ancestors’ songs, singing of poverty, homesickness, and loss.
4. By definition, the blues are, well, blue.
(write the answer key)

A) 4213 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: The four sentences (labelled 1,2,3 and 4) given in this question, when properly sequenced, from a
coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of four numbers as your answer.

Question No. : 31

1. Like most brands, Amazon unifies data via accounts, however, what makes Amazon different, is the magnitude account
creation is incentivized via Prime Memberships.
2. You must be able to collect and connect data, which include customer behaviour, purchases, and demographic data.
3. You need to collect this data across devices.
4. Data unification is a significant challenge in omnichannel.
(write the answer key)

A) 4231 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: Identify the most appropriate summary for the paragraph.

Question No. : 32

While it is not possible to compare the toxicity of all natural and synthetic chemicals, it is worth noting that the five most toxic
chemicals on Earth are all naturally found. When it comes to pesticides, some of the newer man-made versions are remarkably
safe to humans; and at high doses, these pesticides are as toxic as table salt and aspirin. Rats continually exposed to low doses
of these pesticides (i.e., doses found in the environment) don’t develop cancer or problems in growth and reproduction. There
are many natural pesticides that are produced by plants, some of which are also carcinogenic, and although this does not make
synthetic pesticides safe, it does remind us that simple oppositions between ‘safe and natural’ and ‘deadly and synthetic’ are
not helpful ways to analyse risk.

A) Five most toxic chemicals present today are natural ; so the notion that the synthetic chemicals are harmful is wrong
B) A lay-man distinction that natural is safe and synthetic is harmful is misleading as is evidenced by relative non-toxicity of
pesticides and five most toxic chemicals being natural
C) Synthetic chemicals are not necessarily harmful as can be seen in case of pesticides which have negligible effects on rats
and hence demonizing the synthetic chemicals as harmful would be wrong
D) Toxicity is a useful consideration to categorize naturally and synthetically existing chemicals as harmful or safe, though it
is not necessarily a fool-proof method as toxicities of all chemicals are not known
2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Identify the most appropriate summary for the paragraph.

Question No. : 33

No one could describe the Bolivian Cinemateca as glamorous. But as cinemas in La Paz go, it’s a treasure. It’s the only place that
shows anything other than Disney, Marvel or horror films, with a curious programme that combines classics from around the
world with modern  low-budget Bolivian films. And a couple of weeks ago it transcended its provincial status to become an
unlikely microcosm of the soft-power struggle playing out across Latin America. For months, the American embassy has been
hosting free film nights at the Cinemateca. The films have been the best kind of propaganda. Grinning embassy staff turned out
in astronaut jumpsuits, or draped in rainbow flags. These events have been rolling by, once a month. A cultural fixture that went
unchallenged – until two weeks ago, when the Chinese embassy began its own film nights at the Cinemateca. In the space of a
few decades China’s economic presence in Latin America has gone from negligible to dominant. In several countries, including
Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru, it has usurped America as the top trading partner. Chinese banks are lending great sums of money;
Chinese companies are hoovering up public infrastructure contracts. Bolivia, Chile and Uruguay are among those signed up to
the Belt and Road Initiative.

A) Power struggle between America and China and their desire to woo Latin America and influence it, is leading to ramping
up of soft-power initiatives in the form of financial maneuvers and free film nights as reflected in Bolivia
B) China and America are locking their horns to capture the Latin American landscape with their soft-power initiatives
C) Bolivia is turning out to be an unlikely location for the power struggle between America and China as the two powers are
ramping up their soft-power initiatives to woo its public
D) Cinema plays an integral part in influencing the Bolivians and it is being used by the American and the Chinese in Latin

DIRECTIONS for the question: Identify the most appropriate summary for the paragraph.

Question No. : 34

If anything characterises the 21st-century social signaling of sex differences, it is the increased emphasis on ‘pink for girls and
blue for boys’, with female ‘pinkification’ probably carrying the most strident message. Clothes, toys, birthday cards, wrapping
paper, party invitations, computers, phones, bedrooms, bicycles – you name it, the marketing people seem prepared to ‘pinkify’
it. The ‘pink problem’, now quite often with a hefty helping of ‘princess’ thrown in, has been the subject of concerned discussion
in the past decade or so. Peggy Orenstein wrote about it in her book Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front
Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture (2011), noting that there were more than 25,000 Disney Princess products on the market.
The topic of this rampant pinkification has been frequently criticised, in books such as this and many others, so I had thought
that I might not have to cover the pink issue again. But unfortunately for us all, this is a whack-a-mole problem and it shows
little evidence of disappearing any time soon.

A) The commercialization of products based on gender differences between girls and boys has led to counter-cultural
debates about segregation
B) The pinkification of commercial products aimed at young girls has drawn criticism from various quarters but the
movement to highlight gender differences is continuing inexorably
C) The commercialization of products based on sex differences draws flak from various authors such as Peggy Ornestein,
who try to direct the reader’s attention towards the pernicious effects of the same
D) Peggy Ornestein and various other authors have tried to lambast the commercial aspect of selling by appealing to and
highlighting sex differences
2021 Bull CAT 02

Section : DI & Reasoning

DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.

Question No. : 35
A study was conducted to ascertain the relative importance that employees in five different countries assigned to five different
traits in their Chief Executive Officers. The traits were compassion (C), decisiveness (D), negotiation skills (N), public visibility (P),
and vision (V). The level of dissimilarity between two countries is the maximum difference in the ranks allotted by the two
countries to any of the five traits. The following table indicates the rank order of the five traits for each country.
Rank Country
  India China Japan Malaysia Thailand
1. C N D V V
2. P C N D C
3. N P C P N
4. V D V C P
5. D V P N D

Three of the following four pairs of countries have identical levels of dissimilarity. Which pair is the odd one out?

A) Malaysia & China B) China & Thailand C) Thailand & Japan D) Japan & Malaysia

Question No. : 36

Which amongst the following countries is most dissimilar to India?

A) China B) Japan C) Malaysia D) Thailand

Question No. : 37

Which of the following countries is least dissimilar to India?

A) China B) Japan C) Malaysia D) Thailand

Question No. : 38

Which of the following pairs of countries are most dissimilar?

A) China & Japan B) India & China C) Malaysia & Japan D) Thailand & Japan
2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Study the following information carefully and answer the given question.

Question No. : 39
Six contestants – M, N, P, Q, R and T participated in the buzzer round of a quiz competition. In that round each of them had to
press the buzzer after a question were asked, the person who presses the buzzer first will get the first chance to answer the
question. In total, 20 questions were asked in that round. On giving a correct answer, a contestant gets 3 points whereas 1
point was deducted from the total points, if the contestant who got the first chance to answer the question gave a wrong
answer and that particular question will not be transferred to the next contestant. In case if someone pressed the buzzer first
but did not give any answer, no point was awarded or deducted from that contestant but the question will get transferred to
the contestant who had pressed the buzzer immediately after that contestant and if the contestant gave the correct answer of
the transferred question, then the contestant will get 2 points. Any question was transferred at most once. All the transferred
questions were answered correctly by the contestants.
"Attempting" a question implies the contestant either got the first chance to answer the question or answered a transferred
The following information is known regarding them in that quiz.
(1) Each one among them had answered at most one transferred question.
(2) At least two questions and atmost five questions have been attempted by any person.
(3) T attempted the minimum number of questions and Q attempted five questions including one transferred question.
(4) Two contestants gave exactly two wrong answers each.
(5) None of them attempted exactly three questions.
(6) T neither attempted any transferred question nor he was awarded 'zero' points for any question.
(7) Total points scored by M, N, P, Q, R and T are 5, 6, 3, 7, 8 and 2 respectively.

To how many questions did R give wrong answer?

A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3

Question No. : 40

Who among the following did not transfer any question?

A) N B) Q C) R D) None of these

Question No. : 41

How many questions were attempted by M and P together?

A) 8 B) 7 C) 10 D) 9

Question No. : 42

Who among the following answered exactly two questions correctly in the first chance?

A) N B) Q C) M D) More than one of the above

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.

Question No. : 43
The courses for the DP1 students at an IB school are classified as Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL). English(HL) is a
compulsory course for all DP1 students. Besides English(HL), the students need to choose five more courses from amongst
Mathematics HL and SL, Physics HL and SL, Chemistry HL and SL and Biology HL and SL. Students can choose these five courses
on the basis of their scores in the 10th grade examinations. The 10th grade examination is comprised of six courses - two
languages, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology – each with a maximum of 100 marks. The 10th grade scores are
classified as Distinction (75% to 100%), First Class (60% to 75%) and Second Class (35% to 60%).

The school counsellor permits the students to choose courses subject to the following conditions:

Students with a Distinction in their 10th grade examinations may choose any five courses.
Students with a First Class in their 10th grade examinations cannot choose Mathematics(HL).
Students with a Second Class in their 10th grade examinations cannot choose Mathematics(HL), Mathematics(SL) or
A student who has overall distinction but does not have a Distinction in Chemistry in the 10th grade examinations cannot
choose Chemistry(HL).
A student who has overall distinction but does not have a Distinction in  Biology in the 10th grade examinations cannot
choose Biology(HL).

How many different combinations of subjects can a student with a Distinction in the 10th grade examinations have?

A) 56 B)  C)  D) 

Question No. : 44

How many different combinations of subjects can a student with a First Class in the 10th grade examinations have?

A) 21 B)  C)  D) 

Question No. : 45

How many different combinations of subjects can a student with a Second Class in the 10th grade examinations have?

A) 1 B)  C)  D) 

Question No. : 46

A student with a Distinction in the 10th grade examinations has 70% in Biology. How many different combinations of subjects
can the student have?

