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Module 6
6a ..... pp, 64-65
6b ..... pp. 66-67
6c .........,............... pp.68-69
6d ...... p, 70
6e ...... p. 71
6f .... p. 72
SkillsWork6 ................... ........ p. 73
Language Knowledge 6 ........,, pp.74-75

Module 2 Module 7
2a ...... pp. 16-17 7a ..... pp.76-77
Zb ,,,.., pp. 18-19 7b ...... pp. 78-79
7c .,,.., pp. 20-21 7c ....., pp. 80-81
2d ...... p 22 7d ..... p. 82
2e ..... p. 23 7e ..... p. 83
Zl ".,... p. 24 7t .,..., p. 84
Skills Work2 ....,-........"............. p. 25 SkillsWorkl .................. ........ p. 85
Language Knowledge 2 .......... pp.26-27 Language KnowledEe 7 .......... pp. 86-87

Module 3 Module I
3a pp. 28-29 8a ...... pp. 88-89
3b pp. 30-31 8b "..... pp. 90-91
3c pp. 32-33 8c ...... pp. 92-93
3d p. 34 8d .p.94
3e p. 35 8e ...,p 95
3f p36 8f .,.,, p, e6
Skills Work 3 .........,...... p. 37 Ski||sWork8 .......,....,....,...,.,.... p. 97
Language Knowledge 3 .......... pp. 38-39 Language Knowledge 8 .......... pp. 98-99

Module 4 Dictation ............ . p. 100

4a ...... pp. 40-41 Grammar Bank ,,....... pp. 101-137
4b ...... pp. 42-43 Appendix I ................ pp. 138-143
4r ,.... pp, 44-45 Word Distractors .....,... pp. 144-147
4d Skills Work pp. t4B-155
....,, p. 46
4e ...... p. 47 Quizzes pp. 156-157
4t ...... p. 48 Translator's Corner pp. 58-159 1

Skills Work 4 ............................ p. 49 Glossary pp. 160-165

Language Knowledge 4 .......... pp. 50-51 lrregular Verbs ...... p. 166

Modute 5
5a ..... pp. 52-53
sb .... pp. 54-5s
5c ..,... pp. 56-57
5d ...... p. 58
5e ...... p. 59
5f . ... p. 60
SkillsWork5................... .. ,.,. p, 61
laqguage Knowledge 5 ,......... pp. 62-63

ffieffidfim# -J
@$ Fr
Re*d the taxt and for questions 1-6 chosse the corrtct ensvver A, B, C or D.
ffi&wffi ffiffiffi fPr
eFYW,, :t
F Oeep in the Sahara Desert of North Airica, one of the rnost
inhospitable regions on the planet, live the Tuareg, an ethnic group
ol around 1 rnillion people. Over thousands of years, the Tuareg TI.J
have learned to adapt to the harsh conditions of the desert, and
today they have a reputation for being some of the most resilient e!-
people on Earth.
k Traditionally, the Tuareg are a nomadic people. They travel +
{rom place to place instead of settling in one area, the majority
looking for new sourc*s of food and water tor their livestock. But +
I i't the Tuareg are also famous for their craitsmen^ They make
stunning gold and silver jewellery, carved wooden masks, and
elaborately decorated weapons. The sword is a Tuareg's most
valued possession and men usuaily pass them down from
generaiion to generation.
$W' fn* Tuareg are rnade up of a large number of tribes who
travel together, each consisting of between 30 and "100 families,
Sometimes, these tribes will gather together into a bigger unit
known as a'Kell Within the Kel, Tuareg society csnsists of a very
small upper class ol nobles and a larger lower class of workers.
Many years ago, Tuareg $ociety also included a third clas$, slave$,
but thankfully this practic€ no longer exists. lndividuals feel a
strong s€nse of identity to the Kel they belong to. Each member of
a Kel has a duiy to protect and help other mernbers in tirnes of

@ Ort*iOers often refer to Tuareg men as'the blue men of the

desertiThis is because Tuareg men often wear an indigo-blue veil
called a 'tangelmousti This cover$ all of the Tuareg's face except
for his eyes and the top o{ his nose, and is v'rorn when in the
company of women and strangers. For the Tuareg men, the
iangelmousl is a sign of manhood and they believe it guards
against evil spirits. Of course it is also practical in protecting the
face against the sun and blowing sand. Women, on the other hand,
da not have to wear a veil, but instead wear a scar{ to tover iheir
hair. i.::.
F nttnough the Tuareg have largely rnanaged to retain most of
their population, in recent times, largely due 1o drought, some ic.
Tuareg families have abandoned their nomadic lilestyle to settle i. F
down in towns and cities. But settled Tuaregs never lose their !
sense of identity and netther are they ireated with disapproval by e* E
the Kel they leave behind. Some even work as guides, helping E
visitors discover the fascinaiing Tuareg way of life. I
*' E

The Tuareg Fill in: prscticol, society, so.Jrce, resilient,

A are very welcorning PeoPle. reputation, nomadic, possessions, conditions.
B have a population ol around one thousand
1 People in the relugee camp are living in
awlul .........
C live amund the edges of the Sahara Desert.
Bob returned to work just a week after his
D live in an area where it is difficult to survive.
operation; he's a very ..... man.
MostTuaregs rcrk as Mrs Richards lias a
A soldiers. C crattsmen. for being a strict but fair teacher.
B iewellers. I herdsmen. Tourism is a major .............. of
income for the inhabitants of the village.
A lGl is
It took Greg a {ew hours to pack away all his
A a Tuareg family. and leave the flat.
B a member of a Tuareg tribe. It's the police's responsibility to protect all
C a group of Tuareg tribes. sections of ..............
D the name ol the biggest Tuareg tribe. Peter offered some
These days, Tuareg society consists of suggestions to solve Ken's problem'
A two classes of different sizes. Around 40"/o ol Tibet's population is
B two classes of the same size. continuallY moving
C three classes. from place to place.
D lour classes.

Tuareg msn wear a tangelmoust Fill in: proctice, drought, guides, people,
A when they are with people they don't know. herdsmen, tifestyle, veils, class.
B when they are with their male friends.
C to keep themselves cool.
D to show which tribe they belong to. r1't he Tuareg are a nomadic f ) ..........
Tuaregs who decide to settle in towns I *ittt a population of around I million, who
A sometimes work in the tourist industry. live around the Sahara Desert. Most Tuaregs are
B no longer think of themselves as Tuaregs' 2) .............. who keep livestock such as
C are no longer respected by nomadic Tuaregs. cattle and goats whiie others are craftsmen who
D often return to Tuareg areas as tourists. make iewellery and weapons. Tuareg society
also has a 3) .........,. of nobles who take
on leadership roles. Years ago, Tuaregs kept
Find words in the text with a similar slaves and were involved in the African slave
meaning to the following words/phrases. industry, but this 4) ............. has long
. since died out. The most distinguishable feature
Para A: unwelcoming, racial, severe
r Para B: living permanently, farm anirnals, of Tuareg men is the indigo-blue 5)
appreciated they wear, called 'tangelmousts'. Tuareg men
. Para C: feeling, tradition, responsibility believe that their tangelmousts keep away evil
r Para D: apart lrom, symbol, wicked spirits. Due to $evere weather conditions, like
. Para E: keep, mostly, way ol life 6) ....................., which make it hard for
families to survive, many Tuaregs have chosen
to abandon their nomadic ?) ................. and
Find words in the text which mean the instead settle in towns and cities. Some of these
opposite of the following words. settled Tuaregs work as S) ......................,
helping tourists experience the Tuareg way of
. boring r minority . unfortunately
. simply ' hinder

f& Vecahulmry I{
Write the words under the correct headings.
Then write sentences describing yourself
Underline the correct item.
and your classmates, as in the example.
James is really arrogant/selfish/annoying.
He only cares about himself. :J
. skinny . freckles ' blue ' fairly short
. spiky . handsome ' mid-twenties ' curly
Our teacher is very demandinglgenerous/
kind. He always gives us lots of work to do'
. sporty . plump r of average height
. late teens . big . pretty r
Alison is so indifferenUaggressive/impatient.
She wants everything done right awayl

r shoulder-length r early thirties r slim It's quite impolite/deceitfulldishonest to

r dimples . small r beard
ask people about their personal lives.
My best triend is a very cheerful/moody/

sympathetic person who's always got a smile
on her face,
fairly short,
You should stop being so dulllsloppyllazy
skinny, and do your chores.
Alan is a positive/truthful/gentle person. He :t
$prky, never tells lies.
She is so pessimistic/indifferent/ J
blue, conservative. She always expects bad
things to happen.
freck/es, You're always trying to start an argument.

You should stop being so rude/spirited/

I am fairly short, with blue eyes and spiky hair.
H r* :: J',',iiili?i:;;;'":;.;l[x,:r"' !-
sympathetic, nosey, caring, annoyed, polite.
I Find the odd word. E-
1 plump - skinny - obese - modest body
2 dark - {air - gentle - sott complexion
3 fat .. long - wavy * thick hair
4 pointed - tall - stubby - slender nose
5 slanting - bright - pale - big eyes

Match the adjectives to the people they


fTl disorganised tTT-l modest

ET-l forgetlul ITTI tactles$

ITTI ambitious l6T-l conlident

a Someone who believes in himself.

b Someone who wants to achieve great things.
c Someone who is very bad at arranging and
taking care of things.
Someone who does not boast about his/her
personal achievements.
Someone whose words are likely to otfend
someone else.
Someone who often doesn't remember
important things.

6 !
Tspic related vocahuFany
Fill in: w,, reltlrrin,toke,losr-,, change and mske t"'
in the table'
in the rQht form. ffi
Noun Verb Adiective
1 lfs important to ............ a good impression
when you go for a job interview, tt frightening
f righten
2 After waiting to be served for 30 minutes we
our patience and left the restaurant. annoyance tl el
3 John's a very caring person who always pteasing
the good in people. d\ cl
They ............ their minds four times belore enrbarrassing
R\ embarrass
they finally chose a holiday destination, embarrassed
It is very important to ...,........ calm in the
event of an emergency.
My grandfather believes that ...,........ risks ffil Cnoose the correct item.
makes one a braver person. 1 4122, Laura is in her ......,, twenties.
A prime C early
unU"rline the correct item. B first D young
I could feel my anger raise/grow when she
accused me of lying. a T-shirt.

Alex sometimes finds it difficult to express/

A casual C dressy
tell his feelings.
B formal D elegant
Helen is trying to hide her authentic/true Don't buy Jenny the dross with the roses on
feelings. it; she doesn't like .....,.. patterns.
4 I'm sorry if I've injured/hurt your feelings.
A lartan C striped
B checked D floral
5 It feels strange/strangely to be here.
4 I can't wear this shirt, it's missing three
A collars C buttone
Fill in be and/or feeL Then use the collocations B sleeves D hems
to make up sentences about yourself.
I ........... convinced 6 ........... expressive ADo C Make
2 ........... exhausted 7 ........... easy going B Faslen D Wrap

3 ........... kind I ........... forgiven Lisa wears nothing but designer labels and
the latest trends, she's a true fashion
4 .,......... pathetic 9 .....,..... interested A sufferer C casualty
5 .,...,..... worried 10 responsibte B victim D prey

?Vmrd f*rmnti*sr
f[l aornFlete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.

I couldn't believe Terry lied to me. He can be so Fred is looking for part-time ......, at
i at times. (ttONEST) a sumrner camp, (EMPLOYI
Jake has a(n) ..........
; .,....... to talk The company has a two-week training
: too rnuch, which can be annoying. (TEND) programme for new . (EMPLOY)
I I think that job ....,,,,,....,...... is John's mum struggled to control her
more important than high wages. (SATISFY) at her son's rudeness. (ANGRY)
Lucy's lost a lot of ..........,.....,,............. since Doesn't Pat get . living
: she went on a diet six montfis ago. (WEIGH) on her own? {LONE)
: Helen came to the ........ .., that she l0 Mike is very .......".. and he
was under-qualified for the job, {CONCLUDE) enjoys rock-climbing and diving. (ADVENTUREI

lf;| Grammar :r
Underline the correct item.
Alex's native language is English, but he
Jl nut the verbs in brackets into the correct
presen t form. :J
speaks/is speaking French and Spanish too.
Michelle has been to/gone to London three l- A: 'l) Have yau met (you/meet) Ben, the new
times this year.
3 Have you seen Billy? I am looking/have
.i.. B: accountant yet?
No, I 4..........,.... (try) to get hotd
been looking lor him all day. :i!: of him all day but hes always busy.
4 Jack has finishedlis finishing his homework
...r A: I 3) ...,,.. (head) tor his ofiice right
and now he's going to the cinema. ,,, noq why don't you come along? lt'll be a good t-l
5 I didn't recognise $ally. She is looking/ chance for you to introduce yourself. =_l
looks so difierent with short hair,
Paul and Ben are best friends. They live/
8: Good idea. {you/think}
we should invite him to lunch? You know, to :J
have lived next door lo each other for years.
Those are designer trainers. They cost/are
make him leelwelcome.
A: Actually, I 5).......,.,..... (noUgo) out
costing t100. to lunch today. I 6) ...,.,,,.........,..........,,.... {see) :
Jenny thinks/is thinking of becoming an
a client later and I 7) ,....,,.,......
(noUfinish) preparing my presentation yet,
Put the verb in the brackets into the correct
B: What time
meeting/start)? Maybe you have time for a
..... (your
present form. quick bite.

A: I doubt it. We can do it tomonow, though, ',:: :

1 A: You are iooking (look) really happy. tH
B: L.......... (jusUpass)
:;:?;,1.r:r:ii#,f,$?,i{, i-,,i',;ii!,.ijtiirij:$,Tr;::::!;..r J
my driving test.
2A Where ...... (you/be) all day? Choose the correct item. :t

B: 1.,..............
at the library since this morning.
{study) This jumper
than the yellow one.
your complexion nrore J
3A: ...... (you/have) A has suited C is suiting
B has been suiting IJ
plans for the long weekend?
B: Yes, I ........ ..-...........,. ,. {go)
@ suits
Joe and L.......... tennis on Sunday. Why don't
camping with my friends. you and lan come so we can play doubles?
4A: :
Anna looks thinner. A play C have played t-t
(she/lose) weight?
B: Yes, she (exercise)
B are playing D plays
Don't be so impatientl We ....,...... for them
for 10 minules! _l
5A: ::::::::::: ":::: ::.lll lllli;", A have only been waiting
shopping on Saturday?
B: {'m not sure.
are only waiting
only wait
(not/decide) yet.
D have only waited :
6A: Jane ......".......... Evelyn is a selfish person who "........., about :.1
(still/play) the piano. herself and no one else. tu
B: Yes, she
{practise) for over an hour.
A has been caring
B is caring
c cares
D has cared -l
7A: How long Geoft is so dull! He ........... us these boring -.]
(you/study) German? stories.
B: For five years. I
A is always telling F-
(take) the Advaneed exam next week. B has always been telling
C tells always
8A: Daniel really D has always told l

(enjoy) his job at the bookshop, 'l-

Let's watch another film. I ........... this one. I-
B: Yes, he
A see C am seeing J-
{work} there for 11 years. B have been seeing t-
D have seen
Revision {Modute t}
Use the words below to make rneaningful
Use the words in bold to complete the
sentences. Use all and only these words
second sentence so that it means the same
without changing their form.
as the first. Use two to five words including
1 thelSand ralu su a ly/arrive/to/f i rst/work/ati
s i
the word given.
Sandra is usualty tfie ffrsf to arrive at work.
2 since/them/Louise/workedlMay/has/for
1 lt's been three years since James last wsnt
to Paris. HAS ,
James bas nol been lo paris for three years.
fin is hed/h omework/j ust/Jake/h is/has 2 Margaret is busy with the housework right
now. DOTNG
Nadia/wal k/sch oo l/doe s n't/to/always Margaret
...... the moment.
5 each/are/arguin giatways/Theylotheriwith They started arguing an hour ago and they
haven't stopped. BEEN

Put the verb in the brackets into the correct .... an hour.
"Whar is the pflce of that jumper?" Judy
present form.
asked. DOES
1 This skirt looks (took) great on you. "How
2 lan ....,...."........ (ptay) footbail every Friday. ?" Judy asked,
3 Ann .........,,... (design) ctothes for 2b years. Mary's at the shops and she won't be back
4 Sue ........... till much later. GONE
(meet) her friends tater.
5 We ,........... (know) each other since
Mary ,..,,.... .,..,.. the
we were litle. shops and she won,t be back till much later.
The firefighters ...,........ (stiil/try) ro
put out the fire.

Complete the text using the appropriate Read the senti:ncdi6Eibwf;A thi;k of
verb from the list below in the correct the word which best fits each gap. Use
present form. one word to complete the gaps.

. not/stop . ,succeed . make , I A road safety campaign that aims to reduce

. follow . run r let up r ps traffic accidsnts has been undertaken ,...._......
our local council.
Ianet l) rs a successlul businesswonran ,
2 Jennifer is ....................... of the most poputar
girls in the class,
who z) ........ .. ... her own
business lor tenyears. Aftcr a lot of hard 3 There are hardly ...., pandas left in
u,ork and ellort she 3] ..... . .. . in i the world.
creating thc most popular restaurant in 4 Mr Reynolds asked his bank for a loan to
town, visited by people fronr all over the him ............ his business started.
country and evcn cclcbrities. 5 John's mother says he can go out with his
Despitc her success, lanet 4) friends as ................. as he is back by 10 pm.
the same
routine for this past dccade. She S).........................
6 I had a headache, but atter taking some aspirin
darvn and 6) ......,....... I feel ......._.. litfle bit better.
to the market to lind thc
lrcshest ingredients tor hcr dishes. The
rest ol her morning
7 Dave gave rne a hand carrying the suitcases
is spcnt organising her kitchen staif and from the house sut ......................... the car.
supcrvising thc
cmking. Of course, fanet
fl .., cooking the 8 Fiona promised that she ....... not
dishcs that made her restaurant lamous herselt be late for the performance,.
Currently, lanet 8) ..., plans to expand hcr 9 ln order to attract as many customers frs
buslness to other countries. For such a harciwolking ancl
..:........"...... the new shop offered big
delermined person, success is guaranteed. discounts,
10 The loan from my bank has allowed me
.. build an extension on my house.


Multiple Choice
f{{ Lisrening skigs g/

a) You are going to listen to an interview

about the tl-
Preparlng for the task psychology of clothes. Read the statements
and possible
a) Read question"t and the answers. Underline the key words. ua
underlined words/phrases in i
The interview is taking place \J
the options (A-C). Now read A
over the phone. B in a radio station. a
the script Which is the correct
answer? Which words/phrases
in a bookshop.
Dr Frazier first became interested in clothes psychology
helped you decide? \J
when he
1 Whal does the woman avoid in A lived in Mitan. B was a teenager. \J
the,way she dresses? C was an undergraduate student.
A formatstytes T-J
Dr Frazier thinks his book will be most useful to
B da$ colours A businesspeople. -
C the latest fashions B peopte who are dating. tJ
G psychologists.
Man: Can thetp you,Madam? -
When he is working trom home Dr Frazier dresses
Wamanl t'm,laaking for an outfitto wearte
A a suit. B athletic clothes, I-
my son's wedding - nothing too
C tidy semi-formal clothes.
flaahy - something ptain.
. ll{anr Did you have any particutar
According to Dr Frazier, 'drab dressers'are usually
cotour in mind? A shy people. B outgoing peopte. -
V{oman: Anything except btack or brown, C arrogant people.
My triends ail tett me t took What item of clothing does Dr Frazier suggesl interviewees
dreadlut in them.They,re too dutt
should not wear? -
to suit my complexion and they,re
A jewellery B ties C belts
nat in fashion this yea4eitherl
Man: What aboutffrese red and silver According to Dr Frazier, ono way to help you win promotion t+
is by wearing
trousers with matching jacket? l--
Waman: No, na, yxung man,lin not,going A the clothes you wear at home.
to a night club! Haven,t yo, git B the same clothes every day. C dark colours. t--
anything a tilile more conserwative? Overall, Dr Frazier believes that the clothes peopte
A can have an effect in the business world and nowhere else. ts
b) Reed quEstion l.and o-ptlon$
A-C. Read the script and choose
B do not have an effect on how they are feeling. !-
the correct answer. Which words/
C can help them succeed in different aspects of life.
phrases helped you decide?
b) O Listen and choose the correct answer. !-
Where :does: the co,nversation take
place? (l) listen again and complete the
A in a clothes shop n sentences. l-
B at a wedding reception 1 Dr Frazier works as a professor at ...............
C in a night club 2 When he was a teenager, Dr Frazier usually
wore ..,....... .
3 Dr Frazier claims you do not need to
have a background in
psychology or ....,....",,... ........ to read the book.
The first
ln this task there are different types of
of Dr Frazier,s
book is about how clothes make us feel. i-
guestions. One of the questions rnay
be 5 According to Dr Fraziel a woman should wear
about the context in which the conversation
takes place. For questions like these, listen for interviews. F
According to research,
for references to where the speakers are.
Another question could be about specific are associated with people who are friendly
and obedient,
information. ln this case, underline the key
words in the question and possible ,ns*ers Do you agree with Dr Fraziefs opinion? Why/Why not? E-
and listen for synonymous words/phrases, Write a few senten($. g
10 .b-.J

$peakFng s$qills
Describing a ptroto Look at the picture
Preporing lror tfie tcsk and complete the
sentences to
Look at the picture and
describe it.
choose the correct words
in the de*cription. 1 This picture
shows some
ln the picture, I can see two men people in "....:...
cycling on a 1) straighUwinding
road. Both of the men are
wearing black cycling shorts and
white 2) topsiblouses. The man
in lront is wearing a white helrnet while the man in the
They seem to be
3) hahind/raar
behind/rear isie rnro.qrinn
wearing a a rrollnnr
yellow halmai
helmel, trarhlno
Perhaps !

they are 4) professionallqualilied cyclists who are

competing in a 5)race/ehase. On the other hand,
they could be friends who are cycling just as a(n)
6) activitylhobby. The road seems to be in a(ni
7) isolatedlbuilt-up mountainous region. lt 8) shows/
looks like it is very hot.
4 The etderly woman might be

5 On the table I can see

Describing pictures
Describe what you can see in detail: the people, their
clothes, where they are, what they are doing and how 6 The girl who is sitting down is wearing .,.....
they are feeling. Use phrases like: Ihis picture shows,
There islore, I can see, ln the foregraund/bockground,
On the righUleft. You can make assumptions (maybe, 7 She is probably going to

Look at the I lt looks like everyone

picture. Which
text best
destribes it?
Cftoore the correct response.
1X: Hello, I don't think we've met before.
Y: a Never mind.You're here now.
I'lrc pictLrrc shor,vs two
b I'm Jeff, Mike's friend from coltege.
agecl lrcopk',
nriilcllt: r1
2X: What do you think of jazz music?
ntntt atrcl tr ttrolnan. lt ln the picture I can see
Itxrks likc lhrl',11"s i't ,1-. two people . in the back Y: a I can't stand it, to be honest.
Itrtck sr'rtt of rr tnxi. 'l'hey seat ol a car. lt looks like b I really enjoyed it.
they are businesspeople,
arc' r,rrc'l]-clrcssccl, so rnayhr-r 3X: What is Paul like?
Perhaps they are on their
lltey coupll'r,r4ro nrcr
<rrc d
way to a meeting, but
Y: a He's got a great sense of fashion,
going or.rl lor clirurr:r. The
they have got lost. The b He's actually really friendly.
l'}1.il1 .seelt]s to bc lrolrling
a nc\4rslialrer ancl is crsking man is probably asking 4X: How are things?
tlte trroriran [br clirc'r:tions. for directions on the Y: a I'm off to the mall right now.
phone, while the woman
is trying to find out where
b Fine, thanks.
they are on a map,

ffi"*- ,$ l|,[I Wfiting A btter/emait describins a person :J
Read the rubric, then the model. Fill in the
Punctuate the sentences below.
sentences below.
1 im glad youre having a good time in england :
You have joined a new school but are having youll never believe what paul told me
difficulty making new friends. One student, in
2 :
3 thats all for now see you soon
particulal is being very rude to you. Write an
4 jane harry and i are going to rome next
emailto your English pen-friend (140-190 H
words) describing this person including their
appearance and personality. At the end of the
who is your best friend at school
email ask how you could solve the problem.

Put the words in the correct order to form =

I reatty don't know whaiid'd6: ""'
..I'A ':, sentences. Add punctuation where
I n But unfortunately, her character doesn't necessary.
i really match her appearance,
i 'l gracefully/dances/Jane/very :
i C Her appearance really stands out.
emait. j

i ..P". .Il'-ql.{t Jg,t tgll tast :

2 eaten/never/Thai food/Tina/has
Dear Pamela,

FT-l I was glad to hear you enjoyed your summer 3 to the cinemalrarely/Oliver/goes
holiday. I've also returned to school recently, in my
new school in Kent, but l'm finding it really difficult to
make friends and one girl in particular is being very
4 very/Flichard/always/writes/ctearly
mean to me.
iTTl fiveryone thinks she is realty pretty. She is
quite tall and slim with a tanned complexion and
' i::::i1:*::1T::l::::::::l:1T:: :
brown eyes. And she has a great sense of fashion. She :
always wears beautiful platform shoes, jeans and Your turn G+
bright tops. )
Read the rubric and underline the key words. IJ
lTTl Keira can be really rude, especially to me. She
always makes fun of my clothes and laughs at me
Then use the plan to write your letten :l
when I get a question wrong in class. Also, she tends
to be a bit arrogant at times. She often talks about You have just joined an after-school sports
club but one of the members is being very
how much pocket money she gets and where she
spends her holidays,
rude to you. Write a letter to your English :
pen-friend (140-190 words) describing this E'1
i"Tl l've tried to make friends with her, but she person, including their appearance and
never gives me a chance. Do you have any advice you
could give me?
All the best
personality. At the end of the letter ask for
advice on how to solve the problem. :l
Join the sentences or link the ideas using
the linking words in brackets.
Dear + (your pen-friends first name) :
I Paul is a generous man. He gives money to tpiii ri' ipeii,iig c,immeitJ,, iime iiperson a :
charity. (who) relqtlgnship with them
2 :
Fred has a great sense of humour, He can
be a bit arrogant at times. {but}
Main Body , - .__ .- _. __ -.
!l p"er9g.!.:s-p,,y$icd appearance & cIothes :
3 Kate is very cheerlul, She is sometimes (Pan 3) per$onb eftar*sler & supporting E-.'l
bossy to her lriends. (however) Qxarylplg: ,..:. ,
4 Henry is short and skinny. He has curly Ccn$ryhq-' ,.*., '
brown hair. (with) (Para 4)
.l ,

c{1gl_ccvnrnents & request for advice

5 Linda is very attractive. $he has a great
sense of fashion. (also)

12 :

perfnrmer uses body

ba performanc€ art in wtiich the
As weli as.not
mrds alorc to act out a story CIr $ituation'
iJ6;;e artists do not usually use
@ movements t0 sussest T mime
l"lslally is associated
*Jt tnelestt
i*gitition does
audience la$:lll
ffiry,.,iirtG soal sf making the I'Tl
has the pctential t0
Jne-i'pe*o,mance art, mime alss
gnnu'rnkate serious mcssages'
with the seri0us
lltt,t*tt; afiist who is most- ctosely associated
ffir"S ,t ii-trnnyf side st mirne is tarlos tVlartinez. Born in
rnoved to Barcelona when
really are.
iftougll the maiority ol his work
involves #e
tt--"_"Sp*in in rgsb, Martinez's family
his love for not speaking,
Martinez does draw upon ;,#"
tn vrs 12, and it was tfiere he snon dis$vered stage actor
csreer as a f''iu skills in his mime
fifuU. He went on 10 mai*tain a steady weri{silops, where ne passes on
mims'. He Jelt that' tlrraugh
rd;;;igsi, r''u decidJ to studv
tf't audience on a deeper and and knowledge he has garned overthree
rnfrne, h€ could comn'luni'uu *if' a Prolestional mime as
realise that rnlme could iet
Secade* as
mo.e'effactiv, level. Noi only did he well as instructing up-and-corning
ilffiorm internationallv avoidirts the barriers
';;'tffiffi;;ffi;;ffiti sitence in a world
was "savins mim€s, Martlnez has also
' "silence n like vrtater'^every werkshcPs on bodY language
** lrrt tf.rinking less"' As he said'
is needed'" businessPeople' fiut his real
ts lilte silence"every dav mcre
6ffi;;;;;.i#; af hfiartinez's most remains perforrning; comrnunimting
lnd*d, it is water conservation that ane plays a to peoPie around the world and
p.e,rG routines is about. At one pnint in,ttre,1l .flartinez touching their hearts like only
he can'
the tap to run while he dces
rmn slanding at a sinlt who allcws

Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

What is the purpose of the article? 4 What does the seccnd paraqraph imply about
A to explain whai mime is in detail Carlos'beliefs?
B to examine the pros and cons of mime A He feets actors don't express thernselves
G to present the biography of Carlos Martinez enough"
D to pre$ent the work of Carlos Martinez B He leeis people don't communicate enough.
C He feeis people talk too much.
According to the text, how does mime dif{er from
D He feels he wasn't a very good actor.
other performance arts?
A props are never used 5 According to the article, what is Carlos most
B props are rarely used successful at doing?
C stories are acted out A conveying serious messages though his
D it is mostly associaied with comedy performances
B helping people to communicate better
ln the second sentence of the second paragraph,
C making people laugh
what does fhere refer to?
D telting stories through his art
A stage Q Pravia
B Barcelona D side

Answer these questions in your own words, Are the following statements True or False
based on the information in the text. according to the text? Quote the text to
support your ans\n er.
1 Why did Carlos Martinez choose to become
a mime artist? 'l Martinez has won a prize for one of his
2 What message does Carlos Martinez get routines.
across in his routine about water 2 Martinez has performed outside Spain.
conservation? 3 Martinez instructs people in public speaking.
Think of the word which best fits
each gap, Use only one word in
Complete the second sentence l+
so that it has a similar meaning -.
each gap. There is an example at
to the first sentence, using the
the beginning t0).
word in bold. Use two to five r+
words including the word given.
HnJJanY.$ke 1 I'm sure he didn't intend to
spoilthe surprise. NO t+
During rncent flights over the Amazon rainforest 0l in a rem'te
area near peru, I'rn $ure he had
Brazil's Nationar rndian Foundation
{Funai) took amazing photographs of ,..... the surprise. Q:i
members of 1)..".
".'..",'.' of Brazi's rast uncontacted tribes. rhe
photographs 2 The truth is that I want Malcolm
seemed to show a thriving community of
strong, healthy warriors, six huts and a to pay for the tickets.
large planted area. fhe tribe-member*,
,ourrrd Z) .-
, ..... ,rJ puint, *r*
pointing their bows and arrows up ,,1
at the aircraft. think they wourd ne ext'emety
The truth is that I .........,,,......
.,,, for the tickets.
scared after seeing it," university professor
Arexandra Aikhenvald said. _
3).........."..,... order to prevent invasion of their Zoe lives quite close to her b
land, Funai does not make school. AWAY
contact with such tribes. so why did they fly over
they actually existed, 4)....,.......,,,.. tne iaci that
the tribe? well, to show that
Zoe does l--
it is estimated that there are
5)'....."...,. .... than 100 uncontacted tribes in the frorn her school.
world, some stilldo not believe
it. You really shouldn't miss the
"The world needs to wake up opportunity to study under +-
and ensure that their territory 6) .....,...,. ." .
protected. otherwise, they wiil soon him. ADVANTAGE
become extinct,,'stephen corry, oirector ot
Survival lnternational, said. The lndians are
very much l) danEer as
You really should F.
illegal loggers invade their tand. They must .. the opportunity
be stopped g)..,........,.... the tribe,s
future is taken out of their hands. to study under him. B-
We haven't contacted him since
May. TOUCH l.-
use the word given in capitars to form a word
that fits in
the gap. There is an exanrple at the beginning (0).
We haven't
since May.
The contract wilf not be
considered valid unless it is
signed. ONLy l-
The contract will
....... it is signed.
\ -f The 0) desgiption of herseif as 'just a )
*,H,,"1-# Patrick likes to collect funny ads
x i J.xi i:iJi;,' lil; he sees in the papers. HABIT
^slff Nepalese video blogger, promise tamani
Phan, isl Although she
1) ,..,........., ......... make-up artist, promise
is not a(n-)
uses clever tricks to PROFESSION
Patrick is

;;;; ;;;; ;; il. ;;;;,llnnu :

transform herself into 2) ......, famous celebrities. VARY
I lt's a pity my car is so slow. :
Promise posts amazing tutorials of her
sn.YauTube and they have won her miilions
of foilowers. rn one
I ............".., so slow.
video, she becomes the rapper Drake
by shaping her face with I Rhys said he would not
pencils in order to give herself a
masculine 4) ..,, ., ,. . APPEAH apologise and hung up the
She adds facial hair to her chin, puts on phone. FEFUSED
smiles into the cameral
a hoodie and then :
Perhaps her most 5).... ,. ,.,,. tutorial, however, BELIEVE
sorry and hung up the phone, :
shows her transforming herself into Leonardo
da Vinci,s ) She moved her potted ptants
6).,. ,. Mona Lisa! She covers her eyebrows MY$JIERY..
to prevent them from geting
with glue and concealer and adding a wig she begins loo much sun. SO
resemble the famous painting ,,lf only Leonardo
,. l-J
She rnoved her potted plants
. .. ::
da Vinci could :

see you," one 7) .......... commented. ,,1 would vEw . r,,:,.

pay to see his 8) .....,, ....... .............,t" I-r
EXPH€S$. ' get too rnuch sun.
-.- r
Bnnr Vocabulary
O*dpcorrect item. Choose the correct item.
I Sble not sure ......,..1or you to pay to register. lncreasing levels of greenhouse gas emissions
A bnecessary C it be necessary can ....,.,.. to climate change.
B it is necessary D it necessarily A lead B turn C drive D direct
2 l(sin arrived at the party......., than expected. The governrn€nt has a new ...,..... for tackling
A quite earlier C much earlier unemployment this year.
B more early D more earlier A aim B strategy C activity D plot
3 His broken leg will keep him ,...,,... iootbail for I'll call you lrom my landline as my mobile
two months. phone has got a bad ......... right now.
A for playing C to play A action C connection
B without playing D from ptaying B reaction D attractlon
tl I donl know how, but my best friend managed 4 We enjoyed every ......... of our stay at the hotel
to talk ......... into giving her my new scarf. resort,
A my B tome C withme D me A practice C feature
5 My teacher ........, astonished at how well I had
B aspect D outlook
done in my exam. 5 You can't wear that jacket. lt isn't .....,,., for a job
A became C got interview,
B was D seems A appropriate C functional
6 The latest developments in their research
B substantial D fundamental
A appear promised 6 Mark .."...... his lavourite toy car away from his
B appear promising little sister.
C are appearing to promise A caught C trapped
D appear to promise B grabbed D grasped
7 There are too many documents; you,ll never get He .,....... at his watch to see if it was time to leave.
them to lit in.,....,,, filing cabinet. A gazed B peered C stared D glanced
A same C one of the same Two police officers ....".... the front door of my
B the same D the sam6 one neighbour's house to ask him some questions.
I wasn't ......... Helen about the concert because I
A advanced C approached
had seen the band before. B accessed D progressed
A as excited as C so exciting as It's too expensive to pay the .....,... prices for a
B as exciting as D so excited than whole family in cinemas lhese days.
The ......... disadvantage of moving house is
A admission C acceptance
that it'llcost us a lot of money. B intermission D permission
A most great C greatest 10 I recently ......,.. that I spend half ol my income
B greater D much greater on renl and paying the bilts.
10 Did you ask Kitty ,........ to see at the cinema
A figured C valued
B priced D calculated
A she wants C does she want tl The young children ......... round their teacher
B what she wants D what does she want while she read them a $tory.
11 After the baby went to sleep, mum managed
A directed C gathered
..,...... a little of her work done.
B collected D hung
A to get C to be getting 12 lt is very rare lor ......... people like us to become
B to have got D in getting rich and famous.
12 lf the government ......... a proposal banning all
A natural G daily
hunting, there would be fewer endangered
B common D ordinary
species. 13 There were many failed ...,......... at climbing
A should have adopted Mount Everest before Hillary and Tenzing
B have adopted reached the summit in 1953.
C willadopt A attempts C tries
D were to adopt B efforts D approaches
&g Headins :J
lr -l
Multiple choice s.
Preparing for tfie fask 1 The'Greatest show cn Earth'takes pLace :J
because wirdebeest t-r
a) Read question 1 and the A are lookjng for fosd.
B have a natural instinct to kpep rnoving.
possible answers {A-D}. Then
read the first paragraph of the C need to nglggsg their numbFrs.
D are lookino fo-r a place to give birth.
text" Pay attention to the
underlined words/phrases. b) Which is the correct answer? How has the information F-J
been paraphrased? _l

p too. ln 2007, approximately 10,000 wildebeest drowned

fu.ry year after the rainy season, one of the most
incredible spectacles in the natural world takes place in trying to cross the Mara River due to unusually strong _l l
East Africa. One and a half million wildebeeg! (Africat
famous large antelope) gather up their yqung and begin
pln* sheer
number of wildebeest and the drama of F,
a 2,800 km trek across the plains of the Serengeti and the crossings make the MaraRiver the most popular
for tourists who travel to Africa to witness the
Maasai Mara in search qf food and water. This annual Great
migration, which has been dubbed the ,Greatest 5how on Migration. lnterestingly. when wildebeest arrive on the :t-J
Earth', is the largest mass movement of banks of the Mara, they do not cross it immediately.
mammals on the
lnstead, they gather, waiting to cross" For days their _l
numbers build up. They approach and, for no apparent
The journey to find fresh, juicy grass is a dangerous
one. Wildebeeet must cross crocodile-infested rivers, reason, turn and wander away frorn the watert edge.
Finally, one brave rrr;ildebeest steps forward and takes the
survive strong currents, and escape the jaws of predators
first plunge into the river, This sets off a stampede, with
during their trek from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the FJ
greener pastures of the Maasai Mara in Kenya. every animal for itself, swimming and fighting to get to
FFWrt"r*ays are terrifying to wildebeest for two
the other side.
reasons. First, because of the animals, fear of the water
itself and the crocodiles that live within it. Seconcl,
animals that survive the Mara River crossing find
themselves in the Maasai Mara plains, and it,s time to
feast on the juicy grass. Zebras, which join the wildebeest f.
because water generally means vegetation and predators
such as lions and leopards lie in wait for wildebeest in in their migration, form an excellent partnership with
bushes as they enter and exit waterways, Wildebeest them. Zebras travel ahead of the wildebeest and, as they :_l
have an inbuilt instinct to move in a certain direction, prefer long grass, take the first course, trimming it neatly
though. Thus, they will cross rivers despite their terror, for their friends at the back, who like it nice and short.
p>^rf"'* wildebeest remain
Fpt ftl* most treacherous part of the wildebeests, entire on the Mara grasslands until
journey is the crossing of the Mara River. Many lose their the grass is gone. Then, they make their return trip back +'
lives in the Mara in the jaws
to the Serengeti to mate during the rainy season. The
Serengeti is their breeding ground. By the time they F-''l
of hungry crocodiles, but
arrive there, the grass will once again be green and ush.
there are other dangers f
And so the cycle will begin again.
Fill in: incredible, notural, annual, terrestrial,
cu rrents, i nbui lt, spot, b reedi ng.
r Qui*ty read the text to get the gist. Read the
i questions and possible answers and find the key 1 John is addicted to TV documentaries which
; words. Read the text again and identifo the part that explore the wonders of the ........
; contains the answer to each question. Try to find world.
i wordVphrases synonymous to the key words in the 2 The Lake District, which has got England's
: questions and answers. This will help you do the task.
largest lake' and tallest mountain, is a
popular ."..... for hikers.
3 Unlike many marine mammals, most
Now read the rest of the text and for mammals have got skin
questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, covered in hair.
B,CorD. 4 lt's not safe to swim in the river due to the
At waterways, strong
A the greatest danger for wildebeest are the 5 The documentary was about penguins leaving
the ocean to walk to their
ground across miles o{ ice.
wildebeest will only move forward in a
straight line.
6 The swans will fly sor.rth when il's time for
their .......... migralion before the
G the natural instinct of wildebeest is to turn back.
D wildebeest become easier prey for big cats.
7 Bears have got a(n)
The Mara Fliver instinct that motivates them to hibernate for
A is East Africa's most popular tourist spot. the winter.
B atways has very strong currents. 8 Have you ever seen the...,...,,..
C is where wildebeest face the highest risk of spectacle of lights created by the Aurora
death. Borealis?
D has more crocodiles than any other river.
The first wildebeest to cross the Mara River is Fill in: waterways, pastures, plunge, crossing,
A the leader of the pack. banks, trek, rnigration
t vegetotion.
B the animaf who reaches the river lirst.
C a random animal. :n
D the strongest swirnmer. *E
During their 1).............."......... from the
Zebras and wildebeest eat Serengeti to the green ?)......................... of
A different foods. F the Maasai Mara, millions of wildebeest face
B difierent parts of the same planl. # a treacherous lourney. The wildeheest need
C side by side. 'e,
braverv, particutarty to cross the
D only tall grass.
*" 3).......,................. on this great annual
Throughout the text, the author F 4)................ Not onlv are the rivers
A highlights the danger that migrating animals infested with crocodiles, hut the anlmals
cause. '*, must also conquer their fear of water. The
B describes the problems the wildebeest face f
f 5)......................... of tne Mara River is the
during migration.
*. most famous challenge for these declicated
C explains how animals help each other. '*o
D shows the effect the animals have on the land. animals. The wlldeheest wait for days on the
61..."..................... of the river. TheY feed on
# the 7l .... there before finallV
Find words in the text which mean the *rr taking the 8) ...- into the river.
opposite of the followinE words/phrases, The wildebeest which sut.\tive will then he
. unknown' not immediately obvious
free to feed on the juicy grass of the Maasai
. precisely. smallest . unalarming . prey :
p' Mara.


rill in the correct preposition.
Fill in: unique, troditional, limited, strong, ffi
shollow, pointed. 1 There is a lack ....... clean water in E
1 Many doctors believe that ........... this arid region.

medicine can have a role to play in modern 2 According ............,,..,,.. zoologists, pandas
raised in captivity don't have the skills to
Coral reefs usually develop in.... ............. survive in the wild.
waiers in warm parts of the world. 3 The government has to open a new landfill Q
3 The parrot {ish has gat site as the current one is full
characteristics such as the ability to change rubbish. e
shape or colour. 4 Greenhouse gas emissions ar€ harmtul
4 A shrew is a small mammal with a long, . the environment. a
nose Deforestation causes a great deal of

Seahorses live within a(n) ....... .. damage . air quality as well as
range which is not far from the shore. wildlife habitats. €
The canoeist used Cutting energy use by 'l% will aiso reduce
currents to move quickly down the river. carbon emissions by,."....... ......... least the
same amount.
, a doubt, this is one of the most €
a) Put the words below under the
appropriate headings.
polluted cities in the world.
a air pollution . clean up rubbish Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the t
a deforestation . endangered species words in brackets.
a polluted beaches . protect wildlife habitats
a replanl tree$ . run tap$ less often
I use public transport . waler $hortages

air pallutian I use public transport

b) Use the environmental problems and the

solutions to write senten{es, as in the
We can reduce air pollutian by using public
fransport insiead ol our cars.

Circle the odd one out.

1 mamrnals: monkey - whale - parroi * bear

2 insects: toad - fly - beetle * butterfly
3 rodents: mou$e - squirrel - kangaroo - rat
4 fish: tuna - seal - salmon - seahorse
5 reptiles: chameleon - crocodile - jaguar -
6 birds: frog - eagle - owl - parrot

Choose t*re correct word. Choose the correct word.
1 Global heating/warming refers to the rising The recent floods left the rural town in
temperature of our planet. complete destruction/demolition/
2 Healthy ecosystems support a diversity/ devastation/desertion.
divergence of species. An easy way to save water is to ensure/
3 The future of electricity lies in renewed/ assure/reassure/insure there are no leaking
alternative forms of energy. taps in your horne.
tl We saved a lot of money when we switched ln an ideal world, everyone would have
our electricity supply lo sun/solar power. access/ ap proach/entry/admission to
5 Forest conservation will help to preserve the clean drinking water.
natural habitats/hornas of local wildlife. It's only a matter of time before we use up
6 Climate change/difference is caused by the the Earth's sources/ori gins/resources/
build up of greenhouse gases/ emission in
the Earth's atmosphere. The town's water supply/source/store/stock
was very low after two years of drought.
Circle the odd one out.
The water supply was altered/
t household - factory - fossil waste contam i nated/infects/in{ested and
residents were told to drink bottled water.
2 poisonous - toxic - carbon gases
3 pouring - global - acid rain Fill in: reserve, forming, energy" ststions,
4 greenhouse - atornic - solar energy evaporate, balanced.
5 drinking - polluted - harmful water 1 Endangered species will be protected in the
Fill in: fossil, energy, ozonet pesticides,
A(n) ........... ecosysiem is necessary
for all wildlife to survive.
1 We must act to solve the ................".... crisis When watering your garden bear in mind
before there are no gas and oil resources that water will ...,,,............,.. more quickly at
left, midday"
Rivers can become c0ntaminated when Organic ,,..,, has become more
larmers use ........... on their crops. popular since concerns arose about GM
Some scientists predict that our supplies ol crops.
fuels could run out within lifty years, A team of physicists are responsible for
Conservation of the jungle will hetp to checking the safety of our nuclear power
prevent further animal
The ........... layer protects us from the 6 More houses are powered by renewable
most harmful radiation lrom the sun- forms oi ,.. these days.

1i:i.i'.-:-i er-i ili.i,l ;.i- : ii:.1 :,: ii

C".nlete ttre sentences with words derived from the words in bold.
I We found it to sleep because of the The hurricane hit areas
deafening noise from next door. {POSSIBLE) causing extensive damage. (COAST)
2 Local are complaining about the The .............,,..... of cities into rural areas can
pollution caused by the nearby factories. be harmfulto the environment. {EXPAND}
(RESTDE) We had the rare opportunity to visit a(n)
3 These vegetables are ...,............,. produced at rainforest. (E0UATOB)
localfarms. (ORGANIC) The area was still .. which allowed
4 Banning cars from the city cantre would be an the environment lo retain its natural beauty.
way of reducing trafiic jams. (EFFECT) (DEVELOP)
5 The environmentally-friendly company received TO The local authorities tried to raise ".,...............
1 good ................. in the press. (PUBLIC) of the importance of recycling. (AWAHE)

Ef;| Grarnmar
Fill in the gaps with the words/phrases Underline the correct verb tanse and then
below. Then match the sentences to the identify its r,rse.
1 We all hope that we are living/will live in a
. ought not to r must . should . mustn,t cleaner environment in the luture.
. have to r don't have to (will: expresses irope for the future)
Carmen is going to ioin/willjoin
FIA You musf throw your rubbish in the bin.
Gre'enpeace; she has already applied.
ITTI You ................... really read this article Valerie rrvill have come/is coming to clean
on carnivorous plants. up the local beach with us tomorrow.
F-n You ........... ctean oul the fish Our llight leaves/will have left at 6:00, so
tank today. there's plenty of time to get to the airport.
FT_l we .................... fish in this take. Kenneth will be sleeping/witl sleep at 7:00
tTT*l Peopte have exotic tomorrow morning;call him later.
animals as pets.
tTTl Experts say we all ......................... try
harder to protect the environment.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
future form.
a I agree. They belong in the wild. A: Mr Harris needs to speak to you.
b Why? Have you done it already? B: I'll call(call) him right away"
c I think they're right.
A: I ................ (start) my new job at
d lknow, lwill. 9:00 arn on Monday.
e I know. lt says s0 on that sign. B: Are you nervous?
f I will. lt looks inieresting. 3A: I'm getting tickets for the concert on

Fillin an appropriate modalverb that matches B: Don't bother. They

the meaning of the phrase in brackets. (sell out) by then.

'l 4A: What ......... . (they/do) abour

He didn't need ta ehange the tight bulb. (lt that huge oil spill off the coast?
wa$n't necessary,)
B: They haven'l announced anything yet.
You .................,... respect the company's
dress code. (You are obliged to.)
5A: What are your plans for tonight?
B: I ......,..,......... (noUdo) anything special.
We ..,.....,............ make fun of other people,s
appearance. (lt's not a good thing to do)
You ...... ".............. replace all your ordinary Choose the appropriate time conJunctions.
tight bulbs with energy-efficient ones. {l Put the verbs in brackets into the corre{t
advise you to.) form.
Pedro ........ do an assignment on 1 Scientists estimate that at the momenU
the problem of deforestation in Spain. (tt is
every day, 100 plant or animal species
necessary.) became (become) extinct.
You .........." buy products made from By the time/The mornent Lydia heard about
endangered species. (tt ls forbidden.) the local environmental organisation, she
You .,................... recycle as much as possible. ....... (dectde) to become a
(lt's a good idea.) member.
Young Beople ... respect the Alison used to work at a pet shop before/
elderly. (lt's their duty.) once she (volunteer) at
People ... hunt endangered the animal shelter.
species. (lt's against the law.) Let me know how much the tickets cost
10 You ...,...,............. lorget to wear sun$cresn. before/as soon aE you ............ (find out).
{lt's not a good idea.} His boss asked him to stay behind just
as/untll he ......"........ {get} ready to teave.
Monica will do the shopping as long as/
after she ... (do) her homework.
Revision {Modutes't-a}
Complete the sentences with the correct Join the sentences using the time word
form of the verb in brackets. given.
1 Ben does (do) his grocery shopping on 1 I will do my homework. I will come back from
Fridays. school. (when) I will do my hamework when
2 Lisa ....(noVvisit) her I come back from schootr.
grandparents lor weeks. 2 Donna was listening to music. She was
3 The local environmental organisation hopes jogging, (white)
that many people
(turn up) for the beach clean-up day.
3 Patrick turned off the lights. He left the room.
4 I ......,.... {noUsuppose) you know (before)
where George is at the moment.
This time next week, we ............. The cleaner will leave. She will finish her
(work) in our new offices, job. {as soon as}
Peter ......... ,, (take) a shower at
the moment, why don't you call him later?
It started raining. I was leaving my house.
(iust as)
Complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first.
1 lt wasn't necessary for him to bring a jacket.
He did not need to bring a jacket.
2 lt's been ages since I saw my cousin.
I have
3 John has decided to grow a beard.
John is
4 She started writing music when she was 12.
She has
5 Dave doesn't go out with his friends very often.
Dave rarely

newrite the sentences using modcts,

1 I advise you to buy the red coat.
You shou/d buy the red coal
2 lt's not necessary for Anna lo wash the car,
3 lt is everyone's duty to protect ihe
We all
4 lt was necessary for Ghris to walk the dog
It's not a good idea to trust Sofia.
It's forbidden to throw li$er in the streets.
It's a good idea to recycle.
You are obliged to respect the laws.
trq Listening skills
Cnect the words you are not familiar with in your dictionary.

{!n[ li

Multiple choice fi tirt"n again and complete

a) You are going to listen to a professor talking about an the sentences.
environmental problem. Read the statements 1-8 and Professor Wycliffe specialises
possible answers. Underline the key words. in the study of .....,.,............. .
1 Professor Wycliffe's choice of career was most influenced by His parents used to take him
A his parents, C an incident. .. when he was a

B his professor. child during summer.

D a neighbour.
When he was a teenager, he
2 The focus of his current research is was shocked to see
A marine biology C chomicalwaste and dead fish on the beach.
B oil spills D coastal pollution According to Professor
Prolessor Wyclitfe says that a lot of people Wyclltfe, a lot of people don't
A are deliberately polluting the seas. know how causes
water pollution.
B are polluting without knowing it.
C don't realise that water pollution is a problem. Coral reefs are destroyed by
D don't care aboLlt the problem of water pollution. which is caused
by people's actions.
Most experts agree that Apart from factories, shlps
A natural phenomena are causing pollution. and oil companies,
B natural phenomena don't cause any pollution. is the main cause of water
C pollution ls in part a natural phenomenon. pollution.
D no one really knows what causes pollution. Reduction in oxygen in waler
and rises in water temperatures
According to the prgfessor, what causes most water pollution?
.... marine life.
A farming B shipping C factories D fishing
Plants absorb
6 What percentage of coral reefs was damagod in the lndian and cause fish and sea
Ocean? mammals to Eet sick and die.
A 19% B 25% C 90% D 80% Marine animals mistake
.. for food.
7 $ince the 1980s, the whale pop.ulations that the professor
mentions 10 Professor Wycliffe believes
that if each ....,..............., we
A have decrgased. C have remained the same, can improve the situation.
B have almost doubled. D have totatly died out.
I The most common waste found on beaches is
What are Professor Wycliffe's
A oll. G plastic bags. suggestions to help solve the
B uneaten food. D cigarettes.
problem of water pollution?
b) O Listen and for questions 1-8 choose the corre$
answer A, B, C or D.
ffipemkfr mg ffiH
ry ffi*rr:r'

Look at the picture Look at the picture and answer

and complet€ the the questions.
1 How many people can
. light . black you see in the picture?
. girls . doing
' wearing . lree
. long . save
. . 2 Where are they?
red straight

3 What are they doing?

..r The picture shows two 1) planting a
2) ....,,...,..., ........... .They are 3l .............................T-shirts and
J shorts. I think it's sumrner time because their clothes are
4 What time of the year can it be?
,i 4).................... . The girl on the left is wearing a
5) -.............,..........,... T-shirt and denim shorts. She's got long
'* 6| .,.. fair hair. The girl on the right is wearing
: 7) .............".. top and green shorts, She's got 5 What is the man wearing?
8) "............., straight brown hair, I think they are
enjoying what they are 9) ............ .... . They give
: good example of what we can all do to help How old clo you think he is?

Look at the picture. Which text best 7 What are the women wearing?
describes it?

I What do the women look like?

I Do you use public transport? When?

Choose the correct response.

1A: How about installing solar panels?

B: a I think it's a great idea.
b You're welcome,

2A: We could replace all the tight bulbs with

energy saving ones.
'A B: a You've been a big help.
Tlte pictr.rlr. short,q tlo nrerr. Tlrny ar"e in .r firrest
ttitlr rr river passirrg lry1-lrey are cirtlirrg r{or.vrr rr trcc
b Good thinking.
trrith .r chairr salr,. -lltr. trrut arc r,ricarittg rrni{ilrlls 3A; It would be a good idea to turn olf the
rrud he.lnrr.ts. lights when you leave a room-
'a B: a Thanks.
The p crure shows two men in a forest. There's a b I suppose you're right.
r ver rear t1tem. One is wearing a uniform, the other
is +;earinE jeans and a T-shirt Both men are wearing 4A: Perhaps you could shui your computer
leinets. lt seems they have cut down a tree. down when you aren't using it.
B: a Great! b That's a good idea.
An essay providing solutions
trflwritins to a problem

Read the rubric, then the model. Complete b) Write topic sentences for each paragraph
the gaps with: however, another helpful in Ex.2a. Use these words:
suggestion, to conclude, first af all, lastly. 1 One effective solution is ,..

