Folder Redirection

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Folder Redirection

Create shared folder permission in any drives

Right click the created folder, choose properties

Click sharing menu

Click the arrow


Click the arrow down and choose everyone,

Click Add button

Choose Everyone

Click Everyone and change the permission level to Read/Write

Click Share button

Click Advanced Sharing

Click and check the share this folder

Click Permission button

Click Everyone and allow Full control permission

Click OK
Click Security menu

Click Everyone

Click Advanced button to check Full control to Allow Permission for Everyone

Click Close button

Highlight and copy the Network Path

After copying the Network Path

Click OK
Go to START / Administrative Tools / Active Directory Users and Computers

Right click Domain / New / Organizational Unit

Type the name of your Organizational Unit

Click OK

Right click the O.U. (css) / New / User

Fill up the First Name, Initial, Last name and User logon name

Click Next
Create password

Uncheck the User must change password at next logon

Click Next
Click Finish

Add Administrator right to allowed the user to remote desktop

Right Click the client user choose properties

Click Member Of button

Click Add button

Click Advanced button

Click Find Now button

Find Administrator

Click Administrator

Click OK button
Click OK button

Click Apply button

Click OK button
Click Start / Administrative Tools / Group Policy Management

Right click the OU (section)

Choose Create a GPO in this domain, and Link at here…

Type GPO (Group Policy Object)

Click OK button

Click OK button
Edit the GPO

Right click the GPO/Edit

User Configuration

Policies / Windows Setting / Folder Redirection

Right click Desktop choose Properties

Choose Basic
Redirect everyone’s
folder to the same

Choose Basic Redirect everyone’s folder to the same

Paste the Network Path to the Root Path

Click Apply button

Click Yes button

Click OK button
Logon the domain user (client)

Go to shared folder on drive D and open the folder

Click Continue button

Click security tab

Click Continue button

Click Other users or group button

Click Advanced button

Click Find Now button

Find Everyone
Click Everyone

Click OK

Click OK button
Click the Replace owner on sub containers and objects

Click Apply button

Click Yes button

Click OK button
Click OK

Click OK button
Click Close button

Open again the desktop folder

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