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OSPIAEMOBK2HEEL2 Additional Exercises a Unis 3-19 Which is right? 1 “bs: Sue working? (C)..."_ "No, she’s on vacation” ‘A Does Sue work? B IsworkingSue?€ Is Sue working? D Does work Sue? 2 "Where osu Y “in Dallas” A lives your uncle = B does your uncle live € your uncle lives D does live your uncle 3. speak Italian, but French. Alnospeak B Imnotspeaking C Idoesn'tspeak DI don't speak 4 “Where's Tom? * ‘a shower at che moment” AdHe'taking BHetake C He takes D He has taken 5 Why __- angry at me yesterday? ‘Awereyou Bwasyou C youwere D have you been 6 My favorite movie is Cleo's Dream. it four times. Alimsecing Blsee Clwasseeing —D I'veseen 71 ‘out last night. | was too tired. Adontgo Bdidntwent C didntgo D havent gone 8 Lizis from Chicago. She there all her life. Aisliving Bhaslived C lives D lived 9 My friend eons for me when | arrived. Awaited B has waited C waswaiting has been waiting 10 “How long English?” "Six months.” ‘A doyouleam B areyoulearning C youare learning have you been learning 11 Joe is Canadian, but he lives in Peru, He has been there ‘A forthree years B since three years € three yearsago During three years 12 “What time 7" "About an hour ago” Ahaslizcalled B Lizhascalled € did Lizcall_D istiz calling 13. What when you saw her? A did Sue wear B was Sue wearing hasSue worn was wearing Sue 14 ‘Can you drive?” "No, . a cat, but | want ro learn” Alneverdrive B Imneverdriving € I'veneverdriven DI was never driving 415 | saw Samantha at the station when | was going to work this morning, but she me. Adidntsee B don'tsee C hasn'tseen D didnt saw OSPIAEMOBK2HEEL2 assive ‘Complete the sentences. 0 tow. These houses.....were Pull... (build) 20 years ago. Before that there was a movie theater here, but che building (damage) ina fire and had to (tear down). This bridge (build) in 1955. Now it (use) by hundreds of people every day. The bridge (paint) now. wd ne oe (call) Kennedy (call) | This street | Street. It used to . ill Screet, but the name (change) a few years ago. This is a bicycle factory. Bicycles (make) here since 1971, Its the largest bicycle factory in the country. Thousands of bicycles (produce) here every year. ) jf Complete the sentences. 1 We...were invited... (invite) co the party, but we didn’t go. 2 The museum is very popular. Every year it (Vsit) by thousands of people. 3. Many buildings (damage) in the storm last week. 4 Anew road is going to (build) next year. 5 "Where's your jacker” “Ie (clean). Ie will be ready tomorrow! 6 She's famous now, but in a few years her name will (forget) 7 Milk should (keep) ina fridge. 8 (you / ever / bite) by a snake? 9 My bag. (steal) from my car yesterday afternoon. EBD Write a new sentence with the same meaning. 1. Somebody stole my keys My keys were stolen 2 Somebody stole my car last week. My car... 3 Somebody has eaten all che bananas. All the 4 Somebody will repair the machine. The 5. Somebody is watching us. We 6 Somebody has to do the housework, The 249 OSPIAEMOBK2HEEL2 Additional Exercises EB Aective oF passive? Complete the sentences. They... are building .. (build) a new airport now. can't find my bag. I chink ic...has been stolen... or ...was stolen... (steal) I cant find my bag. Somebody... (take) itt “How did you fall?” "Somebody... (push) me” “How did you fall?” “L (push) ‘My watch is broken. It. : (repair) at the moment, who {lnvent) the camera? When " nu (the camera / invent)? These shires are clean now. They soon. esonewe (WASH). ‘These shirts are clean now. | . (wash) them. ‘The letter was for me, so why (they/send) it to you? The information will (send) to you as soon as possible. Units 24-26 Which is the best alternative? 250 7 10 un We're having (6)... party next Sunday. I hope you can come. A Wehave B We'ehaving C Weill have Do you know about Catherine? pas her job. She told me last week. A She quits B Shes goingtoquit € She'llquit “There's a program on TV that | want to watch. - in five minutes. Aestarts —Bit’sstarting —€ te will stare The weather is nice now, but | think ws Aitrains —B itsraining —C it will rain yas later. “What — — next weekend?” “Nothing. | have no plans” A doyoudo B areyoudoing —€ will youdo "When you see Jessica, can you ask her to call me?” "OK, her” Alask B Imgoingtoask — € ilask “What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?” Alhave B I'mgoingtohave € I'll have one tea, please” Don't take that magazine away. <3 it Alread BImgoingtoread € Iillread Rachel is sick, so to the party tomorrow night. ‘A shedoesn't come B she isnt coming © she wont come | want to meet Sarah at the station. What time . 2 A doesher train arrive B isher train going to arrive C isher train arriving “Will you be home tomorrow night?" “No, wi , Algoout Biimgoingout C Illgoout OSPIAEMOBK2HEEL2 Additional Exercises nt, and future Units 3-19, 24-26 o Complete the sentences. 1A Did you go {you/go) out last night? B No, (\/scay) home. AS What (you/do)? B: (I/watch) TV. Ao : : (you/go) out tomorrow night? B: Yes, (I/go) to the movies. ‘& What movie .~ (youlsee)? 8: (Vnot/know). - (/mot/decide) yet. ‘Areyou 2 & Are you visiting here? waiting neren, 8: Yes, we are. a: How long (you/be) here? Benen (we/arrive) yesterday. a And how long, — (you/stay)? & Until the end of next week a: And 7 (you/like) it here? & Yes, = (we/have) a wonderful time. 3A ts aan (Igo) out with Chris and Andy tonight. (you/want) to come with us? &: Yes, where. (you/go)? 4: To the Italian restaurant on North Avenue. — (you/ever/eat) there? B: Yes, (Vibe) there two or three times. In fact, | (go) there last night, but Id love to go again 4a (\/lose) my glasses again. (you/see) them? 8: venneneene (YOU/WeAT) therm when (i/come) in Bo WE on = (Wnot/wear) them now, so where are they? & (youllook) in the kitchen? «No, sven nennemee (VQO) and LOOK NOW. 251

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