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Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77

Metropolitan area income inequality and self-rated health}

a multi-level study
Tony A. Blakely*, Kimberly Lochner, Ichiro Kawachi
Department of Health and Social Behavior, Harvard Center for Society and Health, Harvard School of Public Health,
Harvard University, Boston, USA


We examined the association of income inequality measured at the metropolitan area (MA) and county levels with
individual self-rated health. Individual-level data were drawn from 259,762 respondents to the March Current
Population Survey in 1996 and 1998. Income inequality and average income were calculated from 1990 census data, the
former using Gini coefficients. Multi-level logistic regression models were used. Controlling for sex, age, race, and
individual-level household income, respondents living in high, medium–high, and medium–low income inequality MAs
had odds ratios of fair/poor self-rated health of 1.20 (95% confidence interval 1.04–1.38), 1.07 (0.95–1.21), and 1.02
(0.91–1.15), respectively, compared to people living in the MAs with the lowest income inequality. However, we found
only a small association of MA-level income inequality with fair/poor health when controlling further for average MA
household income: odds ratios were 1.10 (0.95–1.28), 1.01 (0.89–1.14), and 1.00 (0.89–1.12), respectively. Likewise, we
found only a small association of county-level income inequality with self-rated health}although only 40.7% of the
sample had an identified county on CPS data. Regarding the association of state-level income inequality with fair/poor
health, we found the association to be considerably stronger among non-metropolitan (i.e. rural) compared to
metropolitan residents. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Income inequality; Socio-economic factors; Confounding factors; Multi-level studies; Self-rated health; Health status

Introduction association of state-level income inequality, using a

multi-level study design and data from the Panel Study
Within the US, an association of income inequality of Income Dynamics. Only among middle income
with mortality rates has been found at the state level in earners aged 25–64 years was there a statistically
ecological studies (Kaplan, Pamuk, Lynch, Cohen, & significant association of state-level income inequality
Balfour, 1996; Kennedy, Kawachi, & Prothrow-Stith, with mortality. However, there were some limitations of
1996). Using a multi-level study design, Kennedy, the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for testing the
Kawachi, Glass, and Prothrow-Stith (1998) found that income inequality hypothesis: follow-up of individuals
state-level income inequality was also associated with was only 55% complete; and although the number of
poor self-rated health, controlling for individual-level deaths seem relatively large (716), when spread over
demographic factors and income. Daly, Duncan, Ka- states and demographic strata they may have not
plan, and Lynch (1998) found equivocal evidence for an provided sufficient statistical power. Lochner, Pamuk,
Makuc, Kennedy, and Kawachi (2001) conducted a
multi-level study of the association of state-level
*Corresponding author. Department of Public Health, income inequality with mortality using the National
Wellington School of Medicine, University of Otago, P.O. Health Interview Survey respondents for 1987–94
Box 7343, Wellington, New Zealand. Tel.: +64-4-385-5999; followed up for mortality to 1995. They found an
fax: +64-4-389-5319. approximately 10% (but statistically significant) lower
E-mail address: (T.A. Blakely). mortality risk in the 10 lowest income inequality states

0277-9536/02/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 7 7 - 9 5 3 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 0 7 - 7
66 T.A. Blakely et al. / Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77

compared to the remaining 38 states. The effect of }on individual self-rated health. The objectives of the
income inequality appeared to be strongest among present study were to determine:
individuals with near-poor incomes (i.e. 100–199% of
the poverty line). 1. the association of MA-level income inequality with
At levels of aggregation lower than the state fair/poor self-rated health;
(metropolitan areas, counties, and census tracts) the 1.1. controlling for individual-level demographics
relationship of income inequality with health is less and household income;
secure. Lynch et al. (1998) found that mortality rates for 1.2. controlling for individual-level demographics
metropolitan areas increased with increasing income and household income, and MA-level average
inequality in an ecological study, independent of per household income;
capita income. Soobader and LeClere (1999) also found 2. whether the association of MA-level income inequal-
that both county-level and census tract-level income ity with fair/poor self-rated health was modified by
inequality were associated with poor self-rated health, demographic factors;
controlling for individual-level variables in a multi- 3. the association of county-level income inequality
level study. By contrast, Fiscella and Franks (1997) with fair/poor self-rated health, controlling for
reported no association of county-level income inequal- individual-level demographics, household income,
ity with mortality after controlling for individual-level and county-level average household income.
income in a multi-level study. However, the income data
used in that study were probably based on too few In meeting these objectives, we conducted analyses on
individuals to accurately calculate county-level income the 1996 and 1998 current population survey data. In an
inequality. unpublished paper, Mellor and Milyo (1999) have used
It is not unreasonable to expect the association of this data set (but for 1995–97 data) for income inequal-
income inequality with health to vary by unit of analysis. ity analyses. They concluded, essentially, that there was
Wilkinson (1997, p. 1505) asserts: ‘‘Inequality is no association of income inequality measured at the
important in areas large enough to contain the salient state or MA levels with fair/poor self-rated health.
social heterogeneity, but in small residential neighbor- However, we believe their analyses were flawed in many
hoods composed largely of one social stratum, mortality respects. First, they used the CPS data itself to calculate
is related to the average income: income differences average incomes and inequality measures. Though this
within such neighborhoods matter much less because the procedure may be robust at the state level, the precision
comparisons between social strata are lost. At the other of the inequality measures at the MA level is probably
end of the scale, between whole societies average income low even though they excluded MAs with less than 50
does not matter, because the social comparisons are observations. For MA- and county-level analyses, we
within them rather than between them. Income distribu- believe that census data should be used to increase
tion within societies continues to matter because it precision. (The use of 1990 census data also has the
measures the extent of relative deprivation between advantage of allowing a time-lag between the measure-
social strata within the society.’’ Soobader and LeClere ment of income inequality and self-rated health; Blakely,
(1999) provide empirical evidence that supports this Kennedy, Glass, & Kawachi, 2000.) Second, Mellor and
assertion. They found that after including average Milyo included ‘‘fixed year and fixed state effects to
income, the income inequality effect at the census tract control for unobserved characteristics that may be
level was reduced more than the income inequality effect spuriously correlated with the state [MA] level income
at the county level. aggregates’’. While it is desirable to control for
Multi-level studies have the potential to control for unobserved confounding, the method used by Mellor
cross-level confounding of an association of a contextual and Milyo is equivalent to measuring the association of
exposure (e.g. income inequality) with an individual- change in income inequality between adjacent years
level outcome (e.g. self-rated health) that may occur due (1995, 1996, and 1997) with any change in self-rated
to omission of individual-level covariates (e.g. personal health. It is highly unlikely that changes in income
income) that are correlated with the contextual exposure inequality within one region over three years will be
(Blakely & Woodward, 2000; Diez-Roux, 1998). The substantial enough to detect any changes in self-rated
statistical techniques for analyzing multi-level data also health. (We have reported elsewhere that there is more
correct for intra-class correlation that would lead to meaningful variation in income inequality over 15 years;
erroneously tight confidence intervals (Bryk & Raden- Blakely et al., 2000.) There will simply be too much
bush, 1992; Burton, Gurrin, & Sly, 1998; Goldstein, ‘noise’ in the fixed effects analyses of Mellor and Milyo
1995; Hox, 1995). In this paper, we used multi-level to pick up any change in self-rated health. Other
methods to examine the effect of income inequality problems with the analyses of Mellor and Milyo include
measured at three levels of geographic aggregation in the the non-allowance for time-lags, double counting the
US}state, metropolitan area (MA), and county levels same individuals (each recruited household stays in the
T.A. Blakely et al. / Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77 67