You have had a class discussion about the

global water shortage. Your teacher has
asked you to write an essay discttssing ways 2 lt is agood idea to ...
of conserving water. Write your essay (140-
'190 words). Write about: 1) turning off taps
2) taking showers 3) ,.. {your own idea)
3 Another useful solution is ...
p On* in eight people around the world do not
have access to clean drinking water. Drought,
pollution and farming all contribute to this problem. Your turn
1).-...,.-..,..... ....., there are some simple
Read the rubric and match the solutions to
things we can do at home to help conserve water.
their expected results.
Fr, .,-... ..-. we should not leave
You have had a class discussion about
taps running unnecessarily. lf we turn off the tap
deforestation. Your ieacher has asked you to
while we are brushing our teeth, for example, we will
write an essay discussing ways of solving the
save a surprising amount of water. problem (1 40-1 90 words).Write about.
1) recycling 2) planting trees
S t, is to operate our
3) ... (your own idea)
dishwasher or washing machine only when they are
full.ln this way, we save both water and electricity.

&nt -.,....... it would be a good

:,ml recyele paper a logging companies
idea to take showers instead of baths. A bath closed down for
typically uses 100 litres of water twice as much as
urge governments
cutting down trees
- to introduce
a shower! This means that we can cut our water stricter penalties
consumption by at least halfl lor illegal logging b reforestation

tt , everyone can do i[TT--l plant trees c fewer trees will need

something, however small, to save this precious
to be cut down
{lii9:*i:;:ra'itaa{a?:&:in-:]@1#riia!1'r-1rrii$F *
commodity. Every drop counts!
Use your answers from Ex. 3 and the plan
below to write your essay,
a) Expand the prornpts into full sentences
as in the example.

1 should reduce use/pesticidesifertilisers -

this wayiprevent run-offsiharmlu I
chemicals/into water sources
We should reduce our u$e ol pesficides
and ferfifisers.Ihrs way, we prevent run-affs Maln Body
af harmfulchemicals into clean water {Pana 2} flrstsuggesilbn & expecfed resuifs
sources" {Para 3) second suggestisn & expected resu/fs
(Para 4)
2 should stop buying/wooden products - as lhrrd suggestlon & expected resuils

a result/fewer trees/cut down Gonclusion

{Para 5} summan'se yaur opinion

local authoritieslshould provide more

rubbish bins - il/do this/people throw/less
rubbish on street

their seerjs are spread tar and lvide' \
earnivores' s0 you because they help t0 ensure-n*u*
Sears have a reputa.tion tor being {erocious *u*n resort to {rozen food' lt
*V U.itrpnsed to ieam that some bears slay fed by digging
i.ising iheir bnins rather than their
brawn' The rptits i* iu,t in comins, i motner b*ul gy,::91n"-";:J,!1,:
'ri'in*s. States ;ffit;;il;,suiiot fisliins on a {rozen river t0,reed her familv'
*ron O*t* of Y;ii0','tst0ne National Park in the United,the heat Bears know that they can often
lind {rozen fish by dipping their
-: -aye ip;red ihat in lnrm periods, taescape
bears ;;;; il; hole in an iced-over ruraterwav
a -
and thev
.f .tl**nng uidet rmks on slopes on high ground' Thetor the ffi;r;ffi;tnelecnnique to their cubs, which. d3[1"'"t:i::
difficult terrain to hunt belore they 30
are luitlng to dtmb two miles over
rocks' A moth may not seem *i|liiri-i, uirner neing icv-cotc, devouring
in the
into the loose laler vear is
-otnu ei deturng
rike ni$h oi a meal iorsuch a big creature,!1li
b*tl h;;;-;;', besun t0 thaw' Fishing
Tuv,ll r*ttiatitnry leisprobtematic for heais' ln pafis af the world
-: ,er,, e.otgllto hit on a spot haihr:uring
20,000 calories' Fernale t'*itt
where salmon migrate up rivers,
bears take to
$q {{t3y fi
;;G;i;r J'::,t:-:*,::'11in *rtrh tt**. However, young bears nead
time to.learn how t0
iie knovln to guide their cubs up the mountains the battle; it's
,o.iofl hilddilh rit**iltr" rtiir'itg one is onlv hall
su*iet to show them this rich food source' live one' There's one more
generations ott** nolrt easy to keep hold of a
t*::t tf'tt only trick that gets passed clown the
tot ;ittillty f*uears tnat iurn to rivers for lood - thev feel the
t*il nL" ot Yellowstone' fulother bears have been
plne trees UrovJ to take r--l-tt avoid getting thelr ears wetl lt $eems,.b*11-11:
escorting their y0un8 to areas where ionrewhat less fearsome than
d;;td* oi ilre squirrels' habit of burying
As the nuts are
l: thinkl
gmund ior vlinter as summel draws ta a close'
attempt to gain
il; t t, tt .}l are a big help to the bears 0s the5r

; ffi the colder

iutight ut poisibte for monlhs' Althouqh the
the bears' there are
tqriiitit' staihes of nuts are often stolen by
&;bl l; gJ round - and the bear raids henefit the trees'

Read the text and fer questions 1-5 choose

the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Why do bears feed on moths in hot weather?
A a moth is rich in calories
B they can shelter on the slopes while hunting
C they know where to find thern easily in large
D it is the best food for young bears

When are you rnost likely to see a bear in a

mountain pine forest? Answer these questions in your own words,
A based on the information in the text.
mid winter C end of summer
B early spring D early $ummer 1 Hsw do Vellowstone brown bears learn to
find moths?
ln line 21, what does the lvord stash mean
2 How do brown bears help pine trees in
A hiding place C supply
B source D amounl
Are the following statements lrue or Folse
According to the text, what is the advantage to
according to the text? Quote the text to
bears eating pine nuts?
support your answer.
A lt makes it easier for squirrels to find the nut$.
B lt helps in the reproduction of ihe pine tree. Yellowslsne brown hears dig holes in the
C The pines have reducod lat conlent, eartn t0 find insects"
D They can $tore them in the gr.ound for the Nuis provide around half of a brown bear's
winter. food.
3 Yellowstone brown bears pllt their mouths
ln line 34, vrhat does them refer to? underwater to find fish in cold spells.
A bears C fish
B young bears D salmsn

Multiple choice cloze text Complete the second sentence so that it has
Preparing for fhe fasft a similar meaning to the first sentence,
'Choose the correct word. Do the senten(es using the word in bold. Use two to five
test grammar (G) or lexis (L)? words including the word given.
Brad is kind. H* likes to ....... money to charity. 1 lt was a mistake for them to sell their business,
A give B take C bring D carry SHOU,LD
Michael is tall ,,...., slim, I hey ..........
A also B but G and D too their business.
Rebecca has one bad point. She'$ very ....... and "What is the width of this tabte?" Mrs Cailahan
wants everything right away. asked. HOW
A impatient B annoyed C irritated D quiet
Mrs Callahan asked
4 Kevin likes to talk ioo ..."..., so you can't get a
word in!
A much B more C many D lot , ;; ;;;
;; ; ;",;;;; ;;; ;;;; -,:i,=
She ....... to be a very smart girl.
A appears B shows C displays D looks
Jl rnlnt of the word which best fits each gap.
;,;;,;;,;; -":"i::T::"::::":
have dinner with the Millers that night. FEEL
r Use only one word in each gap. There is Lisa said that she did not
an example at the beginning (0). dinner with the Millers that night.
Climhing mildfiguscrt's The charity concert will be held next Sunday.
Stone Foteit
The charity concert
ln the remote western 0) A of Madagascar lies a huge Z30-square
mile 'forest' of razor-sharp rocks called the 'Grand Tsingy'. The
name 'tsingy' means 'where one cannot walk' 1),..... these Adarn never takes notice of gossip. AITENT|ON
hazardous formation: that have been eroded from iirnestone by
tropicalrain. Adam never

During our 2) ,,,.,. to Madagascar, my friend and I got the 3) ,.....

to climb to the top of the stone forest and witness the incredible ,;" ;;',;, ";-;;,;-"",n.0-u :n- ;:
view for ourselves, The Tsingy is so remote that it took us five days married in 2006. WEDDtNc
to reach it from the capital, Antananarlvo. After hiring a local
I haven't
4),..,.. who led us to the base of the formatrons. we then
followed iron bridges and steel ladders to climb up some of the
pinnacles. lt was a(n) 5)...... i'll never forget. lt was an
unbeiievable 5) ..,.. to watch lemurs leaping easiiy from rock to
, *u**0,;;;;"-., ;;: :ff:::
department. PUT
rock in such a hazardous 7) ...... .
I asked them to
The Grand Tsingy certainly doesn't look like a place where much
...... the complaints department.
wildiife would be found, but actually it is 8) ...... to eleven types of , i
lemur, the ring-tailed mongoose, several bats and more than j00 '
species of birds. This UNESCO world heritage site surely offers one
Complete the gaps with the correct form of
:, of the most incredible spectacles on Iarth .n" words rn caprtars.

,0@region Bplace Cspot Darea

1 Mike is a(n) expert on ecotogical
i#:'' 1
Asince Balthough Cbecause issues. (LEAD)
2 Aexcursion Btrip Cvoyage Droute -w
2 There are signs of new iil the forest
*L after last surnmer's teruible fire. (GROW)
3 Afortune Boccasion Cchance 0possibility
4 Ainstructor Bguide Cleader D director
3 The Amazon rainforest contains a ...........,..
range of exotic wildlife, {FA,SC|NATE)
5 A sight B site C scenery 0 appearance
....,. groups are fighting against
6 Aobservation Ssituation Cevent illegal logging in Peru. {CONSERVE)
? A environment 0 condition C surroundings 0 atmosphere $fl
Scientists estimate that 86% of the Earth's
I A house B home G residence D habitation
species are still ...... {KNOW)
The .............. of natural habitats around the
world is extremely concerning. (DESTROY)
Gramrnar Vocabulary
Choose the correct item.
Choose the correct item.
I lly urrcle, Joe, spent .......,. last four years building The businessman .,...,.., the advice of
a large sail boat.
professional accountants about his company's
A the most ol C more of flnances.
B the more D most of the A explofed C searched
2 ......... exercising at the gym twice a week and B soughl 'D researched
cuting down on sweet$, I managed to lose ten The manager was asked to ...,..... to the main
office to sign for the delivery.
A By B As C With D When A appear C show
3 You have to really look around if you want to find B report D present
a job you are totally
Max is .."...... between looking for a job or
A salisfied in C satislied by studying lor a postgraduate degree.
B satisfied of D satisfied with A divided G stretched
I The painters have done a good job; my only B separated D torn
-........ is that they dripped some paint on the The council must ......... to your plans belore
floor. you can start building a house.
A complaint G complained A confess C conclude
B complainer D complain B conform D consent
Do you see my brother anywhere? ......... a 5 Members of the club share a(n) .....,... interest
green shirt and a pair of jeans.
in science.
A He is to wear C His wearing A mutual
B He's wearing C comparable
D He wears B suitable D adequate
After a lot of thought, the committee decided
The lady gave a small reward to the young boy
what they wanted the ...,,.,.. that semester.
who ......... her missing cat.
A children to learn to schoot A placed
B children to learn in school C invented
B located D discovered
C in schoolto learn children
D in school children learning Mr Davies is the best candidate for the job due
to his ......... experience.
It is precisely ..",,,... there is so much crirne in
the city that my parents want to rnove to the
A extensive C expansive
B expanded D extended
A due to C on account The few ,,,.,,,., guests helped ctear up the
B in case D because dishes.

Kirsten didnt like Tommy ,........ but now they

A remaining C surviving
are best friends.
B lasting D attending
A lirst G first of ail I had to ...,..... an apartment with four other
B at first D at the first students when I was studying in Wales.
You may appty for the job il you meet the ......,,,
A have C join
B gain D share
slated in the advertisement.
A requirements C requires 10 "l can ......... you that I've never seen lhose
B require D required men before," the witness told the police.
l,Yhat......... to get a caltirom Beckyl I hadn,t
A secure C confirm
heard from her in ten yearsl
B assure D ensure
A was the surprise C a surprise it was 11 l'm concerned about my brother because his
B a surprise was D was it a surprise new friends seem like a bad ....,.... on him.

As -..-..... know, Mr phelps is retiring next week

A association C influence
E guidance D direction
so we wanted to present him with a gift.
A willyou C you alt l2 l'll have to ........ my dirty clothes to the laundrette
B all yotr will D all you lomorrow.
A do B make C put D take
e&I ffiemffrmff l
fir?issing sentenees You are going to read an article about
Prep*ring for fhe 'tosk Antarctica. Six sentences have been
neaO the sentences and pay attention to the
removed. Choose from the sentences A-G
the ones which fits each gap (l-E). There is f
underlined words. Match the sentences (1,4)
to the sentences which follow on (A-D).
one extra sentence which you do not need _l
How have the underlined words helped you
to use.
This spot is considered the best in the world for lLr
Big industry is continuing to create pollutibn observing the emperor penguin in its natural f

tL-i llT*'l
and oreenhouse oases.
We have hired a tour guide to show us round
Everywhere I turned, all I could see was ice :J

the casile. and snow.

131-l The views from the top of the tower are c There I boarded the Antarctic cruise ship, the
spectacular. Cleilla ll.
lzl_l But despite all its drawbacks, an Arctic cruise is lrr
I -t I
The animals have to build up a store of food
qe* lhe weathsltllM :l
ggl9: . certainly worth it.
It makes you wonder why anyone would want to F-
iA f{ij witt tett us about the history of the buitding"
lB Otherwise, they may not have enaugh to eat
during winter.
come here.
F The ship itself was very comfortable.

tJ I couldn't believe that people could work in such
L You can see for miles around on a clear day.
harsh conditions months on end.
iD This means that climate change is still a lhrca!

lo the planst.
at us laok far warm temperatures when choosing a holiday destination, whether to sunbatfe on a beach or sEfrfsee
arcund a might come as a surprise ta you then to learn that one of lhe lastesf growing haliday desfirrafrons rn the world tras H
femp*rafures that constantly stsy beiow freezing - even in the summer! Antarctica, the fftfi largesf cofttifient in the world,receiued
over 4A,0AA uisrtors in 2011, a iump of fi,000 kam the year before. But why are $o rnany people cfioosing to pack rrroo.fy ftats
instead of bathkg su{s for their hatidaya? We senf dm Krisp, our Soutft Amercan conespondenl, to find out. :r
i I like to cCInsider rnyself a professional tourist; after
less tlrick and therefore safer lor ships to lrauel through.
decided 0n a 3-day trip in early December al a cost ol
I _l
all, writing travel articles is v'rhat I do for a living. BrJt hefore
I was nffered this assignment, I didn't even know [t
possible tc visit Afltarctica as a touristl From Buenos Aires,
. ' H: Due to the cold temperatures, strong winds and -r
Argentina, where I temporarily tlve, I took a short flight to risk of high waves, passengers are only permitted to spend a
Ushuaia, the solthernmost city in the world. limited amrunt of time 0n deck, but within the ship there are

Since the airports in Antarctica are not f0r

a variety af spots perfect for viev*ing the Antarctic lancseape. Fr
cornrnercial use, tourists wishing tc visit the
continent mu$t travel by cruise ship. They
only operate during the Antarctic
The scenery was slmply awe-incpiring, To say that it was like
a winter wondsrlafid woutd be an understatemefiil lT

' '. Most cruises offer passengers the opportunity t0 get

[l -r
'r.-..,.i. Surnnler, frorn Novernber to of{ the ship and 0fi10 land, in our case by travelling cn a
F"" March, when the ice sheet
cnvering the
srnall motorboat t0 the shore. Our first stop was at Palmer
Station. This research statisn was named after Nathaniel B.
Palmer, usually recognised as the first American tCI see
Antarctim. There, vre were given a tour of the facifity and

told about $CIme sf the medical and environmental re$earch I--r

' ,,, ."_Sx,
that goes on there. :_t
Find words in the text with a similar Fill in: respect, shore, facility, destinotian,
meaning to the following words/phrases, threat, impression.
. Para A: continualfy, reporter 1 We set off early so that we could reach our
. Para B: a task to complete as part of your job before sunset.
. Para C: carry out work, concerned with 2 The government built a research
making profit ... in Antarctica to study
. Para D: restricted, breathtaking climate change.
. Para E: diflicult to live in, chance Scientists who work in Antarctic research
. Para F: the most exciting part of an event, stations deserve our
walking with short quick steps while
There is a continual of
swinging slightly from side to side
. snowstorms in Antarctica.
Para G: disadvantages, glad because
something unpleasant is no longer
As soon as we arrived at the party, we got
the .. that we weren't
When the boat started sinking, they jumped
Find words in the text which mean the
into the water and swam to the
opposite of the following words.
. inexpensive *
. exaggeration * ......... Complete the advert with words from the list.
r permanenily x .
. continent . destination . lreezing
amateur * .
. nature . board . lifetime . habitat
thin ;r

.;:, Are you tired of travelling to the sarne
1) ....,,.......",......, for your
Hurrying hack to the warrnth of my cabin, I telt a holiday every year? Then, why not try
dealol respect for the scienti$ts we lett behind. something new and take an Antarctic
& cruise with PenguinTravel, On
The nsxt day was the highlighf for me and, as I s00n
the main reason why most pas$engers were 0n 2) ,,..,.........,....... our luxury ships
. Early in the moning, the ship
made another
you will get the opportunity to

clo$e to the Dawsan-Lambton Glacier. l qTl ns experience the amazinE 3l ..........,,..,.....,

motorboat reached the shore, we could seo thousands that this largely untouched
$ase fascinatlng creatures waddling around happily. 4) .,.,...,,.........
has to offer.

I most surprisingly of all, they didn't leave. As our And Antarctic cruises are perfect for

told us, by having never been hunted 0r attacked by 5) ...............,,,.,.,

lovers, For
they don't $ee us as a threat, That gave me the
to take some wonderful photographs,
'A day later, the ship was back in Ushuaia, and we
all relieved to step'0nt0 dry tand again. But what
instance, you can get up close with
ernperor penguins in their natural
6l ...,,,..,..,..,.,,,.,,

up; temperatures are usually

on the Dawson-
Lambton Glacier. You'll need to wrap
, ;r:t*j@
trry ovgrall impressions 0f the trip? For one, it is
below 7)
and that doesn't include the muttiple flights it would
but an Antarctic cruise is
visitors to get to Ushuaia. Also, the extreme
sure to be a trip of a
conditions do require a high lnvel at physical
so q! !g! a trip I would advise for the young 0r
For I eT_l nature lovers especially, it can be a-trip

. o.,

&E W*ssbuf;mrp
Put the words in the list under the correct Match each person's holiday experience
categories, with the problem they are describing,
r buffet car . boarding pass . boot . deck
. carriage r pedal . platform . take-off ml The hotel staff were rude.
. compartment . check-in desk . cabin ro I got sunburnt.
I lost my luggage.
I'missed my flight.
m I got food poisoning.

riu in: in, on or by.

tf 1 to go .,,......,..... foot"
2 to travel bike/bus/car/plane/train
3 to get a taxi/car/helicopter.
4 to get a bus/plane/train.

ffi ;m';,Ii#::';i,i,'ixlr#i;,iiiffi;,:::;:'' ffi

nU in: swimming pool,hotel restauront, X
dry-cleaning service, air-conditioning, poor,
They found a peaceful, ., beach hairdryer and room service.
and went swimming.
The resort provides transport to and from i oear Mr Craigon,
the airport on .................... .
i I would like to complain about the 1) """""'stay at your
The history mu$eum is the town'g most \ seroice my family and I received during our
popular .. attraction. I hotel.
The lrain will raaeh its ,................... just I To beein with' the 2) ..,.'....,'..'."""""' was not working'
before midnight. i teaviris the room unbearably hor lilhen we called
Oaniel wasn't allowed to board the aircraft as i ti.....:.... to send us up sorne retreshing drinks'
his passport was out of ..................... I *. **r" told that no one was available at that time'
Tracey saw lions and elephants on her I atro, fhere was no 4) ....."'.." all
in the room'
the time'
1 which forced us to go out with wet hair
., hotiday in Kenya,
Furthermore, the hotel's 5) ...',"""""'"""""" was
They went .. in Paris and visited
making swimrning thete impossible'
the EiffelTower and Notre. Dame.
Can we go ...............".... shopping before we On the third day of our stay, a waiter at the

6)........"...,.... spilled saup on my wife's silk

go to the airport iomorrow?
dress but as the hotel had no 7) .""""""""""""""'
We stayed in a lovely .. in the had tc wait until we retumed home to have the
mountains when we went skiing.
10 Our flight was cancelled, but th€ hotel allowed of all these issues, I insist that you refund the
In light
us to stay an extra night free of ..,...,,,.....,..... .
t'ull cost of the holiday for the highly unsatisfactory
service we received,

Yours sincerelY,
I Nonnan Letham
30 I
Tople related \rfftr&hrxflmny
Fill in: cotch, change, travel, drive, board, give, Circle the odd one out.
call, ride in the correct form.
1 clean - - sandy - secluded beach
It was raining very heavily, so my dad 2 narrow - busy - winding - rocky street
,.. me to school, 3 five-star - lamily - leisurely - modern hotel
Our flight was very early in the morning, so 4 exotic - tropical - remote - residential island
we ..........,, a taxi to take us to the
5 - self-catering - caravan - package
holiday '
3 You'll need to trains in
Edinburgh to carry on to Aberdeen.
6 cramped - comfortable - local - spacious
hotel room
4 After proceeding through security, passengers
are requesled to ,...,,..,., the plane Fill in the correct word.
for take-off.
'l single/return
5 Because of the public transport strike, my
a I don't know when I'll be getting back from
sister "..,..... me a lift into work today.
Bristol so I'd better get a ..,.......,.... ticket.
Most people the bus into b Since you're coming back on the same day
town on a Saturday morning to do their you might as well buy a ......".........., ticket.
2 delayed/cancelled
Tomorrow is going to be a nice day so I'll be a Alison's flight was by four hours.
... my bike to work. b The school trip was
George hates ........ ..... by plane because there weren't enough students
because he gets air sick quite easily. interesled in participaling.

oak' tet' miss' stand' hire in the 3 fully booked/vacant

[ ::ll;J'# a Vienna is so popular at this lime ol year
that there wasn't a single
Since our flight was delayed, we ......,........, room in any hotel.
our connection at Heathrow airport. b We couldn't get seats on the early llight
We had seats in the economy to Madrid because it was
cabin, but we were upgraded to first class. 4 trip/journey
When they went to France, they .............,.. a a My friends and I went on a day
car to travel around the French countryside. to the beach last Saturday.

Our neighbour often his holiday

b lt's a nino"hour ......... from
Birmingham to lnverness by car.
home out to tourists when he's not there.
David ......,. his passport and wasn't
5 terminal/station
able to check in for his flighl home,
a The hotel is conveniently located close to
a central railway
Passengers are requested to ........, from
clear of the doors while the train is moving. ' l:: :'l::: ::: i;:n"'"'* '|eaves

Word fCIrrnatic*r
Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.

We arrived at the resort at the .......:.,............... 6 We went on an excursion and visited some
of the holiday season. (HIGH) ...,... sites. (HISTORY)
The new car model goes into The best part of the journey was the breathtaking
this month. (PnODUCE) (scENE) .
We had a{n) ........... - either to stay Rickshaws are a common .....,....,,.
at a hotel or at a campsite. (CHOOSE) in China. (SEE)
A wide range of souvenirs were on I They sat around the campfire enjoying the
in the tourist shop. (SELL) of the fire. {WAHM)
The log cabin was a truly 10 Travelling ............... . the mind and
place to stay last weekend. (DELIGHT) helps us become more tolerant. (BROAD)
trg Grammar
Underline the correct item. Fill in used to or woul& as in the example.

Alan was buyingllclg[! a one-way ticket

to Australia yesterday. When we were kids we 1) used t0 6fay (stay) with
Trevor has travelled/was travelling to most
my grandparents in the sumrner holidays. They
countries in Europe. 2)....................... (live) in an enormous house by the
My parents used to/would have a ski lodge
sea and they 3) ...,.,., (let) us play outside
in the Alps when I was a child. whenever we liked. We 4) ............ (love)
spending our days on the beach and in the evenings
Rebecca didn't have any food during the flight
because she had already eatenlwas already our grandmother 5)........, .. (cook) a huge

eatlng. meal. My grandparent$ 6) ............ {have) a

We had been v'ralking/would walk through sheepdog called Betly and we 7) ...............
the forest lor two hours when we stopped to (take) her for walks tq the village. Everyone there
have our picnic. S) .....,......... {know) our names, but I don't
suppose anyone remembers us now.
Ben was driving/had driven to the hotel when
his car broke down. I
in the brackets into the correct
Put the verb in the brackets into the correct E ::$verb
past form.

I went (go) to New Zealand last year. When Jim Harrison 1l organised(organise) a *.*t .nU!!
in Paris for himself and his girlfriend Rachel, little did- I
B: Really? My brother ..... (live!
he know that it would turn out to be a disaster. El
there about ten years ago.
2A: Why didn't you wait for us at the hotel? The trouhle 2).........,..............,. (start) at the train]-l
B: We thought you ,........,. station. The couple 3)...,............ (only/queuet-
(already/leave)! for the Eurostar for five minutes when theV5!
4) ................ (hear) an announcement that their- I
3 A: You were so latelWe almost
train had been delayed by four hours! And when Jimff
,, ;;;;;;;; :::::]::iJ:lli
lor hatf an hour when I realised I
and Rachel finally 5).".,".... ...... (arrive) in Parisll
they discovered that, instead of the luxury hotel Jim!-
thought he 6)........,. , (book), they were-l
(forget) my passport,
so I had to go back home and get it. staying in a dirty, cramped rooml Fi
4 A: . (you/have| a good holiday? On Saturday, the couple 7) ..................... {go) sightseeing. 5!
B: No! Mike As the sun 8) .......... (set), Jim suggested they visit- I
".... (notlconfirm)
our reservations so by the time we the EiffelTower. He 9) .,......,.....,..,. (reserue) a table at theE
(ger) to the hotel they restaurant on the second floor and he was planning to J
(give) our room to propose to Rachel there. They 101...................,.. (sit) atH
$omeone else and we were forced to their table for only a few minutes, when il.;;;JJ
stay at a horrible motel. that he 11)............... {lose) his bag. .H
lnside was his wallet,
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
his passport and
post farm.
Rachel's ':':l

1 Lisa had iusf finished {just/finish) packing engagement ringl

her suitcase when the taxi .,..,...... The couple
(arrive) to take us to the airport. 12) .....,......."
2 We .... (drive) back to the hotel {spend} the next day
when the rain started. getting Jim a new
3 John (travel) all night, so when passport, They are
he linatly reached home he was exhausted. now back in London
4 Hannah ,.... (work) in Dubai for and Rachel has
three years when she decided to move there agreed to marry Jim -
permanently. although she will be
5 While Sam .......... (Ewim) in the pool planning their
Les .................... {write) some postcards. honeymoon herself!
Revision {Modutes I-s}
Put the verbs in brackets into the (orrect
Underline the correct itern.
I When Jason was at college be had lived/
1 As Michelle was getting off (get off) the bus would live/g!L!g!$: ofi campus.
yesterday, she ....."...... (lose) her 2 I'm not believlng/don't believe/haven't
balance and ..,.............. (tall) to the ground. belleved what you're telling me.
2 Christine (act) quite aggressively 3 Have you bookedlDid you book/Would
these last few days; I wonder what's wrong you book ourdickets yet?
with her.
4 The Millers have been waiting/had been
3 George went to the shop to return the jacket waiting/have waited for their train for 40
he ............. (buy) two days earlier. minutes before they realised there was a strike.
4 Melissa always ..,..... (start) her 5 Watch out, you'll be knocking/'re knocking/
day with a healthy breakfast before she 're going to knock that vase over.
leaves for school.
5 Don't throw out these cans; I'll take/'ll have
5 lt is estimated that hundreds of plant and taken/take them to the recycling bin"
animal species ......... (become)
extinct by the end of this century. Complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct 1 I'll get home and I'llstart making dinner
ten9e. immediately.
l'll start making dinner as soon as I gsf home.
1 A: Has Kelly made (Kelly/make) dinner
reservations yet? Recycling your rubbish is a good idea.

B: I don't know, I ...... (give) her You ought

a call and find out. Tony rarely travels abroad.
2 A: ......... (you/come) Tony doesn't ....,........,.
to lan's birthday party tonight? Amanda started working ten years ago.
B: No, my flight ........ (take otf) Amanda has been
at 5:00 am tomorrow so I need to get to Patrick was in the habit of watching cartoons
sleep early.
when he was a child.
A: How (John/react) Patrick used .........
when you told him the news?
B: He just .....,..... (smile) and .......... (say)
nothing. I think he .........,... (expect) it.
A; ........ (you/see) Mary tately? Read the sentences below and think ofthe -l
B: No, I ....,....... (try) to contact her lor two
weeks and she's nowhere to be found.

nenfrrase the sentences using rnodols.

f| years before it was closed. During .....,....... time
It is forbidden to eat or drink on the bus, it received thousands of visitors.
You mustn't eat or drink an fhe hus. The children fell soundty .,....".....,,........... after a
It's a good idea for Kim to wear brighter long day of adveniure ai tne camp.
colours. It is ...........":......"...,. to Steven to decide il he
wants lo come lo the cinema with us tonight.
3 lt's not necessary for us to book a table. It is important tp be honest above .,.,..,,,. else.
The Internet has steadily evolved over the years
1 lt is everyone's obligation to recycle. il has been ..,.,., existence.
I'm going to finish reading this book even
....,.. it takes allweek!
His doctor says it's necessary for hirn to lose
a few kilos. . The gazelle was travelling at .....;.,"..... a speed
that the lion had no chance of catching it,
EE Listening skins
d) vou will hear five people El (J yo, wilN hear a talk from a radio tavel show aUoul
talking about problems they ")
*5 a visit to a place. For questions 1-B choose the correct I

experienced while on holiday. answer A, B or C.

For questions 1-5, choose from
Suzanng Moon
the list (A-H) the problem that
each person experienced. Use
A is a radio presenter for Air FM.
each letter only onre. There are
B is an employee of the Naffonal Geographic Magazine.
three extra letters which you
C has called into the radio station to talk about her holiday.
do not need to use. Before her recent trip to lreland, Suzanne had never
A They had no money to spend. A visiied the country before.
B Their accommodation was B travelled through Dublin Airport before.
unsatisfactory. C spent an extended period of time in Dublin beJore.
C They became ill. Suzanne stayed in a hotel that
D They got into trouble with the A was recommended to her by a local resident.
law. B was recommended to her by a friend.
E They had a possession C she found after walking around the city centre.
Speaker 1 According to Suzanne, Dublin city centre
F They got lost.
Speakar 2 A does not have many tourist attractions.
G They got tired.
Speaker 3 B does not have a good public transport system,
H They missed
Speaker 4 C is srnall enough to get around on foot.
the train.
$peaker 5
The Dublin Wriler's Museum
Check these words in the Word
A contains awards given to $amuel Beckett and James Joyce.
List. Add one more to each
B holds lectures about writers from throughout lreland.
spidergram. C displays objects owned by some of Dublin's famous writers.

Croke Park
A is the biggest sports stadium in Europe.
B holds matches between teams from different regions of
C is located next to a museum.
Suzanne's main complaint about Dublin
A was that the food was unsatisfactory.
B was that she felt she was being iinanciaily exploited.
C was that restaurant staff were rude,
camplitr Suzanne advises Dublin tourists
A to learn about the city by reading guidebooks.
B to not annoy the locals by asking them questions"
C to start conversations with the locals.

b) What can a visitor see/do in Dublin?

$pemkfrsrg skilrs e@I
Look at the
Choose the
correct words
to desribe it.

ll this picture I can .*iI

:€e two
1) teenagers/adults
:o a sailing boat.
rerhaps they are
-'lsband and wife. {
:he man is wearing

2) looseltight .."f \
*iite shirt white the
*oman is wearing a
T-shirt, 3) trousers/shorts and sunglasses.
:hey seem to be taking down the 4) masts/sails of
* boat Pefiaps the 5) wind/humidity is ioo strong
a:ld they don't want the boat to travel in the wrong
ttectbfl. The weather looke beautiful. The sky is
5) overcasUclear except ior some srnall clouds on s) lllt:'.ture shows two tourisrs at a hisroric
stre. they are probably
a couple who are on
te horizon and it is probably quite 7)warm/chilly, ln a sightseeing hotiday.
The woman, *f.r" t,
ne 8) foregroundlbackground I can see a srnall wearing a summer dress, is
sitting on a
s'and although it's unclear whether the boat is boulder, while the man,
dressed in shorts,
a T-shirt and a baseball
-velling towards il, .rp, i;;;;;;'
beside her. He is holding
**uru Jni,,
taking some pictures. "
Look at the picture and answer the ffi1
-ln this picture I can see a couple, perhaps a
husband and wife. They seem to be tourists who
are visiting some hi$toric ruins' The woman is
holding s0mething in her right hand, possibly a
guide book, while the man who is sitting next t0
her is taking photos 0n a camera' They both
seem to he having a good time.

Choose the correct response.

1 A: Did you have a good time on holiday?

B: a No way. b Not really.
2 A: The room was filthy.
B: a You must be joking.
b You have my sympathy.

1 Where are the people? 3 A: How did you go to the beach?

2 What is the weather like? B: a Bycar. b ldid.
3 What are the people wearing? 4 A: We missed our flight.
4 What are they doing? B: a Not really. b That's too bad.
5 How are they feeling?

Sri Lanka: TSLAND 0F

the saying goes ,seeing is betieving,

:.:ly is one country where words
and Sri l_anka ir+lt:' Being strategically located
at the cro$sroads of sea routes
can do no lristice. One has to
:nerience this place firsthand that connecl the West and the
in order ro iulfy ,o*prehend its East, Sri Lanka has felt the
impact of other cultures for
millennia, inJrOing the Chinese,
=Jnning beauty. Lying at the foot of lndia, in tfre Oatmy, Uue. Arabs, Dutch, English and,{3reeks. p*rnrp*
::.en walers of the lndian Ocean, $ri Lanka . l.,i* is part of the
which means reason why $ri Lankans are
=plendent. island'. has palm_fringed white sendy beaches,
amongst the {riendliest people in
:4uresque mounlainoug regions, the worrd - arways r6ady t0 greet
fifteen national tra*veile* *irr", , smire and do
parks wiatever they can to make their
ravcasing an astonishing abundance stay , nt.*oirOt* on*.
-;luding erephants, teopards
exotic animals
and sroth bears;, rso waterfails,
1;;,,'Afld then there is $ri Lanka,s incredible
food. Few woufd
EJ acres of botanical gardens, and argue that part of the^thrill of travelling
b00;000;cres of lush tea is experiencing new
ts.3tes, flavour sensations and Sri tankan
cuisini n**r. frif. to impress
l> gut there is
much more to Sri Lanka than just
travellers - it literally expfodes wilh flavourl Get ready to enjoy
-a:-rral beauty. spicy cunies, seafood flavoured
$ri Lanka,s history stretches nurf 2,SOO with fragrant spices and sweet
y.urr. coconut chutneys. And try copying
3=ar civirisations {rourisheo on the rJcars who ear with their
the *rrnJJLr ine Brd century
3:. leaving behind sorne of the most impressive
filoers rather than cuilery many
- say il rnakes lood taste benerl
a=aeological monuments in Asia. ='":'" The ancient Arab traders who visited
Walls arounO the ruins of sri Lanka cailed it
:r:e powerful and magnificent cities, and Serendip, 'the island of jewelslThis
is *n."tf,, English word
rples, {ortreeses and even the world\ admire ancient 'serendipity' comes from.
serendipity means the accident of
ssficant proportion of these ar.lcient
lirst trospitall I discovering something wonderful
without looking for it. visit $ri
*itils u*'S;ff covered by
L-?ie so it is not unusual for travellers Lanka and you will discover incredible
to sUmtte across the tning; waiting for you
---s of ancient pataces whilst trekking. around every cornerl
great beauty

Read thetext and for questions 1-5 choose the correct ln this task the last question is about the
answer A, B, C or D. author's intention or the main idea of the
text. For questions on the author! intention,
1 What is the purpose o{ the text?
read the text and underline words that refer
A to outline the history of the country to the purpose of the text. They will help
B to describe the flora and fauna of the country you answer the question.
C to provide travel advice
D to encourage people to go to the island
Answer the following
2 ln the second $entence of the first paragraph, what
does one questions in your own words,
refer to? based on the information in
A anybody B the writer C the saying D the country the text.
According to the text, why did so many cultures inhabit
the 1 What is there to see and do in
island in the past? Sri Lanka?
A lt had powerful cities, 2 What sort of food would you
B lt was rich in natural resources. expect to eat in Sri Lanka?
C lt is in a convenient geographical location. 3 What is the origin and meaning
D Because of its diversity of food. of the word'serendipity'?
4 What suggestion does the writer make to potential
visitors? Conrposition
A not to argue with locals C avoid the spicy food
E annays smile at the locals D Write a short essay {100-1S0
not to use knives and forks
words) on the following topic:
5 Sased on the text. what is Sri Lanka's main attraction?
What wos your favourite
A lts ancient palaces C its jewets holiday destindtion tike? (totk
B its natural beauty D its food about: scenery, people, food).


Read the text and fill in the gaps with appropriate Complete the second sentence
words. Use only one word in each space. so that it has a similar meaning l---
to the first sentence, using the
word in bold. Use two to five \--
= :J
words including the word :l
It was a little after Sam and I 0l hod
just forcet I mYself to get out of mY
steeping bag. lt *u, ,unr.i,u and I wis keen
1 By the time we got to
Aroncaoua. a mountain of almost 7 thousand metres
;;:::::::il.lir-,i, ii,i"n* oi*u most masnificent peaks in
in height'

As well as
lecture hall, nearly all the seats
had to brave the freezing cold 3l """"'""""
to snap my photo of the'
had been taken. HARDLY
to reveal There
,*"rr*. g t*t glow aiiight suriounded its snorru covered summit
4) the beauty of ....|eft by the time F-
the shape of the mountait tta f ttt'flere """-'-""
we got to the lecture hall"
the sun rising.
2 lt's unlikely that he'll agree to
- -lv
r.,ignrigrrh of my i*iiniting tiek across
*oni*ntt eiery day ihough, 6l """""""" passing
the Andes. There wefe special
through little vlllages to
a pay cut. LIKELY
He :r
walking up to stunning mointain
glaciers'Thir was the 7l """""""" fascinating

iiio i'v'rit ' I loved *'" ita *'ut ireentina lvas

not overcT{:l
:11 I reallv ::lf: 3
agree to a pay cut.
We have to submit our paper :r
enjoyed taking 8l
warmth-and friendliness of the locals' and
thei{ traditions'
by tomorrow" HANDED
Our paper must ,........ :l
by tomorrow.
The chef doesn't usually cook for I--
such a lot of people. USED :J
The chef is ,..............
such a lot of people. l
Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fiti in
It was unfair that they excluded
Anna from the team. DESEHVE
the gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). 4nna.,,..,..
........ excluded from the team.

6 She has been to the opera =

yw%ffiffi.trffiu*wmWwm only once before. TIME
This is f
The best way to learn about the 'castel[', a 0l cultural
tradition of Catalonia, is to join a training session in
, ,'ri,i','11 she has been to the opera.
,,;;"';,,';1;,,;;.;,i 7 Shall I ask Ryan to take us to
Barcelona, one
Spain's most famous tourist
,........,............... . ln reality, the'castell'is a hurnan castle
::.1ri,,:1'1:,;11,r the stadium in his car? LIFT ..-l
i that tourists are 2) ........... t0 help build if they ,'!i: t ,:,,,,,1.'.',.,
,,,.,.ti i,,
$hall Iask Ryan to ,','...........
.., to the stadium?
i feel brave enough as it can be a l) ......,......,"."..,.,....., sight"
i ,:ll
. :.rr.rr,,:.r g Arex found the instructions
The 'castell' is an old traditiofl, but it has never had more '-rr::,
,,. quite complicated to lollow. l--
{} ....."..,...,.,..,.......",. than it's got today. lndividuals
should have a combination of balance and strength, but
'r:rrirlr:;r::. ., DIFFICULTY
must als0 believe ir teamwork. The b)
ol the human castle begins urith the bottom section, and
the complicated instructions. :l
gIoups of people slowly climb up the casile to form new
6) .....,................... until the lightest person
ascends to the top to 7) .....,.......
Robert became furious when
he heard the
against him, TEMPER
accusations J
the building, 8y this time, the bottom
looks 8)
from the weight. However,
.,....... strafned l.l
llr 'j
when he heard -r
the the accusations against him.
'eastell' is only considered to be -.t.
10 "l'm sorry I made fun of them,"
.r.*"lAa successful when all the people
, t,i.
Ethan said. APOLOGTSED
have arrived safely back on the
lllil ;;;;;;; L-r
Choose the correct item. Cfr""re the correct item.
The cost of heating oil ......... by 8006 this year. 1 A credit card ......... the need to carry cash.
A is e<pected thajigrvitt rise A eliminates C disregards
B is expected thal-Jt rises B cancels D disposes
C expects to be rising 2 Editing a book reguires great attention to .........
D is apected to rise .
A detail C aspect
lAErc notgoing skiing! ......... Bill nor I tike sports. B occasion D function
A Or B Either G Both D Neither 3 He is really brave. He has had to ......,.. so many
lf you read this manual carefulty, .,..,.... be able difiiculties.
to put the cupboard together in minutesl A override C overcome
A will you C you could B overtake D overdo
B could you D you will You should ......... the coffee in an airtight jar.
tl Aunt Etta didn't make the biscuits for you alone, A pile B stack C store D save
for your little sister as weil.
The director......... a speech at the beginning of
A neilher B but C as D nor the management conference.
'Can you hear your neighbor when she plays A declared C delivered
the piano?"Only if the windows ......,.. ., B demanded D defended
A get opened C are opening 6 The atmosphere in the hospitat waiting room
B are opened D are open was extremely ......... .

I know ........" about Russian history, but we can A tight B tense C stiff D firm
look it up online il you want.
A few B some C little D 7 After ......... all the possibitities, the scientists
decided to abandon the experiment.
Having a quick shower atter work rnakes me A inquiring C exploring
leel ......... and energetic. B noticing D reckoning
A more refresh G refreshed I You need a strong characler to get by in the
B _ ,..,e
refreshing D refresh ......... ol linance these days.
' I Ilwork ----, .. compulers
work .......,. nomnrl€rs in my
mrr job;
irrh. l,m a
lrm a i area
A arn^ 6
B zone
-^-- C globe D world
Ain Bwith Con
9 We were all laughing because Sam made a
D about
lunny ..,...... .
I Mum and Dad ......... to the airport by my older A remark c sentence
brother. B conversalion D phrase
A drove C had driven 10 Teresa showed me a(n) ......... of her drawings.
B were driven D could drive A entry C option
10 I just ran ......... sugar and nuw I don't have B selection D assortment
enough to make the cake.
The pilot told everyone to ......,.. in their seats,
A up B through C out of D away from 11
A hold B eontain C take
It ......... a waste of time going to visit pete
D remain

because he's in France for the week.

12 It took us a while to ......... the extent of the
damage after the earthquake.
A woutd be C could have been
B must be D should be
A recognise C regard
B realise D observe
12 I donlt want to take my camera to the concert
13 The man said he would ......... us to park outside
because l'm afraid ......... it.
his house.
A thal I lost C losing A allow B admit C grant D
B of losing D to losing let
14 Jenny sat down to ......... the pain in her legs.
t3 Kevin hasn't been back to his hometown .........
he left secondary school.
A feel B ease C release D comfort
A since E after C until D for 15 lf you eat too much cake, you will ........, weight.

t4 Joe walked into the office without even ..,,,.,.. A take B win C gain D earn
'hello'to any ol his colleagues. 16 Summer schools offer extra ......... for studying.
A say G saying A potentials C advantages
B to say D having said B opportunities D advances
p tmagine an entire town made up of spectacular
buildings of multi-coloured ice. A town devoted to
pleasure where you can ride in a horse-drawn carriage
through snowy streets, hurtle down ice slides and
watch swimming events by an icy river. lt sounds like a
setting for a work of children's fiction, but this magical

scene appears every January on an island just outside

the Chinese city of Harbin.
The event is well-known for the long snow slides that are l

p> winter in Harbin would be very bleak indeed incorporated into the designs sf the ice buildings. One b
10 without its annual month-lonS lce and Snow Sculpture year, one of the star attractions was the Creat Wall of lce, 40
Festival. Situated in north-east China, Harbin is actually a tribute to the Creat Wall of China, which included at b
further north than some of the coldest parts of Russia, one end an ice slide of around 200 meffes that had two g
and endures average temperatures of -16"C at the time lanes so people could race a friend down to the Eround
of the festival. 5o what better way to brighten up winter if they wanted to. An annual attraction is climbinE on b
15 than with a colourful winter wonderland that regeates the wall of ice, which is the height of four or five men 45
some of the world's most impressive architectural and slopes like a pyramid at an angle of around 50 t-
landmarks? lt's possible to reproduce them using blocks degrees. lt may sound impossible, but a rope is provided l-
of ice at Harbin because its winters, though freezing to help you, Another possibility is to take to the frozen :l

cold, are dry. ln fact, there is a tradition of ice sculpture

lake on one of the skating cycles - bikes adapted for use

20 in the region that stretches back hundreds of years and on ice - that are provided for visitors' enjoyment. The l

began with ice lantern artworks lit by candles. less energetic can rely on real horsepower to tour the t

tr People who have been to the festival say the site in one of the aforementioned carriages or for a more
sculptures are most impressive at night, when they are exciting, if less comfortablg experience use one of the .i
lit by floodlights or frorninside by clever use of LID individual chair sleds pulled by dogsl E
25 bulbs that change colour periodically. You can also p nertrapsthe rnost extreme event at the festival is ss :
appreciate the amazing detail sf the snow sculptures the river swimming. Even setting up the event is a z

better when there's no glare from the sun. lf you want challenge, The organisers have to remove enough ice L-
to see as many sculptures as possible, you should plan from the surface of the River Songhua to make a pool t
your trip for a few weeks into the festival. That's for the friendly competitions. The brave participants t-

because by then the internatibnal snow-sculpting plunEe into the water wearlng nothing but swimming 60 E !
competilion that is held during every festival is over and costumes and caps, surrounded by spectators in winter
you can admire the creations in all their glory. Teams hats, coats and glovesl Although the festival has rL
from as far away as France and South Africa travel to become well-known enough to attract visitors from *
Harbin to put their skills to use on a three-metre cube of outside China, it's rare to see a non-local swimmer in L
35 cornpacted sn0w, the competitions. ln northern China, however, there is a 65 g-
p fyou are more interested in physicat activities than strong tradition of winter outdoor swimming, especially ,1\

among the middle-aged and the elderly. $-
aCI you'll still find plenty to arnuse you at the festival.
40 *i*r-
mg b tlte writer, Harbin produces a
.ffie cnery year that's like Read the text and match the headings (A-F)
f a dilds fantasy. to the paragraphs (t-S). Use each heading
E e place described in titerature. once. There is one extra heading.
G afitn set. A Best time to go D Not a fairytate
D a bwn from the past, B More than just art E Great nighilife
! Scu@rc at the festival create ice versions of C Take a dip , F Harsh conditions
A lamous buildings.
Find words in the text which mean the
8 tamous people.
opposite of the following words.
G Chinese-style houses.
D ' pain ' boiling . loosened melted
lanterns and candles.
. '
unaltered r hostile r common
Y}llrry does the writer say it's better to go to the
fetivalat Fill in: odmire, participants, attracts, icy,
A The sculptures look rnuch better after dark. tradition, sculptures, colour, provided,
B You can't see the artificial light effects in the 1 Peopte go skating on the
day. river during the winter.
C Some parts of the sculptures melt in the 2 They have been making ice
daytime. in the city of Harbin for hundreds of years.
D The latest sculptures get unveiled in the 3 The disptay uses difterent light bulbs to
evening. change regularly.
Why does the writer recommend going to 4 You can walk around and ............
the the creations in the ice-sculpting contest.
festival towards the end?
A lt's less busy then. The skating cycles are
for your enjoyment.
B You can see people taking part in
competitive sculpting. The brave dived into the
C frozen lake for the swimrning competition.
Competition entries are on show then.
D More activities are available then. This annual festival
visitors from all over the world,
5 What happens at the festival every year?
There is a strong
A ....... of winter
Slide racing contests are organised. swimming in the north-eastern regions of
B lce skating takes place on a lake. China.
C Train rides take visitors around the festival.
D Fill in: stretches, brightens, event, glory,
People try to get up a slippery wall. ride,
landma*s, entire, ctimb.
5 What problem with the swimming events
the article mention?
Every January, near the city of Harbin
A The river freezes over. in northeast
China, a(n) t) ........,..,,...... town is created
E There's no practice area. out of ice.
Here, people can 2).,.......,...,..... in horse-drawn
C The clothing rules are very slrict. carriages, hurtle down ice stides or
watch winter
D They don't attract young swimmers. swimming competitions, The annual lce
and Snow
Sculpture Festival 3) .............,..... up the
bleak winters
Find words in the text with a similar that the region experiences, BNocks of ice are
used to
meaning to the foltowing words/phrases. reproduce some of the world,s most impressive
architectural 4) ................. . This tradition
. Para l: dedicated, move quickly of maiing ice
sculptures 5) ..,....... .. back hundreds
. Para 2: cold and unpleasant, faces of years, The
sculptures are lit up at night in a spectacular
display of
. Para 3: at regular intervals, look at and colour. Visitors come from all over the
wartd to admire
. Para 4: buill in, yearly
these creations in all their 6) . Many people
attempt to 7) ....,,..,..,.....,. a high wall of ice
and it uting
. Para 5: intense, observers cycles are provided for those who wish
to cycleon the
frozen lake. The rnost extreme g)..,,.,..,.,,..,....
What part of speech is each word? at the
fostival may be the swimrning which takes place
in the
icy cold waters of the river.

C"rnlete the sentences withz morching, riu in the correct prepo:ition.
* fancy, anitent, colourful, public, main, rnouth-
Crowds are gathering .............. anticipation
watering, patron, street, nationol. of the band's arrival.
1 The shamrock is lreland's most identifiable People stand the streets every
... symbol, year waiting for the carnival procession,
2 The Queen's birthday is a ..................... When the singer finished her song the
holiday in Australia. audisnce burst .............. applause.
3 This year's theme for the oflice ......... We have a new director charge of
dress party is suPerheroes. our drama group.
4 Alex is thrilled because he has been chosen There are some fascinating costumes ........,..,..
to play the trumpet in the city's biggest display at the local museum.
.. band, 6 A statue was built honour of the
5 The people on the floats wore exotic, local hero.
costumes. 7 You should always book your festival tickets
Access to the city centre has been cut off, advance.
as this year's ... Parade will be Thanks the lnternet, booking tickels
passing through at noon. for shows has become much easier.
My mother always prepares
dishss for our Christmas Eve dinner. Choose the correct item.
Wassailing is a(n) . ritual during
1 The price of this suit is lavish/outrageous!
whieh people visited orchards and sang to
trees in order to encourage a good harvest 2 lt's a sleepylmisty day today so take care
for the year to come. when driving.

On 23rd April the English celebrate St George, 3 I was very proud/disappolnted of the
the ..,.................. saint of England. costumes we had made.
10 The carnival festivities ended with a big party 4 The lead singer of the band has a very
in the ......... squars ol the town. distinctive/crucial voice.
5 The hotel staff's rudeness lefi me speechles#
Choose the correct item. senseless.
6 The city's decorations were eye-catching/
1 The concert takes part/place every summer. enthusiastic.
2 The village puts up/lets otf fireworks for New
Complete the text with the
Dozens of fans gathered/collected around
words below.
the band to ask for their autographs.
Anna has decided to praiselcelebrate her
. spectacle ' disappointed
birthday in the company of a few close
friends and relatives.
It is customary to give sut/let out cards at
1) ..........,...,.. when my friends
The audience applauded/approved the actors presented me with tickets to
at the end of the performance.
the Cirgue, de, Soleil,'the
The crowd went wild when the star performer most famous circus in the
attended/appeared on the stage" world. When we arrived,. the
Thousands of viewersr/speclators filled the theatre was 2) with people,
ii stadium to watch the final game of the season. all bursting, with,exciternent. nnd'we
r weren't 3) ,...,,....,.,.,. either; it was truly
a fascinating 4) ..,............ The
costumes were beautiful and the whole
show was 5) ............., of incredible circus tricks. lt
an 6).,...,..-.,1...;. p.gffoIfftance and the best
present I have ever received.