A) 21 B)  C)  D) 

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.

Question No. : 47
GoEngg and GetEngg are two training institutes that prepare XI and XII grade students to take various Engineering Entrance
Exams. The two institutes have just opened offices in a city located in central India. There are no other competitors in the
market. Both institutes offer a 2-year training programme for students in XI grade and a 1-year training programme for
students in XII grade. All of the 4000 XI grade students and the 5000 grade XII students in the city will join one of these training
institutes. The fees for XI grade student is  150,000 for both years combined while the fees for a XII grade student is  80,000.
The two institutes use different strategies to attract students to their institutes.
The table below shows how many students more or less students enroll at GoEngg as compared to GetEngg in each of the
training programmes when the two institutes employ the above strategies. For example, if Go Engg employs strategy SXI and
GetEngg employs strategy GXI, then the number of students enrolled in each of the programmes with GoEngg is 540 more than
the number of students enrolled in the respective programmes with GetEngg. The table also specifies the cost per student to
each of the institutes for employing a certain strategy. Both institutes calculate their profits as the difference between the fees
collected and the total cost for employing a certain strategy.
SXI 360 540 –480 –420 480
GXI 400 –450 360 360 –420
NXI 450 –360 420 –480 320
GXII –420 400 480 –420 420
NXII 440 –400 –360 420 540
Expenses per student enrolled
GoEngg 42,000 35,000 50,000 45,000 50,000
GetEngg 40,000 45,000 52,000 50,000 36,000

If GoEngg and GetEngg adopt strategies GXI and NXI respectively, what is the difference between the fees collected by the two

A)  8.28 crores B)  41.4 lakhs C)  6.21 crores D)  53.84 lakhs

Question No. : 48

If GetEngg employed strategy GXII, and the difference between the fees collected by the two institutes is less than 10 crores,
which of the following strategies was definitely not employed by GoEngg?

A) GXII B) GXI C) NXI D) Cannot be determined

Question No. : 49

If both institutes employ strategy NXI, what is the difference in their profits?

A)  6.27 crores B)  4.36 crores C)  9.66 crores D)  3.38 crores

Question No. : 50

If GoEngg employs strategy NXI, which strategy should GetEngg employ so as to maximize its profits?

A) SXI B) GXII C) NXI D) None of these

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.

Question No. : 51
Five Students Aamya, Bani, Carl, Dinesh and Eshwar wrote GMAT in 2015 and 2016.  The increase percentages in their marks are
ranging from 10% to 50% in the year 2016 over 2015. It is also known that in 2015, marks of all students were multiple of 50.
Aamya with the least marks 300 in 2015 had the maximum increase of 50%. Dinesh with the highest marks saw the least
increase of 10%.Bani’s marks in 2016 was equal to that of Dinesh in 2015, while Carl’s 2016 marks was equal to that of Bani’s in
2015, Aamya’s 2016 marks was equal to that of Eshwar in 2015.

Harinder, their teacher observes that one of the students has percentage increase twice that of the other student.
Monika, another teacher corrects him and informs that this is the case in two different instances.

It was also observed that in 2015 marks of Eshwar were equal to the average of that of Aamya and Dinesh, and same is true for
the percentage increase.
Ajay said that if Carl’s marks had increase at the same rate as that of Aamya in 2015, it would have been the marks of Bani in

What is the average of the percentages' increase in marks of all 5 students?

A) 27% B) 24.2% C) 28.5% D) 23.5%

Question No. : 52

Which student had the maximum increase in marks?

A) Aamya B) Bani C) Carl D) Eshwar

Question No. : 53

What is the average of marks of all students in 2015?

A) 450 B) 500 C) 550 D) 400

Question No. : 54

What is the difference between marks of Dinesh and Eeshwar in 2016?

A) 75 B) 85 C) 95 D) 65

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Analyse the graph/s given below and answer the question that follows.

Question No. : 55
A deck of cards has 52 cards, 13 each belonging to four different sets (called suits) viz.; Spades (♠), Hearts (♥), Clubs (♣) and
Diamonds ( ♦ ). Each card in a set has face value of either one of the numbers 2 to 9 or A or J or Q or K written on it. A is
equivalent to number 1, J to 11, Q to 12 and K to 13. The following shows the distribution of the 52 cards among 4 players
seated at a table. We name the players North (N), East (E), West (W) and South (S).  

A trio is defined as a set of three cards with a single person having the same face value written on each of them. How many
trios do West, East and South have? (in numerical value)

A) 2 B)  C)  D) 

Question No. : 56

How many pure sequences do the players have? (A pure sequence is a set of four cards of the same suit, that a single person
has, the face values in the sequence being consecutive). (in numerical value)

A) 2 B)  C)  D) 

Question No. : 57

How many sequences exist with North, West and East? (A sequence is a set of three cards of the same suit that a single person
has, the face values in the sequence being consecutive). Note: Three of the four cards of a pure sequence should not be
counted as a sequence. (in numerical value)

A) 4 B)  C)  D) 

Question No. : 58

If by 'length of a suit' we mean the number of cards that a player has of that suit, who has the longest suit?

A) N B) S C) E D) W

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.

Question No. : 59

India played a total of five matches with Pakistan, of which two matches were played in India and three in Pakistan. India scored
a different number of goals in each match among 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8 and conceded  a different number of goals among 0, 1, 2, 4
and 6 in the five matches, not necessarily in that order. It is also known that
I. Pakistan scored 4 goals in one of the matches in Pakistan.
II. Compared to one of the other matches, the number of goals scored by India in the 4th match is half of that scored in the
other match and the number of goals conceded by India in the 4th match is also half of that conceded in other match.
III. The number of goals India conceded in one of the matches is thrice that it conceded in the match in which it scored 4 goals.
IV. India won the match in which it scored only one goal and it was played in Pakistan but it was not the 4th match.
V. The 3rd match is played in India, and the 4th match is played in Pakistan.
VI. Compared to the 1st match, in the 2nd match the number of goals scored by India is 2 less but the number of goals
conceded is 2 more.
Which of the following combinations is true of the goals scored by Pakistan?

A) 2nd match – 4 B) 3rd match – 1 C) 4th match – 4 D) 1st match – 0

Question No. : 60

India played a total of five matches with Pakistan, of which two matches were played in India and three in Pakistan. India scored
a different number of goals in each match among 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8 and conceded  a different number of goals among 0, 1, 2, 4
and 6 in the five matches, not necessarily in that order. It is also known that
I. Pakistan scored 4 goals in one of the matches in Pakistan.
II. Compared to one of the other matches, the number of goals scored by India in the 4th match is half of that scored in the
other match and the number of goals conceded by India in the 4th match is also half of that conceded in other match.
III. The number of goals India conceded in one of the matches is thrice that it conceded in the match in which it scored 4 goals.
IV. India won the match in which it scored only one goal and it was played in Pakistan but it was not the 4th match.
V. The 3rd match is played in India, and the 4th match is played in Pakistan.
VI. Compared to the 1st match, in the 2nd match the number of goals scored by India is 2 less but the number of goals
conceded is 2 more.
How many goals did India score in the first match?

A) 4 B) 5 C) 7 D) 8

Question No. : 61

India played a total of five matches with Pakistan, of which two matches were played in India and three in Pakistan. India scored
a different number of goals in each match among 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8 and conceded  a different number of goals among 0, 1, 2, 4
and 6 in the five matches, not necessarily in that order. It is also known that
I. Pakistan scored 4 goals in one of the matches in Pakistan.
II. Compared to one of the other matches, the number of goals scored by India in the 4th match is half of that scored in the
other match and the number of goals conceded by India in the 4th match is also half of that conceded in other match.
III. The number of goals India conceded in one of the matches is thrice that it conceded in the match in which it scored 4 goals.
IV. India won the match in which it scored only one goal and it was played in Pakistan but it was not the 4th match.
V. The 3rd match is played in India, and the 4th match is played in Pakistan.
VI. Compared to the 1st match, in the 2nd match the number of goals scored by India is 2 less but the number of goals
conceded is 2 more.
The matches that are played in India are the 

A) 1st & 2nd B) 2nd & 3rd C) 3rd & 4th D) None of these
2021 Bull CAT 02
Question No. : 62

India played a total of five matches with Pakistan, of which two matches were played in India and three in Pakistan. India scored
a different number of goals in each match among 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8 and conceded  a different number of goals among 0, 1, 2, 4
and 6 in the five matches, not necessarily in that order. It is also known that
I. Pakistan scored 4 goals in one of the matches in Pakistan.
II. Compared to one of the other matches, the number of goals scored by India in the 4th match is half of that scored in the
other match and the number of goals conceded by India in the 4th match is also half of that conceded in other match.
III. The number of goals India conceded in one of the matches is thrice that it conceded in the match in which it scored 4 goals.
IV. India won the match in which it scored only one goal and it was played in Pakistan but it was not the 4th match.
V. The 3rd match is played in India, and the 4th match is played in Pakistan.
VI. Compared to the 1st match, in the 2nd match the number of goals scored by India is 2 less but the number of goals
conceded is 2 more.
In which match Pakistan scored six goals?

A) 2nd match B) 1st match C) 4th match D) 6th match

DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.

