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Bible Study
Teacher Version

A Study Guide to lead young believers

through the Doctrines of the Faith,
particularly as understood at taught by
Maranatha Baptist Church.
Maranatha Baptist Church

Part 1: Revelation

Where does John 16:13 say Truth comes from? _____________


According to Psalm 31:5 and Isaiah 65:16, Who is God in

relation to Truth? _____________________________________

What does Psalm 117:2 tell us about how long Gods Truth

How does John 14:6 describe Christ in relation to Truth? ___


Truth comes from the mind of God. God gave us Truth
through revelation. He revealed knowledge which mankind
could not possibly have known otherwise through General
and Special Revelation.

A. General Revelation

What does Psalm 19 say about nature? What does nature


What does Isaiah 40:25-26 tell us about Gods work? _____


What witnesses does Paul say God gave us in Acts 14:17? _


According to Acts 17:26-28, why did God determine the

rise and fall of nations? _____________________________

Why does Paul say men are without excuse in Romans

1:18-20? _________________________________________

What does Paul say is written on every mans heart? What

do we call this part of man? _________________________

General Revelation
General revelation is that conveying of truth through nature
wherein we see the existence of God, His Eternal Power and
Glory. General Revelation is addressed to man and is
discoverable by man in his natural capacities. General
revelation is sufficient to render the lost inexcusable for their
Extracurricular study: Job 25:3; Psalm 97:6; 145:9; Isaiah 26:10;
Matthew 5:45; Luke 6:35.

B. Special Revelation

How has God uniquely revealed Himself to man according

to Hebrews 1:1-2? _________________________________

Special Revelation
Special Revelation was accomplished through many ways
over the past period of time, and includes the entire canon of
Scripture, the Bible. Special Revelation is a direct
communication from God.
1. Inspiration

How does Paul say Scripture was given, in 2

Timothy 3:16? ______________________________

qeopneustoV: __________________________________

In 2 Peter 1:19-21, who does Peter say moved men

of God to write the Scriptures? ________________

The Old and New Testaments in their original autographs are
the complete, inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God. The
Scriptures are inspired verbally (each individual word) and
plenarily (all Scripture in total). The Scriptures are Godbreathed as the Holy Spirit moved godly men who accurately
recorded the message.

2. Hermeneutics

In Nehemiah 8:8, how did Ezra and the priests

help the people of Israel understand the
Scriptures? ________________________________

How did Jesus interpret the Old Testament law in

Luke 10:25-37? _____________________________

What guideline for interpretation does Peter give

us in 2 Peter 1:20? __________________________

The proper interpretation of Scripture is the natural, literal
sense, giving careful attention to the grammatical, historical,
and contextual parameters at the time of the writing.
Scripture is to be interpreted literally with words and texts
being taken in their ordinary, normal, or plain meaning unless
there is some reason in the context to dictate otherwise.

3. Finality and Eternity

According to Psalm 119:89, where is the Word of

the Lord settled? What does this mean about who
made the canon of Scripture? Who decides what is
in the Bible and what isnt? ___________________

What does Jesus say about how long Gods Word

will endure in Matthew 24:35? ________________

In 1 Peter 1:23, how long does Peter say Gods

Word will last? _____________________________

What kind of warning does John give to those who

add to or take away from Gods Word in
Revelation 22:18-19? ________________________

Finality and Eternity

The canon of Scripture is complete in its current state of 66
books. It is unbiblical for anything to be added to or taken
away from the Bible we now have. Scripture is also eternal
and everlasting. God has preserved His Word through the
existing manuscripts and translations to the extent that they
are consistent with the original documents.

4. Authority

In Mark 7:7-8 Jesus condemns the Pharisees for

holding what as authoritative? What does He say
they should they have held as authoritative? ____

Paul says that God uniquely gifted who in order to

teach the Scriptures in Ephesians 4:11-16? ______

What does Paul tell Timothy is the purpose of

Gods giving Scripture in 2 Timothy 3:16-17? _____

Scriptures are the final and only source for doctrine, spiritual
maturity, and practical living. They provide all knowledge
required about life and godliness. Doctrine based on the
Word of God unifies the local church and is the supreme
standard by which all conduct, creeds, and opinions shall be

Part 2: Theology Proper

A. The Trinity

According to Deuteronomy 6:4 and Isaiah 45:5-6, how

many gods are there? ______________________________

According to the following verses, how many Persons

does God have?

The Three persons of the Trinity exist as a unity coequal in

essence, but distinct in function.

Gods attributes are Moral and non-moral. Look up the

following verses and identify the attribute of God being
described. Then decide if it is moral or non-moral.

Genesis 1:26 - _______________________

Genesis 3:22 - _______________________
Isaiah 6:8 - __________________________
Isaiah 48:16 - ________________________
Matthew 3:16-17 - ____________________
Matthew 28:19-20 - __________________
2 Corinthians 13:14 - __________________
Hebrews 2:3-4 - ______________________

Psalm 139:1-4 (Omniscience; non-moral)__________

Psalm 139: 7-12 (Omnipresence; non-moral)_______
Job 42:2; Jeremiah 32:17 (Omnipotence; non-moral)_
Hebrews 1:12; 13:8; James 1:17; Mal. 3:6 ___________
(Immutability; non-moral)
Psalm 30:4; 47:8; 60:6; 89:35 (Holiness; moral) _____
Psalm 89:14; Romans 3:26 (Righteousness and
justice; moral)________
1 John 4:8, 16 (Love; moral)_____________________
1 Peter 1:3 (Mercy and lovingkindness; moral)______

9. 1 Thessalonians 5:24; I Corinthians 1:9 (Faithfulness;


B. God, The Father

What does Genesis 1:1 show about the nature of God? ___

What does John 5:30 tell us about the authority of God the
Father? __________________________________________

Who is the Origin of all things according to 1 Corinthians

8:6? _____________________________________________

Why were all things created according to Revelation 4:11?


God, The Father

God is supreme in His Person, eternal in His Being, absolute
in His Attributes, and glorious in His Perfection. He is the
Father of all mankind in the sense that he is the Creator, but
the Spiritual Father of those who personally receive Christ as
their Savior. The Father is the administrative head of the
Trinity and as such the Son and the Holy Spirit (although
equal in essence) have a subordinate role to the Father.

C. God, The Son

When does John 1:1 say God the Son began to exist? ____

What was unique about Christs birth according to

Matthew 1:18-23? _________________________________

Read Hebrews 4:15 and 1 Peter 2:22. Did Jesus ever sin? __

According to the following verses, what was the purpose

of Christs sacrificial death? 2 Corinthians 5:19; Hebrews
2:9, 14; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 John 2:2. ______________________

What miracle does Acts 10:40 say God performed after

Jesus sacrifice? ___________________________________

How does Acts 1:9-11 record the end of Jesus earthly

ministry? ________________________________________

Hebrews 8:6, 9:15, and 12:24 tell us what Christ is

currently doing in heaven. What is it? _________________

What role do Ephesians 1:22 and 5:23 say Christ has in the
Church? _________________________________________

Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 and 1 Thessalonians

4:13-18 what will happen for Christians next in History.
What does he describe? ____________________________

John describes a magnificent scene in Revelation 19:11-16.

