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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy


In this chapter we‟ll concentrate on mechanical work and energy. We‟ll learn about only one form of
mechanical energy, kinetic energy, (energy of motion). The study of potential energy we‟ll leave to a later
chapter. We‟ll also define and study power, which is the rate of doing work.


Definition of Work
The work done by a force is defined as the product of the component of the force F in the direction of
the displacement s and the magnitude, s of the displacement. OR Work done is the scalar product of
victor force F and displacement s .

Fsin 
m Fcos m

Figure 5-1

W  F  s  Fs cos( F , s )
Let's ( F , s )   , yields
W  Fs cos  (5.1)
where W : work done by the constant force (J)
F : constant force acts on an object (N)
s : displacement of object (m)
 : the angle between F and s that have the same original point on object in degree ( )
Condition of work done with constant force
 If   0  W  Fd cos 0  Fd  0 (កម្មន្តចលករ)

m F F
d   (F , d )  0

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 If 0    90  W  Fd cos  0 (កម្មន្តចលករ)

m 
d   (F , d )

 If   90  W  Fd cos90  0 (ម្ិន្ធ្វើកម្មន្តធេ)


m d
  ( F , d )  90

 If 90    180  W  Fd cos  0 (កម្មន្តេប់)


d 90    ( F , d )  180

 If   180  W  Fd cos180  Fd  0 (កម្មន្តេប់)

m 180
F d
d   ( F , d )  180

Example 5-1 Work done by the constant force

A tiger bit the deer at the neck and pull it with the force of 50 N which makes an angle of 45 with 10 m
horizontal-axis long. Find the work done of the tiger.
Solution 5-1

Example 5-2 Pulling a Suitcase-on-Wheels

Find the work done by a 45 N force in pulling the suitcase in Fig. 5-2a at an angle   50 for a distance
75 m.

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
Solution 5-2

Fig. 5-2

Example 5-3 Work done by several forces

The weight lifter in Figure 5.3a is bench-pressing a barbell whose weight is 710 N. In part b of the figure,
he raises the barbell a distance of 0.65 m above his chest, and in part c he lowers it the same distance. The
weight is raised and lowered at a constant velocity. Determine the work done on the barbell by the weight
lifter during (a) the lifting phase and (b) the lowering phase.
Solution 5-3

Fig. 5-3

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Example 5-4 Work done by several forces
Work on a backpack. (a) Determine the work a hiker must do on a 15.0-kg backpack to carry it up a hill
of height h = 10.0 m, as shown in Fig. 5-4a. Determine also (b) the work done by gravity on the
backpack, and (c) the net work done on the backpack. For simplicity, assume the motion is smooth and at
constant velocity (i.e., acceleration is zero).
Solution 5-4

Figure 5-4


Kinetic Energy occurs when an object have the velocity. It is,
K  mv 2 (5.2)
where v : velocity of object in (m/s)
m : mass of the moving object in (kg)
K : kinetic energy in (J)
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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
The Change in Kinetic Energy
When an object changed in velocity, so it change in kinetic energy, too, and during moving it has the
friction force F fr which is opposite the applied force F as figure 5-5.
K  K f  Ki
1 1
where Ki  mu 2 and K f  mv 2 , yields
2 2
1 2 1 2
K  mv  mu (5.3)
2 2
The net work done of an object is defined as

Totalwork = Network = netforce×displacement

Wtot  F  Ffr s  (5.4)

(for net force and displacement have the same direct)

where F : applied force on an object (N)
F fr : friction force on an object in the opposite of the applied force (N)

s : displacement of an object (m)

Wtot : total work done or net work done of an object (J)

u v

m F
m m

Figure 5-5

By the work-energy principle, the net work done is equal to the change of kinetic energy is

1 2 1
Wtot  mv  mu 2 (5.5)
2 2

1 2 1
Prove that Wtot  mv  mu 2
2 2
We have the work done is
Wtot  Fnet s
where net force Fnet  F  Ffr

Wtot  F  Ffr s  (1)
and this motion is change in velocity, so it has the acceleration and then the relationship without time
is applied,
v2  u 2  2as
Rearrange for a:

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
v2  u 2
a (2)
and the 2nd law of Newton
F  Ffr  ma (3)
Take eq.(2) and eq. (3) substitute in eq. (1), yields it becomes
Wtot  (ma ) s
 v2  u 2 
 m s
 2 s 
 v2  u 2 
 m
 2 
mv 2  mu 2