$g-; r,flt li*i*'{i*.*iit;

Match the celebrations to the activities. Cross out the word/phrase that does not
Then make sentences as in the example. complete the sentence correctly.
. make resolutions r carve jack-o'-lanterns 'l You can take part in a stall*parade-
r give thanks by saying a prayer competition.
. send a special greetings card . buy flowers 2
. You can playmusic-tricks-gifts.
go trick or treating ' eat roast turkey
. wait until midnight . watch fireworks display
3 You can carve pumpkins - costumes -
. sculptures.
wear fancy dress costumes
. give a box of chocolates 4 You can throw parties - presents - streamers"
. have large family gatherings 5 - candles * cakes.
You can light fireworks

1 NewYear's Eve: make resolutions,wait until

6 You can put on masks - testlvltles -
night, watch fi reworks d is pl ay
m id

On New Year's Eve,we make resolutions and

7 You can organise a tradition - fireworks
display * festival.
wait until midnight to see in the new year by
watching a fireworks display. I You can have a greai time - cash prize -
fancy dress party.
2 Mother's Day: ............,
Ctr""re the correct item.
Halloween: 1 Paul has invited everyone for a quiet family ......
on Sunday.
A reunion C get-together
4 Thanksgiving: .,,..,,.. B reception D procession
2 The newlyweds will be leaving for their ...... in
Hawaii right after the ceremony.
A honeymoon C break
Choose the correct item. B gathering D trip
1 When Sharon moved house she had a Traditionally, the father ...... away the bride to the
going-away/ housewarming party, groom on their wedding day.
2 The mayor is holding a press parade/ A sends B takes C shows D gives
conference to announce this year's festival. It was a very formal event where women wore
3 They keep/hold a two-minute silence in long gowns and men wore ,...., .
honour of the country's fallen soldiers. A jumpsuits G overalls
4 The festival includes a boat match/race. B tuxedoes D dungarees
5 Every year, people gather at the war 5 "l now husband and wife," said ihe minister.
slatue/memorial to pay their respecls. A renounce C pronounce
B denounce D announce
T'f*r*i ffi,rrrk;* i;l *#
co*nlete the sentences with words derived from the words in bord.
Jillian played a(n) rofe in organising Our hotel provided us with live ....,..,....
the charity event. {LEAD} in the evenings. (ENTERTAIN)
Most couples arrange their weddings based on We listened to a ........,. talk on the
their personal .............. . (PREFEH) history of the Rio Carnival. (FASCTNATE)
The organisers were expecting a high I wasn't looking forward to the pantomirne, but it
at the festival. {ATTEND} actually turned out to be really ..........
Robert turned out to be very ......,.......... when I (ENJoY)
asked him to assist wilh the preparations for The decorations in the town squafe were very
the party, THELP) ..... this year. {USUAL}
ib Ski resorts don't have many ......... 10 Peter hired a ....,................... caterer to cook the
t in the summer. {VlSlT) food for his 60th birthday, (PBOFE$S|ON)

ng Grammar Putthe adjectives/adverhs in brackets into
Fill in: who, which, whose, where, why. Say
whether they can be ornitted or not. the correct form, adding any necessary
1 A: Your costume is fantasticl
B: Thanks. The shop where I bought it has a 1A: Why did you leave the party so soon?
sale on at the moment. (cannof be omitted) B: Because the music was getting lauder
2 A: My friend, birthday it was last and louder (loud) and I couldn't stand it.
week, has iust won a triP to New York. 2A: Houlwas your school's end-of-year dance?
B He's so lucky! ........ B: It was OK, bul not as
3 A: The
A caterer You recommended
(successful) last year's.
for my sister's wedding was very good. 3A: Why do we have to book for the concert
B: Yes, she makes delicious food. ...........-.. so early?
Because the ...........
B: (soon)
A: Do you know the reason we book, the ....,....... (good)
Alan didn't come to the concert? seats we'll get.
B: I think he might have been ill. ...............- 4A: Have you heard of Up Helly Aa?
B: Of course, it's one of ,,...,.,......
5A: That dress looks really old-fashioned, {popular} festivals in Scotland.
that's the dress
B: Aclually, 5A: Why don't you like this costume?
my grandmother got married in. B: Because I am looking for something
(elaborate) to wear this Year.
Fill in the correct relative pronouns/adverhs. Put 6 A: Thank you so much for helping me with
commas where necessary. Write D (for defining), the decorations.
ND (for non-defining) and say whether the ts: No problem. lt was
relative pronoun/adverbs tan be omitted or not.
(little) I could do.

1 Only the people who have a pass can go words in hold to complete the
backstage. (0, cannot be amittad) Use the
second sentence so that it means the same
The park . they hold the fair is
as the first. Use two to five words including
opposite my aunt's house.
the word given.
Saturday is the only day ......,,....,,..-.. we can
have your party. ........ 1 My costume is better than Anna's. AS
Emma . is in my class at school Anna's costume is nof a$ good as mine.
has a really pretty outfit. 2 Gail had never received such an expensive
Everyone is wondering about the reason present before. MOST
. the carnival was cancelled this It was ........
year. ....,..... Gail had ever received.
6 John's costume he bought online I wonder who is having that birthday party.
was the talk of the party. WHOSE
Put the adjectives/adverhs in brackets into I wonder ..... that is.
the correct camporative/superlative form. 4 As the holidays get closer, the children's
excitement grows. EXCITED
I Being the Carnival Queen was my sisler's
The closer the holidays get, ..........
proudesf {proud) moment.
the children become.
This is by far the ............ (boring)
Couldn't you find a cheaper costume? LEAST
party I have ever been to.
Was this
Ben didn't get ready as ....,........
costume You could find?
(quick) a$ I did, so it's his fault we're late.
I spent half as much money as my brother
I used to love the town fair when I was
for a concert ticket. TWICE
(young), but now I've
stopped going. My brother spent ........
I did for a concert ticket,
We managed to get seats far more
.. {easy) than we had exPected.
Revision (Modutes tr43
Rephrase the sentences in as many ways as
Put the words in the correct order to make a
possible using modals. sentence.
I I advise you to arrive early. 1 fair/as/the/is/it/not/used/be/fun/to/as
You should arrive early. The lair I's nof as fun as it used to be.
2 lt is necessary for us to book seats in advance, 2 hav e I al us ua I lylb i rth d ay/M u m's/pa rty/we/fo r

3 They were obliged to move the party indoors" 3 we re/thelthailticketslch ea pe ri t/expected

4 lt is forbidden to park on the parade route. h ave/be st/was/s h owlfa risee n/by/eve r/th e/l/
It's a good idea to carry sorne cash for

C"rnlete the second sentence so that it

6 lt isn't necessary to bring your own iood ffi means the same as the first.
Bon{ire Night isn't as popular as it used to be.
roin the sentences using the correct relative Bonfire Night used ta be more popular than it
ff prcnoun or adverb. is now.
Jason started studying three hours ago.
1 My country has many festivals. Some are
Jason has...,........
national holidays.
My country has rneny festiyals, sorne of It wasn't necessary for Ashley to come.
which are national fio/idays. Ashley did .............
2 He found the ticket. He had tost it. Three people auditioned for the band but
none of them were suitable.
l'l[ never forget the day. I won the fancy dress Three people auditioned for the band, none
5 I'll send out the invitations before Friday.
That's the girl. Her father organised the By Friday, I

The festival was attended by rnany peopte.

Some of them were celebrities-

Cornlete the following text. Use the

fl appropriate form of the word in brackets
where given.
I David is the patron saint of Wales. He l ) trirred (live) in
F * 5th century and is believed to have travelled
: atensively, even 2) .......... far as Jerusalem. St. David,s
is on l st March, and for many Welsh people it is
;3! -.-- - . ...... (important) festival of the year. as this is
:*e day 4) ....,.....,...*. they celebrate their Welsh heritage.
,€n 5t Davidt Day, many schoolchildren wear the
'aHiond costume, but not everyone 5) ....,.....,.,,..,...,...
$ees up), Most people just wear a daffodil, 6) ...,.,,...,...
fo the emblem of Wales. All over the country you
t) ................... see parades, performances and traditiona I
dances. So. if you are evpr in lVales on lst March, you
: t) ............. not miss the opportunity to iake
part in the wonderfulfestivities,
ng Listening skil
Complete the spidergram with: hsndmode, rehearse for months,
welldecaroted, judges, television audience, carry a flag, sequins,
campete against each other, dancers, extravagont costurnes, attend
the parode, spectotors, have a specific role, headdress, drummers,

( ) t-isten again and complete the sentences.

Use up to three words.

1 The Rio Samba Parade is viewed by a huge

2 The judges decide on the

You will hear a live commentary of 3 There are between 3,000 and 5,000 paraders
a festival. in each
(i t-isten and for questions 1-6 choose the
Each school has a couple who ...................
correct answet A, B or C.

The commentator says thal the Rio Samba Watching the Whirling Ladies makes the
Parade commentator ...............
A goes through local neighbourhoods. On the floats, everyone is wearing
B started on the streets of Rio.
C is the only carnival parade in Rio. Belore the parade, dancers and bands have
The Flio Samba Parade There are refreshments so that specta
can keep their
A starts when the sun rises.
B continues all night long. (; vou are going to listen to someone
C stops when the sun goes down. about a food festival. For questions 1-B
complete the sentences with the correct
The samba schools that take part in the parade
Would you like to attend this festival? Why?
A cannot all fit into the $tadium. . .,.....-..*.-;..-.,. ;:i ;:(-.J. :,,:;;:*J;i:i:,i:::i'l'::;l!:.i'iill:':,;rl
B choose one dancer to represeflt lhem.
The Organic Food Festivaltakes place in Bristol
C come {rom different areas of Rio.
every 1

The Whirling Ladies !f1

The festival attracts a lot of producers and
A carry flags. .j
B often get dizzy.

The stalls sell rsfreshments made from

C are very experienced. .n
ii 3

Visitors are shown how to 4

The Queen of the Drummers
organically on their own.
A is the best fernale druminer.
Apart {rorn cosmetic products visitors can learn about
B encourages people to dance.
organic and recycled 5
C designs the drummer's clothes.
Kids have a variety of 6
The floats choose lrom.
A are not all the same size. Visitors can snjoy some ol the best
B do not have dancers on them. 7 playing live.
C are not allowed in the stadium. They can also enjoy I
harbour wall.

$peakimg skills
Two friends are talking about preparations Look at the
for a fancy dress party. Use these phrases to picture.
complete the dialogue. Choose the
. How about . I don't think it's a correct
. We're agreed then . think we should word.
. I guess you are right
. would be a good idea The picture shows a
street 1) ceremony/
parade in whlch a
We need to decide what we'll do for the lancy group of womsn are
dress party on Saturday. Have you got any wearlng 2) costumes/masks and
ideas? carrylng r6d pomporns. Th€y are all 5) dresged/worn in
I 1) ...........,,,, .,,., hang some paper red Jackets, red b0ots and white skirts, except the
lanterns. They will look really nice and they will
woman at the front. She is 4l performing/l€ading the
create a soft light in the house,
parade and has got a gold Jacket and g0ld hoots on. All
Yes, I agree, 2) ,.,,.,...,..,..., ... using
the women are 5) hildng/marching in step wlth thelr
some fairy lights, too? Or will the lanterns be
left legs m0ving forward t0gether. Atnl 6) audience/
3) ................. ...... good idea to use crowd 0f spectators has 7) lined/drawn both sldes of
different types of light, The lanterns should be the street to watch the parade. The streets seem to be
fine. lt 4) to get some closed off t0 traffic for the parade, so they are probably
balloons, though, marching in celebrati0n 0f a 8l cultural/national noliday,
Balloons look great, but it will take a long time to
blow balloons up. Would you like to use
streamers instead? Choose the correct response.
Hmm, 5) ,I don't think
1A: I haven't seen you for ages.
we'll need anything else.
OK, 6) ,......... ..... . We'll hang some
B: a Yes, l've been so busy latefy,
paper lanterns and spread some strearners b Yes, I'm fine, thanks.
around the house,
2A: Come to my party on $aturday!
3. Pedect. Let's get started!
B: a How about I o'clock?
b Unfortunately, t can't get the night otf
co*Uete the sentences.
Jf The piclure shows
3A: How would you like to go to Andy's fancy
dress party?
2 They are celebrating B: a I wouldn't miss it for the world.
3 The woman is wearing b I'll try to get the best 70s outfit.
4 On the table, I can see
4A: l'm afraid I can't make it.
5 The man is giving the woman
B: a Oh, come on. lt'll be so much fun.
b Everyone is feeling
b Well, it certainly sounds a lot more
exciting than studying.

5A: I'm thinking of going to the Halloween

party. HCIw about joining me?
B: a I won't forget. $ee you then.
b I'd be glad to go.

6A: How about blowing up balloons for the

B: a Thank you.
b With pleasure.
.,lt;i',r' ;lji1
writins A description of a celebration

a)Read the rubric. What tenses should you

mainly use: presenf or post?
A travel maEazine has asked its readers to send
Fill in: brightly, hurriedly, slowly, wildly.
People in the crowd dance .,...,..,........... to F-
the drurnbeat.
in articles about an annual festival tourists The stage is...............,.... lit for the band's Fr
shoulc attend in their country. \Airite your
article describing the festival and the activities
performance. '_l

{140-19CI words).
The procession moves
through the city's narrow streets. _t
b) Read the model and put the paragraphs Some music lans always run ,........,.......... to _t
(A-D) in the correct order (1-4). the stage to see the bands perform live.
m The Ria Carnival is
unique experience for everyone. The
a truly Fill in: excited, exhausted, disappointed,
astonished, lucky. _t
colourful street parades malqe locals
and visitors feel thrilled, lt is I At the end of the festival, everyone goes _t
definitely the most cheerful and
flarnbayant celebration in the world,
home feeling ....-..
hours of dancing.
from so many

m The Rio Carnival miqht only
last for a few days, but it is the result
2 Don't miss this spectacular parade if you're
..,.. enough to have the chance.
of months of preparation. Most of 3 I'm really ......... about returning fo:
the people who help to prepare for
the Carnival are members of the cf$'s sarnba rchools. 4
next year's festival.
Everyone has such a great time that thei

Thousands of hardworking hands come together to produce

the elaborate costumes and the choreography has to be
are always
5 I was
...... to go home.
.... by the colour and energr
rehearsed every day for dancers to perfect their routines. displayed at this huge celebration.
ffl There are lots of events on during the Rio Carnival.
The main attraction is the Schools Samba Parade which is a Your turn U
rnagnificent parade with the best samba dancers in the
city. [ach neighbourhood also holds its own
celebration. Tourists and focals are encouraged to join in
local Think of an annual festival in your country.
Complete the table.

the festival spirit by wearing colourful costumes and i_r
waving flags. There are crowds of people singing and
dancing everywhere during the Carnival.

m The Rio Carnival takes ptace in the city of Rio de

Janeiro, Brazil, every year. This world-famous celebration
takes place for a few days before Lent, the 40-day period
leadlng up to Easter. Activities
during festival

Filt in: colourful, crawded, delicious, huge,

tra d iti o n a l, u nfa r gettab I e.

1 Musicians perform ....,,.. songs

during the festival.
The parade makes its way through the
A(n) ......,., bonfire is lit when the
lntroduction F.-l
celebrations begin.
The night ends wiih a(n) ...........,,.,... fireworks
lnara i) nameldate of festival
display above the castle. Main Body
{Piia 2) preparafians :I
There are pienty of stalls where you can buy
..... cakes.
(Para 3j euents aturing the festival
Spectators are guaranteed a(n)
weekend that they'll always remember. (Para4) feelngs/comments
Read thetext and for questions 1-5 chcose
rHE FESTIUAL the correct answer A, B, C or D.

LlcHts What is purpose of the Kurama festival?

A to aftract visitors to the region
B to break with past mistakes
G to commemorate a volcano eruption
i:.- from frre.' young children are told by any sensible
avray D to re-enact a pdst procession
:.-:rii. But there s a night every year in a small town in Japan
people of all ages do exactly the opposile for the sake What word best describes the town of Kurama?
:- :.' .000-year-old tradition. A peaceful
.--:ri is a one-street town in a mountain valtey north of
B popular
. :.r.
For most of the year its main attraction is a hot spring C overcrowded
-.: :rovides visitors with an outdoor bathing experience in D impressive
--:..;il surroundings. But on the night of 0ctober 22, when ln the second sentenee of the third paragraph
= "e
festival takes place, Kurama is anything but peace'ful. what does they fef6r to?
--: i.'ent is so popular that people are more than happy to
A townspeople
:-: -0 with seriously overcrowded train carriages to get to B ages
,-: "3m Kurama for it,
--: C torches
:i\vnspeople spend a month crafting t0rches out 0f pine
D preparations
in preparation for the fire festival, Then, at 6pm on
-:-:er 22, lhey are lit simultaneously and a lone torch- Who leads the parade?
:::':' wslks through the town to herald the beginning of a A young children
";-:-Jny thal has remained unchanged throughout the ages. B teenagers
=:: :l parade through their town carrying their fire torches C adults
:-: :-3 y0ung children, aided by teenagers. Each group of D elders
::-:::ng iorch-bearers is older than the iast - and the torches
-:-:ase in size too. The most impressive ones require the Why do most people visit Kurama?
- :-;lh 0f several men to get them t0 the sleps of Kurarna's A for its hot spa
:-::, where all the torches are placed. The procession, B for its fire festival
-:: lasts around two hours, takes place to the sound of C to visit its temple
----s. bells and a simple chant that calls for a successful D to visit its shrine
.ai, which allthe paflicipants repeat over and over again.
- :.:sr Japanese towns and villages, fire cerernonies are Find words or phrases in the text that have
-:: :0 symbolise a breaking away from the mistakes 0J the the same meanings as the ones in the list.
:.=-- Torches are lit to 'butn away' people's bad behariiour.
--= :rigins of the Kurama {estival are different. ln the 1Oth ' making by hand
r announce the beginning of samething
-.-.-:/. a devastating earthquake hit the area, ln an attempt
-: :':iect Kurama from future
disasters, the emperor had an
. for a very long time . beginnings
-::iant religious shrine moved t0 the town. The
: -:oeople were s0 impressed by the fire-lit procession that
:-: Answer the following question in your own
-lrt the shrine to them and the safety the shrine appeared
;'3nt them that they decided to re-create the spectacle
i- :-. r.rear.
Why was the Kurama fire festival first hetd?

Are the following stat€meilts True ar False?

Explain your answer in your own words or Composition
by quoting from the text.
Write a composition of 140-190 words on
1 All the torches used in the Kurama fire festival the following topic: Why do people take part
begin burning at the same time. [n and attend ancient festivals in todayl
2 Each participant in the leslival has their own world?

Think of the word which hest fits each gap. Complete the second sentence so that it has
Use only one word in each gap. There is an a similar meaning to the first sentence,
example at the beginning (0). using the word in bold. Use two to five
words including the word given.
I lt was up to Mr Benson to decide whether
cornpany would hire new staff. MAKE
Mr Bdnson had .,.........
whether the company would hire new statf.

2 Jake can't have been telling the truth

the cause of the fire. LYING
about the cause of the fire.
Last year t tra$ ;*
wet New Year cdebia,tidns which 1) ..,.., for 3 days from'the It doesn't matter what they say, because
1 3th to the 1 5th of April. know what really happened, DIFFERENCE
The owner of our hoiel in Bangkok told us that the Songkran
festival was a time for cleaning as the wat€r washes away say, because I know what really happened.
your worries and bad luck from the 2) ...... year. Thais give
I dislike people who drop litter. APPROVE
their homes a spring clean during this time and then, on the
first day, young people traditionally 3) .".... scented water
people who drop litter
into the palms of their parents and grandparents to show
them respect. On the second day, families give gifts to monks 5 Mark hasn't been at all successful in lindi
and then spend time together. The third day, 4).,,,.., is a suitable flat to rent. NO
when the real fun beginsl Mark
0n this day, as I 5) . . .for myseif, you can't 5) ,..,,. getting . in finding a suitable flat to
soaking wetl I had only just stepped out of the metro station
when someone threw a whole bucket of water at me. I had a
6 You can choose from more than 5,000 titl
in the bookshop. CHOICE
fantastic day participating in the water fight until the sun
7)...... . ln the famous Khao San Road. I even 8) ...... an
more than 5,000 titles in the bookshop.
elephant splashing water all over some touristsl The
elephant had the upper hand, of course! 7 I don't know il their new song is good, as
haven't heard it. HAVING
0 A connecting c linking I don'l know if their new song is good, .......

@ roinino D adding
1 A last c remain You can't be sure thal she'll help you. RELY
B stay tr go
You can't
2A previous c former to help you
B earlier D latter
3A run c fill Complete the gaps with the correct form of
E pour D flow the words in capitals.
4A anyhow c therefore The dancers on the carnival floats were
E consequontly D however wearing . costumes. {COLOUH}
5A found out c searched out The food available at lhe music festival
B made up D looked up but cheap and healthy. (BASEI
6A avoid c prevent A very ......... festival is the'fi
B deny 0 refuse swallowing festival' in Belgium. (USUAL)

7A sei back c went away Most countries are very .......,.........". qf

cusloms and traditions. {PRIDE}
B went down D set down
The lestival included many traditional
8A examined c witnessed
B glanced D attended
6 The food was extremely . (TASTE)
Grammar Vocabulary
Choose the correct item. i Choose the correct item.

You should take the job in France ......... the I was really surprised to see Sally ......... on the
problems it might cause with your parents. news.
A however G nevertheless A show B enter C emerge D appear
B in spite D despite 2 My teacher .......;.ffis to apply for university.
Tony hasn't had any iraining, but he can play A supported C cheered
hockey .......,, a professional. B urged D insisted
A more like C as like t tried to call you, but my mobile phone wa$ ...,....
B just like D really like A dead B beai C empty D ttat

'What were you doing in 2008?'

ln the war, officers wrote using secret
:........ that time, I was backpacking through
South America.'
A systems C codes
AAt B policies D representations
C Until
BOn D Since 5 You can't ioin the club unless yCIu .........all the
My doctor inbrmed me that it ......... some days
lor the wound to heal.
A satisfy fiilc
A willhave taken C takes B prepare D use
B would take D can ake 6 A good night's sleep will improve your ......... in
My car is in the shop so we have ......... choice
but to take a taxi.
A concern C concentration
A none other B care D command
c not a
B no other D not any other She spilled her drink and it teft a large ,,"...... on
the carpet.
The Coen brothers made a movie ......... the
main character is played by George Clooney.
A shade B shadow C dye D stain
A where C in which We're approaching the issue o{ waste disposal
B when D which lrom many different
ls Julie ..,,,.... the otfice gel-together again this
A angles C views
B aspects D points
A being organised lor 9 By 6 o'clock, a huge crowd had ...,..... to watch
B going to be organising the fireworks display.
C to be organising A joined C gathered
D being organised B mixed D collected
Your daughter seem$ to be getting ......... at 10 The news item was broadcast ......... on television
cooking. and radio.
A better and better C more better A collectively C respectively
I best and better E} so good B simultaneously D commonly
'Who won the darts competition?' 11 I'm going to Paris, but my sister made the travel
'Two players - they ......... ior first place.
A tie C are tying A engagements C acknowledgements
B tied D had lied B arrangements D appoinhents
Don't be sillyl Of course they werep't laughing 12 Even though it was dark, we saw the bus .........
"........ you! in the distance.
A with B for C at D lrom A approaching c arflvtng
These cups are .......,. plastic. I think I prefer
B reaching D accompanying

the glass ones.

A made with C made of A investigate C seek
B made in D made by B search D inquire
Hardly had Dad walked in the door, .....,... my 14 ln making their decision, the judges had to
brother asked him for some money. consider rnany ......... .

A than Gas A applications C factors

B after D when B selections D motives
eE Readins
Read the text and for questions 1-6,
choose the correct answer J\, B, C or D.

-qreen or Crinret
Extraordinarily prolific, tre mendou sly successfu/, an d w ith
a remarkable gift for storytelling, Eng/tsh authar Agatha
Christie enioyed a c&rcer that spanned more than 50
years and which came fo see her hailed as the'Queen
of Crime' tor her papular murder mystery novels.
l-1Tl Ct',tlstie wrote over 60 detective novels, creating,
along the wa$ some of crime fiction's mosl famous
detectives. From Moneieur Hercule Poirot, an eccentric
Belgian who relied on a keen grasp ol
to catch crooks, to Miss Jane Marple, an elderly F[fl ns a writer, Christie had a gift for creating nail-
spinster who solved mysteries using nothing mor€ biting suspense, Her books were enjoyed by her fans
than intense concentration and intuition, Christie's who, ii their wits were sharp enough, had a fair
creations often becarne as iconic as the great writer chance ol cracking the rnysteries, along with the
herself. lndeed, so farnous was Poirol that when detaclives. Christie's most famous creation, Poirot,
Christie killed hirn ott in 1975, he was given a front featured in 33 of her novels; Miss Marple in 12. Like
page obituary in lhe New York Times! But Christie did Arthur Conan Doyle with his Sherlock Holmes
not limit herself to murder mysteries. $he tried her character, Christie eventually became tired of Poirot.
hand at various genre$ of fiction, including romantic By the end of the 1930s, she found Poirot
norrels (under the pen name Mary Westmacott), 'insuflerablei By the 1960s, she felt he was 'an
poetry, plays (her ptay lhe Mousetrap is now the egocentric creep.' However, unlike Doyle, Christie
longest-running play in theatrical history) and resisted the ternptation to kill otf her detective while
children's stories. he was still popular. Christie saw herself as an
ETI ln"tn" Mary Clarissa Christie (nde Mitler) was enlertainer whose job it was to produce what the
born in Devon, England, on 15th SeBtember, 1890, A public liked - and the public loved Poirct, ln contrast,
shy and sensitive child, Christie was encouraged to Christie remained fond of Miss Marple.
play music and write by her mother as a way to EI tnterestingly, lhe 'Queen ol Crime'was herself
express her emotions. ln 1916, atter being the subject of a sensational rnystery during her
challenged by her sister, Madge, lo write a deteclive litetime. ln 1S26, Christie mysteriously disappeared
novol (Madge told her she could not do it), Christie for eleven days shortly after her husband announced
sat down to write one, ln just three w€eks, she had he was divorcing her. The whole of England became
finished. The novel, The Mysteriaus Affarr ai Styles, wrapped up in the case of the tamous missing writer.
which debuted Foirot, was published in '1920. lt wae A huge police search was mounted. Eventually,
an instant bestseller" Christie's second book, j'he
Christie was lound in a hotel. $he told police she had
$ecref Adversary, quickly followed in 1922. Soon, lost her memory. To this day, great speculation
she was publishing at least one book per year. surrounds the incident. Whatever the truth behind
ii$m According to the Guinness Boak of Wortd her disappearance, Christie never again mentioned
Records, Agatha Christie is the best-selling novelist of it - even in her lwo autobiographies. Christie married
all time. More than that, apart from the works of Max Mallowan in 1S30 and remained with him lor the
Williarn $hakespeare and the Christian Bible, no other rest of her life. Christie received numerous awards
40 books in history have been more widely published" and honours and continued publishing until the very
Christie's books have sold roughly four billion copies end. $he died on January 12th, 197S, after a long and
and have been translated into 103 languages. Her happy tife. $he was 86 years old.
total readership is estirnated ai 2 billionl


t Agatha Christie
Find words in the text which mean the
A created characters that became more opposite to the following words.
lamous than she did.
B wrote her romance novels with another
. youthful rnild . outgoing . exaclly
author. ' immediately ' surrendered ' brief
C became known mainly for one fictional
Fill in: suspense, gift, successful, instant,
speculation, murder, iconic, wrapped,
D based her character Poirot on a real person.
2 The Mysterious Affair al Sty/es was
1 Agatha Christie was a tremendously
.... crime writer.
A not Christie's first attempt to write a book.
B a book Christie had planned since 2 Hercule Poirot became a(n)
character with Christie's readers.
C the lirst part of a two-part series.
3 lf you like books with lots of ......................,
then you have to read Agatha Christie's
D written as the result 01 a dare.
3 Shakespeare's works have 4 Readers are sure to become
A not been as widely translated as Christie's. up in the mystery ol the book.
B made him the best-selling novelist ever. 5 Great still surrounds the
G sold more copies than Christie's books. mysterious disappearance of Christie in
D been less widely read than Christie's fiction. 1 926.

* The term 'cracking the mysteries' {L.47) means 6 You need a(n) ... for storytelling
if you want to become a popular writer.
A spreading sorneone's secrets.
B creating the endings. 7 Christie gained the title of the 'Queen of
Crime' because of her mystery
C understanding the characters. novels.
D solving the crimes.
8 Her first book became a(n) ......,...
As a writer, Christie bestseller as soon as it was published.
A was inspired by Doyle's treatment ol his
lamous character. Fill in: bestseller, challenged, crime, oppeared,
put the needs ol her reading public above span ned, detectives, resisted, genres, feotu re.
her own.
c believed lhe public got annoyed by Poirot.
D considered Mios Marple less entertaining
Agatha Christiet writing career l) ... i more
than 50 years and saw her hailed as the 'eueen of Crime, *i
than Poirot. for her hugely popular rnurder mystery novels,,she wrote I
Christie's disappearance in 1926 over 50 2).....,.....,.,,.,"..,,. novels and created some of J
A remains a huge talking point with people. fiction'smostfamousS).........,......,!.!.r',..r...r., including i

B was the reason she gained the title'Queen Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, The fictional detectives

of Crimel
becarne as iconic as Christie herself. ln 1916, she wrote ;
her first novel after being 4)
became sornething Christie would only
ta write a detective novel. The novel, Ihe Mysterious i
discuss in print.
Alfak ot Styles, becarne an instant 5) ........,..,,...,;.........."..
had everyone in England looking for her. I
when it was pubiished in 1920. Christie's most farnous I
creation, Poirot, first 6) in that J
Read the text and match the headingr (A-F) book, and he was to 7) ...........
to the paragraphs (I-5). Use each heading novels. She became tired of Poirot's character, but she
once. There is one extra heading. 8) ......."..,-........... the temptation to kill off her detective i

A Her own liftle

while he was still popular because she thought her -i job
D Personal
enigma challenge , was to produce what the public liked. Christie also I
:r. sthertictional 9) ."....,....,.. such as romantic i
B Most favourite E Not only ; nov€ls, poetry, plays and children's storier. Christie -i
characters mysteries ,, recli*=d,$ufuerous awards and honours in her lifetime. i
C Dared to do it F Vast readership , shg: ied;in 6 at the agg of 86. i
.*- ' .1,;, - , .,i, -'*r.:,,,-,q,,1i"*-"*1ry.,. .,,..i. "'**.*-.b:
efI V*cnhuEilnry
Read the sentences and identify the type of Fill in: make, break, press, inquire, accuse, brief,
crime described. steal, rab, find, violote in the correct form.

1 The jogger was held at knifepolnt and ordered 1 lf you smoke in a public place in the UK, you
to hand over his wallet. the law.
2 The man was held hostage for three days 2 The prisoner has ..............."......."".." many
before he was released to his fanrily. atternpls to escape.
3 The three men stormed into the bank and 3 Drivdrs who do not stop at a pedestrian
demanded money at gunpoint. crossing ..... a traffic law.
4 The man had his wallet taken from his back 4 The officers were .....^... . on the
pocket on the train. investigation by the Chief of Police.
5 A woman was caught on lhe stor8's security 5 The authorities are ..,......................... about
camera putting various iterns in her bag. the circumstances that led to the attack on the
6 The park benches had been covered with local banker.
graffiti, the llowers uprooted and the rubbish 6 How could you stand there while he was
bins knocked down. of something you hadn't
Fill in: formol, accurate, plead, surveillonce, 7 According to the news report the thieves
priar, murder, minor, custody. an estimated f100,000
worth of jewellery.
I As the accused had no
I The man intends to ....,........."......,. charges
convictions, he was let otf with a warning.
for assault.
2 The city council has instailed
9 ln their desperation to make ends meet, they
cameras in order to identily criminals.
even considered...",..... a bank.
3 The police have issued a ......,........
10 Both men were ,......,., guilty of
statement concerning the murder trial.
murder and given life sentences.
4 The witnes$ was able to give the police a
very .....,,.,.,...... description of the attacker.
Choose the correct item.
5 Everyone was shocked to hear Mr Robins
.... guilty to the charges of theft.
The lack of witnesses makes this
....,..." case particularly difficult.
Parking your car in a disabled space is elassed
as a............ ofience.
The suspect is being hetd in potice

Fill in: in, on, into, for, witlz, under.

My neighbour was charged
reckless driving.
I refuse to take the blame all the
things you've done.
The burEtar broke .......:..... the family's
house while they were sleeping.
4 The shopkeeper is arrest lor fraud.
s The'thief 's wife had to see the officer
charge to get a visitor's permit.
The police force is call day and
night to keep the city safe.

T-*px$m r"m$mqm*$ w#ffiffifuw$mrp
Match the statements to the crimes. rilf in: in, at, awoy witlt, by, into, aut of.
t1-l-l The police are still trying to figure out how
identity theft FTI btackmait
the thieves broke .....".
t"Tt hacking FTl f raud
guarded museurn.
the well-
FT-l tax evasion tr-n speeding
The shopkeeper threatened to turn the boys
"ilfy neighbnul'doesn't declare all of his : ..." to the police if he caught
income on his tax l-eturrts.' them stealing again.
B "The man wag arrested for using I can't believe that all charges were dropped
a stolen credit card." and he got ........... stealing all that
* "He tried to buy things on the lnternet j
pretending to be someone else.,, The boy claimed he pushed his feilow pupil
.,.. mistake.
drivins_20 miles per hour
?,].$;t* o*r rtu rinit!,, The inmates managed to break
g "[ saw on the nervs titoioi', ,r,",t nor"r-, l' prison by bribing a prison guard,
sroup gainccl illcgal access to rhe lllinisrrv r
The escaped criminal is still
D"ftnce-,s c1mputer- q'stcm, large since the pofice have no idea as to his
-^_- whereabouts.
F "They told the managing director that if he
didn't pay them what they asked, the police *rt.n the descriptions to the people.
rvould be told about his illegal dealings.,, ffi$
1 defendant 4 barrister
3 Choose the correct item.

The company iniends to prosecule/

2 judge
3 public prosecutor
5 jury
6 court reporter
persecute the employee for fraud. members of the general public who have
The police tried to interrogate/investigate been chosen to decide if someone is
guilty or not
the suspect but he refused to talk.
3 a government official who puts people on
Nothing but a life penalty/sentence will be IET_I
fair punishment for the terrlble crimes trial

The police arrived at the crime sitelscene
rflt someonethewholawhasandbeen
has to appear
shortly after the shooting was reported. court
5 Three men were caught trying lo deport/ p-l_l a lawyer that argues a case in a court of
srnuggle works of art out of the country.
person whose job is to make a record
5 As football hooliganism/builying is on the ITT_I a
rise, many people don't attend matches. of everything said during a triat

FI] the person who decides how a criminal

should be punished for their crimes
W*rd f*rilnn"l;?c:*
comUete rhe rentences with words derived from the words in bold.
' ::: :::::: ::::: :::'#;::,ilI;lt.nn"n* 6 This program blocks rnaterial on the lnternet
that for chitdren. (SUIT)
disappearance. {SAT|$Fy} ? You should report the
2 Mike was ,.,.".... ....... of the danger of your passport to the potice. (LOSE)
he'd placed himsetf in by walking through the 8 Having an identity card is a legat
park alone at night. {AWARE)
..... in some countries.
He was found in ...., of (HEAUtBE)
stolen goods and was arrested. (POSSE$S) I Hunting btue whales has been declared
I opened the letter out of ..............,..".....,..., even
and the species is now
though it wasn't addressed to ms. {CUR|OUS) protected. (LEGAL)
There has been wide ........,.
over the new immigration laws. (DI.SAGFEE) '' ::::::::::::::,::: -:1TJ,:ffiTTEND)
Eg Grammar
newrite the sent€nces in the passive. Join the sentences using the words in
$ !l
Someone broke into the shop last night. 1 The robbers were making noise. She heard
Ihe shop was broken into last night. them and called the police, (so much ... thatl
They are washing the graffiti off the wails. Ihe robbers were making so much nolse
fftat sfie heard them and called the polica.

3 Has anyone notified the authorities? 2 The fire was serious. lt took the firefighters
three.hours to put it out. (so ... that)

A police otficer was recording everyihing the

witness said. There were no witnesses to the theft. The
police had no leads. (therefore)

5 We need to phone the fire brigade.

There have been a lot of burglaries on our
street. My parents have had all our valuables
6 The police willcall in Mr Smith for quesiioning. insured. (consequenlly)

7 The police patrol the city streets every day. He was a clever criminal, l-le escaped from
prison twice, (such ... that)
The burglars had hidden the money before
the police captured lhem. There was hardly any evidence. The police
couldn't charge him. (so llttle ... that)

Co*nlete the sentences, as in the example.

Everyone thinks that she hid the evidence. Use the words in bold to complete the
She rs thought to have hidden the evidence. second sentence so that it means the same as
He is said to be on the run from the law. the first. Use two to five words including the
It ....,.......... word given.
It is believed that this judge is very fair. 1 Crime is expected to rise in the next decade.
This judge WILL
They aro suspected to have been planning a It is expected crime wilt rise in the next
robbery. decade.
It ............... 2 They believe the fire was started deliberately.
5 People know that she works for a big lawyer.
The lire

Write the sentences in the cousstive.

;; ;;;;; ;;; ;
;; ;::::-L1iili:'
I My car wa$ stolen last week. ..,... in the accident.
I had my car sto/en /asf week.
You ought to report the incident to the
2 The police are taking the murder suspect,s poliee. MUST
The incident ...............
t0 the police.
3 We are fitting a burgtar atarrn at the office. ., Lyn's purse was stolen from her bag. STOLEN
LYn ........".. from her bag.
A private detective will investigate the theft
The painting was extremely valuable and a
for Mrs Adams.
huge reward was offered for its sate return.
lnspector Jeffries asked his assistant to write It was ........ that a huge
the report. reward was offered for its safe return.

Revision (Modutes 1-s)
Turn the following sentences from the
Cornplete the second sentence so that it
passive to the active or vice versa. means the same as the first.
1 Somebody vandalised the statue last night. 1 The inspector was questioning the witness.
The statue was vandalised iasl nlght. The witness was being questioned by the
2 A speech was made by the Chief fnspector. inspector.
2 The police will send the report to my lawyer"
3 The jury will reach a verdict in the morning. My lawyer will
3 A mechanic lixed lan's car,
4 The witness is being held by the police. lan had
4 $he is not as reliable a witness as her
The house had been searched by private
investigators. Her neighbour is ,,........
We have never had a more serious crime in
the village.
Join the sentences using the words in This is by{ar ........
brackets. Make rhanges if necessary.
Someone has stolen Oscar's mobile phone.
1 There was a fire in the gym. The sports centre Oscar has ..,.....,..
was closed. (as a result) As Mrs Leary gets older, she becomes more
There was a fire in the gym and as a result suspicious of strangers.
the sports centre razas c/osed.
The older Mrs Leary
2 That's the boy. He vandalised the school.
Everyone believes that the new measures
have reduced the crime rate in the area.
The new measures are .........,..
3 There's the woman. Her house was searched
last night. (whose)

4 There was a lot of tratfic. The mayor was late

for the press conference. {such}

There weren't many people around. I became

Fill in the gaps with a suitable word.
scared. (so few)
Telescopes can be used together ..,..-.............
digital oameras to capture photographs ol outer
Complete the following exchanges with the
correct form of the word in brackets. lf I had known much you
liked the theatre, I would have invited you.
flave you heard (you/hear) the news? We should r''..r!..r',:r.......,.. advantage of any
Yes, Mr Jones ........ (arrest). free time we have to study for this test.
I am having a CCTV camera I wasn't quick ....,.... .. to come first in
(install) in front ot my house. the race.
B: Are you? I ....,.........,, (think) Daniel ate too much at lunchtime and was
ol getting one too, recently. unwell for the -...... ol the day.
3A: The museum director Paul told that he would
(have/the alarm system/check) after the relurn my guitar the next day.
paintings (steal). Phillip will n6ver sell. his house
B: It's a shame they didn't check it ............. dropping the asking price.
(early). Jean and her friends plan to take up swimming
4 A: lt is expecled that the criminal and make use .,..,...... the new pool
(receive) a life sentence. in their neighbourhood.
B: He should. He committed one of lrm going to go home after work to pack a
(terrible) murders ....,.. things for our weekend trip.
of the past decade.
&@I ListeninE skiils
r-ist the words under the headings.
. alarm . arrest . burglar . incideni . robber . escape
n break-in . lhreaten . witness . hold-up . prime suspect
r Suard . hide . statement . police officer

ffi t)
Listen again and complete the statements.
!) tisten to report about a
a TV news
robbery and for questions 1-6, choose the 1 Sarah Holmes works as a reporter for
correct answer A, B or C. Channel

When the robbery occurred, the 2 Sarah is outside a .......,.....".

A bank was already closed.
B bank had just opened for business. 3 The robbery happened about
G bank's opening hours were coming to an end.

According to the reporter, the witnesses 4 The gang consisted of

A have not spoken to her yet.
B were interviewed on the radio. 5 The gang escaped using a
C are being held by the police.
6 The robbers knew the bank vault had
The police spokesman says that the robbers will
A be found driving a black van. The police are going to cross-examine presenl
B be caught in their hiding place. and
C be using a different vehicle.
There are reports o{ I The prirne suspects are the
A several staff and cuslomer$ being huri in the
robbery, *tt,. a short summary of the news report.
B a statf member suffering an injury in the robbery. ffit
C one customer being injured by the robbers, You will hear five people talking about
The robbers may have stolen as much as crimes that have affected them.
A 110,000" c t500,000. il listen and match the speakers {1-5} to
B f20,000. the statements (A-H). There are three extra
statements you do not need.
AccordinE to the news report, the prime
suspects are
A I escaped punishment for a minor offence.

A people who work for the bank. B I helped to convict a criminal.

B former employees of the bank, C I was a victim of a burglary.

C a famous group of criminals. D I witnessed someone shoplifting.
E I was arrested for assault. Speaker 1
F I was punished for Speaker 2
speeding offences. Speaker 3
G lwitnessedarobbery. Speaker 4
H I was taken to jail. Speaker 5
ffipemkfrrng skEf,ls kmffi-ry
Which of the three desrriptions best match Look at the pictures and fill in the correct
the photograph? Which words/phrases words from the list.
helped you decide? --
. although . both
g.{ir, whereas
. on the other hand
. in contrasl

1)....,......,.,.,. pictures show cornmon ways in which people

llc' is clrcssccl in hcrggji.jeitn.s elt(l it sl-ripcci 'l-shirt. break the law. 2) the first picture shows
' ,riso r,rruirrilrg a bnscball cap. \,ou cdtlt st"c his {ace rubbish in a b!n, people also seern to have walked past the
.:;rsc he is llring tlrc rvall. llr. is breakitrg thc lrlv full bin and just thrown their litter on the ground, You can
. ,-:"isr thc policc coltsiclcr graffili to lrc rranclalirnr.
get a fine lor littering in public places. The second picture
r ltlroto slrols a ]roullg nl{l't \/('lllr.lctli-sing ltt,rblic shows a woman using her mobile phone while driving.
:'r,r"t_\r [(:ilr'l srilr tl'rat lre is ricl.tcing a.statrrc r.t,lticlr 3) ............. to dropping litter, talking on a mobile phone
't lir, of d11 it'nl)()rtiluL ltcrsotl. Ilcls r,r,carinS blut_. while driving can actually result in a serious accident,
..jui[ boLLouls tr!]d tr croloLrrlr.rl shirt. I srrlrltosc hcil 4).......,,,.., littering is bad for the environment and can
. i L,slc(l if thcnr r,rrcnt ltolicc irr thc arcir.
make our streets and parks untidy, I believe using a phone
-ji l)ialrlre, I cr.llr scc'11 boy 1qr[ls iooks likc a gallf] "--i:1 while driving is life-threatening and irresponsible,
llc is kr;rning ngrril'tst .r rvall nntl hcs got an l 5) ....,,.,.,...,.".,.. littering is just unattractive.
-. lLrok
- on lris itrct:. l{els r.\,earirrg rleuinr.leans aucl a
-,.1""..- .*=.,**
-.,,ti '['slrirl. I Ihink lrrls hirtrging ar"t:rrrrrl orrtsiclc
'...;r, hcis looking Jbr
trouhkr. I lrclitlve lrcs .rloing to ffi cnoore rne correcr response.
, ,r light- urgo arrcl g,raf'f iLia btrildirrg rrc.trrblr 't A: I don't know what to do,
B: a I'm not sure about that.

Look at the picture and complete the

b Have you thought of telling your parents?

senten(es. A: lt might be a good idea to ask your teacher.

B: a I think you're right.
b Why don'1 you ask your cfassmates?

A: What's the matter?

B: a lf I were you, l'd change my password.
b Someone hacked into my email account.
A: That's terrible.
B; a Whoever did ii also stole my mobile phone.
b Yes, maybe you're right.

5A: What am I supposed to do?

B: a That's not a bad idea.
b I think you should report it to the potice.

6A: You don't look well. Are you OK?

B: a I've had a bad morning.
b What should I do?
ffi, e&writing
Read the rubric. Underline the key words

Your turn
then answer the questions. a) Read the rubric and underline the key
You are a member of a local youth club. \ilcu words.
have recently been invited to take part in a
discussion with the town council to find ways There has been a series of thefts of personal
to reduce the amount of vandalism in your belongings in your school grounds in recent
area. Following the discussion you were asked montls. As school prefect you were invited to
to write a report. Write your reFort for the take part in a discussion with the school
town council (i40-190 words) suggesting comrnittee to find ways to fight theft in your
ways of stopping vandalism. .lustify your school. Following the discussion you were
suggestions with reason#examples. asked to write a report. Write your report for
the school committee (140-1 90 words)
1 Who is going to read your report? suggesting ways of stopping the thefts. Justify
2 What will the report be about? your suggestrons with reason#examples.
3 What style should you write it in?
4 What should you include? b) Match the suggestions (1-3) to the
supporting points (a-c).
Read the modeland choose frorn the
headings 1-5 for each paragraph A-E. i .. .,:' ,..-:. :i t.::.:1;:t:-,,,i!'i
Reasons/Examples/ I

m Results

The purpose of thls report is to suggest ways that we can

stop vandalism in our community,
jt l1 | I nrovtoe
students with
a students can lock their
belongings .:
lockers - more difficult'
to stealthings

It would be a good idea for the town hall to spend more [ [El-l
money on the youth club so that it could offer more
i security b if there is nothing to ,

activities to the young people of the area. We could use

i cameras steal, thieves not be
avoid taking interested
the money to create tennis and basketball courts on lhe ' [TTl .

club grounds and organise other sporting activities. This ; valuables to c any thefis recorded * ,

would help keep young people busy and off the streets. , school thieves apprehended r'i

Another idea is to organise free arts and crafts classes for
young people at lhe ccmmunity centre, For example, c) Make full sentences frorn the ideas
rnany young people who praclise graffiti see it as an art above.
and not as vandalism. lf they had art lessone and a place
to practise their art, they wouldnt spray paint public
property and would also develop skills in other crafts.

A further consideration would be to make young people

aware of the negative effects and costs of vandalism to
the cornmunity. For exarnple, vandalism could be included
in Ciiizenship classes at school and lBaflets or letters
could be sent to homes to raise awaren€s$ among
parent$. This would surely help reduce'vandalism. Use the ideas from Ex,3 to write your
Allthings considered, if rnore mon€y is spent on the
youth club, art classes ate
created and young
people are rnade aware A Training
of the negalive effects of B tnUoduction
vandalism, then the C Awarenes€
problem could be
D Gonclusion
E lnvestment
I ... " -...{ -, ._-:";.*--.;i-:..._".;"..4....r----.
if ftaT ld I

Read the text and for questions 1-5, choose the

correct answer A, B, C or D,
What is the purpose o{ the article?
A to complain about a current problem
B to provide solutions to a problem Answer both of the following
C to provide information about a problem questions.
D to analyse the causes of a problem
1 How have people's home
f{hat do we learn from the first paragraph? lives been affected by the
A Metal has become a valuable commodity. metal theft problem?
B Metal thelt i$ a completely new crime. 2 ln future, what will people not
C Cases of metal theJt have increased by S0%. be able to do in Britain
D Thieves are stealing metal from dealers. because o{ a change in the
l-Jow has the government responded so far to the problem? law?
A ll has spent t360m a year on solutions.
Choose ONE of the following
B lt has passed new laws.
C lt has closed down certain traders.
D lt has given the police more powers.
Whai advice is being given to traders?
A not to leave metal lying arorjnd
B not to accept cash payments
C to recruit some more tull-time security staff
D to recruit sorne more parl,time security staif
2 i \,Vrite a short story of at least B0
ln the second last sentence what or who does 'they'refer to?
words wnich begins: One night
A laws B police G politicians D sejlers I discovered some metal thieves.
Read the text and fill the gaps with appropriate
words. Use only one word in each gap. ffi*nxr;::iffiH;nffi;
to the first sentence, using the
l"lave you
0) ever thought about how you can help word in bold. Use two to five
law enforcement teams? Most poliqe forces words including the word
would argue 1) ,..........,.. they are underfunded, given.
However, there are several ways of assisting
them in a voluntary capacity. 1 The two men were in complet€
agreement. COMpLETELy
Anyone over the age 2) . I 6 can
become a police support volunteer. Rofes you could The two men ..........
help with include calf handling, transportation, lT and each other.
many more. Specialist skills 3)as photography can be used at crime He is certain that Josh wiil not
scenes. Another 0ption is to become a special constable. special constables, get promoted. CHANCE
although voluntary have the right to arrest people. They actually existed in ln his opinion, there is ......,...
4)...,...,,...,,..... Unired Kingdom hundreds of years
before the police force ever did" Josh getting the promotion.
There is afso a paid option that peopie can choose.
She thought I was her son's sld
Police community support officers work alongside
music teacher. FOR
regular police officers to tackle crimes and improve
the quality of life in a neighbourhood. ln her son's old rnusic teacher"
5) ...............".,".. role, you can work within your
communityt 'safer neighbourhood team, and be a The company doesn't work well
point of contact 6) "..,.......,......... local residents and due io a lack of staff, $HORT
the police. The idea behind this is that regular police The company ...".,,,,....,.........
officers wifl 7) , free to deal with more
serious crimes that are taking place. staff so il doesn't work well.
Rather 8i . complaining about crime, My opinion of him is the sarne
perhaps itt a good idea for more people to offer as when I first met him.
some assistance to the police, CHANGED
My opinion of him
Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in .,.. I first mel him.
the gap. There is an example at the beginning {0). Susan asked to borrow my
laptop. COULD
Susan asked me if
my laptop
Neighbourhood watches are a crime 0l prevention slratsgy which is Liam isn't capable ol staying
based on the idea of 1) .......... .. and requires groups 0f
calm during a crisis. ABlLlTy
like-minded people t0 be Z) .......... ,.. . Anyone in Liam doesn't
neighbourhood can hecome involved in such a Scheme, but the more calm during a crisis.
people who get invotved, the more productive it wilt
be. Basically, a I Nobody thinks that she,lt accept
neighbourhood watch is the s) of netghbours in his proposal. EXpECTED
order t0 rsduce local crime making their area a safer place and also i. .:j:rl: rr.l:li:t: ,
building strong community 4) ....."..". ....,, his proposal.
The objective of walch schemes is to reduce the chances of crime and i How deep do you think this
preveilt anti"social behaviour from occurring in the first place. lake is? OF
Everyone '

takes part in the 5) of one another's property, r, 0nEuT What "........

but neighbourhood watches do not entorce the law *
they have to work ...,.. this lake in your opinion?
in 6| ............. with the police. Residents are able t0 reduce
10 We hadn't expected the film to
the threat 0f crime 7l .,...,.......... by informing the police of :frleffFi$Iflf be so boring. TURNED
anything suspicious. Ultimately, S) ...,..,,........ are less likely The film
t0 target areas which are monitored by neighhourh00d watches.
..,..... really lroring.
Grammar Vocabulary
€hoose the correct item. Cft""re the corrert irem
i:1 Expensive ......... it was, he stilf bought the 1 The painting will be on ....,,... until June.
necklace for me, A demonstralion C exhibition
A although C nevertheless B illustration D display
B despite D though The picture on thb television screen was much
ln the survey, the responses of teenagers better after we made a small ......,.. to the aerial.
varied greatly ......... adults. A advancement C adjustment
A to these of C from those of B expansion D development
B as those of D these lrom I will take the .........lor breaking the computer.
'l saw Macbeth at the theater last night; it was A fault B guilt G btame D shame
My alarm is set to go off at .........T o'clock.
'Well, ......... myselt, l'd have lo disagree.' A exactly C correctly
A seen it C having seen it B accurately D immediately
B have seen it D seeing it It's your own ..,..,.,, that you have a stomach
4 My mothertold us ........, so naughty. ache; you ate far too much chocolate.
A stop being C to stop to be A error B mistake G lault D accident
B to stop being D stop to be He wore a suit to make a good ......... on his new
No sooner had I hung out the laundry, ..,....,. it boss.
started raining. A impression C response
A bui B when C than D after B reaction D imitation
The film starts at nine, so it's important that you Lucy ......... breaking my phone, but I know she
......... here on lime! did ir.
A will be Cbe A claims B admits C refuses D denies
B are being D will have been His company is doing well and now he is
^....,... my favourite dress, but she also borrowed looking for a business .......,,.
my new shoes. A component C partner
A She not wore only B member D contacl
B Not only she wore
It's .,,,..,.. known that many animals are facing
C Not only did she wear
D She only not wore
'.,tt, I
A highly C broadty
'She's thinking of sending Bobby to a private B widely D deepty
10 The police could not lind any ......... to the crime.
'Well, private schools have ......... good and bad
points.' A observers C onlookers
A both B neither C atso D either B spectators D witnesses
'l have a terrible toothache.'
'You my dentist - he's arnazing., colleagues.
A must go C will go A catch B gain C collect D gather
B would rather go D had to go 12 I helped the new charity organisation by
'gS The meal will be over by the time he ........" here. collecting ......... for the children's hospital.
A has got C will get
A allowances C paymenls
E gets D will have got
B otfers D donations
13 Some people consider the lead singer of the
It isn't ......... to snow.
famous rock group to be a living ..,,.....
A cold enough C too cold A myth

B very cold D much colder C tradition

B legend D star
12 They ......... by the sound of the scream.
A 14 The students were analysing tiny dust .........
were frightened
from the $ahara.
B frightened themselves
C were frightening
A particles C substances
D felt fright
B materials D pieces

Nanotechnolagy resfs on mankind's newfound
hailed as'the nexl indus trtal ranalution'becaues ?bnrtv
to manipulate matterat fh€ smattesf scale, fi lras been
ff rs pofsed to iipact everyslhgle aspecr
of society.
Nanomaterials could even"be in your
body right nowl
the science of desisnins, producing Doctors can now accurately target
and ustng structures
': and devices that are I 00
certain iru!, to th*
nanometres or less in size.
areas of the body where ih"y"uru
thanks ta
lTl-l To get some idea sf
just hcw miniscule this is, jrlffinsid"er"
special ly-designed drug-canying nanoparticles
tf,at the paper
y.lulre reading rhis article on is about 100,00b
thick!.lt is only in the last quarter cf a century F[l for instance, scientists are currently research
scientists have possessed the technology how nanotechnology could help in the-'iroducUon
that allows
inem ro modtty rnatter at this scale, inexpensive and nutritious foodstuffs.
Sim" even say
that.nanotechnotogy could have ,
B) ......."...... t;i;; impact on
food production than CM food tech"nology.
insoluble marerials suddenly f5n 0"r,
H}r -",iTpl*,opaque substances
become soluble,
example, recent research has shown ii,"t
become certain nanomaterials to solar panels
transparent, nonconductive material$ can significantli
start conducting increase the amount of solar energy
eleckicity,and brittle materials become super_strong. they aiquire.
The properties of matter at the nanoscare
f) ............,..
can be used to
produce materials and devices that have clearly has the potential to be very
practical and
unique properties. For example, adding nanoparticles
Denetrctat to.society. But _ and it's
a big but - no one at
clay to plastic makes plastic ,tionsei iess perrneabl* rlally. knoy: if significanr environmentat,
oxygen and moisture, and more hJat_ resisLnt.
to f::::li
neatrh and safety problems are posed
by nanoparticles.
c).,,.,,..,.... At present, scientists do not fillly understand how
Although nanotechnology might sound like nanoparticles behave in living systems/
something or the harmful
from a sci-fi novel, it is not"a tecnnotogy-in_waitingl potential of nanoparticles" in humans and the
EE Nanomaterials are curently being used to environment. lTTl How will nanoparticles affect
$trengthen steel and concrete, keep jlrt the environment in generat?
froni sticking to 3:T:^,1i,:lyuyr, .and
Recognising the seriousness
windows, kill bacteria on hospitalwalls, make of the issue, governments
materials around the world are funding ,"r*rr.h "that
fire-resistant, and even attow builOing, should
to repair any soon provide answers to these
cracks that could otherwlse .rur. {uestions.