What does he describe, and when will it happen? _______

God, The Son

Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity. He possesses
all the same attributes as the Father. The Lord Jesus Christ,
the eternal Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and
born of the Virgin Mary. He is entirely God and entirely man
being God manifest in the flesh. He lived a sinless life and in
His death made a full and vicarious sacrifice for the sins of the
whole world. He arose from the dead on the third day, and
subsequently ascended bodily into heaven. The current work
of Christ is one of mediation between God and man, and
headship of the universal church. He is coming again to
rapture the Church age saints and this rapture is imminent,
pre-tribulational, and premillennial. He will after the
Tribulation Period return to this earth to set up His millennial


D. God, The Holy Spirit

Jesus teaches in John 14:16-17 that there was a difference

between the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Old
Testament and the New Testament? What is that
difference? What does it mean? ______________________

Jesus also teaches in John 16:7-11 that the Holy Spirit has
a specific role in the world. What is this role? ___________

What does Acts 5:3-4 teach us about who the Holy Spirit
is? ______________________________________________

What does Paul say is the difference between the saved

and unsaved in 1 Corinthians 2:9-14? __________________

What does Paul say the Holy Spirit has given everyone
who is saved in 1 Corinthians 12:8-13, 28-31? ___________


God, The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person possessing all divine
attributes of personality and deity. He is equal with the
Father and the Son and is of the same essence. His relation to
the unbelieving world is that He convicts lost men of sin, the
reality of Christs righteousness, and certainty of judgment.
His work among Church Age believers is that He indwells,
baptizes, seals, fills, gifts, guides, and teaches them the ways
of righteousness. There is a distinction between the ministry
of the Holy Spirit in the OT and His ministry in the NT. The
work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament was selective,
sovereign, and temporary. There is a new and unique work of
the Holy Spirit in relation to the Body of Christ; that is, the
baptism of the Holy Spirit endows believers with the service
gifts upon conversion. The Bible does not support the
authenticity of the sign gifts of prophecy, speaking in
tongues, interpretations of tongues, miracles, and healing for
today. The Bible repudiates experience-oriented theology
and the ecumenically-oriented practice of the Charismatic
The Holy Spirit has a special role in the lives of Christians.
There are a number of distinct roles He plays in the lives of

1. Indwelling

What does Paul say the Holy Spirit does for

Believers in Romans 8:9? _____________________


How does 1 Corinthians 6:19 help you understand

this teaching? ______________________________

The unique and distinctive ministry of the
Holy Spirit during the Church Age is the
perpetual indwelling of each believer. The
believer thus becomes the temple of the Holy

2. Baptizing

Who precisely does Paul say has been baptized by

the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:13? Does he give
us any clues as to when this baptism happened? _

How many baptisms does Paul teach there are in

Ephesians 4:5? _____________________________

The act simultaneous with regeneration in
which the Holy Spirit baptizes the believer
into the Church, the body of Christ. There is
one baptism for each believer at the moment
of salvation.

3. Sealing

Paul tells us in Ephesians 1:13 and 4:30 that we are

sealed. With whom or what are we sealed? What
does this mean? ____________________________

Paul again tells us about our sealing in 2

Corinthians 1:22. Who does Paul say seals us?
With whom or what does he say we are sealed? __

The act of the Holy Spirit in which He seals
each believer in the condition of Salvation
until the day of redemption is the sealing
ministry of the Holy Spirit.
4. Filling

Paul gives us a command in Ephesians 5:18. What

is that command? What does it imply that this is
commanded, and not stated simply as fact? _____


Paul uses similar words in Colossians 3:16 to

describe how we are filled with the Holy Spirit.
What does he say? How is this command related
to the previous verse we looked at? ____________


This is the day to day, moment to moment
control of the believer by the Holy Spirit
whenever the believer is yielded into His
hands. While there is one baptism of the Holy
Spirit, there are many fillings of the Holy


Part 3: Angelology

What does Psalm 148:5 tell us about the origin of angels?


Angels were created by God for the blessing of Gods work
and glory. Included in that creative work was Satan (Lucifer),
the holy angels (those now confirmed in holiness), and the
fallen angels (demons).

A. Holy Angels

What does Psalm 103:20-21 tell us about what angels do?


What does the author of Hebrews tell us angels do in

Hebrews 1:14? ____________________________________

Holy Angels
Holy angels are spirit beings who serve God and assist
believers and are now confirmed in their holiness. They stand
before God and worship Him. They deliver messages on His
behalf and they minister to believers in a number of ways,
including physical protection.


B. Demons

What resources does Paul say we have been given to fight

demonic activity in Ephesians 6:11-12? ________________

What does 1 John 4:4 teach us about the power and

strength of demonic forces? _________________________

How many angels does John say fell with Satan in

Revelation 12:4? __________________________________

What does Jesus teach is the end for demons in Matthew

25:41? What was this teach us about the reason Hell was

Demons are spirits who are working agents under the
direction of Satan, and they are many. They were expelled
from Heaven along with Lucifer at the rebellion. They are evil
and destructive and are able to possess and control unsaved
individuals. Their goal is to undermine Gods divine purposes,
and even though they cannot indwell a believer, they strive
to disrupt the believers spiritual walk.


C. Satan

Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:11-19 give us a glimpse into

the fall of Satan. Can you describe what happened, and
why he rebelled against God? ________________________

How does Paul describe the working of Satan in the world

right now in 2 Corinthians 4:4? _______________________

What does Ephesians 2:2 say about how we once behaved

in relation to Satan? _______________________________

What does God promise is the end for Satan in Revelation

20:10? ___________________________________________

Satan is a spirit being who was expelled from heaven because
of his pride and rebellion against God. He is the unholy god of
this age and the ruler of the powers of darkness and is
destined to the judgment of an eternal justice in the Lake of


Part 4: Doctrine of Creation

Read Genesis chapters 1 and 2. Can you describe what God did
on the individual days of creation?
Day 1: ______________________________________________
Day 2: ______________________________________________
Day 3: ______________________________________________
Day 4: ______________________________________________
Day 5: ______________________________________________
Day 6: ______________________________________________
Day 7: ______________________________________________

To whom does John attribute the work of Creation in John 1:3?


What does Paul say about the purpose of Creation in

Colossians 1:23? ______________________________________

How does Hebrews 1:2 say God the Father created the world?


The Genesis account of creation is neither allegory nor myth
but a literal, historical account of the direct, immediate
creative acts of God. The origin of Gods creation was ex
nihilo (out of nothing). Creation consisted of six twenty-four
hour days in which everything was created. The seventh day
was also a twenty-four hour day on which God rested from
his labor. Gods creation was perfect, without sin or evil. Sin
and evil entered the human race through the fall of Adam
and Eve as accounted in Genesis 3. The earth is several
thousand years old as opposed to billions. Theistic evolution,
progressive creationism, and naturalistic evolution are
perversions to the Biblical account of Creation.


Part 5: Anthropology
A. Creation of Man

What does Genesis 1:26-27 say about the creation of man?


What does Paul say about the order of creation of man in 1

Timothy 2:13-14? __________________________________

Creation of man
Mankind was created by God, who created him in His own
image. Mans creation was direct, special, and immediate.
Man was created in an innocent state of unconfirmed

B. First Created Man

Who have we learned was the first created man? ________


How does David describe the depth of his sinfulness in

Psalm 51:5? ______________________________________

How does Paul describe the sinfulness of man in Romans

3:23? ____________________________________________


How does Paul say man got to be this sinful in Romans

5:12-19? _________________________________________


First Created Man

Adam is the father of all mankind in that he was the first
created man. By voluntary transgression he fell from his state
of innocence, in consequence of which all men are now
sinners by nature and by choice, utterly devoid of the
holiness required by Gods law, positively inclined to evil, and
therefore under just condemnation to eternal punishment
and everlasting existence separated from God without
defense or excuse.

C. Ultimate Destiny of Man

What did God promise was the result of rebelling against

Him in the Garden in Genesis 3:17? ___________________

What does Isaiah compare our rebellion to in Isaiah 53:6? _


Jesus tells of two possible resurrections in the Last Day.

What are they according to John 5:___________________

What does Paul promise will not happen to those who are
in Christ in Romans 8:1? ____________________________


What are the two possible ends for man described by Paul
in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8? ____________________________


What is the end John describes for those who have not
trusted in Christ according to Revelation 20:15? _________

Ultimate Destiny
The ultimate destiny of man is two-fold. There will be a
resurrection unto life and a resurrection unto judgment. The
resurrection of life (this is a multi-faceted resurrection) is
prepared for those who have accepted by grace through faith
(Old Testament saints looking toward the cross; New
Testament saints looking back at the cross), Jesus Christs
payment on Calvary for their sins, and in return they now
possess eternal and everlasting life. The second resurrection
is the resurrection of damnation. This resurrection is reserved
for those who have rejected Jesus Christ and in return they
will be condemned to eternal and everlasting punishment
and separation from God.


