Mpu3313 - V2 Healt H and Welness

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SEMESTER 4 / 2022





2.1 Improve Cardiovascular or Heart and Blood Vessel Efficiency 2-3
2.2 Increase Muscle Tone, Strength, Flexibility, and Endurance 3-4
2.3 Improved Self-control, Self-efficacy, and Self-esteem 4-5
2.4 Improved Stress Management and Outlook in Life 5-6
2.5 Improved Interpersonal Relationships 6-7
2.6 Decreased Mortality and Morbidity from Illnesses 7-8


3.1 Mode of Activity 8-9
3.2 Frequency of Training 9-10
3.3 Intensity of Training 10-11
3.4 Duration of Training 11-12

4.0 CONCLUSION 12-13

5.0 REFERENCE 14-16



8.0 TASK 3 – OCP 20-22


The term "health" can mean different things to different people depending on the
situation. However, the World Health Organization(WHO) created the most famous
definition of health in the modern context back in 1946, which defined health as the optimal
level of health that includes not only a person's physical well-being but also high-level
mental, social, spiritual, and, finally emotional well-being (Larson, 1996). In a nutshell,
health is the state of being healthy the optimal level of well-being required to maintain a high
quality of life. The idea of being healthy extends beyond simply being free of any disease or
illness, though disease-free status is desirable the primary indicator of living a healthy

Practicing a healthy lifestyle is a way of life that can bring a positive impact on oneself,
family and society. Practicing a healthy lifestyle does have a lot of importance to human
beings and lifestyles human vary according to the culture of the local community whether
within the city or in the countryside. In addition, by adopting a healthy lifestyle, one will
always be healthy, energetic and fit. Definitely in the life of the modern era with so much of
this stress, a healthy lifestyle can make it a goal that needs to be applied immediately.
Practicing a healthy lifestyle will make the body healthy both mentally and physically, in
addition, a healthy and fit body will make a person strong and the body able to fight various
diseases. Therefore, adopting a healthy lifestyle can give life one becomes better and can
improve the quality of daily life for the individual.

A healthy lifestyle provides a set of living behaviors that will improve one's overall well-
being It includes the steps, actions, and strategies implemented by an individual in order to
achieve optimal health. Individuals must make wise health-conscious decisions that will
benefit them both now and in the future. In this regard, the report will go into detail about the
six comprehensive benefits that can be gained from living a comprehensive health and
wellness lifestyle, as well as the importance of four factors to achieve cardiorespiratory
fitness as recommended by the American College of Sport Medicine.



Many of today's positive healthy lifestyle choices will contribute to short-term health
benefits. According to Dunn (1977), each dimension of wellness activity contributes to a
series of bodily changes that result in positive health benefits for the person who leads a
healthy lifestyle. But what exactly are the advantages of leading a comprehensive health and
wellness lifestyle? There is a long list of potential benefits to leading a healthy lifestyle.
Below is the figure of six benefits that will be expressed in depth throughout the report.

Figure 1.0 – Six benefits of comprehensive health and wellness lifestyle

Source:-Module OUM, Subject MPU3313_V2(Health and Wellness 2)

2.1 Improve Cardiovascular or Heart and Blood Vessel Efficiency

The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body, constantly pumping
blood throughout the body via the circulatory system, supplying nutrients and oxygen to the
tissue, and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes from the human body system.
Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the lungs, blood vessels, and heart to function
effectively and efficiently during physical exercise.

Heart and blood vessel diseases are typically caused by atherosclerosis, a condition that
contributes to the formation of a substance known as plaque around the artery
walls(cardiovascular disease, 2019). The plaque will narrow the arteries, making it more
difficult for blood to flow to the rest of the organs. A heart attack or stroke may occur as a
result of this, especially if a blood clot forms and stops the body's blood flow. Without
regular physical activity, the body begins to lose stamina, strength, and ability to function


Improved cardiovascular function and blood vessel efficiency benefit family life; for
example, if no heart disease exists, the family can live a stress-free life. Living a
comprehensive health and wellness lifestyle can thus help a person reduce their risk of
cardiovascular disease by transitioning from a passive to an active lifestyle that includes
regular exercise and eating healthy foods (Chen & Gu, 2018).