You are going to read an article about

Six sentences have been removed.
Choose from the
sentenres.A-G the ones which fits each Read the text and match the
gap {l-6}. There is
one extra sentence which you do not headings (I-6) to the
need to use.
A It is here now. paragraphs {n-f). Use each
B Also, nanotechnology has the potential heading once. There is one
io vasily improve the
efficiency of sources of renewablb energy. extra heading,
will inhaled or ingested nanomateriars have
a detrimental
effect on human health?
1 Surprising changes
D One nanometre (nm) is one billionth
of a metre.
ln the future, thore are no limits to the
2 Things to consider
benefits that
nanotechnology coutd bring to our lives, 3 Really tiny
F Experts hope that it won't be too long now, 4 Century old science
G At lhe nanoscale, matter often takes on new
and unexpected 5 Proven successes
6 Potential uses
fr :,::,':;:;il::::;,::;i,':;,:::ibte,newr'und,
1 She always carries her sandwiches in a(n)
glass container.
2 The lnternet is a very ......... tool
to companies who wish to sell internationally.
3 This water is high in mineral content because
it has passed through .,.."..,,....,.... rocks.
4 The tablet is . .......;just put it in
some water and it will dissolve.
5 The teenage popstar found it difficult to
cope with her,.......................,... fame.
6 The earthquake caused minor ........
damage to the schoot building.
7 lt was a(n) ........... filrn; I've never
seen anything Iike it before.

l il
tr mffte the summary with words from
fi . governm€nls . issue . properties . safe
. scale . renewable . science . stronger
:6P' lilanotechnology is a

.p\ 1) .,...........", ... that involves

ad[ working with matter at an extremely small
'*. 2) ....,....,..... ... . At the nanCIscale,
matter takes on different
& 3) "...,........., ... which can be put to

s a number of differenl uses. For instance,

adding nanomaterials of clay to plastic can
A make it considerably
s 4l ..........,.... ... .These days,
Find words in the text with a similar nanolechnology is used In a number of
meaning to the following words/phrases.
F different industries and in the future it could
. Para 'l: owned, to change slightly n help in the production of
r Para 2: easily broken, ways of behaving 5) ........,...... ... energy. However,
. Para 3: fix, precisely .'s scientists are still unsure whether
. Para 4: restrictions, effect r.$ri
. Para 5: eaten, harmful, providing money nanotechnology is entirely

Find words in the text which mean th€ ldq research into the 8) ,..............
opposite of the following words. lFi lhe results oi which should be available soon,
. removing .enormous . predictable
. weaken . cosily


Fill in: search" humon, artificia!, reseerch,

Cnoore the correct answer A, B or
lzelping, identity. ffi C.

1 You should add some more folders to

1 The university formed a ..................., team with your documents more efficienily.
some of the world's most renowned scientists.
A record E scroll C manage
2 Robots may one day have the ....................
intelligence to interact with peopte, but they 2 I need to buy a removable hard drive to ......
will never acquire the emotional skills to my fites.
bond with them. A create B back up C restore
3 Using someone else's personal information
You can ...... files from one computer tc
and pretending to be them is a form of
another using a USB stick.
. theft and is punishable by taw.
4 Many people love their pets so much that
A hack E update C transfer
they treat them like . beings, 4 Once you have inserted the CD, the
5 When you look for information online make computer will ,..... your software.
sure you use appropriate ...........,...., words. A install B copy C research
6 I wish I had a robot that would offer a
The troubleshooting option is intended
. hand around the housel tc
....., with any technical problems.
filf in: with,
on, up, in (x2), from. A generate B assist C investigate
ffi 1
Neil finds it easier to communicate
Fill in: appears, delete, scroll, access, click,
his friends via email.
connect, restart.
Speech recognition programs can create
text ....,....". speech.
A: Hey, James, What's up?
Ever since my friend moved abroad, we
B: I can'l 1) ............... my
keep ......,,... touch through Skype.
inslant messefl ger account.
Every time I try to open this file, a warning
A: What's the problem exactly?
message comes up ........... the screen.
B: A message 2) ......,..,..... on
How can you expect your modem to work
the screen saying l've
when you haven,t plugged it ,..........?
lorgotten my pas$word. But I
Very few computers can pick ........... Wi_Fi haven't!
on the island.
A: You're probably using an
outdated version.
Choose the correct item. B: What do you suggest?
1 I usually send/take text messages to my A; First, go into control pane[
{riends instead of cailing them. and 3) on Messenger.
2 You should check/display your emails B: OK. Now what?
regularly in case the company contacts you. A: 4) ......,..,..,. the program from your hard drive.
3 Make sure you prinl/record the map so we B: OK. Then what do I do?
can take a copy with us.
A: 5)...,,,.,.............. to the lnternet and look lor
4 Left-click on the icon to upload/update the updates ol the software. When you've done that,
photo onto your homepage. 6) ..".,.,......^........ down to the newesl version
5 lt's a good idea to scrolllsurf online for a and select it"
better price. B: Then I just instalt it, right?
6 lf you disconnectlforget your password, A: Exactly. 7) ........,,.."........" the program and see
follow the on-screen instructions. if it will let you in this time.
B: What il it doesn't?
A: Then, I'm all out of suggestions. Check the
troubleshooting section.
B: OK. Thanks for your help.

KmffiHffi ww$m€w# qs##ffiffimffimrp
rilr inz up, on, in, aff, for, aut.
t ffi :i;:i: ::: r,iJlxlii J]ffii,lJ l"'' ffi
":;,,* 1 Judy can't log ....... to her computer because
videophone. it won't accept her password.
1 Having a digltal ...... helPs 2 I'm not sure what happened. We probably
Mr Smithers keep track of his appointments. got cut ....... when the train passed through
2 lf we had taken our .................... on the trip, the tunnel.
we would have shot some amazing videos. 3 Unfortunately, this printer can only print ..,....
black and white.
3 Mary wants a so that
she can see the person she is calling, 4 You should occasionally carry ....... a virus
4 Barry had brought his .....".... scan to protect your computer from viruses.
on the picnic so that we could listen to some 5 lt's easy to set ....... an online banking account.
music. 6 lleft a message.,."... my professoron her
5 My . is very convenient because answering machine.
it allows me to carry my favourite novels with
Choose the correct item.
me in one lighl, compact gadget.
6 Transfer the photos onto the My computer crashed/smashed/stopped
and I'll take it t0 James. before I had managed to save my work.
Switch/PressiPut off your computer before
Complete the spidergrams with the words unplugging it.
below, Then, make up sentences using the This program goes/plays/runs faster on a
words. newer computer,
You need to increase/advance/upgrade your
' monitorc antenna . $lM card . nnodem
. keyboard . ringtone . hard drive n signal operating system to install this version.
. texting . mouse . android ' speakers You rnust enter/include/put your password
to log in to your account.

Fill in: freeze, transfer, download, reformat,

perform and reinstallin the correct form.
Dear SiriMadam,
I am writing 10 report a problem I have with my new
laptop, While 1) ,.. a prsgram from the
lnternet my computer 2) ... ......... half way through
mobile phone the process and I lose any unsaved work. This also
happens when I 3) ..,............... {ites from my computer
to my removable hard drive. I 4) .,.....,...,"... a complete
reslarl each time, bul lhat does not solve anything.
My PC needs a new monitor because fhe Should I 5) .,,,.....,,,,,,.,,lhe computer's hard drive and
colcrrs on this one aren'f very bright. 6) .,...,.,,....,.... all my programs? Please advise.
Yours faithfuliy,
W*rad '[:*rttt*t!**a'r Mark Johnson

u Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.

f1 The lnternet has become a{n) .,..,:...,.,..,.,....... The latest phone on the market has a(n)
I part of our lives. (SIGNIFICANCE) .,. variety ol functians. (IMPRES$)

7z The........".. ... of lnternet shopping Many people believe the ............

has soared. {POPULAR) ol alien beings is possible. (EXIST)
is There has been rapid ............... in the number There is no .............. proof to suggest
of companies doing business online. (GROW) that GM foods are unhealthy. ($CIENCE)
This new software package is ................ My grandfather thinks the lnternet is a
easy to use. (RELATIVE) , invention. (REMARK)
Graham's very ..,....... "......... about 10 Ben got the job as a web designer because he's
computer sottware. (KNOW) very .........., ... . (CREATE)
Hevision (Modules I-6)
usrng Complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first.
I can't access my email account because 1 I didn't log into my account, so I didnt see your
I've forgotten my password. email.
lf I remembered rny password I coutd acc€s.e lf I fiad loggled into ny accounfllwould have
my emailaccaunt. seer four email.
Don't press this button because it shuts 2 The last time she upgraded her pC was lwo
down the computer. years ago.
ll you ........ She has
I should have taken compuler lessons. 3 Someone hacked into Ben,s email account.
ll only I .......,,....... Ben had
My compuier doesn't have enough memory. 4 Netbooks aren't usually as fast as Tablet
I wish ......,. computers.
I advise you not to install that program. Tablet computers are
lf I were 5 I don't have a prinler so I can't print the map.
lf only
Choose the correct itern. 6 A computer expert will recover Sally's files.
Sally will
I wish scientists invenUwould invent/would
have inventedlhad invented a robot to do 7 lan didn't manage to contact customer
the housework in the near future.
lan was
I wonder whom/whose/wholwhich that new
smartphone belongs to. I I'm sending you the email as we speak.
There was far more/by far the most/more The email
and more/much interest in the lT course
this term than last term.
You musUshould/don't have/ought to fearn
to use a computer. lt's necessary for this job.
The technician tried/had tried/is rying/ has
been trylng to lix Lee's laptop for hours but
he still can't find what's wrong with it.

usins the words in

:g fff:::"ntences
I lt was a very expensive phone. She wouldn't
let us touch it. (such ... that)
,f was sucl, an expensiue phone thsf she
wauldn't lef us touch rf.
2 There's the man. His son installed our
software, {whose}

I had to buy a new phone. My old one was

broken, (since)

The shop didn't sell many computers, lt had

to close down, (so few ... that)

I can't understand what caused my computer

to crash. {the reason why}
Spmmkilr:g skiills
Look at the picture. Answer
3:m:'r,:',',1;.;I::r,'J:,*,:n'u'"'wecourduseto the questions.

. sending a private
. in a classroom
. watching a funny
" writing a text message
; . working hard
. friends hanging
' in a library
. taking a break
. colleagues al work
. gathered around
a laptop

1 How many people are there in

the picture?
Use phrases from Ex. 1 to complete the description.
2 Where are they? .........
*": ..,,,,,,.......
picture shows a group of four 1) , They are i
F :,::ably university studenl$ and it looks like they are 3 What are they doing?
j: ..............

. Maybe they are A)
:-,-:;;. They are ali 4) ....".,.....,..
and looking at something i
:*:1e screen. Perhaps they are 5).,..,..,,.,.,.. ,., because I 4 What are they wearing?
n,.{'yone is smiling or laughing. i

5 How are they feeling?

Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words to complete
the text.
. although . perhaps ' despite . might . seems o appear Choose the correct response,
1A: I need some assrstance,
B: a Let me see if I can help you.
b I apologise sincerely for any
trouble caused.

2A: I bought this anii-virus software

here last week, but it doesn't
work on my laptop,
B: a l'rn terribly sorry about that.
b I feel very disappointed with
my new software.
': :-* lirst picture a young boy is playing 0n a portable games console.
,.' 1),.........,..,.. like he's concentraiing"very hard on the game. 3A: I have a complaint about this
.: he is trying to beat his best score. The second picture printer.
:*:"is two friends playing in a park. They 3) to be holding B: a lt's my pleasure, sir.
:."-: metal bars. They 4) ,,.......,,..... be sister and brother or maybe they
.-: :lassmates from a primary school,
b What seems to be the
i .-........... the fact that there are playgrounds in most towns, most
:--g people these days prefer to spend their tirne indoors playing
4A: Lei's try restarting the
:-:uter games.6) .........,...... young people should be allowed to play
:-:uter games for some time, they should also be encouraged to get B: a Oh, great. lt's working now.
---:lors and exercise. b I don't think so.

ffi,,,' "il fU Wfiting A ror.and.asainst essay
Read the rubric. Your turn
You've had a class discussion about mobile a) Read the rubric.
phones. Now, yourteacher has asked you to
write an essay discussing the pros and cons of Yourve had a class discussion about computer
using mobile phones. Write your essay games. Now, your teacher has asked yoij to-
(140-190 words). Write about: t) safeiy wnte an essay discr,rssing the pros and cons of
2) communication 3) .,. (your own idea) playing cCImputer games. Write your essay
(140-190 wards). Write about; 1) violencg
b) Read the model. Fill in the correct tinkers 2) social activity 3) ... (your own idea)
from the list,
b) Decide which of the points below (a-fl
. all in all . consequently . in addition are pros/cons.
. moreover . on the other hand . this means
. to begin with a Playing computer games can be a great social

Mobile phones have changed the way we live dramatically. Mobile b Computer games often contain a lot of violence,
phones help us to feel safer and they make communication easier. c Playing computer games ean make peopls
However, people do not always agree that mobile phones are anti-social.
good for our lives,
There are a number of advantages to using mobile phones.
d Some games can help you improve 1rour;
problem sotving skills.
1) ..,...,....,,..... , the use 0t mobile phones has provided people
with greater safety. For example, you can always get in touch with e Many children become addicted to computer
other people. 2) ...,....,.."...... you can call for help when yoil have games.
an accident or get lost. $l ................. , mobile phones make it f Computer game$ can assist in teaehing
easier to comrnunicate. Text messaging and emailing from children.
mobiles rneans it is easy io keep in touch with people.
4l ................. , there are a number 0l arguments against using c) Match the justifications below (t-6) to
mobile phones. Firstly, many people betieve we depend on them the points (a-f) in Ex.3b.
too much. 5) ............,.... , $ome people use their rnobiles when they
shouldn't, such as when driving or at the cinema. 61.,.........,.....-,
white mobile phones make communication easier, they also make
grow up thinking aggressive behaviour is
people less sociable. You can often see friends out together acceptable.
their eyes glued to their mobile ghones instead of talkinf. iTT-l Consequentty, rhey ptay rhem too rnuch
7) ...........,.,... , despite having some drawbacks, I believeihat mobile and stop doing iheir homework or any
phones are g00d fsr our lives. Iechnology is irnportant exercise.
today, and if

[5T_l for
we use it moderately, our daily lives can be easier and safer.
instance, puzzte and advsnture
games usually require you to think of{
solutions to problems j

Join the FTI It is believed that many children learn

better using educational computer ;
sentences games.
using the words For example, you can interact with manyj
in brackets.
ITTI people when playing games at a party or:
People still lose contact with friends. Mobile online.
phones make it easier to stay in touch with
people. (despite)
l6rl Children won't learn how to interact wiil.:
other people if they spend too much
time alone playing games.
Mobile phones can be used to check your
emails. Your mobile's lnternet connection is
Use the ideas in Ex.3 to write your essay.
not as secure as your homo computer's.
(although) Start like this:
People are able to play music on their Most young people play computer games
smartphones. They often buy a separate fhese days. Computer games can be very
MP3 player, too. (in spite of)
entertaining and full of imagination. However,
The latest mobile phones can play video people do not always agrce that computer
games. lt's very hard to watch videos on
games have been gaod for our lives.
such a small screen. (even though)
else, hy using a 2) 6irmo called the
digital :ignal processor:
Using microphones placed close to
the drill, the digital sigrurl processor
monitors {he sound waves thai it
pn:duces, Frofessor Millark machir:e
then produces sound waves that are
F inversions, or exact opposites, of the snunrl
waves oT the drill. These anti-noise so,Lnd
-,*cs!@@" waves
are then sent direct to the patientk ears via
heaclphones.'ihe procedure is most 3) effective at caricelling nur
ping to the
the sound of the cJrill when the headphone wearer is listening ta
and a big reason
music. Anyone who wants tc make use of the technique, then,
*ris is the sound of the rjentistk rlrill. Thanks t* an inventi*n
will be invited to have their MF3 player or muric-playing mobiie
1&veloped for use in surgeries, however, we may no longer
to suffer its terrible l) screech, ;:hone switched cn and connected ts the new deviee while in thr
dentist's chair" That! something, of course, which caulcl in i$eif
rnan behind the technolog,v, Professor Brian Millar of the make a visit to the dentist much rnore 4) pleasant for a lot of usl
Dental lnstitute, was inspired lr),*.ork on a device aimed at
Better yet, you don't hnve to worry about not hearing yaur
ing o-ut road noise for drivers of luxury cars while still
dentist's instructio:rs or 5) re*ssuring voice. the sound
ing lhem to hear entergf,ncy vehicics' sirens. Professor
canc*llation systern reacts only to the very high-frequency sounC
and his colteagues at three London universities have found
cf a dental drill, and nat to lower-{requency sounds such as that ci
of removing {he noise of the drill for patientr, hut no one
a human voice,

i il
1.5 ch"se *"..n the words below with the words (1-5).
i;::Jff.'-T:il:Jil ;:'ixJ: Hi r scream
' useful ' pleasurable ' gadget
" Based on {he article, what do patients dislike supportive
ahout the dentist's drill?
Complete the sentences using information
A the pain it causes from the text. Use your own words.
B the burning smell it produces
C the noise it makes 1 At the moment, Professor Millar's device
D its invasiveness
People have also worked on an invention for
Where did Prolessor Miller get the idea {or his
drivers that
A from the emergency services 3 For tho machine to work well,
B form the music industry
C from other dentist$ 4 When using the noise cancellation technology,
D from the automobile industry dental patients will still
ln the second sentence of the second
paragraph, what does them refer to? rill each gap with one or msre suitable words.
A cars C sirens [l
B drivers D colleagues A device invented 1) ......^,....,, Professor Brian Millar aims

lf you listen lo music at the same time, what will to make the sound of the dentist's drill a thing
the result be? 2) ..............,,,. the past. But the digital signal processor is
not the 3).........,...,.. gadget available to the modern
A the device won'i work well
dentist. Scientists al Leeds University have come
B you won't be able to hear the dentist's voice
4) .,..,,. ,...,. with a liquid maierial that repairs teeth
C the device will work better
without lhe need for any drilling at all. The liquid can be
D you won't be able io hear low f requency sounds
simply painted 5) .,,.,......,..,... a decaying tooth causing
What is the purpose of the article? the tooth to re-grow its outer layers. This makes lor a
A to discuss people's fear of dentists completely pain-free and drill-free visit to the dentisil
B to examine a new technology
C to recommend a product Why do you think the sound of a dentist's
D to review a prcduct drill has a negative effect on people?
(Answer in 25-50 words)
Think of the word which best fits each gap. Complete the second sentence so that it
Use only one word in each gap. There is an a similar meaning to the first sentence,
example at th€ beginning {0). using the word in bold. Use two to five
words including the word given.

6€tt ryarD 1 "We won't make il on time if we don't

Peter said. UNLESS

Peter'said that

Japanese actres$ Geminoid F's performance could have

been 0) 8as a little 'mechanical', but she's got a very good
if I use your laptop?
1) -.1,,. ; she's a robotl $he recently appeared 2) ,..... stage
alongside a hurnan actress in a play in Japan. Sitting on a Aidan was happy because he had n
chair throughout the performance, Geminoid F 3) ...... succeeded in getting a perfect score. ABLE
conve rsations and monologues. Aidan was happy because he had never
This amazingly realistic robot, created by renowned robot
maker, Hiroshi lshiguro, is operated by remote control and
......... a perfect score
can copy exactly the behaviour of its operatsr. Altogether, My mother thinks that it's OK for us to eat a little
she can produce 65 different facial 4) ...... using mechanical junk lood. WRONG
devices inside her rubber'skin'. My mother thinks there is
Geminoid F has definitely been working ilard. During a a little junk food
recent visit to Hong Kong, she smiled, chatled and even
5 They managed to complete the task eve
sang whilg impressed 5) .,..., crowded aroufid her taklng
though it was difficult. SUCCEEDED
photographs. She also recently modelled clothes in a{n)
Despite its difficulty, they ..........
0l ....,. store window in Tokyo, ln fact, lshiguro believes
the task-
that the possibilities for Geminoid F are 7)....., . He says
her friendly appearance would make her the pertect Evelyn was the only student who didn't pasr
receptionist, substitute teacher or hostess. the test. APART
lshiguro's ambition is to develop a robot that can actually Every student
{o0l people into thiflking it's a human 8} ...... Evelyn

7 Frank is absolutely sure that he will

0 A explained C produced selected for the team. DOUET

@ described D expressed There's absolutely

1 A account C answer mind that he will be selected for the team.
B apology D excuse He was late for the meeting because he gc:,
2Aon cbv stuck in traffic. TURNED
Bat D over
3 A, gave out C carried out I :: ::il: ::t :::: ::,ilxl'i;i,i; *--i,.s
B held up D brought up Corplete the gaps with the correct form of
4A expressrons C demonstrations an* woros rn caprtals.
B appearances D signs 1 There's a great .,....... of ipads thes*
5A viewers C onlookers days. (CHOOSE)
B participants D reviewers 2 Technology is changing the world out of ar:
6A department C division .... . (RECOGNTSE)
B section D area 3 Mike gets a lot o{ ......... from takin;
7A photos wilh his smartphone. (ENJOY)
endless C continual
B constant D eternal 4 Our lives are ..." being taken ove:
by technologyl (GRADUAL)
8A existence C person
5 lt's important to pay .,, to lnterne:
B being D creature security. (ATTEND)
Grammar Vocabulary
Choose the correct item. $t""re the correct item.
......."" in ghosts? Those cakes are very expensive. I'd like to try
A Are you believing C Have you believed a(n) ,........before I buy one.
I Do you believe D Woutd you betieve A part B example C sample D section
Did you know that this restaurant ,,....... by a The mechanic couldn't see the problem at first,
famous film star? so he said he would take a .....,...|ook.
A is owned C owns A nearer B firmer C tighter D closer
B is belonged D belongs
It's a good hair dye, but the results may .........
.......,. the truth, I really don't want to go out depending on lhe natural colour of your hair.
tonight. A vary C fluctuate
A To tell you C Telling you B deviate D alter
B Having told you D To be telling you
The theatre has been ,....,.." to its original state
I can't believe I lo$t my wallet. lt's been and is open to the pubic from Monday.
horrible day! A revived C restored
A so B very C such D such a B recovered D repaired
..."..".. to painting with oils, I also enjoy 5 Without this key, you won't have ......... to the
sketching with charcoal. warehouse.
A Besides C Apart A access C entrance
B ln addition D Except B passage D opening
Fran isn't used to ......... to school in the The shop has a lol of customers and now the
mornings. council has agreed to the .......,. of the building.
A having walked G have ts walk A increase C enlargemenl
I walk D having to walk B multiplication D expansion
,, ? l'm very upset. I had my flat ......... into at the The policeman said he would ......... Dan the
weekend. maximum amount for parking illegally.
A break B broken C broke D breaking A punish C fine
S 'Can I go to the concert, Mum?' B sentence D charge
There is great ....,.... in the wildlife of Madagascar,
A I hope thai C I hope not a large island in the lndian Ocean.
B l'm afraid so D I'm afraid not A contrast C range
,'..* Peter skates a$ ......... as I do. B arrangement D diversity
A good C better 9 The young author ......,.. ail of his time to writing
E best D well crime novels.
I wish you ......... down that music. A engaged C devoted
A would turn C have been turning B consumed D concentrated
B were turning D turn 10 You always ........, my advice, even when you ask
tor it,
.' A to leave C leaving A refuse B regard C ignore D disobey
B that you will leave D you to leave 11 After she read the letter, Clara was ......... upset.
It's about time you ...,...". ready for school! A visibly C prominently
Abe C were B watchfully O highly
B should be D have been 12 The advertisement was designed to ......... a
.*.3 I have to take the rubbish out today, .........? teenage audience.
A have f C don't I A aim C reach
B dol D haven't I
B target D gather

::t I hope she remembered ......... out the garbage. 13 We've done really well to ......... our goal in only
A taking C having taken lwo weeks.
B to have taken D to take A make C succeed
B perform D accomplish
Read the
text and for questions
1-6 choose
the correct answer A, B, C or D.


Sports nutritisn is one of the fastest-growing than overpriced sweets. lt seems that, according to marke:;
industries in the world. Around the globe, millions of r$earch, consumers don't just buy energy bars for their'-
athletes and exercise enthusiasts buy special food athletic benefits, but also for their taste. These days.
products that clairn to offer something that regular foods hurnan tastebuds love nothing more than sugar and sc
don't, One such product is energy bars. First produced in energy bar produrers happily oblige. Unfortunately F
the USA in the 1960s, today, energy bars have an though, consuming sugary foods does athletes no favours
international appeal. A variety of energy bars are available and ean add to the risk of health problems such as C-
for a variety of exercise needs, from gym workouts to diabetes and heart disease in later life.
long-distance running. There are even energy bars that are
F So, considering their downside, why are energy
reeommended by sports stars and they all boast about
so well-liked? Firstly, we shouldn't underestimate the
their ahility to significantly enhance athletic performance. power of marketing. Many TV ads make it seem that nc -
But are energy bars any mcre effective in providing energy
race can be won or no exercise session completed withou:
than natural foods?
consuming an energy bar! Also, food cornpanies knov,
p f" put it blunily - they aren't. ln terms of food that today! ccnsumers want convenience at any cost !
nutrition, an'energy food' issimply any food that provides With no mess, no preparation, no refrigeration and a long _
calories. Calories are substances found in food that act like shelf life - energy bars are perfect for the moderr: F
fuel for our bodies, giving us the energy we need to do consumer. ln a way, this is their 'magic'; they are nothing
our daily tasks. So, the more calories you ronsume, the more than a convenient way to consume calories on the F
more energy you will have, True, energy barE contafn a go.
high amount of talories and therefore will give you a good
supply of energy, but so too will many other natural foods.
F So, what's the alternative? Welt, preferably, natura;F

For instanre, eating a 2O0-calorie energy bar will provide

foods are the best way to meet your calorie needs. Have E
you ever noticed that many tennis players eat bananas .
you with the same arnount of energy as eating a 200-
between games? That's because they, along with manl'b.-
calorie salad, The energy boost you feel after eating an
other fruits, are huge in fast-acting energy content as weli
energy bar rimply comes from the calories it contained -
as potassium which helps prevent nnuscle cramps. Anotherts -
nothing more, nothing less. good source of energy for athletes is honey which affects 3-
p eut while energy bars may be no better at improving your blood sugar levels extremely quickly. Generally, the F
athletic performance than any other high-calorie food, message is that there are a host of healthier and cheapera
they are often far worse for the health. This is due to the alternatives to energy bars, 5o don't waste your money on -
fact that more often than not, they are packed with sugar. these shrewdly marketed products. Your body and yourF
lndeed, it could be said that many energy bars are no more wallet will be much better off without them!
ln Paragraph A, lhe writer mentions that energy
Find words in the textwith a similar
A were lirst created by a famous athlete. meaning to the following words/phrases.
B are otten made for specific purpose.s. . Para A: people who are interested in a
C are only produced in the USA. particular activity, exercise sessions
D are the most popular product in ihe sports . Para B: everyday, increase
nutrition industry. . Para C: filled, costly
. Para D: ideal, buyer
According to the writer, energy bars don,t . Para E: observed, slyly
A contain enough calories to enhance athletic
performance. Fill in the verbs in the list in their correct
B provide as much energy as natural foods with form.
the same amount ol calories.
C offer any benefits that can not be obtained by
. recommend . consume I waste
. underesiimate . boast . investigale
eaiing naturalfoods.
D deserve to be considered an ,energy foodl 1 The police promised to .,......,..,..,......... the
cause of the fire at the football stadium.
According to the writer, most energy bars contain
high amounts of sugar because
2 The cefebrity pubticaily
health product in a TV interview.
A sugar can greaily enhance athletic
3 The centre forward
performance. ...... a great
chance to score late in the second half.
B customers buy energy bars for their taste
4 People who ........., large amounts
rather than for thelr athletic benefits.
ol sugar put themselves at risk of health
C high-in-sugar foods are cheap to produce" problems.
D customers are more likety to buy bars with a
5 Don't ...... your opponent; he
sugary flavour. might be lar more skitful than you think.
ln Paragraph D, the writer implies that energy 6 This energy bar ........... thai it is
bars are so popular because better than all other energy bars.
A they cater to people with busy tifestytes.
B they cater to people who don't know how to Complete the summary with words from
cook. the list.
C they are necessary for athletes to perform at
their highest tevet.
. amouni r enhance . effective . product
. natural r levels . convenient . boost
D they are supported by a number of TV
These days, athletes are far more aware of the
lnstead of energy bars, the writer suggests athletes effects that the foods they eat can have on their
should consume foods performance 1).......,......,,. One particular
A with potassium. 2) ,."...,.,........ that athletes turn to is energy bars.
B that raise blood pressure. These bars prornise to 3).......,........, uthl.ti.
C that cost less money. performance considerably. There,s no denying that
D that contain slow-acting energy content. they are 4) .....,.......,... but what,s noteworihy is
the fact that plenty of S)..,............". foods are
The main purpose of the article is to tos! Basically, energy bars contain a lot of calories
A entertain. C provoke debate. which give us an immediate energy 6) .......,,........
B inform. D shock. . But so will eating a salad with the same
7) .....,...,.....,. of calories. What,s more, energy
bars often contain a lot of sugar which can be very
unhealthy, Generally, energy bars are things that
athletes can do without, but because they are so
8) ,,.....,......... and so well-marketed, it lsoks like
they will only becorne even more popular in the
I$I Vocabutary
ft n:u:';::JffiInT":n}:filre'|ow s ::*;'::tr:,:i:onat,
phvsicat, individuat,

. umprre . puck . ice skating . pool 1 People say that Jamaican sprinter Usain
. skis . athlete . rink . boxer . bat ..lalent for his sport is what makeE
. track . archery . baseball ' opponent him an amazing athlete.
. martial arts . javelin . water polo 2 ............. sports such as skiing a;
' cyclist . court . rihg . sledge rafting offer athletes the chance to train
the fresh air. t
h 3 Patrick is not a very sociable person, so h:
prefers ..... sports like skiing ans.;il
snowboarding. 'f-''; fil

4 Many cerebriries hire a{n) ,L rllil

to herp them exercise and n-t

:f$:l ''u-,,il'1iil[
u a combination of skiu, -n"-fl
and great
::l':y^::quires ..,..strength. L


6 Our sports centre has a(n) ..,. poc L ffi

so we can swim no matter what the weather;:t- ,,1

like. : lfi

l- '''r

Fill in: up, at (xZ), with, to, into. a

1 The bungee jumper gazed _ ffi
the distance before leaping off the bridge. F I
2 All athletes have to deal ........ many ditficu-1- ll[
Fill in: serve, build, set, ottempt, gain, score, challenges throughout their careers if the. b- ,il
opt, beat, throw, win in the correct form. want to be the best. l[
3 My swimming coach says that the key F -
1 He felt strong enough to fil
professional success is practice.
running the marathon, E l;
Michael Phelps eight gold 4 Weightlifters need to spend hours in the gy- I ill
medals in the 2008 Olympics, to build ....,.., their muscle power. F I
It was Mark who ..... the winning 5 Any skier knows that rheir sport puts ther5* lll

goal in the friendly match last week. ..,...,. risk of serious injury.
The sprinter ,,.,,,....,,,...,,..,.. a new world 6 The trekkers had ro stop regura.G--

record of 8.59 seconds in the 1O0-metre final. intervals so that they could rest. L ll
A volleyball game starts when a player b_ rr

..... the ball to the other team.

The competitor .......... the discus
H thelist.
Complete the definitions with the words
- ll:

73.2 metres which gave him a chance at the

silver medal,
. referee . defender . champion . coach F- llf!
. spectator
+- l[
During last night's basketball game, our rr
ln football, a .....,......,. is a playe:. I
school team ,,,,..... the visiting team
who tries to stop the other team scoring b,L l!
by 25 points
protecting the goal, -
Winning the local tennis tournament has .rE il
A .............. is someone who watche.ts- 5
helped Jennifer the confidence live soort f!
she needs to take up the sport professionally.
A ...............
is someone who has
r: ill
Thomas has ,,",...,",........ to take a year otf
defeated all the other particlpants in a
from sports in order to fully recover from his ,r,rl

competition : {
10 You'll need to ....."..,.....^... up your muscles if
A .............. makes decisions an.:b-.$
enforees the rules of a game.
you want to become a boxer.
A .......,...... is someone wno netpiFff
people train to compete in a sport. L-u
Kmffi#ffi rwffm€w# wffiffiffibm$mry
'#l Ur, the sports under the headings. Choose the correct item.
. hang-gliding . horse riding " canoeing Cycling for 6 krn a day is regarded as
' sailing . skydiving . abseiling . skiing medium/moderate exercise.
' Parachuting " rowing . rafting Cheating in a competition goes against the
' kitesurfing . hiking . ballooning rules of just/fair play.
. snowboarding
The runner was disgualified/prohibited from
Water Land the race because he set off before the signal.
Tina is an obsessed/avid fan of Manchester
Our town will hoet/throw a major sporting
Fill in; have, keep, take, get, event next year.
Boxers need to wear protective/defensive
parl in a comPetition gear to prevent themselves from getting
up a sPort injured.

{ vitamins the idiorns {1,6} to the meanings (A-r).
in shape ffil
an injurY Let's get the ball rolling with this project.
We've delayed it enough.
{ ints a team
The team's players had a ball at the party
a training session
f last night.
a physical exam
{ Getting up early in the morning to train is a
l. a balanced diet whole new ball game for me,
I've asked my brother to do his share of the
f score
housework but he won't play ball.
4 { " t"."* You need to keep your eye on the ball and
: tit
[- not be distracted by anything you hear.
I've already told you how I think we should
Find the odd word out and replace it with handle the situation; now lhe ball is in your
the appropriate word from the list below" court.
. . umpire . pitch . track . court
FN have a fun time
1 goalkeeper *
linesman - goalpost - terrain tBT-l the next step depends on you
2 bath * diving board * swimming suit - goggles rE-t a totally ditferent situation
3 racquet - net - referee - court lp-n be co-operative
4 running - hurdles - race - path tE-Tl begin a proeess
5 basket * rebound - pitch - shoot rfl-t stay focused

Wrlrd fclrrffiati*n
complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.

I Jill exercised every day to build up tier Giles had an X-ray that revealed he had a(n)
. (STRONc) . ankte bone. (BHEAK)
2 lt was John's dream to rfs ........,.._"."..... to eat snacks
play tennis professionalty. (CHtLD) instead of a proper meat. (HEALTH)
3 He ......... ...... controlled the balt Steve is a very person
and passed it to a team-mate, (SKILL) who never stops working, (ENEnGy)
4 To his great disappointment, he was
, Alison had to miss the
: ........... .... disqualified lrom the finals because of an injury. (FOHTUNATE)
: race. (FAln)

Hil Grammar
Put the verbs in brackets into the coruect
infinitive ot -ing form.
p Choore the correct antwen
1 ...., the cup final was an unforgettabi:
It took me months to get used lo runnlng (run) experience.
5 kilometres a day. A To watch B Watch @ Wut"hing €=
Paul should ......, (rest) all these I
days but he went back to training instead. I'd rather ,.... to the football match tomorro
A I pidn't g0 B not go e not to no F
We regret ....... {inforrn} you that
the gym is closed untilfurther notice, There's no point ...., to lose weight just : :-

I feel lucky (ptay) hockey dieting. You should exercise too.

for the national team in the past. A to try B trying C try
I've regretted ............... (quit) rhe
basketballteam. 4 The players were made ..... extra practic,'
You need sessions at the woekends. C_
{drink} water
A having B to have C have
regularly when you are exercising.
Julian must ....,..... (have) a 5 He strongly objected ..... of cheating in il-:l
training session right now;that's why he's comoetition f

not answering his phone. A to being accused i

B to be accused

Jane will never forget ,.....,.,,....." r

(climb) Mount Kilimanjaro for the first tirne. C to accusing L I

Jenny can't wait (start) a--

her tennis lessons.
6 Sue stopped ..... to the gym after she hired:.
He tried trainer,
personal F

10 (do) the exercise

as his trainer showed him but he couldn't do it
A togo B go C going .-'_ i]

11 remember Use the wsrds in bold to complete the
Did you .............(get) f
tickets for the match? second sentence so that it means the same :

as the first. Use two to five words including ,G


the word given.

Put the verhs in brackets into the correct
infinitive or -ing form. It's a pity I didn't take up sports when I was
1 A: Do you play much sport? WISH
lwrsh thad taken up $ports when lwas €
B: No, I prefer swimming (swim) to ..,........, younger. ts-
.... {ptay) sports. Why didn't you tell me you'd hurt your wrist-'-
2 A: You'd better {train} RATHER ts-
hard if you want to complete the
I'd '....,'.".,. . me tha'C:
marathon. you'd hurt your wrist. _
B: l'm planning ................. {do} Lesley can't wait to go skiing. FORWARD t!.-
just thatl
Lesley is really ...... ?
3 A: Can I ...,....,.,,,.., .... (borrow) skiing.
your badminton racquet tomorrow?
B: Sorry, I can't let you
You'll miss your doctor's appoinlment if yc-ts- |

don't hurry up.
(have) it becauae I'll be using it.

You ...........
4 A: Would you like to watch television?
A ;

or you'll miss your doctor's appointment. 1
B No, I'd ..,...... (go out) I had difficulty in finishing the race. +- 'fr

for a walk rather than ......... DIFFTCULT til


(stay in) today. -*

A: I can drive you to the gym if you tike,
I found ..,., the rac€ lfl

B: No thanks, I'd rather

Rebecca would rather play basketbail tha-F
(walk) there myself.
do athletics. PLAYING ;il

Rebecca prefers :- ril

athletics :

BO \- -il| /il

Revision (Modutes 1-rl
Rewrite the sentences using modals.
Write a question for which the underlined
1 I advise you to eat more healthily. words are the answer.
You shou/d eat more healthily.
1 They've been playing tennis for an hour.
2 lt was lan's responsibility to inlorm us about Haw long have they been ptaying tennis?
the change in schedule.
2 Jason learned to swim when he was live
lan ............ years old. ,
3 lt's not necessary to go running every day.
You ........... 3 A gym membership costs around t40 a month
4 We were obliged to have an extra hour's
practice yesterday.
4 The match was cancelled due to the blizzard.
We ............
5 ll is your duty ts show up on time for lhe match,
Basketball was invented by James Naismith
You in 1891.
6 lt wasn't flecessary for them to cancel the
They ........, Complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first.
Fill in the gaps. Use the appropriate form of 1 Sue couldn't go on the ski trip because she
the word in brackets when given. was too young.
Sue wasn't old enougfi to go on the ski trip.
1 Junk food is getting increasingly popular in
Western societies and, as a result, 2 Touching the other players is not ailowed, as
childhood obesity is becoming (become) netball is a non-contact sport.
more widespread.
2 Mr Peters tried (find) a
3 Dan has decided not to buy a mountain bike
gYm .......... , there were classes because it costs a lot of money.
for senior citizens, but there were none in A mountain bike costs so
his area, 4 They hired a famous athlete to coach their
S Last week, I .....,......... (buy) my son.
own rowing machine in .......,,..................,. to They had their
exercise at home.
It was wrong to accuse him of cheating.
4 ..".......
After Judy (mug) tast month,
You should
she stopped .............. (go) to the
park for her daily jog.
5 He needs to train (hard)

:::: :i: i :: ::::# flx[:r#:

Underline the correct item.
t That's the team which/who'slwhose/whom
captain took part in the Olympics..
? I wish I haven't eaten/didn,t eaUhadn't eaten/
wouldn't eat so much junk lood at yesterday's
3 I'd rather you won't use/didn't use/have
used/don't use my computer.
4 lf we had/have/had had/were having a ball,
we could play a game.
5 I would rather having gone/wenVhave gone/
had gone to the gym yesterday.
rg Lisrening sKllls
List the activities under the correct headings.
. gardening . boxing ' tennis ' stamp coliecting
' hockey . archery .
. rugby . darts . basketball . surfing
skiing ' bird-watching ^-ll

lndividual sports

m O Listen to the conversations and choose the correct answer A, B or c.

G\ rn
trtr8 ts
Artrs pARts *r@n --
tr tr E^L tr tr E G frffi'q;; *-
ffi*ffi,#o#oL:rLeF --
lF ry,,,1, tr=o4: Ms
ffiffiffi ffi
E tr E*- /:\ .4. E
m- ffitr
b C

tB! tci Etr

ffiTi l-l lvl

ww wffiw ffi@€ @ %ffiffi%ffiffiffiffi**ffif-

E tr tr E trk tr c
a) O You are going to listen to five people talking C-
contact sports. For speakers 1-5, choose each person,s b) Do you
think that contact
opinion from the list (A-H). Use the letters only once. There sports promote violence? Whyf G
are three extra statements which you do not need to use. Why not? Write a few sentences.s_
A Contact sports promote violence.
B Contact sports are the most entertaining to watch. F-
c Contact sports should be adapted {or certain age groupc. 'F-
D Contact sports build character.
Speaker 1 t-
E The risks involved in contact sports are
exaggerated. Speaker 2
Speaker 3 F=-
F Contact sports should be banned in schools. I

G Contact sports are dangerous. Speaker 4

H Conlact sports should be banned attogether. Speaker 5
82 E-

+*peanEffi*x s+q=iis fg#" -=E!

Look at the picture Read the paragraphs and match them to the
and complete the photos.
gaps with words ---
from the list.
. club . shot
. direction ' course
n couple u pocket
. lake " cap

I can see a
:::,' ji seems like il is a hot day, and it is probably the
E-:'r00n. The woman is wearing white shorts, a blue lt might not be everyone,$
*.i.:rl and a yellow 2) ....,.,........
ljust tove it.I started a few
cup of tea, but
She is years ilrifi",
5€: rg ready to take a 3) ............ . The man, I was terrified. But "g;
soon enough, I got over
€,:,: is dressed in beige shorts and a red T-shirt, is fear of heights and now
gets me outdoors and
rOo iieveri *Jei# ,,
:r.=: iing behind her. He has one hand in his can be very
€, and he is holding a gotf S)
challenging, too. A,nd as iong
u, yf u k** i,,.* *
safery equiprnenr, rhere,s
'-. "'s other. fulaybe he is giving the woman advice on T: ll- oer}l fnre risk
of fallino.
,+,::rr S) to hit the ball. The 7)...,,....,..,,....
,5*: are playing on looks very beautiful. ln the r_.1.T-1*-.r.1t.:ryiTe*fsf11.'.nn1;;6* -. j
ti}:.:;round there is a 8) . ...,". and s0me trees. FTI lt's definitely my favourite sport to play and I di

ffi watchlng it tao, either as a speciator in a li,


Which sports can you see in the pictures?

stadium or on TV. T0 me, there's nothing more I
thrilling than being part of a winning tearn' I've
What are they like? In what ways can they tl
picked up a few iniuries over the years, but that's iust h.
be dangerous?
part of the game. Actually, it's that danger that
..t Listen and complete the sentences, makes the sPort so exciting isr me' i.

, #Eth motarcyde rocng and baxing cftooue the correct response.

*an be very dangerous sports. ffi$.J
,'.&*otorcyc/e rocing requires riders to dilve at 1A: Would you like to play gotf with me rhis
wry t) , lhrs con be rery weekend?
exhifarating, but it *n olsa be very B: a Now that sounds good.
unsafe. lf the rider2] ..".."...,...... of rhe b Yes, maybe you're righl.
bike snd nsshe; he or she r*n get very
2A: What do you think about ice hockey?
4) .....,,,...".,.., boxers ore alsa ot risk af
B: a I don't think so.
b lt's not my cup of tea,
doing danage ta thelr badies. ln bsxing
baxers aften try to punrh earh ather on fhe 3A: How corne you didn't watch the game?
*ead. This can /ead to 5j ..... in t'oter life, B; a l'd be giad to watch it on TV.
evtn if they weara ltelmet. lt miEht be b I had no idea it was on TV.
6) ..........,....,, but i{s o spart t would never da 4A: For me, it's the most enjoyable sporl to
myself. ft
a l'm not sure about that.
b Let me see about that.

5A: li I were you, I'd eat more healthily.

B: a That's not a bad idea.
b Sounds rnteresiing.

.*isy pupils havt Noisierclassrcomscouldbebadnews,however,torchiltlrenwith
shuuld a classroom be? For generatianr to read and
they speak 0r answsr a Oyri*riu, the condition that affects people's ability
, asked to raise their hands before
question in order to maintain an atmCIsphere *f
quiet ord*r' ui*ri rn* rssults of a study by in chicag0
F&rs children ta
adults that chitdren tugg*tt that dyslexic chitdren iind it harder than other
r' tr''i* might reftect the warking vlorld u{ The ciaim is
that children need irt** in inton*ation when thsre is hackground noise,
F#ntutfrv enier, there is now some evidence whs were asked to
w.e ctraotic environment'to tuliil their potential at school'
tuirl on experiments involving 30 children
wat*h a video containing bacleground noise and repeat
re;rehers at Dlrham university studied the classroom hehavi0ur
thev heard at the same time.
*.gOn children at 556 state and independent schools then lhe study raises
pineJ each individuat's test results in tnglish and maths' The $ince dyslexia affects 5% to 10% of all children,

#*n ttr*y $tudied ranged front pupits with learning

ditficulties i0 *B-t#-t qtestions about htw they shoutd be taught' The
g with high academic abiliiy. The teseanhers lound that actoss iri**"r,*" *uggested that giving dyslexic chitdren noise-reducing
make a big
lessons did fl*uApfl**u oi-seats clsse to the teacher could
uatli$ tuu*t*, the pupils vrho shouted out answers in course' this
quiet, Offitiun*u to their education in lsud classrocms' 0{
*i inif.,, turts il,in'pupils ut similar aptiiLrde who stayed would
* t*n*fu**O that chitdien are better able ts learn when
they feei ,iiii *i*ing them out a$ ditfer*nt and, some argun'

prnvides targets for bullies. Dyslexia c*mpaigner

e t* express their ideas in the classro0rn'
br John Rack, however, is convinced that
ss ol the children whose behavicur was studied by the hcwever dyslexie chitdren are taught in
*t*t** had the conclition ADHS (attention deficit hyperactiviry
the futurB, they should remain wittl their
tesder), wnicn causts difficulties in concentrating ln class' The
:r*tnoi Fekr Tynms, said that among the children with AOHD' peers. l{e told the 8BC in response to
ttre study on how nolse affects
snes whu sho*ted out an$wer$ seemed ts be m0re engaged'
dyslexic children's learning: "Busy,
* Jsa**u m0r8 &5 a result, lt's possible that these children
vibrant classrcoms are a good ls:

benefil frorn the extra attention and feedback that

thing altd I vlouid not\q'antts
girre frorn teachers aftnr they make their thouEhls lmown'
quieter children cculd see children with dYslexia r'ri

&s:atinn expeds are n'w conri*ering how taken out of them""

*grutr"U*O to share their ttroughts with everyone by sfiouting
# eut, and now pupils could ba perrnitted disruption
to shout nut an$wers
in lessnns'
sugge$tions without eausing toq much
s inclute interactive dnmas and puppel shows in which
invited to be as vocal as theY tike.

Read thetext and for questions 1-5 choose the correct

an5wer A, B, C or D. t -'
F*St &:e-!+
The first paragraph suggests that enntpos!tion
A teachers prefer peaceful classrooms.
B shouting is unacceptable in most jobs. Choose ONE of the followinE
C asking schoolchildren to raise their hands is a nice tradition.
D classroorns should be as noisy as possible. **---j

lmagire your headteacher has

4 The Durham $tudy involved asked ior suggest'ons frcrr
A pupils urith ditferent abilities. C schools in Britain & abroad. studeni; for i^err,r r'.;les fcr
B foreign languages" D an unusual exam. your schoo.. \furlle arr essay I

suggesling a ru'e you'd lr<e to I

The Durharn study found that introcuce and a .ulc vou'cl
A pupifs who call out answers are ubually correct. rke to end,
iike your
erd. givinq yo,;r


B talkative pupils are happier at school.

C lower-ability pupils don't shout much jn class.
:r*:' ,11L1r0
"11*l _J
D all pupils benefit when they shout out in ctass. j Wnie an opinion
Wrire opinic essay r:n
According to the text, chtldren with ADHD find it hard to I the foilow,ine
forlowrng questian:
A stay focused. C remain silent. i Shouicl chiidren be taughi
] alongside
alongsrde pupils ol the rlme
3 listen ts criticism. D share with others. i ability,
ahiiitu nr
or are mi
rrc mixed-ability
-re children in the Northwestern University study had to tlasses best? ( ? 40- 1 90 rnrcrds)
A spell words. C answer questiOns.
3 make loud sounds. D say what they heard.
Read the text and fill the gaps with appropriate words. Complete the second sentence t--
Use only one word in each gap, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the Fr
Yoga is a form
of physical exercise which spread 0) ro the West in the
word in bold. Use two to five
words including the word giver
late 19th and early 20th centuries. Yoga rnay inspire imaEes in your 1 Trish has always had a gooc F
mind of people who can put 1)
.. feet behind their ears.
For those of us who can't even touch our toes, one look
relationship with her
colleagues. WELL
2)..,,..,.,,.,."...,. such a thing can iust cause despair.
Yoga can keep an individual strong and flexible, and there
Trish has always
with her colleagues
3) ..............,,.... also huge benefits for people who want lo start this ts_
A local charity has started
discipline later in life. There is plenty of evidence that it can help the
relief fund. SET
body to fight the challenges 4)...................... ageing. Back pain, F
muscle stiffness, bone density and depression are just a few of
A relief fund ........,
.^..... a local char".
the complaints it's supposed to reiieve.
The great news is that it's not too late to take up yoga. 3 On returning home, she star
5),.....,.,,.,....,... matter how unfit or how old you are, it can making dinner. SOON
help to improve your physical condition. Recent studies She started nraking din,
6),,...,........,......, shown that yoga can straighten oilr horr
backs and strenEthen our bones. 8.K.5. lyengar, Don't bother renting ihis I
7) ......,............... is a world-renowned yoga guru, because il's boring. WORTH
actually claims that "daily practice of yoga will keep This film
old age at bay." lyengar is able to bend his body in all because it's boring
sorts of strange ways and he is in 8) ..,.....,...,......
They're demolishing the old
mid-80s, so he may just be correct.
shoe factory today. PULLED F
The old shoe factory is goir;
Use the word given in capitals to form to .....-..... ts
a word that fits in the gap. There is an todar
of a b-
example at the beginning (0).
_ G George thought gre:
@ idea for the party. CAME L
George }-

........ a great id*. F

for the party, l-
The 0) compositrbn 0t the human body is roughly 60% coMPOSf; E
water. This means that drinking plenty of fluids is
The accident caused the roa:
1i ..."......"......,,,.. for our well-being. ff we don't con$ume : ESSSNCE
to be blocked. RESULT t
The road was .....-....

enough liquid, we start to sufier lrom dehydration,

beginning with headaches and 2) "......."....... TIRED the acciden: ts
During ex*rcise, inrportance sf drinking water
the Doclors say that getting : :

increases still further. When we work out, we lose fluid good night's sleep is a mus' t-
through sweat, which
blood flow and puts a strain
on the body.
Doctors say ...,..,....
4)..."....,.,,^,,. shows that a fluid loss equal to . sEARClt a good night's sleei ts
3-5% of a person's bodyweight afiect$ 5)..................... pgnFoR[4 Everyone believes that he wa: :.

leading to slower reaclion times and loss 0f fired because of his consla"

0) ,.,.,,.,.,.,,... COffCENTRCTE rudeness t0 others. BELIEVED

Even when you're not exercising, yc'u stiil need to keep He,....... ...... fire: b..
r.rp your fluid intake. The 7) .."..."...... irom nEgOMITilEHD because of h L
expBrts is thal, ts maintain a healthy lifestyle, we should constant rudeness to others.
be drinking between 6 and I glasses of liquid a day. This 10 When I met Tom, I immediate
doesn't jusi have to be water; a 8) ............, VARISUS liked him. TOOK :

of drinks, including tea, coffee and fruit juice, could also tr

help us to stay hydrated, $oon as I met hin F-
86 :

Grammar Vocabulary
Choose the correct item. Choose the correct item.

1 Thanks for you email. I look forward ...'..... you ln this course you will have .,....... ol
tomorrow. opportunities to improve your writing skills.
A to be seeing C to see A enough C plenty
B to seeing D seeing B sufficient t D ample
They ......... for three years now. 2 He had to .........his mobile phone after he spilt
A are engaged G have been engaged some water on it.
B were engaged D got engaged A replace C return
B renew D renovate
It was to go to the cinema so we watched
a DVD instead. Be careful on the ice. You might .......,. and fall.
A much later C late enough A drop B bump C sliP D slide
B too late D so late These days, small businesses are having
We would rather go to the game ,........ it on TV. difficulty ......... with larger companies.
A than watching A conflicting C fighting
B instead of watching B battling D competing
C than watch 5 Your passport has expired so I'm alraid it's no
D to watch longer
'Would it be OK if I used your computer?' A genuine C true
'Of coursel I don'i mind ......... it at all.' B valid D credible
A you are using
C You use She moved with the ......... of a trained ballet
B if you use D You to use dancer.
'Can I get you some more coffee?' A trace B beauty C grace D charm
'No, thanks. I've had ...,...... .' Andrea has shown much interest in a(n) ....,....
A none C much in social work.
B a little D enough A career C work
Are .,....... of the supermarkets near here open B employment D occupation
on Sundays?
A lew C much up for dinner.
B any D one A unalike C unlikely
lf you don't want to eat your lunch, ......... . l'm B likeable D likewise
not making you anything else, though! The teacher went to great ......... to make sure
A beitso C then so be it her students passed the test.
B then it is so D then so it be A lengths B widths C heights D depths
Yoga ......... a very good form of exercise. 10 Lyle couldn't figure out the riddle, so Paul gave
A is considering C considers to be him a...........
B considers being D is considered to be A sign B hint C point D key
i........ put on some music?' 11 The scandal nearly the politician's career.
'Yes, that would be great.'
A injured B faulted C ruined D harmed
A Shall I C Must I
B Do I have to D Need I 12 The project is only .......... completed. lt will take
two more months to finish it.
'l want to leave. The band isn't coming.' A moderately C mainly
'You're right. We ..,...... .'
B shortly D partially
A might as well leave
B might leave 13 The writer is .......... the script to make it more
C might have left realistic.
D must have lett A reviewing C revisiting
B revising D reviving
'Do you want me to set the table?'
Actually, l'd rather you ,,.,,....that later.' 14 My sister and I have a(n) .....,.... not to enter
A did C had done each other's rooms without permission.
B were doing D willdo A argument C seftlement
B commitment D agreement
W '1


$t::i+J -:



:' il T--

i-,t+-. i 5,::*.

