Act 1

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Instructor/Facilitation Assessment

Check the item that most nearly describes an instructor’s interaction with you as a student that reflects a more
learner-centered approach.

_____1.The instructor is clear when he/she tells me what to do.

_____2.The instructor’s questions are helpful in assisting me in making
_____3. The instructor meets class on time.
_____4. The instructor’s availability schedule is posted.
_____5. The instructor works effectively with me one on one.
_____6. The instructor always meets with the class as a whole.
_____7. The instructor always offers me options rather than telling me
what to do.
_____8. The instructor makes corrections to my work that are clear and
gives me direction.
_____9. The instructor’s interactions with me, have helped me become
a better problem solver.
_____10. The instructor always has the right answer.
_____11. The instructor always gives me several suggestions to
choose from.
_____12. The instructor solves problems for me.
_____13. The instructor lets me work problems out for myself.
_____14. The instructor is more like a band conductor than an advisor.
_____15. The instructor is more like a coach than a director.
_____16. The instructor is a good listener.
_____17. The instructor’s instructions are helpful.
_____18. The instructor uses “What if you ....” statements rather than
“ You should do this...”
_____19. The instructor is good at finding answers to my questions.
_____20. I always feel that the project is mine and I am responsible for thinking it through.
_____21. I can count on the instructor to come up with the right idea
if I am stuck.
_____22. The instructor values my ability to figure things out for
_____23. My instructor values me for following his/her instructions.
_____24. The instructor shares with me his/her thinking.
_____25. I have no idea how the instructor solves problems.
_____26. The instructor sets all the timelines for meeting deadlines.
_____27. I am responsible for the timelines for meeting deadlines.
_____28. The instructor comes to class with prepared class activities.
_____29. The instructor builds the class activity around students’
questions and concerns.
_____30. The instructor gives suggestions as to where I can find
_____31. The instructor will find information for me.
_____32. The instructor encourages me to discover things for myself.
_____33. The instructor answers my questions in a way easy for me to
_____34. The instructor answers my questions with questions.
_____35. The instructor always has the right answer.

Briefly answer the following:

1. What do you consider the most noticeable practice of a learner-centered instructor?

2. What do you also observe as the most noticeable practice of the teacher-centered instructor?

3. If you had a more learner-centered instructor, how would feel about your learning experience under those

4. On the other hand, if you had a more teacher-centered instructor, how would you feel about your learning
experience under such circumstances?

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