CPS for two years), and uncritically including indivi- million or more may be subdivided into ‘primary
dual-level variables in their models that may have been metropolitan statistical areas’ (PMSA) if population
intermediaries rather than confounders (e.g. education; and commuting criteria are met. If no PMSAs are
Kaplan et al., 1996). recognized, the entire area is designated as a
‘metropolitan statistical area’ (MSA). In this paper, we
use PMSAs and MSAs as the units of analysis, and refer
Methods to them collectively as MAs. Counties are the primary
administrative division of states. There are over 3000 US
Independent variables counties.
We used the Gini coefficient as the measure of income
Individual level inequality. The Gini coefficient is highly correlated with
The Current Population Survey (CPS) is a large other measures of income inequality (Kawachi &
monthly survey of individuals in all 50 US states, Kennedy, 1997), is a measure of inequality right across
undertaken primarily to determine labor force status. the income range, and is the most commonly used
There are supplements to the CPS that vary by measure of income inequality. The Gini ranges theore-
month}we used March CPS data as the March tically from zero (absolute equality) to 1.0 (absolute
supplement collects detailed income data. Recruitment inequality in the distribution of income); see Kawachi
to the CPS is by households, with information collected and Kennedy (1997), and Ryscavage (1999) for details
for each individual in the household for two consecutive on calculation. Census data of 1990 provides annual
years. We only used data for 1996 and 1998 to avoid household income data for 25 income intervals. Counts
double counting, as all CPS respondents for 1997 would of the number of households that fall into each income
already be included in either the 1996 or 1998 samples. bin along with the total aggregate income and the
(Data prior to 1996 were not used, as the health question average household income were obtained for each
used as the outcome in this study was only introduced in county, MA, and state. The Gini was calculated using
1995.) the income distribution software developed by Ed
Individual-level socio-economic factors used as cov- Welniak (1988, personal communication) at the US
ariates in this study were sex, age, race (black, white, Census Bureau. The census household income is available
other), and equivalized household income. Age was for 25 income categories, with the top category being a
treated as a categorical variable: 0–14, 15–24, 25–34, 35– (1989) household income of greater than $150,000.
44, 45–54, 65–74, and 75+ years. Household income Categorical variables for state-, MA-, and county-
was equivalized for the number of people in the level income inequality and average household income
household by using an equivalence parameter of 0.5; were used in analyses to avoid assumptions of linearity.
i.e. the total household income was divided by the The mean and the mean  1 SD of the Gini coefficient
square root of the number of people in the household. were used to assign areas to one of four categories of
For most analyses, the household equivalized income income inequality: high (i.e. areas with Gini greater than
was treated as a categorical variable: 5$5000, $5000– [mean+1 SD]), medium–high (i.e. areas with Gini
9999, $10,000–14,999, $15,000–19,999, $20,000–24,999, between [mean] and [mean+1 SD), medium–low (i.e.
$25,000–29,999, $30,000–39,999, $40,000–49,999, and areas with Gini between [mean 1 SD] and [mean]) and
$50,000+. low (i.e. areas with Gini less than [mean 1 SD]).
Average household income was categorized as quartiles
State, MA, and county levels for MAs and counties, and as quintiles for states (50
Measures of income inequality and average household states divided conveniently into five quintiles). American
income were calculated from 1990 census data (1990 US Chamber of Commerce Research Association (ACCRA,
Census Summary Tape Files STF3C and STF3A) for 1997) cost of living index data for the third quarter of
three geographic levels: states, metropolitan areas, and 1996 was used in sensitivity analyses of the association
counties. At the state level we excluded Washington of MA-level average income with self-rated health.
DC, leaving 50 US states. Metropolitan areas are The above calculated average incomes and Ginis for
established by the U.S. Office of Management and each state, MA, and county were then linked to the CPS
Budget ( data}both the census and CPS data used geographic
mates/metroarea.html) and consist of a central city (or codes based on the Office of Management and Budget’s
cities), together with adjacent communities that are June 30, 1993 definitions (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1998).
socially and economically integrated with that core.
Metropolitan areas must have at least one city with a Dependent variable
population of 50,000 or more, or a total metropolitan
population of at least 100,000 (75,000 in New England). Since 1995, the March supplement of the CPS has
Metropolitan areas that have a population of one collected information on self-rated health in five
68 T.A. Blakely et al. / Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77

