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vy au J) o6.07une203s 1. A room equipped with shower or bathub is 3 (A) tolet oom (C)shower room {3} batwoom (0) wasivoom 2, Faure connections that equ the removal ofan cess panel fo Servicing ate considered (a) accessible (C)not accessible (8) rea accessible (0) xs0se8 3. That pareofthe west piping ota damage system that receives the discharge from so, wast, and other drainage pipes inside the wall of the buiding and conveys ito point 2 fest outside thebuldingwallis2 (a) tuising dain (Chast pe (8) butdingsewer _(0)sob tack 4. Avesta vent that 2 continuation ofa ain to heh iecomets ea (a) cecuit vent (C)eontinuous vent (0) bet vent (0) branch vent S.A horonal drain that is sed to provide free movement of a0 the flow ine ofthe drains tailed (a) continous waste systern {8} oumam waste and ven system [C) combination wast and vent system 15 The length along te eenteline ofthe pipe and fangs ithe (A) cagoraiength (C)creumference length (8) cameterength (0) devetoed length 7. A device tegrated win an accumulator vessel that is designed to. dacharge 2 predetermined tua of water to Fates or hating purposes ‘sala (8) expansion tank _(€)fushametertank (0) surgetank (0) day tank The combinations of fitings that may be used to rake an offeet is considered a vets poe are (By 1-90 degree and 1-45 degree {e) 290 aegree and 189 agree (1-45 degree and 160 degree (0) 1-45 degree and 15 degree 3, Water tat ssa for people to eink refered to byt code as (A) potable water (C)soft water {a} tndustial water (0) ard water 20. By detintion a tckis aay (a) seein (oveneal {9} horaontsl —(O}exposes 121 Aventthataeo res as dani afan)__ (A) land vent (Coop vent (a) venestack ——(O} werent 12. A pipe that makes an angle of not more than 45 (9) vera {C)erooked pipe (8) horaontal (0) agora pipe A. 13, The vertical dap of tap seal i mesure from In) te crown wait the bottom ofthe dip ofthe (0) the niet ofthe apo the bottom ofthe wap (C) the outlet ofthe trap to the bottom of the wp (0) the inet ofthe wap tothe outlet of the rap For questions 14 vhvough 23, slet the word or tem shat the ketch i i © Taywastepige ——_(Cdityarm ()arenppe (O)tepem (a) ictal waste saposl syste (6) private sewage retention ster () publi sawage retention system (0) penate sewage esposa system (adretet vert (€} future vent (ar yote vee (0 ranen vent mal 8 (a) olin tank (8) catentasin (0) sanetrap (0) sump dot & 2. 20. “ @ w @ oF o fiarurebranch _(C)ingirect waste pipe Industral waste (0) sland sink rain lance below grade vase of pipe veloc of flow ection of flow (a) manutacier’ trademark {0} creative! (6) cowntne (0) conosve it a 4 j= oy t J ph = (a) anes Fd 5 (0) aitreak KEG sate hese A (2) feturesopply (horn ranch 4) fituresrain (0) bung ain 2 (A) indvidualvent (Cet rin (0) wetvert —(O)yokevert A b 24. A mining vale that senses outlet temperature and ‘ommpensates for fuctuatons In incoming hot oF cold wwatertemperture sacaled (a) thermostat temperature control valve (8) combination thermostaticforessure balancing vane (0) presuretatancing valve (0) none ofthe above 25. The restroom faites in a prnate daycare center 2re astied as poble we (te (oy abe 26, The dscharge from lnal sinks and conveyed to the building drain is defined as 2 waste pipe (a) te (@)fase 27, Reombination bung sewer is(2)_. (A) combination of al sewer and drainage piping frominsige ard ouside of the bulding (8) bulaing sewer that conveys Indusval waste and domestic waste {) building sewer that conveys Both sewage and (©) boing rans mat convey waster an storm wate 28, PEs a definition for__ (A) polyethylene (8), ros inked polyetylene {c)” polybutylene x {0} none ofthe above 29, The lowest potion ofthe sige fa horizontal pipe iscalledtne ta) boom (Omer: (8) Alatvent (O)iovere mass 30, A device and system of piping that maintains 2 ‘water sal na remote taps ale ap primer (a) tue (@)fase 31, A static preseure is pressure ening without any flow (a) tue oifase 32, An unconfined space is 2 room oF space having 2 volume equal tat least of the aggregate input rating ofall the fusl-boring appliances in that space (A). SO cubic fet per 1000 stu/hr (8) 25-ubicfet per 1000 Btu/nr (200 cubic fet per Sturr (0) 0 cubi fet per Stuhr 33, A permanent installed mechanical device, other than an ejector, for removing sewage oF bquid waste froma sump s called sewage pump Ws) tre (@)fase 34, A standard that an extensive compilation of rovitons covering broad subject matter 16 the Sefinttontor (a) standards (C) legal document (a) sted (0) cose 5 a 38. 