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Total Questions: 50 Total Marks: 100

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
- Tick the appropriate option
- Assume values wherever necessary
1) During the descent, the blockage of static source will cause the ASI to
a) Under read
b) Over read
c) Under read or over read depending upon pressure change
2) In an Air Data Computer (ADC), aeroplane altitude is calculated from?
a) The difference between absolute and dynamic pressure at the fuselage
b) Measurement of outside air temperature (OAT)
c) Measurement of absolute barometric pressure from a static source on the fuselage
3) Compressibility is most significant at
a) Low airspeed range
b) TAS in excess of 300KT
c) TAS of 300KT
4) EAS is the IAS corrected for the errors
a) Instrument, pressure, compressibility
b) Instrument, pressure, density
c) Instrument, temperature deviation, density
5) When accelerations on an easterly heading in the Northern Hemisphere, the compass card
of a direct reading magnetic compass will turn?
a) Anti-clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the south
b) Clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the north
c) Clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the south
6) Pressure altimeter is calibrated in accordance with
a) Environmental lapse rate and temperature
b) JSA
c) ISA

7) The purpose of IVSI is to

a) Automatically initiate climb and descend through automatic flight control system
b) Give instantaneous indications of aircraft vertical speed when a climb or descend is
c) Indicate to the pilot instantaneously when an aircraft pitches in a turn especially steep
8) An aircraft climbs away from the runway with static vents still blocked. If QFE is set the
altimeter will
a) Continue to read zero
b) Indicate correctly the increasing altitude as the aircraft climbs
c) Show a slower gain of altitude than correct
9) What speed is Vno?
a) That which may never be exceeded
b) That which may only be exceeded with caution and in still air
c) That which may be exceeded only in emergencies
10) At MSL in the ISA ?
a) CAS = TAS
b) IAS = EAS
c) None of the above
11) In an ASI system, what does the pitot probe measure?
a) Static pressure
b) Dynamic pressure
c) Total pressure
12) What is the Local Speed of Sound at 30000ft if ambient temperature is -40*C ?
a) 584 KT
b) 594 KT
c) 660 KT
13) The sensitivity of a Direct Reading Compass varies
a) Directly with Z
b) Directly with H
c) Inversely with H and Z
14) An altimeter with barometric sub scale set to 999hPa reads 1500ft. If sub scale is
reset to 1006hPa, the altimeter will read?
a) 1290ft
b) 1300ft
c) 1710ft
15) What is the Local Speed of sound at MSL ISA?
a) 600 KT
b) 650 KT
c) 661 KT
16) A turn indicator is built around a gyroscope with?
a) 1 degree of freedom
b) 2 degree of freedom
c) 3 degree of freedom
17) Pressure error can cause an alitmeter to
a) Consistently over read
b) Consistently under read
c) Either over read or under read
18) In a DGI what error is caused by the gyro movement relative to the earth?
a) Transport Wander
b) Total Drift
c) Earth rate
19) What is the maximum drift of a gyro due to earth rate:
a) 10 deg/hour
b) 15 deg/hour
c) 20 deg/hour
20) An aircraft is flying at TAS of 310 KT at FL290, temperature deviation is -6*C. The
local speed of sound is:
a) 560 KT
b) 576 KT
c) 583 KT
21) Where is the earth rate wander and the transport wander zero?
a) Poles
b) Equator
c) None of the above
22) When flying from a sector of warm air into one of colder air, the altimeter will
a) Under read
b) Remain same
c) Over read
23) When climbing at a contant Mach number below the tropopause, in ISA conditions,
the Calibrated Airspeed will:
a) Decrease
b) Increase
c) Remain same
24) In the Northern Hemisphere, turning through North towards East/West
a) Compass will lead, overshoot the turn
b) Compass will lag, undershoot the turn
c) Compass will lag, overshoot the turn
25) The dither motor in a ring laser gyroscope?
a) Stabilises frequency or the laser source
b) Minimises transport wander
c) Prevents laser lock
26) Earth rate at 25 degrees south is?
a) 13.59*/hour
b) -6.34*/hour
c) -13.59*/hour
27) What is the Schuler period?
a) 48 minutes
b) 84 seconds
c) 84 minutes
28) The formula for TAT is?
a) TAT = SAT(1+0.2xKxMxM)
b) TAT = SAT(1-KxMxM)
c) TAT = SAT/(1+0.2xKxMxM)
29) When accelerating on a northerly heading what does the direct reading magnetic
compass indicate?
a) No change
b) North
c) Turn to the west
30) An inertial reference system is aligned when turned on so as to:
a) Calculating the computed trihedron with reference to the north
b) Establish true and magnetic north
c) Establish magnetic north

31) In an IRS:
a) Accelerometers and gyros are both gyro stabilised
b) The platform is strapped down but the accelerometers are gyro stabilised
c) Accelerometers and gyros are both strapped down
32) A compass swing is used to:
a) Align compass north with true north
b) Align compass north with magnetic north
c) Align magnetic north with true north
33) If the TAS at 40000ft is 450 KT, the Mach number is :
a) 0.783
b) 0.753
c) 0.653
34) A ring laser gyro consists of:
a) A gyro with 2 degrees of freedom
b) A laser split into two beams
c) Two moving cavities using mirrors
35) A rate integrating gyro is used in :
a) Rate of turn indicator
b) Inertial navigation system
c) Autopilot system
36) The machmeter compares (Pt = total pressure, Ps = static pressure)
a) (Pt-Ps) to Ps
b) (Pt-Ps) to Pt
c) (Pt+Ps) to Ps
37) The green arc on the ASI is used to identify which speed range:
a) Vso to Vno
b) Vs1 to Vno
c) Vs1 to Vfe
38) What is the purpose of the latitude nut in a DGI?
a) To correct for latitude error
b) To correct for Coriolis error
c) To correct for earth rate
39) Vfe is the maximum speed that:
a) The flaps can be operated
b) Flaps may be extended in the takeoff configuration
c) Flaps may be extended in the landing configuration
40) An air data computer obtains altitude from :
a) Outside air temperature
b) Barometric data from the static source
c) Difference between absolute and dynamic pressure
41) The response rate of a VSI can be improved by fitting a ?
a) Choke system
b) Return spring
c) Accelerometer system
42) At any given weight or altitude an aircraft will always lift off at the same?
a) CAS
b) TAS
c) Ground speed
43) How will machmeter respond in a constant mach number climb if the static source
becomes blocked?
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Remain constant
44) During a climb after takeoff from a contaminated runway, if the total pressure probe
of the airspeed indicator is blocked, the pilot finds that indicated airspeed?
a) Decreases steadily
b) Increases steadily
c) Deceases towards zero
45) If the pitot pipe becomes partly blocked?
a) VSI will not be affected
b) VSI will be low when descending
c) VSI will be high when descending
46) CAS is?
a) TAS corrected for instrument error and ram effect
b) IAS corrected for density error and position error
c) IAS corrected for position error and instrument error
47) On board an aircraft the altitude is measured from
a) Density Altitude
b) Pressure altitude
c) Standard altitude
48) The response time of a vertical speed detector may be improved by adding a ?
a) Return spring
b) Accelerometer sensor
c) Bi-metallic strip
49) Transport wander when flying west at 300 KTS at 25 degrees south is?
a) -2.33*/hr
b) -3.34*/hr
c) 2.33*/hr
50) To obtain heading heading information from a gyro stabilised platform, the gyros
should be ?
a) 1 degree of freedom and a horizontal axis
b) 1 degree of freedom and a vertical axis
c) 2 degree of freedom and a vertical axis


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