Question No. : 63

Students are admitted to the 11th grade in an IB school after completing their 10th grade syllabus from the SSC, CBSE or ICSE
boards. In the 11th grade, each of these students writes at least one of the exams – SAT1, ACT, SAT2. It was found that 312
students wrote the SAT1, 258 students wrote the ACT and 180 students wrote the SAT2 only. 198 students wrote the SAT1 and
SAT2, 168 students wrote the ACT and SAT2 and 150 students wrote the SAT1 and ACT. 108 students wrote all three exams.
Of the 270 students who studied SSC syllabus in their 10th grade, 109 did not write the SAT1, 150 did not write the ACT and 91
did not write the SAT2. 94 students wrote the SAT1 and SAT2, 69 students wrote the ACT and SAT2 and 71 students wrote the
SAT1 and ACT.
Of the students who studied CBSE syllabus in 10th grade, 103 did not write the SAT1, 100 did not write the ACT and 37 did not
write the SAT2. 10 students wrote neither the ACT nor the SAT2, 18 students wrote neither the SAT1 nor the SAT2 and 60
students wrote neither the SAT1 nor the ACT. 28 students wrote all three exams.
Of the students who studied ICSE syllabus in 10th grade, 22 wrote the SAT1 only and 6 wrote the ACT only. 58 students wrote
the ACT and 116 students wrote the SAT2. 10 students wrote the SAT1 and SAT2, but not the ACT. 16 students wrote the ACT
but not the SAT1.

Of the total number of students admitted to 11th grade in the IB school, x% had completed CBSE syllabus in 10th grade and y%
had completed ICSE syllabus in 10th grade. What is the positive difference between x and y?

A) 0 B) 5 C) 12 D) 18

Question No. : 64

Approximately what percent of the students who wrote the SAT1 and ACT had not completed SSC syllabus in 10th grade?

A) 37% B) 47% C) 52% D) 60%

Question No. : 65

How many more students completed SSC syllabus in 10th grade and wrote the SAT2 only than completed ICSE syllabus in 10th
grade and wrote the SAT2 only?

Type your answer in the box provided below.

A)  B)  C)  D) 

2021 Bull CAT 02
Question No. : 66

The number of students who had completed CBSE syllabus in 10th grade and who wrote all three exams, SAT1, ACT and SAT2,
formed what percent of the total number of students in the 11th grade at the IB school (rounded off to the next integer)?

A) 33% B) 24% C) 14% D) 5%

Section : Quantitative Ability

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 67

There are 26 consecutive even natural numbers. The average of first 11 numbers is x. What is the average of next 15 numbers?

A) x + 13 B) x + 24 C) x + 26 D) x + 28

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 68

Two small circular parks of diameters 16 m, 12 m are to be replaced by a bigger circular park. What would be the radius of this new park, if
the new park occupies the same space as the two small parks?

A) 10 B) 20 C) 15 D) 25

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 69

From a 10 lt container full of Milk, 2 lt is taken out and replaced with water. Then 4 lt is taken out and replaced with water. Then
8 lt is taken out and replaced with water. Find the final ratio of Milk : Water ?

A) 12:125 B) 13:125 C) 13:112 D) None of these

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 70

In front of a wall 60 metres long, a triangular plot is to be cordoned off using the wall as one of its sides and taking the sum of
other two sides as 100 metres. Then the maximum possible area (in sq. metres) that can be cordoned off is

A) 2400 B) 1800 C) 1250 D) 1200

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 71

If a, b, c, d are different integers such that (x – a)(x – b)(x – c)(x – d) = 4. How many integral values (n) of x are possible?

A) 0 ≤ n ≤ 2 B) 3 ≤ n ≤ 7 C) 8 ≤ n ≤ 15 D) None of these

2021 Bull CAT 02

DIRECTIONS for the question:Mark the best option.

Question No. : 72

Circles shown in the figure are of radius = 3 cm each. PQ and RS are tangents to both the circles. RS = 10 cm. What is the
length of PQ?

A) Cannot be determined B) 8 cm C) 6 cm D) 10 cm

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 73

In a match many years ago, Sachin and Vinod, each scored 33 before being caught out. This had the effect of lowering Sachin's
batting average by one run, but raising Vinod's average by one. If, before this match, Sachin had scored twice as many runs as
Vinod and they had each had the same number of innings, what was Vinod’s new batting average?

A) 10 B) 23 C) 11 D) 24

DIRECTIONS for the question : Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 74

logx(3x2+10x) = 3. Find the value of x.

A) 1 B) -2 C) 6 D) None of these

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 75

Given that x and y are positive integers, such that x < y and xy = yx. What is y?

A) y≤ 2 B) 3 ≤ y ≤ 6 C) 7 ≤ y ≤ 16 D) Cannot be determined

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 76

Between the first day of May and last day in June, the price per kilogram of Alphonso mangoes, first declined by 20 percent and
then increased by 50 percent. During this same period, the price per liter of Paperboat coconut water, first increased by 20
percent and then declined by 50 percent. If at the end of June, the prices were the same, then, at the beginning of May, the
price per litre for Coconut water was what percent of the price per kilogram of Alphonso Mangoes?

A) 2 B) 30 C) 50 D) 200

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 77

If x, y are positive real numbers such that 35x + 7xy -2y = 206, then find the minimum value of 7x + y (in numerical value)?

A) 25 B)  C)  D) 

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 78

There are exactly nine 2-digit numbers which have two digits the same: 11, 22, ..., 99. How many 3-digit numbers have two
digits the same?

A) More than 300 B) Between 201 and 300 C) Between 101 and 200 D) Less than 100

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 79

The cost of 2 apples, 3 mangoes and 4 bananas  is 80 and cost of 10 apples, 10 mangos and 10 bananas is 220. Find cost of 5
apples, 4 mangoes and 3 bananas?

A) 34 B) 54 C) 74 D) 84

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 80

An integer is chosen randomly between 0 and 999, both inclusive. What is the probability that it has a zero in it?

A) 0.171 B) 0.181 C) 0.189 D) 0.192

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 81

What is the remainder when 337 is divided by 79? (in numerical value)

A) 35 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 82

Reena and Reema share a rectangular piece of land in the ratio 2 : 3. Both of them grow rice and wheat. The ratio of areas
under rice and wheat cultivation on Reena’s share of the land is 2 : 5. If the total areas under rice and wheat cultivation are
equal, what is the ratio of areas under rice and wheat cultivation on Reema’s share of the land?

A) 3 : 7 B) 5 : 1 C) 5 : 2 D) 9 : 5

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 83

In how many ways 2050 can be written as the sum of two or more consecutive positive integers?

A) 5 B) 8 C) 6 D) 7

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 84

The ratio of the turnover of two companies, XYZ and ABC is 8 : 7 and the ratio of their expenditures is 19: 16 respectively. Profit
is calculated as the difference between turnover and expenditure. If each of the companies posted a profit of 1250, which of the
following is the turnover of XYZ and the expenditure of ABC?

A) 6000 & 4750 B) 6000 & 4000 C) 5250 & 4000 D) 5250 & 4750
2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 85

How many pairs of positive integers (a, b) are there with a ≤ b and

A) 3 B) 1 C) 2 D) 5

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 86

A, B, C working alone can do a piece of work in 18, 24 and 36 days respectively. They work on alternate days - first day C, second day B and
third day A, fourth day C and so on. How many days will be needed to complete the work in this way?

A) 24 B) 18 C) 36 D) 8

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 87

Which of the following numbers is a perfect square?

A) 64!×65! B) 124!×125! C) 120!×121! D) 121!×122!

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 88

Tom completes 75% of a task in 18 days and then takes the help of John and Harry. John is 50% as efficient as Tom is and Harry is 25% as
efficient as Tom is. In how many more days will they complete the work?

A) 24/7 B) 24/13 C) 48/13 D) 64/13

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 89

A man started from a point A to point B with a speed of 15 km/hr. Another man started from point B to point A at the speed of
20 km/hr. What is the ratio of the distance travelled by them?

A) 3 : 4 B) 1 : 1 C) 2 : 3 D) Cannot be determined

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 90

In a class where each student has to take at least one subject among Hindi, English and Sanskrit, 40 students took Hindi as one
of the subjects, 60 took English and 100 took Sanskrit. If the number of students who took exactly one of the subjects is 60 and
number of students who took exactly two subjects is 40, then find the number of students who took all the three subjects. (in
numerical value)

A) 20 B)  C)  D) 

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 91

Dilwale and Prem are at opposite ends of a 90 meter long road. They start to run the length of the road; one at the rate of 3
mts per second, the other at 2 mts per second. They run back and forth for 12 minutes. If we neglect the time in turning, find
the number of times they pass each other. (in numerical value)

A) 20 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 92

If the difference between the C.I and S.I on a certain sum, at a certain rate of interest for two years is 120, and that for three
years is 366, find the rate of interest in percentage. (in numerical value).

A) 5 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 93

A) 51 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 94

Rahul invests Rs. 73000 in three parts at 10% under SI for 2 years, 4 years and 6 years such that amount received from each part
is same. Find the sum invested in the third part.

A) Rs. 21000 B) Rs. 24000 C) Rs. 28000 D) Rs. 25000

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 95

(|x| - 3) (|y| + 4) = 12. How many pairs of integers (x, y) satisfy this equation? (in numerical value)

A) 10 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 96

A trader sold an article at 10% loss. Had he purchased it at 30% less and sold it for Rs. 50 more, he would have gained 30%.
Find the cost price of the article.

A) Rs. 4000 B) Rs. 4500 C) Rs. 5000 D) None of these

2021 Bull CAT 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 97

If a2 + b2 + c2 = 1,where a, b and c are real numbers, then which of the following cannot be the value of (ab + bc + ac)?

A) 1 B) -1 C) 1/2 D) -1/2

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 98

Mrs. Savita Mittal buys a new home. She pays 4% annual interest on her first mortgage and 9% annual interest on her second
mortgage. If she borrowed a total of Rs.300,000, 80% of which was in the first mortgage, what is her monthly interest payment
(in Rs.)?