categories (excellent, very good, good, fair, and poor) by accuracy for state-level coefficients, probably greater
direct questioning of each adult in the household and by accuracy for MA-level coefficients, but it is uncertain
parental proxy for children. We dichotomized this self- whether the accuracy of county-level coefficients would
rated health variable as poor and fair versus the three be improved. Analyses with and without the weights
other responses, and used this variable as the dependent were not substantially different. Unless stated otherwise,
variable in all analyses. This choice of dichotomy for we report only the weighted analyses for state and MA
self-rated health is the most commonly used in health levels and unweighted analyses for the county-level
research (Kawachi, Kennedy, & Glass, 1999; Marmot analyses.
et al., 1998; Power, Hertzman, Matthews, & Manor, Finally, the CPS is a large complex survey, with
1997; Power, Matthews, & Manor, 1996; Soobader & clustered sampling methods (U.S. Dept. of Commerce,
LeClere, 1999). A review of 27 studies has shown that 1998). Whilst we were able to use weights in our
this simple measure of self-rated health has strong analyses, we were unable to use full design-based
predictive validity for mortality, independent of other analyses as the sampling unit for each individual is not
physiological, behavioral, and psychosocial factors disclosed on the CPS data. Moreover, we had a
(Idler & Kasl, 1995). theoretical priority to consider individuals clustered
within units of particular interest}state, MAs, and
Data analysis counties}and therefore included random effects at these
levels of interest. Lemeshow et al. (1998) has shown that
Multi-level logistic regression models were conducted results from simple regression modeling of complex-
using Proc Glimmix in SAS (SAS Institute Inc., 1998). design survey data are likely to be little different from
Three sets of multi-level analyses were conducted. First, more thorough analyses that do allow for the complex
two-level models were fitted for MA- and individual- design, particularly if the survey weights are used.
level data, to investigate the independent effect of MA-
level income inequality on self-rated health. A random
intercept was included at the MA level in addition to the Results
usual random error term at the individual level, to allow
for intra-class correlation of observations within MAs There was a total of 259,762 respondents in the March
(Burton et al., 1998; Goldstein, 1995). Put another way, CPS sample for 1996 and 1998, excluding Washington
a ‘random intercept’ model requires that the regression DC. Of these respondents, 189,431 had an identified MA
coefficients for the individual-level variables are the (72.9%; n=242 MAs) and 105,645 had an identified
same across all MAs (fixed effects), but the intercept is county (40.7%; n=216 counties). Ten of the 242 MAs
allowed to vary randomly between MAs (random had no match on the 1990 census data (STF3C): five
effect). We did not extend the analyses to allow were coded as counties on census data, and five were
randomly varying slopes (random regression coefficients listed in census data dictionaries as MAs but did not
for individual-level variables) between MAs. Sex, race, have disclosed data on the STF3C file. Thus, the final
age, and household income were treated as confounders CPS sample with MA-level variables was 185,479
at the individual level, while average household income (71.4% of the full CPS sample, or 93.0% of the CPS
was treated as a confounder at the MA level. In a second sample living in a metropolitan area; n=232 MAs).
set of analyses, two-level models were fitted for county-
and individual-level data. Finally, two-level models were MA-level analyses
fitted with a state-level random intercept to test whether
the association of state-level income inequality with self- The average number of households in the 232 MAs
rated health varied by metropolitan and non-metropo- was 279,809 (191,113 for the 180 MSAs and 586,833 for
litan status. the 52 PMSAs). The mean Gini coefficient was 0.417
We conducted multi-level logistic regression analyses (SD 0.025), and using the mean and mean  SD as cut-
both with and without the CPS weights. This weight is a points, 34, 71, 95, and 32 MAs were assigned to high
product of several adjustments (e.g. selection probability (Gini >0.442), medium–high (Gini 0.417–0.442), med-
and non-interview adjustment) (U.S. Dept. of Com- ium–low (Gini 0.392–0.417), and low (Gini 50.392)
merce, 1998), and allows accurate point estimates of categories of income inequality. The average household
various population characteristics such as the unem- income by MAs was distributed with mean $37,713 (SD
ployment rate. Historically, the weights were calculated $7890) and median $36,627 (inter-quartile range
to ensure accuracy of point estimates at the national and $32,725–40,404). The Pearson correlation coefficient
regional level, but in the 1990s has been altered to between the Gini and mean income among the 232
improve accuracy at the state level (U.S. Dept. of MAs was 0.29 (p50.0001), but increased to 0.41
Commerce, 1998, p. 14, Appendix G). Use of the CPS when the outlier Stamford CT (average household
final weights in our analyses should result in greater income $96,804 and Gini 0.467) was discarded.
T.A. Blakely et al. / Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77 69

The distribution by sex, age, race, and equivalized health at the individual level, and a moderately strong
household income of the 185,479 individuals in the CPS association with race. A dose response pattern was
sample with an identified MA Gini coefficient is shown present for the association of MA-level income inequal-
in Table 1. Also shown is the crude (i.e. unweighted) ity with fair/poor self-rated health. Respondents living
percentage of respondents in each demographic category in the MAs with the highest income inequality had an
reporting fair/poor self-rated health. The final column of odds ratio of 1.20 (95% confidence interval 1.04–1.38)
Table 1 shows the odds ratios of fair/poor health by for fair/poor self-rated health, compared to people living
category of sex, age, race, income, and MA-level income in the MAs with the lowest income inequality. Respon-
inequality. These odds ratios are from a logistic dents living in MAs with medium–high and medium–
regression model that included all the variables shown, low income inequality had odds ratios of 1.07 (0.95–
fitted a random intercept at the MA level, and used the 1.21) and 1.02 (0.91–1.15), respectively.
CPS weights. As expected, strong associations were We repeated the analysis in Table 1 with adjustment
found between age and income and fair/poor self-rated for MA level confounding by average household income