Part 6 Hamartiology

What does Genesis 3:6, 14-19 record? ____________________


What does Proverbs 20:9 imply? _________________________


What does Solomon say is true of men in Ecclesiastes 7:20? __


Isaiah 14:12-14 records the very first sin. Who committed it?
What was the sin? Who was that sin against? ______________

Ezekiel 18:20 teaches a very important principle about the

consequence of sin. What is that principle? ________________

How does Paul describe the extent of sin in Romans 3:23? ____

In Romans 7:18-19 Paul deals on a very personal level with sin

in his own life. What does Paul say about his heart? _________


How does Paul describe the consequence for sin in Ephesians

2:1, 5? What does he say God did to us in relation to that
consequence? ________________________________________

How does John define sin in 1 John 3:4? ___________________


Sin entered Gods creation when Lucifer in his pride revolted
against God. Sin entered the human world through Adam
and Eves disobedience to Gods divine command in the
Garden of Eden. Sin is anything that is lawless or anything
that departs from Gods standard of holiness. All men are
sinners and have been sinners since they were born, and in
result deserve the judgment of God. The effects of sin are
present both spiritually and physically. Spiritually, sin renders
every person incapable of living a holy life or living a life that
is separated to God. Physically, sin has brought a curse which
produces discomfort, decay, and death.


Part 7: Soteriology

What illustration from natural life does Jesus compare

salvation to in John 3:3-6? ______________________________

What have those who believe in Jesus been justified from in

Acts 13:39? __________________________________________

When you hear the gospel preached, what must be in your

heart for the Gospel to be profitable, according to Hebrews
4:2? ________________________________________________

Why does Paul say salvation is not of works in Ephesians 2:810? _________________________________________________

Paul says we have been saved not by works, but by what, in

Titus 3:5? ____________________________________________

In 1 Timothy 2:5-6, what does Paul call Jesus? What does this
mean? ______________________________________________

What does Peter say redeemed us in 1 Peter 1:18-23? _______


What does Paul say about repentance in Romans 2:4? _______



What is the difference between godly sorrow and worldly

sorrow according to 2 Corinthians 7:9-10? _________________


How safe are the people who have trusted in Jesus, according
to Jesus in John 10:28-29? ______________________________

If terrible things happen to us, does that mean we have lost

our salvation according to Romans 8:35-39? _______________

At what point will God give up working on us, according to

Philippians 1:6? _______________________________________

How do you keep from falling according to Jude 24-25? _____




Salvation of sinners is Divinely initiated, wholly of grace, and

accomplished only through the mediatory work of Jesus Christ,
the Son of God. It is wholly apart from works of man, is given to
us through the grace of God, and is accepted by faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ. Genuine salvation is never without genuine
repentance. We are regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit
through faith in God and thus become the recipients of a new
nature. Justification is that judicial act of God accompanied by
the pardon of sin and the imputation of divine righteousness,
not because of any works of righteousness on our part, but
solely through faith in the Redeemers blood. The believer who
has exercised personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is
completely justified and in possession of a salvation which is
eternally secure. Any person claiming to be saved who willfully
persists and delights in that which he knows to be sin has no
Scriptural right to think of himself as genuinely saved.

A. Adoption

How many sons does John 1:18 indicate God has? ____

How does Paul describe we get into Gods family in

Romans 8:15-16? _______________________________

How does Paul describe Gods family dynamic in

Galatians 4:4-6? _______________________________

Adoption is the act of God, Who has only one begotten Son,
by which He accepts each believer into His family as a son or

B. Salvation

What happens before adoption according to John

1:12? _________________________________________

How does a person not perish, but instead have

everlasting life according to John 3:16? ____________


Who does Paul say is sovereignly in control of

salvation in Ephesians 1:4-5? _____________________


Does Paul teach that God only wants a few people to

be saved in 1 Timothy 2:4? _______________________

With what does Peter say we have been redeemed in 1

Peter 1:18-19? _________________________________

Whose sins does 1 John 2:2 say Jesus was the

propitiation for? What does propitiation mean? _____

Salvation is the act of God by which He rescues a sinner from
the penalty of sin, and gives him an eternal inheritance in
heaven. The act is based on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on
the cross of Calvary. The benefit of salvation is eternal life.
We believe that Jesus Christ died for the salvation of all men
and that it is Gods will that not any should perish.
Furthermore, we believe that there are people in hell for
whom Christ died.


C. Regeneration

What does Jesus say must happen for someone to see

the Kingdom of God in John 3:3? __________________

What does Jesus say the person who believes in Him

has passed from in John 5:24? ____________________

What does Paul say God has done for those who were
dead in their sins in Ephesians 2:2? ________________

What does Peter teach the Word of God does in 1

Peter 1:23? ____________________________________

Regeneration is the act whereby God imparts life to the one
who believes. It is the second birth.

D. Redemption

What does 1 Corinthians 6:20 say about the reason

why we are to glorify God? ______________________


What did Christ do for us by being made a curse for us

according to Galatians 3:13? _____________________


What reason does Paul give for Christ giving Himself

for us in Titus 2:14? _____________________________

According to 1 Peter 1:18-19, could we have been

redeemed with silver or gold? What did redeem us?

What did the Lamb do which made Him worthy

according to Revelation 5:9? _____________________

Redemption means to purchase, by means of a ransom price,
out of the slave market of sin and set free. Three words are
used in Scripture to characterize redemption. Agorazw
means to buy back on the slave market of sin. Ekagorazw
means to remove from the marketplace of sin. Lutrow
expresses being set free by the payment of a ransom.


E. Faith

What does Jesus teach makes the difference between

someone who has everlasting life and someone who
has the wrath of God on them in John 3:36? _________

What does Paul say comes by hearing the Word of

God in Romans 10:17? ___________________________

Paul says in Ephesians 2:8-9 that we have been saved

by grace through what? Can you explain what this
means? ______________________________________

What does Hebrews 11:1, 6 teach us about what faith

is? ___________________________________________

Faith is a belief in which you trust entirely. Faith involves
trusting in that which is unseen but factually known. Faith in
God must be exercised by all who believe in Christ.


F. Repentance

What kind of attitude does David display in Psalms

51:1-4? How does he feel about his sin? ____________

What terms does Solomon use to describe repentance

in Proverbs 28:13? ______________________________

What leads a person to repentance according to

Romans 2:4? __________________________________

Paul describes two kinds of sorrow in 2 Corinthians

7:9-10. Which one is real repentance? ______________

Who does Paul teach grants repentance in 2 Timothy

2:25? ________________________________________

Repentance is the change of mind in the sinner by which he
willfully turns from sin to God. Repentance involves the
acknowledgement of sin, the sorrow for sin, and a turning
away from sin.


G. Mercy

Titus 3:5 says we have been saved not by our own

works, but by what? ____________________________

The exercise of mercy is that activity of God in which He does
not award to the repentant sinner what he or she rightly
deserves, which is judgment, eternal separation from God.

H. Grace

Through whose grace did people believe in Acts 18:27?


By what does Paul teach in Romans 3:24 we have been

justified? _____________________________________

Romans 4:4 and 11:6 teach something very important

about grace. What is it? _________________________

How does Ephesians 2:8-9 teach we have been saved?



To whom does Paul teach the grace of God has

appeared, in Titus 2:11? What does this mean? ______

Divine grace is the unmerited favor whereby the repentant
sinner is freely given eternal life which he or she does not
deserve. Scripture is very clear that salvation is a free gift,
and that it cannot be earned.

I. Propitiation

Romans 3:25 says that God set forth Christ as a

propitiation. What does this mean? _______________

John teaches that Christ was the propitiation for

whose sins in 1 John 2:1-2? _______________________

John also gives us the highest example of love in 1

John 4:10. What is it? Was the propitiation that Christ
provided easy, then? ___________________________

Propitiation means satisfaction. Christs death appeased or
satisfied the just demands of the Holy God for all men, and
not just the elect.


