ALL Concrete

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Reinforced Concrete

Reinforced Concrete
Lecture 1

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
Concrete is a mixture of sand, gravel, crushed rock, or other
aggregates held together in a rock like mass with a paste of
cement and water concrete has a high compressive strength and a
very low tensile strength.

Concrete is poor in tensile strength.

Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
RC “Reinforced concrete” is a combination of concrete and
steel wherein the steel reinforcement provides the tensile
strength lacking in the concrete.

- Reinforced Cement Concrete is combination of

concrete and steel.
Advantages of Reinforced Concrete Structures

• RC has considerable compressive strength as compared to other

• Great resistance to fire and water
• RC structures are rigid
• Has long service life
• Has low maintenance cost
• Versatile construction material can be used for all structural
components like footings, columns, beams and slabs etc.
• Can be molded to the desired form and shape
• Use locally available material in most of the areas.
• Lower grade of skilled labor required for casting and steel fabrication.
Can you name some more advantages?
Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete Structures

• Without sufficient tensile reinforcement, RC is poor in tensile

• Forms are essential for the concrete works. Formwork constitute a
large part of the concrete cost
• For long span structures, the RC sections may become very heavy as
compared to steel members
• The quality control and mix proportioning has dominant effect on the
properties of concrete.
• The shrinkage of concrete due to drying and temperature effects.
• Creep effect: the Deformation under long term loading.
• Can you name some more disadvantages?
Properties of Reinforced Concrete
• Compressive Strength: ACI- American Standard (Used in our courses)

42 Mpa
35 Mpa

28 Mpa

20 Mpa

14 Mpa

7 Mpa

fc‘ determined from testing 6in by 12 in cylinder samples at 28 days

– The concrete reaches the ultimate strength at 0.003

– The stress strain curves for concrete are similar to the behavior of
compression side of beams
Properties of Reinforced Concrete
• Compressive Strength: (British, Indian, Turkish standards
and many more)

fcK determined from testing 6in cube samples in many

other countries is used. The cylinders given almost
80% strength.
Modulus of Elasticity for Concrete
There are several definitions for concrete
– It is the slope of initial stress strain curve at the origin.
– The slope MOE is the slope to the tangent of stress strain curve
i.e. 50% of the stress strain curve.
– The slope of the line drawn from the origin to the 25-50% of the
ultimate strength is referred as secant modulus
– According to ACI ( American Concrete Institute) section 8.5.1,
the modulus of elasticity for concrete of density of 1500-2500
kg/m3, can be calculated from the following Equation:

– For normal weight concrete (2320 kg/m3) can be obtained

using the following Equation:
Poisson’s ratio of Concrete
• As a concrete cylinder is subjected to compressive loads, it
not only shortens in length but also expands laterally. The
ratio of this lateral expansion to the longitudinal shortening is
referred to as Poisson’s ratio (μ).

 
 D 
D o
 L 
L o

μ= 0.11 for the higher-strength concretes

μ= 0.21 for the weaker-grade concretes,
μ=0.16 with average values.
Tensile Strength of Concrete
• Normally 8-15% of the compressive strength of
• The tensile strength has important role in crack
• In Split cylinder test, the cylinder is placed under
two plates on end to end and split along the
length. The tensile strength is given as
2 P
ft 
π L D
ACI proposes tensile strength as follows:
Concrete shrinks and cracks after drying
The amount of shrinkage depends on type of exposure:
• In concretes exposed to windy conditions-more
• Humid atmosphere has less shrinkage
• Hot and dry atmosphere has more shrinkage
• To reduce the shrinkage:
– Keep the water amount minimum
– Cure the concrete well
– Place the concrete in small sections
– Use construction joints to control position of cracks
– Use shrinkage reinforcement
– Use dense and non porous aggregates
The long term deformation under sustained loads
– Long term loads also it affect the strength of concrete
– The amount of creep is affected by the following factors:
– Long curing lead to less creep. Steam curing reduces the creep.
– High strength concrete have smaller creep than normal strength
– Creep increases with higher temperatures
– Higher humidity less creep
– Concrete with high content of cement paste has more creep.
– The addition of reinforcing bars in the compression area will
reduce the creep
– Large members ( large volume to surface area) have less
tendency to creep as compared to small members.
Reinforcing steel
• Mostly deformed bars having ribbed projections are used
• The steel bars are identified as “#” which represents it as
multiple of 1/8 i.e. #4= 4/8 in .
• In SI units there are bar diameters 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 29,
32, 36, 43, and 57mm.
• Grade of the bars represents its yield strength i.e. 40 grade
bars means 40Ksi
• In SI units there are 300, 350, 420, and 520 MPa bar grades .
These correspond, respectively, to approximately to Grade 40,
50, 60, and 75 Ksi bars.

• E.g is IS unit the “#10 Grade 300” refer to bar which has
average diameter of 10 mm and has minimum steel yield
strength is 300MPa.
Reinforcing steel
• Reinforcement Bar Sizes and Areas
Reinforcing steel
• Reinforcement Bar Shapes

(S for billet, R in addition to a rail

sign for rail steel, A for axle, and W for low alloy).

Quiz: What are the role these deformations on the bar surface
Constitutive relationship of stress and
strain for reinforcing bars
Stress “σ”

Strain Hardening Necking & Fracture

L ( Deformatio n)
 
Lo (Original Length)

Yield plateau

Elastic Strain “”

Design of Structures

o Safety
o Look
o Serviceability
o Environment
o Economy
Analysis of Structures
• Analysis of Structures mainly focus on
o Strength
o Rigidity
Structure Idealization
Physical Model
o Members
o Connections
o Supports
o Loads
o Free-body Diagrams
o System
o Member
Mathematical Model
o Equilibrium Conditions
o Compatibility Conditions
o Constitutive Relationship
Mathematical Model
1. Equilibrium conditions
ΣF = 0, ΣM = 0
2. Compatibility conditions
• Continuity condition
• Boundary condition
3. Constitutive relationship of stress and strain
Main load types
1. Dead Loads:
2. Live Loads
3. Building Loads
4. Bridge Loads
5. Wind Loads
6. Snow Loads
7. Earthquake Loads
8. Hydrostatic and Soil Pressure
9. Other Natural Loads
1 – Dead Loads “D.L”: Constant magnitude mostly remain
in one position Frames, walls, beams, ceiling, stairways etc

2 – Live Loads “L.L”: Loads changing magnitude and

positions Traffic loads for bridges ,impact loads due to
vibration, people loads etc.
General Building Codes
Dead Loads (D.L)
Example 1.1
The floor beam is used to support the
1.83m width of lightweight plain concrete
slab having a thickness of 102mm. The
slab serves as a portion of the ceiling for
the floor below & its bottom coated with
plaster. A 2.44m high, 305mm thick
lightweight solid concrete block wall is
directly over the top flange of the beam.
Determine the loading on the beam
measured per m length of the beam.
Live Loads – Summary Table
• Building floors are usually subjected to uniform live loads or concentrated
live loads. They have to be designed to safely support these loads.
• Environmental loads: Due to environment in which the
building is placed.
– Snow and ice loads:
– Rain loads
– Wind
– Seismic or earthquake loads
• To select the appropriate level of design load, the
combinations of these loads are made as per guidelines
given by various codes.
– For Railway bridges: American Railway Engineering
Association (AREA)
– For highway bridges: AASHTO
– For buildings International Building Code (IBC)/ACI Code
3 – Highways Bridge Loads:
ASHTO-code [American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials]