Table 1
March CPS (1996 and 1998) sample with MA-level Gini assigned (n=185,479): distribution by demographic factors, equivalized
household income, and MA-level category of income inequality, and the associated odds ratios of fair/poor health for all variables
modeled simultaneouslya

Variable Number Fair/poor health Odds ratios

(n=185,479) (non-weighted) (%) (95% CI)

Maleb 88,835 9.4 1.00
Female 96,644 12.0 1.02 (0.99–1.06)

0–14 43,588 2.7 0.39 (0.36–0.43)
15–24 24,598 3.4 0.54 (0.49–0.59)
25–34b 28,349 5.4 1.00
35–44 30,277 8.3 1.78 (1.66–1.91)
45–54 22,819 13.3 3.61 (3.37–3.87)
55–64 14,667 21.4 5.75 (5.36–6.17)
65–74 12,035 31.3 7.90 (7.37–8.47)
75+ 9146 42.9 11.5 (10.7–12.4)

Whiteb 155,540 10.3 1.00
Black 20,653 14.9 1.41 (1.35–1.48)
Other 9286 9.5 1.15 (1.06–1.25)

Equivalized household income

5$5000 11,399 16.7 7.63 (7.01–8.31)
$5000–9999 19,741 22.1 7.32 (6.80–7.88)
$10,000–14,999 21,986 16.7 4.43 (4.12–4.77)
$15,000–19,999 21,463 12.8 3.31 (3.07–3.56)
$20,000–24,999 20,351 10.0 2.66 (2.46–2.87)
$25,000–29,999 18,023 7.6 2.04 (1.88–2.22)
$30,000–39,999 27,595 6.1 1.58 (1.46–1.71)
$40,000–49,999 16,787 5.2 1.21 (1.11–1.33)
5$50,000b 28,134 4.7 1.00

Income inequality (MAs)

High (n=34) 36,672 12.7 1.20 (1.04–1.38)
Medium–high (n=71) 66,259 11.1 1.07 (0.95–1.21)
Medium–low (n=95) 60,732 9.9 1.02 (0.91–1.15)
Lowb (n=32) 21,816 8.8 1.00
The odds ratios are from a weighted logistic regression model with a random intercept at the MA level.
Reference category.
70 T.A. Blakely et al. / Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77

Table 2
Odds ratios of fair/poor health by MA-level income inequality and average household income, for CPS sample with MA Gini assigned

MA-level variable Gini only Gini and average income Without individual-level income

Income inequality (MAs)

High (n=34) 1.20 (1.04–1.38) 1.10 (0.95–1.28) 1.26 (1.06–1.49)
Medium–high (n=71) 1.07 (0.95–1.21) 1.01 (0.89–1.14) 1.10 (0.95–1.26)
Medium–low (n=95) 1.02 (0.91–1.15) 1.00 (0.89–1.12) 1.04 (0.91–1.19)
Lowb (n=32) 1.00 1.00 1.00

Average household income

(quartiles of n=58 MAs)
Low 1.18 (1.05–1.32) 1.43 (1.26–1.62)
Medium–low 1.16 (1.04–1.28) 1.26 (1.12–1.41)
Medium–high 1.06 (0.96–1.17) 1.12 (1.01–1.25)
Highb 1.00 1.00
The odds ratios are from a weighted logistic regression model for fair/poor self-rated health that included the variables in each
column, and individual-level sex, age, race, and equivalized household income. A random intercept was specified at the MA level in
each model.
Reference category.

(Table 2). The first column in Table 2 simply reproduces the model was essentially that in the second column of
the odds ratios from Table 1. The second column Table 2. We found no significant effect modification by
demonstrates the effect of controlling for confounding sex or race. For individuals older than 25 years (25–44,
by MA-level average household income, where average 45–64, and 65+ strata) there was little apparent
income was categorized into quartiles. Compared to the association of MA-level income inequality with health.
model in the first column, the odds ratios for the highest Among 0–14 year olds (n=43,588), the odds ratios of
quartile of MA-level income inequality is halved (1.10), fair/poor self-rated health were elevated for the higher
and reduced to the null for the middle two quartiles. categories of MA-level income inequality, but with wide
Further models (not presented) with a log-transformed 95% confidence intervals: 1.45 (0.88–2.37), 1.02 (0.67–
continuous variable of MA average household income 1.57), and 1.22 (0.82–1.81) for high, medium–high, and
(rather than categorical quartiles) did not substantially medium–low MA income inequality, respectively. Con-
alter the effect sizes for MA-level income inequality versely, among 15–24 year olds (n=24,598), there was
shown in the second column in Table 2. an apparent protective association for people living in
The model represented in the final column of Table 2 high income inequality MAs (odds ratio 0.74), but the
drops the individual-level household income variable. 95% confidence intervals were, again, wide (0.49–1.14).
The association of income inequality with fair/poor self-
rated health increases notably, e.g. respondents living in
Sensitivity analyses: MA size and cost of living index
the highest income inequality MAs had an odds ratio of
1.26 (1.06–1.49) for fair/poor self-rated health compared
The model represented in the second column of Table
to respondents living in the lowest income inequality
2 was run separately for the MAs with greater than a
MAs. A model using a log-transformed continuous
million households (n=51) and for the MAs with less
variable of MA average household income (rather than
than a million households (n=181). Among the larger
categorical quartiles), but otherwise the same as in the
MAs there was no association of income inequality with
final column of Table 2, resulted in a modest reduction
fair/poor self-rated health, with odds ratios 1.00, 0.97,
in the income inequality odds ratios: 1.24, 1.07, and
and 0.98 for the high, medium–high, and medium–low
income inequality MAs compared to the low income
inequality MAs, respectively. Among the smaller MAs
Cross-level effect modification the odds ratios were 1.14, 1.02, and 1.00, respectively,
To test for any cross-level effect modification of MA- but all 95% confidence intervals include 1.00 (e.g. 0.94–
level income inequality with sex, age group, and race, we 1.38 for the 1.14 odds ratio).
ran models stratified by these demographic variables. American Chamber of Commerce Research Associa-
Within each demographic strata (males, females; 0–14, tion (ACCRA) cost of living index (COLI) data was
15–24, 25–44, 45–60, and 65+ year olds; black, white) obtained for 151 of the 232 MAs (65.1%). The baseline
T.A. Blakely et al. / Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77 71