''ii i

j {.-,;*
A At first, he thoughl it must be broken glass.
Fill in: absorb, otmospheric, ottentian, broke,
B When it stopped raining he felt relieved.
droplets, explanation, obsessed, sudden.
C Hailstones fell forcibly and loudly from the
heavens. 1 British people are ..."....,........... with talking
about the weather.
D The preliminary analysis under a
microscope revealed that the strange 2 The storm ....,., ,. out while he
spheres were not organic. was doing some work in his garden.
E As they absorb water, they expand. 3 He ran indoors to avoid getting soaked in
the .....,,.,...
F The reason behind the weather obsession downpour.
is probably due to its unpredictability. 4 There must be a reasonable ......,..........^....
as to why it's still snowing in April.
G He thought they might possibly have been
cauged by atmospheric pollution. 5 ........,.... pollution can affect our
health as well as the environment.
6 Water .."...,.. treeze inside the
Find words in the textwith a similar clouds belore a hailstorm.
meaning to the following words/phrases. 7 The volcanic eruption grabbed the
. Para A: fixation, prediction ......... ol the media throughout
. Para B: bizare, heavy rain, threatening the world.
. Para C: complete surprise, spread I These gel crystals can
r Para D: sensible, believed it likely water quickly and help keep your plants
. Para E: examined carefully, excluded the hydrated.
possibility of
. Para F: water providing, soak up
Fill in: jelly-like, freak, preliminary, protection,
What part of speech is each word? puzzle, ropidly, scsttered, soaked,

ff {ff t'dr {{ d f f dfd f { {f f fdr

While 61-yedr.old Steve Horni'iry was working
in his garden, a 1)
haflstorm broke out. He ran into his garage to
get 2)
downpour. As soon as the storm had passed,
Mr Hornsby went back out to the garden and
faund an odd blue substance l) ..............,....
around his lawn, When he had a closer look
at these blue balls, he noticed they were a
4) .......,.,..,. substance. Mr Hornsby
took a sample of them to some scientists to
Find words in the text which mean the be analysed.5).............. analysis
opposite of the following words. a microscope proved the substance
. certainty * was not organic, Fu*her analysis finally
. weakly * . allowed $cientistt to solve the 6)
. boiling * af the strange blue goo" lt was found to be
gel crystals which florists use to keep their soil
'.dryx lrequently +
moist. When the crystals absorb water, they
. shrink * expnnd, 5o, the heavy storm could have
7) ..,....,..,...
thatthey grew in size B)

Complete the table using the words from
the list below.
Underline the correct item.
I was woken by a bolt/gusUctap/burst c-€=
rll tl

. downpour . shower . sunshine . drizzle
. breeze . snowdrifts . blazing sun . flood

It was so cold the lake had turned into ,: F


. gale . torrential rain . hurricane . sleet sheeU drift/heap/avalanche of ice.

. heat wave t tornado . bllzzard . storm + I

. snowfall . hail
You should stay out of the heavy/ragin$ ts
frying/blazing sun. (--
We haven't had a ray/gusVdrop/flash c'v
rain for months f
gc -.
I was caught in the rain and my clothes
:, .l , : ;l l
) lr;i: , ir ;:ir:,.
engulfed/devastated/soaked/ftooded. ts
:i,i i.:::..r ; i jir:l:
Atter the storm, lhe river had becom€ i :--
severe/raging/stormy/blazing torrent. t..
Fill in: chilly, unpredictable, stormy, heavy,
colassol, strong. ts

1 The whole east coast of the island ,ri:

Match the headliner (A-F) to the engulfed by a."...,,.,.. ,.. wave.
phenomena {1-6). Driving in............. weather
dangerous as the roads are slippery ;,,
A Huge wave engulfs Japanese coastal town. j visibility is limited.
It's a......... .,.. night tonjght; vr
Hikers lucky to escape when rocky cliff collapses.
should put a jumper on.
I can'l walk to school in this
C Many old buildinSs dest1lel bv tlemols
, rain. Can't you drive me?
The wind was so
.!Ii.t*'ort gs by:,ng*r,
11 llg.s,cltL . that it blew down our fence.
E No rain for: the third rnonth in a row This spring we've had some ,...,
weather - freezing cold one day and boilin; l-
Villagers flee approaching lava flows. hot the next.
m] earthquake l"T_l drought Fill in: scale, tropped, shake, ruins, heops, b
fr] ": tandstide fsTl volcanic eruption huddled, collapsed, pull.
|TT_l tsunami tr]-t avalanche b
Dear Diarg - *F
Underline the correct item. Yesterday evening, there was a huge earthquake in ;
He's finding it difficult to cope withlat the
our town. When the house began tt :
heat. 1)........,.'.',.'....', nV family and I 2) ' "' E
The guide warned us to beware about/of together undei the dining table. After ii was over I
: *J**rrt gutside and sqw the.true 3) :rr ':":rr"',',,i'-F
sudden snowfalls in the mountains.
3 Julie is frightened of/about storms. oi ihe Oevastation. Several buildings hac.\+.-
4) ....:..,.,......,..,. and there were 5) .'.'..,""" """' ol:'afi
4 The hurricane destroyed everything in/on its ,. i!.
path, rubbie everylhere. Rescue workers were callee
The flood caused extensive damage in/to immediateti and they are still trying to relcu
nnany properties in the area. peopl9 S) ... beneath'!he debris' I sae
::::::,,..,, t:,,,.:
them n '..".'.....'.,"'.,. our neighbour
:.. -.
out from thr
The children are complaining for/about the . ., ..

rainy weather because they can't go out to S) .,.....,."...--..... of her house earlier today' I
play. hope no one etse lt now had beenhuit'

90 l-

Topic refimted vryemhulmry
Underline the adjectives which best describe
ffi fllt in: pass, howl, pelt, darken, drizzle, drop in
the following weather nouns. * tne correct rorm.
1 exotic/tropical climate 1 We were warm and safe by the fireplace
2 overcasUdarkened sky while a strong wind was outside.
3 mild/smooth winter 2 The temperature is expected to "...."............
4 strong/thick {og below zero over the weekend.
5 sudden/abrupt downpour 3 lt's not raining iard, it's just ...........
6 scorching/blazing heat 4 The locals were warned to remain in their
home$ until the storm ........
Choose the correct word to form idioms. 5 The day started out sunny but towards midday
the sky as rainclouds
1 Have plenty of rest, take your medicine and started to {orm.
you'll be as right ae sunlrain in no time.
6 Brandon couldn't go for his daily jog because
2 Since she got the promotion, Jessica's been it was ......... down with rain.
on cloudlrainbow nine.
3 There was no reason for you two to argue
about this. lt was just a sformltarnado in a
teacup, Complete the spidergram using the words
4 I lost my job, broke my mobile phone and now
I have the ftu, but then it never rains, but it . survivor . mudslide . cold wave
drizzleslpours. . thunderstorm . relief supplies . cyclone
5 I wouldn't go outside if I were you; it's raining . search dog . twister . flash flood . tsunami
kifiens and puppies/cats and dogs. . paramedic . drought
6 Laura got a bonus at work, but she says she's
not going to spend it. She's going to save it
tor a rainylstormy day.
7 Alex is taking a few days off because he is
leeling under the vrreatherlclimate.
I Business is difiicult al the rnoment, but we will
weather the storm/b lizzard.
9 Emma is a nice-/far'-weather friend; she's
only there for the good tirnes, never when you
really need her,
10 His novel took the world by ftoodlstorm and
made the best seller list within a week.

Wsrd fclrmation
complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold.

It's ......."..... to find active volcanoes in The rapid ,..... of rainforests is

this area, TUSUAL) damaging the environment, (APPEAH)
They took Pam to hospitalwith a serious head With only 3,200 left in the world, the tiger is a
...... . (tNJURE) criiically ...... species. (DANGEF)
The villagers were shocked by the When I saw the extent ol the damaEe the {lood
force of the earthguake. {DESTBOY} had caused to my house, I was left
The brave student earned people's respect ...... . {SPEECH)
and .........,. when he rescued the child lf lomorrow is a ..........." day than
from the fire. (ADMIRE) today, we can go on a picnic. ($UN)
The localauthorities are considering the t0 tt will take people a long tim6 to recover from
...... of an earthquake resistant lhe ............. effects of the hurricane.
school in the area. (CONSTRUCT) (DEVASTATE)

Turn the following sentences into reported p co*uete the sentences. Cl!
1 "l'm sorry I didn't follow your instructions," lH
1 "lt's going to be thirty-five degrees tomorrow," Micheile totd the reacher. --_ ilfi
Emily said. Michelle apologised for not fottowing the l|[
Fmrly safd fhat f was going ta be thirty-five t€acfier's in.rtruef,bns
degrees the next/falfowtng day. 2 "Please, please help us," the woman said :;F iil
2 "Shall we take our coats with us?'Ann asked. the passer-by. ilil

Thewomanbegged ... . ts --
3 "Get on the raft!" the rescusrs told us. 3 "Who should I call in case of an emergency?-C
b ii

he asked himself.

4 "We must evacuate the village," she said. Hewondered...........,... . . f I

4 "You must learn the evacuation procedure"-- |

"l've finished my project on volcanoes," Alex

the headmaster rotd us. ts

told me. The headmaster insisted ..............

5 "How tall was the tsunami?" Beth asked. 'There is a blizzard approaching," lhe ma.ts=
told us.
The man warned

Choose the correct directspeech. 6 "Yes, it was a terrifying experience," La

1 I asked if there had been any victims in the said.
previous day's fire, Larry agreed .............,
@ "Were there any victims in yesterday's fire?"
b "Had there been any victims in yesterday's
{ire?" Use the words in bold to complete the
He told us lhe town had been completely second sentence so that it means the same
destroyed. as the first. Use two to five words includinr
a "The town is completely destroyed." the word given.
b "The town was completely destroyed." 1 "Get away from the rubble," the rescue worke
Jenny offered to help us with the clean-up said to me, ORDERED
The rescue worker o,trlared me lo get
from the rubble. "*.,
a "Shall I help you with the clean-up G
operation?" 2 "lt wasn't me that left the washing outside ii
the rain," said Robert. DENIED C
b "l could help with the clean-up operation."
Frank said he had witnessed a volcanic outside in the rain. ts
eruption two years before. 3 "You'd better stay inside," lan said to me
a "l witnessed a volcanic eruption two years ADVISED C
ago." lan ............ .. inside.
b "l have witnessed a volcanic eruption two 4 "Shall we play in the snow?" said Dave.
years beiore." SUGGESTED C-
She said she was alraid ol earthquakes"
Dave ...^.".. .... snow.
a "l have been afraid of earthquakes."
"The tsunami was caused by an underwate: ts
earthquake," said the teacher. EXPLAINED
b "l arn afraid of earthquakes." The teacher ............... .........,..,"
He said the authorities had issued a tsunami been caused by an underwater earthquake. i
warning earller that day. "l will not lend you my $kis," Lucy said to Sam. :*
a "The authorities issuod a tsunami warning REFUSED g
earlier todayJ' Lucy........,.
b "The authorities have issued a tsunami skis to Sam. \-
warning earlier today."
Revision (Modules t-B) til
Rewrite each sentence without changing its Use the words in bold to complete the
meaning. Begin as indicated. second sentence so that it means the same
as the first. Use two to five words including
1 "l don't like this hot weather," he said.
He said fhal he didn't like that hot weather. the word given.
2 lt rained heavily and the streets flooded. 1 The President ordered the immediate
lf it .......".... evacuation of the city. EVACUATED
The President fed the city evacuated
3 Mary asked a handyman to install a storm
door lor her.
Mary had ....................
2 I would have pre{erred to go somewhere
warmer. RATHER
4 Tom said that his paying for the damage was
I ...,.,..,....... warmer.
out ol the queslion.
Torn .."......"
3 The drought destroyed the crops. WERE

5 They regret going on that hiking trip,

The.......... ....... the drought.

They wish
4 "Yes, I lost your sunglasses," Mia said to Helen.
Mia........,,. sunglasses.
Underline the correct item.
5 lt wasn't necessary lor them to call the flre
1 He was lucky escaping/having to escapel brigade. NEED
to have escaped/escaped the tsunami. They ........ .... called
2 lf you stay out in the blazing sun, you would the fire brigade.
have got burned/will get burned/ must 6 The rescuers found it difficult to search under
get burned/got burned, all that rubble. DIFFICULTY
3 He turned on the TV so that he watch/to The rescuers ......"........
watch/could watch/to have watched the under all that rubble.
weather forecast.
4 The weatherman said we will be having/
will have had/ have hadlwould be having
blizzards next week.
5 We are sleeping/slept/had slepUwere
sleeping when the earthquake occurred,

Join the sentences with the correct linker.

Make changes if necessary.
. such ... that . in case . who
. in order to . where
1 Bring your jacket. lt might get cold.
tsring yaur jackets rn case r'f gets coJd.
2 The wind was strong. $everal trees were
blown down.

3 That's the man. He prepared the'evacuation


Tom lives in California. A lot of earthquakes

occur there.

We cleared the snow from the pavements.

We could get to school.
$pemklng skilis e@I
Look at the pictures. Choose Complete the description with the words in the list'
the correct words in the There are three extra words.

' autumn . brightly coloured I carrying ' denim

sentences below. ' dressed
. excited " holiday ' leave$ ' light ' lined r narrow
. picked up . smiling r tired ' wearing
tJ The picture shows a man who is 1) .,.'...,'........,". his
LI daughter on his shoulders and walking with his wife. The
man is 2),.......,",.,.. brown trousers and a blue
iJ jacket, The woman is 3) ............ in a pair of ieans,

rI a 4) ,.,.,...,,., jacket and shes got a yellow scarf.

r{ The young daughter is wearing red trousers, a
L] 5) ..,,........,,...,,.. coal and a purple hal. lt looks like they are
--t walking in a park. They are sn a path which is 6) ,.,.,...".......
J with trees, lt must be in 7) .'.".. as there are
lots of 8) on the ground' The woman has
t-l g)..,............ some big leaves, too. They are
r*[ probably spending a day together at the weekend or a
r.J public 10) ..,..., . The woman and daughter
are both 11) . ...., .....
the man looks a liitle 12)
and look really happy, but
.....'. because he's got
to carry the girl.
Look at the picture and complete the
= F

1 sentences.
4 1 The picture shows a........,...".........
2 He is wearing
---t ;:
3 He is holding . because il
4 BothiNeither o{ the holidaYs
4 He is running because he doesn't want
are suitable for families,

The family in the second Photo

are wearing shorts and
5 The street is
; T-shi rts, whereas/however, in
the first photo the people are Choose the correct response.
dressed in warm clothing.
1A: You'll never gue$s who I bumped into at the lake!
; Families can take various
a No, not yet. b l've no idea.

types of holiday also/both in
fL' the Lvinter and summer. Did you hear about the hurricane?
Children are more likelY to B: a You've got to be joking! b Yes. How awful!
enjoy sledging in the snow
3A: The plane was hit by lightning.
')-a rather than/as well as going
B: a That's unbelievable!
; A holiday in a ski resort is b Wait till you hear about the storm.

expensive. While/However' a
city break is a lot cheaPer.
4A; Listen io thisl Half a metre of snow fell overnighi up
Families can travel light
during lhe summer, too/but
B: a No, really? That's incredible!

-)--a they have to pack lots of
b At least no one got hurt.

clothing for a winter holidaY. 5A: All flights were cancelled because of the strong winds.
l_ B: a Have you heard the news Yet?
b You're not serious, are You?
l-J 95
ffi', ::;,#s
tr[ Wrlting Astory

a) Read the rubric and underline the key Join the sentences with the words in the
words. brackets.
Your favourite English magazine is havi'ng a I I went out for dinner. Before that, I took a
short story competition. The story should be walk. {after)
entitled A tialiday to Rememher. Write your
2 I arrived at the train station, I went straigh:
.story t140-190 wards). Your story should to my hotel. (and then)
.iliclude; r a boat . a tornado
3 The'building started to shake from side
b) Read the model and put the verbs in the side. I decided to crawl under a table.
correct tense. 4 I visited one last museum. I left for the
airport. {before} lll,lil
I was on a fishing trip with a group of friends and it was a
perfecl summer's day. When wa 1)..............,......,... {take} 5 I was anxious, I had never tried skiing
the boat oul on the take that afternoon, we had no idea belore. (because) flil

whatZ) (happen). 6 The aeroplane landed. I started to feel sai;


As we 3) ... (sil) in the boal, howwer, the sky

(as soon as) I

suddenly 4) ....,......,...,,.....,. (go) dark and the light breeze I

turned inlo a strong, cold wind. After that, it started to rain

rilt ln: terrified, disappointed, exhausted, glad
heavily. We all looked at each olher and 5) ...,,.,.........,.....".
fl i

{wonder} what we should do. "Let's go back to shore," I We were really ...................... when
suggested. flight was delayed due to bad weather.
While we 6)..........,....., {row} back to the shore, we I spent a couple of days in hospitat, but I v,
7)................... {spof} a tall, shadowy object lowering over just ..,........ to have survived :'!-
the trees at the end of the lake. TVhat's that?'lexclaimed. tsunami.
Then, one of my friends replied, "lt's a tornado!" We all
8).....,,,......... (scrcam) and started to row faster. lt
I was so ..,,.. after my adveni
that I slept for a full day.
seemed like an eternity before we made it to the shore. We
ran into our cabin lo take shelter lrom the tornado,
I'll never forgel the earthquake, I'm ali,,
g) .., that the ground will begir
When the slorrn ..... {pass}, we went back
shake again.
outside and saw that trees had been ripped up by the
tornado. We all realised how lucky we were to have
escaped such a terrifying force of nature.
Your turn
a) Read the rubric and underline the key
Replace the adjectives in bold with words.
adjectives from the list.
. crowded . luxurious . peaceful
An online English teen magazine has askec
. scorching . vast readers to post stories entitled An
As soon as I arived at the 1) nice holel, I grabbed my Unforgettable Doy, Write your story for the
magaaine {140-190 wor.ds), Your story shou,:
costumo and towel from my suitca$e, and headed
contain: . an island . a volcano
streight to the beach" lt was 2) big but it ,was quite
3) busy; I walked' along the beach until, l found a
4) quiet spot. Then, I dived into the cool watsr and felt
b) O Listen to a story and make notes
instanl relief from the 5) hot sun.
under the headings in your notebook. b-
fitl int safely, anxiously, heovily, slowly, quickty . who . when " where . weather
ff . F-
events in the order they happened
1 The hotel was evacuated . climax 6vent . feelings
after the fire alarm went off. F

The tratfic moved as the L

c) Write a story for the online magazine.
rain fell :

Use your notes from Ex.6h or your own


Everyone waited to hear that their L=-

lovsd ones were safe after the earthquake. :

4 I was so relieved when the plane finally T-

landed ....... on the ground.
96 +=
Read the t€xts A-D and answer the questions 1-10.
-Following }ast weekend,s devastating
earfhquake Disaster Relief Team is in
.€ 7'4 magnitude earthquake
struck the east coast at 7.55 this moming
i *T:h
causing Il::1 cf your help to increase srocks of foods
to infrastructure' rrr
in the qrEq
area d) '""""'-*'"-vvr.DsrveLllorar0ngUmgandi$
be conserved for a Iong time and is
l' =side tourist
as well as to
vvcll d5 tg buildings in
Oullglngs In i
me p0pulaf
*T"9 i*
local cft64ry groups, comianies, clubs
oi tfre qurt e i
res0rt towns of Karinona and Playana. The epicintre

:'=ulkmnorth-eastofthecoastatadepihrfJim.Tsunarni*urningr*# ; olganise
*o famtlies or indirriduals in the area, to
afrenruards b.ut forrunarety only moderate-sized waves food coilects at supermarkets,
: 111,,IT:diately
land and the shopping cenlius or elsewhere,We are also
,,,,*cred warning was later cancellei. There are no reports of human in
:'..==ihies of blankets for the many left trom"ru*.
but the quake caused great panic among locals and
:e'righer ground in fear '
t6urists *t o ,ust.,*j ::1o is
DRT a national non-profit humanitarian

*'g in
of a tsunarni. Several l:undred people who trad been
modest dwellings in playana
i dedicated to d.isaster relief since

:':€g an ii
Playana returned to find them burned due to an
I 9l g' If you can help or

'*.:,osion and some of those who had remained

i:*:ssion wish to make a djrect
suffered burns and minor limb
''==i:ies. Local television showed residents sleeping outdoors in tents or
i cash contact us at 0880-999666 from

*eshift huts near the rubble of rheir lormer homis. Disaster relief workers * ro midnight except Sundays,
* ;

r'e been arriving and soldiers

i i

have also been dispatched to the area. people " -,"-.-.-.,--'_i

i'.*_ ^ .,
::dvisedtoavoidtravellingtotheareabyroadsoasnott0hinderretief the
"-"'^ tlQii*:^Ylo:ltrd
-'-' work, life of a young chitd from the
, tubble of a coilapsed house in lrryrnai, oue ,;;;;r;;
... . . @ i :: :f,,_n, .(.ijntry's .*p ii,irrn'r*ards. Experienceo
6k0s have been resBonsibls lar death and destruction since the beginning ; dog, Eddy, was one of the
first Cog, ;,;nuu on
with rescue workers, nripit-lirr*n
ffd the
can send ehills do$n onn's s1ing, ln nlc.r,e$
|*t: iI *: :::f Fddy searched tt''e rubnte
hb,p:yt ,r, ,,
ior Jnjirir"rrouo
eir actions. The ancient Greeke called the sea god Poseidon the.'Eart\ ! and didn't seem to want t0 take a rest *f'rn orO*"0tvl
lri< h"^,.tt^" "He- - ! -r
th6y brlieved he was responsible for such phenome non, Nowadays, ot
ji driven
f 1 layiet,
picked up a scenr and
seemed to be
we have a much more scientific explanation for how they occur, Although by a belief that he would
uo**, r, ** ,,
ms can be triggered by manmade uctirity such as nucl.e3,rbomb
0ll i * |l- knew the kid was r;r;iy il;;ffii';::,d
rlilorl$, generally accepted lhat they are two main where. He was exhausied
from constructlon it is
i st0p,
nOt even for food
nut rrii r'rrfOJ,
0l ftaturatearthquakes; tectonic aciivi$ involving movement 0l the Earth's i rewards," said his frrrOi*
rplates and explosive volcanic eruptions. Experts have tried many different p:if a$ a six-year.fO ,ilfO *uu puif*a
i ff:l:i-l^c: but.alive
+f pradictin$ earthquakes, but none have heen successful. Thoy can tellthere from undlr r*o ,ri,*r'lj
i t00y
:"- "-' earthquake somewhere
e another sometime in the future, but they have no ii I due to exhaustion and heat
,nd nad to
t*lfing when it will happen and this is one more reason to fear them, i 0e put on a drip but he recovered quickly.
Er-:estions 1 and 2 refer to section A.
'i whai caused most damage lo the houses in the 1 c to make somsone {eel angry
village of Playana? I D
" t0.v make someone feel iear
A an earthquake C a fire I Ouestions 6 and 7 rafer to section C.
B a tsunami D moderate waves | 6 Where does Disaster Relief Team usually operate?
i What does the word rnakeshift mean? A in Playana C all over the country
A quickly constructed C mobile B in the region D all over the world
B lorced to move D temporary 7 What kind of food should be collected?
i : What does the writer say peopls should not do? A precookedfood C fresh fruit and vegetables
A leave the area C go to the area B canned food D frozen food
B drive to the area D panic Queetlons 8,9 and l0 refer to section D.
i-estions 4 and 5 refer to section B. I According to the text, what may have motivated
{ What would experts like to be able to do in the Eddy to continue to search?
f A a conviction C a dog handler
A predict where an earthquake wilt occur Ba reward D a scent
B predict when an earthquake will occur I What does paid ofl mean?
C predict how an earthquake will occur A received payment C resulted in loss
D predict why an earthquake will occur B received an award D resulted in success
5 What does send chills down one's spine mean? 10 What type of text is section D?
A to make someone feel cold A anarralive C anewsreport
B lo make someone feel frustration B an opinion essay D a memo
Grammar Vocabulary
Choose the correct itern. Choose the correct item.

'Which jacket is yours?' He bought his coursebooks with his own money,
i........ has the big wooden buttons,' but his parents paid for his college
A One that it C The one with ,A tuitjon B price G fee D payment
B The one that D One that You'll have to .......... the floor very hard to get
..,...... to come home late again. the stains out. '
A You should never C Never are you A scrub B polish C sweep D dust
B You never have D Never will you The tour guide at the castle will be ........,, free
We have ......... relationship. I've known her for tours this Sunday afternoon..
ysars. A supplying C providing
A a lasting-long C the long-lasting B catering D equipping
B a long-lasting D the lasting-long 4 The train reaches a(n) .......... speed o{ 300 kph.
A ultimate C absolute
A watching C watch B extreme D maximum
B to watch D to be watching Hard hats must be worn as a safety
Why .,,.., clothes without asking me? when you are on the building site.
A you musl always borrow A prevention C precaution
B willyou always borrow B protection D proportion
C would you always borrow 6 People with pale skin are generally more .........
D are you always borrowing to sunburn.
l've got enough money. I appreciate your A inclined C contagious
askin9,........ B susceptible D responsive
A therelore C though We tried to ......... Ben from ptaying footbalt in
B besides D although case he injured his teg again.
The politician spoke ......... about the issue. A discourage G convince
A more eloquent G eloquent B encourage D influence
B most eloquent D eloquently The old power plant is out of bounds because it
'We're..,...... out of coffee.' could still be ......... harmlul gases.
'l'll get some on my way home from work.' A omitting C admitting
A almost C not at all B permitting D emitting
B hardly D not quite Amanda made such a scene in the supermarket
that she was ,...,,,.. from the premises.
Did you see my roses? They ....,....1
A smell wonderful G have wonderfulsmell A removed C released
B wonderfully smell D smetl wonderfully B forbidden D declined
10 A lot of rubbish had been ,........ on the beach
Aunt Edna acts ..,.,.... she were my mother,
during the night.
A only as C as long A washed down C washed up
B just as D as though B washed out D washed over
I bought my mother a ,..,...., robe for her birthday. 11 ls there any ......... I could borrow your new
A beautiful, Chinese, silk running shoes lor the race tomorrow?
B Chinese, beautiful, silk A prospect C probability
C silk, Chinese, beautiful B occasion D chance
D Chinese, silk, beautiful
12 The ......... priority is to make sure all the residents
I got used to jogging in the morning within the are safe then we can start the clean-up operation.
...,..... months of starting. A lead B main G head D great
A four first C fourth lirst 13 Simon was under ....,.... to linish his assignment
B first four D first fourth
by Friday.
I didn't expect ......... so happy about the news. A pressure C demand
A Cherylto be C that Cheryl is B force D weight
B Cheryl being D for Cheryl to be
t4 Jack is prone t0.,..,..,. headaches.
A harsh B severe C crucial D critical

Module 1 Modure 6 e=lllll
Urt*n and complete the sentences. t} Urt"n and complete the sentences.
1 TheAkha people are ........ 1 The Toddter robot ........ -llil
2 They are ............ 2 lt is made .,....," --Ilil
b-- ::

3 The Akha men 3 lt is the latest in .....,........ €=

-_ril :i

4 The Akha women .............. 4 lt has .,,.... : ll

5 Nowadays, some Akha people .............. 5 Microphones on its .,......,,... b-


Module 2 Module ? t

{i utt"n and complete the sentences. il tisten and complete the sentences. b-
1 Gheetahs are ........ 1 Team sports show children ........,.....................L- --l :

2 They are threatened ............ I

3 People also .......... 2 They also help children G ,

,;;;;;;;;;;il;;;;: ::: Fl

4 They are not the only animals

5 We must all protect

Module 3
.;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;il: :: : : :F
O Urt"n and complete the sentences. 5 However, team sports teach childr.n ..............
1 Fdinburgh is a ....,..,
2 There are a lot of .............. ts-
3 The streets are .........,., Module I ts

4 lt has ..,.... f,J usten and complete the sentences.

5 lt is the perlect 1 The earthquake
2 The sea rose up ,..,..,..,..,
Module 4 3 The water ........
il tisten and complete the sentences, 4 lt washed away ........
1 St Patrick's Day is ............. 5 Whole streets of houses were .........
2 People
3 There are ..,.."..,..
4 There are also
5 The shamrock is lreland's ........,.....
Module 5
fi Htt"n and complete the sentences.
1 The National Bank .........
2 There were a lot of peopte ........".,..,"...
3 Two masked men .........
the cashier's drawer,
4 The police t
5 They were ....."".. i.

100 }-
Present simple Present continuous
Form: Form: verb to be (arn/is/are) + main verb -ing

l/You/We/They play.
He/She/lt plays. I'm sleeping. l'm not sleeping.
UYou/We/They do not/don't You're sleeping. You aren't sleeping.
play. He/She/lt's sleEping. He/She/lt isn't sleeping,
He/5he/lt does not/doesn't We/You/They're WeiYou/They arerr't
play. sleeping. sleeping.
Do llyou/we/they play?
Does helshe/it play?
Am I sleeping? Yes, lam.iNo, l'm not.
Are you sleeping? Yes, you are.lNo, you aren't.
Yes, he/she/it does.
Yes, heishe/it is.i
liyoulwe/they don't. ls he/she/it sleeping?{
t No, heishe/it isn't.
he/she/it doesn't. Are we/you/they f Yes, we/youithey are./
Spelling {3rd-person singular affirmative) sleeping? i No, we/you/they aren't.
r Most verbs take -s in the third-person singular.
Spelling of the present participle
! work - She works
Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x or -o take -es.
r Most verbs take -ing after the base form of tr-,r
main verb. talk - tolking, fly - tlying
I kiss - he kisses, I wosh * he washes, I cotch * he . Verbs ending in -e drop the -e and take -ing.
cstches,I fit< * he fixes, I go - he gaes * chonging
. Verbs ending in consonant + ydrop the -yand take
mske - maklng, change
-ies. I tidy
- he tidies
. Verbs ending in vowel + y take -s. I ploy - he ploys
Use BUT cover - cavering (stress on 1 st syllable) {
We use the prelent simple for: . \hrbs ending in -ie change the -ie to -y and add -in;
. daily routines/repeated actions (especially with lie - lying L
adverbs of lrequency: often, usually, alwoys, etc).
They usually go to s(hool by bus.
. habits. She always does her shopping on Soturdoys,
We use the present continuous for;
. permanent states, She works as a musician. actions happening now, at the moment of speakir
r timetables/schedules(futuremeaning). r
loe is hoving a shower at the fioment.
actions happening around the time of speaking.
The cancert begins at gpm.
. general truths and laws of nature.
Todd's taking a camputer caurse this week,
fixed arrangements in the near future, especi.
The sun rises in the esst.
. reviews/sports commentarieslnarrations.
when we know the time and the place.
Tim and Alice are getting rnarried next week"
lulia Roberts acts brilliantly in this film. r temporary situations.
Time expressions used with the presenf simple: She"s stoying at her grandpsrents' house toniglit.
every day/month/hour/sum mer/morning/eveni ng, etc,
. changing or developing situations.
usually, often, sometimes, always, etc/ on Sundays/ Mare and mare people are exerciiing.
Tuesdays. etc. ' frequently repeated actions with olwoys,
constontly, continunlly to express annoyance or
Adverbs of frequency They're constantly fighting with each other.

Adverbs of frequency tell us how often sth happens. Note: The following verbs do not usually have
These are: always {1 0006), usually (7 So/a), often (50o/o), continuous form: hsye (= possess), like, Iove, ha::
sometimes (25o/o), rarely/seldom (15%), never (0%). went, know, remember, forget, understand, thin, :
Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb believe, cos{, etc. He daesn't /llke doing chores. l

but after the auxiliary verbs be, have, do and
modals such as will, moy, etc. He always performs Time expressions used with the present continuaus; a
well at srhool. lohn is nwer late for foatball practice. now, at the moment, at present, nowadays, these ::.s
days, today, tomorrow, next month, etc. =
102 a

*l€sent simple vs Present continuous He is a very kind person- You are heing arrogant.
(= character - permanent (= behaviour - temporary
state) state)
p€rmanent $tates temporary situations Ills suif fits you perfectly. They ore fitting new
& facts (= is the right size) cupboards in the kitchen.
She's warking hard these
-e designs buildings. days. (= are Putting)
?:abits/routines actions happening now/ lim looks lonely. Jrm is looking at my
!.e goes joEging three
(= appears) ossignment. (= is taking
around the time of
:'.les a week. speaking a look at)
She's trying on the dress now. Note: The verb enjoy can be used in continuous tenses
:imetables future arrangements to express a specific preference.
-iiJons start at 8. They're meeting at 9 am I reolly enioy playing autdoar sporfs. (general preference)
toffiarrow. BUT They're enjoying themselves at the porty. (specific
The verbs look (when we refer to somebody,s
Stative verbs appearance), feel (when we experience a particular
Scative verbs are verbs which describe a state rather emotion), hurt and ache can be used in simple or
?:q an action, and do not usually have a continuous continuous tenses with no difference in meaninE.
Leo feels sick. = Lea is feeling sick.
:-ese are:
:* verbs of the senses (appeor, feel, hear, laok, see,
smell, sound, fosfe, etc).
':,, dreg appears ta be hoppy ot his new job, Underline the correct item and justify your .

verbs of perception (believe, forget, know, choice.

understand etc).
I understsnd what you mean,
1 Linda is wearing/wears a nice scarf today.
- ,ierbs which express feelings and emotions (desire,
(present continuaus - action happening
araund the time of speaking)
enjoy, hate, Iike, Iove, prefer, wonr, etc).
She enjays meeting new people. 2 A beautician is someone who is improving/
other verbs: agree, be, belong, contain, cost, flt, improves someone's appearance by using
" make-up or skin care products.
have, include, keep, needt owe, own, etc.
That blouse casts f50. 3 We go/are going for a swim later. why
don't you come along?
1:.:le of these verbs can be used in continuous tenses,
with a difference in meaning. 4 Now that it's spring, the weather is getting/
gets warmer every day.
5 Why you always criticise/are you always
/; lhink he's new here, I am thinking of studying criticising the way people dress?
;:.; ! believe) music. (= am considering) 6 Monica goes/is going to bed very early on
i:*r hos a brand-new iPod. I am having breskfast. weekdays.
i'= OWnS, pOSSeSSeS) (= eating) 7 The last bus to the city centre leaves/is
He is having a bath. leaving at 11:00 pm.
(= taking)
= I Can you callAlison a litfle later? She is
':';t can see the beuch fram She's seeing her friend laking/takes a shower right now.
raam. (= it is visible) tonigltt. (= meeting)
a*-'; 9 Jason vieits/is visiting his cousins in
', :ee your paint of view,
Brighton this week, but he'll be back on
== Sunday.
:i -' : th ee seca k e ta stes The cook is tosting the
?;,;:y good. (= it isihas the souce ta
10 Plants are needing/need water to grow.
see if it is reody.
;':vour of) (= is trying)
11 Peters misses/is missing the opportunity
to score, leading his team to deleat.
roses smell nice. The cat is smelling its faod.
"12 The Olympic Games take ptace/are taking
i,= the aroma) (= is sniffing)
place every four years.
-e oppeors to be hard- The band is appeoring in
*:rking.(= seems to) tawn this week.
(= is performing)
i Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct Put the verbs in brackets into the present
position. simple or the present continuous.
1 A: Adam is a very optimistic person. 1 I don'f thlnk {noUthink} this jacket suits nra
B: Yes, he looks on the bright side ol life. very much.
(always) 2 Michael Buble ......,.
Yes, fie always /ooks on the bright side of (appear) live in Mexico City next month.
3 This lacket {nor/fit} yc=
2 A: How do you spend your Friday evenings? you ........... (need) a bigger size.
B: Well, my friends and I gather at someone's Why ........., (you/be) s*,
house and just hang out. (often) rude to Lyn tonight? lt ...............
(sound) like you really hate her.
3A: Are you getting the high-heeled shoes? L.,.....,....., (have| *
B: No, I don't wear high heels. (usually) lormalcoat. ....,."..
(you/want) to borrow it for tonight?
Your perfume ......"........
4A: I can't go to Sue's party. I won't know
(smell) great. ls it new?
anyone there.
What ........ ..,,.,.. (youllook) a;s
B: You should go. lt is nice to meet new
people. (sometimes)
sornething strange?
Martha . (taste) he
5A: I don't know what to gst my grandma for coffee to see if it's sweet enough.
her birthday.
I ................ ....... (see) what yc=;
B: Well, you can ask her what she'd like, ....... (mean) but l.E
{always} afraid I don't quite agree with you.
10 I ................ .... (think) of buyir..g
6 A: Can you believe how lazy Eve is?
B: I know[ $he helps with the housework. iT :::::::1T::: ::: :T:tt33'il',1,,..

Use the verbs below to complete the

sentences, putting them into the presenf
Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous,
simple or the present continuous, . go . bake . see . live . earn . pass
1 The Akha tribe's traditional way of life rs r finish r try
disappearing (disappear) with the passing
of time.
1 The people of the Akha tribe /lye a har',
2 Mason {alwayslteil) 2 Can you be quiet? L......."......
lies, which is extremely annoying.
to memorise my lines for the school play.
3 Melissa .... (do) her 3 Marian a cake and t-
homework right now.
whole house smells wonderful.
4 Farmers . {work} for 4 Jane her accountant
many hours during the day.
discuss her company's finances next weel",
5 The Moon ........ (circle)
5 Famous actors ...,....,.,....,. a
the Earth every 28 days.
of money.
6 More and more people
6 The film ............ .. at B:00 so .
(use) the lnternet to shop at bargain prices.
should be home by 9:30,
7 Matt .....,,,.. (not/come)
7 John and Mary ...............,, for
to the cinema with us tonight.
jog every afternoon after work.
8 Nina is a nice, gentle person whs ,..,,..,.,....,
I Ledermann ....,...,.... the b.
.. {always/take care of) others.
to Harris, who shoots the winning basket.

Put the verbs in brackets into the present Put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or the present cantinuous, sirnple or the present continuous.
1 A: What does iVafhan do {Nathan/do} for a
living? FA$I{IOH FIOG
B: He .....(play) the saxophone Many people bolieve that our ctothes lI reflect (roflecl) our
for a jazz band. personality and lifestyle. 2) .,..,.......... (you/feel)this is true?
2 A: What . (took) at? Share yourthoughts! '
B: Thie article about an ancient tribe; it ......
,..... (seem) quite interesting.
3 A: I I 3) ................ (not/believe) this is totally right. Our
{not/like} doing clothes 4) ,., (not always/say) somerhing about
housework at all.
our personality. For example, right now I 5) .,.,....,....,.,
B: Me neither, but at leasl t .....,,.,."............. (wear) a traclauit and trainen. This 5) ,.,......,.
(noUalwayslcomplain) about it! (not/mean) that I 7) (have) an active
4 A: ........ .....:.......... {this jacket/ litestyle or that I 8) ,.......,......,.. (go) to the gym later,

belong) to you?
exercise, My clothes right now simply show that I
B: No, L...,..,,...".. ......... (think)
it's David's.
10) ,.....,....,:,.,
(want) to wear something
casual and comfortable!
5 A: This drass ........ (suit) you very
B: Really? I ..,,..,.....,,.. (think) of Keisha is right. As long as we're
wearing it to Jake's birthday party. comfortable in our clothes, nothing else
6 A: James and Lilly I t)
.,..,.....,....,,.... (matterl. My mum makes
me furious because she 12)
(not/come) to the cinema with us
..(always/tell) me to wear ',something
nicer". She believes that the jeans and
B: Why? . (they/go) T-shirts I 13) ...........,.,, (wear) every day
somewhere else? 14) .,......,,..,,.......... {give} the impression that I
7A: It makes me mad the way Angela 15) ..... .......... (not/care) about my appearance, She
......,, (constanily/interrupt) couldn't be more wrongl
others whenthay ...... (talk).
B: I ................ {agree). Maybe we
should talk to her about it. Put the verbs in brackets into the present
8A: .... (you/want) to simple or the present continuous. Then,
go shopping later?
answer the questions about yourself.
B: I can't. I .,........,..... {paint} my
-;Ti'l,lllui 1 Where ar€ you goinE {youlgo) later tonight?
9A: :::':: ::::: :'
I'm going to the cinema with my friends.
2 What ......... (you/usualty/have)
When did you get him?
for breakfast?
B: He's my brother's. I
(take care) of hirm while he
(be) on holiday. What (your lriends/do)
10 A: I read sornewhere that more and more right now?
people ('use) public
transport instead of their cars to get What ......... {annoy} you
around these days. most about your neighbours?
B: I ................ {suppose) peopte
have finally become more concerned How (you/get) to schoot
about the environment,
every day?

What .,....... .... (your

best friencUwear) today?

Present perfect Time expressions used with the present perfec|
Form: hove/has + past participle
t olrcady (normally in affirmative sentences)
You don't need to take the dag aut. ! have olreodp:;
tsken him aut for a walk.
l/You/We/They have/ UYou/WeiThey have not/
, yet (normally in interrogative or negative
've forgotten. haven't forgotten, sentences) .+

HelShe/lt has/'s HeiShe/lt has not/hasn't Hove you met our new teacher yet? $
forgotten. forgotten. Phillip hasn't typed up the report yet. I
t just (normally in affirmative sentences to show ,{
that an action finished a few minutes earlier)
Have Uyou/welthey Yes, l/you/we/they have.i l've just sent you the email.
forgotten? No, liyou/we/they haven't. . ever (normally in affirmative and interrogative

Has he/shelit Yes, he/she/it has.i sentences) $
forgotten? No, he/she/it hasn't. This is the best play l've ever seen. ,g
l'trave you ever been to lceland? *
Use . never (negative meaning) -{
We use the present perfect:
e for actions which started in the past and continue
I have never been to
Miranda hos never run a '}
up to the pre$ent especially with stative verbs such t time)
for (over a period of H
as be, have, Iike, know, etc. We hoven't been camping for months.
Mr Barnes has heen sn accountant at this company since (from a starting point in the past)
for two years. (= He started working at this company She has worked as a musician since I ggA.
two years ago and he's still working here.) recently (normally in affirmative or lnterrogative
to talk about a past action which has a visible sentences)
result in the present. They've redecorated their She hos recently bought a new ipod.
house. tt looks lavely. so for (normally in affirmative sentences) e:-
for actions which happened at an unstated time in She's attended two meetings so for.
the past. The action is more important than the b--
time it happened. They have done the washing-up.
(When? We don't know; it's not important.) Present perfect continuous tF
with foday, this morning/afternoon/week, sa for, Form: have/has + been + verb -ing
etc when these periodr of time are not finished at b-
the time of speaking. Ihe has ta&en two exorns this
weeft, (The time period - this week - is not over yet.
l/You/We/They have/
She may take another exam,)
l/You/We/They have not/ .

for recently completed actions. ThE *

just frnishd
've been running. haven't been running.
HelShe/lt has/'s been He/She/lt has not/hasn't
their meal. (Ihe action is complete. Dinner is now over.)
for personal experiences/changes which have running. been running. t-
happened. ff 5 the fnf time thE have watched an opero.
Have liyoulweithey Yes, l/you/we/they have./
have gone {to)lhave been {toV been running? No, l/youlwe/they haven' I
have been in Has he/she/it been Yes, he/she/it has./
running? No, he/she/it hasn't,
Helen has gane to the bozoor. (She's on her way to
the bazaar or she's there now. She hasn,t come Use
back yet.) We use the present perfect continuous:
lahn hos heen to London. (He went to London but r to place emphasis on the duration of an actir
he isn't there now. He's come back.) which started in the past and continues up to :
They have been in Barcelona for three monfhs. (They present. l've been designing clathes for years.
are in Barcelona now.) . for an action that started in the pa$t and lasted
son'le time, lt may still be continuing, or hi,
finished, but it has left a visible result in I
present. lane's confused. She's been trying ta s.
the maths problem far hours,

Time expressions used with the present perfer

conflnuous: since, for, how long (to place emphasi
on duration)
llse the words below to complete the Put the verbs in brackets into the present
rentences, perfect or the presentperfect continuous.
. recently .already . never . jusl 1 Have you rnef (you/meet) my cousin Justin?
. SO faf r Singe . evef . 16y r y€t 2 The farmer (plant) crops
since early in the morning.
1 f've never met anyone more arrogant than
Sophia. 3 Mary ......... ,..... (lose) a lot of weight.
2 Bill was here a minute ago but he has 4 Chris and Claire ..'.........,...,.. (argue)
.... teft, for the last thirty minutes,
3 She hasn't worn high-heeled shoes How long (youlgo) to
she broke her ankle, yoga classes?
4 We haven't decided where to spend our Brad Pitt {act} in over
holidays sixty films and TV series.
5 Don't buy any bread. Mum has l-ucinda (do) housework
bought some. all day and is really tired.
6 Have you ... thought about wearing They ......... . (not/set) a date for
brighter colours? I think they'd suit you. their wedding yet.
7 Have you talked to Bob .........?I

haven't seen him ....... ages. Choose the correct item.

8 Jane has called you six times ........
You should call her back. Fyan ..... his electriciry bill yet.
@ hasn't paid C doesn't pay
ftrt'the verbs in brackets into the present B hasn't been paying D not paying
prtect or the present perfect continuous. Andrea ..... her homework since noon.
! A: Betty is really fluent in Spanish. A has done C is doing
B: Well, her mother is Spanish, so she has B has been doing D does
been speaking (speak) the language 3 Hector ..... lreland many times.
since she was very little. A has been in C has gone to
2 A: Aren't you going out with your friends? B has been to D has gone in
B: No, L,......... ...... (noVfinish) Lucy ..... dinner. Why don't you join us?
rny homework yet.
A has just been serving C just serves
3A: You are so impatient! B has just servedD just serving
B: lmpatient? I ................ (wait) The price oi the holiday ..... guided tours of the
for you to decide what to wear for two
4 A: ls this what you're wearing to the wedding?
A includes C is including
B has included D has been including
B: I don't know. I
(noUdecide) yet, 6 My grandparents .,... in the same house since they
got married.
A: Why is everyone laughing?
B: Because Adam ........
A live C are living

fiust/tell) us a very funny joke.

B have been living D have just lived

A: I don't think these two colouis match, Chloe ..... Madrid and she's coming back in two
B: Well, this is what I weeks.
(try) to tell you for the last half hour! A has gone to C has been in
A: Kelly looks really different. B has been lo D has gone in
B: Yes, she ........... ,,....,.... {cut) I What ..... so bad? ls something burning?
her hair short and it suits her. A is smelling C smells
ik Are the children enjoying themselves? B has smelt D has been smellinq
B: Yes, itb the first time they ..........
..., (ever/camp) in the forest.

Modals Prohibition (mustn
Modalverbs: Mustn't: lt is forbidden to do sth; it is against
. don't take -s, -ing ar -ed suffixes. rules/law; you are not allowed to do sth. You
i are followed by the bare infinitive (infinitive Iight a campfire in the farest.
without to).
. come before the subject in questions and are ( ought to)
followed by nof in negations.
Shouldt geiieral advice You shauld join our sch*,:::
. don't have tenses in the normal sense. When eco-club. (lt's my advice./l advise you to ...)
followed by a present bare infinitive, they refer to
Ought fo: general advice * You oaght fo urs Jj
an incomplete action or state (i,e. present or power. (lt's a good idea/thing to do,)
future). We should stop wasfing naturol resaurces.
When followed by a perfect bare infinitive, they
refer to a complete action or state. They should UnU"rline the correct item.
hove taken measures sgsinst water pollution earlier. I
Note: The tenses of the infinitive are: 1 A: I need ideas for my environmental
for school.
Present: (to) run
Present continuous: (to) be running
B: You ought/should ask Ben; he's alr+*'#.
full of good ideas.
Perfect: (to) have run
Perfect continuous: (to) have been running 2A: Do you think I could take part in the tai*:s,
Well, the rules state that you shouldl
(must, hove to, should/ought to)
must be over 18 to enler.
Must expresses duty/strong obligation to do sth, 3A: Governments have to/must make oil
and shows that sth is essential, We generally use companies pay huge fines every time
rnusf when the speaker has decided that sth is there is an oil spill. ob
necessary (i.e. subjective). We must do something to
prCIte€t endangered specr'es. You rnust turn aff the
B: I agree. Maybe lhis will make them m*i* f-
light when yau leave the rasm. (lt is your duty./You
careful. I

are obliged to do sth") 4A: Let me just put this in the bin. b=

Have to expresses strong necessity/obligation. B: No, you needn'Umustn't throw your E

We usually use hoye to when somebody other than rubbish in there. lt's lor recyclables only. :
the speaker has decided that sth is necessary (i.e. 5A: Last year, fire fighters in Canada had t* p
objective). Mum says thst we hsye to pick up any must put out about 9,000 forest fires.
litterwe drop. (ltt necessary.)
a Hod to is the past form of both musf and have fo.
B: That is a shocking number! e-
a Should/Oughf fo express duty, weak obligation. h,
Yau should da the woshing-up tonight. (ltt your Jf
rilf in the gaps with the modals below"
duty. - less emphatic than must) Then, match the sentences to the responsea
. needn't . didn't need 1o ' mllstn't . must
Absence of necessity
(don't have to/don't need to, needn't)
. should

Dan't have to/Don't need to/Needn't tr fql We mustn'l take photos in here.
It isn't necessary to do sth in the presenVfuture. You FTI You ,..."...... see a dentist soor
don't hove to brtng any special equipment with you. Yau
dont need fo lyCIter this plant very often. You needn't
ITT_I "...........
We pay for the tickets

pay for a ti&et to enter the new conservation park. Fl_l You ...,....... come in early
Didn't need ta/Didn't have to:
It wasn't necessary to do sth. We don't know if it I sT-l we ............ plant more tree:,
was done or not. They didn't have to parti(ipate in in our neighbourhood.
the nature wolk. (1&e dsn't know if they participated.)
Needn't hove + past participle:
a Great! l'll sleep in.
It wasn't necessary to do sth, but it was done. An b Yes, it really needs them.
action happened in the past, even though it wasn't c I know, my tooth is killing me.
necessary. You needn't hove bought aronges, there d OK. I'll put my carnera away.
are plenty in the fridge, (but you did)
e Why? Were they free?
f.eftt're modalverbs in bold to their
Study the situations and write sentences
m&tgs(a-0. using needn't, must, shouldn't, didn,t have ta
James had to help his mother with the and mustn't.
housework yestarday.
You think it's not a good idea for your friend
IZT_l We must be carefutwhen tighting a to throw away recyclable items. Offer your
campfire in the lorest. friend advice.
gT-l You don't need to warer the plants every You shouldn't throw &way recyctable items.
Your brother wants t0 fish in the lake. Tell
iIT-l Peopte mustn't hunt endangered him that he is not allowed to.
species of animals,
ET-l Mr Peters says we have to make sure
all lights are off before we leave the
Your friend wants to know whether to
change the setting on her fridge" Tell her it,s
FT-l You should join Greenpeace if you nol necessary.
want to become more active in
protecting the environment.
a lt isn't necessary. d I advise you to.
You believe that people have a strong
b lfs necessary. e lt's our duty. obligation to protect animal habitats from
c An obligation in f lt's against the destruction, Express this belief to your friend.
the past. law.
Reurite the sentences using the modals in
the list. Your classmate has asked you whether you
. have to . don't need to r should paid for the school trip. Telt him it wasn,t
. mustn't . had to . must . ought not to necessary.
. didn't need to
1 People are not allowed to sell any kind of
product made of ivory.
People mustn,t self any kind of product made
of ivary. Complete the sentences using the words in
2 lt wasn't necessarl/ for us to take the injured bold. Use two to five words.
hiker to hospitat. 1 Visitors to the zoo are not allowed to feed the
We ..,...,.... animals. MUST
3 lt's not a good idea for you io leave the tap Visitors to the zoo mustn,t give food to the
running while brushing your teeth. animals.
You ........... 2 lt wasn't necessary for Cameron to learn the
poem by heart. HAVE
4 Everyone has a strong duty to do their part
to conserve natural resources. Cameron the poem by heart.
Everyone 3 Recycting househotd waste is a good idea for
5 Our teacher says it is our obligation to linish
allof us. OUGHT
our report on water pollution by Friday. We all .,. household waste.
Our teacher says,........................,. 4 lt isn't necessary for George to get to work
6 I advise you to replace all your light bulbs early tomorrow. DOE$
with ones that are energy-etficient. George ... get to work early
you ............,....... tomorrow.

7 r's not necess; t;; ;;; 5 They made Greg pay a fine for littering. HAD
ur."- ,"
ta*e their dog to the vet. ""0 Greg .,....,...
a fine lor littering.
hran and Susan
I frms our duty to help out around the house
rhen we were children.

Future simple Use
We use be going to:
Form: subject + will + rnain verb . to talk about our future plans and intentions. /or.'*
is gaing ta buy a new hybrid cor. (He's planning to .

to make predictions based on what we see ,p.r

l/You/HelShe/lt/Wei l/You/He/5he/ltiWe/They know. Be careful! Yau arc going ta fall down.
They will/'ll go. will not/won't go. r to talk about things we're sure about or we'r*,
already de{ded to do in the near future. Wenre gry
Yes, Uyou/he/she/it/wei
to iain o hwfth club this yaor (We've decided to do s: .
Will l/youi he/sheiit/we/ they will.
they go? Present simple/Fre$ent continuous
No, liyoulhe/she/itlwe/
(future meaning)
they won't.
We can use the present simple to talk abrc-:
schedules or timetables. Ihe bus leoves at 9:00 pr.
We use the future simple: We use the present continuous for fixe*q
a for on-the-spot decision s. lt's late. l'll go home. arrangements in the near future. We are golng tt
a for future predictions based on what we believe the cancert next week, We've bought tickets.
or irnagine will happen (usually with the verbs:
hope, think, believe, expect, imogine, etc; with the Future continuous
expressions: l'm sure, l'm afraid, etc; with the
adverlrs: probably, perhaps, etc). / hope overfishing Form: subject + will + be + verb -rng
will saon become a thing of tlrepost. Perhaps scienilsts
will tind a solution to the world's energy problem.
You/He/5 he/ltlWe/They
for promises (usually with the verbs promise, will/'ll
swear, etc.) I pramise we'll go to the animol park
They be eating. will not/won't be eating. l.t-
tomorrow., threats Make fun of me again snd l'll he ts
funbus.. warnings We shauld pratect nal,ure or it will Yes, l/youi he/she/it/we/ ;-.
turn against us., hopes She hapes they wlll accept Will l/you/helshe/it/ they will. ts
her praposat., offers We'll give you a lift home. we/they be eating? No, l/you/helshe/itiwe/
for actions/events/situations which will definitely they won't.

happen in the future and which we cannot control.