1 1
Wtotal  mv 2  mu 2
2 2
Wtot  K
1 2 1
Prove that K  mv  mu 2
2 2
By the work-energy principle
K  Wtot

We can prove from the net work done. We have

Wtot  F  Ffr s  
K  Fs (4)
by this motion is change in velocity, so it has the acceleration and then the relationship without time is
v2  u 2  2as
Rearrange for a:

v2  u 2
a (5)
and the 2nd law of Newton
F  Ffr  ma (6)
Take eq. (5) and eq. (6) substitute in eq. (4), yields it becomes
 v2  u 2 
Wtot   m  s
 2s 
 v2  u 2 
Wtotal  m
 2 
mv 2  mu 2

1 2 1 2
Wtotal  mv  mu
2 2

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
1 2 1
K  mv  mu 2
2 2

Example 5-5 The work-energy theorem

We drop a body with mass m from a height h. Find the speed of the body as it hits the ground by (a)
applying Newton‟s second law, and (b) applying the work-energy theorem.
Solution 5-5

Example 5-6 The work-energy principle

A car moving with initial speed v can brake to a stop within a distance s1. If, instead, the car is moving
with initial speed 2v, what is the stopping distance s2 in terms of s1? Solve this problem (a) by applying
the work-energy principle and (b) by applying Newton‟s second law.
Solution 5-6

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
Example 5-7 Work done on a crate
A person pulls a 50-kg crate 40 m along a horizontal floor by a constant force FP=100N, which acts at a
37° angle as shown in Fig. 5-6. The floor is rough and exerts a friction force Ffr  50 N . Determine (a) the
work done by each force acting on the crate, and (b) the net work done on the crate.

Fig. 5-6
Solution 5-7

Example 5-8 The work-energy principle

Work on a car, to increase its kinetic energy. How much net-work is required to accelerate a 1000-kg car
from 20 m/s to 30 m/s (Fig. 5-7)?
Solution 5-8

Fig. 5-7

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Example 5-9 Work to stop a car
A car traveling 60 km/h can brake to a stop in a distance d of 20 m (Fig. 5-8a). If the car is going twice as
fast, 120 km/h, what is its stopping distance (Fig. 5-8b)? Assume the maximum braking force is
approximately independent of speed.




The area under the graph of Force-displacement is the work done.
W = Fxcos 
If the displacement is  x from one position to other and the force is change, then the work done is
change, too.
dW1  F1 x
dW2  F2 x
dWn  Fn x
Total work done is
Wtot  F1 x  F2 x    Fn x

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Area = work done

x x x1 x2 x
(a) (b)
Figure 5-9
Example 5-10 Stretching a spring
Suppose that when we stretch a spring, the extension x of the spring is proportional to the applied force F.
The relation between F and x is given by F = kx, where k is a constant called the spring constant. Figure
5-10 shows a plot of this function.

F(N) F = kx

5.0 7.0
Figure 5-10

How much work must be done to stretch the spring from a length of 5.0 cm to 7.0 cm if the spring
constant k = 2400 N/m?
Solution 5-10

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
Power is defined as the rate at which work is done, or the rate at which energy is transformed or
transferred. When a quantity of work W is done during a time interval t, the average power Pav, or
work per unit time, is defined as
Pav = .
In terms of a transfer of energy E, we have
Pav = ,
E K
Pav =  .
t t
where E : the change of energy of a body when it change in time (J)
t : change in time (s)
Pav : average power (W) or (J/s)
The instantaneous power P is defined as
P = lim .
t 0 t

The Energy

Energy = power  time.

E  Pt

The corresponding power can be expressed in terms of force and velocity,

W Fs s
Pinst =  F  Fv
t t t

where the subscript „inst‟ stands for instantaneous.

Example 5-11 Power delivered by a lift

A lift has a mass of 1000 kg and carries a maximum load of 800 kg. A constant frictional force of 4000 N
resists its upward motion. (a) What must be the minimum power delivered by the motor to raise the lift
with a constant speed of 3 m/s?
Solution 5-11

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Example 5-12 Power needed to accelerate a car
A car with mass 1200 kg increases its speed from 20 m/s to 40 m/s in 10 s. What power is delivered by
the car‟s engine?
Solution 5-12

Example 5-13 Power expended

A person pulls a block with a force of 15.0 N at an angle of 25 with the horizontal. If the block is moved
5.00 m in the horizontal direction in 5.00 s, how much power is expended?
Solution 5-13

Example 5-14 Power to move your car

An applied force of 5500 N keeps a car moving at 95 km/hr. How much power is expended by the car?
Solution 5-14

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
1. Suppose that a woman swimming upstream (against the flow of water) is not moving with respect to the
shore. Is she doing any work? If she stops swimming and just floats, is work done on her?

