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John Stephen D.

Soriano March 1, 2021

8 – Masigasig

I. Activity 1
1. Top View
2. Side View
3. Front View
4. Front View
5. Side View
6. Top View

II. Activity 2
3. A
6. B
4. C
7. D
1. E
5. F
2. G

VII. Reflection
1. It is important to know the different principal views
of an object because it gives you accurate information
and exact measurement of a 3D modeled structure.

2. The 6 principles of an ortographic view are the Front

View which shows the front model of theobject, the Top
view which shows the top model of the object, the Rear
view which shows the back model of the object, the
Bottom view which shows the bottom model of the
object and the Side view which shows the left and right
model of the object.

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