Use ts=
The sun will set soon.
We use the future continuous:
Time expressions used with the future simple
. for actions which will be in progress at a stated future ts
tomorrow, the day after tornorrory next weekl month/ time. Ihis time tomanow, we'll be flying to Mi[on.
year, tonightf soon, in a weeklmonth/year, etc.
. for actions which will definitely happen in the futun t--
as a result of an arrangement. l-
He will be taking his Frencft exam tomorrow, e-
&gqtnslp_-_ .-. -_ . when we ask politely about people's arrangement:
to see if they can do sth for us or because we offer tc
Form: subject * verb to be (amlislare) + going to +
do sth for them, Will you be going to the market!
bare infinitive of the main verb
Con yau get rne same fruit?

l,i[n.,',,, ] togoino Futurre perfed

are J
weiYou/They PlaY' Form: will + have + past participle of the main verbr
lamnot l gorng
He/She/lt is not l
not J to PlaY'
/You/He/She/lt/Wefl-h ey
lVe/You/they are
not/won't have stayed.

lTJ,,n.,,, ] tosoinu es, l/you/he/sheiit/wei

Are we/you/they J PlaY?
Yes, lam./No, l'm not. they have stayed?
Yes, he/she/it is./
, llyoulhe/shelirlwel
No, he/she/it isn't.
Yes,we/you/they are./ We use the future perfect for actions that will have
No, we/you/they aren't, finished before a stated time in the future.
Ite will have finished the repart by Friday.
of time i Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
Clauses of time are introduced by: aftet, as, as future form.
long as, os soon as, before, by the time (= before,
not later lhan), every time, immediately,
How about some tea?
iust as, B: Yes, l'/lhave (have) a cup, thanks.
oncet the moment (that), until/tiil (= up to the time
when), when, while, etc. We should do something for 2A: What are your plans lor tonight?
the environment befsre it is toa late. B: My brother and L........ (visit)
our grandpa?ents.
w.hen (time conjunction) + present lpast I'l! have
3A: Let's have lunch together at noon
dinner when I go home. B|JT when (question word)
+ will/would When will loe rcturn from Spain?
B: Good idea, I ,..,...,.......,,...,.... {do) ail my
When the verb of the main clause is in a present or
errands by then.
future form, the verb of the time clause is in the
present form, and when the verb of the main clause is 4A: Justin Timberlake is coming to town!
in a past form, the verb of the time rlause is in a past B: I know. He ................ (sign) autographs
fonn, too. We don't use will/would in a clause of time. at the record shop at E;00 pm on Monday.
We'll leave as Joon oi aur taxi gets here. (NOt ej 5A: The sky is so clear today.
lt/hen the time clause precedes
B: That's good" lt means it ...............
the main clause, a (not/rain).
- comma is used- When the time clause follows, no
:- comma is used. Every tlme it ruins, fire sfreets flood.
6 A: Do we have to leave so early?
. 8UT lhe sfreefs flood every finre it roins. B: Yes, it........,...... (be) dark soon,
7 A: I'll drop by your house at 6:00 tonight.
B: Can you make it B:00 instead? I ............
Underline the correct item and justify your {stiil/do} my homework at 6:00_
choice. I A: lsn't dinner ready? Our guests will be
here at 8:00.
1 Jane's plane is landing/tands at 6:00,
fpresent simplo - scfiedu/eJ
B: Don't worry. L.......,....,......,... {prepare)
everything by then.
2 lt's hot, I'llopen/'m going to open a window.
3 Jenny will be taking/wiil have taken her
first piano lesson this time tomorrow. Underline the appropriate tirne
4 conjunctions and put the verbs in brackets
Are you going/Do you go to the beach
clean-up day on Sunday? into the correct form.
5 Harry has gone to the shops. He's going to 1 Samantha is lying on the beach while/ once
buy/'ll buy a new suit. her brother is swirnming (swim[-
6 Many species are disappearing/will have 2 UntilMhen the fisherman saw that a seal
disappeared by the end of the century, was trapped in his net, he,..........
(set) it free irnmediatety.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct 3 By the time/TillAnna
future form. (return) from the gym, her favourite TV show
will have Jinished.
1 Pete is golng to adopt (adopt) an anirnal
4 When/As
from the local shelter; he's made all the ..... (they/show)
the documentary on the Amazon Rainforest?
This week or next week?
2 Environmentalists hope that the number of
5 Marion will feed her cat as long as/as soon
blue {rise} in the future. as she ,., (get) home.
3 The children (steep) when you 6 Make sure you've packed everything you
get home;you can see them tornorrow.
need before/afler you
4 We should leave now, the play (close) your suitcase.
(start) at 8:00.
7 Let me know how much the lickets cost
F 5 Pam .......... ". (ctean) the whote while/the moment you ...
house by the time her mum relurns. (find out).
6 What time {youigo) home tonight?
Past simple Present perfect vs Past simple
The past simple affirmative of regular verbs [s forrned
an action which happened an action which
by adding -ed to the verb. Some verbs have an irregular
at an unstated time in the happened at a stated
past form (see list of lrregular Verbs).
past. time in the past.
He has made a reservation. Dina bought some
(We don't kn6w when.) souvenirs lost week,
UYou/He/Shellt/We/They lived/went. (When? Last week. The
tirne is mentioned.)
an action which started in an action which startecij
l/You did not/didn't live/go. the past and is still and finished in the f
He/Shei lt did not/didn't live/go.
contin,uing in the present. past.
WelYou/They did notldidn't live/go.
He has worked as a tour They lived in Noway
guide for five years. {He still forfour yeors. (They
Did l/you/he/she/ Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/ they did? works as a tour guide.) don't live there now.)
itlwe/they live/ No, l/you/he/shelit/we/ they
go? didn't?
Past continuous
. We add -d to verbs ending in -e. I retire - | retired li He/She/lt was
. For verbs ending in consonant + -y, we drop the -y WelYou/They weren't
and add -ied. I try - I tried
r For verbs ending in vowel + -y, we add -ed.
r For verbs ending in one stressed vowel between Was Uhe/she/it I Yes, Uhe/she/it was.
two consonants, we double the last consonant and staying? I t'to, t7t'r"7tf'e/it wasn't.
add -ed. I stop * I stopped Were we/you/they f Yes, we/you/they were.
staying? I No, weiyou/they weren't, .:

We use the past simple for:

r We use the past continuous for: ts
actions which happened at a specific time (stated, r :!
an action which was in progress at a stated time ir: t-
implied or already known) in the past. the past. We do not know when the action startec ts
They spent their holidoy in ltaly lost summer. (When? or finished. They were sunhathing on the beach c;

Last summer * time stated) noon yesterday. f-

They had o lavely time. fiffhen? Last summer - time . a past action which was in progress when another :!L
implied/already known). action interrupted it. We use the past continuour +r-.
r past habits. for the action in progress {longer action) and thr

As s child she stoyed with her grandparents every past simple for the action which interrupted il t-
summer. (shorter action).
r past actions which happened one immediately He was driving to the oirport when his car broke ts-
after the other. down.
lanet boorded the plone, sat in her seot and waited I L-
two or more actions which were happening at th€
for take-off. same time in the past (simultaneous actions).
r past actions which won't take place again. While I wos getting our tlckets, Matt was buyir.
Dr Livingstane explored South. und central Africa some papcotn.
between I 842 and I 846. . tog,ive background information in a story, /l r,'

hot and sunny and a light breeze wos blowing,

Time expressions used with the past simple: were looking fonuord to our boat trip.
yesterday, yesterday morni n g/even ing etc, last "
night/week etg two weeks/a month ago, in 2010, etc. lTime expressions used with the past continuous
when, as, all day/night/morning, yesterday, etc

-ed tolwouldlPast sim Put the verbs in brackets into the post
We use used to/past simple to talk about past simple, thepost continuous or the present
habits or actions that happened regularly in the perfect.
past, but no longer happen. She used to ride/ rode
a motorbike. (She doesn't do that anymore,) 1 A: Have you broughf (you/bring) your
We use would/used fo for repeated actions or swimsuit with you this time?
routines in the past, We don't use would with stative B: Yes, I .......,..,..... (rernember) to
verbs. He used to golwowld go skiing every winter put it in my Suitcase just as I ............^....
BUT She used to have a cottage in the cauntryside. (close) it.
(NOI'$h+++euld#a+.s o cattage in the countryside.) 2 A: Why ......... (Harry/miss) his
We use the past simple for an action that happened flight yesterday?
at a definite time in the past. He flew ta Rome B: Because while he
yesterday. (NOf: #ecreC.+e{ly to Rome yesterday.) (drive) to ihe airport, his car
. (break down).
3 A: (you/ever/etay)
at a four-star hotel?
Underline the correct item,
B: Yes, Peter and I ...........,............. {book)
The first Hitton Hotel opened/was opening a room at a really luxuriours resort on our
in 1925. honeymoon.
I checked intolwas checking into the hotel 4 A: When was the last time you ..............."..
and wenUwas going straight to my room. {travet} abroad?
Jack hiked/was hiking in the forest when it B: Actually, I ............... (not/be)
was starting/started to rain. abroad for six years.
Ben couldn't go for a jog because it was 5 A: Who {you/tatk) ro
drizzling/drizzled. when I {see} you
lVhile Sue waited/was waiting for the bus yesterday?
she talked/was talking on the phone. B: My travel agent. We ,........,
It was a cold day. lt was snowing/snowed (discuss) the changes in my travel
and people tried/were trying to protect itinerary.
themselves from the freezing weather. 6 A: Why (you/be) so
Before his accident, Liam rode/was riding upset with Vicky earlier?
his bike to work every day. B: Because I ...........,... ...,(try)
Put the verbs in brackets into thepasf ': ::i'::: ::T:::t:: i".,,5;i"1::! i" _.
simple or the present perfect,

What's wrong with Sue? She fiasn? come Write sentences about what Sarah used tal
cut (not/come out) of her cabin since the didn't use to do when she was younger. Use
ship set sail. would where possible.
Yesterday's 3:00 pm flight .,.".....
(leave) with a three-hour delay.
1 speak French X
Sfte didn't use fo spealr French.
l\atasha (not/decide) 2 have a dog /
where to spend her holidays yet.
....... (you/have) a gdod time
during your trip to ltaly? 3 wear glasses I
They couldn't go swimming because the
hotel pool .....,.(be) closed. 4 walk to school /
I .................,..... (never/travet) to Australia
before. 5 read comics ./
When James and Liily ..... (go)
to Barcelona, they ..... (stay) in
a very cramped hotel room.
6 chat online I

Past perfect Exclamations
Form: subject r ftod + past participle Exclamations are words or sentences used to exprffi,,
admiration, surprise, etc. To form exclamat+*:
sentences, we can use ftow, whot (alon), so,
UYou/He, etc had UYou/He, etc had (alsn), or a negative quertion form.
eaten. notlhadn't eaten. . how + adiective/adverb
How smort'she laoks in that dress!
Had l/youlhe, etc Yes, l/you/he, etc had. ttow fast he runs!
eaten? No, Uyou/he, etc hadn't.
t whot a/on (+ adiective) + singular countable
What a hritliont performance!
We use the past perfect: What o party!
. for an action which finished before another past t what (+ adjective) + pluraffuncountable noun
action or before a stated time in the past. What pretty flowers! What interesting newsl
She had already leftwhen we arrived. The sightseeing
tour had frnished by 3:00.
. for an action which finished in the past and whose Put the verbs in brackets into the post
result was visible at a later point in the past. pertect or the pdst perfect continuous.
Tony was upset becoase he had losf his luggage.
Note: The past perfect is the past equivalent of the
1 Lisa had changed (change) her mind seveial
times before choosing what to pack.
present perfect. The room w$s empty * ev€ryone hud left.
(present perfect The room is empty - everyane has left.) 2 Kelly (lie) under the sis,
the whole morning and she was startlng ri
Time expressions used with the past perfect, before, get a sunburn.
after, already, just, for, since, till/until, by, never, etc. 3 Nathan (not/renew) !:::,
passport so it was out of date.
Past perfect continuous 4 We (watk) around rr*
eity for hours before we finally found cs
Form: subject+ had + been + main verb -ing
5 By the time they got to the port, their shl*
I fYoulHe/S h ellt/WelThey h ad been travel lin g.

Put the verbs in brackets into the pasf

l/You/He/5he/ltiWe/They had not/hadn't been perfed or the past perfect continuous.
1 A: Were you happy to see Jane?

Had l/you/he, etc

B: Absolutelyl I hadn't seen (noUsee) hr
since we were at school.
2 A: Was there any snow when you got to F*
We use the past perfect continuous: ski resort?
. to put emphasis on the duration of an action which B: Oh, yes. lt (snow:,
started and finished in the pas! before another lor days and there was lots.
action or stated time in the pasf usually with for or
3 A: Did you find your dog?
They had been walking in the farest for hours befare B: Yes, h€ {hide}
they reolised they were lost. the garden shed atlthal time.
. for an action which lasted for some time in the 4A: Did you drive to the airport?
past and whose result was visible in the past. B: No, we (bookj
Ben hsd heen working all doy, so he was exhausted. radio taxi the night belore.
Note: The past perfect continuous is the past equivalent 5A: Why was Sam home late yesterday?
of the present perfect continuous. fihe was tked. She
B: Because he .........................."...... {nol
had been walking for hours. (present per{ect continuous:
ihe is tired. She bos been wolking for hours.)
finish) his work by 5:00 so he had to
stay back at the office.
Time expressions used with the past perfect 6A: I went to bed exhausted last night!
continuous: for, since, how long, before, until, etc. B: No wonder! You ...........
(clean) the house the whole day.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct cfroose the correct item.
post form. ff
1 llick ..... a book when I saw him last night.
1 A: What were you and John argurng (you A read
and John/argue) about when I came @ was reading
B had read D used to read
home last night?
B: He . (teave) the 2 Julie ...., by the seaside when she was younger,
bathroom iap running the whole day A was living i C would live
again and the bathroom ............., B used to live D had lived
2 A: I'm surprised that you
3 They couldn't get a hot6l room because they .....
(find) the way to the mountain cabin so in advance.
easily. A wouldn't book C hadn't booked
B: That's because while Jason B hadn't been booking D weren't booking
{drive) L............... {took at} 4 A strong wind ".... when we got to the beach.
the map and I .........
(give) him directions.
A was blowing C used to blow
3 A: ........
B had blown D would blow
(you/tape) the
documentary on the Victoria Falls for me 5 Nelson .,,., for seven hours non-$top and was
last night? exhausted.
F: Sorry, it .,......,....., (already/ A had been driving G has driven
finlsh) by the time I got home. B has been driving D is driving
4 A: How (you/ manage)
to catch such a nasty cold? 6 A storm ..... while they were swimming in the
B: Well, lwo days ago, I ........
{stand} in the rain for twenty minutes
A would break C was breaking
before I {ound a taxi to go home, B breaks D broke

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct

7 Barney's {amily ..... a seaside resort.
post form. A would own C used to own
B was owning D is owning
'l) had been waitinE (wait) for the opportunity 8 Tom ..... to the gym every day when he was
enjoy a luxurious break for years. One morning
A had gone C has been going
B was going D used to go
ition where the first prize was a trip to
. Lucy 4) ........ (neverlenter) a
Fill in: what, what o/an or how.
o competition before, but a few weeks later, as
5) ....,.............. (dr,ive) to work, she found out A: Our car broke down yesterday.
she 6) .........,. (win)l g: iaw unfortunate!
nately, the holiday 7) .......... A: This seahorse looks like a plant.
go) as well as Lucy 8) ,. {hope}.
five-star hotel B: .....,....,.,.,.. amazing creature it isl
that the ccmpetition
... {promise) turned out to be a dirty A: The hotel manager refused to help me.
ected place with extremely rude staff. On the B: .,,.........,.... terrible manners he hasl
day of her stay, she 10) ........ (get) A: These are our holiday photos.
poisoning and on the second day she
B: .............,... beautifr.rl beach!
1) ..-....... (have) her credit card
. On top of thar, ir 12) ......... A: The family in the room next to ours kept
in) all day the whole time she was there so there making lo.ud noise all the time.
no question of going to the beach. Lucy could B: ,..,......... annoying that must have beenl
have been more disappointed. A: Oh, no! lt's raining again.
B: ................. awful wealher we,re having!


Relatives - Relative clauses when it is the object of the relative clause.

woman who is designing our costurnes is from frra,
The lantern {which) Bryan mode was very besutifu
W9 u1e relative pronouns (who/whose/whichlthat)
relative adverbs (wherelwhen/that/why) to introduce
. A non-defining retative clause gives
information and is not essential to the meaning
relative clauses. We use relative clauses to identifyl
describe the person/place/thing in the main clause.
the main sentence, lt is put in commas and
introduced with whq wham, which, whose,
Relative Clause or when.,The relative pronoun cannot be o
l_t__-J This year\ parode, which I partidpoted in,
was a
The man wha orgonised the fesilval is the
mayor, succest.

Note: We usually avoid using prepositions before

Relative pronouns pronouns.
r We use whs/thot to refer to people. The ftight attendant The girl to whom I lent my mobile is my friend. (tor
wha/that showd us to our seCIts was very kind. The Eirlwholthat I lent my mobile fo ls myfnend. (ess
We use which/that to refer to objects or anirnals. The girl I lent my mobile to is my fnend,
ieveryday Engli
The costume which/thst you,re wearing is original.
We use whose with people, animals ind odects to
show possession {instead of a possessive adjective). fiff in the correct relative pronounor adyer$.
Thot's the lody whose son js o magicion.
1 The day when Mr Clarkson retires we'll
Notes: him a going-away party.
t Who, which and thot can be omitted when they are The people organised this year:,
the object of the relative clause; that is when ihere festivities have done an excellent job.
is a noun or a subject pronoun between the relative
The child ... costume is the
pronoun and the verb.
original will win first prize.
song twhichlthat)
Who, whlch
they,re singing is tradittona!.
I'd like to know the reason
and fhof are not omitted when they
are the subject of a relative clause. don't want a party for your birthday.
The boy wha came in dressed as a pirate is my brother, Put all the streamers ............... you a$
Whose is never omitted. nol going to use in that box over there.
She's the wamfrn whote husband had an dccident.
That can be used instead of who or rvhrclr but is
How much do you know about festivals?
never used after commas or prepositions. Fill in the gaps with whose, who, when,
ls fhe
boy wholthat wan the c6ntest, Tom, who won the where, why ar which and answer the
ronfesf, is my best friend. (thot is not passible). questions.

Relative adverbs Name the reason wfry people started

wearing masks at the Venice Carnival,
r We use where to refer to places,
Thot's the shop where yau can buy decorotions, @ to make gossiping about others easier
We use whyto give a reason. B to hide identity between social classes
That's the reesan why he wss late. Name the saint memory i*
r We use when to refer to a time. That was the year honoured at the Las Fallas festival.
when she wrote her first paem. A San Jos6 B $an Antonio
Note: When using wiere or when we do not need
Name the vegetable ".................. peopfe
preposition. The village where he went on holiday carve during the festival at Keene, USA.
an on exatic island, (NOT: The vittage,rhere he went on A potato B pumpkin
holiday in was on an exatic island.i
Name the Spanish town ............."...".... th*
La Tomatinia festival takes place.
Defining and Non-defiffi
relative clauset A Valencia S Madrid
. A definlng relative clause gives 5 Name the date people celebrate
necessary Halloween.
information essential to the meaning of the main
sentence. lt is not put in commas and is introduced
A 30th October B 31st October
with who, which, that, whose, where, when, ot the Name the people . celebrate 4ty
reason (wtty). The relative pronoun can be July as their lndependence Day.
116 A The lrish B The Americans
Fill in the correct Fill in the correct relative pronoan or odverb,
reldtive pronoun Put commas where necessary. Write D (for
adverb. defining) or ND {for non-defining) and say
whether the relative can be omitted.
1 Charles, wfio is my friend's cousin, has
invited me to his fancy dress party.
ND cannofobe omitted
The SziEet Festival, 1) whose name means 'lsland 2 The paper lanterns ........... Anna decorated
Festival', is held annually on obudai lsland, 2) """"""' is her house with were very nice.
on the Danube River in Budapest, Hungary' lt is one of
Europe's biggest cultural events, attracting nearly half a The team parade float wins first
million visitors, 3)'."-..'.'.'' ,,.'.' come from all over prize will appear on a TV interview.
Europe. During the week 4)'......"'....""'." the festival is
held an impressive line-up of famous musicians give
Let's get Tom one of those birthday cards
-heavy 5) '...'"...,"'...'.'.,.,....., range frorn jazz to
plays music when you open it.
metal shows' The island 6)......'.""' """"" the
festivaltakes place offers excellent camping areas and all
facilities necessary to ensure a pleasant and comfortable Last nighl's Adele concert ... ... lasted
stay for those ?) choose to stay three hours was amazing.
there for the whole duration of the event' Something to
note that the main stage closes at 1 1:00 pm' The reason
S) ,,.........,,...,.....,,.,." this happens has to do with a lawsuit
lreland ...... my friend Chloe is from
holds great lestivals all year round.
filed by the mayor of a local district, 9I ..".'."""""""""
complained that the noise prevented people from
sleeping. Despite that, the Sziget Festival is one of the ten August 30th is the date James and
best festivals in Europe, according to the European Lilly celebrate their wedding anniversary.
Festival Awards in 2011'

Valerie sits next to me in class will be

taking part in the town's parade.
Join the gentences, as in the example.
1 I really liked the music. (They ptayed it at The rainy weath€r was the reason
last night's party.) the Millers had to move their party inside.
lreally liked the rnuslc whichlthatthey
played af /ast night's party.
t0 Who was the woman was sitting next
2 The bakery is next to Ftinders Station. {lts
to you at the wedding?
birthday cakes are famous all over town.)

Everyone is trying to find a reason. {This

year's parade was cancelled.) Complete the sentences using your own
ideas and the appropriate relotfye
Tho date was announced yesterday. (The
festivities will start.l 1 I really appreciate people wha always tell
the truth.
The small village is in the south of ltaly. (A 2 $ummer is usually the time
prace there')
:*::::-T::::::i:''takes ;;;;,;;; ,;;;-;; ;;;;"; : :
6 The lady is a professional lashion designer.
' '

(She made Mary's costume.) 4 I preler watchinE film$

7 The big float was impressive. (lt headed the

5 I'll never understand the reason
6 I live next door to a house

Com paratives/Su perlatives Notes:
r We can use elder/eldest for peopie in the sar*,
We use the comparative to compare one person or
family. lill is their eldest doughter,
thing with another. We use the superlative to t further/forther (adv) = longer (in distance)
compare one person or thing with the others of the
further (adj) = msr.
same group. This pafty was bettu than last year,s
The travel ogent's is further/farther down the street.
porty, This party was the best I've ever been to.
I need further assistance.
We often use fhon after a comparative.
Tracy is more helpful thon Zoe, Study the exdmpbs:
We normally use tfie before a superlative. We can
) very + adjective/adverb: lane is o very
use ln or of after superlatives. We often use in with person.
places, much + comparative form of adjective/adverb:
I think Halloween fs ffie mosf exciting of ol! festivals. It is much hstter today than it wos yesterday.
Ihir ri the mast expenslve dish in the restaurant. a bit/o little/far/slighfly + comparative form of
adjective/adverb: J'he crowd was fdr more
Formation of comparatives and superlatives
enthusiastic at this yeor's parode.
Adjectives by far + superlative form of adjective/adverk
. With one-syllable adiectives, we add -(e)r to form This is by for the best performence l,ve evet seen.
the comparative and .(e)sf to form the superlative.
old * alder - the aldest of
Note: For one-syllable adjectives endinE in vowel +
os + adjective + as (to show that two people :u,
consonant, we double the consonant.
things are similar/different in some way). n
thin - thinner - the thinnEst
. negative sentences we use not os/so .., ss. If:
With two-syllable adjectives, we forrn the costume is as impressive os that ane. Ken isn,t w
comparative with more + adiective and the creotive as his sister.
superlative with morf + adjective. . /ess + adjective + than (expresses the
cheertd - more cheerful * the most cheertu!
between two people or things). The opposite x
Note: For two-syllable adjectives ending in consonant
more ... than. lan is less serious than lock.
+ y/ we replace -y with -i and add -er/-est.
funny - funnier - the funniest
the least + adjective + of/in (cornpares ont
. person or thing to two or more people or thinc:
With adiectives having more than two syllables,
in the same group). The opposite is fhe most --
comparatives and superlatives are formed with
of/in. He is the least populor person in his c/oss.
more/the most.
comporative + ond + comparative (to show tha:,
interesting - morc interesting - fhe rnost interesting
something is increasing or decreasing). The c,:t
Note: c/eye7 common, cruel, friendly, gentle, narrow,
centre is becoming more and more crowded.
pleasant, polite, quiet, shaltow, simple, stuprd forrn their
the + comparative ... , the + comparative (lhor'*
comparatives and superlatives either with -er/-est or
that two things change together, or that one thin;,
with mare/the rnost.
depends on another thing). The sooner we leavi
simple - simpler/more simple - the simplest/the most simple
the sooner we'll get there.
r W[th adverbs that have the same form as their Exclamations
adjectives (hard, fast, free, late, high, law, deep, so + adiective/adverb
long, near, straight), we add -erl-est. She rs so organised! He behaved so aggressively!
Iate - loter - the latest such a/on (+ adjective) + singular countable nour..
. Adverbs formed by adding -ty to the adjective take Mrs Welsh is such a generous woman!
more in the comparative and. mosf in the such (+ adjective) + plural/uncountable noun
superlative form, They ore such cheerful young girls!
slawly - more slowly * the most slowly She always weors such fashionoble accessorierl
negative question form
Daesn't she loak tendy in those jeans!
lsn't that a great idea!

Complete the table with the superlative and Put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets into
comparative forms of the adjectives. the correct form.
Adjective Comparative SuBerlative
safe safer lhe safesf
good Hey Phillip, ,
sad Here I am in Kilorglin, lreland, visiting my friend
exciting Connor and having 1) the best (good) time of my lifel
tasty It's the first time l've ever been to lreland and, let me
little tell you, it's far 2) .......... ,.,., (beautiful)
colourful than what we typically see in films or magazines.
These days, a festival called Puck Fair is taking place.
Maybe you haven't heard of it, because it's not as
Write the superlatiye and camparative forms
3) ......,.""... ..,. (famous) as St Patrlck's
of the adverbs.
Day internationally, but itt 4) ...............
1 easily more easily flre mosf easily (old) traditional fair in tre{and, ltt a {antastic evenr
2 badly where everyone is eating, singing and dancing
3 late around very 5) ..........:...".... {happily}. l,ll
4 nicely send you pictures and 6) (much)
information about this celebration in my next email.
5 far
What about you? How are you doing in your new
6 early
house? I bet you get to work rnuch 7) ......................
(quickly) now that you take the tube instead of your
Put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets into
car. Write back to me with your B)
the correct form. Add any necessary words. (late)news.
1 A: Are you still itt?
Take care,
B: Yes, but I feel much befter than (well)
yesterday. George
2 A: Did you enjoy the concert last night?
B: Absolutely! lt was by far ,.......
fnl in: so, such or such a/an.
(amazing) show l,ve ever seen.
3 A: The costume Jenny made was fantasticl 1 This line is moving so slowtyl
2 We're having ... ........ .cold weather lodayl
'' : T ::l :lillTi litlt#il.; ;;;;;; 3 This shop sells .......... nice things!
Why do we have to set off at 6:00 am? 4 The floats at the parade were
Because the earlier we leave, colourf ul!
.. (little) traffic we'il run into. Linda is wearing .,... amazing
Hurry up, witl you? costume!
Slow down, please. I can't walk as ........ lan is trying ..., hard to improve

A,' ;,;; ;;;;;;- ; ;;;-(l;iff,l;iJi'

B: Unfortunately, the staff at this restaurant
his gradesl

Make exclamations using negative question

are getting worse and ...,,..........:............ forms.
... (bad).
A: Why do you want to dress up as 1 He's a rude man. lsn'f he a rude man!
Superman? 2 Les runs fast.
B: Because he's ..,....... 3 Pat made a nice cake.
(easily) recognised superhero of all, 4 Peter is very kind.
A: I'm mad at John for making fun of me. 5 The concert was great.
B: I think that you sometimes take things lar 6 They look funny.
...... (seriousty) you should.
The passive
tll r to make statements more formal or polite"
wallet has been stolen (More polite than sa.r
Form "You stole my wallet.")
We form the passive with the verb fo be in the
appropriate tense and the past participle of the main Changing from the active to the passive:
r The object of the active sentence becomes
Read the table: subject in the passive sentence.
. The active verb remains in the same tense
changes into passive form.
. The subject of the active sentence becomes
agent, and is either introduced with the prepos.:
by or is omitted.
Subject Verb Object
ACTIVE Polmer robbed the bank,
A burglor olarm
instolled by Ben,
A burglar alarm Subiect Verb Agent
was being
PASSIVE The bank was robbed by palmer.
instslled by Ben.
A burglar alorm . Only transitive verbs (verbs that take an object) cm
has been instolled be changed into the passive. The accident
by &en. an the motorwoy. (intransitive verb; no passive forrc,
Note: Some transitive verbs (have, fit (= 6s the riE
size), suit, resemble, etc) cannot be changed into ':-€
passive. The blue uniform suits you. (NOT
. Let becomes be ollowed fo in the passive. They let,*:
go home eorly. - We were allowed to go home earty
. We can use the verb to gef instead of the verb lo g
in everyday speech when we talk about things ti'*:
happen by accident or unexpectedly. Ihe windc.*r:
got smashed in the explosion.
Ben might install . By + agent is used to say who or what carries c.l
a burglar alarm. an action, With + instrument/material/ingredieg
is used to say what the agent used. The safe wal.
We use the passive: braken into by a professianol. It wos opened wi*
. when the person/people doing the actian is/are explosives.
unknown, unimportant or obvious from the r The agent can be omitted when the subject is ther
context. The house was burgled. (We don't know he, someone/somebody, people, one, etc. The buildi:p
who broke into it). hos been vandslised. (= Someone has vandalised t!'*
A verdict will be reached this marning (Who will building.)
reach the verdict is unimportant). . The agent is not omitted when it is a specific i,'
The robber was arrested. (lt's obvious that the important person, or when it is essential to thl
police arrested him). meaning of the sentence. Ihe document wos sign*
. when the action itself is more important than the by the witness.
person/people doing it, as in news headlines, r With verbs which can take two obiects, such *.
newspaper articles, advertisements, instructions, bring, tell, send, show, teach, promise, sell, rea!
formal notices, processes, etc. Eogs mustn,t be teft offer, give, lend, etc, we can form two differer,:
unattended. passive sentences.
. when we want to avoid taking responsihility for an ihe sent me a mysterious parcel. (active) I was sent c
action or when we refer to an unpleasant event and mysteious parcel. (passive, more common)
we do not want to say who or what is to blarne. A mysterlous parcel was senf to nre. (passive, less
My camputer has been hocked. common)
. to emphasise the agent. The announcement was r ln passive questions with who, whom, or whlchw;
made by the Moyar, do not omit by. Who wrcte this story? Who we.
this story written by?

The verbs heor, hetp, see, and moke are followed by
a bare infinitive in the active, but a to-infinitive in Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
the passive. Mum made me opologise. (active) possive form.
I ws made to apologise. (passive)
The person responsible lor a large number o{
mindless act$ 0f vandalism around town 1) was
/Personal passive finally caught {linally/calch} yesterday. lt e} .....
{believe} that the local community C{frlfir,
tlff' I
The verbs believe, consider, expect, know, report, 3)..."..,.......,.... {shock} 0nce the culprit's GEI-ril!'

identity 4) ............... (redeal) to the public. rnrla
say, think, etc have both personal and impersonal
constructions in the passive.
According t0 sources, the vandalism
Brllf I
active: 5) .............,... (cause) by the son of a local lo'* ot&.
Peaple expect that the police wiil catch the
celebrity who felt that he 6) .....,........,....,.., ln8$
mugger. fft4I
(negleci) by his parents. The vandalism was an s"l
passive: lt is expected that the palice will catch the attempt lo attract their attention.
mugger. (im personal construction) lf-

The palice are expected ta catch the Complete the sentences using the words in
mugger. (personal co nstruction) bold. Use two to five words.
active: They say that he wos a smuggler.
passive; lt is said that he was a smuggler. 1 Everyone thinks the judge passed a fair
(impersonal construction) sentence. HAVE
He is said to have been o smuggler. The judge is thought to have passed a fair
(personal construction) sentence.
2 The police are interrogating the suspects.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct The suspects ...................... the police.
pssive form.
3 Security guards protect the bank, lS
1A: lsn't that your neighbour on the news? The bank .... security guards.
Yes, he has been a/resfed {arrest} lor theft. 4 Vandals used spray to paint the walls.
Do you think your area is safe to live in? PAINTED
Absolutely! The streeis The walls .... vandals.
(patrol) by police otficers ail day long. 5 The suspect was said to have been hiding
Are the police still looking for your car? abroad before they caught him. HAD
No, it ......,. ................. (fintt) It was said the suspect
last night. another country before they caught him.
4A: Someone painted the rnayor's car with
spray last week. Comnlete the sentences, as in the example.
1 People believe that they are guilty.
(vandalise) twice before that, It is befieved that they are guilty.
The police think Mr Smithers is a prime They are betieved to be guilty.
suspect in the murder case. 2 Everyone thinks that he isn't telling the truth.
B: I know. He ,,.,........ (question) It
by the detectives as we speak.
6A: Did you get a chance to interview the A local reported that a woman was crying
burglars for your story?
out for help last night.
No, I got to the scene the moment they
...... (take) away
by the police. A woman

7A: May I park my car here, officer? People suspect that he took part in the
B: No, madam, lt .........""..
(tow) away.
8A: What do you think wilt happen to the He
kidnappers? People say that thieves burgled the museum.
B nr€y ......... ........ (probably/ It .....,.......,
*nd) to prison for a long time. The museum
Causative form so much/little + uncountable noun ... thot
We have spenf so much money on seurity
We use have + object + past participle to say that that it's o wonder how the thief got into our houst
we have arranged for sorneone to do something for There was so iittle time between the two explosic
us. Mr Benson hod his house redecoroted. (He didn't that people didn't have enaugh time to escape.
redecorate it himself.) sa many/few + plural noun ... thot
Questions and negations in the causative are There have been Jo many burglaries in i
formed with doldoes (present simple) or did (past neighbourhood that we've begun to worry.
simple) + hove + object + past participle, I have so few days off thst itt nof worth going
When did you have security locks fitted? for my holidays.

the exchanses usins the

E .H:1""::
1 A: How come Quentin is staying with
this week?
B: He is having trls house pajnted (his
ast Continuous house/paint) and he can't stand the sme.
2 A: Why did Jodie go to the police?
B: Because she ........... .....(hs
passporU steal) this morning.
3 A: Did you get a burglar alarm?
B: Yes, but we .........
instatt) tomorrow r;;;ir;.
Notes: 4 A: My computer is making funny noises.
r We also use the causative form to say that B: You should .,.....,. (iUchecb;
something unpleasant or unexpected happened to by a technician.
sornebody. Steven had his cor stalen last week. 5 A: Where do you get this amazing tea?
. We can use gef instead of have only in informal
conversation. Yau should get those reports typed up.
B: I ........... ,...... (it/send) to r.*
from England every month,

Clauses of result 6 A: You paid so titile for the plane ticketsl

B: That's beeause L.,.............,....... (ther*
Clauses of result are used to express result. They are book) long before prices went up.
introduced with the following words/phrases:
. fls o result/therefare/consequently/as o consequence Rewrite the sentences using the causotiye.
He acted quickly, As a result/fherefore/Consequentlyl
Aso consequence, he monaged to catch the pickpocket. 1 The Police Commissioner asked an otficer
. such a/an + adjective + singular countable noun to email him the offender's lile.
,,. that - lt was such a mysteriaus crime that nobody The Police Cornmlssioner had the affende: x
could solve it. file emailed ta him.
such + adjective + plural/uncountable noun ... fhat 2 They have asked a bakery to make the.,r
They were such hard working employees that tttey wedding cake.
were given a pay rise. We were having such bad
weather thdt we decided fo sfoy rndoors.
Nicole will ask her mother to shorten h*:
such o lot of + plural/uncountable noun ,". ffiot
There were such a lot of people qt the concert that
we couldn't see the stage. Thsre was such CI lot of
noise that he cauldn't heor the guest speaker. 4 A plumber was repairing lan's kitchen tap.
so + adjective/adverb ... that
The plot wds io interesting that I couldn't put the A police officer read the arresied man h,*
book down. The thief was running so fost thdt the rights.
policeman couldn't catch him,
so + adjective + a{n) + noun ... thqt
It wss so hard a task that we gave up. 6 A mechanic services John's car every year

Read the situations and then write sentences Fill in: so, such (a/an), so much/little or so
using the causotive, as in the example. mony/few.
1 Famous designers create outfits for Hollywood 1 A: Did you get the tickets?
stars. What do Hollywood stars do? They have
B: No, there were sa many people waiting
their outtits created by famous deslgners.
in line that I decided to teave.
2 The boxer's nose broke during a match. 2 A: Did Monica get a fine?
What happened to the boxer?
B: No, it was .:......,........ minor an otfence
that she was let ofl with a warning.
Maria will ask her secretary to deliver some
documents to a client. What will she do? 3A; There was another break-in down the
street last week.
B: What a shame! This used to be
Mrs Kravis has been to an optician, who
.... safe neighbourhood that
tested her eyes. What has she done? .........
we all left our doors unlocked at night.
4A: Do you think they'll find Robert Merdinct
The Fords asked someone to replace their guilty?
car alarm. What did they do?
B: No, he's got .,.......... money
that he'll hire the best lawyers to clear
An electrician is repairing Anna's fridge, his name.
What is she doing?
5Ar Will the police continue lhe investigation?
B: No, they have .......................,.. clues
Choose the correct answer. that I think they'll drop it.
6A: Will he stand trial?
A had taken C took B: No, there's evidence
D that they can't form a case against him.
O was taken was taking
7A: What do you think the jury's verdict will be?

A had cut it C has it cut

B: He's done terrible things that
theres no way they'll declare him not guilty.
B was cut D had it cut
3 Mike's car was scratched ..... a sharp object.
Join the sentences using the words in
Abv B from C with D of brackets. Add any necessary words.
Julie and Daniet want ..... by a professional.
The crime rate in the area has increased.
A to have their wedding catered Many people are afraid to go out alone at
B having their wedding catered night. (as a result) The crime rate in the area
C to have catered their wedding has jncreased, As a resuft, many people are
D to be catering their wedding afraid to go out alone at night.

Jackson .,... to testily in court. She had very much work to do. She left the
office at g:00 pm. (such a tot of)
A wasn't let C wasn't allowed
B didn't let D didn't ailow
He was acting suspiciously. The police
The boys were made ..... the graffili from the brought him in for questioning. {so)
school walls.
A to clean c to have cleaned He had told her many lies in the past. She
B cleaning D to be cleaned could no longer forgive him. (so many) ......
7 lt is believed that the stoten painting ...,. to an
art dealer abroad. 5 They were found guilry of kidnapping. They
received a long prison sentence.
A have sold C has been sold
B has had it sold D has sold
The crime scene ..... right now, She is an unreliable witness. Her testimony
A has got invesrigated C is investigating will not be taken into account. (such an)
B is being investigated D gets investigated
Conditionals: types Al1 nB :

Conditional clauses consist of two parts: the if-clause r Question tags are short questions at the end ,g
(hypothesis) and the main clause (result). statements.
When the f-clause com€s before the main clause, the I We use them in speech to confirm something
two clauses are separated with a comma. lf you place to find out if something is true or not.
the order online, we'll deliver the goods immediately, r We form them with the auxiliary verb or modal veri*,
from the nnin sentence and the appropriate subjes
pronoun. You haven't seen my glasses, have youT
He con fix it, con't he?
0 conditlonal iflwhen + Use
general truth present simple . A positive statement takes a negative question tag"
or scientific Ben is your brother, isn't he?
yau click this buttan, the computer
fact r A negative statement takes a positive question taa.
She didn't lose the ticftefs, did sheT
simple future, r When the verb of the sentence is in the presers
lst conditional imperative,
simple, we use do (not)/does (not) in the question tag
real, likely to can/must/ may,
lan owns this shop, doesn't he?
happen in the etc + bare infinitive . When the verb of the sentence is in the past simpic.
presentffuture lf there's enouqh time, we will visit we use did (not). He lied to us, didn't he7
Some verbs/expressions form question tags differenti;i:

I am -+ aren't l? I'm late, aren't

I unfeal rmperailve --+ will you/

imaginary Sit down, willlwon't youT

lf we hod a faster computer; we could won't you?
situation in Don't --r willyou?
play this online Eame. BUT We don't Don't lauqh, will vou?
hove a fsster compufer. (untrue in L€t's --r Shall we? Let's go outside, shsll we?
You nave (got) ')
. advlce the present). lf I were you, !
haven't you?
You have g$t a catl
wouldn't touch those wrres. (advice) haven't youT
lney nave (other Iney hove lunch at naot
3rd have + past
meanings) --+ don't they? don't they?
conditional participle This/That is -r isn't it? That's her book, isn't it?
r imaginary
situation ln lf
yau had listened to me, you lntonation
the past
wouldn't have got intl trouble. r When we are sure of the answer, the voice goes dolr:
. regret (butyou didn't)
in the question tag. He'llcome with us, won,t he? (t3
r criticism lf you hudn't forgatten the possword, When we are not sure of the answer and want tcr
I could have occessed the progrom. check information, the voice goes up in the
question tag. She didn't pay for this, did she? (t1
c We can use were instead of wos for all persons in
the if-clause of Type 2 conditionals. Underline the correct item.
lf he weren't/wasnt so tired oll the tlme, he would
take up a habby. 1 lf I were you, l{vgul4 bacl.r.{p/back up my fites"
. With type 1 conditionals we can use unless + 2 We would have got some great pictures if w-*
affirmative verb or if + negative verb. tooUhad taken our camera with us.
They will not be considered for the job unless they lf I had enough money, I will buy/would buy
have experience. (They will not be considered for a 3D TV.
the job if they don't have experience.)
lf you get/got an e-reader, you'll able to
We use if to show that something might happen,
download your favourite books.
whereas we use when to show that something will
definitely happen. lf there's no ink in the printer, it wouldn't work
lf she comes over tonight, l'll tell her, (^ she might doesn't work.
come over.) lf Shane didn't forget/hadn't forgotten hi*
When she comes over tonight, I'll tell her. (= she will password, he would have accessed his
definitely come over.) email account.
Don't install the sottware unless you are/
will be sure that it's virus,free,
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
tense to form conditionals,
tense to form conditianals.
1 lf Charles hadn'f senf (noUsend) me an email,
I wouldn't have known about the change in
lf you had t0 name one gadget or device that you
2 A mobile phone stops working when its battery couldn't live without, which t) wou/d it be (it/be)? Share
{go) dead. your tech addiction witii other btoggersl
lf I ........,..,. ,... (be) you, I woutd
upgrade my FC, Hi, l'm Kevin and if you Z) ...... (ask) me the
lf Angela's lnternet hadn't crashed, we same question a couple of years ago, I 3)
(chat) ontine. (answer) "my m0bile", without hesitation! But if t had to
name my favourite gadget today, I 4) .,......".......
lf Mary buys a new laptop, she ..,................
(let) her brother have her old one. {choose) my tablet PC. Whether it's for c0rnrnunicati0n.
work or play this littte gadget does it ail!
lf you had a digital camer&, you ..................
{not/need) to buy fitm all the time. Hey everyone! This is Gwen and I nrnst say that I love
(you/send) me a text my smartphone! If my brothcr 5) .."......"...,..
message when you get the tickets? (not/buy) one for me last year, I 6)
(not/enjoy) such high quality sound, pictures and all
sorts o{'olher ieaturcs today. in fact, I havc my eye on
Look at the pictures and then use the ideas the latest model now, but it's stilt quite priccy. Well,
to write conditional sentences. What type is when the price 7) (tlrop) ro a morc
each sentence? affordable level, I S) ...... "" .. (get) it for sure.

lriends aren't onlinil

frle cantt all ehat together, Complete the sentences.
1 lf I had more free time, ....
lf ny friends were 2 ll I saw someone suspicious in my street,
anline, we eauld all chat
t?gether. (TyBe 2)

0o you want t0 make a

4 lf it doesn't stop raining
call? l'll lsnd you my phone. 5 lf I had saved up more money,

rif f in the correct question tags.

1 You saw what happened, dirln't you?
2 He's having a party tonight, ...."....

had my mobtte withlfiAl

This FC is so oldl I can,'t

any nice games on it

Clauses of purpose Wishes
Clauses of purpose are used to explain why somebody We can use wish/if only to express a wish.
does sonrething.

We can express positive purpose using:

. to + infinitive He's training ta be a grophic artist. lwish lwst/were
to say that we
. in order ta/so as to + infinitive (formal) better with
would like
Ite had a part-time iab sa ss to pay far dlege. computers. (but
something to be
t so that/in order that + can/will (prerentifuture l'm not) lf only we
different about a
reference) l'll write my possword down so thot/ln weren't warking
present situation
lQfe. (but we are)
arder that I will nat farget it.
t so thatlin order that + could/would (past reference) + cauld +
to express
She bought a cdse so that/in order that she could lwish lcould wish/regret in thr
carry her laptop araund. design a website. present concernir
t in + present tense (present/future reference)
cose lack of ab
Take a credit card with you in case you wont ta buy lwish I hsd taken
to express regrei L
something extra. a computer caurse
about something ;[
. in case + past tense (past reference) She saved the of co/lege. (but I
which happened
document on o CD in case her computer crashed. didn't) lf only I f
or didn't happen $
Note: in cose is never used with will or would. l'll toke hodn't lent Tim
a mop, ln case we get /osf. (NO?I. ... we will-ge$) phone. (but I did)
in the past f
. for + noun (expresses the purpose of an action)
l've bought a set of brushes for my art course. to express:
I wish Sue wauld
. for+ -rng form (expresses the purpose of something + subieet + reply to my emails!
t a polite
or its function) This device for printing photos.
is used would + lf only you
imperative *
t with o view to + -ing form Tony went to university bare
r a desire for a
wouldn't borraw
or i

wlth a view to becoming o technician. infinitive situation

my CDs without
person's behaviou*
asking me.
We can express negative purpose using: to change t
, in order not to/so oi nof to + infinitive
He listened carefully in order not ta/so as not to
make a mistake. Notes:
Notel We never use not to to express negative purpose. : If onlf is used in exactly the same way as wish bui,ri

e prevent + noun/pronoun (+ from) + -rng form is more emphatic or more dramatic. lf only t werent?
They blocked certoin sites to prevent children (from) sa tired allthe time.
accesslng them. r We can use were instead of wos after r+ish and *l
. avoid + -ing form You should avoid sharing persano! only. lwish lweren't/wasn't so busy.
information online.
so that + can't/won't (present/future reference)
l'll call him so that he won't farget the meeting,
so thot + couldn't/wouldn't (past reference) Underline the correct item.
He took o toxi ro thot he wauldn't be lote. 1 You need a special device for/to burn DVDs.
Notes: 2 Kelly wants a smartphone sols/so that skF
r Clauses of purpose should not be confused with can connect to the lnternet.
clauses of result. 3 The scientists built the robot with a view t*. {-
Clauses of purpose are introduced with so that/in in order to deepening their understanding
order that ... She saved up rnoney so fhst she could how children learn about the world.
trovel abroad. (this shows purpose) 4 Joanna searched the lnternet in case/so
Clauses of result are introduced with so/such ... that. to find cheap airline tickets.
Some cornputers sre now so small thot you can hold 5 This device is used for storing/so that h
them in one hsnd, (result) store large {iles.
. Clauses of purpose follow the rule of the sequence 6 l'll print my hotiday photos so thauso m
of tenses the same way that clauses of time do. I can mail them to my grandparents,
(see p. 149) I'll turn on the printer so that I con print 7 Check your email in order/in case Jane ha$i
the document. l took a digital camers with me sa sent you the details of next week's dance,
that I could take some pictures.
jl ,"tn the sentences using the words in brackets. Chloe is at school trying to work on her
My travel agent calted me, He wanted to tell pro,iect. Read what she says and make
me that nny tickets were ready. (in order to) sentences. as in the example.
My travelagenf ca{led me in order to tet! me
that fiy frckefs were ready. ;'*l;'i'i'ilfrii ii ;,i?v'ffi ,.H;:+tfi+u"'
F:lllli$: L:iai-+;!:/
Christie has printed an extra copy of the . The people nexi to
rne Won'tStOptalkinO
document. She might lose the first one. (in
-o I [an't ".o,
find all the info
. I lefr my
srisiur;i n;*e
Carlos bought a digital music p[ayer. He and I can,t see very
wanted to be able to listen to music while
jogging. (so ihat)
. I have to stay
here till late"
Marla saves her work every few minutes.
She doesn't want to lose anything if her / wr-sh thrs cornpufer wasn,t so s/or.,y
computer crashes. (so as not to)

Chris usually does his shopping online. He

doesn't want to wait in a queue at the shops.

lvan wants a webcam. He wants to see his

friends when he chats with them online, (in
order that) ao*olete the sentences, as in the exampte.
1 lf Sandra wasn't so arrogant, sfle would
have more friends.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct 2 l{ only I hadn't lied to my teacher,
tense, 3 I wish ihe weather
1 ,A: Have you heard from Nelson since he 4 I wish we would install a burglar alarm ...... .

moved to Manchester? 5 lf my friends agree,

B: No, and I wish I knew (know) his email
address so I could write to him. i Complete the sentences using the words in
2A: Can't we stay a bit longer? l,m really bold. Use two to five words.
enjoying this place.
1 li's a pity lcouldn't attend the lecture. GONE
B: li only we .............,.... (have) more ilmel I wish I cauld have grone fo the lecture.
3A: Jacob will definitely not have finished his 2 lf it weren't raining we could go on a boat
assignment by Friday.
ride. STOP
B: I bet he wishes he .......".,.. lf only
(not/leave) it so late now. . so we could
go on a boat ride.
4A: How do you like your new house? 3 lt's a pity Oscar didn't get the promotion for
B: It's nice but I wish we .........,.. $enior manager. BEEN
(live) a bit closer to the city cehtre.
Oscar wishes ...... to
5A: The view from up here is stunning. senior rnanager.
B: It is. lf only we 4 lt's a shame we won't be able to go to Dar,;n.s
{remember} to bring the cameral party. COULD
Sheldon can be so annoying at times. I wish ........ to Da..,..-: :.-..
I know. I wish he 5 Kate regrets telling 'e- -*-
making those stupid jokes all the time.
{stop) He -.::-:' -A.l:
Kate wishes . .
What a beautiful vasel *:4.,,;
6 l{'s a !;;:i .,,.! tt-.
It's great. lf only L.",,"............,... (carry) I !-d-

more money on me so we could buy it.

Some verbs can take either the to-infinitive or the
-ing form with a change in meaning. I


(to) be written
. forget + fo-infinitive = not remember
She forgot to bring her tennis rackef.
. forget + -ing form = not recall
I'll never farget winning a silver medal
(to) have been t
(to) have written remember + fo-infinitive = not forqet
Did you remember to take your vitamin pills!
. remember + -irrg form = recall I remember
yau abaut the basketballmotclt yesterda3
mean + fo-infinitive = intend to
He didn't mean ta hit you.
mean + -ing form = involve
present simple/will *r present infinitive Ploying spart professionally rneanstwining very ha=|

present continuous/future continuous

t regret + fo-infinitive = be sorry to (normally .

present continuous infinitive

used in the present simple with verbs such as ,,

soy, tell, inform) I regret ta infsrm you that your $

past simple/present perfectipast perfect/future
perfect 'r perfect infinitive
request has been denied. t
t regret + -ing form = feel sorry about
past continuous / present perfect continuous / past He regrets not acceptlng the promatian,
perfect continuous --+ perfect continuous infinitive fry + tG.infinitive = attempt, do one's best
He tried to iump over the hurdle, but he couldn'i.
The to-infinitive is used:
try + -ing form = do something as an experirnei:
a to express purpose. He's ioined a gym to build muscle.
Try following a balanced diet. You'll feel fitter
a after certain verbs that refer to the future (agree,
sppef,rt decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse, . stop + fo-infinitive = stop temporarily in order j
etc). She hoped ta qualify for the Olyrnpic games. to do something else A

aller would like, would prefer, would love, etc to The marathon runner stopped to have o drink.
express a specific preference. We would love to o stop + -ing form = finish doing something

watch the football match with yau tanight. lan stopped eating sugary sncc&s.
after adjectives which describe feelings/emotions . would prefer + fo-infinitive (specific preference) ;
(happy, glad, sad, etc), express willingness/ prefer to go bowling tonight. lt's quieter on weeftdrrrl
unwillingness (eager, reluctant, willing, etc) or refer . prefer + -ing form (general preference)
to a person's character (clever, lrind, etc); and the I prefer swimming in the sea to swimming ln a pc<l9;
adiectives lrcftyand fortunate,
l'm glad to see you are well again.
a after too/enough. lt wosn't cold enaugh to go skiing,
a in the expressions to tell you the truth, ta be
honest, to sum up, te hegin with, etc. fo be honest,
I forgat to pick up the tdrets far the motch.

