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Course: MGT 314

Section: 16
Semester: Spring 2017

Subject: Implementation of Dr. Edward Deming’s Fourteen Points in a

nearby local Hospital Management.

Prepared for:
Nafish Sarwar Islam
Department of Management,
School of Business and Economics,
North South University.

Prepared by:
Tazkiya Jahan Nafia
Id: 1320142030
Date: 20th March 2017
Farazy Hospital Ltd. is established on 1 st March in the year 2012 at Rampura, Dhaka. It has
started its journey with the assuredness to provide the best and modern healthcare facilities.
Currently, it provides services to the people of Rampura, Banasree, Aftabnagar, Badda,
Bashabo etc.

Existing Situation
From its inauguration it has been serving latest healthcare services to all kinds of people
within affordable price. At present, it is considered to one of the best healthcare center in
Rampura. Farazy Hospital ltd. is offering all digital and modern facilities to get people the
best healthcare services possible. In addition, it has a large area of consultant center; about 18
consultants can sit and give health related advice with friendly care at this department and the
team of surgery is very expert in any kind of critical operation. The operation theater is
facilitating with all modern technology and machines. Moreover, it opens 24hrs diagnostic
services with condition for urgent report delivery and makes available 24 hrs consultation
with doctors.

Deming’s fourteen points Implementation

Dr. Edward Deming’s fourteen points is very crucial to better management of quality in an
organization. Thus, to implement these 14 points, I have chosen my nearby local Hospital
namely Farazy Hospital Ltd. and tried to visualize how this hospital has implemented
Deming’s fourteen points to ensure better quality in their healthcare centre.

1. Create constancy of purpose:

This refers to how an organization serves and sets specific standards of services. Farazy
Hospital Ltd. aims to provide advanced modern healthcare facilities always. To hold this
purpose constant, it is always facilitating its services and equipments with digital and
advanced technologies. For instance, it is offering people facilities of digital X-ray, 12
channels ECG, Echo, 4d ultrasound, physiotherapy, pharmacy, and all pathological tests
beside with 24 hours emergency services. Its main purpose is to facilitate people to get a
sound healthcare and thus cure them from diseases. It’s tagline is “ We care, Allah cure”.
This refers that they try to help people 24 hrs by facilitating with their services and always
seeking to introduce modern and advanced healthcare facilities to help people to get well

2. Adopt Philosophy of Prevention

We all know the proverb that “ prevention is better than cure”. To adopt this philosophy in
their services, Farazy Hospital Ltd, is going to take an initiative to arrange telemedicine
facilities and patients will get treatment from foreign physician. In addition, every month
some foreign physicians will visit patients of Farazy hospital Ltd. from India, Bangkok,
Singapore, and Europe. As part of their aim to provide advanced and modern healthcare
facilities, they are going to introduce these facilities to adopt the philosophy of prevention
and help people to get foreign physicians advice and treatment while staying at their home

3. Cease Mass inspection

This means to develop statistical measures of quality and institute a system of performance
monitoring, including patients’ satisfaction. In healthcare centre, statistical measure for
ensuring quality is rigid and unreliable. Because, at healthcare centre quality actually matters
not quantity. Therefore, Farazy Hospital Ltd. always looks at the quality of their service
providers; both physicians and non-physicians who are involved in the course of action and
always evaluates patients satisfactions towards services and keeps an eye on their feedback
and takes necessary measures to rework or remove defects if there are any deficiency seen in
providing services.

4.Select a few suppliers based on quality

Quality is something that is very much crucial in the field of services. Quality varies one
service provider to another. Hence, when it turns to the most sensitive field such as
healthcare; this is something that shall get the most priority. Therefore, Farazy Hospital Ltd,
is very much concerned about ensuring their services quality and always try to provide best
possible services through their modern and advanced equipments and other medical facilities.
Farazy Hospital has few selected suppliers from whom they take all necessary supplies so
that the quality of the service materials are same as always and thus, maintain the constancy
of their healthcare facilities.