model including the Gini and average MA income shown). That is, controlling for a COLI adjusted
variables (without adjustment for the COLI) is shown in average MA income did not alter (i.e. was not
the first column of Table 3. The odds ratios from this confounding) the association of income inequality with
model are similar to those for the same model in Table 2 self-rated health, whereas adjusting for the non-COLI
(column 2), suggesting that the subset of 129,684 CPS adjusted average income did reduce the income inequal-
respondents living in MAs with COLI data are ity association.
representative of the 185,479 respondents living in the
242 MAs shown in Tables 1 and 2. The reason for County-level analyses
adjusting for the COLI was to assess whether the
apparent contextual association of MA average income The average number of households for the 216
might be, in part at least, due to varying purchasing counties was 173,120}considerably larger than the
power across MAs in the US. We ran two models to 29,288 average number of households for all 3141
explore this possibility. First, we only adjusted the counties at the 1990 census. Thus, because of sampling
individual-level household income data by the COLI. characteristics of the CPS and the non-disclosure of
That is, we attempted to better specify the individual- county for many CPS respondents, our county-level
level income so as to be comparable across MAs, but left analyses are confined to counties with larger than
the average household income unadjusted so that it still average population size.
reflected the actual MA level (i.e. contextual or The sex, age, race, and household income distribution
ecological) economic prosperity. Doing so, the income for the county sample (n=105,645) were similar to the
inequality odds ratios were unchanged but the average larger MA sample in Table 1. Table 4 shows odds ratios
household income odds ratios increased further (column of fair/poor self-rated health for county-level income
2 of Table 3). For example, people living in the lowest inequality. Controlling for county-level average house-
average income MAs now had a 31% greater odds of hold income and county population size reduced the
fair/poor self-rated health than people living in the association of county-level income inequality with self-
richest MAs did. Second, we additionally adjusted the rated health for both unweighted and weighted analyses.
MA-level average income by the COLI (column 3 of Most of this reduction was due to county average
Table 3)}the association of income inequality with fair/ income, but population size further reduced the income
poor self-rated health strengthened (although all 95% inequality odds ratios to the null. Overall, the results in
confidence intervals still included 1.00) and the associa- Table 4 for counties are comparable to those in Table 2
tion of average income with fair/poor self-rated health for MAs.
weakened. The odds ratios for income inequality in this Soobader and LeClere (1999) report odds ratios of
third model were essentially the same as those when 1.35 (p50.01) and 1.51 (p50.001) for fair/poor self-
average income was excluded from model (results not rated health for people living in the third and fourth

Table 3
Odds ratios of fair/poor health by MA-level income inequality and average household income}sensitivity analyses of the effect of
using cost of living index (COLI) adjusted income data for 129,684 CPS respondents living in 151 MAsa

MA-level variable No COLI adjustment COLI adjustment, COLI adjustment, both house-
household income only hold- and MA-level income

Income inequality
High 1.10 (0.90–1.34) 1.10 (0.90–1.35) 1.20 (0.97–1.48)
Medium–high 1.06 (0.89–1.26) 1.07 (0.90–1.28) 1.14 (0.95–1.36)
Medium–low 1.02 (0.87–1.20) 1.03 (0.87–1.22) 1.06 (0.88–1.26)
Lowb 1.00 1.00 1.00

Average household income

Low 1.17 (1.01–1.35) 1.31 1.12–1.53) 1.12 (0.97–1.31)
Medium–low 1.12 (0.98–1.27) 1.24 (1.08–1.42) 1.06 (0.93–1.22)
Medium–high 1.04 (0.91–1.18) 1.13 (0.99–1.30) 1.09 (0.95–1.24)
Highb 1.00 1.00 1.00
The odds ratios are from a weighted logistic regression model for fair/poor self-rated health that included the variables in each
column, and individual-level sex, age, race, and equivalized household income. A random intercept was specified at the MA level in
each model.
Reference category.
72 T.A. Blakely et al. / Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77

Table 4
Odds ratios of fair/poor health by county-level income inequality and average household income, for CPS sample with county Gini
assigned (n=105,645)a

County-level variable Gini only Gini, population size,

(number of counties) and average income

Income inequality
High (n=29) 1.25 (1.04–1.49) 1.11 (0.91–1.36)
Medium–high (n=81) 1.06 (0.90–1.24) 0.95 (0.79–1.13)
Medium–low (n=74) 0.99 (0.84–1.16) 0.93 (0.79–1.10)
Lowb (n=32) 1.00 1.00

County size (households)

5200,000 (n=54) 1.05 (0.89–1.24)
100,000–199,999 (n=51) 1.08 (0.92–1.27)
50,000–99,999 (n=68) 0.96 (0.82–1.11)
550,000b (n=43) 1.00

Average household income

(quartiles of n=54 counties)
Low 1.24 (1.05–1.47)
Medium–low 1.12 (0.97–1.30)
Medium–high 1.01 (0.88–1.15)
Highb 1.00
The odds ratios are from a weighted logistic regression model for fair/poor self-rated health that included the variables in each
column, and individual-level sex, age, race, and equivalized household income. A random intercept was specified at the county level in
each model.
Reference category.

