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PHYSICS IMPORTANT FORMULAE 4. ELECTROSTATICS GIST No. FORMULAE SYMBOLS. APPLICATION Q=+Ne Q= Charge, N = Number of | Quantization of charges a Charge particle Ny aa Q1, Q2 are point charges F=| To find force between tow F= a Force point charges . F=QE E = Electric field Relation between F and E ers) k=. , distance See ied due toa r = Absolute permittivity Pe "9 . Os te —_ $ ds cose | 9S = small area To find electric flux e'ds . @ = Electric Flux Gauss Theorem iL ey. = potential difference _| To find the potential w, ectric potentail atA | difference using Work AV=V,-V,= = V.=Electric potentail atB | done from a pointA toa g=charge point B . =p 1 Electric potential d Vek a T 4n € toa point charge. distance . pcosé p=dipole moment Electric potential V=k z dipole r 0. dV / dr=potential gradient Relation between electric field and potential iH. U = Potential Energy Potential energy of a W = Work done system of two point arges a= lit i Filed intensity due to 2. i= linear charge density Filed i aly aac uniformly charged wire 3. a) outside the shell r= radius of Gaussian Filed intensity du to ee Boke b) on the shell: E =kp As q = 40R?q E=a/€q d) inside the shell : E=0 surface (outside the shell) R=radius of shell o =surface charge permittivity uniformly charged spherical shell PHYSICS E = Electric field YP edie on Field intensity due to thin 4. o Flee E=e, €o= electric permittivity infinite plane sheet of charge 5. C = 4neor F Capacity of isolated r=radius of conductor spherical conductor 5. & A A= area of plates Capacitance of a parallel C=— d =distance between the | plate capacitor d plates 7. Grouped capacitors: ‘C.= equivalent capacitancel To calculate equivalent a) In series. in series 5 capacitance of a circuit 1 1 1 C,=equivalent capacitance q& + G + G in parallel b) In parallel: C,=C,4C4C, 3. 1@? 4.3 4 U = Electrostatic energy Energy stored ina U= 5c" sev= 3 Qv stored in capacitor capacitor 2. 1 5 E = electric field strength Energy density of a U=sz OE parallel plate capacitor 5 Quyt+ ay V = Common potential To find Common i potential due to sharing off oa charge C,Co(V> — V2)? | ©. E, Less fo energy Loss of energy g, = BG — Vey charges 2G, + &) a s1+Xx K = dielectric constant Relation between 7. = electric susceptibility dielectric constant & electric susceptibility 3. t=thickness of slab Capacitance of parallel! d=distance between the plate capacitor with plates conducting siab in C,=capacitance between 4. EA K=dielectric constant Capacitance of parallel ad-t1—2 plate capacitor with et a dielectric slab in bet Se sare crete le | Values of Different quantities after Introducing dielectric slab between the plates of the charged capacitor : When Battery connected Charge When Battery disconnected Potential difference Energy K times 5 egb? [Energy is supplied By battery 4/K time >e08? [Energy used for Polarization Unit-2 : CURRENT ELECTRICITY No. FORMULAE SYMBOLS APPLICATION = Q_ me l=current, Q=charged, t=time, | To find the current ina . [= Sea e=charge of electron current carrying wire. V=IR (Ohms law) Relation between V and | ‘V=Potential difference, R=resistance I= neAV, {n = number density of tee electron) Relation between V.=Drift Velocity current and drift velocity A=area of cross section R = Resistance , p T = relaxation time, = mass Off (i) R and A(ii) R and electron relaxation time Relation for resistivity and relaxation time ¢ e=charge of electron p =conductance, ‘C=conducatine,a =conductivity| To find C and o Relation between j with j = current density, V, and j with E o= conductivity = mobility of electron To find from V,, 1+ a(T-To)] Rk R(M%-T2) Variation of P temperature @ = temperature coefficient of resistance T, -T,= temperature difference | Formula for a R,=R, +R, +R, +... R, = equivalent resistance in series combination Series combination TR, = 1/R, + UR, + TR, +.. R, = equivalent resistance in Parallel combination series combination P=VI=P R=VIR P = electrical power Relation for P with V, | and R E=V+r=l(R+1 E =enf of cell, Relation for E and V (1) Current is drawn cell is being charge} ( internal resistance V = Potential difference 6. r= internal resistance To find internal resistai R = External resistance by potentiometer 7. me n=number of cells in series |Current drawn when n R = External resistance are connected in series PHYSICS 8. = me m = number of cells in parallel | Current drawn when n cells Gare) are connected in parallel . mn m = number of rows eer ese ee ihe eb (me yar) = number of cells in each row.