5. Constantly improve system and workers

In the field of healthcare, innovation is happening every now and then. In this modern era,
scientists are always discovering how to come up with better innovations and thus help
people cure from dangerous diseases. Moreover, constant innovation in medical treatments
has lessened the approaches and time duration that needed in previous generation. But, to
keep pace with these new systems, workers need to be properly trained. Hence, Farazy
Hospital is always taking initiatives to train its employees to keep pace with new systems and
thus radically improve their performance in delivering healthcare services.

6. Institute worker training: Farazy Hospital Ltd. institutes workers training in the following

 Train workers especially who deal with pathological tests;

 Physiotherapy departments;
 Consultation department; and
 ICU etc.

7. Instill leadership among supervisors

Supervision is the responsibility of management to ensure whether constancy of purpose is
met or not. To ensure proper supervision, management should always look on workers
whether they utilize their time and skills properly or not. In healthcare centre, supervision is
also a crucial part to get deliver sound healthcare services. Thus, Farazi Hospital Ltd, always
encourages its supervisors to instill leadership among them and thus help workers to get
deliver services that brings comfort to patients and thus get satisfied them. As part of
supervision, Farazy Hospital Ltd. management team always supervise employees and always
keep an eye on their employees that how they deliver services, whether they incur any
problem or not, if any deficiency seen; they take necessary measures to improve service
delivery quality and thus retain constant improvement in delivering healthcare services.
8. Eliminate fear among employees
Fear is the main constraint that hinders workers from delivering their suggestions that might
be very important for the organization to be successful. Because employees who belong to
the lower tier, are directly deal with the customers. Therefore, to get know the real scenario,
lower tier workers should get priority and they should be driven out of fear. To ensure
eliminating fear among employees, Farazy Hospital doesn’t use any class distinctions
between types of workers like- physicians, non-physicians, clinical, non-clinical etc.
Management of Farazy Hospital Ltd. has always been treating it employees to come up with
their suggestions and thus help them to participate in discussions where their comments are
crucial to improve any existing system.

9. Eliminates barriers between departments

Barriers between departments limit the quality of services to be delivered and thus create
inconsistency among systems. Therefore, any barriers between departments should be
eliminated to better facilitate customers with services. Hence, Farazy Hospital Ltd. always
keeps vigilant eye on its main departments such as Cardiology, emergency care, medicine,
neurology, Orthopedics, and surgery to maintain healthy communications among each other
departments and thus well facilitate its patients to get the best possible services and thus
retain their constancy in service delivery.

10. Eliminate Slogans

Farazy Hospital Ltd. discourages to use slogans or posters to meet its goals rather the
management of Farazy Hospital Ltd. always tries to convey the messages to employees
through expressing its goal to get deliver best healthcare facilities to its patients and thus
communicates its goals with its employees and enhance better management-workers
relationship within the organization.

11.Eliminate Numerical Quota

Refers to eliminate work standards that set quota. Moreover, it is very crucial in service
sectors that to emphasize on quality rather than quantity. Farazy Hospital Ltd. always
encourages its employees to deliver better services rather than counting how many patients
are being served.

12.Enhance worker pride

Farazy Hospital Ltd. always inspires its workers to take initiatives to improve their service
delivery skills and successful workers get appreciated and rewarded for enhancing their
contribution towards better healthcare delivery system. Hence, it encourages its employees to
better contribute them in serving patients.

13. Institute vigorous training and education programs:

It involves providing training and arranging educational programs to retraining people in new
skills. Farazy Hospital Ltd. traines its supervisors and employees certain skills that needs to
get done their works. But, it doesn’t offer any vigorous training and educational programs.
They can implement it by arranging educational programs like seminars, open-discussions,
work-shop and so on and thus better contribute to its employees and patients.

14.Develop a commitment from top management to implement above 13 points:

To ensure a sound quality management in any organization, the above 13 points is very
crucial to implement. Thus, Farazy Hospital Ltd. has always been trying to implement all
these 13 points and developed a commitment from top management to implement all these
points to deliver better healthcare facilities and thus hold constancy of their purpose.

From the above discussion, we can easily visualize that Farazy Hospital Ltd. is actively
practicing most of the points provided by Dr. Edward Deming to implement the sound quality
management in their healthcare center. Hopefully in near future, they will implement all these
fourteen points and thus accelerate their healthcare services towards patients.


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