For highway c the AASHTO Specification gives the expression for

the impact factor as:
I  0 .3
L  38.1
In which L is the length in meter of the portion of the span loaded to cause the
maximum stress in the member under consideration.
4 – Wind Loads:
Wind Pressure for Building according to
ASCE 7-10
. External Pressure
. Internal Pressure

(windward) (leeward)

Wind Load
I) External Pressure

pi = q G C p [External pressure]
q = basic pressure at the height of 10 m

pi = wind pressure
G = gust factor (0.85, typical)
Cp = shape factor (Figure 1-12)
Kzt =factor that accounts for wind speed increases due to hills
Kd =1.0 (on ground level)
Kz =velocity pressure exposure coefficient (From Table 1-5)

4 – Snow Loads:
20 to 40 psf
(  1000 to 2000 Pa )

Snow Load
I) Design Snow Pressure: floors having a slope of less than 5%, then
the pressure loading on the roof can be obtained by modifying the ground
snow loading


Ce = 0.8; country side, Ce =1.2 located in the center of a large city

Ct = 0.8; unheated structures, Ct = 1.0 normally heated structure
Is = importance factory, 1.0, 0.8 and 1.2 for normal structures, agriculture & storage facilities
and schools & hospitals, respectively.

Hint: for Pg snow load values less than 20 Ib/ft2 (1.0 kN/m2)
Then Pf= Is X Pg or Pf from Eq. (1) which one is the greater

H.W. Example page 24

7 - Earthquake Load: Latitude Load on structure. P= M ̈x

8 - Thermal Loads: For Indeterminate Structures.

P=lateral force
M= mass at each floor level
̈x= Accelera on

9 – Other Loads:
e.g. - Rain Loads
- Hydrostatic Loads
- Blast Loads.
Design Philosophies
• Allowable Stress Design (ASD)

• Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)

Allowable Stress Design (ASD)
• Service loads are calculated as expected during service life.
• Linear elastic analysis is performed.
• A factor of safety (Ω) of the material strength is assumed

Material Strength
Allowable Stress 
• Design is satisfactory if (maximum stress < allowable stress)
• Limitations
– Case specific, no guarantee that our design covers all cases
– Arbitrary choice of factor of safety (Ω).
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
• LRFD is similar to plastic design in that it performs design with the
assumption of failure! - Reliability Based Design
• Service loads are multiplied by load factors (g) and linear elastic
analysis is performed.
• Material strength is reduced by multiplying the nominal material
strength by a resistance factor (f)
• The design rule is: Load Effect < Resistance

 g i Q i  fiR n This rule shall be attained

for all limit states!!

– Where Rn is the nominal strength and Q is the load effect for the ith limit
AISC Load combinations
• AISC considers the following load combinations in design g i Qi  fi Rn

g i Qi

f  0 .75  1 . 00
fi Rn e.g. f for yield is 0.9 and for bolt shear is 0.75
Impact of Computers on
Reinforced Concrete Design

• Computers has greatly changed the way in which

reinforced concrete structures are analyzed and designed.
• In nearly every engineering school and office, computers
are routinely used to handle structural design problems.
• Many calculations are involved in reinforced concrete
design, and many of these calculations are quite time
• With a computer, the designer can reduce the time
required for these calculations tremendously and, thus,
supposedly have time to consider alternative designs.
Working Assignments
• Read Chapter 1
Reinforced Concrete

Flexural Analysis
of Beams
Lecture 2

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
Uncracked Concrete Stage
At small loads when the tensile stresses are less than the
modulus of rupture

Exterior (From Load)

fr modulus of rupture of the concrete

Interior (From Material


fr (Interior) 〉 f (Exterior)
Moment–curvature diagram for reinforced concrete
beam with tensile reinforcing only

Uncracked Section (elastic ) Cracked Section (Elastic) Ultimate Section (in elastic )
Un-cracked Section
Example 1.
I. Assuming the concrete is un-cracked beam section, compute
the bending stresses in the extreme fibers of the beam of
beam for a bending moment of 34 kN.M, f′c of 28 MPa.
II. Determine the cracking moment of the section.
III. what is the maximum uniformly distributed load the beam
can carry if it is used as a simple beam with 5.0 m span
without exceeding the modulus of rupture of the concrete?
Un-cracked Section
Example 2.
• (a) If the T-beam shown is uncracked, calculate the stress in the
concrete at the top and bottom extreme fibers under a positive
bending moment of 100 kN.m
• (b) If f′c = 20 MPa, what is the maximum uniformly distributed
load the beam can carry if it is used as a simple beam with 7.3 m
span without exceeding the modulus of rupture of the concrete?
• (c) Repeat part (b) if the beam is inverted.
Working Assignments
• Problems 2.42 to 2.44
Reinforced Concrete

Flexural Analysis
of Cracked Beams
Lecture 3

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
Cracked Concrete Stage; Elastic Stresses
When the bending moment is sufficiently large to cause the
tensile stress in the extreme fibers to be greater than the
modulus of rupture, it is assumed that all of the concrete on
the tensile side of the beam is cracked and must be neglected
in the flexure calculations.

Exterior (From Load)

Interior (From
Material Strength)
fr modulus of rupture of the concrete
fr (Interior) 〉 f (Exterior)
Moment–curvature diagram for reinforced concrete
beam with tensile reinforcing only

Uncracked Section (elastic ) Cracked Section (Elastic) Ultimate Section (in elastic )
Concrete Cracked at Tension
• The cracking moment of a beam is normally quite small
compared to the service load moment.
• Concrete at top fiber of beam under compression is linear
(elastic) behavior
• Concrete at top fiber of beam is cracked (tensile stresses
exceed the rupture strength of concrete)
Comp Comp.
Cracked, transformed section
Concrete under

Concrete under
n: ratio of modulus of elasticity, (round off) Tension
Es: Elastic modulus of steel, 200GPa
Es: Elastic modulus of concrete,

If the strains in the two materials at a particular point are the same
their stresses cannot be the same since they have different modulus of elasticity.
Thus, their stresses are in proportion to the ratio of their modulus of elasticity (n)

If the modular ratio for a particular beam is 10, the stress in the steel will be 10
times the stress in the concrete at the same distance from the neutral axis.
Means also, when n = 10, As of 1 in2 of steel will carry the same total force as
10 in2 of concrete.
Allowable Stress in Concrete
• According to ACI code
fc=0.45f′c working stress (Allowable stress)
(above this stress concrete will behave inelastic )

fr modulus of rupture of the

Allowable Stress in steel
• According to ACI code
fs=160 MPa if bar Grade is 400MPa or greater than 400MPa
fs=140 MPa if bar Grade is less than 400MPa
working stress (Allowable stress)
(above this stress steel will be in elastic )
Stress “σ”

Strain Hardening Necking & Fracture


Yield plateau
Working, or allowable
stress in bar fs=160 Mpa,
or fs=140 Strain “ε”
Example 2.3
Calculate the bending stresses in the beam shown in
Figure below by using the transformed area method,
f′c = 20 MPa, n = 9, and Moment of = 95 kN.m.

