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Carly Somers Multimedia Design ETE 261

Primary Principles of Design


Control of variety Creates organization All the parts are working together for the common result that all the parts are working in harmony Van Goghs Starry Night has unity through the brush strokes and the colors The cab cars show unity through the traffic, they are all working together in the picture


Creates visual interest Balances visual contrasts Unity exists in variety The old fashioned dresses create variety in this picture along with the different elevations of the woman


Arranged order Importance There is much importance in this picture, which is evident through the Cingular bars. It also implies that it is the best of the companies out there.


Prevailing influence of 1 element over another

Dominant use of color, SIZE, and s p a c e in relation to other elements



Size relationship within a composition

Shows relationship between the cars and the size of the bridge


Visual distribution of elements Symmetric and asymmetric This picture shows an example of symmetric balance with the rocks

Support Principles

Size comparisons of internal parts
The whole point to this advertisement shows the importance of the Playstation versus chess and how technology is advancing.

The size of the building is evident in comparing it to the cabs.

Use of a focal point to stress certain elements The eye is brought to the mouth of the shark. This focal point then brings the eye down to the name to see the name of the movie. The elements that are stressed the deep blues that contrast with the white around the sharks jaw.

Visual realm just like music
Form and space
The flowing waterfalls create a musical view through the picture

The dolphins are flowing through the water creating a rhythm that comes alive through the picture


Gives shape to movement The flight of the pins and the blurry picture during juggling show the constant movement of the pins and creates movement in an otherwise still photo.

Position and space given to the placement of elements
The placement of the people is strategically placed to see the importance of the advertisement. It implies the people are running to a brighter future, or to the other side, in the case of the advertisement.

Follows a regular pattern of related of juxtaposed elements Counterpoint placement of elementsdynamic arrangement of differing elements
The repetitious use of the bright colors of blue, purple, and orange, and the use of the silhouettes make this advertisement stand out

a figure or a form
reflect the intent of the message This advertisement is an old advertisement that is advertising corsets. The use of the women (which is considered a shape and each woman has a shape) helps to reflect the intent of the advertisement and what they are trying to sell.

An area activated by the other elements Area that the design physically occupies Pictorial space Psychological space Physical space

This movie poster is pretty self-explanatory with the trees creating depth to the poster. It draws you into it.

The moving path of a point. The path determines the quality and character of the resulting line. This picture clearly has many lines that create a path for the eye to follow. There are different lines that point to various things in the picture.

o Magazines
always have large pictures with their names being big along with important headings to draw people to picking up their magazine and buying it.

o Serves scale and proportion

o Refers to the physical dimensions of an element or format

Describes the intrinsic hues found in light and pigment On this CD cover, the use of the color red clearly stands out. The shaping of the roses around the girl also makes the body stand out and infers what the movie could be about.

Refers to the quality and characteristic of a surface Can be tactile and visual This picture really shows the texture of the sand and makes you want to walk on it and feel it under your feet.

Elements unique to communication design because they play a dual role Function as shape, texture, point, and line Contain verbal meaning Both these movie posters have their meaning enhanced with the use of the dirty and broken fingernails and the teeth as the numbers.


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