EM 4 ROLEPLAY Athena & Eldridge

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Athena: Good afternoon, everyone. Cairo, may I ask what method of studying you
prefer? Online or Face to face learning?

Eldridge: For me, Face to face learning is the most efficient method of learning since, like
the other students, I can concentrate in a classroom setting while listening to the teacher
speak directly in front of me, which means there will be fewer distractions for the rest of the

Athena: I prefer to study alone since I am an introverted person. And since I don't like
to mingle much and am too timid to talk in front of a lot of people, studying from home is
much simpler for me. Additionally, I believe that some students prefer online classes to in-
person ones because they could worry about paying the jeepney fare.

Eldridge: Wouldn’t you feel more comfortable in the traditional classroom settings?

Athena: I am comfortable with that because the presence of the other people
surrounding you would be a great help with the growth of your mentality and emotionally
and most especially it could boost up your confidence. But at the same time, I would be
happy spending my time alone.

Eldridge: Do you intend to imply that it relies upon what the students prefer?

Athena: Yes, we should all be aware that not everyone enjoys online lessons because of
financial difficulties or because they find it difficult to focus at home. And we should all be
mindful that not everyone enjoys attending face-to-face sessions because they lack the self-
assurance to speak up or because they find it difficult to focus and may feel under pressure.

The theory we applied was interpersonal intelligence since it refers to the capacity to
comprehend and interact well with another. Effective verbal communication is another
aspect of it, as is the capacity to recognize differences among people, sensitivity to their
moods and temperaments, and of course, the capacity to consider many points of view.

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