N-A, X=174.4 mm
Example 2.5
Compute the bending stresses in the beam shown in
Figure below by using the transformed-area method;
n = 8 and M = 150 kN.m, fc’=20MPa

Concrete under Comp.

Concrete under Tension

N-A, X=235 mm
fs=94.3 MPa 450
Example 2.5
Calculate the bending stresses in the concrete and the
reinforcing steel, using the transformed area method:
f′c = 20 MPa, n = 9, M = 340 kN.m. fy=420 MPa

Concrete under Comp.

Concrete under Tension

N-A, X=142 mm
H.W no.1
Using transformed area, what allowable uniform load
can this beam support in addition to its own weight for
a 8.5 m simple span? Concrete weight = 24 kN/m3 ,
fs = 160 MPa, and fc = 12 MPa. n=8.

Concrete under Comp.

Two Scenarios
Concrete under Tension
i) N-A within the hole
ii) N-A below the hole

N-A, X=274 mm
w=38.3 kN/m
H.W no.2
Using transformed area, what allowable uniform load
can this beam support in addition to its own weight for
a 9m simple span? Concrete weight = 24 kN/m3 ,fs =
140 MPa, and fc = 9 MPa. n=8.

Concrete under Comp.

Two Scenarios
Concrete under Tension
i) N-A within the hole
ii) N-A below the hole
The compression reinforcement on the top of beam will have negligible creep,
so it assumed to have ‘Transformed area’ = 2n As’.
Example 2.7
i) Compute the bending stresses in the beam shown
in Figure below ; n = 10 and M = 160 kN.m.
ii) Check the allowable stress levels in steel and
concrete according to ACI, f′c = 25 Mpa, fy=420MPa.

Concrete under Comp.

Ans. (a) Actual section (b) Transformed section

N-A, X=164 mm
fs=158MPa; fs’=119MPa, ii) Tension control
Working Assignments
• S.I Problems at the end of Chapter 2
Reinforced Concrete

Ultimate or Nominal
Flexural Moments
Lecture 4

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
Moment–curvature diagram for reinforced concrete
beam with tensile reinforcing only

Uncracked Section (elastic ) Cracked Section (Elastic) Ultimate Section (in elastic )
Stress Distribution will not be linear
Ultimate (nominal ) strength
• When the bending moment is sufficiently large to cause the
tensile stress in the extreme fibers at the yield.
tensile force; T = As fy
• It is assumed that all of the concrete on the tensile side of
the beam is cracked and must be neglected in the flexure
• It is assumed average concrete strength is a rectangular
shape with a constant stress of 0.85fc
• tensile force; C = 0.85fc′ab
Compression and tension couple at
nominal moment

M=C [d-a/2] Interior

Or M=T[d-a/2] moment

C=T (interior couple components )

Replaced the curved stress block with an equivalent
rectangular block of intensity 0.85fc′ & depth a = β1. c

• The equivalent rectangular stress blocks is assumed to be

equal to 0.85fc′ , within depth of a = β1. c
• β1 is to be taken equal to 0.85 for concrete strengths up to
and including 30 MPa. For strengths above 30 MPa, β1 is to be
determined with the following expression:
β1 = 0.85 − 0.008 (fc′ − 30 MPa) ≥ 0.65
Example 2.8
• Determine the nominal or theoretical ultimate
moment strength of the beam section shown in
Figure, fy= 400MPa; f′c = 20 MPa.

N-A, a=133 mm; c=157mm
Example 2.9
Determine the nominal or theoretical ultimate moment strength
of the beam section shown in Figure, fy= 400MPa & fc’=20MPa.
The 150 mm-wide ledges on top are needed for the support of
precast concrete slabs.

N-A, a=238 mm
Mn=395 kN.m
Determine the nominal or theoretical ultimate moment strength
of the beam section shown in Figure, fy= 420MPa & fc’=25MPa.

N-A, a=39 mm
Mn=830 kN.m
H.W no.2
Determine the nominal or theoretical ultimate moment strength
of the beam section shown in Figure, fy= 460MPa & fc’=30MPa.

Concrete under Comp.

Two Scenarios
Concrete under Tension
i) N-A within the hole
ii) N-A below the hole

N-A, a=192 mm
Y’= 87
Mn=1190 kN.m
Working Assignments
• S.I Problems at the end of Chapter 2
Reinforced Concrete

Strength Analysis of Beams

According to ACI Code
Lecture 5

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
Design of Beam For Moment
The main two objectives of design is to attain the
required strength and ductility.

φ Strength reduction factor, which is less than 1. These

values generally vary from 0.90 for bending down to
0.65 for some columns

Mn is the theoretical or nominal resisting moment, [Interior moment]

Mu is the caused by the factored load , [Exterior Moment]

M u = 1.2M D + 1.6M L
Flexural Stress
The beam is a structural
member used to
support the internal
moments and shears
M = C*(jd)
M = T*(jd)
Stress – strain distribution across beam depth
Flexural Stress
The compressive zone is modeled with a equivalent
stress block.
Flexural Stress
The equivalent rectangular concrete stress
distribution has what is known as a β1 coefficient is
proportion of average stress distribution covers.

β1 = 0.85 for f c′ ≤ 30 Mpa

β1 = 0.85 − 0.008* ( f c′ − 30 ) > 0.65 f c′ > 30 Mpa
Flexural Stress
Requirements for analysis of reinforced concrete beams
[1] Stress-Strain Compatibility – Stress at a point in
member must correspond to strain at a point.
[2] Equilibrium – Internal
forces balances with
external forces
Flexural Stress
Example of rectangular reinforced concrete beam.

(1) Setup equilibrium.

∑F x =0 ⇒ T=C
A s f s = 0.85f cab
 a
∑M =0 ⇒ T  d −  = Mn
 2
Flexural Stress
(2) Find flexural capacity.

T = As f s
C = 0.85 f c′ a b
T jd

Strength Analysis of Beams
According to ACI Code
• Ultimate-Strength Design
The strength for ultimate strength of the member.

concrete is assumed to crush at a strain of about 0.003 and the

steel to yield at fy,
Flexural Stress
(3) Need to confirm εt > εy (strain at yield)

(yield strain) ≈ 0.002

(Available strain)

Compression control, fs < fy

Transition, Comp-Tension control, fs = fy

Tension control, fs = fy
Strength Reduction or ɸ Factors
Strength reduction factors are used to take into
account the uncertainties of material strengths,
inaccuracies in the design equations, approximations
in analysis

0.65 Compression control, fs < fy

Transition, Comp-Tension control, fs = fy
0.90 Tension control, fs = fy
Mode of failure
Compression Failure
The concrete will
crush before the steel
yields. This is a
sudden failure.
The beam is known as
an over-reinforced
Tension Failure
The reinforcement
yields before the
concrete crushes.
The concrete crushes
is a secondary
compression failure.
The beam is known as
an under-reinforced
Balanced Failure
The concrete crushes
and the steel yields
The beam is known as
an balanced-
reinforced beam.
Critical thinking
• In order to prevent such a state of behavior in flexural
members, a strain greater than ε y in the extreme tensile
reinforcement has to be required in design.