Type your answer in the box provided below. (In numerical value) 

A) 1250 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 99

Suppose you interview 30 females and 20 males at your college to find out who among them are using an electric scooter. Your
survey revealed that only 2 males use an electric scooter while 6 females use it. What is the probability that a respondent did
not use an electric scooter, given that the respondent is a female? (type in numerical value)

A) 0.8 B)  C)  D) 

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 100

For a series t1, t2, t3 ------ ; tn = n (n + 3). Find Sn

A)  B)  C)  D) 

QNo:-  1  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Explanation:-   Cisplatin is a chemical composed of platinum, two chlorine and two ammonia groups. The platinum came from
the electrode, so the chlorine and ammonia groups would have come from the solution. Hence option D

A – the mitosis stopped because of the chemical, not the current.

B – An electromagnetic field is created by current, not permanent magnets.
C – The paragraph mentions that new protoplasm was created, so the volume would have increased.

QNo:-  2  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Explanation:-   Cisplatin formed because some of the platinum of the electrodes reacted – which means that platinum is not
chemically inert. He had chosen a platinum electrode, specifically because it was inert. Hence option B
A – the experiment was not designed with cancer in mind.
C – Serendipity does not mean not having plans – so we cannot call this statement a fallacy.
D – Rosenberg was just exploring cell division. His hypothesis was based on electricity being a cure, not cisplatin. Having said this,
cisplatin is listed as a carcinogen, so the statement is true. It is not a fallacy at all.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  3  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   A straitjacket is an apparel with no openings for arms. You strap it over someone, with the arms inside. It keeps
the arms joined to the body, so to say. This is used to restrain them from doing damage. The analogy over here is applied to the
bridges between the DNA strands. Cisplatin binds them together – in a sense straitjackets them.
B – does not have a cisplatin angle in it.
C – does not have the straitjacket angle in it.
D – is not relevant, as we are not discussing why it is called a straitjacket.

QNo:-  4  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Explanation:-   Though the electricity did not have a direct role to play, its indirect role was in keeping platinum ions in
circulation for cisplatin formation to happen.

A – A catalyst is a chemical that does not take part in a reaction, but quickens it. Electricity cannot be a catalyst, as it is not a
B – The passage does not mention the source of chlorine. Even if we knew the source, it would not explain the stoppage of the
reaction on switching of electricity.
D – Is factually correct, but too general to be of any use in resolving this paradox.

QNo:-  5  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-    CAB
Refer last paragraph: Cisplatin can affect any cell in the body, but since cancer cells divide at a faster rate they bear the brunt of
the attack.
So sarcoma – which is basically a synonym for cancer – will divide at the fastest rate.
Bone cells are normal cells (we are not talking of bone marrow here) – so they will be the slowest in terms of division.
Gastro-intestinal lining cells reproduce at a faster rate than the rest of the body – so they fit in between.

QNo:-  6  ,Correct Answer:-  B

In the give case, it is clear that the reference to 'human capital' implies something beyond traditional working hours hence option
D is eliminated.
Also, option A is actually an in-direct reference to slave trade.
Option C finds no mention in the passage.
This is why option B is the best answer in the given case. 

QNo:-  7  ,Correct Answer:-  A

The answer can be directly derived from the lines in the last paragraph: While almost all jobs today provide both pay and
experience, at one time it was common for inexperienced and uneducated young people to take jobs that paid them nothing. This
was obviously an investment of their time and labor for the sake of acquiring human capital.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  8  ,Correct Answer:-  D

The answer can be derived from the lines in the 2nd paragraph: 
While the growing importance of human capital tends to create greater equality between the sexes, it tends to create greater
inequality between those people who have been assiduous in acquiring knowledge and mastering skills and those who have
not.......Both the rising incomes of more experienced workers and the growing inequality in incomes in free market societies
show the influence of human capital.

Hence option D

QNo:-  9  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Refer last line of passage :  "to work as an office boy without pay in a more prominent architectural firm, from which he expected
to gain more valuable knowledge and experience. He was clearly thinking beyond the initial stage of his career.”

Also we need a positive continuation so options A and B are incorrect

Option C is incorrect because just ‘participated’ isn’t enough that too in local building design.

Hence option D is the correct answer.

QNo:-  10  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Option A is incorrect because focus of this option is on human capital not economy
Option B is incorrect because Paul is just an example. Passage doesn’t even discuss his complete life
Option C is incorrect because focus of this option is on jobs while focus of passage is human capital. Also this title would leave out
last paragraph

Hence only option D brings in the best answer.

2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  11  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Grandiose means pompous
Caustic means acerbic/biting
Commiserating : feeling sorrow for; empathizing with
Tone has to be based on the complete passage and not just few lines of the passage
ANALYTICAL is the best choice as author analyzes facts for reasons

Refer lines in 1st, 2nd and 3rd paragraphs respectively.

“Back in the days when many workers did in fact contribute little more than their physical exertions, a middle-aged manual
laborer was typically less employable than a young man in his twenties working in the same occupation. But today, when most
people who work for a living earn more as they grow older, this is much more consistent with their earning a return on their
human capital”

“Both the rising incomes of more experienced workers and the growing inequality in incomes in free market societies show the
influence of human capital.”
“to work as an office boy without pay in a more prominent architectural firm, from which he expected to gain more valuable
knowledge and experience. He was clearly thinking beyond the initial stage of his career.”

QNo:-  12  ,Correct Answer:-  C

The author mentions moralization as switch which can flip inside us and lead us to label acts amoral, moral or immoral on
multiple instances, and this is the common thread that ties the passage together. This makes option C the most suitable answer
for this case.
Note the lines
"Moralization is a psychological state that can be turned on and off like a switch," in para 1
In para 2 "We all know what it feels like when the moralization switch flips inside us ", "The psychologist Paul Rozin has studied
the toggle switch by comparing two kinds of people"
In last para "At the same time, many behaviors have been amoralized, switched from moral failings to lifestyle choices."

Option A is incorrect as passage doesn't focus on 'morals' as used in the option

Option D refers only to last para
Option B is too generic

QNo:-  13  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Options A is mentioned by author in paragraph 3 wherein passive smoking is immoral now as it can harm others beside self.

Options B and C are non-moralist viewpoints. It goes against moralists' view points - "The other hallmark is that people feel that
those who commit immoral acts deserve to be punished. Not only is it allowable to inflict pain on a person who has broken a
moral rule; it is wrong not to, to “let them get away with it.” People are thus untroubled in inviting divine retribution or the power
of the state to harm other people they deem immoral. Bertrand Russell wrote, “The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a
delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell.”" 

Option D is false as it combines reasons given by health veg - lowering cholestrol and those by moral vegetarians- less aggressive
and bestial
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  14  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Option B can be inferred from the lines: The other hallmark is that people feel that those who commit immoral acts deserve to be

Option A mutilates the lines: We all know what it feels like when the moralization switch flips inside us — the righteous glow, the
burning dudgeon, the drive to recruit others to the cause. The positive sense of contentment cannot be considered on same lines as
'righteousnees' in 'righteous glow', 'burning dudgeon' or 'the drive to recruit others'
Option C is built around the last paragraph, but new behaviors are added to the list (they are not created).
Option  D contradicts the line ‘The first hallmark of moralization is that the rules it invokes are felt to be universal’. 

QNo:-  15  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   Option A i.e. 'Men have evolved to father and to be an equal but crucially different part of the parenting team' is
correct as  the passage talks about how a father’s role in bringing up a child is of crucial importance and that it is different than
that of a mother.

Option B leaves out evolution. 

Option C goes against author's point in last paragraph.
Option D is incorrect as last paragraph talks about hormonal and brain changes.

QNo:-  16  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Explanation:-   Analytical
The passage  gives logic and justification to support the fact that fathers play an important role in the upbringing of children.

QNo:-  17  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Explanation:-   The passage states that the adolescence is a period of learning and exploration before the distractions that
accompany sexual maturity start to emerge and with this individual, fathers truly came into their own. For, there was much to
teach an adolescent about the rules of cooperation, the skills of the hunt, the production of tools, and the knowledge of the
landscape and its inhabitants. Option D captures the same.
Option A is incomplete. Refer last line of passage.
Option B is incorrect because of the use of word 'solely'. Also, option doesn't answer the question.
Option C is incorrect as the focus is on  Adolescence and not on Juvenile stage.

QNo:-  18  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Explanation:-   Option D i.e. 'The hormonal and brain changes seen in new mothers are very different from those found in new
fathers' is incorrect as the passage states that “The hormonal and brain changes seen in new mothers are mirrored in fathers”.

QNo:-  19  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Explanation:-   Refer to the sentence “Life-history describes the ways in which a species invests its lifetime allotment of
energy..................... litter size and lifespan".
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  20  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Explanation:-   The passage clearly states that from a legal perspective the people cannot be held legally accountable. The
Bystander effect can only warrant social and moral repercussions.
Refer lines in para 6 "Also, from a legal perspective the people cannot be held legally accountable for their inaction for the
very reason that a guilty frame of mind or simply put a guilty intention (Called Mens Rea in criminal law) cannot be discerned in
their inaction. Thus, it can only warrant social and moral repercussions."

QNo:-  21  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Explanation:-   The passage states that due to “ a diffusion of responsibility” there is inaction of the entire group.
Hence the phrase must mean that no one takes up the responsibility as each assumes the responsibility is not his – or rather
spread thinly.
Therefore, option C

QNo:-  22  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Explanation:-   Here the meaning is normalize is “to make conform to or reduce to a norm or standard”.
Hence individualize does not fit in.