2 8. 4 5 46. a. (0) code ‘The principal artery af the venting system to which branches maybe connected iscalled the (a) branchvent ——(C}vent (3) vertialvent {0} mainvent 2 joint obtained by joining of metal pars with rmetale micures of alloys that met at 2 temperature upto ad including 80° Fis (A) Solderedjoint—(C} metallcjoint (8) Brazedjoint (0) fared oint The cxganztion, ofc, or individual responsible for enforang the requirements of 3 code or sandardiethe__ (a). adminstatve authorty (8) building department ()_ plumbing inspector or department (0} Authorty Having risciction That portion ofa drainage system that does not rain by gravity into the buldng Sewer i known a, (A) balding supoly—(C) sewer ejector (3) uiéingsubsrain_ {0} storm sewer 2 pipe inside a bung that conveys storm water from the rot ta storm dan ical afar) (A) conductor (Ch adductor (3) ulingstorm drain (D) rain eader 2 outlet on a baller to permit emptying. or Cdecharging of sedan iscalled alan). (8) telefvae ——(Claspiator (8) atmosphericcheckvalve (0) diowstt ° [A pressure surgeatsorbing. device operating though the compressblty of airs cal alan) boo A) Bocktow preventor (¢fushometer valve (8) airchamber ——(O)hammer arrestor ' device mstaled ina eranage system to prevent reverse flows» — (A) sewage ejector (backwater valve {8) checkvale —_(O) bacfiow reventor [any prscure less than that exerted by atmasphere isalan)__. (a) vacua (Q atmosphere pressure (8) nenatve pressure (0) postive pressure [A document, the mai text of which contains ony mandatory provsions using the word “shall” to indicate requirements, best described asa (A) legal document" (C) law (0) standara ‘Unsanitary and insanity share he same meaning, (@) te (@)fase ‘When a backflow prevention device does not bear citi level marking, the pat ofthe device that Shallcoasttute the ciel levelisthe @) top (center (8) bottom (0)owtiet invert Disposal of sewage, or ater liquid wastes, shall be by means of (A) chemicals * so. (8), sewageetaning tanks (c)_therainae system ofthe buling premise (0) subsuctace leaching pts ‘A dhinking fountain installed outside shall be connecte to an approved drainage system (a) te (e)fale ‘8 conection to the puble sewer, or private Sewoee dspoal system isrequregtor (A). uldings wih or without plumbing Fates (9) buildings wth plumbing fates {) busing wth emergency drain systems {0} buildings wth storm dean system Roof, inner courts, vent shafts, it wells, or ‘lar areas having ainwater sains shal discharge to fa) (a) sanitary sewage system (6) peate sewage disposal systern (© sump with pump discharge into the house drain (0) outside ofthe buling ort the gutter ‘bucred ends ofall pipe and tubing shal be__ (A) avoided by use of special cutting tools (@) confined to exposed and ready accessible locations (reamed othe fullore of he pipe or tobe (0) painted to reduce friction No plumbing system, drainage system, building sewer, private sewage disposal system, oF pots thereat, salle located in (A) the walls, floors, oF underground in any buling (8) anylototherthan the lo that ithe te of he bul served by sue facies (Ch ige aces paces where accesible for epat (0) arygzrage,or equipment locker room Piping fntres or equipment that ace instaled so that tey interfere with normal operation and use of windows or dors sallbe {a}. protected from damage (8) ‘dented for restricted use (c) relocated to aod interfarence (0) sporoved it aceptabe by the owner Al desig, constructon, and workmanship shal be inconformty with__ (a) accepted engineering practices (8) practices of the contractor (Q) standard shop pocedures (0) approved if acceptable by the owner When supporting orzontal piping Sinches in lometer with hangers, @—_ inch diameter rod shallbeused (wae cass @w oO} The bulding drain from the Front bulling may © fertended tothe rear bung when both buildings relocated é, A 10 x, a. 1 18 6 v, (A) ona come ot (8), onan mero when driveway