J. Imputation

What does Paul teach is imputed to us who believe in

Christ in Romans 4:22-24? _______________________

How does Paul define imputation in 2 Corinthians

5:21? _________________________________________

Romans 4:3, Galatians 3:6, and James 2:23 all look

back on one Old Testament event to give the standard
for imputation. What was that event, and what does it
mean? _______________________________________

To impute is to place something on someone elses account.
God imputes Christs righteousness on the account of those
who believe in Him. The righteousness is unmerited by
human effort; however, it is a credit given by God to those
who believe on His Son.

K. Forgiveness

Why does Psalm 130:4 say that God forgives? _______



According to Acts 13:38, how can we have forgiveness

of sins? _______________________________________


What does God say in Acts 26:14 is the result of

turning from darkness to light, and from Satan to
God? _________________________________________

Why does Paul put redemption hand-in-hand with

forgiveness in Ephesians 1:7? _____________________

What is required for forgiveness of sins in 1 John 1:9?


Forgiveness means the saved person has been pardoned or
had an obligation canceled. God has graciously canceled the
debt of sin and the punishment deserved for sin through the
gift of eternal life in Christ.

L. Sanctification

What does Jesus say sanctifies believers in John 17:17?


How does Paul describe the sanctification process in

Romans 6:12? _________________________________


What makes us different from all of the sinful

practices which once described us, according to 1
Corinthians 6:11? ______________________________

What does Paul say Christ uses to sanctify the Church

in Ephesians 5:26? ______________________________

What single event does the author of Hebrews point

to as that which sanctified believers in Hebrews 10:10?

When does 1 John 3:2 say our sanctification will be

complete? ____________________________________



Sanctification means to set apart for a holy purpose. The

Scriptures address sanctification in a three dimensional
perspective. Positional sanctification occurs at the moment of
salvation when the believer is set apart in Christ and positioned
with Christ in the heavenlies. The second aspect of
sanctification is progressive sanctification where by the
believer is brought closer to the image of Christ. This occurs
through his obedience to the Word of God and allowing the
Holy Spirit to fill the believers life daily and make him or her
more like Christ in character and behavior. The third aspect of
sanctification is permanent sanctification. This is the final
transformation of the believer into the image of Jesus Christ
upon receiving the glorified body.

M. Eternal Security

Who is able to snatch a Believer out of Jesus hand

according to John 10:28? ________________________

What does Paul teach in Romans 8:38-39 is able to

separate Believers from Gods love? _______________

Who sealed us according to Ephesians 4:30? How long

does this sealing last? ___________________________

According to 1 John 5:13, is it possible to know if you

have eternal life? _______________________________

Who is responsible for your standing before God

according to Jude 24? ___________________________

Eternal Security
Eternal security means that those who accept Jesus Christ as
their personal Savior will continue in their state of being
born-again for time and eternity. They are now sons or
daughters of God and will so remain being forever secured by
the keeping power of God.


N. Glorification

What does Paul say is the end of this suffering life in

Romans 8:17? _________________________________

How does Paul describe our glorification in 1

Corinthians 15:52? _____________________________

What will Christ do to our bodies on Rapture Day

according to Philippians 3:21? ____________________

How does Paul describe our future in 1 Thessalonians

4:13-18? ______________________________________

When does John say we will finally be like Christ in 1

John 3:2? _____________________________________

Glorification, in regards to the believer, is a future event with
a two-fold implication. The believer will be spiritually
perfected into the image of Christ upon his entry into heaven
and subsequently, at the resurrection, he will receive a
glorified body in which to dwell throughout eternity future.
The two aspects of glorification are simultaneous at the
Rapture. .


Part 8: Eternal Destiny

A. Unbelievers

What does Jesus promise for those who, in this life, did
not put action to their faith in Matthew 25:41? __________

Who does Jesus say will end up at the Resurrection of

judgment in John 5:28-29? __________________________

Who does Peter say are kept under punishment until the
Day of Judgment in 2 Peter 2:9? _____________________

What does God use to judge all men according to

Revelation 20:11-14? _______________________________

The Last Resurrection will include all unregenerate dead from
all history. They will be raised at the end of the millennial
kingdom to stand trial before God at the Great White Throne
Judgment where they will be sentenced to eternity in the
Lake of Fire.


B. Church Age Believers

What does Paul say about our inheritance in Romans 8:17?


What does Paul promise about the future of all believers in

Romans 14:10? ____________________________________

What does Paul promise about the Judgment Day for

believers in 1 Corinthians 3:13-15? ____________________

What does Paul say will happen to all believers in 2

Corinthians 5:10? __________________________________

What does the Creed in 2 Timothy 2:12-13 promise

believers? ________________________________________

What does Paul give believers for hope in 1 Thessalonians

4:13-18? _________________________________________

How does John describe believers in Revelation 1:6?



How does Revelation 21:3-7 describe eternity for

believers? ________________________________________


Church Age Believers

There will be a bodily resurrection of all Church Age believers
at the rapture of the Church. This group will be caught up to
Heaven and will be judged at the Bema (judgment) Seat of
Christ. The Bema seat does not determine the gain or loss of
eternal life, but rather the gain or loss of spiritual rewards.
They will reign with Christ during the Millennial Kingdom.
Believers will spend eternity future in the presence of God.

C. Old Testament Believers

What does Job say about his future resurrection in Job

19:25-26? ________________________________________

Does David expect to see God one day according to Psalm

17:15? ___________________________________________

Who does the Psalmist trust to redeem his soul in Psalm

49:15? ___________________________________________

Did Isaiah think the grave was the end of existence in

Isaiah 26:19? _____________________________________


Where does the author of Hebrew say Old Testament

saints are right now in Hebrews 12:23? ________________

Old Testament Believers

Dead Old Testament saints and Tribulation saints will be
resurrected at the Second Coming and be given glorified
bodies in which they will enter into the Millennial Kingdom
and they will reign with Christ in the Millennial Kingdom
while maintaining their national identity through eternity

D. Infants and Special Needs Persons

What does David say about the future of his baby child
who has just died in 2 Samuel 12:23? __________________

What does Isaiah 7:16 indicate about the guilt or

innocence of children? _____________________________

How does Jeremiah describe the children who have been

offered as sacrifices in Jeremiah 19:4? _________________


To whom do the children belong according to Ezekiel

16:21? How does God treat those who are His? _________

According to Revelation 5:9 and 7:9, God has ransomed

people from where? Are there peoples who have never
heard the Gospel? What does this mean about this verse?

Infants and Special Needs Persons

Infants who die before birth or infants and/or special needs
persons who die before they come to the age of
accountability (the age when a person can distinguish right
from wrong and choose one over the other) will be eternally
in heaven.


Part 9: Heaven and Hell

A. Heaven

What does Deuteronomy 26:15 say about who lives in

heaven? _________________________________________

As Solomon prays in 1 Kings 8:30, 39 where does he say

Gods dwelling place is? ____________________________

Where does Psalm 103:19 say God has established His

throne? __________________________________________

What does Isaiah 66:1 teach about heaven? ____________


How will things change in the New Heaven and the New
Earth, according to Revelation 21:1-7? ________________



Heaven is Gods eternal abiding place. There will be no sin

present in Heaven because God is holy and cannot tolerate sin
in His presence. The New Heaven is the eternal home for the
children of God where the effects of sin such as sorrow, pain,
and death will not be present. The New Heaven is where Christ
will reign forever as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

B. Hell

Jesus teaches that Hell was made for what purpose in

Matthew 25:41? ___________________________________

Paul teaches in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 the end of those who

reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What happens to them?

How does John describe the end of the Devil in Revelation

20:10? ___________________________________________

What happens at the end of time to everyone who had

died and was in hell according to Revelation 20:14-15? ___



Hell is a temporary but literal place of fire and torment where the
dead lost persons abide. The Lake of Fore, in contrast, is the
permanent and final place of judgment for all those whose name
is not found in the Book of Life. It was created for Satan and his
angels. This judgment is administered at the Great White
Throne. The torment of this judgment is eternal in which both
the body and the soul of the unregenerate burn without being
consumed and without annihilation.