QNo:-  23  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Explanation:-   As no person can be legally bound to help others, and it more out of moral or social obligations that a person
helps, this cannot be a remedial action that can be considered.
Hence option D is the exception.

QNo:-  24  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Explanation:-   The main intention of the author is to make people aware of the Bystander Effect, its problems and consequences
and suggest ways to handle this issue.
He says it is more important for India because we are a diversified country, but not that only a diversified country like India is
affected by the Bystander Effect, hence option B is eliminated.
Option A and D are too general and do not specifically talk about the Bystander effect.
So option C is correct that brings the crux of the passage.

QNo:-  25  ,Correct Answer:-  1

Explanation:-   Correct sequence is 2543

Theme is:- History of Blues music.
Sentence 1 is making a comparison between Blues and Jazz music which is not linked to the major theme nor does this sentence
make a pair with any other sentence.

QNo:-  26  ,Correct Answer:-  23415

Explanation:-   Statements 2 and 3 are linked by "may actually be quite common throughout the universe." in 2 with "show up
wherever we point our telescopes." in 3
The word these in 5 talks about the molecules mentioned in statement 1, so 1 and 5 are also linked.
4,5 and 1 are together. Because for instance is used in 4, and the order needs to be 415,
Statement 4 cannot be the first sentence.

So the correct order is 23415.

2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  27  ,Correct Answer:-  4

Explanation:-   Correct sequence is 1532

Theme is about Google hummingbird and its objective.
Structure is Hummingbird intro- comparison with Caffeine – Features/ objective of Hummingbird.
Sentence 4 just talks of general SEO. Not related to the structure.

QNo:-  28  ,Correct Answer:-  5

Explanation:-   Correct Order- 4231

ODD one out is 5
The other sentences talk about the levels of emergency planning from local to international. These sentences are related.
4-2 are linked by word 'local' in both. 3 sets off a contrast between 42 and 3
3-1 'these' in 1 links it with 'inter-municipal, regional, national, or even international responses.' in 3
Sentence 5, just uses the word emergency planning but does discuss the theme i.e.” levels of planning”. It is an independent
sentence in this case.

QNo:-  29  ,Correct Answer:-  2314

Explanation:-   Correct Sequence is 2314

Theme- The paragraph talks of Design Thinking as another Social Technology, its tools and constraint.
Sentence 2 is the opening sentence, since it introduces the technology.
2 and 3 are pairs as “ It “ in sentence 3 refers to the social technology, design thinking.
1 and 4 are pairs because 1 talks of the tools of design thinking and sentence 4 is contrast of sentence 1. It is contrast because it
starts with key word” but” and the idea is contrast to the idea of sentence 1.

QNo:-  30  ,Correct Answer:-  4213

Explanation:-   Correct sequence is 4213

Theme- How Blue music retained the original elements .
Sentence 4 is the opening as it opens or introduces the theme of “ Blue music “ being blue and then in the following lines author
goes into the bkgd of blues
2 talks of original blue songs and the reason why they were sung.
1 and 3 are pair. Look at the clue word 'therefore' in 3 sentence. It is the effect. So preceding should be sentence 1- Delta

QNo:-  31  ,Correct Answer:-  4231

Explanation:-   Correct sequence is 4231

Theme is Data unification.
Sentence 4 introduces this concept.
Sentence 2 and 3 are pair. As sentence 3 uses the word” this data” which has reference in sentence 2.
Sentence 1 is closing sentence.

QNo:-  32  ,Correct Answer:-  B

The author states the main point in the last few sentences of the passage, where he says that the ‘simple’ opposition between safe
and natural and deadly and synthetic is not always helpful and he had given the examples of most toxic chemicals existing today
which are natural. The essence is best captured in option B.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  33  ,Correct Answer:-  A

The best option to sum up the passage is option A as it captures the essence perfectly.
The author here is giving us insights about America and China trying to influence Bolivia and other Latin American countries to
fall under their sphere of influence. They are stoking the embers with their soft power initiatives in these countries such as movie
nights and other financial initiatives as mentioned in the passage

QNo:-  34  ,Correct Answer:-  B

The passage talks about the commercialization of preferences of products aimed at children, typically girls. That how this has
enhanced the sex-based preferences by turning out products which are colour-coded to draw attention from young girls and boys.
And how the author talks about that despite the criticism towards such attempts by companies, still these products are widely
Hence option B is correct.

QNo:-  35  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Leaving Japan & Malaysia, rest all show maximum dissimilarity.

QNo:-  36  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Among the options in Japan, D has been ranked first compared to its rank 5th under India. That is the maximum difference. Hence

QNo:-  37  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Leaving China rest all countries at least show a dissimilarity difference of 3 in at least one trait.

QNo:-  38  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Again in the countries Thailand & Japan, D has been ranked 5th and 1st respectively.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  39  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   Since, T neither attempted any transferred question nor he transferred any question, from condition (3), he
attempted two questions and his total point is 2.
∴ He scored 3 and -1 for two different questions.
From condition (3), since Q attempted five questions, with one transferred question, his score is 3, 3, 2, -1 and 0 for five different
As, from (4) there are exactly two contestants who gave two wrong answers.
M cannot be that person, as total point 5 cannot be attained in 5 attempts.         .
R also cannot be that person, as his total is 8 and that we cannot get within 5 attempts and 2 wrong answers. Hence N and P must
be those two persons each of who gave exactly two wrong answers. The exact scores for N is 3, 2, 3, -1, -1 and that for P is 3, 0 2
-1 and -1.
∴ The score of R must be 3, 3, 2 and 0 and that of M must be 3, 2, 0, 0.
∴ The final distribution of points is as follows.
M 3, 2, 0, 0
3, 2, 3, -1,
3, 2, -1, -1,
Q 3, 3, 2, -1, 0
R 3,3,2, 0
T 3, -1

QNo:-  40  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   Since, T neither attempted any transferred question nor he transferred any question, from condition (3), he
attempted two questions and his total point is 2.
∴ He scored 3 and -1 for two different questions.
From condition (3), since Q attempted five questions, with one transferred question, his score is 3, 3, 2, -1 and 0 for five different
As, from (4) there are exactly two contestants who gave two wrong answers.
M cannot be that person, as total point 5 cannot be attained in 5 attempts.         .
R also cannot be that person, as his total is 8 and that we cannot get within 5 attempts and 2 wrong answers. Hence N and P must
be those two persons each of who gave exactly two wrong answers. The exact scores for N is 3, 2, 3, -1, -1 and that for P is 3, 0 2
-1 and -1.
∴ The score of R must be 3, 3, 2 and 0 and that of M must be 3, 2, 0, 0.
∴ The final distribution of points is as follows.
M 3, 2, 0, 0
3, 2, 3, -1,
3, 2, -1, -1,
Q 3, 3, 2, -1, 0
R 3,3,2, 0
T 3, -1
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  41  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Explanation:-   Since, T neither attempted any transferred question nor he transferred any question, from condition (3), he
attempted two questions and his total point is 2.
∴ He scored 3 and -1 for two different questions.
From condition (3), since Q attempted five questions, with one transferred question, his score is 3, 3, 2, -1 and 0 for five different
As, from (4) there are exactly two contestants who gave two wrong answers.
M cannot be that person, as total point 5 cannot be attained in 5 attempts.         .
R also cannot be that person, as his total is 8 and that we cannot get within 5 attempts and 2 wrong answers. Hence N and P must
be those two persons each of who gave exactly two wrong answers. The exact scores for N is 3, 2, 3, -1, -1 and that for P is 3, 0 2
-1 and -1.
∴ The score of R must be 3, 3, 2 and 0 and that of M must be 3, 2, 0, 0.
∴ The final distribution of points is as follows.
M 3, 2, 0, 0
3, 2, 3, -1,
3, 2, -1, -1,
Q 3, 3, 2, -1, 0
R 3,3,2, 0
T 3, -1

QNo:-  42  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Explanation:-   Since, T neither attempted any transferred question nor he transferred any question, from condition (3), he
attempted two questions and his total point is 2.
∴ He scored 3 and -1 for two different questions.
From condition (3), since Q attempted five questions, with one transferred question, his score is 3, 3, 2, -1 and 0 for five different
As, from (4) there are exactly two contestants who gave two wrong answers.
M cannot be that person, as total point 5 cannot be attained in 5 attempts.         .
R also cannot be that person, as his total is 8 and that we cannot get within 5 attempts and 2 wrong answers. Hence N and P must
be those two persons each of who gave exactly two wrong answers. The exact scores for N is 3, 2, 3, -1, -1 and that for P is 3, 0 2
-1 and -1.
∴ The score of R must be 3, 3, 2 and 0 and that of M must be 3, 2, 0, 0.
∴ The final distribution of points is as follows.
M 3, 2, 0, 0
3, 2, 3, -1,
3, 2, -1, -1,
Q 3, 3, 2, -1, 0
R 3,3,2, 0
T 3, -1
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  43  ,Correct Answer:-  56

Explanation:-   A student with a distinction in the 10th grade examinations may choose any five subjects. So, the total number of
combinations that can be chosen is

QNo:-  44  ,Correct Answer:-  21

Explanation:-   A student with a First Class in the 10th grade examinations cannot choose Mathematics(HL). So, the student can
choose any five of the remaining seven subjects.
Thus, there are a total of  combinations of subjects.

QNo:-  45  ,Correct Answer:-  1

Explanation:-   A student with a Second Class in the 10th grade examinations cannot choose Mathematics(HL), Mathematics(SL)
or Physics(HL). So, the student must choose all of the remaining five subjects. Thus, there is only 1 combination of subjects.