The infinitive without to (bare infinitive) is used:

. after modal verbs. They might win the reloy race. having been playe,:
. after the verbs let, make, see, heer, and feel.
The -ing form is used:
The coach made him run qraund the frsck.
BUT we use the to-infinitive after be made, be
r noun. Skydiving is a thrilling sport.

heard, be seen, etc (passive form).

r after certain verbs: admit, appreciate, avoid,
continue, deny, go (for activities), imogine, mind,
He wss made to run around the track.
quit, sove, suggest, proctise, prevent.
after hod better and would rother,
Have you csnsidered taking port in a triothlon?
t would rather take up scuba-diving /essons,
. a{ter iove, like, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hsfe to expre*i
help can be followed by the to-infinitive, but in
general preference. She prefen doing outdaor spCIr*
American English it is normally followed by the
BUT for a specific preference (would like/wauld
infinitive without to.
preferlwould love) we use fo-infinitive.
She helped me (ta) put on my geor.
She wauld prefer to loin on oerobics class.

after expressions such as: be busy, it,s no use, it,s no
good, itt(not) worth, what,s the use of, con,t help, Underline the correct item.
tlere's no point (in), can't stand, have dtfficuity 1 Chris refuses to eaUeating any fried food.
(in), hove trouhle, elc.
2 Can you tellltelling coach Sanders that l,ll be
lohn con't help stresslng abaut the race. late for practice tomorrow?
after spend, waste, or /ose (time, money, etc).
He spends two haurs troining at the gym. This week, our basketball coach is making
after the preposition fo with verbs and expressions us to practise/practise two extra hours
such as: look forward to, be used to, in oddition to, every day. '
object to, prefer (doing sth to doing sth else)_ Do you think you are fit enough competing/
She's used to waking up at dawn. to compete in the race?
after other prepositions. I can't help feeling/feelthat the umpire's
He wss thinking af getting a personal trainer. ruling was unfair.
ln addition to go/going to the gym every
better morning, Ethan jogs for two hours in the
I_hod better + present bare infinitive (for pr€senti They were seen leave/to leave the building in
future reference) You'd better do warm-up exerclses. a hurry.
i= You should do warm-up exercises.) Why didn't they let your team to compete/
It would have been better if + past perfect (for past compete in the stale championships?
lt waald have been better if you had
It was very kind of the Millers donating/to
ruted your sprained onkle. (= you should have donate all the money lor the team,s uniforms.
:ested your sprained ankle,)
10 Would you mind not talking/not to talk so
loudly? I'm trying to watch the game.
rather = l'd prefer Rephrase the following sentences using the
When the subject of would rather is also the
correct form of the infinitiue.
subject of the following verb, we use:
I'd rather + present bare infinitive (for present/ 'l I'm sure Janet is working right now,
ruture reference) - t'd rather hove my own Janet must be working riEht now.
quipment. 2 Hopefulty, I will get my nsw bicycle tomorrow
I'd-rather + perfect bare infinitive (for past
I expect
reference) - l'd rather have watched the
Eome on
trVhen the subiect of would rather is different from It looks like the children are having fun snow
the subject of the following verb, we use: tubing down the stope.
I'd rother sh + past simpte (for present/future The children seem
reference) * I'd rather yau didn,t play camputer
*smes alldoy, William was sad that he was forced to leave
l'd.rather sb + past perfect (for past reference) * the team after his injury.
l'd rather you had taken up a team spart.
William was sad
prefer + gerund/noun + to + gerundlnoun
{general preference) - I prefer playing footbail to
doing o msrtialart. It would have been better if I had joined the
prefer + full infinitive + rother thon + bare beginners' aerobics class.
infinitive (general preference) - I prefer ta skl I would rather
rsther thon snowboard.
wauld prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bare According to what he said, he was working
infinitive (specific preference) - !,d prefer to out at the gym at the time of the robbery.
celehrate at harne rsther than go to o restaurant. He claimed
would rather + bare infinitive + than + bare
infinitive l'd rather jog in the pork than ioin a gyftr.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Fill in: would rather, prefer(s), would prefer ar
infinitive or -ing form. had better.
I A: Why don't we go bungee jumping this 1 Allan would prefer to spend this weekend
weekend? home rather than go out with his friends.
B: l'm afraid I can't ffake (make) it. I have 2 lt's lreezing out there. you .,...,.....
too much work ........".................. (do). put on a warmer jacket.
2 A: Mark was really lucky ......... Andrea cooking
{find) his stolen bike. own meals to eating out.
B: Yes, and from now on I hope he avoids I .............,., you didn't
{teave) it outside. me the final score of the game; l,ve tapeC
3 A: John must .......... .. (stay up) and I'll be later.
late working on his assignment last night, 5 You........,.. consult
B: Well, he shouldn't .....".........,...,, (waste) personal trainer in order to have an
his time (watch) TV routine that's just right for you.
all day. Mary usually has a big breakfast but
4 A: I'm thinking of ................,............, (buy) she .....,,.... to have
this bike. What do you think? cofiee and a piece of toast,
B: ,.... (be) honest, I don't think
it's worth (spend) so in person than chat with them online.
much rnoney on a bike that's clearly for I My family and I
prolessional cyclists. playing board games together to watching
Do you think ......... ..... (join) TV in the evenings.
an aerobics class is a good idea?
B: Well, never ..................{do} [f ,u* the verbs in brackets into the correct
aerobics myself, I couldn't really say. form.
1A: I hurt my knee in basketball practice a

tr mr:n;;tilbracket'
into the correct ago and it still hurts.
Then you had better see (see) a doclle,
Some athletes stop participating about it.
(participate) in professional competitions 2A: Do you like squash?
once they reach a certain age.
B: Not really. I prefer (do) outdom
We regret (announce) sports to ........,.....(play) indoor games,
that flight 246 to Bilbao has been cancelled.
3A: Let's play a video game.
lf you want to eat more healthily, you should
B: Actually, I'd rather we ,...........
trY '...'...,.... {cut down (watch) the football game on TV.
on) fatty foods.
Jane forgot 4A: Do you ever drive to work?
Joe to the party so she sent him a text B: Never. lprefer .(use)
message. transport rather than .....".,.....,.....
stuck in rush hour traffic every day.
Luckily, George remembered
(take) his passport just before he teft for the 5A: Why don't we join an aerobics class?
airport. B: l'd prefer .,,........,..,....{ta
6 Gsod sportsmanship means martial arts classes.
(respect) your opponents as well as the 6A: What a pity we couldn't get a hotel
rules of the game. with a view of the sea.
7 You know Sam. Don't you remember B: Well, it would have been better if
(meet) him at
Kate's retirement party? *n*,,n*i" ;;;; ;;;; ;"fr":Jl,,ni::'
8 The runner tried .,........ Do you want to sign up for the
(finish) the marathon but he was too tired, new football team?
No, l'd rather
(join) the water polo tearn.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Choose the correct item.
infinitive or -ing form. 1 There's no point ..... with the referee; his mind is
made up,
A: l've been invited 1l to go (go) bungee jumping next A to argue
weekend, but I don't know whether I should
@ arguing
B ol arguing D you argus
,........ .......... (accept).
8: Well, 3) ......... ...,.. (do) dozens of bungee jumps' I'd rather you .....,boxing; you could seriously
let me 4) .,,.,..,..,...........,. (assure) you that it's very hurt yourself.
safe. A not to take up C not taking uP
A: That's what everyone keeps telling me, but I B wouldn't take up D didn't take uP
remember 5)................ (hear) about a
James is really competitive and can't stand .'...
bungee jump that went terribly wrong a few years
in a game.
ago and lhave trouble 6) ,..,...........'...... (believe) it's
as safe as everyone says,
A losing C to losing
8: OK. l'm going bungee jumping this Sunday, and I'd
B to lose D lose
be happy 7) ......... (take) you with me Keith stopped ..... to the gym every day because
so you can see for yourself how easy and safe it is.
he couldn't find the time for it any more.
A: l'd 8) ......... (love) thatl A going C having gone
B togo D to be going
Put the verbs in brackets into the Nicolas was lucky ..... the motorcycle accident
G,orrect infinitive or -rng form. ' with only a few bruises.
A having escaped
B to have been escaping
C to have escaped
D having been escaped
How can you forget ..... the Olympic champion?
,ll to be (be) fun but You got his autograph!
A to meet C to have met
lchoose) the sport that's just right B having been met D meeting
br you isn't always easy. Do you
preler . (plaY) outdoor I suggest ..... tizzy drinks if you want to lower
5ports to indoor ones? Do you enjoy your sugar intake.
{l..,..,.......... (parlicipate) in team
A to give up C give uP
,cports or would you rather
l f) ....... (do) an individual sport? B giving up D be giving uP
i fnese are just some of the questions you need
We would love ..... swimming today.
! ft (ask) yoursell belore
A going C to go
i .,..,.........
1 (pick) one that you would
B to have D go
lnce you've decided 0n a sport, try 9) ..,....,,,......, (do) It would have been better if he ..... back into
I .rour best at it. However, don't expect training so soon after had the accident.
i 10) ,......,.,..... (excel) in the sport right away.
A hadn't gone C didn't go
$ive it a fair go and if after a while you feel that
i fou're not improving 0r, m0re importantly, not . B wouldn't go D wasn't going
*njoying the sport you've selected, try
I think Callum is simply too lazy ...., off his sola
tl) .............. ......... (talre up) something else.
and start doing some sports.
-lust remember that spotts are fun and .# A getting C to get
good tor your health, but not everyone is &
fre sporty type. You should just |* B to have got D having got
r tz).. .... .. . i;Jrian acivitv q
11 Someone heard the team owner ..... that he
fiat allows you 13)
{erpress} your personality and
would bring in two new players.
lelps you 14) ......,,..,.,..... ..., A to say C to be saying
{develop) your skills. There are B to have said D say
-undreds of things to do!

Reported speech
Direct speech is the exact words someone said. We Present simple -r Past simple
use quotation marks in direct speech.
"l like cold weather"
Reported speech is the exact meaning of what someone
said, but not the exact words. We do not use quotation Present continuout -+ Past continuous
marks in reported speech. The word thot can either be said (that) it wos snowing-
used or omitted after the introductory verb (soy, fell, etc).

Say - Tell "They hove set up She ssid {that) they had set
. sol + no personal object camp.
Henry said ftftat) he was scored.
. $oy + fo + perronal object
Henry said to me (that) he was scored.
. tell + personal object
Past continuous -+ Past continuous or
Henry tald me (that) he was scared.
. Past Perfect continuous
we use Jof + to-infinitive but never say about. We
ul She said (that) she wos
use telJ sb, speak/talk about. was helping the
Ihe aufhodties sold fo ryacuafe the area. flaod victims."
She told usfspa*eltalked ohout her ambitians.

hello, good morningiafternoon, etc

something/nothing, so, a few words, no
more, for certainlsure, sorry, etc, Certain words and time expressions change accordir4i
the truth, a lie, a story a secret, a joke, the to the meaning as follows:
time, the difference, one from another, now -r thefl, immediately
somebody one's name, sonlebody the way, today -) that day
somebody so, someone's fortune, etc. yesterday the day before, the previous day
a question, a favour, the price, about somebody, t0morrow 1 the next/following day
the time, around, for somethingisomebody, etc, this week J that week
last week -l the week before, the previous wee*
next week -+ the week after, the following week
Reported statements ago -+ before
r ln reported speech, personal/possessive pronouns here -+ there
and possessive adjectives change according to the
meaning of the sentence.
Soraft sord "l've lost all ny belangings.* (direct i Fill in: say, tellor osk in the correct form.
Sarah ssid fthotJ sftr frad losf all her betonEings. 1 He walked out ol the room without saying a:

(reported statement) word to anyone.

r We can report someone's words either a long time 2 The guide ........, us that the volcan*,
after they were said (out-of-date reporting) or a short hadn't erupted for centuries.
time after they were said (up-to-date reporting). 3 The news report didn't
Up-to-date reporting anything about people being trapped by F.*
The tenses can either change or remain the same in avalanche.
reported speech. The tourist . a local for directio**:
Direct speechl Tony soid, "l was in the ftood"" to the museum.
Reported speech: trony sord t#at he was/had been in book
the flaod.
This the story ol tk
hurricane survivors.
I'm tired of ..........,..........,. John the sarT,*
Out-of-date reporting
thing over and over again,
The introductory verb is in the past sirnple and the
tenses chanEe as follows: Can you please stop ........... me ilre
time every five minutes?
I asked Bob what time the tast train left but he
couldn't ,...... lor sure.

An earthquake hit a small seaside town a Turn the following sentences into reported
short while ago. Report what some of the speech,
people who experienced the event said.
1 "We will have to wait until the flood waters
e"sffi' recede," the rescuer said.
I'il never forget the Ihe rescuer,said #?al they woutd haye lo wail
terrible sound just before until the f/ood wafers receded.
the earthquake hit. I've 2 "lt was five degrees below zero yesterday,"
never heard anything lil<e Naomisaid.
that in rny life,
"lt's raining really hard," Vicky said.
Lyn said tflef ,$he wauld nerer fcrgef the tenibfe
sound jusr before the sar#lgr,r8ke ff1adi fiit. She
"We were having our English lesson when
had n*ver heard anything tike that in her life.
we felt the ground shake," the children said.

I feel lucky that l'm safe.

The house next to mine
collapsed and the
"lt hasn't stopped snowing since yesterday,',
Amanda told Ethan.
rescue teams are still
looking fcr injured
people under the rubble. "lt looks like we'll need to evacuate the
village," the rnayor said. .........

"We're flying to Scotland next week," James

and Lilly said

Underline the correct item. What were the

Sorne people are afraid that
a tsunami willfollow but I speaker's exact words?
don't think so. There have 1 A: ls Carlos enjoying his time in London?
been much stronger quakes
than this in the iown but B: No, He told me it wouldn't stop/hadn't
we've never had a tsunami. glggtrd raining since the pravious week.
"/f hasn't $fopped raining $rnce lasf weekl'
2 A: Did you tell Janet to call her mum?
B: Yes, and she said that she did/would do
it immediatety.

3 A: Has Sarah called the hotel to confirm our

reservations yet?
B: No, but she told me she was going to
We're OK but our '\ do/had heen doing it later that day.
young son hasn't got
over the shock yet.
We're stilltrying to 4 A: Are you and Joe going to the game
calm him down. tornorrow?
B: Yes, he said he was already buying/had
already bought courtside tickets.

5 A: ls Pam playing tennis with us later?

B: No, she said she dldn't have/wasn't
having a racquet.

Reported questions To report orders or instructions/ we use the veria
. Reported questions are usually introduced with the
order or fell + sb + (not) fo-infinitive.
"Stop running," she told them, (direct order)
verbs osl<, inquire, wonder, or the expression wonf
She told them to stap ranning" (reported order)
to know.
"Don't enter the buitding,,, the policeman told trc,
When the direct question begins with a question
mon. (direct order)
word (whq where, how, when, whof, etc), the
The policemon ordered the mon not fo enter {tc:
reported question is introduced with the same
buitding. (reported order)
question word.
"When did it stort snawing?,' he asked. (direct question)
tlepsked when ftnoOai
it had started snowing. (reported
When the direct question begins with an auxiliary (be,
do, have) or a modal verb (ccn, may, etc), then the
reported question is introduced with rf or whether.
"Do you like ice-hockqr?,' he asked he; (direct question)
He asked her if/whether she liked ice-hockey. (reported
question) must/had fo (obligation) (*must remains the sar:-e
ln reported questions, the verb is in the affirmative. when it expresses possibility or deduction), needn,t *
The question mark and words/expressions such as didn't need to/didn't hove to (present reference. ,

please, well, oh, etc are omitted. The verb tenses, wouldn't hove to (future reference). Would, could,.
pronouns and time expressions change as in used ta, mustn't, should, might, ought to ar hod bettw
statements, remain unchanged in reported speech.
"Can you lend me your umbrella, pleose?,, he asked
(direct question)
He asked her if she could lend him her umbrella. soid, "l'll pick you he
(reported question) up later." pick rne up later.
He said, can't help -.H" )he
lndirect questigns yau naw." me then. sent)
. Indirect questions are used to ask for advice or seid, "l can send
--+ able to send the parcel the
information. They are introduced with: Coutd you the parcel next week."
tell me .,,?, Do you know ...?, I wonder ..., I waii to following week. (future)
know ..., I doubt ..., etc and the verb is in the Hesaid,'W __rHe said (that) it
tonight." '
affirmative, lf the indirect question starts with , thot night.
want to know .,., I wgnder ,,, or I doubt..., the said, "Where sholl He osked me where tltiy
question mark is omitted. -+ should stay the night.
stay the night?,,
Direct question ,,Whol,s the weather like?,' (information)
lndirect guestion Do you know what the weather He seid, " tapply , asked (me) if hi
is like? the job?" for the iab. (odvice)
ne 5ete,. Jnail I nep
said, "Shall hetr-.1e affered to help me pack
you pack your suitcase?,, ' my suitcose. (offer)
Reported commandslrequestsl
suggestions/orders llesaid,"Youmus@
in the form." '
r Reported commands/requests/suggestions are
He said, "They miitfr
in the form, (abligotion)
introduced with a special introductory verb (odvise,
ask, beg, suggest, etc) followed by a fo_infinitive,
the rescue teom., -' the rescue teom. (deduction)
-ing torm, or a fhot-clause, depending on the
an Hesaid,"Wena@
introductory verb.
better prepore for the *, better prepare fai the
"Toke your coat with you,,, he tald us. -+ He told us
hurricqne." hurricane.
to take our caats with us. (command) He soid, ,,you needn,t He seid {that) I didn,t neet
"Remein calm, please,', she soid. -+ She asked us to mow the lawn today." t:-/didn't.have to maw the
remain colm. (request)
"Let's help out at the shelter,,, he ssid. -.t He He said" "They needn't y: toi! (that) th,ey
syggested helping out at the shelter. (suggestion)
"Ya$'d better drive carefully in the snow,'; ihe ssid. ,
worry about ihe
-have .ta
worry about the
weother for tomorrow." Y1?th7, for the next/
She suggested thot I (should) drive carefully in the
snow. (suggestion)

Rewrite the following sentencesin reported Report the following sentences using the
speech. verbs in brackets.
1 "Have you heard the weather forecast lor 1 "Drop your weapons," the police officer told
tomorrow?" Matt wanted to know. the robber$. (commanded)
Matt wanted to knaw iflwhether I had heard The police officer commanded the robbers
the weather /orecast for the nextlfoltawing day. to drop their weapons.
2 "Will we have to evacuate our homes?,'she 2 "Why don't wer build a sandcastle?" Annie
wondered. said. (suggested)

"Why didn't you put your raincoat on?" Lou "Stay out of the blazing sun," Mum said to
asked Macy. ........ us. (told)

"Do you know when Mr Samuels is coming 4 "Don't come in the house with your muddy
back?" Stacy inquired. wellingtons," she told me. (ordered) ,..,.....,

5 "You'd better not play outside today," Helen

5 "Where is my umbrella?" Pat asked. said to Maria. {advised)

"How strong was the earthquake?" Kelly 6 "Please, please take me to the concert with
wanted to know. you," she said to her brother. (begged) .......

"Fasten your seatbelts, please," the flight

Reporter Stewart Steele interviewed a man attendant told us. (asked)
trapped in his car for several hours during a
blizzard. Turn the following questions into I "Don't be rude," he said to her. (told) ..........
indirect questions.
1 "Have you ever been snowbound before?"
Rewrite the following sentences in repolted
Could you tell me iflwhether you have ever
been snowbound befare?
2 "What were you thinking while you were 1 'Where shall we put our bags?" she asked me.
trapped in your ear?" Sie askedme where they should putfherbags.
I wonder 2 "You must report the incident to the police,"
Jason told Nick.
'What did you do to keep warm?"
Can you tell me "Patrick needn't come to work early tomorrow,"
Mr Nielsen said.

"Were you afraid that the rescuers might not

get to you in time?" "We may have to cut our holiday short," Kate
and Adam told me
Would you mind telling me "...........

"Shall I help you serve dinner?', Gordon asked

"How long did it take for help to arrive?,'
I want to know

6 "You had better wear your gloves," she told

"How do you feel now that it's all behind you?" Karen.
Can you tell me 7 "l must have the wrong number," I said.
"What do you advise people to do in a similar
"The shop can deliver our sofa next month,',
I'd like to know Claire said.

+ ro-inf
agree "Yes, I'il meet you after dinner," He agreed to meet me after dinner.
demand "l went to speak to you now!"
H.e to speak to me immediately.
"Would yau'like me io shove! the snow?,, He offered to shovbl the snow.
promise "l'll help at the shelter." He promised to help at the shelter.
refuse "No, I won't leave my house,"' He refused to leavd his house.
threaten "Stop screoming or l'll punish you." He thteatened to punish him if he didn,t stap
claim "l sow the tornodo rip througlt the city. H.eclaimhd to hove seen the tornado rip
through the city.
+ sb + fo-inf
advise "You should put an some sunscreen." He advised me to put on some sunscreen. ::l
allow "You cen qo'to the Dark." He allowed me to'qo to the park.
ask " Please, tilrn off att btectricat o pplio nces.,, H.e asked us to turh! electrica! applionct. 'l
'Please, pleose, give me somd woter."
"Get under your desks!"
He hegged me to give him some watii. ;i
He commanded ui to get under our desks. ,4
en(ouraoe "60 on, try it." H.e encouraged me tolry it.
forbid "You mustn't eot in the c/css, "
He forbade me to eot in'the class.
instruct "Remove your shoes." He instructed me to remove mv shoes.
invite sb "Would vou like to eo on o tour with us?,, He invited me to qo on s tour with them.
order "8e quiit!" He ordered me tibe quiet.
permit/allow "You moy leave eorly," He permitted/allowed me to leave earlv.
remind "Don't forqet ta turh off the heater." He reminded me to turn off the heater.'
urge "Drive car-efully." He urged me to drive carefullv.
warn "Don't sit in the sun too lona." He worned me nat to sit in the sun tao lona.
want "l'd like you to take a first-o1d course.,, He wonted me to tske o first oid-course.
+ .ing form
accuse sb of
apologise for
"You lied to me!"
'j.l.'m s91ry I lost my temper."
H.e accused mg-of
apologised fnr
He annloaired
lying/having lied to
lhciin/hnwiin lost
Inr* hic

for lilsiiq/havin"a his temor I

admit (to) "Yes, I lost the keys." He admifted (to) losinls/haviia lost the keis.
boast about ".1.'m more popular than yau." He boasted about belia more'popular thah,:
complain to sb about "Yau never helo out." He complained to me ab6ut mv ister heloina et
deny "No, I didn't rteet Ann that niaht." He den'ied meeting/hovinq dtet Ann th'at iiat
insist on "You must evacuate the buildiig naw,,' He insisted on usfour evaEuating the buitdiig
suggest + -ing form "l-et's take a break." He suggesied toking a break.
+ lftof-clause
agree "Yes, it is on oriqinal idea.,, H.eagreed that it.wos an oriEinal idea.
boast "l'm on expert iournolisl." He boosted thot he was an dxpert iournalist.
claim "! survived a tishtninq strike." He claimed thot he had survived o liqhtninq strik;
complain "You never as[ for mi opinion." cgmplqined that I never asked f6r his dpinior
deny ul
never used your laptrip." ly
il!tts He denied thot he had ever used mv lanion,
exclaim brillisnt! He excloimed thot it was brilliant. ' ' '
explain "lt is a very rewardina iob." He explained that it wds a verv rewordina iob
inform sb "Your home loqn has"l;een approved,,' He informed me that my homb toon hod-bben
promire "l'll stay indoors during the storm.,, He prom.ised that he wauld stay indoors :,

uYau during the storm,

suggest should weor an frnlrok.,' He suggested thot I wear an snorck,
explain to sb + how "This is haw you turn off the alarm sWtir* He auplaind to me how to tum off {ni odrm systev.
He asked himself, "Where is AliieT,-
H,e asked,lliysel!, ", she saying/,'
He wondered where Alice was-
He wondered what she was savina.
how + clause (when the He osked himself, "WhV is the are'o He wondered why the areu wris &serted,
subject of the deserted? "
introductory verb is not He aske^d..hinself, "How did they He wandered how they ltod survived,
the same af the subiect survive?"
in the reported question)
wonder + whether + ffe os/red himself, "Should I osk her He wondered whether
to-inf or clause to ask her out.
wonder He asked himself, "Where should I stav?,, He wondered where lo stoy.
where/whot/how + ta- He asked himself, "Whet can ! do?,, ' He wondered what to do.'
inf (when the subiect H3.qqfed himself, "How can t repair He wondered how to repair thot.
of the infinitive is'the this?"
same as the subiect of
the verb)
Cornplete the gaps with the appropriate
Cornlete the sentences.
introductory verb from the list below. ffi 1 "Why don't you come skiing with us next
. ordered " denied . promised . urged week?" Samantha said to Alice.
. offered . refused Samantha invited Atice ta go skiing with thern
1 "Would you like me to give you a lift the nextlfollawing week,
to the
airport?" Jake asked me. 2 "l want to see the manager now,,'Jenny said.
Jake offerad to glve me a lift to the airport" Jenny insisted'
2 "l will not say anything more 0n the matter,"
she said. 3 "lt was Jess who spread allthose lies,,,Frank
She ,.......... to say anything more said,
on the mafier. Frank accused
"You really should book your tickets in
advance," the travel agent told us. "l'm terribly sorry I lost your MP3 player,
The travel agent .,,..,....,.. us to Ben," Susan said.
book our tickets in advance. Susan apologised
"Get inside the house now!,,Mum told us.
Mum .....,................:.... u$ to get inside the "Should I take my umbrella with me?,'Tom
house irnmediately, asked himself.
"l certainly did not break your camera!', Tom wondered
Stephen totd me.
my camera.
"The children's costumes are amazing!"
Lucinda said.
"Of course I'll look after your cat while
Lucinda exclaimed
you're away," Judith told George.
Judith George that she
would look after his cat while he was away. 7 "You may take photos of the exhibits,,, the
museum guide said to the visitors.
The museum guide permitted
Match the sentences (1-6) to the correct
introductory verb (a-0. Then report the

|-fTI "Where are my keys?', she asked herself.

tr *--m,:H"*il:es
usins the appropriate

fr-n "You musln't swim in the lake," he said to 1 "This is how you can copy the file to your
us. memory stick,, I said to my brother.
lsT-l "Yes, your plan is good," she said to them. I explained to my brother how to copy the fite
f4T: "You can use my camera," she told Jim. fo his rnemory sfick,

lsT_l "Don't forget to lock up," he told us. 2 "l have the best_kept garden in the whole
ra-t "Let's throw Brad a birthday party,,'Emily town," Sofia said.
3 "My soup is cold,', Cynthia said to the
a remind c suggesl e allow
b wonder d agree f forbid
"Put all the money in the bag or |,ll
1 Sfie wondered where her keys were. shooting," the bank robber told the cashier.
3 5 "Yes, it was I who broke the window,,' Stephen
4 said.

I I I Ve rbs/Adj ect i ve s/N o u n s with Prepositions ii

abide by (v)
from (adj)
I ahead of (prep) approve of (v) ::,.
f aim at (v)
I argue with sb about sth (v) e
I abstain from (v) allerOic to (adj) arrange for sb to do sth (v)
accompanied by (adj) I iti-
I I amazed at/by (adj) arrest sb for sth (v) ff
according to (prep)
account for (v)
I amount to (v) arrive at (a smail plaee) {v) H.
accuse sb of (v) lamused aUwith (adj) arrive in {a town) (v)
angry at what sb does (adj) ashamed of {adj) Lr.
accustomed to (adj) i angry with sb about sth (adi) .
acquainted with (adj) angry wirh sb for doing sth (adj)
ask about/for (v) (EUT ask sb a s<

A addicted to (adj) annoyed with sb about sth (adj) *
assure (sb) of {v) $<
adequate lor (adj) (in) answer to (n) astonished ar/by (adj)
adjacent to (adj) anxious about sth (adj) *
attached to (adj)
advantage of {n) (BUT there's an br-
{be) anxious for sth to happen attack on (n) .v
advantage in - (have) an (adi) ;:
attack sb for sth (v) E
advantage over sb) apologise to sb for sth (v) aftend to (v) i:
advice on/against (n) (make an) appeat to sb for sth (n)
available to (adj) h--
afraid of (adj)
agree to/on sth (v)
appeal tolagainst (v) (un)aware of (adj) -
apply in writing (v) Er
agree with sb (v) apply to sb for sth (v)
bad at (adj) (BUT He was very believe in (v) r
blame sth on sb (v) -lE
bad to me.) belong to (v) *J I

boast aboutiof (v)

ban sb from sth (v) benefit from (v) h-f
bored with/of (adj)
B base on {v)
basis for (n)
bet on (v)
beware ol {v}
borrow sth from sb (v) JLrJ
'-l- |

brilliant at (adj)
beg for (v) (put the) btame on sb (n) bump into (v) iil,l
begin by/with (v)
caH ar/on (phr v)
blame sb for sth (v) busy with (adi) ,"1
comment on (v) conscious of (adj)
campaign against/for (v) communicate with (v) connect to/with (v)
capable of {adj) compare with (v) (how people and consider sb for sth (v)
care about (v) things are alike and how they consist of (v)
care for sb (v) (= liksl are different)
(take) care of (n) contact between (n) (BUT in
compare to {v) (show the likeness contact with)
care for sth (v) (= like to do sth) between sb/sth and sb/sth content with (adj)
careful about/of/with (adj) else) contrary to (adj)
careless about/with (adj) :omparison between (n) contrast with (v)
oause of {n) :ompete against/forlwith (v) ]ontribute to (v)
;ertain of (adj) :omplain of (v) (= suffer from) ,*onvert to/into (v)
:hange into (v) :omplain to sb about sth (v) (= 6s :ope with (v)
:haracteristic of (n/adj) annoyed at) :orrespond to/with (v)
:harge for (v) :ompliment sb on (v) :ount against/towards (v)
;harge sb with {v) romply with (v) )ount on sb (phr v)
;heck for (v) ronceal sth from sb (v) :over in/with (v)
fioice between/of (n) ;oncentrate on (v) :overed in/with (adj)
rlever at (adj) (BUT lt was very have) confidence in sb (n) ;rash into/through {u)
clever of you to buy it,) ;onfident in (adj)
have) a craving for sth (n)
;ling to sb/sth (v) onfine to (v) rrazy about (adj)
rlose to (adj) onfused about/by (adj) rowded with (adj)
:odx sb into (v)

onfusion over I ruel to (adj)

oincide with (v)
ollaborate with (v)
ongratulate sb on sth (v) | ruelty towardslto (n)
onnection between (n) (BUT in I ure for (n)
c ollide with (v)
connection with) | urious about (adj)

Verb*/AdjectiveslNo uns with prepositions

damage to (n) deputise for (v) disgusred byiat {adj}

date hack to (v) descended from (adj) dismiss from {v)
date from (v) describe as (v) dispose of (v)
deal with (v) describe sblsth to sb else (v) disqualified from {adj)
dsar to (adi) description of (n) dissatisfied w'th (adj)
decide on/against (v) die of/from (v) distinguish between {v)
decrease in (n) die in an accident (v) divide,between/among (v)
dedicate to (v) differ from (v) divide inro/by (v)
deficient in (adj) {have) difference between/oflin (n) do sth about (v)
delinition of (n) different from (adj) donate sth to sb/sth (v)
delay in (n) difficulty in/with (n) doubtful about {adj)
delight in (v) disadvantage of (n) (BUT there's a dream about {v)
delighted with (adj) disadvantage in doing sth) dream of (v) (= imagine)
demand for (n) disagree with (v) dressed in (adj)
demand from (v) disappointed with/aboutiby (adj)
depart from (v) disapprove of {v}
departure from (n) discharge sb from (v)
depend on/upon (v) discouraged {rom (adj)
dependent on (adj) discussion aboutlon (n)
eager for (adj) example of (n) expel trom (v)
economise on (v) excellent at (adj) experienced in/at (adj)
efiicient at (adj) exception to (n) (wirh the experiment on/with {v)
(put) etfort into sth {n} of sth/sb * take exception to expert at/in isrhidoing sth) (n)
emphasis on {n) sth = be otfended by sth) (= person good at)
engaged to sb/in sth (adj) exchange sth lor sth else {v} expert with 6th (n) (= good at
engagement to sb (n) excited about (adj) using sth)
enthusia$tic about {adj) exclaim at (v) expert on (n) (= person
envious of {adj} excuse for {n) knowledgeable about a
equalto (adj) excuse sb for (v) subject)
escape from/to (v) exempt from {adj)

lail in an attempt (v) iamiliar with {adj) (= have forget about (v)
fail to do srh (v) knowledge of) forgive sb for (v)
failure in (an exam) (n) famous for {adj) tortunate in (adj)
failure to (do sth) (n) fed up with (adj) free from/of/for (adj)
faithful to (adj) fill sth with $th etse (v) friendly with/to {adj)
fall in (n) finish with (v) frightened of (adj)
familiar to sb (adj) {= known to sb} fire at (v) full of (adj)
flee from (v) furious with sb about/at srh (adj)
lond of (adj)
generosity to/towards (n) good at (adj) (but: He was very guess at (v)
genius for (n) good to me.) guilty of (adj) (BUT t-{e fetr guitry
glance at {v) grateful to sb for sth (adi) ahout his crime.)
glare at (v) grudge against (n)
happen to (v) hear of (v) {= learn that sth or sb hope for (v)
happy abcuUwithifor (adj) exists) hope to do sth (v)
harmfulto (adj) heir 1o (n) (no) hope of (n)
head for {v) hinder lrom (v) hopeless at {adj)
hear about (v) (- be totd) hint to sb about sth (v) {BUT hint
hear from (v) (= receive a letter) at sth)

verbs/AdiectiveslNoun$ with prepositions
idea ol {n} independent oflf rom {adj} intent on (adj)
identical to (adj) inditferent to (adj) (have no) lntention of (n)
ignorant ofiabout (adj) indulge in (v) interest in {n)
illwith {adj) inferior to (adj) interested in (adj)
impact on (n) information about/on (n) interfere with/in (v)
important to sb (adj) (be) informed about (adj) interpretation of (n)
impressed by/with (adj) inject sth into sb/sth (v) invasion of (n)
{make an) impression on sb (n} inoculate against (v) invest in (v)
improvement inlon (n) insist on (v) invitation to (n)
incapable of (adj) instead of {prep) invite sb to {v}
include in (v) insure against {v} involve in (v)
increase in {n) intslligent at {adi} irritated by (adj)
jealous of (adj) joke about (v)
knock at/on {v} keen to do sth (adj) key to {n}
know abouUof (v) kind to (adj) knowledge of (n)
keen on sth (adj)
lack in/from (v) learn abouVby (v) long for (v) ,,,i
lack of (n) leave for (v) (= head for) look at (v) ,i
laugh at (v) lend sth to sb (v) look for (v) (= search for)
lead to (v) listen to (v)
lean on/against (v) live on (v)
married t0 (adj) ) mean to (adj) mistake sb for {v)
marvelat (v) mention to (v) mix with (v)
name after (v) nervous about (adj) (take) (no) notice of {n)
necessary for (adj) new to (adj) notorious for doing sth {adj}
need for {n) nice to {adj)
neglect of {n) nominate sb {for/as sth) (v)

obedienr ro (adj) obsessed with (adj) operate on (v)

obiect to (v) obvious t0 (adj) opinion of/on (n)
obiection to (n) occur to (v) opposite oflto {n}
obliged to sb for sth (adj) offence against {n) optimistic about sth (adj)

packed with (adj) {take) pleasure in {n) profil lrom {v}

part with (v) (have the) pleasure ol (n) prohibit sb from doing sth (v)
patient with (adj) point at/to/towards (v) prone to (adj)
pay by (cheque) (v) (im)polite to (adj) protect against/from (v)
pay for (v) (BUT pay a biil) popular with {adj) protoction against/f rom (n)
pay in (cash) (v) praise sb lor (v) protest aboui/at (v)
peculiar to (adj) pray lor sth/sb (v) proud of (adj)
persist in {v) (BUT insist on) prefer sth to sth elsa (v) provide sb with (v)
(take a) photograph of (n) (have a) preference for (n) provide sth for sb (v)
picture ol (n) prepare lor {v) punish sb lor (v)
pity for (n)
.present sb with {v) puzzled about/by (adj)
take pity on sb (exp) prevent sb/sth from (v)
pleasant to {adj) (take) pride in {n)
pleased with (adj) pride oneself on sthlon doing sth {v}

quarrel about slh/with sb {vln) qualified for (adj) quotation from (n)
qualify as/in (v) quick at {adj}
VerbslAdjecliveslNou ns with Prepositi ons

rave about (v) regardless of (prep) respond to (v)

react to (v) related to tadj) responsihility for (n)
reaction to (n) relationship between (n) (BUT a responslble for (adj)
ready for (adj) relationship with sb) result from/in (v) (* he the
reason for (n) relevant to {adj) consequence of)
reason with (v) rely on (v) result in (v) (= cause)
rebel against (v) remind sb of/about (v) resutt pf (n)
receive from (v) remove from (v) resulting from (adj)
(keep) a record of (n) replace sth with sth else (v) rhyme with (v)
recover from (v) reply to {n/v) rich in {adj)
reduction in {n) reporl on (n/v) (get) rid of (phr)
refer to (v) reputaticn lor/ol {n) rise in (n)
(in/with) reference to {n) research onlinto (n) (make) room for (n)
relrain from (v) resp€ct for (n) roll across (v)
regard as {v) respected for (adi) rude to (adj)
safe from (adj) sick of (adj) stranded onlin/by {adj)
same as (adj) silly to do sth (adj) (BUT it was study for (v)
satisfied with/by (adj) silly of him) subject tc (adj/v)
save sb lrom (v) similar to (adj) submit to (v) (BUT submit sth for
save sth for sb (v) skilful/skilled at (adi) publication)
scared of (adj) slam into (v) subscribe to (v)
search for {v/n) slow in/about doing sthllo sth (adj) succeed in (v)
(be) in search of (n) smell of {n/v) sufler from (v)
sensible of sth {adj) (= aware of sth} srnile at {v) suflicient for sth/sb {adj)
sensitivE to (adj) solution to (n) suitable lor (adi)
i$ sentence sb to (v) sorry about (adj) (= feel sorry for sb superior to (adj)
separate frorn (v) (BUT I'm sorry fcr doing sth) sure of/about (adj)
serious about (adj) speak to/with sb about (v) surprised atlby (adj)
settle for/on (v) specialise in (v) surrender to (v)
share in/of sth (n) specialist in (n) surrounded by (adj)
shelter from (v) spend money on sth (v) survive on (v)
shocked atlby (adj) spend time in/doing sth (v) suspect sb of (v)
shoot at (v) split into/in (v) suspicious of (adj)
short of/on (adj) spy on (v) sweep sbisth away (v)
shout at (v) stare at (v) sympathetic to/towards {adj)
shy of (adi) strain on (n) sympathise with (v)
lake sth to sblsth (v) thanklul for (adj) translate frorn ... into (v)
talent for sth (n) think about/of (v) tread on (v)
talk to sb about sth (v) threat to sb/sth/of sth (n) trip over (v)
(have) tasle in {n) threaten sb with sth {v) trouble with (n)
taste of (v) throw at (v) (in order to hit) turn into/to (v)
terrible at (adi) throw to (v) (in order to catch) typical of (adj)
terrified of (adj) tire of (v)
thank sb for {v} tired of {adj) (= led up with)
unaware of (adj)
lpsot about/over sth (adj) used to (adj)
understanding of (n) (rnake) use of (n) useful for/to (adj)
uneasy about (adj)
valid for {length ol time) {adj) value sth at (v) vouch for (v)
valid in (places) (adj) vote againsVlor (v)
wait for (v) wink at (v) worthy of {adj)
warn sb against/about/of (v) wonder about/over (v) write about (v)
waste {time/money) on {v) work as/in/at sth (v) write to sb (v)
weak in/at (adj) worry about (v) wrong about {adj)

wnh Preposiiions
: il | /erilsrAciiectivesrltouns
Fill in the correct preposition.

1 An accountant can give you advice 26 A university education will lead

these tax bills. better opportunities in life.
2 Candidates should apply ......,. writing 27 Jack apologised and said that he didn't mea,"..t
for the position. ....,.. break the camera
l-'ler latest album will be available 28 I can't,believe you lake pleasure
the public from next Friday. watching golf!
The coach said his athletes were capable 29 How did Sue react ......,.. the
. "..... running faster. about her cousin?
Mary stopped working to concentrate ."........... 30 You can always rety .,..,...,..,................ Sarn
rai$ing her children. help out in ditlicult circumstances.
I have confidence our team 31 Flis hard work resulted .......,..................... h'r.
and I think we'll win today's match. getting the top mark in the class.
The public believe the government aren't 32 We ean move the sofa to the left to make roc=
conscious ...,... real social issues. lhe coffee table.
John was punished as his behaviour was 33 Peter travelled the world in search , ,-
contrary ....... school rules, adventure. ,-t
I should call Adam to congratulate him 34 She is a popular boss as she is sensitiw ;l
his promotion" .,,..,. the needs of her employees.
10 The storm caused some damage ........,..,..,,,.., 35 Laura translates English novels i-J
our roof. German as her profession.
This temple dates back
11 the 4th century 36 Will was late lor rehearsal. That's so typica. f,!
AD. ....... hirnl .-l
12 There has been an increase 37 Brian made use ,....,. old compure. $
unemployment in recent years, parts to build his own PC.
13 There was a delay ........ the plane's 38 Debbie's salon is valued q
departure due to bad weather. twice as much as it was ten years ago.
14 Take your batleries to an electrical shop to be 39 I wouldn't waste my money
disposed ....... properly. those silly magazines il I were you. G=
15 Mike dressed .."............ a forrnal suit for 40 lt is now ..........,
the dinner party. messages while driving.
the law to send tei: ll
16 We failed ....... our attempt to get a 4", They managed to sell their small busineei
home loan, but we'll try again, ....... a profit of 10%.
17 Most people are unaware ............... 42 You should be grateful for all you have and nr..
how much energy they waste each day. take anything ............... granted.
t8 I only glanced ,......,,....the back of the 43 He made that mistake ..." purpo$*,,
book, but it seerns very intsresting. He was trying to be lunny.
19 The jury found the defendant guilty ..,.....,..,.... 44 Are you the mood for goir;,
kidnapping. out to watch a film?
2A Eating disorders can be very harmful ,.......,...., 45 Cindy and I
had a falling out last month, b-:l
a teenager's health. now we'rs ......, good terms again. ,
21 Luke's injury had a negative impact 46 The slreets were crowded .......,.....
hls sporting career. shoppers cn the first day of the sales.
22 Flights, acconnmodation and meals are all 47 The train to Birmingham witl depart
included ....,..1he price. platform 6.
23 You should think very carefully before investing 4B l've arranged ............... have the Ouy o*
money ......, tha stock market. to go for a medical exarn. ,
24 The key .. reducing unemployment 49 The journalist printed some words in bold to p;
is a better educational system. extra emphasis ......,......,.,..,..,,,. them.
25 I was surprised ......,..,. the fact that 50 The bookshop is at the end of the stree:
Julie quit her job. adjacent ....... the pharmacy,
VerbslAdjectives/Nouns with Prepositions
51 Chris was conlined ......... bed until 76 I'd like to apologise ..,., submitting
he recovered from tho virus. rny essay late, Ms Green.
52 Employees won't respsct a manager who is 77 Alot of people believe ...... ghosts.
indifferent their personal 78 Mary is really upset and blames herself
the accident.
53 The film was mostly faithfut
79 George has been complaining
the book, though the ending was changed serious back paur.
80 The otficers asked the robber who else was
54 Poor nutrition in childhood is a major cause involved ....... the hold up.
...... health problems in adulthood.
81 Max is quite stressed because he's......".........
55 It never occurred ... me to exercise a lot ol pressure at work.
more until I started putting on weight.
82 Police officers are obliged to stop a criminal act
56 Two former world champions will compete sven il they are not ..,,...,,................ duty.
....... each other in the final.
83 There's been an alarming decrease in gorilla
57 Our teacher will comment ....,...,....,.....-..... our populations the wild in recent years.
essays in class tomorrow.
84 The runner was disqualilied .,........
58 The young soldiers were subjected ......,...."....
the race after his false start.
tough exercises by their sergeant.
85 After years ol failure, fans are eager
59 This cat looks identical ............ the one the club to get a new manager.
I had when I was younger.
60 Darren held a grudge 86 Ryan will get married ....... Laura in
........, me for the summer.
years, bul now we get on very well.
87 Students can change their chosen subject if
61 Bruce Willis is famous ..".... acting, they are dissatisfied ... the course.
but he sometimes performs music, too.
88 Maria has always been fond
62 It is important ...,....,..... arrive on time classical rnusic.
for a job interview.
63 The celebrity felt the photographer was guilty
89 We forgave Jim ........... tying. He didn't
mean to hurt anyone.
of an invasion ..........,.. her privacy.
64 Lucy doesn't care much .,.,,.,..,...,...,..,....... TV
90 The teacher insisted ... alt students
writing their essays again.
and prefers listening to the radio.
91 I used to be jeatous ............,..,,..,. Adam being
65 The Frime Minister was accompanied .....,..,...,
so popular at school.
two bodyguards.
66 It's important to understand the difference
92 Malcolm is notorious .... coming to
work late.
..,..,. right and wrong.
67 Stephen King is regarded
93 Amy wilt be operated by the
...... one best surgeon in the eountry.
of the best horror writers ol all time.
94 The studenls never object .,.......",,....,,,...... the
68 Frank continued studying hard regardless amount of homework they're given,
....... his illness.
95 l'm sorry. I mistook you ......,.,.................... my
69 My dad subscribes ....... an online neighbour.
newspaper these days.
Steve is quite weak 96 l'm a loss as to what to say
....... chemistry to Amanda.
and will need some extra luition.
97 Tell Peter to coilect the package
71 The game show contestants were picked my behalf.
....... random from the audience.
98 The politician asked t0 speak
72 You can't enter the office. Th6re's a meeting the record because he didn't want details to be
......, pr0gress. made public.
78 I was ......... the impression that you 99 Paul was called ...............,.. short
were going on holiday today.
notice for an interview in the city centre.
74 The witness accused a local gang .........,........
100 The bus stopped suddenly
starting the fire. warning.
75 You should check all tood packaging if you're
allergic ....... nuts.
Choose the correct item.

1 You'll ......... your eyes if you insist on sitting so 14 A ......... meeting of EU political leaders v,**
close to the comPuter screen. called to find a solution to the crisis.
A stumble C strive A summit C head
B struggle D strain B peak D tip
The sports club charges a monthly 15 The caplain and .",...... would like to welcor*'
membership you on board Flight 567 to Melbourne'
A price C fee A cast C staff
B cogt D expense B team D crew

3 Laura wa$ ......... with her daughter's decision 16 My sister comes out in a ,,....... if she eax'
to go to college. strawberries.
A pleased C fulfilled A rash C bruise
B gratified D entertained B mark D spot
4 You dont happen to ...'.,... Pete's email, do you?
17 Dad likes to spend Sunday mornings on lid
C golf ......,.. with his friends.
A rominisce retain
B recall D remind A pitch ring
E coutt D course
5 They let me use the computer game on """"'
for 30 daYs. 18 James crossed the finishing '-...".. lirst a*:
A examPle G sample won the gold medal.
B nnodel D trial A boundary C line
B limit D border
My passport will exPire in June so I need to
19 Harris has been .......'. with smuggling antiqu;
......... it as soon as Possible'
C goods into the countrY.
A reeharge renew
C sentenced
B refresh D revive A accused
B arrested D charged
7 Milk is ,........before it is stored in cartons
the locals to look out fc:'
A enlarged C develoPed 20 Police have warned
B processed D progressed ......... t20 notes.
A artificial C false
I My teacher supports the free .."'..'. of ideas in B unreal D counterleit
the classroom.
A exchange C dialogue
B conversation D gossip A wrapped C covered
B packed D folded
The landlord asked for a month's rent in
advance and a t300 22 How did he imagine he was going to ......."

A donation C dePosit lying to his teacher?

B payment D grant A get over C get bY
B get down D get awaY with
10 I could barelY ....".... the dark shaPe moving
towards me. 23 Andy ...,..... after his father who was also weli
A make out C make off built and handsome in his Youth.
B make over D make uP A goes C takes
B turns D looks
11 Mark was caught ...'.',,. truant and was given
extra homework for a week' 24 ......... going to the gym twice a week, she play*
A going G behaving hockey on SaturdaYs.
B acting D playing A ln spite of C Even though
B Besides D Although
12 Could you explain that again? I'm totally """-"1
A confused C misunderstood 25 They were struggling financially and .,"."" o11

B mistaken D misinterPreted very little money.

A got by C got around
13 Mo$t landlords don't allow their .'...'... to keep B got ahead D got away
A residonts C inhabitants
B tenants D dwellers A widened C enlarged
B broadened D increased

27 You may ......,.. up to five books lrom the library 40 Nick's determined to visit fcer*r::
at any given time. much it costs.
A hire C borrow A nomatter G howeve :
B lend D rent B inspite D even thc,::-,
28 Fans waited for hours at the mall to catch a
......... ol their pop idol. music styles.
A glanee C stare A wide C lasting
B glimpse D wink B plentiful ' D long
29 lf you return your purchase within 10 days, you 42 l'm going to be in trouble because fi?y .rt-a-..
will receive a full ......... . books are ....,.... .
A relund C bargain A behind C delayed
B discount D exchange B backward D overdue
30 It's taken me two weeks to ....,..., this terrible 43 Daniel .,,.,,... the papers before we
f lu. commeneed the exam.
A get around G get over A took on G gave out
B get by D get across B filled out D passed by
3l The ."....... was deep and needed eighteen 44 l'll meet you outside the ,........ entrance in hatt
stitches. an hour.
A harm C wound A major C main
B injury D damage B greater D higher
32 My little brother ......... at the sight of the btood 45 The new realily programme appeals to younger
flowing from his knee.
A passed out C passed by A crowds C observers
B passed away D passed through B watchers D viewers
33 The local residents ........, a protest outside the
city council. from medicalschool.
A played C acted A delight C pteasure
B performed D staged B merit D happiness
34 You should phone the dentist's secretary if you 47 Forecasters ,........ snow in mountainous areas
want to .,.,..,.. an appointrnent. this weekend.
A take C put A ask C expect
B make D give B require D request
35 Claire went upstaars to ......... some board 48 All students are encouraged to be in regular
games. ......... with their teachers.
A deliver C carry A connection C expression
B take D fetch B consideration D communication
36 His suspicious smile .......,. the police otficer's 49 Can you describe the burglar's physical .........?
attention. A characters G characteristics
A caught C gripped B personality D presence
B seized D snatched
50 Lily can't .,....... people shouting at her.
37 CDs .,....,.. vinyl records in the late 't9g0s. A stand C hold
A shifted C moved B hold D support
B transferred D superceded
51 Michelle became jealous when Jack's acting
38 A crowd of ......... had gathered at the scene of career
the accident. A came by c started out
A spectators C witnesses B took off D set up
B onlookers D observers
52 The receptionist asked me to ....,.... on while
39 Are you interested in taking out a monthly she transferred my call.
to'Teen l-ife' magazine? A hold C wait
A membership C subscription B keep D call
B fare D fee

53 lt was their first meeting and Jake was 06 The lnternet has become a(n) .......,. soutc€ s,.
determined to make a ..,....,. impression. information.
A constant C fixed A invaluable C worthless
B lasting D eternal B priceless D valueless
54 I asked my sister to .......,. me with my history 67 Make sure you choose a word-processing
proiect. program that ........, your needs.
A assist C aid A fits C suits
B support D provide B matches D agrees
55 She tidied up the books and put them in a neat 68 The work had to be completed within a limit€r j
......... of tima"
A mound C pile A point C period
B heap D bundle B stage D phase
56 A team of volunteers ......,,, the task of painting 69 Every child should have ......... to basic
the orphanage. education.
A got off C took off A access C availability
B set about D made out B freedom D entry
57 English is not the ......... Ianguage of half of the
students in my class. animalshelter.
A original C birth A presented C participated
B native D local B contributed D granted
58 She has already ......... in a number of TV 71 Some of the villagers were ......... from the
commercials. Vikings.
A shown C appeared A linked C descended
B presented D exhibited B related D originated
59 I ....,.,.. the doorbell but no one answsred. 72 Roger ......... into the room to see who wa*
A smacked C rang making the noise,
B hir D knocked A peeped C stared
60 lt will take many years to repair the B peered D gazed
caused by the tornado, 73 Barry sat in lront of the TV ......... on a bag *:
A harm c damaga crisps.
B hurt D injury A chewing C munching
61 We're having our first .......,. of 'Romeo and
B crunching D sucking
Juliet'tonight" 74 The doorbell rang and he answered it ......,...
A rehearsal C practice A once C right away
B training D workout B straight D shortly
62 I'm going to get these two pictures ......... and 75 Earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes a€
framed. ,........ forces of nature. :

A increased C boosted A destructive C harmfut

B enlarged D broadened B damaging D destroyed
63 ls it really essential to ......... research on 7E All of the patients ......... well to the n
animals? medical treatment.
A produce C carry A grew G responded
B conduct D make B matched B replied
64 The students had difficulty .........the meaning 77 He sutfers from a rare hearing
ol the poem, A disease C complaint
A gripplng C grasping E sickness D disorder
B holding D apprehending
78 When I look ....,.... my chitdhood, I realise
65 The researchers went on an expedition through happy I was growing up in the countryside.
unexplored A upto G back on
A place C area B round D down on
B territory D region

Flichard voyaged across the Atlantic
immediately. Ocean in a smallyacht.
A raise C rise A lonely C solo
B uplift D arise B alone D lonesome

80 The hostel ......... for university students who 93 They weren't allowed to enter the field as it was
are unable to find affordable accommodation. .,...,... property.
A protects C attends A personal ' Cown
B caiars D supplies B particular D private

81 Computers have had a positive .......,. on the 94 I seem to have temporarily ...,..... my glasses.
way we do business" Have you seen them anywhere?
A consequence C impact A misused C lost
B power D result B mislaid D missed
82 All students must ......... strictly to the school 95 Extreme designs go out of ......... as quickly as
rules. they come in.
A adopt C adhere A lashion C habit
B obey D adapt B trend D custom

83 was
The coach was in a bad ......... and 96 Their water supply will only ......... for a limited
shouting at time.
A disposition C mind A endure C stay
B mood D temperament B last D survive
84 The hikers headed towards the snow-covered 97 I waved at them but they took no ......... of me.
mountain A care C notice
A head C tip B interest D attention
B peak D climax
98 We came to the village in the ......... of finding a
85 Our teacher advised us to ......... better use ol simpler way of life.
our time, A need C desire
A get C take B beliel D hope
Bdo D make 99 What a beautiful woollen cardigan. Did you
86 He needed a valid passport to cross the ....,..., ......., it yourself?
A border C limit A stitch C knit
B boundary D threshold B sew D sow
87 Watching the documentary made me much 100 There has been a .,...,,.. in the number of
more ......... to the needs of the disabled. students studying physics.
A insensible C sensible A cut C deduction
B senseless D sensitive B reduction D discount
gg tt was ..,...... very lighily so I took my umbrella 10't The bus driver swerved and only just managed
with me. to ......... an accident.
A spraying C sprawling A evade C avoid
B showering D drizzling B stop D lose
1O2 The police searched the flat, but there was no
89 Chris's phoiographs were firsr pLrt on .......,. in sign of the ......... jewellery.
the local gallery last month.
A presentation C display A robbed C snatched

B sight D view B taken D stolen

103 The fire completely .........the secondary school,
90 Joanne has got really ...,..... taste in cloihes. but no one was injured.
A worthy G positive A destroyed e damaged
B good D nasty B hurt D harmed
Gift cards ..,,..... popular as presents lor the 104 Many modern fanlasy authors are ......... by the
holiday season. works of J. H, R, Tolkien.
A continue C remain A aspired C acquired
B persist D maintain B inspired D interested

Reading Comprehension
Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose
the correct answer A, B, C or D.
What is the main purpo$e of this articte?
A to explain how a person's body language oan
reveal when they are lying
B to list the techniques used by the potice to teil
when a person is lying
C 1o dispelsomo myths about lying
D to give a review of a British TV show
According to the article, what are people who
are telling the truth more likely to do than people
who are lying?
A gesture with their hands
B talk at length p Ho* can you telt that somebody is lying? The iE
C make eye contact detector rnachines which some police forces 6mptoy t:.
D hesitate while talking question suspects are controversial and, moreovel'nc;
available in. everyday life. So is body language a bett*-*,
Who were the participants of professor
guide to whether someone is tellinb thitruih? tn fa*
Wiseman's experiment?
it's myth that people. who are lying make less eye
A a group of farnous people .a
contact, move their hands more and fidget in their seasi
B a group of actors more than people who are telling thi truth, Studieg
C a group of food experts have shown that liars don,t do any of these things ar:g
D a group of psychologists more than truthful people. lt seems the way we use o{irq
voices and the language we choose t far mcl-r,
4 How many times did each of the participants in revealing.
Professor Wiseman,s experiments have to talk?
F> fttfar easier to controf our gestur€s than c*;r
A once C three times speech, especially when we are tiying to convinc*
B twice D four times people that we are telling the truth, n-ody language.,
therefore, can be very misleading. But its hird -:+.
5 ln the sixih line of paragraph C, who does maintain the natural speech patterns we use whe*
themselves refer to?

telling the truth when we are lying. This was illustraiec,,

A lhe participants in professor Wiseman,s 11r sllilh TV experiment by piychotogist profess*r
experiment Richard Wiseman, who asked'celebritieu -to talk twice
B psychologists who study the nature of lying about their favourite films and foods - once telling
truth and once lying. Although the viewers founO ifvery.
C peopte who are telling lies difficult to tel! when the ielebrities were lying, prc,:
D people who are telling the truth Wiseman noticed rhat th€y told the truth and tiiA
in very similar wavs.