• For example, if 60 grade steel (400 Mpa) is used as

reinforcement, the yield strain

• The design has to be based on ε s (termed ε t at the level of

the extreme tensile reinforcement layer) sufficiently larger
than 0.002 in flexural members to ensure ductile
Acceptable Reinforcement Ration in a Section
The amount of reinforcement inside any concrete section should be within the certain
limits, Min and Max and between them is ideal condition, just like blood pressure limits

Minimum steel requirement Ideal steel

Maximum steel requirement
Minimum steel requirement
Minimum amount of reinforcing that must be used at every
section of flexural members where tensile reinforcing is
required by analysis, whether for positive or negative


cb 0.003
d t 0.003 + f y E S
cb =balanced neutral axis depth at limit strain ε t = 0.002
d t =effective depth to the extreme tensile reinforcement layer
for all value ɛt>=0.005 (Tension control)

Max. ct=0.375d

C=T; Comp=Tension

Maximum Reinforcement ratio (ρMax) for singly

reinforced rectangular beams (Tension stain
>0.005) for Ø=0.9
Maximum steel

cm =Max. neutral axis depth at limit strain

dt =effective depth to the extreme tensile reinforcement layer

Any FYI,
C=T; Comp=Tension Ø

Maximum steel
Maximum Reinforcement ratio (ρMax) for singly reinforced rectangular beams (Tension
stain >0.005) for Ø=0.9

Fy (MPa) Fc’=20MPa Fc’=25MPa Fc’=28MPa Fc’=35MPa Fc’=40MPa

B1=0.85 B1=0.85 B1=0.85 B1=0.81 B1=0.77
300 1.8% 2.3% 2.7% 3.0% 3.3%
350 1.6% 1.9% 2.3% 2.6% 2.8%
400 1.4% 1.7% 2.0% 2.3% 2.5%
500 1.1% 1.4% 1.6% 1.8% 2.0%

Any FYI,

Example 3.1
Determine the values of a, c, and ϵt for the beam shown in Figure . fy =
400MPa and f′c = 20 MPa.



This value of strain is much greater than the yield strain of

0.002. This is an indication of ductile behavior of the
beam, because the steel is well into its yield plateau before
concrete crushes.

Tension control, fs = fy
Example 3.2
Determine the ACI design moment capacity, φMn, of the beam shown in
Figure . fy = 400MPa and f′c = 28MPa.


Tension control, fs = fy
Example 3.3
Determine the ACI design moment capacity, φMn, of the beam shown in
Figure . fy = 400MPa and f′c = 28MPa.


Compression control,
Section is not ductile and may not be used
as per ACI Section 10.3.5.
Example 3.4
Determine the ACI design moment capacity, φMn, of the beam shown in
Figure . fy = 400MPa and f′c = 28MPa.


Beam is in transition zone and, fs = fy

Working Assignments
• Read Chapter 3
• Problems at the end of Chapter 3
Reinforced Concrete

Design of Rectangular Beams

Lecture 6

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
• LRFD is similar to plastic design in that it performs design with the
assumption of failure! - Reliability Based Design
• Service loads are multiplied by load factors (γ) and linear elastic
analysis is performed.
• Material strength is reduced by multiplying the nominal material
strength by a resistance factor (φ)
• The design rule is: Load Effect < Resistance

∑ γ i Q i ≤ φiR n This rule shall be attained

for all limit states!!

– Where Rn is the nominal strength and Q is the load effect for the ith limit
AISC Load combinations
• AISC considers the following load combinations in design ∑γ i Qi ≤ φi Rn

∑γ i Qi

φ = 0 . 75 − 1 . 00
φi Rn e.g. φ for yield is 0.9 and for bolt shear is 0.75
Design of Beam For Moment
The main two objectives of design is to attain the
required strength and ductility.

φ Strength reduction factor, which is less than 1. These

values generally vary from 0.90 for bending down to
0.65 for some columns

Mn is the theoretical or nominal resisting moment, [Interior moment]

Mu is the caused by the factored load , [Exterior Moment]

M u = 1.2M D + 1.6M L
Flexural Stress
The beam is a structural
member used to
support the internal
moments and shears
M = C*(jd)
M = T*(jd)
Stress – strain distribution across beam depth
Flexural Stress
Example of rectangular reinforced concrete beam.

(1) Setup equilibrium.

∑F x =0 ⇒ T=C
A s f s = 0.85f cab
 a
∑M =0 ⇒ T  d −  = Mn
 2
Flexural Stress
(2) Find flexural capacity.

T = As f s
C = 0.85 f c′ a b
Flexural Stress
Design of Rectangular Beams
1. Beam proportions. The most economical beam sections are usually
obtained for shorter beams (up to 6 m or 7.5 m in length), when the
ratio of d to b is in the range of 1.5 to 2. Means, d=1.5 to 2.0b
increments of nearest 25mm.
2. Hmin The minimum thicknesses provided apply only to members that
are not supporting or attached to partitions or other construction
likely to be damaged by large deflections.
Design of Rectangular Beams
3. Estimated beam weight. The weight of the beam to be selected
must be included in the calculation of the bending moment to be
resisted, because the beam must support itself as well as the external
4. Selection of bars. After the required reinforcing area is calculated,.
Design of Rectangular Beams
5. Cover. The reinforcing for concrete members must be protected
from the surrounding environment; that is, fire and corrosion
protection need to be provided, Normally, C=40 mm clear cover is
required for stirrups from all sides.

5. Minimum spacing of bars (Clearance). Should be, a >25 mm

Design of Rectangular Beams
Example Find d, d’ and the spacing between bars for the RC section
shown in Figure below

h=600 d=?
d=h-d’ #20

350 - 2*(60+10)+3*20
Spacing, a= = 37.5 >25 mm OKY
No. of bar-1
Example 4.2
Design a rectangular beam for a 7.0 m simple span if a dead load of 12 kN/m
(not including the beam weight) and a live load of 30 kN/m are to be
supported. Use f′c = 28MPa and fy = 420 MPa. Concrete density =24kN/m3


hmin=L/20 (Table-4.1)
Select h=600mm, d=530mm
b=300 mm
Bar 3#32
Check for min and max reinf. OKY
et=0.0065 OKY Tension control FYI=0.9
Spacing, a= 50 mm> 25 OKY
Working Assignments
• Read Chapter 4
• Problems at the end of Chapter 4
Reinforced Concrete
EnDWR 307