QNo:-  46  ,Correct Answer:-  21

Explanation:-   Since the student has a distinction in the 10th grade examinations but not a distinction in Biology, he or she can
choose any combination of five subjects except Biology(HL).

Thus, there is a total of = 21 combinations of subjects.

QNo:-  47  ,Correct Answer:-  A

If GoEngg and GetEngg adopt strategies GXI and NXI respectively, then GoEngg will have 360 more students in each of the
training programmes as compared to GetEngg.
So the difference in fees collected for the two programmes is 360(150,000 + 80,000) = 8.28 crores.

QNo:-  48  ,Correct Answer:-  C

The difference in fees collected is on account of the difference in the number of students for each of the programmes.
If GoEngg employs strategy GXII, the difference in the number of students for each programme is 420.
So the difference in fees collected will be 420 × (150,000 + 80,000) = 9.66 crores.
If GoEngg employs strategy GXI, the difference in the number of students for each programme is 360.
So the difference in fees collected will be 360 × (150,000 + 80,000) = 8.28 crores.
If GoEngg employs strategy NXI, the difference in the number of students for each programme is 480.
So the difference in fees collected will be 480 × (150,000 + 80,000) = 11.04 crores.
Since this value is greater than 10 crores, the correct answer is option 3.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  49  ,Correct Answer:-  A

If both institutes employ strategy NXI, then GoEngg will have 420 more students in each of the programmes than GetEngg.
Since there are 4000 XI grade students, 2210 of these will join GoEngg and the remaining 1790 will join GetEngg.
Since there are 5000 XII grade students, 2710 of these will join GoEngg wihle the remaining 2290 will join GetEngg.
Since profit is calculated as the difference between fees and the cost per student enrolled, we can make the following table.
  GoEngg GetEngg
  XI grade XII grade XI grade XII grade
Fee/student 150,000 80,000 150,000 80,000
Cost/student 50,000 50,000 52,000 52,000
Profit/student 100,000 30,000 98,000 28,000
No. of
2210 2710 1790 2290
Total Profit 22.1 cr 8.13 cr 17.542 cr 6.412 cr
Thus the difference in profits is 22.1 + 8.13 – 17.542 – 6.412 = 6.276 crores.

QNo:-  50  ,Correct Answer:-  D

The cost per student for GetEngg associated with the strategies SXI, GXI, NXI, GXII and NXII are 40,000, 45,000, 52,000,
50,000 and 36,000 respectively.
Based on these strategies, the profit per student from XI grade will be 110,000, 105,000, 98,000, 100,000 and 114,000
respectively, and the profit per student from XII grade will be 40,000, 35,000, 28,000, 30,000 and 44,000 respectively.
Based on the given data, we can calculate the number of students of XI grade and XII grade enrolled with GetEngg and make the
following table.
XI Grade XII Grade
  Total Profit
No. P/student Total Profit No. P/student Total Profit
SXI 1775 110,000 19.525 cr 2275 40,000 9.1 cr 28.625 cr
GXI 2180 105,000 22.89 cr 2680 35,000 9.38 cr 32.27 cr
NXI 1790 98,000 17.542 cr 2290 28,000 6.412 cr 23.954 cr
GXII 2240 100,000 22.4 cr 2740 30,000 8.22 cr 30.62 cr
NXII 1840 114,000 20.976 cr 2340 44,000 10.296 cr 31.272 cr
Thus GetEngg must employ strategy GXI in order to maximize profits.
The best answer is option 4.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  51  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   Given that Aamya has scored 300 marks in 2015 and percentage increase is given as 50 %. Let Dinesh’s marks in
2015 be x. Then Bani’s marks in 2016 should also be X. Let Bani’s marks in 2015 be y, this is given as equal to marks of Carl in
2016. Also, marks of Aamya in 2016 were equal to that of Eshwar in 2015. Let us make a table:
Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani y X  
Carl   y  
Dinesh x   10 %
Eshwar 450    
It was also observed that in 2015 marks of Eshwar were equal to the average of that of Aamya and Dinesh, and same is true for
the percentage increase.

If Carl’s marks (say z) had increase at the same rate that of Aamya in 2015, it would have been the marks of Bani in 2016.i. e. z

So, table is as follows:

Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani y 600  
Carl 400 y  
Dinesh 600 660 10 %
Eshwar 450 585 30 %
Now let us take the statement, Harinder, their teacher observes that one of the students has percentage increase twice that of the
other student. Monika, another teacher corrects him and informs that this is the case in two different instances.
In above table, none of the percentage is twice the other. So, it should be true for Bani and Carl. The percentage increase should be
either double or half of 50, 10, 30 i.e. 100, 20, 60 or 25, 5, 15. But percentages range between 10 and 50. So, the only possibilities
are 15, 20 and 25.
Since in 2015, marks of all students were multiple of 50. So, only one possibility is there and that is following:
Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani 500 600 20 %
Carl 400 500 25 %
Dinesh 600 660 10 %
Eshwar 450 585 30 %

Average = (50 + 20 + 25 + 10 + 30)/5 = 27

2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  52  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   Given that Aamya has scored 300 marks in 2015 and percentage increase is given as 50 %. Let Dinesh’s marks in
2015 be x. Then Bani’s marks in 2016 should also be X. Let Bani’s marks in 2015 be y, this is given as equal to marks of Carl in
2016. Also, marks of Aamya in 2016 were equal to that of Eshwar in 2015. Let us make a table:
Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani y X  
Carl   y  
Dinesh x   10 %
Eshwar 450    
It was also observed that in 2015 marks of Eshwar were equal to the average of that of Aamya and Dinesh, and same is true for
the percentage increase.

If Carl’s marks (say z) had increase at the same rate that of Aamya in 2015, it would have been the marks of Bani in 2016.i. e. z

So, table is as follows:

Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani y 600  
Carl 400 y  
Dinesh 600 660 10 %
Eshwar 450 585 30 %
Now let us take the statement, Harinder, their teacher observes that one of the students has percentage increase twice that of the
other student. Monika, another teacher corrects him and informs that this is the case in two different instances.
In above table, none of the percentage is twice the other. So, it should be true for Bani and Carl. The percentage increase should be
either double or half of 50, 10, 30 i.e. 100, 20, 60 or 25, 5, 15. But percentages range between 10 and 50. So, the only possibilities
are 15, 20 and 25.
Since in 2015, marks of all students were multiple of 50. So, only one possibility is there and that is following:
Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani 500 600 20 %
Carl 400 500 25 %
Dinesh 600 660 10 %
Eshwar 450 585 30 %

Aamya had the maximum increase of 150.

2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  53  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   Given that Aamya has scored 300 marks in 2015 and percentage increase is given as 50 %. Let Dinesh’s marks in
2015 be x. Then Bani’s marks in 2016 should also be X. Let Bani’s marks in 2015 be y, this is given as equal to marks of Carl in
2016. Also, marks of Aamya in 2016 were equal to that of Eshwar in 2015. Let us make a table:
Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani y X  
Carl   y  
Dinesh x   10 %
Eshwar 450    
It was also observed that in 2015 marks of Eshwar were equal to the average of that of Aamya and Dinesh, and same is true for
the percentage increase.

If Carl’s marks (say z) had increase at the same rate that of Aamya in 2015, it would have been the marks of Bani in 2016.i. e. z

So, table is as follows:

Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani y 600  
Carl 400 y  
Dinesh 600 660 10 %
Eshwar 450 585 30 %
Now let us take the statement, Harinder, their teacher observes that one of the students has percentage increase twice that of the
other student. Monika, another teacher corrects him and informs that this is the case in two different instances.
In above table, none of the percentage is twice the other. So, it should be true for Bani and Carl. The percentage increase should be
either double or half of 50, 10, 30 i.e. 100, 20, 60 or 25, 5, 15. But percentages range between 10 and 50. So, the only possibilities
are 15, 20 and 25.
Since in 2015, marks of all students were multiple of 50. So, only one possibility is there and that is following:
Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani 500 600 20 %
Carl 400 500 25 %
Dinesh 600 660 10 %
Eshwar 450 585 30 %

Average = (300 + 500 + 400 + 600 + 450)/5 = 450

2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  54  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   Given that Aamya has scored 300 marks in 2015 and percentage increase is given as 50 %. Let Dinesh’s marks in
2015 be x. Then Bani’s marks in 2016 should also be X. Let Bani’s marks in 2015 be y, this is given as equal to marks of Carl in
2016. Also, marks of Aamya in 2016 were equal to that of Eshwar in 2015. Let us make a table:
Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani y X  
Carl   y  
Dinesh x   10 %
Eshwar 450    
It was also observed that in 2015 marks of Eshwar were equal to the average of that of Aamya and Dinesh, and same is true for
the percentage increase.

If Carl’s marks (say z) had increase at the same rate that of Aamya in 2015, it would have been the marks of Bani in 2016.i. e. z

So, table is as follows:

Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani y 600  
Carl 400 y  
Dinesh 600 660 10 %
Eshwar 450 585 30 %
Now let us take the statement, Harinder, their teacher observes that one of the students has percentage increase twice that of the
other student. Monika, another teacher corrects him and informs that this is the case in two different instances.
In above table, none of the percentage is twice the other. So, it should be true for Bani and Carl. The percentage increase should be
either double or half of 50, 10, 30 i.e. 100, 20, 60 or 25, 5, 15. But percentages range between 10 and 50. So, the only possibilities
are 15, 20 and 25.
Since in 2015, marks of all students were multiple of 50. So, only one possibility is there and that is following:
Student’s marks in Percentage
Marks in 2015
name 2016 increase
Aamya 300 450 50 %
Bani 500 600 20 %
Carl 400 500 25 %
Dinesh 600 660 10 %
Eshwar 450 585 30 %

Required difference is = 660 – 585 = 75.