Part 10: Ecclesiology

A. The New Testament Church

Acts 2 describes the beginning of the Church. What main

event was taking place when the Church began? ________

In Acts 11:15, Peter describes the coming of the Holy Spirit

on Gentile believers. He says it happened to them just like
it happened to the disciples at the beginning. What does
this phrase indicate about the beginning of the Church? __

The New Testament Church

The Scriptures teach that the Church of Jesus Christ is
distinct from Israel. It was inaugurated at Pentecost and will
be completed at the Rapture. The church must be considered
in two aspects: the Body of Christ (all saints from Pentecost
to the Rapture) and the Local Church.
1. The Body of Christ

Christ mentions the economy of the Church for the

very first time in Matthew 16:18. Is this Church a
strong institution, or not? _______________________


Paul teaches that there are how many bodies of Christ

in 1 Corinthians 12:12? How many members are there?


According to Ephesians 1:22, who is the Head of the

Church? ______________________________________

What does Paul say in Ephesians 3:10 is one purpose

of the Church? Is this purpose quickly or easily
accomplished? ________________________________

Why is Christ the Head of the Church according to

Colossians 1:18? _______________________________

Body of Christ
This group is made up of all individuals who have been born
again from the day of Pentecost to the moment of the
Rapture of the Church and have been placed by the Holy
Spirit (though means of the baptism of the Holy Spirit) into
the universal church. Christ is the head of the body; therefore
Christ is the only supreme authority of the Church.
2. The Local Church

What task did Christ give each local church in

Matthew 28:18-20? _____________________________


What is the first Institution that Christ gave the Local

Church to practice regularly in Luke 22:19-20? ______

In Acts 1:8, what unique empowering did Christ

promise for the completion of the Churchs Task? ____

What was the second institution that Christ gave the

Local Church, as exemplified by the Apostles in Acts
2:41-47? Who precisely participated in this institution?

What does Paul teach about in I Corinthians 11:17-34?

What are the consequences for celebrating this
institution in an unworthy manner? ______________

What does Paul teach Timothy is the responsibility of

leaders in the church in 2 Timothy 2:2? _____________

Why did God give His People the Scriptures according

to 2 Timothy 3:16? _____________________________


The Local Church

The local New Testament church is an organized body of
believers, baptized by immersion upon a credible testimony
of their personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church is
congregational in government, and is set aside for Gods
work, worship, and edification, observance of the ordinances
(baptism and Lords Supper) and the fulfillment of the Great
Commission by propagating the Gospel throughout the
world. The unifying purpose of the Local Church is to glorify

B. Biblical Authority

What example do the Bereans give for how to listen to

teaching about God in Acts 17:11? What did the Bereans
recognize as the final authority? _____________________

Paul teaches the Ephesians about some of the Spiritual

Gifts in Ephesians 4:11-16. One point is made throughout
the passage about different gifts, however: unity. What,
according to the Apostle Paul, brings unity? ____________

What is the only tool we are given which is given by

inspiration of God, and therefore is authoritative to teach
and correct us according to 2 Timothy 3:16-17? _________

Biblical Authority
The Word of God is the Final Authority for Doctrine.

C. Autonomy of the Local Church

Who within the church chose seven men to help serve

according to Acts 6:1? What does this indicate about
authority within the Local Church? ___________________

Who confirmed the commission of Barnabas and Saul for

the ministry according to Acts 13:1? Were they from the
same church or another church? _____________________

Autonomy of the Local Church

Each local assembly is self-governing with the government to
be exercised by the congregation. Churches of like faith and
practice may choose to jointly participate in fellowship or
outreach ministries for the sake of the cause of Christ.
However, nowhere in Scripture does one find a
denomination, convention, or church hierarchy. And no one
church or association of churches has a governing role over
any local assembly in the New Testament.

D. Priesthood of the Believer

According to Hebrews 10:19-22, who has to stand

between each believer and Christ to mediate? This means
who is responsible to Jesus for your life? _______________


Who offers spirituals sacrifices on your behalf to God

through Jesus Christ according to 1 Peter 2:5?

How does Peter describe this relationship just a few verses

later in 1 Peter 2:9-10? He says we are a royal what? _____

Priesthood of the Believer

Each believer has the right to function as a priest and enter
the presence of God on his or her own behalf.

E. Two Church Offices

In Philippians 1:1, Paul mentions two offices in the local

church. What are those offices? ______________________

In 1 Timothy 3, Paul tells Timothy what people are

qualified to serve as Pastor or Deacon. Can just anyone
fulfill these responsibilities? What are some of the
qualifications Paul gives for Pastor? For Deacon? ________


How does Peter describe the difference between an Elder,

Pastor (translated Shepherd), and Bishop in 1 Peter 5:13? How many offices are there, then, in the local church? _


Two Church Offices

Pastor (Bishop or Elder) and Deacon are the two biblical
church offices. Bishop, Elder, and Shepherd are Biblical terms
all referring to the same office of Pastor. The qualifications
are in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. The Deacons are the
servant/helpers to the Pastors and the congregation. Their
qualifications are given in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

F. Individual Soul Liberty

In Ezekiel 18:4 God says he will hold whom accountable

for sins? Is a son responsible for his fathers sins? ________

Paul spends a good portion of Romans 14 discussing

responsibility before God. In verses 1-12, who does he say
individuals are responsible to judge? Who are we
responsible for? In verse 13, Paul concludes with what final
thought for what we should judge? ___________________


Paul again addresses this same issue in 1 Corinthians 8.

Who does Paul say we should be concerned about? Paul
teaches that if we think we have liberty in a certain area,
how should we use that liberty to look at other believers?


Finally, in 1 Corinthians 10:23-33, who does Paul teach we

are to be looking out for? What happens if we do
something which causes someone else to stumble? Is it
just enough that our conscience is okay with doing
something? ______________________________________

Individual Soul Liberty

Soul liberty refers to the right of the individual Christian to
regulate his or her life with regard to things which are
morally indifferent.

G. Saved, Regenerate Church Membership

What is supposed to happen when someone sins and is

unrepentant according to Jesus in Matthew 18:15-18? Are
they allowed to stay in the Church? ___________________

Who does Acts 2:41-42 say were baptized and added to

the church? ______________________________________


Saved Church Membership

Local churches are made up of persons who are born again
and able to give a credible testimony of personal faith in
Jesus Christ and have been baptized by immersion. The local
church bears the responsibility to approve individuals who
are candidates for believers baptism. Dismissals two and
three are to be taken by the church congregation.

H. Two Church Ordinances

What ordinance does Christ command to be administered

as disciples are made, according to Matthew 28:19-20? __

What does John 3:23 indicate about how baptism is to be

administered? ____________________________________

Acts 8:26-39 also indicates how baptism is to be

administered? What do we see from this passage? ______

What does baptism picture, according to Romans 6:1-4? _



After the first believers were baptized into the first church
in Acts 2:41-47, what did they also continue in? _________

Paul gives further detail on the ordinance of the Lords

Supper in 1 Corinthians 11:23-34. What should we always
do before we celebrate the Lords Supper? _____________

Two Church Ordinances

The two ordinances of the local church are Baptism and the
Lords Supper. Baptism is the first step in obedience to our
Lord, and should be done by immersion to represent the
death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. It is a testimony of
the new believers identification with the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lords Supper should be observed by baptized believers
who are in right standing with God and the brethren and in
the corporate worship time of believers. Neither of those two
ordinances bears any salvific merit.

I. Separation of Church and State

When Christ described the responsibility to the

Government and the responsibility to God in Matthew
22:21, does He describe them as united or as distinct? ___


When responsibilities to God are opposed to

responsibilities to Government, which responsibility is
greater, according to Acts 4:19? Which should we follow?

According to Acts 5:29, whom in the end are we

responsible to follow? ______________________________

Separation of Church and State

The state or government should not appoint one church to
be the official church of the state nor interfere in the work of
the New Testament local church. Nor should the church
establish a state. In essence, the church does not govern the
state and the state does not govern the church.