quartiles, respectively, of counties by income inequality from the null if the county population size variable was
compared to people living in the lowest income inequal- excluded from the model.
ity quartile of counties. Their analyses were restricted to
white males aged 25–64 years from the National Health State-level analyses
Interview Survey for the years 1989–91, and controlled
for county median income, and the individual-level The final finding of this study was that the association
covariates of income to needs ratio, age, education, and of state-level income inequality with fair/poor self-rated
occupation. In an attempt to replicate the findings of health was stronger for those living in non-metropolitan
Soobader and LeClere (1999), we conducted analyses areas (i.e. largely rural) than in metropolitan areas.
restricted to white males and females, aged 25–64 years. Table 5 shows the results for a multi-level logistic
We included the same variables as in the models in the regression model of the 259,065 respondents (99.7% of
last column of Table 4, and did not use the CPS weights. the full CPS sample) with non-missing data on
For males, there was no association of county-level metropolitan area status. The model included variables
income inequality and self-rated health (odds ratios of for individual-level sex, age, race, and household income
1.06 (95% confidence interval 0.82–1.38), 0.98 (0.77– (as per Table 1), state-level average household income
1.24), and 0.91 (0.73–1.14) for high, medium–high, and (quintiles), and a cross-classified variable combining
medium–low income inequality counties, respectively). state-level income inequality with metropolitan area
This conclusion for males was robust to sensitivity status. The upper panel in Table 5 shows the odds ratios
analyses using CPS weights and dropping the county for state-level average income: individuals living in the
population size variable. For females, results suggested 10 poorest states had a moderately elevated odds ratio
that living in a high income inequality county may be of 1.21 (95% confidence interval 1.05–1.40), with only
associated with poorer self-rated health. The odds ratios small differences between the four other quintiles. The
were 1.29 (1.00–1.67), 1.14 (0.90–1.44), and 1.06 (0.85– lower panel shows the odds ratios for CPS respondents
1.33) for high, medium–high, and medium–low income in each of the eight cells formed by cross-classifying
inequality counties, respectively. These odds ratios were state-level income inequality by metropolitan area
reduced by about 20% toward the null when the CPS status, where respondents living in metropolitan areas
weights were used, and increased by about a third away within low income inequality states were treated as the
T.A. Blakely et al. / Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77 73

Table 5
Odds ratios of fair/poor health by state-level average household income and the interaction of state-level income inequality with
metropolitan area status, for CPS sample with identified metropolitan area status (n=259,065)a

Average state-level household

income (no. of states and
OR (95% CI)
Low (n=10 and 33,756) 1.21 (1.05–1.40)
Medium–low (n=10 and 36,352) 1.07 (0.94–1.23)
Medium (n=10 and 61,682) 1.08 (0.94–1.23)
Medium–high (n=10 and 54,171) 1.04 (0.91–1.19)
Highb (n=10 and 73,104) 1.00

State-level income inequality Living in metropolitan Living in non-metropolitan Percentage of fair/poor self-
(number of states and individuals) area n=199,381) area (n=59,684) rated health in non-metropolitan
areas attributable to interactionc
OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)
High (n=9 and 65,203) 1.36 (1.13–1.64) 1.60 (1.32–1.94) 20
Medium–high (n=16 and 108,199) 1.24 (1.03–1.48) 1.38 (1.15–1.65) 16
Medium–low (n=18 and 63,404) 1.15 (0.96–1.38) 1.05 (0.88–1.27) 1
Lowb (n=7 and 22,259) 1.00 0.92 (0.78–1.08) }
The odds ratios are from a weighted logistic regression model for fair/poor self-rated health that included sex, age group, race, and
household income at the individual level. A random intercept was specified at the state level.
Reference group.
The percentage of fair/poor health in non-metropolitan areas attributable to the interaction of income inequality and metropolitan
area status, assuming an additive model for interaction (Rothman & Greenland, 1998, p. 341), calculated as (OR(-
AB) OR(aB) OR(Ab)+1)/OR(AB), where OR(AB) is the odds ratio for people exposed to both higher income inequality and
non-metropolitan status (i.e. 1.60, 1.38, or 1.05); OR(aB) is for people exposed to low income inequality and non-metropolitan status
(i.e. 0.92); OR(Ab) is for people exposed to higher income inequality and metropolitan status (i.e. 1.36, 1.24, or 1.15). For example, the
percentage of people with fair/poor self-rated in high income inequality states and non-metropolitan areas attributable to the
interaction of income inequality and metropolitan status is (1.60 1.36 0.92+1)/1.60=20%.

reference group. Considering just the 199,381 respon- That is, income inequality and metropolitan status
dents living in metropolitan areas, the odds ratios of appear to interact in their association with self-rated
fair/poor self-rated health are 1.36, 1.24, and 1.15 for health.
high, medium–high, and medium–low income inequality
states, respectively.1 However, the income inequality
association was stronger among the 59,684 respondents Discussion
living in non-metropolitan areas, with odds ratios
ranging from 1.60 for high income inequality states to An association of income inequality with mortality
0.92 for low income inequality states. Among residents has been shown at the state level (Kaplan et al., 1996;
of non-metropolitan areas, the odds ratio for living in Kennedy et al., 1996) and MA level (Lynch et al., 1998)
the highest versus the lowest income inequality states in ecological analyses. More recently, income inequality
was 1.75 (1.60/0.92), approximately twice the compar- has been found to be associated with self-rated health at
able odds ratio of 1.36 for those living in metropolitan the state level (Kennedy et al., 1998), and the county and
areas. Over and above the independent effect of living in census tract levels (Soobader & LeClere, 1999) in studies
a metropolitan area (first column) and living in a low that also include individual-level income data}the so-
income inequality state (bottom row), people living in called multi-level studies. However, Fiscella and Franks
non-metropolitan areas within high income inequality (1997) failed to find an association of county-level
states had a 20% greater prevalence of fair/poor self- income inequality with mortality. What does our multi-
rated health than expected (last column of Table 5). level study add to existing knowledge?
First, we found an approximately 20% excess odds of
13,902 respondents with a stated metropolitan area status fair/poor self-rated health among people living in high
did not also have an identified MA; hence, the 199,381 income inequality MAs compared to low income
respondents in Table 4 exceed the 185,479 respondents in inequality areas after controlling for individual-level
Tables 1 and 2. sex, age, race, and equivalized household income (Table
74 T.A. Blakely et al. / Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77

