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Poem-1 CW Notes


New Words:

Conviction- a firm belief

Integrity- honesty
Pleas requests
Resound - echo

Recognition acknowledgement
Criticize express disapproval or make judgements about someone/something
Fuss - showing unnecessary or excessive concern about something.

Spirit enthusiasm, energy or courage

Solid firm or resilient

I. Answer the following questions:

1. When is courage called strength?
Courage is called strength when you stand up when it is easy to fall
2. What does having conviction make you do?
Conviction makes you explore new horizons though it may be easier to believe what

you have been told.

3. When are we motivated to be honest? What do we not do then?
We are motivated to be honest when we are courageous. We do not look the other
way then.

4. How does courage help us to shape our world?

Courage gives us the will and the determination to shape our world.

5. When do we stop criticizing others around

We stop criticizing others around us when we realise that we ourselves are not


6. Courage can place at the top of the mountain. 'What does the post
us mean by this?
The poet means that courage can make us achieve great heights.

1. Read these lines and answer the questions that follow:

1. It is feeling happy and alive, and moving forward

When it's easier to feel sorry for ourselves and stay

a) What does it' refer to here?

I t here refers to courage.

b) What does the poet mean by 'moving forward'?

By moving forward, the poet means going ahead in spite of any failures or
setbacks we may have faced.
c)What happens when you feel sorry for yourself? What emotion does one experience
When you feel sorry for yourself, you are not able to motivate yourself to achieve
great You
things. progressing because you think you are incapable of achieving
what you set out to do. You experience a feeling of despair and depression.

2 The foundation of courage is solid

The rock that doesn't roll.

a) Why does the poet say the foundation of courage is solid?

The poet says the foundation of courage is solid because it doesn't make you
waver or feel uncertain. It makes you determined to go ahead with what you want.

b) To what is courage is compared in these two lines?

Courage is compared to a solid rock in theselines.
c) What do you understand by the last line?
The last line means that being courageous makes us experience freedom of
mind, the body and the soul. We have the freedom of mind to explore, the
of the body to attempt the impossible and achieve it and we have the freedom of
soul to have a sense of integrity and realisation of our own imperfections.

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