Part 11: Separation

A. Personal Separation

What does 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 teach about what

Christians should allow to influence them? _____________

How should we understand Pauls language of being

unequally yoked in 2 Corinthians 6:14-15? How are we
relating to lawlessness and darkness? _________________

What does Paul teach in 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 ought to be

our attitude toward impurity and immorality? What is
Gods will for us? What does this word mean? __________

What is Gods command for us in 1 Peter 1:13-16? What

does this word mean? ______________________________

Personal Separation
The believer should be separated from all worldly practices
that would dishonor our Lord Jesus Christ.


B. Ecclesiastical Separation

How does Paul command us to respond to people who

cause divisions or teach false doctrines according to
Romans 16:17? ____________________________________

According to 1 Corinthians 1:10, how are believers to be

avoiding divisions and separations? What is the
foundation of unity? _______________________________

What are the characteristics of the divisive person

described by Paul in 1 Timothy 6:3-5 that we are to be
watching out for? __________________________________

What happens if we do not separate ourselves from the

world, but instead act friendly with things from the world
according to James 4:4? ____________________________

Ecclesiastical Separation
The local church should separate from any persons and
ecumenical movements which seek to compromise clear
biblical statements in favor of unity over truth. However, our
church may cooperate and associate with any ministry,
movement, mission, organization, or individual whose
doctrine, policy, and practice are not contrary to our own.

Part 12: Marriage and Family Relations

How does God describe the first, perfect marriage relationship

in Genesis 1:26-28? ___________________________________

What defines marriage in Genesis 2:24? __________________


Marriage and Family Relations

Marriage is the union of one man and one woman as
described by the Scriptures. We hold that a man or woman is
defined as the gender in which they entered this world. Men
and women are spiritually equal in position before God, but
God ordained distinct and separate spiritual functions for
men and women in the home and the church.

A. The Family

What were the roles of the first man and woman

according to Genesis 2:21-24? Four roles are given in total.

According to Malachi 2:14, what bond unites a husband

and wife? ________________________________________


Before whom does Jesus say this bond or covenant is

made in Matthew 19:3-12? __________________________

How does Paul describe the husband-wife relationship in

Ephesians 5:22-33? How is the husband supposed to treat
his wife? And the wife her husband? What greater
relationship does all this represent or illustrate? ________

What is the authority structure in the family according to

Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:3? ___________________________

How does Peter describe the husband-wife relationship in

1 Peter 3:1-7? _____________________________________

The Family
The family is the foundational institution of human society.
God intends marriage to be for life. Husband and wife are
subject to God and each other. The husband is the leader of
the home and is commanded to love his wife as Christ loved
the Church. The wife is to submit herself to the headship of
her husband as the Church submits to the headship of Christ.


B. The Children

What does God command that children be taught from a

young age, according to Deuteronomy 6:4-9? __________

How does the Psalmist describe children in Psalm 127:3-5?


What instruction does Solomon give parents for how to

instruct children in Proverbs 19:18? ___________________

What is the principle Solomon gives for teaching children

properly while they are young in Proverbs 22:6? ________

What does Solomon say is true about children naturally in

Proverbs 22:15? What solves this? ____________________

What are the consequences for not disciplining your

children according to Proverbs 22:13-14? ______________

What instruction does Paul give children in Ephesians 6:12? ______________________________________________



What must be true of the fatherly leadership of pastors

and deacons according to 1 Timothy 3:4-5, 12? _________

The Children
Children are a heritage from the Lord. Parents are to teach
their children spiritual and moral values and to lead them
through consistent lifestyle, example, and appropriate
discipline, including Scriptural correction.

C. Divorce and Remarriage

What does God say He thinks about divorce in Malachi

2:14-17? _________________________________________

What does Jesus say about divorce in Matthew 19:3-12? Is

it ever acceptable to Him? __________________________

What does Romans 7:1-3 say about remarriage? When is

remarriage acceptable? ____________________________

How does Paul say salvation affects divorce and

remarriage in 1 Corinthians 7:10-16? Under what
circumstances does God allow divorce in this passage?


According to 1 Timothy 3:2, 12 are the qualifications for

pastors and deacons any different? Are there any
exceptions for the spiritual leadership of a church? ______

Divorce and Remarriage

God intends marriage to last until one of the spouses dies;
remarriage at this point is Biblically acceptable. Divorce and
remarriage are unbiblical except on the grounds of
fornication or the willful departure of an unsaved spouse.
Divorced persons or divorced and remarried persons are to
begin afresh their lives from the point of salvation and/or
renewed fellowship with God and move on by living for the
Lord the remainder of their days. They are welcome in the
local church and may hold positions of service and be greatly
used of God. Divorced individuals may not be considered for
the offices of pastor or deacon.

D. Human Sexuality

Who created the genders unique according to Genesis

1:27, 31? How was this creation? Was there a problem with

How is the union of a husband and wife described in

Genesis 2:24? _____________________________________


How does Genesis 19:5, 13 speak of homosexuality? How

did God respond to the open homosexuality in this
passage? _________________________________________

Read Leviticus 18. How does God look at sexuality apart

from a one-man-one-woman (monogamous) relationship?
Is there anything outside of a monogamous relationship
that God approves of? What is the foundation for the
specific commands for human sexuality? On whose
character are they based? ___________________________

Leviticus 20:13 is very clear about homosexuality. What

does it say? What does it mean? Are any exceptions
given? ___________________________________________

Who does Psalm 139:14-15 say made us? Were we made in

a random, haphazard way? __________________________

What reason does Paul give for aberrant sexual behavior

in Romans 1:26-29? ________________________________


What is Pauls response to sexual perversion within the

church of Corinth in 1 Corinthians 5:1? _________________


What does Paul say the future is for those who practice
this sexual deviance in 1 Corinthians 6:9? ______________

How does Paul describe the normal sexual relationship in 1

Corinthians 7:1-5? _________________________________

Who is the final authority in the marriage relationship

according to Ephesians 5:22-23? _____________________

What is Gods purpose for our sexuality according to 1

Thessalonians 4:3-4? _______________________________

What is Gods standard for acceptable sexuality in

Hebrews 13:4? ____________________________________

Human Sexuality


Sex between husband and wife is a gift from God. God

commands that there be no intimate interaction outside of
marriage. Additionally, any form of homosexuality, lesbianism,
bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery,
pornography, and other non-biblical sexual practices are sinful
perversions of Gods gift. We believe that God disapproves of
any attempt to alter ones gender by surgery or appearance.
Homosexuality and same-sex marriages are an abomination to
God. The only legitimate biblical marriage is the joining of one
man and one woman.

E. Abortion

When does David say he became a unique, sinful person

according to Psalm 51:5? ___________________________

As David describes his conception and growth in Psalm

139:14-16, when does he see his person-ness beginning? _

When does Isaiah say you were made in Isaiah 44:24? How
early, then, can you be said to be you? _____________

How early did God have a unique plan for Isaiah according
to Isaiah 49:1, 5? __________________________________

When did God know Jeremiah the prophet and have a plan
for his life according to Jeremiah 1:5? _________________

In his anguish and despair, Jeremiah describes what would

have happened if God had taken his life while he was still
in the womb in Jeremiah 20:15-18. What kinds of words
does Jeremiah use? What impact do they have on the
issue of abortion? _________________________________



What does Luke 1:44 indicate about John the Baptist while
he was in his mothers womb? _______________________

We believe human life begins at conception and that the
unborn child is a living human being. Abortion constitutes
the unjustifiable, inexcusable taking of unborn human life.
We reject teachings that abortion of pregnancies due to rape,
incest, birth defects, gender selection, birth or population
control, or the mental well-being of the mother are


Part 13: Discipline of a Member

Church Discipline
It is vital to the testimony of this local church and the glory of
our Lord that church purity be preserved and its peace
protected. In the event of differences between members,
they will be settled personally in accordance with Matthew
18. And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses
you as sons? My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of
the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by Him. For the Lord
disciplines the one He loves, and chastises every son whom
He receives Hebrews 12:5-6

A. Definitions

The Church
1. How does Paul describe a church in Ephesians 4:7-16,
5:25-27? What are some of the key elements?