| extemal resistance must bq equal to the total internal resistance 31 =0 (loop rule) Zlalgebraic sum of charge av = 0 (junction rule) | sv algebraic sum of potential Kirchhoff s law difference M1. PF P,Q, R, S are resistences in four} Balanced condition of @ arms of Wheatstone Bridge Wheatstone Bridge 2. S= (ee) R S = Unknown resistance Working condition for t R = Known resistance Wheatstone Bridge 3. VEKL V= Potential drop a wire Principle of Potentiometer L= Balancing length Cell. 4. E, and E., emf of two cells, Comparison of emfs of two |, and |, balaneing length cell. JAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENT AND MAGNETISM SYMBOLS APPLICA dB = magnetic field at a point at distance r due to a current element Ho = permeability of free space |= current through wire @= angle between current element Id! and position vector r. To find magnetic fi point due to current To find magnetic fiel a straight conductor. Ho NI.a? 2(a2+ x? 2 B= magnetic field due to a circular coilof N turns at distance X from its center. a = Radius of coil Magnetic field at centre, x = 0 = HoNT Ce aa B = magnetic field r= perpendicular distance from wire to point of observation magnetic field due to a straight conductor of infinite length Ampere’s circuital law $B. dv =yot $B. al =Line integral of magnetic field in a closed path. magnetic field due to a solenoid B= Ho N (7x B) qvsind Force 0 locity of charge particle q = charge of the particle Force acting on a charge particle in magnetic field. PHYSICS VE ==> eerie FeqlE +(0x By Force on charged particle in simultaneous Electric and magnetic fields Lorentz force current loop of area Ain magnetic field B N = Number of turns of coil. |= current S = shunt required, G = Galvanometer Resistance, 'g = maximum current through galvanometer (0-i) = range of ammeter Few(tx B) F = Magnetic force on a current | To find force acting on a es = carrying conductor of length | current carrying conductor F=BILSin® B = magnetic field. in a magnetic field. Fe volle = = Force per unit length between | Force per unit length ei two parallel current carrying |, between two parallel and I,r = distance between the current carrying conductors. conductors. = BINA Sin8 ‘t= torque experienced by a magnetic field due to a straight conductor of infinite length Conversion fo Galvanometer into Ammeter. R = high resistance in series Conversion fo Galvanometer into Voltmeter. r= radius of circular path in magnetic field vy = Cyclotron frequency magnetic field. To find the frequency of cyclotron, PHYSICS Ge Boe Unit-4 : ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION AND ALTERNATING CURRENT No. FORMULAE SYMBOLS APPLICATION 1. e= #2 « = induced emf. Faraday's law of ae electromagnetic induction : e=-Blyv B = magnetic field Motional emf v = velocity | = metal rod of length 3. | V=%Bwl ‘V = emf developed To find emf developed between the ends of the rod. | between the end of the rod = angular velocity rotating in the magnetic field. | = length of the rod 4. d=Li @ = Magnetic flux Relation between @ and L L = Self-inductance of the coil | 5, -Ldi/dt L = Self-inductance of the coil To find self-induced emf in a coil. 6. | e:=-Mirdia/dt M,, =Coefficient of mutual Self-induced of a solenoid inductance di/dt=Rate of charge of current in th secondary coil Wo n2AL Hr = Realtive permeability Equation of a.c ge Ho = permeability of free space 19 of turns of the solenoid rea of the solenoid length of the solenoid 8. | e=nBAwsinwt n = no of turns of the solenoid] Equation of a. c generator {w = 2nv) magnetic field A= area of the solenoid Vv = frequency of AC ® |iuetup U = Energy stored in inductor | To find energy stored in the 2 inductor in its magnetic field. WWE Unit-5 : ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES No. | FORMULAE SYMBOLS | APPLICATION cis the speed of electromagnetic wave in vacuum permeability constant and ts the permittivity constant To find speed of e.m. wave in vacuum vis the speed of electromagnetic wave in material medium To find speed of electromagnetic wave in material medium (Gauss’s Law for electricity) (Gauss’s Law for magnetism) (Faraday's Law) ae (Ampere - Maxwell Law) Unit-6 : RAY OPTICS SYMBOLS APPLICATIG u - object distance To find focal ld == v - image distance, mirror uf f - focal length of the mirror 2. m=magnification _ To find magnification m is negative for real images and +ve for virtual images 3. A= Angle of prism To find refractive index n, = refractive index of prism 1, = refractive index of medium D,, = angle of minimum deviation. 4. nz 7, M2— M1] R = Radius of curvature To find Rad. of | t_- =| YZ image distance, curvature of lens eu R u=object distance ft a SS sav heen No. FORMULAE SYMBOL APPLICATION R, = Radius of curvature f = focal length of the lens n,, n, = Refractive index of medium 1 and respectively Lens makers formula To find focal length of lens f = effective focal legnth of combination f,, f,, f, = focal length of each lens in contact To find effective focal length of combination of lenses : magnifying power of a compound roscope focal length of objective focal length of eyepiece istance between objective lens and eye lens To find magnifying power of a compound jing power of a telescope | To find maar focal length of objective power of a focal length of eyepiece i= angle subtended at the eye y the image a. = angle subtended at the eye by the object WAVE OPTICS FORMULAE SYMBOL APPLICATIONS 4. he tani, = relative refractive index of To find refractive index the denser medium of the material polarizing angle. 