2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  55  ,Correct Answer:-  2

Explanation:-   Remaining cards are with South. So, South has ♠ 2 4 5 6 7, ♥ 5 8, ♣  K A 10, ♦ K Q 2

West has ♠ J ♣ J  ♦ J, East has ♥ 9 ♣ 9 ♦ 9 and South has no trio.

QNo:-  56  ,Correct Answer:-  2

Explanation:-   Remaining cards are with South. So, South has ♠ 2 4 5 6 7, ♥ 5 8, ♣  K A 10, ♦ K Q 2

North has ♥ K Q J 10 and South has ♠ 7 6 5 4.

QNo:-  57  ,Correct Answer:-  4

Explanation:-   Remaining cards are with South. So, South has ♠ 2 4 5 6 7, ♥ 5 8, ♣  K A 10, ♦ K Q 2

West has ♥ A 2 3, North has ♠ 10 9 8, ♦ 8 7 6 and East has ♣ 7 6 5.

QNo:-  58  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Explanation:-   Remaining cards are with South. So, South has ♠ 2 4 5 6 7, ♥ 5 8, ♣  K A 10, ♦ K Q 2

South has 5 cards of spades, more cards of a single suit than any other player.

QNo:-  59  ,Correct Answer:-  B

From (iii), the score in one of the matches is India – Pakistan is 4 – 2.
From (iv), the score of one of the matches is 1 – 0.
From (ii) and (iii), by looking at the number of goals scored by India, the only possibility of score in 4th match is 4 – 2. In one
match the score is 8 – 4. And from (vi) the score of 2nd match is 6 – 6. The score in the first match will be 8 – 4.
As 3rd match is played in India, 1-0 must be the score of the match in Pakistan i.e. the 5th match and 5 – 1 is the score of the 3rd
  India Pakistan Venue

1st 8 4 Pakistan

2nd 6 6 India

3rd 5 1 India

4th 4 2 Pakistan

5th 1 0 Pakistan
From the table it is clear that Pakistan scored 1 goal in 3rd match.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  60  ,Correct Answer:-  D

From (iii), the score in one of the matches is India – Pakistan is 4 – 2.
From (iv), the score of one of the matches is 1 – 0.
From (ii) and (iii), by looking at the number of goals scored by India, the only possibility of score in 4th match is 4 – 2. In one
match the score is 8 – 4. And from (vi) the score of 2nd match is 6 – 6. The score in the first match will be 8 – 4.
As 3rd match is played in India, 1-0 must be the score of the match in Pakistan i.e. the 5th match and 5 – 1 is the score of the 3rd
  India Pakistan Venue
1st 8 4 Pakistan

2nd 6 6 India

3rd 5 1 India

4th 4 2 Pakistan

5th 1 0 Pakistan
India scored 8 goals in the first match.

QNo:-  61  ,Correct Answer:-  B

From (iii), the score in one of the matches is India – Pakistan is 4 – 2.
From (iv), the score of one of the matches is 1 – 0.
From (ii) and (iii), by looking at the number of goals scored by India, the only possibility of score in 4th match is 4 – 2. In one
match the score is 8 – 4. And from (vi) the score of 2nd match is 6 – 6. The score in the first match will be 8 – 4.
As 3rd match is played in India, 1-0 must be the score of the match in Pakistan i.e. the 5th match and 5 – 1 is the score of the 3rd
  India Pakistan Venue
1st 8 4 Pakistan

2nd 6 6 India

3rd 5 1 India

4th 4 2 Pakistan

5th 1 0 Pakistan
The 2nd & 3rd matches are played in India.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  62  ,Correct Answer:-  A

From (iii), the score in one of the matches is India – Pakistan is 4 – 2.
From (iv), the score of one of the matches is 1 – 0.
From (ii) and (iii), by looking at the number of goals scored by India, the only possibility of score in 4th match is 4 – 2. In one
match the score is 8 – 4. And from (vi) the score of 2nd match is 6 – 6. The score in the first match will be 8 – 4.
As 3rd match is played in India, 1-0 must be the score of the match in Pakistan i.e. the 5th match and 5 – 1 is the score of the 3rd
  India Pakistan Venue

1st 8 4 Pakistan

2nd 6 6 India

3rd 5 1 India

4th 4 2 Pakistan

5th 1 0 Pakistan
In 2nd match Pakistan scored 6 goals.

QNo:-  63  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Explanation:-   From the first paragraph, we can draw a Venn diagram to depict the entire information and calculate the total
number of students as shown below.

From the second paragraph, we know that the total number of students from SSC was 270. We can represent the given
information as shown below.

Now, b + c + 69 – x = 109, a + 94 – x + c = 150, a + 71 – x + b = 91 and a + b + c + 71 + 69 + 94 – 2x = 270. Solving this yields

a = 40, b = 24, c = 60 and x = 44. The Venn diagram is as shown below.
2021 Bull CAT 02

Similarly, the Venn diagrams for the students from CBSE and ICSE can be drawn as shown below.

The total number of students who had studied CBSE syllabus in 10th grade is 180 and the total number of students who had
studied ICSE syllabus in 10th grade is 150. This is a difference of 30, which is 5% of the total.

QNo:-  64  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Explanation:-   From the first paragraph, we can draw a Venn diagram to depict the entire information and calculate the total
number of students as shown below.

From the second paragraph, we know that the total number of students from SSC was 270. We can represent the given
information as shown below.
2021 Bull CAT 02

Now, b + c + 69 – x = 109, a + 94 – x + c = 150, a + 71 – x + b = 91 and a + b + c + 71 + 69 + 94 – 2x = 270. Solving this yields

a = 40, b = 24, c = 60 and x = 44. The Venn diagram is as shown below.

Similarly, the Venn diagrams for the students from CBSE and ICSE can be drawn as shown below.

The total number of students who wrote the SAT1 and ACT is 42 + 108 = 150. Of these, the 9 + 28 = 37 CBSE students and the 6
+ 36 = 42 ICSE students form 79/150 = 52.66%. The best answer is option 3.

QNo:-  65  ,Correct Answer:-  0

Explanation:-   From the first paragraph, we can draw a Venn diagram to depict the entire information and calculate the total
number of students as shown below.
2021 Bull CAT 02

From the second paragraph, we know that the total number of students from SSC was 270. We can represent the given
information as shown below.

Now, b + c + 69 – x = 109, a + 94 – x + c = 150, a + 71 – x + b = 91 and a + b + c + 71 + 69 + 94 – 2x = 270. Solving this yields

a = 40, b = 24, c = 60 and x = 44. The Venn diagram is as shown below.

Similarly, the Venn diagrams for the students from CBSE and ICSE can be drawn as shown below.

From the Venn diagrams, we can see that both numbers are equal to 60. So the required answer is 0.

QNo:-  66  ,Correct Answer:-  D
2021 Bull CAT 02

Explanation:-   From the first paragraph, we can draw a Venn diagram to depict the entire information and calculate the total
number of students as shown below.

From the second paragraph, we know that the total number of students from SSC was 270. We can represent the given
information as shown below.

Now, b + c + 69 – x = 109, a + 94 – x + c = 150, a + 71 – x + b = 91 and a + b + c + 71 + 69 + 94 – 2x = 270. Solving this yields

a = 40, b = 24, c = 60 and x = 44. The Venn diagram is as shown below.

Similarly, the Venn diagrams for the students from CBSE and ICSE can be drawn as shown below.

The number of students who had studied CBSE syllabus in 10th grade and who wrote all three exams is 28. This is 28/600 ≈ 4.66%
of the total.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  67  ,Correct Answer:-  C

The average of first 11 terms is 6th term which is equal to x. Now the average of next 15 terms will be 8th term from 11th term i.e.
the 19th term from start which is equal to x + 26.

QNo:-  68  ,Correct Answer:-  A


Option A

QNo:-  69  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Explanation:-   First 20% is taken out, then 40% and then 80%. As replacement is done with water, we will solve by taking Milk.
Milk = 4/5 x  3/5  x  1/5 =  12/125
Water = 113/125
Milk : Water = 12 : 113

QNo:-  70  ,Correct Answer:-  D

For a triangle, if perimeter is given, area will be maximum if triangle is equilateral. But in the given case, triangle cannot be
equilateral, so we can try to make it isoceles. The idea is to make all lengths as close as possible. So two triangles are possible. (60,
60, 40); (60, 50, 50) but in second case we are gettting maximum possible area.
Area = [s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)]1/2 , where s = (50+50+60)/2 , and a, b and c are sides of Triangle
Area = [80(80-50)(80-50)(80-60)]1/2 = 1200

QNo:-  71  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Infinite values of x are possible.
Product of different integers is 4.
Integers can be 2, 1, -1 and -2.
Consider one case where x = 0, a = -2, b = -1, c = 1, d = 2.
Similarly x = 1, a = -1,b = 0,c = 2,d = 3 and
x = 2, a = 0, b = 1, c = 3, d = 4 also satisfy the equation.
We can go on increasing the value of each variable by one to get infinite solutions.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  72  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  73  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Let the number of runs scored previously by the players be
2x and x respectively, and let n be the number of innings
they had each had. Then:
(2x + 33)/(n+1) = 2x/n – 1
(x + 33)/(n+1) = x/n + 1
from solving these two equations we get
n = 10
It follows that x = 220, and the Vinod’s new average is 23.