The Church


The church is a holy community created by God

and intended to reflect His character and glory in
the midst of a fallen world. God loves the church
and His ultimate purpose for his church is to make
it a gift to His Son; thus He calls it the Bride of
Christ. For this reason the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit are constantly at work to purify the church
and bring her to maturity.

Life in the Church

1. How does Paul describe the resolution of sin issues
within the church in Galatians 6:1? ________________
2. How does the author of Hebrews describe daily
interaction between church members in Hebrews

Life in the Church

Bible provides standards from God for the faith and life
of all who are a part of the church. Elders/Pastors are
commissioned by God to instruct, govern, and preserve
local churches within these bounds of doctrine and

Church Discipline
Church discipline is the corrective process which God has
given to the church when a member persists in sin.
1. Such persistent sins may be:
Personal Sins which wrong or injure particular
individuals; e.g. slander, anger, bitterness, theft
(Matthew 18:15-20; 2 Corinthians 12:20-13:2)


General sins which are not directed at a

particular individual; e.g. heresy, divisiveness,
immorality, drunkenness (Romans 16:17-18; 1
Corinthians 5; Galatians 1:8-9; 1 Timothy 1:19-20;
2 Timothy 2:16-18)

Private sins known only to a few (Proverbs 25:9;

Matthew 18:15)

Public sins which are conspicuous and widely

known (1 Corinthians 5:13; 2 Corinthians 12:2013:2; Titus 3:10-11)

2. According to 1 Timothy 5:19-21, are pastors exempt

from or above the rules of God and church discipline?
3. What does Proverbs 3:11-12 reveal about the purpose
of Church Discipline? ___________________________

Church Discipline
Church discipline is neither intended to humiliate someone
nor to seek revenge. It is an expression of Gods Fatherly
love. Those involved in bringing this correction are to be
motivated by sincere love and their words and actions are to
combine both grace and truth.
B. Purpose The purpose of this gift from God is threefold:
1. What does Paul say in Ephesians 3:20-21 is the purpose for
everything that happens in the church, including church
discipline? ________________________________________
2. What does Paul say in 1 Corinthians 1:10 is the goal of the
church in everything? ______________________________


What is Christs goal for the church in Ephesians 5:25-27? _
3. In the outline of church discipline in Matthew 18:15-17,
what key element prevents discipline from escalating in
scope? __________________________________________
What were the Corinthians instructed to do in 2
Corinthians 2:5-11 once the offending brother had
repented? ________________________________________

Gods Purpose
Gods threefold purpose in church discipline is 1 The glory
of God; 2 The unity and purity of the church; and 3 The
restoration of the straying church member.
C. Practice
2. What does Paul teach in 1 Timothy 4:7, 16 should be the
first concern of every individual? _____________________


God calls every believer to be conformed into the image of
His Son. This involves hearing and obeying Gods Word and
results in each believer disciplining himself so as to conform
to his Savior. We recognize that most church discipline
situations start and end here, with the believer diligently
applying Gods Word to his life
3. What principle does Proverbs 9:11 give for dealing with
small issues? _____________________________________
In Romans 15:1, who does Paul say we need to be looking
out for? __________________________________________
What effect does Peter say loving each other will have
toward offenses in 1 Peter 4:8? ______________________

Minor Offenses


Though in Christ every believer has been declared righteous, the

Christian life is a process of gradual change, of becoming in
character what God has declared us in standing. This means that
every Christian will exhibit flaws and imperfections and every
relationship will include some measure of tension and disharmony.
Minor offenses are those which do not endanger the safety or wellbeing of a believer, a relationship, or a church. In light of the
Gospel, these are best overlooked, in the manner in which God
forbears and overlooks many such traits in us.

4. What process for addressing sin in a fellow believer does

Christ give in Matthew 18:15-17? _____________________

The Process
Where self-discipline fails and where a believer sins in a
manner that should not be overlooked, God provides
direction for what to do. Ordinarily the process moves
through stages, as described by Jesus Himself. With the glory
of God and purity of the Church as the foundation, the goal
at each stage, if possible, is to secure the repentance and
restoration of the sinning brother or sister. The process
ceases whenever the straying member evidences biblical
repentance and is restored to the Lord and others.
3.1. How does Christ describe the first step in Matthew
18:15? ________________________________________
What does Christ add to this thought in Luke 17:3-4? _
How does Pauls command in Galatians 6:1 affect this
first step? _____________________________________



Private Inquiry
When a Christian sees another church member that appears
to be engaged in sin that is repeated or serious, normally he
should approach that person privately and in a spirit of
meekness to inquire and, if necessary, to confront. If
repentance is required and takes place, the process ends. If
there is disagreement over the need for repentance or if
there is refusal to repent, he should involve on or two others.
3.2. What principle does God give in Deuteronomy 19:15
for accusing someone of guilt? ___________________
How does Paul recognize this command in 1 Timothy
5:19? _________________________________________

Establishing the matter with witnesses

The concerned Christian should now involve one or two other
church members, perhaps including a care-group leader or
pastor, and return to the brother or sister caught in sin. If this
group confirms that the brother or sister is in fact sinning, is
unrepentant and is unwilling to change, then the pastors or
the church should be informed so that they can confirm the
facts and appeal for change.

3.3. What does Paul say about the final step of church
discipline in 1 Timothy 5:20? _____________________

Telling the Church

If the straying brother or sister remains unwilling to change,
failing to heed various appeals from members and/or pastors,
the pastors normally will inform the church of the member
and the sin. Church members will be urged to pursue the
erring member and appeal for repentance.
3.4. How does Paul deal with the last step of church
discipline in 1 Corinthians 5:5? ____________________
Paul also describes this final stage in 2 Thessalonians
3:14-15. Why does he say we are to not keep company
with him? How are we supposed to think about him? _
Paul, in 1 Timothy 1:20, practiced this final step of
church discipline on two men for what reason? ______


Excluding from Church Membership

Then the elders/pastors will inform the church again, this
time acting to remove that person form church membership
and instruct the church to treat the excluded member as an
unbeliever. This means the church will no longer treat the
person as a Christian, in that sense having no fellowship
with him or her, and instead will seek to preach the gospel to
him or her, calling him to repentance and faith in Christ.
3.5. Appeal. If at any point a church member believes
he is being treated unjustly or inappropriately in the
disciplinary process, he is welcome to appeal to the
pastors and deacons.
5. Public sins

Does Paul describe all three steps in neat order in

Romans 16:17? What is the problem he is addressing?

How many steps does Paul describe in 1 Corinthians

5:13? _________________________________________

How drawn-out is the process described in Titus 3:1011? Is there a reason for this? _____________________


Public Sins
After the sin has been addressed with the individual, the
elders/pastors may decide to abbreviate or eliminate the
above process if the sin is especially conspicuous or serious
lead others into sin, or if the member proves to be divisive,
disruptive, or is seen as a threat to lead others into sin.
6. Disciplinary actions

As the disciplinary process progresses through the above

stages, the actions that may be taken include, but are not
limited to, private and public admonition, withdrawal of
fellowship, and removal from membership.

7. Restoration

How does Christ describe the emotion when the

rebellious sinner repents and is restored in Luke 15:7?

How does Paul describe the restoration process is 2

Corinthians 2:5-11? How important is immediate
forgiveness and restoration? _____________________


The restoration of the straying believer stands as a hoped for
part of the practice of church discipline. Throughout the
disciplinary process the elders/pastors will seek to define a
biblically informed pathway of repentance for the sinning
member. If a member is removed from membership, the
elders/pastors will urge the church members to continue to
seek opportunities to call the person to repentance and faith
in Christ. When the church has been made aware of an
individuals sin, they will also publically be made aware of the
individuals repentance in a way that is appropriate to the
situation the good of the church, ensuring that as many
people as possible may rejoice.
8. If a member leaves the church to avoid or cut short the
disciplinary process.