2. Is the work done by friction forces always negative? Explain. [Hint: How does a car accelerate?]

3. Is it true that a rock thrown with a certain speed will enter the water below with the same speed whether the
rock is thrown horizontally or at any angle? Explain.

4. When the Moon orbits the Earth in a circular path, a gravitational force keeps it in its orbit. Why does this
force not do work on the moon, and why is the kinetic energy of the moon constant?

5. Explain why the work done by the frictional force is negative when an object is sliding on a rough surface,
and explain what effect this has on the kinetic energy and the speed of the object.

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
6. One bullet has twice the mass of a second bullet. If both are fired with the same velocity, what is the ratio of
the kinetic energy of the two bullets?

7. One bullet has twice the mass of a second bullet. If the heavier bullet is fired with half the velocity of the
lighter bullet, which has the greater kinetic energy, and what is the ratio of the two kinetic energies?

1. An 80.0-g arrow is fired from a bow whose string exerts an average force of 95.0 N on an arrow over a
distance of 80.0 cm. (a) What is the average work done in pulling the string back? (b) What is the speed of the
arrow as it leaves the bow?
[Answer: (a) W = 76 J, (b) v = 43.6 m/s]

2. A weight lifter pushes a 50-kg mass through a vertical distance of 0.6 m 20 times. (a) How much work does
he do while pushing the weight up? (b) How much work does he do while lowering the weight?
[Answer: (a) W = 5880 J; (b)  5880 J]

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
3. How much work must be done to push a heavy crate 12.0 m across a rough floor without acceleration, if the
frictional force between the floor and the crate is 1000 N? (Hint: Calculate the net force needed to push the
crate). [Answer: W = 1.2  104 J]

4. What is the minimum work needed to push a 1000-kg car 300 m up a 17.5o incline? Ignore friction,
[Answer: W = 8.8  105 J]

5. Eight books, each 4.6 cm thick with mass 1.8 kg lie flat on a table. How much work is required to stack them
one on top of another? (Hint: Draw a diagram). [Answer: W = 23 J]

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
6. A spring has k = 78 N/m. Use a graph to determine the work needed to stretch it from x = 2.8 cm to x = 5.6
cm, where x is the displacement from its unstretched length. [Answer: 0.092 J]

7. The force on a particle varies as shown in Fig. 5-11. Determine the work done by this force to move the
particle (a) from x = 0 to x = 10.0 m, and (b) from x = 10.0 to x = 15.0 m, (c) from x = 0 to x = 15.0 m.
[Answer: (a) 2800 J, (b) – 700 J, (c) 2100 J]
F (N)
0 x (m)
5 10
Figure 5-11

8. At room temperature, an oxygen molecule, with mass of 5.31  1026 kg typically has a KE of about 6.21 
1021 J. How fast is it moving? [Answer: v = 484 m/s].

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
9. (a) If the KE of a particle is doubled, by what factor has its speed increased? (b) If the speed of a particle is
doubled, by what factor does its KE increase?
[Answer: (a) 2 , (b) 4]

10. A ball (m = 140 g) travelling at 35 m/s moves the catcher‟s hands backward 25 cm when the ball is caught.
What was the average force exerted by the hand on the glove?
[Answer: Fav =  21 343 N]

11. A 75kg fire-fighter climbs a flight of stairs 28.0 m high. How much work does he do? [Ans. 2.06  104 J ]

12. The head of a hammer with a mass of 1.2 kg is allowed to fall onto a nail from a height of 0.50 m. What is
the maximum amount of work it could do on the nail? Why do people not just “let it fall” but add their own
force to the hammer as it falls? [Ans. 5.90 J]

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
13. A 1200 N crate rests on the floor. How much work is required to move it at constant speed (a) 5.0 m along
the floor against a friction force of 230 N, and (b) 5.0 m vertically? [Ans. (a) 1200 J (b) 6000 J]