FF Rccording to prof Wiseman, one of the rnai,.,,

Complete the sentences in your own words, differences between peopfe who are lying and peopi*
based on the information in the text. yho g.rS telling the truth is that the form-er simply iay
less. When being dishonest, people use fewer'woral
1 Verbal language is a better indicator of and also hesitate and pause"moie. lnterestingly, pr*f.
whether someone is trying than body language Wiseman also says people try to distance thirnsetvs
because trom..their lies by using the first person as little *s
2 Two $igns that someone is being dishonest possible. One celebrity used the wold ,,1,, when
are about his true favouriie food 17 times. Uut onif !t;i;;
when pretending to talk about his favourite food. i*
addition. liars very rarely say that they don't remernbe
WritinE a de.tail, whereas people teiling the tiuth are happy
Write an email to your English e-friend admit forgetting some things. So the next time you iind
describing a person you don,t like. Give yourself wondering whether someone is telling tii*
truth, forget about their bodies and faces and foius el
reasons (120-150 words).
their words.
p> One of the most promising developments in green design is
'smart' glass which automatically adjusb to the temperature. The
smart glass darkens in high temperatures, taking only seconds to
do so, and becomes clearer when it,s ccld. Used in windows,
smart glass reflects a large amount of sunlight away from a
building in summer, reducing the need for air conditioning
inside. Unlike permanently tinted windows, srnart glass
Hot countries are windows also help to minimise heat loss in winter by making
spending a lct of money on maximum use of any available sunlight.
€$ keeping cool. ln Australia,
for example, a tenth of the
!> Aut you don't need technotogy fo cut your air conclitioning
and heating bills nature can help too. Energy-saving experts
money small businesses spend on energy goes on estimate that having trees to provide shade outside your walls
air conditioning. ln the United States, meanwhile, and windows -
families with air conditioning systenrs use fhem so
particularly west-facing ones can lower the
need for air conditioning by as much as 50%, Well-positioned
'much that they account for i 6%
of their energy trees can also act as a shield against colcl winter winds. One
bills, with the average system costing $2g0 to run academic from the Centre for Urban Forest Research in the
annually. Small changes in building and garden United States has told Americans that if they plant just one young
design, however, could greatly reduce the tree on the west side of their homes, their energy bjlts will he
financial and ecological cost of air conditioning. 12% lowerwithin 15 years.

fteading Cornprehension
nead the text and for questions I-5 choose the correct answer A, B.
I c or D.
What is the main purpose of this article? tn what way can smart glass reduce the cost of air
A to advise people how to reduce their heating conditioning?
costs A lt can produce solar power for air conditioning
B to persuade people stop using air conditioning systems to use instead of electricity.
systems B lt can automatically open windows to allow
C to inform people of ways to save money fresh air to blow inside.
D to recommend a product C lt can prevent rays from the sun from
ln the eighth line ol paragraph A, what does them overhealing a house.
refer to? D lt can allow heat inside a house to escape outside.
A air conditioning systems C American families According to the article, what can happen if you
B energy bills D small businesses plant a tree outside your home?

On average, how much do American families

A You can reduce your need for heating by 50 per cent,

spend on air conditioning?

B You can protect your house against damage by
strong winds.
A $16 a month
B $280 a year C You can save on household energy bills by 12%
per year.
C 10% of their incomes
D 16% of the total cost of their energy biils D You can save on household energy costs in the
long term.

Answer the questions according to the information Writing

given in the text. Use your own words.
Write 140-190 words on the following
What two factors could help lower energy costs topic ..Whot con people do to save
according to the text?
How does smart glass help people cut down on the
use of air conditioners in the summer?
How can householders use trees to save energy?

got stuck in the venl of a volcano' While the outer
F> Sometimes it's noi the size of a mountain that itopes of an extinct volcano erode away over time, the
frakes it impressive, but its shape. An example of this is central section lasts much longer * and eventually
Pico Cfro Grande on the small island of $60 Tom6 ofl stands alone. One ol the best examples ol a volcanic
West Africa, At 663 m, it's only about a seventh of the plug in the world is Shiprock in New Mexico, a iagged
height of ihe most famous peaks in the Alp$ - but it's
rock lorrnation in an otherwise llat landscape' Perhaps
nonetheless an unf0rgettable landrnark. unsurprisingly, lhe rock is sacred in the culture of the
p'fico C6o Grande forms a steep natural tower that Native Americans, which means that climbing it is
iesembles nothing else on the island' Although its torbidden.
name means Great Dog Peak, Pico C6o Grande is not
shaped like a canine, or any animal, The Witch's Hat or
F t'*t* are no such regulations lor Pico C6o
6rande, perhaps because Sdo Tomd has been
the Giant's Finger might be better names for this dark inhabited only since the 1400s, when the Portuguese
mound that out from $60 Tom6's lush green
iuts began to colonise it. However, if you want to climb Pico
rainforest landscape' lndeed, perhaps it3 the contrast Cao Grande you will encounter some practical
between the peak and its sunoundings that make
problems. Even accessing the peak is difficult as it is
such an amazing sight" lt brings to mind a monumonl or totallysurrounded by tough, dense vegetation' if you
religious structure' s0 much s0 that it's hard to believe make it to the peak, you can't simply walk up it' ll's so
it's the work of Mother Nature. steep -
that ropes are necessary and the rocklace is
F So how was this peculiar peak formed? The very slippery due to the misty atmosphere' lf you do
inswer lies in the island's volcanic natural history' ln make il t0 the top, avoiding the dangerous snakes on
geological terms, Pico Cdo Grande is a volcanic plug' the way and dont expect a panoramic view as the -
inat *eans that it'$ rock that, while still in liquid form' peak is tikely to be shrouded in misty clouds!

Reading Comprehension
Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A. B, c or D.

Where is Pico CAo Grande located? 4 Why are people not allowed to climb Shiprock?
A on the mainland of West Africa A because it is the only volcanic plug in America
B in the middte of a rainforest B because it is spiritually important for sorn+
C in the Alps people
D in FJew Mexico C because it is the tallest volcanic plug in the woric
What does the writer say about the name of the peak? D because it is too dangerous to climb
A lt does not match the peak's appearance. 5 Why is it difficult to climb up Pico C6o Grande?
B lt matches the peak's appearance perfectly. A because it is against the law to climb the peak
C lt should be changed to a more suitable name. B because it is an extremely tall peak
D Nobody knows its meaning. C because climbing the peak requires equipmer:
What was Pico Cdo Grande formed from? D because the peak is ditficult to find on a map
A liquid which wae stuck under a volcano
B liquid which flowed out of a volcano
C the outer slopes of a volcano
D liquid that was stuck inside a volcano

Answer the questions according to the Writing

information given in the text. Use your own
write 140-190 words on the following topic
words. ff
What problem is there with Pico C6o
Write a dercription of a visit to a place,
Grande's name?
Describe what the place is like and what you
Why can't people lry to get to the top of did there,
Reading Comprehension
Read the text and for questions l-5 choose
the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Where in Sweden is lhe ice hotel located?
A in the city of Kiruna
B in the centre of the country
C deep inside the Arciic Circle
D at the most northerly point of the country
ln the ihird line of paragraph C, who does their
refer lo
A Kiruna's inhabitants
B visitors to the snow festival
C competitors in the ice sculpture contest
D the $wedish people
F you may have heard of the ice hotel that's built
According to the article, why do Kiruna's every winter in the far north of Sweden. The ice
residents organise the snow festival? hotel, which is basically the world's biggest igloo,
A to attract tourists to the city includes rooms, an ice restaurant, a church, a cinema
B to celebrate the end of winter and a sauna. lf you tike the idea of holidaying in a
C to raise money to pay for heating winter won erland, perhaps you should consider
D to distract themselves from the winter weather staying in the ice hotel durinq the annual snow
conditions festival in the nearby city of Kiruna.

what is the highlight of the snow lestival? Ffn* festival, which takes place over several days
in late January, features spectacles such as reindeer
A the feast at the ice restaurant racing and snowmobile jumping" Children are well
B the reindeer race ratered for; too. They can take a pony ride over the
c the snow sculpture contest white terrain, ra{e mini snow-scooters or take in one
D the stage show of the stage shows featuring colourful characters, At
What are the Northern Lights? night, parties are held in the ice restaurant where
A a man-made artistlc display people have the chance to taste unusual local dishes
B a natural phenomenon often including reindeerj moose or bear meat. The
C another term tor the sun's rays main event of the festival, however, is an ice
D a nickname for the area around Kiruna sculptinE contest. Each year, visitors marvel at the
artistic exhibits on display,
[>rtt little wonder that the residents of Kiruna,
ln your own words, answer the questions who have been holding this festival since the mid.
eighties, feel the need to brighten up ffierr dark
based on the information given in the text.
winter with such colourful events and entertainment.
I Where might a tourist think about staying Kiruna is the most northern city in Sweden, located
near Kiruna? almost '150 km inside the Arctic Circte, ln the deepest
2 Name at least three things you can go to parts of winter, it receives as little as an hour of dim
see at the snow festival each yedr. daylight, known as twilight, per day, Ternperatures
3 What might people observe which is not can fall to -Z0oC, and a person's breath can just turn
part of the show? into ice crystals in front of them. And thatl not the
only amazing natural phenomenon which occurs in
this magical land. Winter days in rural Sweden are
often only brightened up by the white of the snow,
but locals and visitors are ssmetirnes treated to one
Describe a special festival you have of nature's greatest shows: the Northern Lights.
attended or heard about (140-190 words). These magnificent displays of colouI which are
created by solar winds, flicker across the colourless,
snowy expanses to light up the dark skies.
Reading Comprehension
Read the text and for qu*tions l-5 choose
the correct angwer A, B, C or D. rF"Jtr f;ffieruffif;ruffi
I What is the main purpose ol this article?
A to examine the computer game industry today
B to predict future developments in the #fr f#trrtrd",f,r#ffi #stL4ss
computer game industry
G to compare computer games of the past with !F Within the space of a few decades. video game
technoloEy has changed beyond recognition.
ones that are around today From
basic single-player computer games inriolving simple
D to advise businesses how to use computer stick controls, we can now manipulate the movements
games to advertise their products
of cornputer game characters with our bodies. We
I ln what way have the people who play computer even invite other people from anywhere in the world
games changed in recent years? to join us in online games. So how might gaming
evolve in the next few decadesT
A The average age of gamers has lowered.
B The average age ol gamers has risen. p fn* average age of gamers has risen to about 30
in recent years. Experts agree that this trend is likely
C More gamers are playing games online.
to continue" Not only are people continuing to play
D Fewer gamers are playing games online. games later in life, but now even older people
with no
Why might future computer games be more computer skills can also confidently take part in
popular with middle-aged people? games console revolution. More and rnore games
A Because they will not require them to be designed to neEd very little pressing of buttons.
familiar with traditional games consoles,
Games of the future may even be completely voice_
activated. Because of this user-friendIiness,
B Because they wiil teach them skiils that they
designers are trying to appeal to a whole new
can use in their jobs. market
- the middle-aged. We may soon see the release
C Because they can be played at the same of
games with themes such as gardening
or cookery.
-F tn:
time as they cook or work in the garden. younEer generation, however, can push
D Because middle-aged people of the future
will themsefves harder with more serious grring and they
have more time to play comput€r games. expect games to become a lot more physical
in thl
What will the main difference in video games
future. There are already some games that
sense the
of movement of any part of the body. Soon, games
the future for younger players be?
consoles will even be adapted to the way we
A They will become less physically demanding, through our facial expressions. Some games
B They wiil become more difficult to complete. will feel
more real than ever through the use ofln
C They will be able to react to players,emotions. p.foOayt most advanced video games are played in
D They will become more expensive to buy. the home, but it is already .o**oi for people
What doe$ the writer suggest businesses continue playing them wherever
should they go via their phones or
do in the finat paragraph? :l;{
similarly-sized gadgets.
A make their own computer games to advertise Businesses could even try to
their products r
take advantage of fhrs,
B make adverts targeting people who don,t play couldn't they? They could
computer games start advertising within
C advertise their products on the covers of games that are being played
computer games by people in their target
D advertise their products while the cornputer groups, those who
game is being played live in certain
areas or by people
with particular
WritinE tastes.
Why do you think people get addicted to
playing computer games? Write an essay
giving reasons (140-190 words).

p tmagine having a colossal walt of seawater, 90 ft hiqh, surfers usually wear more protective equipment, such as buoyang
aids to keep them afloat if they fall into the water and knee anri
banelling towards you at 75 km an hour. For most oirr-it *orrl f. etuol to protect their joints. As Garrett explains; "lt lookr
a horrifiring experience, but for big wave surfers, itrirr- ,iirr"* smoothpads
but it's not"You hit every ripple in the water ." lt can be
goall Ganett McNamara, one of the *ort ru...rrfrl;il;lir-
verypainful'' Also.whereasinnormalsurfingit'srelativelyeasyts
surfed on a wave of this description in 2011. h;;;r;;;;
th* top of the wave' in big wave surting' the waves move 3+
biggest waver ever ridden and the biggest ,uugllr on iil*. n*iJ-. iti:|,
fast that it's impossible to catch them without using a iet ski.The je
was uptoaded onto the lnternet and
* h- i; ;i; kr;;;, ski tows the surfer onto the breaking crc$ and re{overs him at fr*
quickly became an lnternet sensati'n,
iP i.u.n who was norn in Massachusetts, USA, took up surfinq ,
surfing big waves from the sea o{ Japan to fre Berirtg
at the age of 11 when his famity moved to Hawaii. i;;j; il.;;;; ||lfter
Sea off Alaska, in 2010, Garrett {inally found the waves he stt€
he begin enrering competirions around trre worlJ an;';;i;$
nainar{ :a ronrrrrrinn ;;,1 considers the biggest orruand best in the vvurrt,' just
trrt world,
lu>L urr
off the
url coast g
gained rc nna
reputation as one nf the r*nrrr'c
of rho -^.+ +ol^^todl:;*J.
world's most But ::'"':=:' ::'' .:''"':'
talented surfers. :J:r,rr
in his earry 30r, Ganett fert the need to ,o ,*n ffi;*,
t111t-,J1.*tnhern Portugal' tul* n 2011, that h€ rode t'x
wave^that gave him worldwide'.t,*:t
fame' Some estimate that it wm
something even more extreme. He decided to necome I ;r il
ft high'As Garrett sayt was onlv when I got in tre wav*
surfe[ ts find and ride the tagest and most powedut;;; r;;;; :"*j,?o
planet. that |.saw the size. was in awe," For Garrett it was the end of a
I teE:.

Fln, Garrett soon rearnr big wave surring requires a much [;:j::[:fli$J,il,i:J'i:ll1JiffiXf;r: frj[tr
different approach to ordinary surfing, For one thing, big wave
_--@".****-".P* **-**-*'*
;fu." ;": -.,_-::**
ReadinE Comprehension
nead the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer
A, B, c or D.
What was special about the wave Garrett McNamara C because he became too old to compete in
rode in 2011? surfing competitions
A lt was the lirst big wave Garret ever rode. D because he began to dislike the competitivenesi
B [t was the biggest sufiing wave ever recorded of ordinary surfing
on video.
According to the article, in what way is hig wa..:,
C lt was officially the biggest wave ever ridden.
surfing different to ordinary surfing?
D lt was filmed and broadcast live on the lnternet.
A lt requires less sa{ety equipment.
ln the lourth line of paragraph D, what doeg there B lt requires less skill.
refer to? C lt can cause more injuries.
A the Sea of Japan D lt can only be done by experienced surfers.
B the Bering Sea How did Garrett feel after riding the big wave he
C the town of Nlazard rode in 2A11?
D an area of sea off the coast of Northern portugal
A uncertain about his future
Why did Garrett decide to become a big wave surfer? B inspired to continue big wave surfing for anoths-
A because he wa$n,t having any success as an 10 years
ordinary surfer C excited to find an even bigger wave to ride
B because he wanted to experience something new D disappointed that the wave wasn't bigger

f,l nnr*"r questions 1-3 according to the Writing

H inforrnation in the text. Use your own words.
ff Write a composition (140-190 words) giving
1 Why was the wave Garrett McNamara rode r your opinion on the foilowing statement.
in 2011 special?
People should nat be allowed to big wave
2 Why did Garrett decide to become a big
surf hecause it is too dangerous.
wave surfer?
3 ln what ways is big wave surfing different
from norrnatsurfing?
Reading Comprehension
Read the text and for questions 1-S choose
the correct answer A, B, C or D.
What is the main purpose ol this article?
A to dispel myths that exist about monster waves
B to discuss the ndture of monster waves
C to raise awareness of the destructive nature
ol monster waves
D to explain the difference between monster
F> uonrta, waves, otherwise known as freak waves waves and tsunamis
or rogue waves, are extremely tall waves that occur far
Why is it important for scientists to study monster
out at sea, usually on their own or in groups of three.
Not long ago, they were considered a myth, in the same
category as sea monsters or ghost ships, and it was not
A because many people believe they don't exist
until 1995 that scientific data finally confirrned their B because understanding them could prevent
people from dying
p Sin.. then, scientists have been working hard to
C because monster waves coutd be used as a
try to understand monster waves better - and for a source of energy
very good reason. No accurate figures exist, but some 10
D because understanding them could help
experts think that monster waves cause around ten explain other strange sea phenomena
cargo ships to sink each year. Why do experts think the MC MU nchen could
, FF On. such ship
may have been the MC Mijnchen, a have been sunk by a monster wave?
huge German vessel that sank in bad weather in the A because survivors described the ship being
Atlantic Ocean in 1978, After an international search 15 hit by a huge wave
operation, all that was found of the vessel and its crew
B because scientists recorded a huge wave in
was a small piece of debris and an empty lifeboat.
I the area at that time
lnvestigators concluded that the lifeboat had somehow
,been forced off the ship rather than released C because evidence exists to suggest that
- even something very high hit the boat
though rt had been 20 m above sea level when 2a
attached to the ship. The only logical conclusion that D because passengers on a nearby vessel
experts could suggest was that the MC Munchen had witnessed it being hit by a huge wave
been hit by a wave around 30 metres in heighil ln 0.20 what does'it,refer to?
pff' of the MC Miinchen remains one of the A the MC MU nchen C a lifeboat
,few in which evidence exists to prove, to
some eKent, 25 B a piece of debris D a monster wave
the destructive potential of monster waves. gut what
{auses such extraordinarily huge waves? Because According to the arficle, what causes tsunamis
to form?
ordinary waves occur simply as i result of winds, it
seems logical that especially strong winds could cause A seismic activity on the ocean floor
an especiafly big wave. But monster waves have been 30 B extremely strong winds
recorded at tirnes and in places where winds have been C two waves that collide with each other
quite calm. So too, monster wavss are not tsunamis, D underwater volcanoes
the huge waves that are caused by undenruater
earthquakes, since many monster waves have been
documented in areas far away from seismic activity. To 35 Composition
add to the mystery some monster waves have even lrnagine you are a passenger on a ruise ship
been recorded moving in different directions to the that was hit by a huge wave. Write a story
normal waves surrounding theml
(140-190 words) about what happened. End
p uonrt.r
waves remain one of nature,s enduring your story with the following sentence.
mysteries. But they are not a phenomenon we can 40
Everyone was relieved to have survived such
simply sit back in awe of. They need to be studied and
a terrifying experience.
understood; the lives of people who live and work at
*a could depend on it.
Module 1 Module l
Read through Module I and rhoose the corre€t Read through Module 3 and complete the
word. Then write a similar quiz of your own. sentences. Then write a similar quiz of your
1 Thailand, a country in Asia/Europe. 1 Can I ptease see your boarding p...,...............__
2 The Akha hill tribeslnailons live in southern 2 Victoria Falls is a huge w...,....,...,,........ in
Asia. Africa. ,
3 The Akha people are dark in complexion/spirit. 3 Victoria Falls is considered one of tho
4 The Akha raise/farm crops like rice, soya beans natural w............. "...,..... of the world.
and corn. 4 Madrid has got a lot of tourist a...................,"-
The Akha have their own way of measuring ilme/ 5 The streets were c....,... with peopte
6 Livingstone n,.......... the lall atter
Jane is wearing a dress with white polka dots/ Victoria.
stripes today.
7 Our seats were in the last c.,....,....,....,.,.. on ffi
7 Bob prefers casual/pale clothes. train-
I Old people have got beard/wrinkles on their 8 The hotel has got a dry-cleaning s,......
9 All the hotel s....... are lriendly
He is very arroganUimpatient and gets ann yed helpful.
when he has to wail for something.
10 His car b...........,.......,... down while driving w
10 A cleaner/miner works underground to remove the beach.

Module 4
Module 2
Read through Module 4 and complete the
Read through Module 2 and mark the sentences
sentences. Then write a similar quiz of your owlu I

I (true) or F (false). Then write a similar quiz of

your own. 1 f............ in the evening.
We let off
2 Northumberland is an area of ou
1 Oceans take up 600/o of the Earth's nalural b...,........,.......... in Engtand.
People in funny costumes p......,"............,., &
2 lt rarely rains in the desert. the streets of the small village every March.
3 A seahorse has got scales on its body. A lot ol people g..".........,.......... to attend tf*
4 Male seahorses are the only animals that event.
give birth to babies,
We are going to p.,..................... up decoratiax.
5 The Knysna seahorse is in danger and blow balloons.
of extinction. 6 The shamrock is lreland's national s....."..,.......
6 Cheetahs are lhe fastest animats 7 I can't m...".,................. out what the name
on Earth, te..
the card is.
7 Reptiles give birth ts live babies and feed
They organized a dinner in h............,....,.....
their young with mitk. s
their grandparents.
8 More than 2O% of the world's oxygsn
The a........ applauded the actors a,
is produced in the Amazon Rainforest.
the end of the play.
I A chameleon is a rodent.
10 The festival d....................... back to the Azteffi.
10 Trees absorb carbon monoxide and
brealhe out oxygen.

Module 5 Module Z
Read through Module S and choose the correct Read through Module 7 and complete the
ruord. Then write a similar quiz of your own,
senten(es. Then write a similar quiz of your own.
1 A 30-year- old man broke/stole into a house in 1 M.......... arts are a good way io Q€i i;:,
Stanford last week.
2 He escaped lrom the house withoui being held/
2 Skydiving is an e.........,....,,.....,... sport"
3 You have to Ue p.......1..,. fit to particisa:€
in the Badwater Ultramarathon.
3 A Picasso painting got robbed/stolen from the
4 Taking part in the marathon
museum last Friday. of Sands rea!i,,,
pushes your b......,.
4 A 3O-year old woman caused a tatal/close.up
5 Weather conditions in the Arctic dte [J......,........"..:
accident when she crashed into another car.
hunters usually look to the sky to decide if it's safe
Both drivers were taken to hospital but doctors
to go out.
didn't manage to save their lives.
5 Forensic photographers are on view/call 7 days
6 You need a s............,,.,......... to play badminton.
a week. 7 Hurdles is a t...,.....,. event.
6 We need to speak to the officer in charge/duty. 8 The referee b....,.......,............ his whisile to
signal the end of the match.
7 The luggage was cut by/with a very sharp object.
8 lt was such/so a big explosion that ten people 9 He m.,,........,,.. the shot and we lost the
were injured.
I A fire seUbroke out in their house tast night.
10 We played well and managed to b......._....
the opponents.
10 The police have arrested a suspect/victim.

Module 6
Module I
Read through Module g and choose the correct
Read through Module G and choose the correct
word. Then write a similar quiz of your own.
word. Then write a similar quiz of your own.
1 The iCub robot was created in England/ltaly. 1 ,A lot of people got trapped/pulted in the
basements of their houses.
2 The iOub robot tooks like a small dog/chitd. 2 Several buildings evacuated/collapsed because
3 People use Skype to chaUsurf online. of the earthquake.
4 A games eonsole/player is used io play games. 3 Suddenty the ground started ehakingl
5 We can record/store files in a computer. approaching beneath our feet.
6 Could you please save/connect the document 4 The sea raised/rose up in a colossal wave.
in my lolder? 5 People were in a state/scale of shock unable to
7 Smartphones halp us to keep in file/touch with believe what was happening.
lriends. 6 Some houses were flattened and were reduced
8 lflUnless you are careful, you'll lose the files. to heaps of rubble/ruins.
9 I wish I had boughUbought that taptop when it 7 Her heart started striking/beating fast.
was on special offer. I lt's pouring/btazing with rain.
10 The alarm is programmed/set to at S am. I Make sure you drink a lot of water during a sleeU
heat wave.
10 They had to cope/flood with heavy blizzards.

Translate these words/phrases into your language.

Module 1 Module 3
Appearance/Character Travel & Holidays
aggressive ample parking space
arrogant boarding pass
average height conference lacililies
beard and moustache cramped hotelroom
cheerful crystal clear sea
early teens deserted beach
tair complexion facilities for the disabled
going bald means of transport
indifferent rear view mirror
modest room service
moody rude hotel staff
shoulder-length hair secluded village
spiky hair travellong distances
vibrant city
baggy tracksuit Useful phrases
casual clothes Did you have a good time on holiday?
embroiderad shirt
high-heeled shoes I cant believe it!
looks trendy I'm very sorry to hear that.
woollen waistcoat It just wasnt what I had pictured,
That's too badl
Useful phrases
You have my sympathy.
I can't stand classical music.
You must be joking!
I don't think we've met before.
I know what you mean,
It's a pleasure to meet you, ,,,,.,,.,.... Module 4
Take care. See you later.
Festivals & Celebrations
What's your favourite subject?
cheer and applaud
Module 2 dress up as ghosts
Environmental problems eye-catching costumes
honour the spirits of their ancestors
at risk of extinction
let off fireworks
put up decorations
endangered species
throw streamers
lace extinction
watch street processions
global water shortage
habitat loss Useful phrases
join an environmental group I haven't seen you for ages.
melting ice caps I wouldn't miss it for the world.
oil spill Sounds good. ...,.....,
recycle rubbish Unfortunately, I can't. .........
With pleasure.
Useful phrases
Would you like to come?
Good thinking
I'm nol sure about that, ........,..,.
Vdhat do you sugge$t?
What's wrong?
Why don't you buy energy-saving light bulbs?

You've been a big help.

Module 5 Module l
Sports & Fitness
armed robbery beat an opponent
break into a house build up muscles
break the law compete in the finals
crime scene learless adventurer
deter burglars inaccessible route
found guilty irresisiible challenge
get caught key to your survival
press charges lose a match
take precautions martiaiarts
take boy hostage personal trainer
works of art score a goal
Useful phrases train for the marathon
I think you should report it to the police.
win the race
li I were you, I'd delinitely report it, Useful phrases
ls anything missing? How come?
What am I supposed to do? I don'tthink $o. ..,...........
What's the matter? I'll think about it and let you know.
You don't look well.

Now that sounds good.

What do you think?
Module 6
You have a point.
artificial intelligence
chat online Module I
download music files Natural disasters
forget my password blazing sun
installsoftware cloud of ash
save documents colossalwave
send text messages evacuate residents
social networking sites ground shaking
surf the lnternet heaps of rubble
upload photos pourwith rain
Useful phrases raging torrent
Here's the receipt. river flooded its banks
I need some assisiance. scale of the devastation
I'll try my best. ....,..........",... shake my head
I'm terribly sorry about that, sir. soaking wet
It's working now. ..... state of shock
Let's see what's wrong, strong winds
Please accept rny apology. temperatures below zero
Take care. See you later. triggered a tsunami
volcanic eruption

Useful phrases
At least no one got hurt.
Guess what?
Have you read it yet?
Wait tillyou hear this.
What a nightmarel
What happened exacily?
You're not serious, are you?
You've got to be joking!

(adj) adjective (n) noun (pl n) plural noun (v) verb
Abbreviations (adv) adverb (phfl phrase (prep) preposition {sb) somebody
(conj) conjunction (phr v) phrasal verb pron) pronoun (sth) something

lb tp. a) make a Eood impression (phr)

= outgoing (adj) = sociable
anger grows (phr) = to become to behave in a way that makes plain (adi) = simple
more annoyed people have a positive opinion
authentic (adj) = genuine of you 2b $. z+\
button {n) = a disc used to fasten make up (phr v) = to invent a story access (n) = the right to use sth or
two pieces of a garment pathetic (adj) = arousing pity enter a place
casual (adj) = (of clothes) informal prey (n) = an animaf hunted by alter (v) = to change
casualty (n) = sb who is injured or another for food alternative forms of energy
killed in an accident prime (adj) = the most important (phr) = other ways of providing
change one's mind (phr) = to alter raise (v) - to lifr up electricity and heat
my opinion or decision see the good (phr) = to notice the animal extinction (phr) = when a
checked (adi) = having a pattern of positive aspects species of animal no longer
squares sleeve (n) = the part of clothing exists
collar (n) = the part of clothing which covers the arm approach (n) = the route that leae:
around the neck and shoulders striped (adj) = having a pattern of to a place
convlnced (adj) = sure of sth long lines assure (v) = to guarantee with
do up (phr v) = to tie sufferer (n) = sb who has a certainty
dressy (adj) = smart and stylish particular problem, usually balance (v) = to remain in a
easy going (adj) = relaxed medical position where it is possible to
elegant (adj) = beautiful, graceful take risks (phr) = to do dangerous fall
express one's feelings (phr) = 1s things balanced ecosystem (phr) = g
show one's emotions tartan (adj) = a grid-like pattern, natural environment where
expressive (adi) = showing your traditionally worn in Scotland animals and plants live withoul
feelings tell sb's feelings = to know what disruption
fashion victim (phr) = sb who is
ernotions sb else is experiencing climate change (phr) = the proces;
obsessed with the lastest fashion true (adi) = real of changing global weather
trends true feelings (phr) = real emotions patterns
fasten (v) = to close sth with wrap up (phr v) = to enclose sth in contaminate (v) = to pollute
buttons or a zip cloth or paper demolition (n) = the act of
feel strange (phr) = to experience deliberately knocking sth down
unfamiliar feelings
ld $. re) desertion (n) = the act of
floral (adj) = having a pattern with ambitious (adj) = wanting to be abandoning a person or
flowers successful or wealthy organisation
forgiven (pp) = pardoned for arrogant (adj) = believing you are destruction (n) = the act of
doing sth bad better than others damaging sth so badly that it
formal (adi) = (of clothes) worn to athletic (adj) = (of peopte) good at no longer exists
special events sp0rt devastation (n) = complete
grow (v) = to become larger authoritative (adj) = self-confident damage
hem (n) = the edge of a piece of and used to being obeyed divergence (n) = the process of
clothing which has been turned baggy (adj) = (of clothes) loose separating and going in another
over and sewn up fitting direction
hurt (v) = to cause pain conservative (adj) = old-fashioned diversity (n) = great variety
hurt sb's feelings (phr) = to designer label (phr) = (of clothes) ernission (n) = a gas that is
sb emotional pain made by a well-known fashion released into the air
injure (v) = to physically harm designer energy crisis (phr) = the problem
keep calm (phr) = to not panic flashy (adj) = intended to impress of not being able to produce
lose patience (phr") = to no longer introverted (adj) = 56y enough energy to maintain our
be able to wait without obedient (adj) = doing what you current lifestyles
becoming angry are told ensure (v) = to make sure of sth

entry (n) = the right to go inside a supply (n) = the amount available sandy (adi) = covered in sand
place for use secluded (adj) = private and qu,e:
fossilfuels (phr) - sources of support (n) * sth which carries the self-catering (adj) = (of
energy, such as coal, which are weight of a buitding accommodation) where you
the remains of animals and wildlife reserve (phr) = a place cook youi own rneals
plants that died thousands of where animals are protected single (adj) = (of a ticket) for
years aqo.
travelling only from one place
global warming (phr) = ths 2d (p. za) to another
process of the planet's chemicalwaste (phr) = unwanted spacious (adj) = having lots of
temperature gradually rising substances from industry and foom
greenhouse gases (phr) - gases household cleaning products stand clear (phr) = to avoid
that reflect radiation back to the farm waste (phr) = unwanted station (n) = the place where tra!ns
Earth, leading to increased substances from areas where arrive at and leave from
global temperatures crops are grown and animals terminal (n) = the building at an
homes of localwildlife (phr) = 169 are raised airport where passengers check
places where specific animals fertiliser (n) = sth added to the soil in and wait
and birds live to help plants grow trip (n) = a short visit
infect (v) = to give sb/sth a disease industrial waste (phr) = unwanted vacant (adj) = empty
infest (v) = to fill with unwanted substances from factories winding (adj) = (of roads, paths
creatures marine life (phr) = animals and etc.) with many turns
insure (v) = to pay money to an plants that live in the ocean
insurance company in order oil spill (phr) = when oil 3d (p. a+)
that they can accidentally leaks into the backpacking holiday (phr) = 6
natural habitat (phr) = the home natural environment cheap holiday where you visit
of an animal or plant in the wild plastic bag (phr) = a flexible many places
nuclear power station (phr) - s container with handles made cabin (n) = a private room on a
place which produces electricity from material produced by ship
by changing the structure of chemical processes campsite (n) = an area for tents
atoms rubbish (n) = unwanted items and caravans
organic farming (phr) = growing sewage (n) = waste products from caravan (n) = a mobile home
crops and raising animals people's bodies chalet {n) = a holiday home in a
without the use of camp
origin (n) = the place where sth 3b qp. aoy
city break (phr) = a short holiday
starts to exist board (v) = to get on an aircraft, in a large town
ozone layer (phr) = a sheet made ship etc. cruise (n) = a luxury holiday on a
of ozone particles which boolt (v) = to reserve ship
surrounds the Earth and absorbs cancelled (pp) = (of sth arranged) cruise ship (phr) = a large boat for
harmful radiation frorn the sun stopped cruising holidays
pesticides (n) = chemicals that are cramped (adj) = not having eat out at restaurants (phr) = to
sprayed on crops to kill insects sufficient space sit at a table and pay for your
reassure (v) = to say that sth is in delayed (pp) = being later than food
order, so as to make sb feel less planned ferry (n) = a boat which transfers
nervous fully booked (adj) = (of seats, passengers across short
renewed (pp) = resumed or rooms etc) all reserved distances
repeated hire (v) = to pay to use sth for a hostel (n) = a place which offers
resource (n) = sth from nature that period of time cheap rooms to stay in
can be used by humanity iourney (n) = going from one place package holiday (phQ = a hotiday
solar power (phr) = energy from to another over a long distance where flights, accommodation
the sun remote (adj) = far away from large and food are included in the
$ource (n) = the place where sth populations price on display
begins residential (adj) = where people plane (n) = an aeroplane
stock (n) = an amount stored live sightsee (v) = to visit famous
somewhere for later use r€turn (adj) = (of a ticket) for places
store (n) = an amount kept travelling from one place to ski (v) = to move across the snow
somewhere for later use another and back again using pieces of metal fixed to
your shoes

subway (n) = (in America) the rnatch (n) = a sports game have a specific role (phr) = to have
underground railway memorial (n) = a monument a definite part to play
train (n) = a form of transport dedicated to sb's memory headdress (n): sth decorative
which travels on rails overalls (n) = a one-piece garment worn on the head
visit museums (phQ = to go to for manual labour fudge (n) = a person who decides
buildings where artefacts and parade (n) = a procession the winner of a competition
information are press conference (phr) = a meeting rehearse for months (phr) = 1s
watch sport events (phr) = to see where journalists can question sb practise a play for several
live matches and competitions procession (n) = a line of months
people/vehicles moving along sequins (n) = small pieces of shiny
4b qp. soy
pronounce (v) = to formally state plastic for decorating clothes
announce (v) = to say publicly race (n) = a comPetition to be the spectator (n) = sb who watches an
break (n) = a short holiday fastest event
buy flowers (phr) = to purchase a reception (n) = the party after a televirion audience (ph$ = the
floral arrangement wedding people who watch programmes
carve jack-o'-lanterns (phr) = 16 renounce (v) = to reject at home
use a knife to make designs on reunion {n) = when people who well-decorated (adj) = made to
pumpkins haven't seen each other for a look attractive by adding things
cash prize (phr) = a reward of long time meet
money send a special greetings card 5b 6. zey
denounce (v) = to criticise in public (phr) = to post a card with a at large (prep phr) = having
dungarees (n) = a sleeveless one- special rnessage escaped and not been captured
piece garment stall (n) = a table where things are yet
eat roast turkey (phr) = to have a sold barrister(n)=alawyer
meal of turkey cooked in the statue (n) = a figure made of stone, blackmail (n) = demanding money
oven metal, etc in return for keeping secrets
festivlties (n) = celebrations streamers (n) = strips of coloured break into (phr v) = to enter a place
gathering (n) = when a group of paper by force
people meet up trlp (n) * a short visit break out of (phr v) = to escape
get-together (phr) = when a small tuxedo (n) = a formal dinner jacket from a place
group of people meet wait until midnight (phr) = to stay bullying (n) = intimidaring or
give a box of chocolates {phr) = to up until 12 o'clock at night hurting sb
offer sweets as a present watch fireworks display (phr) = to by mistake (prep phr) = without
give away (phr v) = to walk with see an organised show of intending to
the bride towards the man she is brightly coloured explosions court reporter (phr) = a person
going to marry wear fancy dress costumes {phr) = who writes down whatever is
give thanks by saying a prayer to dress up as sb/sth else said in a court case
(phr) = to show gratitude by
crime scene (phr) = the place
praying 4d $. oo)
where a crime took place
Eo trick or treating (phO = to attend a parade (phr) = 1s 5g defendant (n) = a person accused
knock on people's doors asking present at a procession of a crime
for sweets carry a flag (phg = to hold a pole deport (v) = to force a foreign
going-away (adj) = leaving with a piece of decorated cloth citizen to leave a country
have large family gatherings fixed to it fraud (n) = deception for financial
(phr) = to invite many mernbers compete against each other gain
of the same family to one place (phr) = when people try to be get away with (phr v) = to escape
honeymoon (n) - a holiday for the best at sth punishment
newly-married couples dancer (n) = a person who mOves hacking (n) = gaining access to a
housewarming party (phr) = a their body to music computer system without
gathering of people to celebrate drummer (n) = a person who plays permission
sb moving into a new home the drums hooliganism (n) = violence
jumpsuit (n) = a one-piece garment extravagant costume (phr) = an identity theft (ph$ = pretending
for sports elaborate outfit you are sb else by using their
make resolutions (phr) = to make a handmade (adj) = made by a name and personal information
promise to yourself to do sth person

interrogate (v) = to question sb police officer (phO = sb who portable stereo {pnr: = .:r
investigate (v) = to look into a maintains law and order electrical applia ncr i:'r :,..:;L1-:,-";
case prime suspect (phr) = the rnain to the radio and CD-r
judge (n) = sb who decides on the person who is thought to have reformat (v) = to instali i:t
punishment for a crime committed a crime operating system on a
jury (n) = the people who decide robber (n) = sb who steals sth by computer again
whether a person is guilty of a using threats or violence reinstall (v) = to put software c*:.,
crime statement (n) = an account o{ onto a computer
life sentence (phr) = 169 what a person saw ringtone (n) = the sound which
punishment of spending the threaten (v) = to tell sb you will you hear when your mobile
rest of your life in prison hurt them if they don't do sth phone rinEs
penalty (n) = punishment witness (v) = to see a crime or an set up (phr v) = to install
persecute (v) = to treat sb badly accident happen signal (n) = mobile phone
because of their race, religion or reception
political beliefs 6b (p. se) SIM card (n) = the small
prosecute (v) = to take legal action advance (v) = to move forward plastic card inside a rnobile
against sb Android (n) = a type of software phone which contains
public prosecutor (phr) = an for mobile devices inforrnation
official employed by the state antenna (n) = an aerial smash (v) = to break into pieces
to prove that sb is guilty of a camcorder (n) = a device for speakers (n) = a piece of electrical
crime creating and watching videos equipment that produces the
report (v) = to give information crash (v) - (of a computer) to stop sound from a computer, radio,
forrnally working etc
site (n) = dfi ir€fr of land cut off (phr v) = to stop suddenly switch off (phr v) = to turn an
smuggle (v) = to import and download (v) = to copy or transfer electrical appliance off
export prohibited goods files from the lnternet to a texting (n) = the act of typing a
secretly computer mobile phone message
speeding (n) = driving faster than e-book reader (phr) = a device for transfer (v) = to move from one
the legal speed limit reading books in electronic place to another
tax evasion (phr) = not paying format upgrade (v) = to change to a
your taxes freeze (v) = (of a computer screen) newer version or model
turn in (phr v) = to give a criminal to become completely still and USB stick (n) = a removable device
to the police unable to move for storing information
hard drive (phr) = the part of a videophone (n) = a mobile
5d (p. zo) comput€r where all the phone which also shows live
alarm (n) = a siren which alerts you information is stored footage of the person you are
of fire, a break-in, etc increase (v) = to grow in amount talking to
arrest (v) = when the police take or size
sb to the police station because keyboard (n) = a board with 6d (p. gz)
they believe he/she has buttons that are pressed to type avatar (n) = an image on a
committed a crime information into a computer or computer screen which
break-in (n) = forcing your way machine represents a real person
into a building to steal sth log on (phr v) = to start using a chat room (phr) = a site where
burglar (n) = sb who enters a com,puter people can have conversations
building without permission modem (n) = a device for using instant messages
and steals sth connecting a computer to a cyber-bully (n) = sb who
(v) = to break free 'phone line intimidates another person by
guard (n) = sb who makes sure monitor (n) = a computer screen sending rnessages over the
that prisoners don't escape mouse (n) = a device used to select I nternet

hide (v) = to prevent yourself from items on a computer screen digitalcommunity (phr) = s
being found perforrn (v) = to carry out group that interacts using the
up (n) = stealing by using personal organiser (phr) = a hand- lnternet
threats of violence held electronic diary with access hacker (n) = sb who breaks into a
t (n) = an unpleasant event to the lnternet computer system and steals

instant messaging (phr) = having
a conversation with sb by
sending lines of text over the
diving board (phr) = a plank which
people jump from into a
track (n) = a course for racing
training session (phr) = a period
swimming pool of time devoted to practising L-

lnternet which appear fair play (phr) = following the rules sport
immediately on their computer in sport umpire (n) = a person who makes
screen get the ball rolling (idm) = to sure that the rules of a game
lnternet civility (phr) = good
online behaviour
lnternet safety (phr) = protection
begin a process
goalkeeper (n) = the player whosen
iob is to stop the opposing
(tennis, baseball, cricket etc) arr
followed :t
from harm online team scoring 7d 1p. roay :J
message board (phr) = an lnternet
site where online messages are
goalpost (n) = one of the two
poles on either side of the goal
archery (n) = the sport in which
the player shoots arrows at a :t

password (n) = a set of characters
in football, hockey, rugby, etc
have a ball (idm) = to have a fun
target using a bow
bird watching (n) = observing :i

used for accessing personal
computers, email accounts, etc
host (v) = to provide a venue and
birds in the wild
boxing (n) = the sport in which :J
pop-up ads (phr) = online adverts
which appear in separate
resources for an event
hurdles (n) = obstacles which
two players fight
darts (n) = the game in which the :i

windows on your computer
runners have to jump over
during a race
players throw pointed markers
at a round board
post comments (phr) = to make
your opinion public by leaving
keep one's eye on the ball {idm) =
to stay focused
gardening {n) = looking after
a lr.J
message on an lnternet site linesman (n) = sb who helps the stamp collecting (n) = keeping th:
remain anonymous (phr) = to referee decide whether a ball is pieces of paper used to show }J
keep your identity a secret
out payment when sending letters
sign up (phr v) = to join an
moderate (adj) = reasonable
net (n) = material which helps to
and parcels

8b (p. tzo) J
lnternet site
gocial network (phr) * (of the
lnternet) a group of people who
form the goal in football,
hockey, basketball, etc
obsessed (pp) = thinking about sth
a storm in a teacup (idm) = 3 fp5s
about nothing

socialise online constantly abrupt (adi) = sudden :tsr

spam mail (phr) = unwanted
emails sent in large quantities
troll(n) = sb who posts offensive
path (n) = a narrow track for
physical exam (phr) = a medical
as right as rain (idm) = in good
be on cloud nlne (idm) = to be
messages in a online forum checkup very happy
virtual world (phr) = a computer- pltch (n) = an area for playing blazing (adj) * burning
based online community sports like football and rugby cold wave (phr) = a period of colo'
virus (n) = a programme which play ball (idm) = to be co-operative and bad weather
destroys information on a pool {n) = itfl 6r€d filled with water cyclone (n) = a tropical storm
computer where people go swimming darken (v) = to become darker
prohibit from (v) = to not allow sb darkened (adi) = (of a room)
7b p. ro+1
to do sth having no lights on
a whole new ball game (idm) = a protective gear (phr) = equipment drizzle (v) * to rain lightly
totally different situation which keeps sb safe from injury fair-weather friend (idm) = sb
avid (adj) = keen rebound (n) = the act of the ball who is only your friend during
balanced diet (ph$ = all the food bouncing off the hoop in good times
groups in the correct quantities . basketball and an opponent feel under the weather (idm) = to
court (n) = an area for playing catching it feel ill
sports like tennis and basketball referee (n) = a person who makes flash flood (phr) = a sudden flood
defensive (adj) = resisting attack sure that the rules of a game howl (v) = (of the wind) to blow
disqualified (pp) = forbidden from (football, rugby, basketball, etc) hard and make a long loud
participating in, or forced to are followed noise
leave, a competition, because of terrain (n) = land it never rains but it pours (idm) =
doing sth which is against the the ball is in your court (idm) = bad things always happen at
ruJes the next step depends on you the sarne time

mudslide (n) = a landslide of wet thunderstorm (n) = a storm with overflow (v) = tc,cg6 ,@$,1W,#;r;,
soil lightning, thunder and heavy container or a pwe,@,e,
natural disasters (phr) = 6 rain is too full
devastating event caused by twister(n)=atornado rising tide (phr) = ft €.rf, ;?
forces of nature weather the storm (idm) = 1s water becoming l,;*aq*:"
overcast (adj) = cloudy survive through a difficult time rubble (n) = broker :::-q*. *-;s
paramedic (n) = an emergency
bricks from a bu: c - : -:,ir-'-a:
medicalworker 8d qp. rz+y
bden destroyed
pelt (v) = to rain very hard aftershock(n)=asmall shaking (prep p) = Frlc" -.g -: #":j
rain cats and dogs (idm) = to rain earthquake that happens after a down or from side :r :.,irs.e;,
very heavily bigger one strong winds (phr) = C:.."**", il\-
relief supplies (phr) = provisions air current (phr) = ths currents
for victims of disasters movement of air in a particular tremor (n) = a shakino c' '.-.t
save it for a rainy day (idm) = 1s direction ground
put aside money in case you burst its banks (phr) = (of a river)
need it in the future
wash away (phr v) - (of rqe.:!. l,;
to overflow carry away
scorching (adj) = very hot eye of the storm (phr) = the
search dog (phr) = a dog that centre of a storm
helps to locate missing people fault llne (phr) = the place where
after a disaster two tectonic plates have moved
survivor (n) = sb that manages to past each other and
stay alive through a disaster earthquakes often occur
take the world by storm (idm) = gale (n) = a powerful wind
to become popular very quickly

be /bi/ was /wozl been /bilrr/ leave Ii:v/
bear /lrcil left /tetti left /lerti
bore /brf born(e) /bcrn/ lend /lendi lent /lcnti
beat ftirr/ beat lbir/ ient /lenr/
beaten /bitrn/ let lcr/
become /brknm/ let /ter/ let /leV
became ftr'kcrrn/ become firtkam/ lie ilar/ lay ltel
begin /bigrn/ began ,tbrqani lain lern/
begun rttqnrri light /tarr/
bite /bart/ lit /kr/ lit th{
bit ibrtl bitten /hrton/ lose /lu:z/ lost /tnsr/
blow /btau/ blew /blu;/ blown &loirni
lost /usr/
break &rerlV broke ftrauk/ broken /bmukan/ make /merk/
bring lhnrji made /nrerd/ made /nre rd/
brought /bmr11 brought /bmrr/ mean lmitn/
build lbrkl/ meant /meni/ meant /menr/
built tulri built /hrlt/ meet/mirr/ met /rncr/
burn &s:n/ burnt (burned) met inretl
burnt (burned)
/h:nr {b:rnd}/ ,rbstnr (br:ndll pay /peri
burst /br:sr/ paid lpcr<li paid lperdi
burst /bs:st/ burst /bs:$f/ put /pur/
buy /bar/ put /puV put /pov
bought /bcrr/
read /red/ read,fedl
Can /k&n/ (been able to /bm,srhill
catch /kerl/ rode irerJd/ ridden lnclan/
caught /k3xi
choose ftJu:z/ rung /r^l/
chosen /tjoozen/
come /kAnf risen /nzpn/
come /k,1m/
€ost /kost/ run /r^n/
cost /ks,cV
cut /krtl cut /kAt/
said /sed/
deai /di:l/ seen /si;n/
dealt /tlelt/
dig /drgi sold /u.rtd/
dug /d,rg/
do idu:/ done /chn/
Sent /$snr/
draw /drt:/ drew /dnr:/ set /sct/
drawn /drc:n/
dream,/drirnr/ dreamt (dreamed) Sewn /sfl,ni
dreamt (dreamed)
ldremt (dri:md)/ shaken /lerkan/
/dremr (dri;md)/
drink /drrrlrl drank /drenk/ shone /Jr:n/
drunk ldra4k/ shoot /JuiL/
drive /drarv/ drove ldreuv/ shot /Jori
driven /dnvan/ show /Iab/
shown /fauni
shut /I,rV shut {,rrl
eat /irt/ ate lerr/ shut f.trl
eaten /i:tarr/ sing /srr;/ sang /$&qi sung isa4l
sit /srt/
lall ltilt fell lreri
5at /ssrt/ sat /ser/
fallen /fcCcn/ sleep /sli:p/
teed ifirdl fed /fcd/ slept islcpr/ slept /stcpr/
fed /fed/ smell /rmell
feel /fi:U felt /t'ctV smelt (smelled) /smelr smelt {smelled)
felt lfetV /srnelr
fight /farr/ fought /rr:r/ {smeld)/ (smeld)/
fought /frrri speak /spi:kl
find ifhrndl found fihrlnd/ spoke /spauki spoken lsgaukon/
found ffaund/ spell /spet/
fly /nar/ flew iflu:/ spelt (spelled) /spelr spelt (spelled) /speh
flown /fleon/ (speld)/
forbid /rc'bra/ forbade /feba:rJl forbidden /fabrdan/
forget /fcgeri spend /spcndi spent /spenr/
forgot /fogoV spent /spent/
forgotten /fecoran/ stand /srend/
forgive {n'srv/ forgave stood /strxl/ stood /sr{xU
lt-c,gerv/ forgiven /frgrvan/ steal /$riC/
treeze stole /srauV stolen /sr3{.}lon/
froze /frcuz/ frozen /fraozanl stick isrrki stuck /sr^k/ stuck /staU
get /getl sting /$r!t/ stung lsr^rV
got stung /sr^d
/qDV got /0Drl swear /swer/ SWOre /swr:/ sworn /swr:nl
gave lgerv/ given lgrvani sweep /srvi:p/ swept /swept/
wenl /rvent/ gane /guil/ swept /swepli
swim /swrm/ swam lsrvenV
grew lgrur/ grown /grcud Swum /swAm/

take /rerk/ took /tuk/

hung (hanged) hung (hanged) ftaq taken /terkon/
;ir,rq teach /ri:g/ taught /rr:r1 taught /rrx/
th&rld)l (htcnd)/ tear /teo/ tore /rr/
had ilusti torn /rc:n/
had /lradi tell /tel/
heard Ag:d/ told /raotdi told Aautd/
heard itrgrrV think firr:k1
hid Ardi thought /t):rr/ thought /03:r/
hidden /hrdan/ throw t'{}nu/
hit /hrr/
threw /Oru:/ thrown /orcun/
hit /hil/
,held &eto/
held /heldl understand understood l^nd)st{d/ understood l,rndo,srrd
hurt /h:rl hurt /hg:t/ l,rnda'stronfl/

kept /kept/ kept /I<epr/ wake /werkl

knew /rrjuf known /noun/ woken /r€(,kan/
wear /wcc1
worn /we:n/
win /rvrnl
laid llerd/ Won iw^d
laid llerd/ write /rart/
led /icrt/ led ned/
written /rrtan/
learnt (learned) r{s;nt learnt (learned) fl:nr
(lsrnd)/ (lsrnd)/


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