1). This association was halved after controlling for model adjusting the MA average income by the COLI in
average MA household income (OR=1.10, Table 2), the the last column of Table 3. However, we believe this
95% confidence intervals included one (0.95–1.28), and model is not particularly informative as adjusting the
there was no apparent effect among medium–high and MA-level average income by the COLI simply removes
medium–low income inequality MAs compared to low the variation of interest}the variation between MAs in
income inequality MAs (ORs 1.01 and 1.00). The economic prosperity. Not surprisingly, therefore, this
corollary, though, was that there was an independent extra COLI adjustment generates income inequality
contextual effect of MA-level average income on self- odds ratios similar to models that do not include any
rated health}particularly for people living in the MA average income variable (e.g. model in Table 1).
poorest MAs (Table 2). Returning to income inequality, our results suggest
A contextual effect for average MA (and county) little (if any) association of MA-level income inequality
income is plausible. For example, whilst the association with fair/poor self-rated health after controlling for
of GDP with life expectancy weakens above US$5000 in MA- and individual-level income. However, the appro-
cross-national comparison studies, there is still a small priateness of adjusting for individual-level income is a
gradient of increasing life-expectancy with further matter of debate (Diez-Roux, Link, & Northridge,
increasing GDP (Lynch, Davey Smith, & Kaplan, 2000). Gravelle (1998) and others have argued that it
2000). Likewise, increasing GDP is still associated with is necessary to adjust for individual income in order to
further decreases in infant mortality rates (Hales, overcome the ‘artefactual’ association between income
Howden-Chapman, Salmond, Woodward, & Macken- inequality and poor health produced by the concave,
bach, 1999). Within the US, Anderson et al. have found non-linear relationship between personal income and
an independent contextual effect for census tract median health. While it is necessary to adjust for individual
income on mortality in the National Longitudinal income to get rid of this first-order effect, it could be
Mortality Study (Anderson, Sorlie, Backlund, Johnson, equally argued that there is nothing artefactual about
& Kaplan, 1997). Such contextual effects are likely to this first-order relationship between income inequality
reflect access to material resources that, even in an and health. That is, a society with a narrower income
affluent country like the US, still contribute some distribution of income yields a higher average level of
additional marginal health benefit. For example, perso- health because of the non-linear relationship between
nal wealth (as opposed to just income) and educational individual income and health (whereby the curve is
levels may mediate some of the contextual association. steeper at lower levels of income). According to this
The association of average income with health may also view, adjusting for individual income underestimates the
be due, in part at least, to community-level variables real impact of income inequality by over-controlling for
(e.g. provision of higher quality health and welfare the consequences of income inequality that works
services) that have ecological effects over and above that through the non-linear association of individual income
explained by individual-level variables (Blakely & with poor health. The last column in Table 2 demon-
Woodward, 2000). We conducted sensitivity analyses strates the overall effect of income inequality on fair/
of the association of MA average income with self-rated poor self-rated health by removing the statistical control
health by adjusting for cost of living (COLI; Table 3). for individual income}the odds ratio of fair/poor self-
These analyses must be treated with caution, as the rated health among people in the highest income
number of MAs with COLI data was limited and we inequality MAs, compared to lowest income inequality
cannot guarantee that the boundaries used to calculate MAs, increased to 1.26. Further, the 95% confidence
the ACCRA COLI were always identical with the CPS interval for this odds ratio now excluded one (1.06–
MA boundaries. However, adjusting just the individual- 1.49), and there was an apparent dose response with
level household income strengthened the association of medium–high (1.10) and medium–low (1.04) income
MA average income with self-rated health, and did not inequality MAs having intermediary odds ratios. Which
change the income inequality association. This house- of these two models}column 2 or 3 of Table 2}is more
hold income-only adjustment is our preferred model as it correct depends on one’s theoretical perspective. Ascrib-
should improve the comparability of household income ing to the model reflected in column 3, the total income
across MAs (i.e. improve the specification of the inequality effect was a 26% excess odds of fair/poor self-
household income variable), yet leave the unadjusted rated health among high (compared to low) income
MA average income variable to reflect actual variations inequality MAs. Of this 26% excess odds, 72%
between MAs in their economic prosperity. Thus, we ([1.26 1.10]/[1.26 1.00]) was attributable to the non-
interpret this COLI adjustment as confirming that linear association of individual-level income with health,
something about MA average income (and by proxy or what Gravelle (1998) termed ‘statistical artefact’.
MA wealth and economic prosperity) is predictive of However, we believe it is better to refer to this
health, and confounds the association of MA income component as the ‘first order effect’ of income inequality
inequality with self-rated health. We also presented a on health, or, using a framework of different types of
T.A. Blakely et al. / Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77 75