At times a member may withdraw from the church to avoid or cut

short discipline and its consequences. The elders/pastors and
members of our church recognize our obligation and opportunity to
attempt to restore the wandering member to the Lord and to His
church. While the church cannot force a withdrawing member to
remain in this congregation, the church has the right and
responsibility to attempt to restore, to bring the disciplinary
process to an orderly conclusion, and to make final determination
as to the persons membership status at the time withdrawal is
sought or acknowledged. If the elders/pastors learn that a member
who left the church under church discipline is not attending another
church, the elders/pastors may inform that church of the situation,
seeking to encourage the brother or sister to repent and be
restored to the Lord and to any people he or she have offended.
The elders/pastors may also warn the other church to be on guard
against harm that the accused might do to their members.

9. Receiving excluded members.

People who attend our church, but have been excluded from
another church on biblical grounds, will not be allowed to
become members or participate in the fellowship of the
church until they have repented of their sins, made a
reasonable effort to be reconciled, and satisfied any biblically
legitimate requirements of their former church.


Part 14: Eschatology

A. Hermeneutics
It is important to avoid the tendency to adopt a changing or
complimentary hermeneutic when scripture addresses
prophetic issues. The proper interpretation of Scripture is
arrived at by taking the text in its natural or literal sense with
careful attention given to grammatical, historical and
contextual parameters. Scripture is to be interpreted literally
with words and texts being taken in their ordinary, normal, or
plain meaning unless there is some reason in the context to
dictate otherwise

B. The Three Sine Qua Nons of Literal

Sine qua non is a Latin term meaning that without not, or
those things which are necessary. The Three sine qua nons
of literal interpretation are 1) Keep Israel and the Church
distinct, 2) Words and texts in Scripture must be taken in
their ordinary, normal, plain meaning in contrast to
spiritualizing or allegorizing them and 3) the overall purpose
of God in the world is God-centered in contrast to mancentered. The purpose is to bring glory to God and the
salvation of mankind is one method of accomplishing the


C. Biblical Dispensationalism and

Progressive Revelation
Literal interpretation demonstrates that God has
progressively revealed doctrines from the simple to the
complete (i.e. redemption of mankind from the simple
statement of Genesis 3:15 to the complete revelation of the
Gospels). Furthermore, literal interpretation demonstrates
that God has dealt with mankind in different ways in
different eras of human history. The separation of biblical
data and human history into component parts as indicated
by literal interpretation is called Dispensationalism. A
dispensation is a period of time during which man is tested in
respect to obedience to some specific revelation of the will of
God; man fails the test, and the judgment of God is incurred
because of the failure. At this point God gives further
revelation to man and subsequently a new test. In the initial
dispensation, Adam and Eve are created and placed in the
Garden of Eden with instructions not to eat of the fruit off
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They listened to
the temptation of the serpent, ate of the fruit, fell into the
condition of sin, and were removed from the Garden.
A. The Seven Dispensations:
Dispensation of Innocence
Dispensation of Conscience
Dispensation of Human Government
Dispensation of Promise


Genesis 1:3-3:6
Genesis 3:78:14
Genesis 8:1511:9

Dispensation of the Law

Exodus 19:1Acts 1:26

Dispensation of Grace
Acts 2:1Revelation
Dispensation of the Kingdom
(John 1:17; 1 Cor. 9:17; 10:32; 2 Cor. 3:9-18; Gal. 3:13-25;
Eph. 1:10; 3:2-10; Col. 1:24, 25; Heb. 7:19; Rev. 20:2-6)

D. The Rapture of the Church

What does Christ promise He will do for those who have

put their trust in Him in John 14:1-3? __________________

How does Paul describe the end of the Church Age in 1

Corinthians 15:51-58? ______________________________

What does Paul say will happen at the Rapture in 1

Thessalonians 4:11-18? _____________________________

What does Paul say Christians are supposed to be looking

for in Titus 2:13? ___________________________________

The Rapture of the Church


The Blessed hope is the imminent, personal, pre-tribulational

return of our Lord Jesus Christ referred to doctrinally as the
Rapture of the Church. Christ will return bodily in the clouds of
the air to catch away the believers in Christ (members of His
Body, the Church).

E. The Tribulational Period

In Jeremiah 30:7, what name does Jeremiah give the

Tribulation? ______________________________________

According to Daniel 9:27, how long does the Tribulational

Period last? ______________________________________

What kind of command does Christ give to those who are

alive in the Tribulation in Matthew 24:15-21? ___________

According to Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12, who is going

to be working during the Tribulation period? ___________

The Tribulation Period

After the Rapture of the Church a seven-year Tribulation
period will unfold on the earth during which God will punish
rebellious, unbelieving mankind, and re-gather Israel
physically and spiritually to prepare the nation to welcome
her Messiah.
Extracurricular Study: Read Revelation 6:1-18:24. Can you
describe the different types of judgments God will pour out, and
who they will affect?


F. The Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema Seat)

What does Paul teach in 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 awaits

believers at the Judgment Seat? Are believers being
judged for sin? ____________________________________

How does Paul continue to describe this judgment in 2

Corinthians 5:10? __________________________________

How can we have boldness on the Judgment Day

according to 1 John 4:17? ___________________________

Judgment Seat of Christ

The Church-Age saints appear before the Bema Seat of
Christ in heaven for assessment of their works done during
their lifetime from the point of salvation and prior to their
entry into heaven.

G. The Second Coming of Christ

How does Zechariah the prophet describe the scene at

Christs Second Coming in Zechariah 14:2-4? What will
happen to the Mount of Olives? ______________________

Christ spends the entire chapter of Matthew 25 discussing

the Second Coming. What will happen at this time,
especially in verses 31-46? __________________________



How does Paul describe this scene in 2 Thessalonians 1:710? _____________________________________________


John also describes this event in Revelation 19. How does

it fit with these previous pictures?

Second Coming of Christ

At the end of the seven year Tribulation Period the Lord
Jesus will bodily return to earth in power and glory to
establish the Millennial Kingdom. At this time, the first
resurrection will be completed. Also the judgment of the
nations will occur.

H. Millennial Reign of Christ

David describes the Millennial Reign of Christ in Psalm 2.

What will it look like? ______________________________


What glorious Covenant that God made with Israel does

Jeremiah describe as finally being fulfilled during the

Millennial Kingdom in Jeremiah 31:31-34? How will this

change the Israelites? ______________________________

Describe Gods promises to Israel from the prophet

Ezekiel in Ezekiel 11:17-20. __________________________

God continued to reveal Millennial promises to Ezekiel in

Ezekiel 34:23-24, 36:26-28, and 37:24-28? What other
promises does God make with the nation of Israel that He
will fulfill during this Millennial Reign? _________________

How will Tribulation saints be specially blessed during the

Kingdom according to Revelation 20:4-5? _____________

Millennial Reign of Christ


The Millennial Kingdom of Christ is a literal 1000 year period

which is in fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant. Christ (who
presently sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven) will sit
on the Throne of David and rule Israel from Jerusalem. During
the reign peace and righteousness will cover the earth, Satan will
be bound, and Israel shall be established in her own land. At the
end of the Millennium Satan will rebel against Christ, but shall be
defeated and forever banished to the Lake of Fire.

Extracurricular Study: Read Matthew 5-7 and relate it to Christs

Millennial Reign. What will society be like? Who will be blessed
and cursed in the Kingdom? How is the Kingdom different from
how things are now?

I. The Great White Throne Judgment and

Eternity Future

How does Daniel 12:2-3 describe the Resurrection of the

Unjust? __________________________________________

How does John describe the Great White Throne

Judgment in Revelation 20:1115? Does anyone escape
this judgment? What is the end of everyone who stands at
this judgment? ____________________________________

John then goes on to describe the Restoration of All

Things in Revelation 21. Can you briefly describe what will
happen? _________________________________________

John then describes Eternity in Revelation 22. What

stands out to you most about Eternity Future? What will
be the greatest or best thing in Eternity Future? ________



GWT and Eternity Future

Following the Millennium, the wicked dead shall be judged at
the Great White Throne and shall be condemned to
everlasting conscious punishment in the Lake of Fire. The
righteous in Christ shall be in eternal conscious blessedness
in the presence of the Lord in the New Heaven and the New


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