Analysis & Design

of T Beams
Lecture 7

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
What is T-Beam?
• In monolithically cast RC structures, beam and part of
the slabs supported by this beam deform together.
• In case of positive moment parts of the slabs receive
compressive stresses and contribute to moment
resistant capacity of the beam.
• In case of positive moment these beams are called T-
• Slab parts are called flanges and projecting parts of the
beams are called webs or stems
N-A location?
• If the neutral axis is assumed to fall within the flange

Normal Rectangular Analysis >> Chapter 3

N-A location?
• If the neutral axis is assumed to fall within the Web

Normal Rectangular Analysis >> Chapter 3-Special shape

Analysis steps for T Beams
N-A location?
• If the neutral axis is assumed to fall within the Web
OR Analysis steps for T Beams

Mn1 = Mn2 =

Mn = Mn1 + Mn2
• Actually compressive stresses in the flange of the beams are not uniformly
• It is common practice to assume an identical uniform stress distribution
within the flange as seen by the dotted lines. The width of this part of
flange is represented by “b"



The minimum of the below:

Minimum Reinforcement Ratio of T-Beam
ACI Equation 10-3 states that the minimum amount of
reinforcing required equals the larger of the
two values that follow:
Maximum Reinforcement Ratio of T-Beam
Maximum reinforcement ratio as per ACI:
Example 5.1
Determine the design flexural strength (Mu) of the T beam shown in Figure
below, with f′c = 28MPa and fy = 420MPa. The beam has a 9m span and is
cast integrally with a floor slab that is 100mm thick. The clear distance
between webs is 1.3m.



Ans. 90
b=1550 mm
a=45mm 250
Check for min and max reinf. OKY
et=0.031 OKY Tension control FYI=0.9
Mu=879 kN.m
Example 5.3
Determine the design flexural strength (Mu) of the T beam shown in Figure
below, with f′c = 28MPa and fy = 420MPa.




Design of T Beams
The flanges of most T beams are usually so large that the
neutral axis probably falls within the flange, and thus the
rectangular beam formulas apply (a<hf) >>>>>>rectangular
Design of T Beams
If (a>hf) >>>>>>Real T-Section

If a> hf
Example 5.4
Design a T beam for the floor system shown in Figure below, for which bw and
d are given. M D.L = 100 kN.m, M L.L = 140 kN.M, Use f′c = 28MPa, fy = 420
MPa and simple span = 6.0m.

? 100 440
300 mm

3.0m 3.0m
Example 5.5
Design a T beam for the floor system shown in Figure below, for which bw and
d are given. M D.L = 270kN.m, M L.L = 575 kN.M, Use f′c = 20MPa, fy = 420 Mpa
and simple span = 5.5m.


535 610

300 300 300

1.90m 1.80m 1.90m 1.80m

Working Assignments
• Read Chapter 5
• Problems at the end of Chapter 5
Reinforced Concrete

Examples for Design of

Rectangular Beams & Design
of one way slab
Lecture 8

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
Example 4.5
The dimensions of the beam shown in Figure below have been selected for
architectural reasons. Determine the reinforcing steel area if Mu= 360 kN.m,
Use f′c = 20MPa and fy = 400 MPa.


Bar 2#28+2#25 400
Check for min and max reinf. OKY
et=0.0074 OKY Tension control FYI=0.9
Spacing, a= 63mm> 25 OKY
Design of one way slab
• Reinforced concrete slabs are large flat plates that are
supported by reinforced concrete beams, walls, or columns;
by masonry walls; by structural steel beams or columns; or by
the ground.
• If they are supported on two opposite sides only, they are
referred to as one-way slabs because the bending is in one
direction only, As shown in figure
Design of One-
One-Slab For Moment
The main two objectives of design is to attain the
required strength and ductility.

φ Strength reduction factor, which is less than 1. These

values generally vary from 0.90 for bending down to
0.65 for some columns

Mn is the theoretical or nominal resisting moment, [Interior moment]

Mu is the caused by the factored load , [Exterior Moment]

M u = 1.2M D + 1.6M L
Bending Stress
The one-way slab is a
structural member used
to support the internal
M = C*(jd)
M = T*(jd)
Flexural Stress
Design of One

Design of One
2. Estimated slab weight. The weight of the slab to be selected must
be included in the calculation of the bending moment to be resisted,
because the slab must support itself as well as the external loads.
3. Selection of bars. After the required reinforcing area is calculated,.
Design of One
5. Cover. The reinforcing for concrete members must be protected
from the surrounding environment; that is, fire and corrosion
protection need to be provided, Normally, C=20 mm clear cover is
required for stirrups from all sides.

5. Minimum spacing of bars (Clearance). Should be, a >25 mm

• Maximum spacing of bars (Clearance). Should be, a< 5 times
the slab thickness, or 500 mm.
Example 4.6
Design a one-way slab for the inside of a building for a 3.0 m simple span if a
dead load of 1 kN/m2 (not including the slab weight) and a live load of 10 kN/m2
are to be supported. Use f′c = 28MPa and fy = 420 MPa. Concrete density

Section 1-1
Ans. 1
hmin=L/20 (Table-4.1)
Select h=150mm, d=124mm 1
b=1000 mm
Mn=24.2KN.m 3.0 m
Short direction #12@200mm c/c
At long direction #10@275mm c/c
Check for min and max reinf. OKY
et=0.031 OKY Tension control FYI=0.9
Working Assignments
• Read Chapter 4
• Problems at the end of Chapter 4
Reinforced Concrete

Shear Design of the Beams

Lecture 9
Chapter 8

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
Shear Strength of Concrete
this discussion, Vn is considered to be the nominal or theoretical shear strength of a
member. This strength is provided by the concrete and by the shear reinforcement.

The design shear strength of a member, φVn, φ=0.75

Vc is the shear strength carried by concrete alone

Vs is the shear strength carried by stirrups alone

ACI code state that if the shear value Vu is less than φVc/2
NO need to provide any stirrups
Shear Cracking of Reinforced ConcreteBeams

Flexure–shear crack

Web Reinforcement
Behavior of Beams with Web

Truss analogy

Design for Shear

stirrup is used, Av equals two times the

cross-sectional area of the stirrup bar
Design for Shear
The maximum shear, Vu, in a beam must not exceed the design
shear capacity of the beam cross section
ACI Code Requirements
• When the factored shear, Vu, exceeds one-half the
shear design strength, φVc, ACI code requires the
use of web reinforcing.