2 I= I.cos? I, = intensity of light passing To find intensity of light through the polarizer, @ = angle between polarizer and analyzer. 3. aD B = fringe width To find fringe width for. @ = wavelength of light D = distance between the slits and the screen d = distance between the lists interference fringes ——————————{_savsies + ———. WE nar teen ies 2a we 42 4 = wavelength of light used, To find width of central constant, v = frequency distance between the slits maxima for diffraction a and the screen fringes w= width of central maxima in diffraction Imax _ (a+b) | Imax = Max. intensity To find ratio of max. and Imin -(a-by Imin = Min. intensity min. intensity a, b = respective amplitudes UNIT 7 : DUAL NATURE OF MATTER: FORMULAE SYMBOL APPLICATIONS = =p energy of photon, To find the energy of photon Eehveh 7 hepianes mae W, = hv, = hel a, work function hreshold frequency = threshold wavelength do Relation between work function and V,, A K,,... Maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons = maximum velocity Einstein's photoelectric equation. @ = charge of electron V, = stopping potential Relation between ma: kinetic energy and potential. ” = wave length of matter wave h = Plank's constant De Broglie wavele! matter wave. E= kinetic energy V = accelerating potential Relation between& and E, V V = accelerating potential De Broglie wavelegth for electron PHYSICS UNIT 8 : ATOMS AND NUCLEI No. FORMULAE SYMBOL APPLICATIONS - =<, z= Atomic number of ro= k4Ze? ie + To find the distance of closest oa element. m = mass of electron, mv? v = velocity of electron SPPrORCh ry, b = kZe’cot9/2 | b = impact parameter To find the impact parameter og 6 = scattering angle mv r= um Tr = Radius of n" orbit Bohr's radius (Z =1,n =4) r, = = Gatmaze? 0.534 = 2ukze? V = speed of an electron inn” |—£— c= i v = amt v5 sp FaeT C= speed of light Ege - 2timetztet | E, = Total energy of electron in | En =- ¥# Total eneray of Tae n” orbit. electron in nth orbit for hydrogen. za_,Z=Atomic number k= of element Kinetic energy of electron Relation between K. E. and total energy E, = Total Energy Potential eneray of el ects Relation between P. energy = Avavelenath of emitted Re Rydberg's constant i = Wave number Lyman series : n, = 1, Balmer series: n, = 2, n, R,=41.2x10"m Relation between Radius of nucleus and mass number P = Nuclear density, Relation between binding P Trot m = average energy and mass defect: mass of a nucleon. 1. | Es=Am ¢? E, = Binding Energy Relation between binding Am = mass defec energy and mass defect. 1 a.m.u. = 931.5 Mev 2. | aw _ an $ = Rate of dacay of radio | Relation active decay law ae active substances = decay constant 3. N=Noe™ N, = Number of radioactive N = Number of active nuclei ( nuclei present initially after time t. T= half life of a radioctive substance To find half life period PHYSICS NZ sri ines es 5. N=No(%)" NO = Number of radioactive Number of radioactive nuclei left nuclei present initially ina sample after n half - lives. 6. |R=AN R = activity of a radioactive Relation between R anda sample 7. |e T = Mean life. T= 144 Ti UNIT 9 : ELECTRONIC DEVICES No. FORMULAE SYMBOL APPLICATIONS Ne= My n, = free electron density Intrinsic semiconductors NeNr n - type semiconductors Re Mnni? n, = density of Intrinsic carriers} Relation between charge carriers thet hy |, = current through electrons | Current through a JeneAVut ne Avy, |, = current though holes semiconductor V/, = Derift velocity of electrons rift velocity of holes le= lot le De 6 mitter ae Relation between currents |, = Base current |= Collector current through the transistor Ver tRe Output Voltage Output voltage thro . = Collector voltage , LR:= Potential drp through | ‘ansistor amplifier load resistance AL le = Emitter current Current gain of a CB transistor a= ( at) Mec Ib = Base current Ic = Collector current v,, Constant Be (4) Vee Current gain of a CE transistor V.. Constant, 0. ‘@= CB current gain Relation between a and B B= CE current gain R, = Load resistance (Output) R, = input resistance AC Voltage Gain AC Power Gain V., Constant V,, = Base emitter Voltage Input Resistance PHYSICS SZ — ©), 1, Constant Vce = Collector Emitter voltage Output Resistance UNIT 10 : COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: No[ FORMULAE SYMBOL APPLICATIONS. a H = Modulation factor To find modulation index n> A,, = Amplitude of modulating signal A= Amplitude of carrier wave A... = Maximum amplitude Asn = Minimum amplitude To find modulation index J m (t) =A,,Sino,t m (t) = modulating signal Equation of modulating signal c(t)=ASina,t C (t) = carrier signal Equation of carrier signal C,, (t) = Aji + psinurnt) sinuet ieSinunt - ACOs (ue sgt + C,, (t) = AM wave Equation of AM wave USB = Upper side band LSB = Lower side band To find upper and side frequencies (= band width To find band width Length of dipole antenna To measure the lengthh of dipole antenna d = The range of TV transmission R= Radius of earth To find range of antenna = dr+dr 4 = J2Rhy . /2Rh_ d, = Maximum line of LOS distance To find maximum line of LOS distance

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