ecological effects proposed by Blakely and Woodward and second quartiles of counties by income inequality
(2000), as one type of ‘indirect cross-level effect’. The had odds ratios of 1.51, 1.35, and 1.00, respectively,
residual 28% ([1.10 1.00]/[1.26 1.00]) of the total compared to males in the lowest quartile. (Interestingly,
income inequality effect is due to a shift in the whole these odds ratios were greater than those uncontrolled
association of individual-level income with self-rated for personal socio-economic status; Soobader & Le-
health. That is, regardless of whether you are rich or Clere, 1999, Table 6, p. 739.) When we conducted
poor, living in a high income inequality MA compared analyses specifically among 25–64 year old male CPS
to a low income inequality MA confers a 10% increased respondents, we found no association of county-level
odds of fair/poor self-rated health. This residual effect income inequality with self-rated health, thus failing to
may be thought of as a ‘pollution effect’ of income reproduce the findings of Soobader and LeClere.
inequality on health, or, again using Blakely and However, we did find a suggestion of an adverse
Woodwards’ (2000) framework, a ‘direct cross-level association of increasing county-level income inequality
effect’. with fair/poor self-rated health for females aged 25–64
Lynch et al. (1998) reported that income inequality years, with odds ratios of 1.32, 1.14, and 1.08 for high,
was associated with increased mortality at the MA level medium–high, and medium–low income inequality
in an ecological study. Although the association of counties (compared to low income inequality counties),
income inequality with mortality may be different from respectively. The 95% confidence intervals all included
that for self-rated health, given that self-rated health has 1.0, however.
been found to be strongly predictive of mortality (Idler Whilst not a specific objective of this study, we also
& Kasl, 1995) the results in column 2 of Table 2 suggest made an interesting observation about the nature of the
that Lynch et al.’s finding may be ‘explained’ by cross- state-level association of income inequality with self-
level confounding by individual-level income.2 Lynch rated health}it was stronger among people living in
et al. (1998, p. 1078), however, opt for treating non-metropolitan areas compared to people living in
individual-level income as ‘‘one of the mechanisms that metropolitan areas (columns of bottom panel of Table
link income inequality to individual mortality’’, thus 5). Put another way, there was a notable excess in the
making it inappropriate to ‘control’ for individual-level odds of fair/poor self-rated health for people living in
income (in which case column 3 of Table 2 becomes the non-metropolitan compared to metropolitan areas,
appropriate analysis). It is not clear to us whether it is within higher income inequality states. This may be a
appropriate to control for individual-level income when chance finding}replication by other researchers is
determining the total income inequality effect; our required (e.g. different data sets, years, and health
purpose here is to highlight the issue for debate. For outcomes). If the finding is replicated, then features of
the remainder of this paper, we revert to considering rural US that may modify or explain the stronger
only the direct cross-level effect of income inequality as income inequality association warrant scrutiny (e.g.
the measure of interest (i.e. controlling for individual- provision of resources, access to services).
level household income). There are possible limitations to the analyses in this
The second major finding of this paper was that we paper. First, self-rated health is a strong predictor of
found little apparent overall association of county-level mortality within groups (Idler & Benyamini, 1997).
income inequality with self-rated health (Table 4). However, between groups the tendency for individuals
Soobader and LeClere (1999, Table 7, p. 740) found to rate their health as fair or poor may vary. For
an independent association of county-level income example, Hispanics have been reported as twice as likely
inequality for white males aged 25–64 from the National to rate their health as fair or poor compared to non-
Health Interview Survey (1989–91), controlling for Hispanics, even after controlling for reported illness,
county-level median income and individual-level educa- medications, hospitalizations, demographics, socioeco-
tion, occupation and income. Males in the fourth, third, nomic status, health behaviors, and negative feelings
(Shetterly, Baxter, Mason, & Hamman, 1996). It was
only among the acculturated quartile of Hispanics that
Using the Gini coefficient they found an excess age- self-rated health was similar to non-Hispanics. Could it
standardized mortality rate of 64.3 per 100,000 between the be that there was enough variation (‘cultural’ or
lowest and highest quartile of MAs. Using the average age- otherwise) between MAs by propensity to self-rate
standardized mortality rate of 849.6 per 100,000 (stated by health as fair/poor to have confounded our analyses?
Lynch et al. in their methods) this excess mortality rate
If there truly was an association of MA income
corresponds to a standardized rate ratio of approximately
1.08 for the lowest quartile compared to the highest income inequality with self-rated health after controlling for
inequality quartile. The difference in odds ratios between individual-level income, then for our analysis to have
columns 2 and 3 of Table 2 in this paper suggests that the found essentially no association would mean that people
state ratio of 1.08 found by Lynch et al. would have been similar by race, age, sex, and household income would
reduced to the null had individual-level income been included. have to respond differently depending on whether they
76 T.A. Blakely et al. / Social Science & Medicine 54 (2002) 65–77

lived in high or low income inequality MAs. Whilst this Harvard Centre for Society and Health. Dr. Ichiro
scenario is possible, we believe it unlikely. Kawachi is a recipient of a Robert Wood Johnson
A second limitation was that our analyses were Foundation Investigator Awards in Health Policy
limited to the available CPS data. The CPS tends to Research. Ichiro Kawachi is also supported in part by
over-represent larger MAs, both due to the probability the MacArthur network on Socio-Economic Status and
of being sampled and the need to suppress MA identity Health. Dr. Kim Lochner is supported by a Society and
on occasions when respondent privacy may be breached. Health Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Harvard Centre
The actual identity of the MA identity was suppressed for Society and Health.
for 7% of people that lived in an MA on the CPS data
set. Thus our results may be subject to selection biases if
the association of income inequality with self-rated
health varied for people living in the excluded and non-
sampled MAs. Whilst we are unable to test specifically References
for selection biases in our MA- and county-level
analyses, we were able to compare the association of ACCRA (American Chamber of Commerce Research Associa-
state-level income inequality with fair/poor self-rated tion). (1997). ACCRA cost of living index. Alexandria, VA:
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We thank Dr. Bruce Kennedy for comments and population mortality and unequal distribution of income
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We also thank Roberta Glass for assistance with data
Hales, S., Howden-Chapman, P., Salmond, C., Woodward, A.,
extraction. & Mackenbach, J. (1999). National infant mortality rates in
Dr. Tony Blakely was a recipient of a New Zealand relation to gross national product and distribution of
Health Research Council Training Fellowship during income. Lancet, 354, 2047.
1999 when the work presented in this paper was carried Hox, J. (1995). Applied multilevel analysis. Amsterdam: TT-
out whilst he was a visiting Research Fellow at the Publikaties.
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