• Minimum shear Area

• Maximum spacing of vertical stirrups permitted by

the code is the lesser of d/2 or 600 mm. d/4 for
seismic design at face of column

• Vs exceed,
• if exceed need to change the section
Fit stirrups as close to compression and tension
surfaces as cover and other reinforcing permits
Example 8-8
Determine required spacing of #10 stirrups at the left end of the beam shown in
Figure below, if f′c = 21 MPa, normal weight, and fy = 420 MPa.
Assignments, Term Exam(2017-2018)
For the beams and loads given, select stirrup spacing if fc′ = 21MPa
and fyt= 420 MPa. The dead loads shown include beam weights.
Use #10 stirrups.
Hint: AS#10=71 mm2
Term exam problem last year 2019
For the beam bridge shown in Figure-1, select U- stirrup
spacing if fc′= 25MPa and fyt= 400MPa. Density of concrete is
24kN/m3.Use #12 stirrups. Hint: AV#12=110 mm2
600kN (live load)
A 100kN/m (live


225mm N-A


300 400 2000mm 400 300

Section A-A
Working Assignments
• Read Chapter 8
• Problems at the end of Chapter 8
Reinforced Concrete
DWRE 307

Analysis and Design of

“Short” Columns
Lecture 12
Chapter 9

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
Lecture Goals

• Definitions for short columns

• Columns
Analysis and Design of “Short”
General Information

Column: Vertical Structural members

Transmits axial compressive loads with
or without moment
transmit loads from the floor & roof to
the foundation
Analysis and Design of “Short” Columns

General Information

Column Types
1. Tied
2. Spiral
3. Composite
4. Combination
5. Steel pipe
Analysis and Design of “Short” Columns
Tied Columns - 95% of all columns in buildings are
Tie spacing ≅ h (except for seismic)

tie support long bars (reduce buckling)
bars ties provide negligible restraint to
lateral expose of core
Analysis and Design of “Short”
Spiral Columns

Pitch = 35mm to 85mm.

spiral restrains lateral (Poisson’s effect)
axial load delays failure (ductile)
Behaviour, Nominal Capacity and Design
under Concentric Axial loads

1. Initial Behavior up to Nominal Load - Tied and

spiral columns.
Behaviour, Nominal Capacity and Design
under Concentric Axial loads
Behaviour, Nominal Capacity and Design
under Concentric Axial loads

P0 = 0.85 f c * (Ag − Ast ) + f y Ast

Ag = Gross Area = b*h Ast = area of long steel
fc = concrete compressive strength
fy = steel yield strength
Factor due to less than ideal consolidation and curing
conditions for column as compared to a cylinder. It
is not related to Whitney’s stress block.
Behaviour, Nominal Capacity and Design
under Concentric Axial loads

2. Maximum Nominal Capacity for Design ⇒ Pn (max)

Pn(max) = r P0
r = Reduction factor to account for accidents/bending
r = 0.80 ( tied )
r = 0.85 ( spiral )
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design
under Concentric Axial loads

3. Reinforcement Requirements (Longitudinal Steel Ast)

Let ρg =
- ACI Code 10.9.1 requires 1 % ≤ ρ g ≤ 8%
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design
under Concentric Axial loads
3. Reinforcement Requirements (Longitudinal Steel Ast)
- Minimum # of Bars ACI Code 10.9.2
1. min. of 6 bars in circular arrangement w/min.
spiral reinforcement.

2. min. of 4 bars in rectangular arrangement

3. min. of 3 bars in triangular ties

Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design
under Concentric Axial loads

3. Reinforcement Requirements (Lateral Ties)

ACI Code ties

• Ties Diameter #10mm for

longitudinal bars #32mm or longitudinal
smaller ties

• Ties Diameter #13 for larger

longitudinal bars (greater then
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design
under Concentric Axial loads
3. Reinforcement Requirements (Lateral Ties)
Vertical spacing: (ACI

ties s ≤ 16 db ( db for longitudinal bars )

s ≤ 48 db ( db for tie bar )
s ≤ least lateral dimension of column
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design
under Concentric Axial loads
3. Reinforcement Requirements (Lateral Ties)
Arrangement Vertical spacing: (ACI

1.) At least every other longitudinal bar shall have

lateral support from the corner of a tie with an
included angle ≤ 135o.
2.) No longitudinal bar shall be more than 150 mm
clear on either side from “support” bar.
Typical tie arrangements.
Examples of lateral ties
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design under
Concentric Axial loads

Reinforcement Requirements (Spirals )

ACI Code 7.10.4

size ≥ #10 mm

25mm ≤ clear spacing

between spirals ≤ 75mm ACI
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design under
Concentric Axial loads

Reinforcement Requirements (Spiral)

Spiral Reinforcement Ratio, ρs

Volume of Spiral as π (Dc − db )

ρs = =
Volume of Core π 2
( Dc ) s
 4as (Dc − db ) 
 from: ρs = 2 
 s Dc 
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design under
Concentric Axial loads

Reinforcement Requirements (Spiral)

A   f ′
   c
ρ s = 0.45 *  − 1 *   ACI Eqn. 10-5

 
 Ac   f y 
A sp = cross - sectional area of spiral reinforcement
π D c2
A c = core area =
D c = core diameter : outside edge to outside edge of spiral
s = spacing pitch of spiral steel (center to center)
f y = yield strength of spiral steel (≤ 414MPa )
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design under
Concentric Axial loads

4. Design for Concentric Axial Loads

(a) Load Combination

Gravity: Pu = 1.2 PDL + 1.6 PLL

Gravity + Wind: Pu = 1.2 PDL + 1.0 PLL + 1.6 Pw
and Pu = 0.9 PDL + 1.3Pw
etc. Check for
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design under
Concentric Axial loads

4. Design for Concentric Axial Loads

(b) General Strength Requirement

φ Pn ≥ Pu
where, φ = 0.65 for tied columns
φ = 0.75 for spiral columns
Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design under
Concentric Axial loads

4. Design for Concentric Axial Loads

(c) Expression for Design

ACI Code (1% ≤ ρ g ≤ 8% )

A st
ρg =
Behaviour, Nominal Capacity and Design under
Concentric Axial loads

• For Tie columns (φ = 0.65)

 
 
φ Pn (Max) = 0.80 φ  Ag ( 0.85 fc ) + Ast ( fy − 0.85 fc )
14243 1442443
 concrete steel 

• For spiral columns (φ = 0.75)

 
 
φ Pn (Max) = 0.85 φ  Ag ( 0.85 fc ) + Ast ( fy − 0.85 fc )
14243 1442443
 concrete steel 
Design of Ties (Assuming Φ10 Ties)

(a) 16mm×28.7mm = 459.2mm

(b) 48mm×9.5mm = 456mm
(c) Least col. dim.=400mm← Use Φ10 ties@400mm
Use 6 Φ29 (3870 mm2)
Check code requirements as in Example 9.1. A sketch of the column cross
section is shown in Figure 9.7.
Example 2
Design a round spiral column to support an axial dead load PD of 1070 kN and an
axial live load PL of 1335 kN. Initially assume that approximately 2% longitudinal
steel is desired, fc = 28 MPa, and fy = 414 MPa.
Hint: Use the following

A   f ′
   c
ρ s = 0.45 *  − 1 *  

A f 
 c   y
 4as (Dc − db ) 
 from: ρs = 2 
 s Dc 
Working Assignments
• Read Chapter 9
• Problems at the end of Chapter 9
Reinforced Concrete
DWRE 307

Design of “Short” Columns

under Axial Load and Bending
Lecture 12
Chapter 10

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
Behaviour, Nominal Capacity and Design under
Concentric Axial loads

1. Initial Behavior up to Nominal Load - Tied and

spiral columns.
Behavior under Combined Bending and Axial
Usually moment is represented by axial load times
eccentricity, i.e.
Behavior under Combined Bending and Axial
Interaction Diagram Between Axial Load and Moment ( Failure
Envelope )

Concrete crushes
before steel yields

Steel yields before

concrete crushes

Note: Any combination of P and M outside the envelope will cause

Behavior under Combined Bending and Axial

Axial Load and Moment Interaction Diagram – General

Behavior under Combined Bending and Axial
Resultant Forces action at Centroid
( h/2 in this case )
Pn = C
1 c + Cs − T
424 3
is positive

Moment about geometric center

h a h  h 
M n = C c ×  −  + C s ×  − d1  + T ×  − d s 
 2 2 2  2 
Columns in Pure Tension
Section is completely cracked (no concrete axial capacity)

Uniform Strain ≥ −εy Pn

Pn ( tension ) = ∑ − f y As
i =1
Strength Reduction Factor, φ (ACI Code 9.3.2)

(a) Axial tension, and axial tension with flexure.

