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Traitors Top 10 List 9. Alex
8. Alyssa
7. Aaron
6. Meryl
5. Fay
4. Claudia
3. Amanda
2. Amos
1. Wilfred

Shemar Westcarr
The traitors was a series that taken place in the Adross castle in Scotland,
towards the ending of the year 2022.

Where 22 random contestants spend a couple of weeks inside the castle to

do challenges for the hopes of winning a cash prize of over £1OO,OOO.

Each day the cast would complete challenges to add more cash towards the
prize money, and the game would end when eventually end when cast decide
and think if there's no traitors left, if correct the host would split the prize
money amongst the cast equally, however if incorrect the prize money would
be evenly split between the current traitors that aren't eliminated

During the beginning of the show the host Claudia Winkleman discretely
chosen 3 of the contestants to be traitors. Their job was to lie about not
being traitors, and to meet up every single night and forcefully choose a
faithful to be eliminated from the game completely. The remaining cast would
try to figure out who the traitors actually are. Before each elimination or
"murder" takes place every night. All current contestants would meet around
the "round table" where everyone would discuss who they think the traitors
Finally after some talk the host would command each person to write down a
name, and when all is revealed whoever has the most votes also gets


Today I will be exploring my top 10 favourite characters fromFooter

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This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.
Number 10:
Tom Elderfield although claims to be a magician, he made
some many terrible plays which resulted into his downfall. He
played a pretty well in a lot of his team challenges, however
screwed up one morning by revealing that he's actually
dating fellow faithful Alex, claiming that they came to the
show together in hopes that one of them could win.

He claimed this as another fellow person suggested she may

be a traitor which then agrovated Tom. Claiming how he
knows himself and his girlfriend are innocent.

Afterwards this ended up pissing off the rest of the cast

yelling how they were keeping secrets and was all angry at
them both, later that night he was eliminated via being voted
out at the round table by the majority.

When he was threatened by other cast members saying

they'd vote him out. He claimed he was a magician and could
read people for a living. He tried to manipulate many others

and called out at random faithfuls claiming he knows it's them.

Turns out he wasn't lying about himself being a traitor, and Sample Footer Text 3
was a faithful...So its suspicious why he lied so much.
Number 9:
Alex Gray

Similarly to when Tom revealed the two were

dating, many suspected Alex may also be a
traitor aswell. However after Tom was voted
off, a lot of the players started to trust her
oddly. Although like Tom she also lied about
their relationship. I rank Alex above Tom is
because she actually made a lot of friends,
she was a loving character and was actually a
faithful just like Tom was.
Number 8:
Alyssa Chan, alongside two others were chosen to be traitors, during the many
first nights nobody even suspected a thing. Although she is a lawyer in training it's
stated that Alyssa was the youngest contestant in the entire group. Eventually she
did get called out for by fellow traitor Wilfred after the pressure was on him he
claimed that they should be looking at people who don't talk much, ultimately
betraying her. Eventually the votes casted in and it was tied between Wilfred &
Alyssa. The final vote casted by the last traitor Amanda. She would decide
between the two who leaves, eventually she also betrayed Alyssa and she was
banished and eliminated.

Reason she reaches number 8 is because she was the only contestant still in
education, and played amazingly despite her lack of experience. If not betrayed I
reckon she could have gotten extremely far and may even have won in the end.
Number 7:

Aaron Evans ended up as one of the winners

of the show. Despite the fact he almost got
eliminated on numerous different occasions.
This was mainly because of how emotional he
kept getting after many people were
announced to be out. He was an incredibly
nice and friendly individual who made many
friends with the other contestants. One he was
closest with was none other than one of the
traitors: Amanda. He was absolutely crushed
when she was banished from the castle and
announced she was a traitor. He got a lot of

fans hearts as throughout his entire journey he
said he wanted to win the money to give it all
to his mother.
Number 6:
Despite being the smallest, Meryl Williams
displayed some of the greatest gameplays
within the entire show. As there was only so few
people whoever suspected her to be a traitor.
However she actually wasn't, and unlike all

those unfortunate faithful players who got
banished. She ended up winning in the end
alongside: Aaron Evans & Hannah Byczkowski.
Number 5:
Fay had a very hardstrong and stubborn
personality, however had a strong sense of
what is right and wrong. Throughout her
time inside the castle she was constantly
determind to find out who the traitors
actually were. However this unfortunately
led to many others believing she actually is
one. She unfortunately was eventually
murdered by the traitors one night. Which
lead to her strong sense of justice coming to
an end.

Number 4:
The show's game host herself: Claudia winkleman! Despite
being the host of the show she arranged many engaging
and fun challenges for the cast to commit towards. She
made many unexpected and funny plot twists which made
the game really exciting to watch, and was comforting
to those who felt bad for who they murdered or those
who are grieving already for who have been murdered.
Not to mention consistently giving the contestants a fun
and engaging time. Even though she was a host she really
and literally carried the show on her shoulders.

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Number 3:
Amanda Lovett really taken lovely towards the next level.
As she was one of the most loveable players within the
contestants. Despite herself being a traitor alongside
Wilfred and Alyssa, she was very well respected up until
her banishment when she received the most votes at the
round table and revealed that she was a traitor. She was
close friends with Aaron and the majority of the cast
were certain that she was a faithful. However they were
heavily wrong. She even threatened Wilfred that if he
turns his back on her like they both did to Alyssa, it
wouldn't end well for him. Unfortunately for her she was
wrong as the same night the majority voted for her,
Wilfred did to...

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Runner up Amos Ogunkoya was a doctor, a very
wise and intelligent individual who infact
almosy won. On the very first day the host
Claudia Winkleman told the contestants to
stand in a line of who they think out of all 22
contestants who is most and least likely to
win. By choosing to stand at the end thinking he
was going to lose. Claudia said she respects
his wishes and alongside 2nd to last in the line:
Kieran, they were both immidiately banished
by her. To the casts surprise they did make a
return later on in the series and came back.
Both as faithfuls as Claudia convinced the
cast that they could be either faithful or
traitors. Both were faithfuls however Amos
was actually recruited the night after
joining. Wilfred offered to recruit him now as a
traitor. Or he could reject and he would be
killed off from the show. He had no other
choice then to except the offer and he
eventually became a traitor up until his
banishment at the round table.

Number 3:

Number 1:
Wilfred Webster as number one, he carried the show by making it really interesting by being
behind the majority of the murders, recruiting Amos, and backstabbing Amos, Alyssa and
even Amanda. He managed to keep his composure and was rarely suspected despite all the
pressure. Many fans disliked him because he simply was chosen by Claudia Winkleman THE
HOST to be a traitor. One night when planning a murder he was on his own, and was
approached by her. He began crying and she comforted him and offered him to recruit

another person, the stakes were constantly fighting on the line which he almost did win,
however was in fact the last person to be voted out. Before the final 3: Meryl, Hannah, &
Aaron won the prize money of over £100,000 Sample Footer Text 12

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