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Proverbs in Halves


Class: X Science II
Number: 24

Match the proverb below, then find the meaning of each proverbs!

(Re-write the proverb following with the meaning)

e.g : 1. It’s no use crying over spilt milk

1 2 3 4
It’s no use No news Better There is
crying is… late … no
over … rule …
5 6 7 8
People in Barking Afte Better
glass dogs… ra alone…
houses … stor
9 1 1 1
Two is Many a 0 A 1 When the 2
company little… stitch cat
,… in is away …
time …
1 1 1 1
Such a 3 Nothing 4 Opportun 5 Once 6
father… venture ity makes bitten, …
d… …

… should … comes a … makes a … good
not calm. mickle. news.
stones. E F G H
… than never.… three is a… without… the mice will

… twice … … spilt … than in
shy. nothin milk. bad
g company.
… the … such a … saves
thief. son. nine. P
… don’t
Write your answer here! Number 1 has been done for you

1. It’s no use crying over spilt milk

Meaning: There is no use in being upset over situations that have already happened and cannot be

2. No news is good news

Meaning: Without the proper information to the contrary you can assume that all is well.

3. Better late than never

Meaning: It’s better to do something late, than to never do anything.

4. There is no rule without exception

Meaning: If there are rules with exceptions, then the rules are false, because if a rule has
an exception, then that exception could have an exception that would make the rule false.
Even if the rules have no exception, it would still be proven false, because then there is a
rule without an exception, which is what the rule is saying cannot exist.

5. People in glass houses should not throw stones

Meaning: You should not criticize others when you have the same or similar faults of your

6. Barking dogs don’t bite

Meaning: People with the biggest mouth, make the lesser action.

7. After a storm comes a calm

Meaning: After a storm of things such as stress, difficult, chaotic things, comes a calm
time of improvements.

8. Better alone than in a bad company

Meaning: It’s better to be alone, than to be with someone of bad influence.

9. Two is company three is a crowd

Meaning: A third person (company) is not welcome when two people want to be alone
with each other.

10. Many a little makes a mickle

Meaning: Lots of small amounts put together becomes a large amount.

11. A stitch in time saves nine

Meaning: When you solve/sort out a problem faster or instantly, then it would save a lot
of extra time later.

12. When the cat is away the mice will play

Meaning: People would take advantage in the absence of people with authority.

13. Such a father such a son

Meaning: A son has the same attitude as the father.

14. Nothing ventured nothing gained

Meaning: You will not achieve anything if you never take any risks.

15. Opportunity makes the thief

Meaning: Everyone can commit a crime (thief) when there is an opportunity (when there
is no rule/control in place).

16. Once bitten twice shy

Meaning: A person that has made a mistake, would be much more careful when they are
trying to do the same thing again.

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