φ = 0.9
(b) Axial compression and axial compression with
Members with spiral reinforcement confirming
to 10.9.3 φ = 0.70
Other reinforced members (tied) φ = 0.65
Design for Combined Bending
and Axial Load (Short Column)

Design - select cross-section and reinforcement

to resist axial load and moment.
Design for Combined Bending
and Axial Load (Short Column)
Column Types
1) Spiral Column - more efficient for e/h < 0.1,
but forming and spiral expensive
2) Tied Column - Bars in four faces used when
e/h < 0.2 and for biaxial bending
General Procedure

The interaction diagram for a column is

constructed using a series of values for Pn and
Mn. The plot shows the outside envelope of the
General Procedure for Construction of ID

– Compute P0 and determine maximum Pn in

– Select a “c” value (multiple values)
• Calculate the stress in the steel components.
• Calculate the forces in the steel and concrete,
Cc, Cs and T.
• Determine Pn value.
• Compute the Mn about the center.
• Compute moment arm, e = Mn / Pn.
General Procedure for Construction of ID
– Repeat with series of c values (10) to obtain a
series of values.
– Obtain the maximum tension value.
– Plot Pn verse Mn.
– Determine φPn and φMn.
• Find the maximum compression level.
• Find the φ will vary linearly from 0.65 to 0.9 for
the strain values
• The tension component will be φ = 0.9
Example: Axial Load vs. Moment
Interaction Diagram
Determine where the balance point, cb.
Code Modifications of Column
Interaction Diagrams
-ACI Code 9.3.2 specifies strength reduction or ϕ factors (0.65 for tied
columns and 0.75 for spiral columns) that must be multiplied by Pn values.

0.65 or 0.75xPn
-The second modification also refers to ϕ factors. The code specifies values of
0.65 and 0.90 for tension or compression control, respectively.

0.65 or 0.90xMn
-The third modification refers to ϕ factors. The code specifies values of 0.80
and 0.85 for Tied or spiral control, respectively.
-When M=0, maximum axial permissible PuTied=0.65x0.85xPnmax
Example: Axial Load vs. Moment
Interaction Diagram
For the cross section column shown in figure below
Draw the Axial Load vs. Moment Interaction Diagram if
fy = 414Mpa and f′c = 28 MPa

Example: Axial Load vs. Moment
Interaction Diagram
It is assumed that the tied column of Figure below has
a strain on its compression edge equal to
−0.003 and has a tensile strain of +0.002 on its other
edge. Determine the values of Pn and Mn
that cause this strain distribution if fy = 414Mpa and
f′c = 28 MPa
Using Interaction Diagram

ACI rectangular column interaction diagram when bars are placed along all four faces. (Permission of
American Concrete Institute.)
Using Interaction Diagram

ACI rectangular column interaction diagram when bars are placed along all four faces. (Permission of
American Concrete Institute.)
Example 2
The short 350 × 500 mm Tied column of Figure below is to be used to
support the following loads and moments :PD = 550 kN , PL = 620 kN, MD =
102 kN-m, and ML = 122 kN-m. If fc =27.6 MPa and fy = 414 MPa,
Design reinforcing bars to be placed in its end faces only using appropriate
ACI column interaction diagrams.


Biaxial Bending
Many columns are subjected to biaxial bending
Biaxial Bending
Bresler Expression to Determine Pni

1 1 1 1
= + −
Pni Pnx Pny Po
Mx My
+ ≤ 1.0
M ux M uy

Pni = Nominal axial load capacity of eccentricity section along both axes.
Pnx ; Pny = Nominal axial load capacity of the section when the load is placed at an
eccentricity ex and ey respectively .
Po =Nominal axial load capacity of the section when the load is placed with a zero
eccentricity. It is usually taken as 0.85f c Ag + fy As .
Determine the design capacity, Pni, of the short tied column
shown in Figure, which is subjected to biaxial bending. f′c =
28MPa, fy = 414MPa, ex = 400 mm, and ey = 200mm.
Relegated to Example No3

Using Interaction Diagram

In x-axis
Relegated to Example No3

Related to Example 3
In y-axis
Design of Biaxially Loaded Columns
Mx My
+ ≤ 1.0
M ux M uy
As a result of biaxial bending,
the design moment about the x- or y-axis is assumed to equal


M x M y M xy
+ =
M ux M uy M uxy

M x + M y = M xy
Refer to Example 10.9 Page 308
Example No4
Select the reinforcing needed for the short square tied column
shown in Figure for the following: PD = 445 kN, PL = 890kN ,MDX =
68 kN-m, MLX = 150 kN-m, MDY = 55 kN-m, MLY = 120kN-m, fc =
27.6 MPa, and fy = 414 MPa.


410 mm

Relegated to Example No4

Related to Example4
Relegated to Example No4

Using Interaction Diagram

Example 10.5
Using the ACI column interaction graphs, select reinforcing for
the short round spiral column shown in Figure, if f′c = 27.6 MPa ,
fy = 414 MPa, Pu = 2225kN, and Mu = 305 kN.m

Working Assignments
• Read Chapter 10
• Problems at the end of Chapter 10
Reinforced Concrete

Design of Culvert
Lecture 13
Shear Strength of Concrete
A culvert is a structure that allows water to flow under a road, railroad, trail, or
similar obstruction from one side to the other. Typically embedded so as to be
surrounded by soil, a culvert may be made from a pipe, reinforced concrete or other
Design of one way slab
• Reinforced concrete slabs are large flat plates that are
supported by reinforced concrete beams, walls, or columns;
by masonry walls; by structural steel beams or columns; or by
the ground.
• If they are supported on two opposite sides only, they are
referred to as one-way slabs because the bending is in one
direction only, As shown in figure
Design of One-
One-Slab For Moment
The main two objectives of design is to attain the
required strength and ductility.