14. What is the minimum work needed to push a 950 kg car 710 m up along a 9.0° incline? Ignore friction.
[Ans. 1×106J]

15. A box of mass 4.0 kg is accelerated from rest by a force across a floor at a rate of 200 W for 7.0 s. Find (a)
the net work done on the box, (b) its acceleration, (c) final velocity (d) distance. [Ans. (a) W = 1400 J, (b) a =
10 m/s², (c) 70 m/s, (d) 245 m]

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
16. A 380-kg piano slides 2.9 m down a 25° incline and is kept from accelerating by a man who is pushing back
on it parallel to the incline (Fig.5-12). Determine: (a) the force exerted by the man, (b) the work done on the
piano by the man, (c) the work done on the piano by the force of gravity, and (d) the net work done on the
piano. Ignore friction. [Ans. (a) 1600 J (b) -4600 J (c) 4600J (d) 0 J]

Fig. 5-12

17. The force on a particle, acting along the x axis, varies as shown in Fig. 5-13. Determine the work done by
this force to move the particle along the x axis: (a) from to x = 10.0 m; (b) from to x = 0.0 x = 15.0 m. [Ans. (a)
2800 J (b) 2100 J]

Fig. 5-13

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
18. At room temperature, an oxygen molecule, with mass of 5.31×10 kg, typically has a kinetic energy of
about 6.21×10-21J. How fast is it moving? [Ans. 484 J]

19. (a) If the kinetic energy of a particle is tripled, by what factor has its speed increased? (b) If the speed of a
particle is halved, by what factor does its kinetic energy change? [(a) 3 (b) 1/ 4 ]

20. How much work is required to stop an electron which is moving with a speed of 1.1  106 m / s ? [Ans.
5.51  1019 J ]

21. How much work must be done to stop a 925 kg car traveling at 95 km/h?

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
22. A 17,000-kg jet takes off from an aircraft carrier via a catapult (Fig. 5.14a). The gases thrust out from the
jet‟s engines exert a constant force of 130 kN on the jet; the force exerted on the jet by the catapult is plotted in
Fig. 5.14b. Determine the work done on the jet: (a) by the gases expelled by its engines during launch of the jet;
and (b) by the catapult during launch of the jet.

Figure 5.14

23. A 66.5-kg hiker starts at an elevation of 1270 m and climbs to the top of a peak 2660 m high. (a) What is
the hiker‟s change in potential energy? (b) What is the minimum work required of the hiker? (c) Can the actual
work done be greater than this? Explain.

24. A 1.60-m-tall person lifts a 1.65-kg book off the ground, so it is 2.20 m above the ground. What is the
potential energy of the book relative to (a) the ground, and (b) the top of the person‟s head? (c) How is the
work done by the person related to the answers in parts (a) and (b)?

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Paññãsastra International School Chapter 5 Work and Kinetic Energy
25. The space probe Deep Space 1 was launched October 24, 1998, and it used a type of engine called an ion
propulsion drive. The ion propulsion drive generated only a weak force (or thrust), but could do so for
long periods of time using only small amounts of fuel. Suppose the probe, which has a mass of 474 kg, is
traveling at an initial speed of 275 m/s. No forces act on it except the 5.60×10-2 N thrust of its engine. This
external force F is directed parallel to the displacement s , which has a magnitude of 2.42×109 m (see
Figure 6.6). Determine the final speed of the probe, assuming that its m ass remains nearly constant.

Fig. 5-15

26. A 58-kg skier is coasting down a 25o slope, as Figure 6.7a shows. Near the top of the slope, her speed is
3.6 m/s. She accelerates down the slope because of the gravitational force, even though a kinetic frictional
force of magnitude 71 N opposes her motion. Ignoring air resistance, determine the speed at a point that is
displaced 57 m downhill.

Fig. 5-16

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27. The power needed to accelerate a projectile from rest to its launch speed v in a time t is 43.0 W. How much
power is needed to accelerate the same projectile from rest to a launch speed of 2v in a time of 0.5t ?

28. A water-skier, moving at a speed of 9.30 m/s, is being pulled by a tow rope that makes an angle of 37o with
respect to the velocity of the boat (see the drawing). The tow rope is parallel to the water. The skier is
moving in the same direction as the boat. If the tension in the tow rope is 135 N, determine the work that it
does in 12.0 s.

Fig. 5.16

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