cannot be used} {€) 200feet rom the pubic sewer A {0} 200fee rom the pubic sewer ‘lltrenches deeper than the foting of any busing for structure and paralletng the same shall be at least (A) Bb depress therefor (04 feet theretiom (8) 90 degrees therefrom (0) 32 feet therefrom Caxton soll pip, installed vertealy, shall be sippored aie a (a) each oor not to exceed 13 fet (8) everyother story (0) Stootintenals (0) 10footintenats Threaded pipe (PS) 3/4 inch, except for gas & Piping installed horzontaly shall be supported at approximately (A) Stootintenals (C)12foot imervals 8 (8) 10Footintenal (0) 15oot intervals Piping inthe ground shallbelatdon__ (8) afimbed (Cj redwood stakes (8) concrete blocs (0) common tick ex piping may Be couples tgetner with shedea couplings BR (a) te (Biase “The ype of aceptble joint of PEX shall be 1)" meta insert or metal compiesion {8}. solvent cemented {e)_ shielded couping {0} mechanical Copper. tubing installed vertically shall be Supported at ech story ora annum intervals of Ateet (coateet (2) 10feet (0) steer A Mechanical devices may be used to complete backfiling where covering above any piping is at lesst__ Inches. we (30 @ 2 (0)36 “Two.neh horizontal copper tubing drain pine shall be supported at (a) afootinterals(€) 10008 tervals (@) Gfootintenals (0) 12Footintenals _Hoctontal hubless pipe shall be braced at not more C ‘than 40-oot intervals to prevent _ (A) noise (Q versal movement (8) leaking (0)honzortal movement All piping, faeure, and equipment sha be adequately supported in accordance with the 5: (ay conractor ——_(Clowner (8) code (O)ergineer Voids around piping passing throveh concrete fleorson the ground shale. 20. a. 2. 2. 26 2. 26. 2. 28. (ay anges (ch seated (8) protected (0) packed All matenls,fatures, or devices used or entering into the construction of plumbing and drainage systems shall (a) conform to approved appcable standards (8) conform tothe job specteations (6) conform to the price of job (0) conform ta material availablity ‘The prowsons of the code alow an alternate ‘material or method of constuction provide i is {a} aporoved by the architect as anaternate (8), accepted bythe owner as an alternate (6. approved bythe Authorty Having Jrstion asanakerrate (0) rmanuactured by a reputabcorgenization LPS. the abbreviation for (a) ton pipe standard (C) nie pipe standara (8) ‘ronpipesize (0) inside pipe sire Poe joint material shall be insoluble in water, rnontonc, and appied__ (a) onmate treads (8). onpipethveads and ise tings (, oninside fing treads only (0) sewarmweatner ony Wiped joints are permited wth _ (a) ead (c)plaste (8) steal {o}easticon ‘Tubrvaste opening in framed constuction shall be protectecby (A) completely covering the Plywood clas (8), metal colors or screens 1G) tangs (0) filing the annular space with approved fiber material Surfaces to be Joined by soldering or brazing shal becleaned bight by (8) mechanical or manual mean(C) a cowosive fsx (8) self-cleaning ux (0) sulphuric ait Closet bende oF stubs shall be cut off $0 a5 to presenta smooth wrface, even with the TA). topo the rough or (8). topot the closet ring (C) topo he finan floor {0} bottom ofthe closet ring Solder and les used in pping systems conveying potable water ate prohibited when the lead contentexceeds (A) O2of percent (C) 1 percent {8} Sof: percent _(0} es than 10 percent Joints at the roof, around pipes stall be made wateright by the use of _. (A). seaing compound (€) 5 pound fet (8) Mashing material (0}oakum ‘he minimum wal thickness for theaded plac Pipe shalbe pening wth A ° 8 2 2 2, 28, 2». (A) senedule ao (c)2/8inen (8) Seheduiego (0) 1/26inch bated to (a) te wal (Ga coer fine (3), double two by sistuds (0) 2 coset bend Ie permitted t0 dell and tap 9 vent pipe to connect an indirect waste pe. (ay We (@)fabe Foture connactons between drainage iges and water losets shallbe made with (a) expansionjants— (C) Manges (@) onions (0) hot poured compound Al lp, pie tings, traps, tures, materials, and devices use in plmbing systems shal be (a) sted or labeled by a sting agency (8). approved by the Authority Having lrisition (Q) feettem detec: (0) allot he above Sleeves shall be provided to protect all piping ‘rough and als {a} oor, concrete (C) coneret, masonry (6) wood, concrete (0) none of the above Im seumic zones 1 and 2, bles cast on piping S Inches oF lager suspended in exposed locations ‘over hgh af aeas, and over four fest in length, coupling fy me aye ‘When inaling! author Saving Juresiction ‘all require evidence of the competeney of the installed (A). potable water piping (8) fuetgas png 0) mecca go pire {0} plumbing appurtenance When brazing, the alloys shall have 3. meking be securely temperature of atleast degree F (a) 800 {e13000 (@) 800 (0) 1200 Drain pipes subject to condensation over food storage In food-handing establishments shal be {a stated witha spl pan (9) thermal insulates (0) rerouted out oF te rea (0) tested wth psiofar Test gouges shall not have 3 pressure range more ‘than the test pressure (a) eal (ai5e8 (2) twice (o)e0ps: (Chapter 4 — PLUMBING FIXTURES AND. FOCTURE fiTmnes ‘Screws or bots for securing floor mounted fatures shallbe (a) brass (Cheavaned see! (6) sumnum (0) deestere Fnutes having concealed spon connections shallbe provided with (a) atity space o ze panel (0) stadserand a gnc reure (2) redbrass tings (0) rubber gaskets “The overfiow pipe oma fatre shal be connected (a), bauer a inlet side ofthe hare a9 (8), sewer or ole side ofthe fheure rap (c)_cownstream side of the fature tee (©) psteam sie ofthe fur oe “The dameter of» waste ana overtiow fora bathtub shallot be es than (a) 11/4 inehes 09 (6 1-4/2 nches 00 (6) 12/8 inches 09 (0) 2-3/8 nehes 00 “hein indeates bythe arrow shall be 8 (a) santary tee (C)drectonaltee (@)_tubr {}eronstee —~J — ‘he connection ofthe dishwasher dam decty to the continuous waster, a5 indicated by the arrow, is Gy Bedevoton {et cotevtton (8 exgeosn_Wlecguconren L ont | CRO No dry or chemical lset (toe) shall be installed in any bulding uted for human habitation unless frst aporeves by the. (a) over ‘hatter (8) plumbing offce (0) heath office “The distance X sal be not ess than () 1icher (6) 15 ches {C126 aches {0} 20inenes 10 1 2 B u 15, 6 w. Tre dstance shal (a) Tinos (8) 1Sinches ot belesthan (h2sinees {01 30iches “Tank fahing meet han one ual stallbe (a) automat operation (8) cominalin operation {@) manvalin operation [0) act-esstrten Every water upp 09 ural shal be protected by anagproved (a) reletvave (2) vacubrester (Grmetering ae (olastomatisweh “rough winds shall be (a) permisable conrad of conrete (8) tenured nlaaassceations () prohties {0} allowedin bus statins ‘To provide watertight jit inthe for, shower Ahans andlor ean ae request be, () exraeavy cs (8) sutabifanged 1c) costes ashat (0) sethontergrot cement wah two noted compartents and ferceptons, al shower captors shall be capable of fencompasinga__dameter cc, (a) 2taneh (9334001 (8) 30imch (0}36:nch “he cb © dheshlé ofa shower conpartent nay be inte (a) tocomply wth te accesibiy standards (8) foreangshowers (0) inbosatas ony (0) notpermited ‘The tance Kis rested, (A) inches minimum and nches maka (8) Linchminirun: and Tinches mara {6} Biches minimum and inees maxmum {0}. 2 inches minum and aces maximum Shower pn ning: maybe constructed with, (ay 2688 eauge co oe (8), 3 pounds pee square foot ad (0) 15 pounds asphalt fet (0) tnccoated sea! Jowtsin copper showe (a) bute (8) swaged Je pan ners sal be [cll wth epoxy cement (O)sederedor axes Drinking fountains hal note installed. [ay publi room (Cbs (0) resauae (0)sehoohards a. 2 a a 6 2. Water cosets set ie by sd sal be ne cose than (i) Bnchescertertocenter (8) inches centerto-eter (c)2einenes cemertocenter (0) 20ichescertertoceter She imum distance fom aie wat or patton tothe center ofa ial shallbe _ ees. ws ou wn (2 Manually contotes fushometer vals sal be weetofah mere than__ (a) onewcinal (ee wil (8) twournals ——_(0}fourina’s futometealy cortoles fushometer controled ‘aes may substitute for (ay fushtanks ——(Cestevaes (8) fow conte! (0) evervaes The joint of the walbhurgavatory, wher it in contac wth the wal sabe (8) smooth (cores (8) poms (O)waterteht Gahanized set ste! of not lest thn 16 US. ge may be used to make dshwashing sink or Ty testauans —_[e)conmerebigs (8) lunchcountess (0) resent Buligs Gutersin pub ower rooms sal be sloped not an (ay Speers 1O)2 percent [e) 10percen (0) percent

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