φ Strength reduction factor, which is less than 1. These

values generally vary from 0.90 for bending down to
0.65 for some columns

Mn is the theoretical or nominal resisting moment, [Interior moment]

Mu is the caused by the factored load , [Exterior Moment]

M u = 1.2M D + 1.6M L
Bending Stress
The one-way slab is a
structural member used
to support the internal
M = C*(jd)
M = T*(jd)
Design Main Reinforment
Secondary reinforcement Design

Design a reinforced concrete Culvert, which has 250-mm-wide reinforced
concrete wall with. The maximum nominal moments on the corners were
82kN.m/m and maximum nominal moment at the midspan is 57kN.m/m, fy =
420 MPa, and fc′ = 25MPa. all clear covers, d’=60mm.

-M=80.5kN.m/m +M=52kN.m/m

+M=42kN.m/m +M=42kN.m/m


-M=82kN.m/m -M=82kN.m/m


•Design footing reinforcement
Draw section details.
Reinforced Concrete
DWRE 302

Two-way Slabs
With beams
Lecture 16
Chapter 16

Jack M., Russell B. (2012) "DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE", nine Edition, ,

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-12984-5, USA. (can be downloaded from the web site).
*Some of Figures and Tables in these lectures sides are adopted from this refrence for educational puprposes
Comparison of One-
One-way and Two-
slab behavior

One-way slabs carry

load in one direction.
Two-way slabs carry
load in two directions.
Comparison of One-
One-way and Two-
slab behavior

One-way and two-way

slab action carry load
in two directions.

One-way slabs: Generally,

long side/short side > 1.5
Comparison of One-
One-way and Two-
slab behavior

Flat slab Two-way slab with

Design Interior slab panel
Minimum Slab Thickness for Two-

Slabs without
interior beams
spanning between
supports and ratio of
long span to short
span < 2
See section 275 MPa

For slabs with 414 MPa

beams spanning 520 MPa

between supports on
all sides.
Example - Slab
250mm 7.5m 7.5m 7.5m

A flat plate floor system

with panels 7.5m by 6m

6.0m is supported on
500mm square 6m
columns. Determine
the minimum slab
thickness required for 500x500mm
the interior and corner
panels. Use fc = 28MPa
and fy = 414MPa

7.5m 7.5m
Example - Slab

Exterior (panels 1, 2 and 4) Slab thickness, from

table 9.5(c) for fy = 414 MPa and no edge beams

hmin =
l n = 7500 − 500 = 7000 mm.
hmin = = 234 mm ⇒ Say 250 mm.
Or 240mm
Example - Slab
Interior (panel 3) Slab thickness, from table 9.5(c) for
fy = 414 MPa and no edge beams for α = αm = 0 (no
hmin =
hmin = = 212 mm. ⇒ say 225 mm..

For all panels 1-4 use h=240mm

Example - Slab

Exterior (panels 1, 2 and 4) Slab thickness, from

table 9.5(c) for fy = 414 MPa and no edge beams

hmin =
l n = 7500 − 500 = 7000 mm.
hmin = = 234 mm ⇒ Say 250 mm.
Or 240mm
General Design Concepts

Direct Design Method (DDM)

Limited to slab systems to uniformly distributed
loads and supported on equally spaced
columns. Method uses a set of coefficients to
determine the design moment at critical
sections. Two-way slab system that do not meet
the limitations of the ACI Code 13.6.1 must be
analyzed more accurate procedures
Typical Distribution of Moment for Flat
Percentages of Design Moments to Be
Resisted by Column Strip
Less than 1 or
use one if >1
Interior Negative

Interior & Exterior


Center to center

All these factors with Factors in Typical Distribution of Moment

Minimum Slab Thickness for Two-
Two-way Construction
The ACI Code 9.5.3 specifies a minimum slab thickness to control
deflection. There are three empirical limitations for calculating the slab
thickness (h), which are based on experimental research.
 fy 
ln  0.8 + 
αm > 2  1380 
1. If , then h= But not less than 90 mm.
36 + 9β
 fy 
ln  0.8 + 
2. If 0 .2 ≤ α m ≤ 2 , then h =  1380 
But not less than 125mm.
36 + 5β (α m − 0.2 )

3. If α m < 0.2 , then Use the following table 9.5(c)

ln = Clear span in the long direction measured face to face of column
β= the ratio of the long to short clear span
αm= The average value of a for all beams on the sides of the panel.
Definition of Beam-
to--Slab Stiffness Ratio, α

Accounts for stiffness effect of beams located

along slab edge reduces deflections of
panel adjacent to beams.

flexural stiffness of beam

flexural stiffness of slab
Definition of Beam-
to--Slab Stiffness Ratio, α

4Ecb I b / l Ecb I b I b
α= = =
4Ecs I s / l Ecs I s I s

E cb = Modulus of elasticity of beam concrete

E sb = Modulus of elasticity of slab concrete
I b = Moment of inertia of uncracked beam
I s = Moment of inertia of uncracked slab

With width bounded laterally by centerline of

adjacent panels on each side of the beam.
Beam and Slab Sections for calculation of,
of, α


Ib About Centroid


Is= 12
Beam and Slab Sections for calculation of,
of, α

Centroid Ib About Centroid


Is= 12
Beam and Slab Sections for calculation of,
of, α


Definition of beam cross-section

Charts may be used to calculate a
Two--Way Slab Design
Static Equilibrium of Two-Way Slabs

Total Moment in both beams ⇒ M f = ( wl2 ) kN-m
Full load was transferred east-west by the planks and then
was transferred north-south by the beams;
The same is true for a two-way slab or any other floor system.
Example 2 : Analysis of Two-Way
Slabs with Beams
Determine the negative and
positive moments required for the
design of the exterior panel of the
two-way slab with beam structure
shown in Figure below. The slab
is to support a live load of 5.8kPa
and a dead load of 4.77kPa,
including the slab weight. The
columns are 380× 380 mm. The
slab is supported by beams along
the column line with the cross
section shown. Determine the
slab thickness and check for
shear, if fc = 21 MPa and fy = 414
MPa., Assume hf=160mm
Table of calculation
Long span (M=412kn.m), fc=21, fy 414 Long span (M=330kn.m), fc=21, fy 414
Column strip Middle strip Column strip Middle strip

Beam Slab Slab Beam Slab Slab

-ve +ve -ve +ve -ve +ve -ve +ve -ve +ve -ve +ve
Factors 0.65 0.35 0.65 0.35 0.65 0.35 0.65 0.35 0.65 0.35 0.65 0.35
0.75 0.60 0.75 0.60 0.25 0.40 0.75 0.60 0.75 0.60 0.25 0.40
0.804 0.804 0.196 0.196 0.804 0.804 0.196 0.196

161.5 69.6 39.4 17.0 67.0 57.7 129.3 55.7 31.5 13.6 53.6 46.2
d 440 440 130 130 130 130 440 440 118 118 118 118
b 380 1060 2750 2750 2750 2750 380 1060 2750 2750 3950 3950

ρ (%)
As min 1.4/fy b.d 1.4/fy b.d 0.2%bh 0.2%bh 0.2%bh 0.2%bh 1.4/fy b.d 1.4/fy b.d 0.2%bh 0.2%bh 0.2%bh 0.2%bh


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