QNo:-  74  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Explanation:-   logx(3x2+10x) = 3
3x2+10x = x3  ,  x3-3x2-10x = 0
  x(x-5)(x+2) = 0 ,  x=0 , 5 ,-2, but x can not be 0 and -2 because logN is defined when N>0
So answer x = 5

QNo:-  75  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Explanation:-   Use trial and error.

The only single solution is
x = 2 and y = 4.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  76  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Explanation:-   We can let the price per kilogram of Alphonso Mango and price per liter of Coconut water at the beginning of
May be m and c, respectively. We can create the equation:

m x 0.8 x 1.5 = c x 1.2 x 0.5 

1.2m = 0.6c
2m = c. Since c = 2m, c is 200% of m.

QNo:-  77  ,Correct Answer:-  25

We have 35x + 7xy – 2y = 206 ⇒ 7x (5 + y ) – 2 (5 + y ) +10 = 206
⇒ (7x - 2) (5 + y) = 196. Now, we know that AM ≥ GM

⇒7x + y + 3 ≥ 28
⇒7x + y ≥ 25

QNo:-  78  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Explanation:-   In general, the first digit can be 1-9, the second digit can be 0-9, and the final digit can be 0-9; so there are 9 x 10
x 10 = 900 3-digit numbers in total.
Of these it is possible to have none, two, or three digits the same.
Let us consider no digits being the same: the first digit can be 1-9, then second digit can be any one of nine digits and the final
digit can be any one of eight.
That is, there are 9 x 9 x 8 = 648 3-digit numbers for which no digits are the same.
Clearly there are nine 3-digit numbers for which all the digits are the same: 111, 222, ..., 999.
Hence there are 900 - 648 - 9 = 243 3-digit numbers for which two digits are the same.

QNo:-  79  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Explanation:-   ATQ.
10a + 10m + 10b = 220
So a + m + b = 22
Multiply the equation by 7
7a + 7m + 7b = 154 ......(i)
Also we have
2a + 3m + 4b = 80 ........(ii)
Subtracting (ii) from (i), we get
5a + 4m + 3b = 74
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  80  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Explanation:-   From 0 to 999, both inclusive, there are 1000 numbers. Let us consider numbers that do not contain a 0, i.e.,
numbers made up of digits from 1 to 9.
There will be 9 one-digit numbers.
There will be 9 × 9 = 81 two-digit numbers.
There will be 9 × 9 × 9 = 729 three-digit numbers.
Since there are 9 + 81 + 729 = 819 numbers that do not contain the digit 0, we know that there are 1000 – 819 = 181 numbers
that contain the digit 0.
Thus the required probability is 181/1000 = 0.181.

QNo:-  81  ,Correct Answer:-  35

337 = (34)9 × 3. We know that 34 ÷ 79 will leave remainder 2 and 3 ÷ 79 will leave remainder 3. So, [(34)9 × 3] ÷ 79 will leave
remainder 29 × 3 = 1536. Now, 1536 = 79 × 19 + 35. Thus, 337 when divided by 79, will leave remainder 35.

QNo:-  82  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Suppose the area of the entire piece of land is 35. Reena’s share of the land is 14 while Reema’s is 21. On Reena’s share of the
land, the areas under rice nad wheat cultivation will be 4 and 10 respectively. Suppose the areas under rice and wheat cultivation
on Reema’s share of the land are x and (21 – x) respectively. Since the total areas under rice and wheat cultivation are equal, we
have (4 + x) = 10 + (21 – x). Solving this, we get x = 27/2 = 13.5 and (21 – x) = 7.5. Thus the ratio of the areas under rice and
wheat cultivation on Reema’s share of the land is 13.5/7.5 = 9 : 5.

QNo:-  83  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Suppose the n consecutive positive integers are a + 1, a + 2, .., a + n
Sum = n(n + 2a + 1)/2 = N
n(n + 2a + 1) = 2N
Now, one of n and (n + 2a + 1) will be odd, so we just have to find the number of odd factors of 2N or N (as number of odd factors
of N and 2N are same). But n can’t be 1
So, number of ways in which a number N can be written as sum of two or more consecutive positive integers is one less than
number of odd factors of N
Here answer will be one less than number of odd factors of 2050.
Now 2050 = 2 × 52 × 41
So the number of odd factors are 3 × 2 = 6 and the number of ways = 6 - 1 = 5.

QNo:-  84  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Suppose the turnovers of companies XYZ and ABC are 8x and 7x respectively and their expenditures are 19y and 16y respectively.
So, 8x – 19y = 1250 and 7x – 16y = 1250. Solving these equations yields x = 750 and y = 250. So, the turnover of company XYZ is
8x = 6000 and the expenditure of company ABC is 16y = 4000.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  85  ,Correct Answer:-  D


6a + 6b - ab = 0
6a + 6b - 36 + 36 - ab = 0
(a - 6) (b - 6) = 36
(a - 6) (b - 6) = 1 × 36
(a - 6) (b - 6) = 2 × 18
(a - 6) (b - 6) = 3 × 12
(a - 6) (b - 6) = 4 × 9
(a - 6) (b - 6) = 6 × 6
By comparing and solving we get
(a, b) = (7, 42), (8, 24), (9, 18), (10, 15), (12, 12)
Such that a ≤ b
So there are 5 solutions

QNo:-  86  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   Work done in first three days

∵ Time taken to complete 1/8 part of work = 3 days.

∴ Time taken to complete the work = 3 × 8 = 24 days.

QNo:-  87  ,Correct Answer:-  C

120! × 121! = 120! × 120! × 121 = 120!2 × 112  
Hence a perfect square.

QNo:-  88  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   Tom can complete 75% work in 18 days 

100 % can be done by him in (18/75) x 100 = 24 days
Tom's one day work = 1/24
John's one day work = 1/24 x 1/2 = 1/48 (John is 50% efficient)
Harry's one day work = 1/24 x 1/4 = 1/96 (Harry is 25% efficient)
After completion of 75 % work remaining work is 1/4 
let the days taken by them to complete all the work be d
so d/24 + d/48 + d/96 = 1/4
7d/96 = 1/4
d = 24/7

QNo:-  89  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Since we don’t know whether both men started simultaneously or not, so, we cannot determine the ratio of their distances covered.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  90  ,Correct Answer:-  20


QNo:-  91  ,Correct Answer:-  20

Explanation:-   Faster runner comes back to his original position for the first time in

Slower runner comes back to his original position for the first time in
L.C.M (60, 90) = 180 sec. So, after 180 secs, they both will be back to their original points. So, after every 3 minutes, cycle will

In first 3 mins, they will meet at 5 points. So, in 12 mins, they will meet 5 * 4 = 20 times.

QNo:-  92  ,Correct Answer:-  5

Explanation:-   Let Principal  =P

Rate of interest = r

By (2)/(1) we get

r = 5%
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  93  ,Correct Answer:-  51


QNo:-  94  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   Let the three parts be P1, P2 and P3. As amount recieved from each part is same, so 120P1 = 140P2 = 160P3.
Hence P1 : P2 : P3 =28 : 24 : 21. So P3 = 21/73 × 73000 = Rs. 21000

QNo:-  95  ,Correct Answer:-  10

We have (|x| - 3) (|y| + 4) = 12.
Now 12 can be written as, (1 × 12), (2 × 6), (3 × 4)
Case I: Taking, x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0, we have (x – 3) (y + 4) = 12 = (1 × 12) or (2 × 6) or (3 × 4)
Possible solutions of (x, y) is (4, 8) or (5, 2) or (6, 0). Hence 3 solutions are possible.
Case II: Taking, x ≥ 0 and y < 0, we have (x – 3)(- y + 4) = 12 = (1 × 12) or (2 × 6) or (3 × 4)
Possible solutions of (x, y) is (4, -8) or (5, -2). Hence 2 solutions are possible.
Case III: Taking, x < 0 and y < 0, we have (- x – 3) (-y + 4) = 12 = (1 × 12) or (2 × 6) or (3 × 4)
Possible solutions of (x, y) is (-4, -8) or (-5, -2). Hence 2 solutions are possible.
Case IV: Taking x < 0 and y ≥ 0, we have (- x – 3)(y + 4) = 12 = (1 × 12) or (2 × 6) or (3 × 4)
Possible solutions of (x, y) is (-4, 8) or (-5, 2) or (-6, 0). Hence 3 solutions are possible.
So totaling all these solutions = 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 10 solutions are possible.

QNo:-  96  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Explanation:-   Let C.P = x       CP1 = .7x

      S.P = .9x    SP2 = 1.3 (.7x)
According to question
1.3 (.7x) = .9x + 50
.91x = .9x + 50
.01x = 50
So x = 5000

QNo:-  97  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Explanation:-   (a+b+c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2+ 2(ab+bc+ac)

= 1 + 2(ab+bc+ac)
Now as (a + b + c)2 >= 0
So (ab + bc + ac) >=  - 1/2
So -1 is not possible.

QNo:-  98  ,Correct Answer:-  1250

Explanation:-   To find the effective annual interest rate using weighted averages:
Avg annual rate = (4% x 0.8 + 9% x 0.2)/1 = 5%
Monthly payment = (5% x 300,000)/12 = 1250.
2021 Bull CAT 02

QNo:-  99  ,Correct Answer:-  0.8


Probability = Favourable / Total

We know that the respondent is female, so total is 30
Favourable means that there are 30 - 6 = 24 females who don’t use an electric scooter.
So probability is 24/30 = 0.8

QNo:-  100  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Explanation:-   Go by value putting

t1 = 1 (1 + 3) = 4
t2 = 2 (2 + 3) = 10
S2 = t1 + t2 = 4 + 10 = 14. Put n = 2 in each option.

So, 1st option is the answer.

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