A healthy lifestyle reduces the likelihood of developing certain health conditions such as
stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Those who lead a healthy lifestyle will be able
to keep their cholesterol and blood pressure within safe limits, allowing blood to flow
smoothly throughout the body effectively.

Figure: 2.0- Benefits of cardio exercise


2.2 Increase Muscle Tone, Strength, Flexibility, and Endurance

A healthy lifestyle would provide your body with the fuel it requires to carry out day-to-
day activities through the practice of eating a well-balanced diet. Not only that, but a healthy
diet, which is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, would increase muscle tone,
strength, flexibility, and body endurance(Pollock et al., 1998).

Regular exercise has also been shown to help build muscle strength and endurance,
giving an individual more energy. Exercises will assist a person in developing a toner, firmer,

and leaner body, which will result in a significant improvement in enduring physical tiredness
from the activities performed (Sarnataro, 2004). Strong muscle tone is important in one's life
because it helps to shape the body and increases the ability of the limbs to fully move and act
in fulfilling daily activities. A physically fit person can make better life decisions while
maintaining flexibility and endurance against stress and fatigue.

Figure: 3.0 – Build muscle strength


2.3 Improved Self-control, Self-efficacy, and Self-esteem

People who prioritize their health tend to have a higher sense of self-esteem and self-
efficacy. According to Felman (n.d.), a regular exercise and balanced diet regime help to
control one's weight and build a firmer and toner body shape, which significantly reduces
feelings of anxiety and depression related to weight and body shape, resulting in people
feeling good about themselves. Improved general fitness and muscle tone, on the other hand,
would contribute to increased self-esteem and self-efficacy (Sarnataro, 2004). Simply
creating an exercise plan and sticking to it for a set time would provide a person with a sense
of accomplishment, leading to self-efficacy.

The obsession that society has with body shape and how people look will influence an
individual’s level of self-esteem. It is critical to recognize that one's body image, which
includes a toned body, a balanced weight, pleasing proportions, and postures, is just as
important as one's strength and other measures of physical fitness Regular exercise,
particularly aerobic exercise, can help to boost one's self-esteem by improving one's fitness
and appearance.


Figure:- 4.0- Self-esteem


2.4 Improved Stress Management and Outlook in Life

A healthy person is more likely to have a positive outlook on life, be able to control
stress, and change perceptions that lead to an unnecessary buildup of stress. physical
activities such as exercises stimulate the production of endorphins, which are brain chemicals
that make people feel good, happier, and more at ease(Prof Dr Sha”ari Abd. Hamid et al.,
2017). It has also been established that the short-term benefits of exercise include better stress
management and a more positive outlook on life.

In addition to exercising and dieting, making social connections is another component of a

healthy lifestyle that may help improve an individual's mental health. A social connection in
the context of a comprehensive health and wellness lifestyle refers to activities that require
one's involvement with the community, such as volunteering, joining a club, or any other
activities that require engagement with other people. These activities will also help to
improve stress management and the mental functioning of a person by keeping the mind
constantly active through involvement and engagement.


Figure: 5.0- Total wellness


2.5 Improved Interpersonal Relationships

A social connection or affiliation between two or more people is referred to as an
interpersonal relationship. Interpersonal relationships can include your partner, loved ones,
close friends, acquaintances, coworkers, and a variety of others who make up your social
connections. The relationships we form with others are crucial to our social, emotional, and
physical health. Knowing how to maintain interpersonal relationships can assist you in
developing a support system that will provide you with strength as you face life's challenges.
to maintain strong interpersonal relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and others in
your life It also discusses why these relationships are so important and what you can do if
they do come to an end.
According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, one of the simple wishes of humans is to sense
loved and widespread by using social businesses consisting of circles of relatives, peer
organizations, and different social commitments. In reality, the want to belong is powerful
enough to outweigh physiological and safety wishes, consisting of dominating commercial
enterprise relationships and children's attachment. Interpersonal relationships, however, are
essential for social change in addition to the improvement of a sense of self or self-belief.


Figure: 6.0 – Interpersonal relationship


2.6 Decreased Mortality and Morbidity from Illnesses

High levels of physical fitness promote a healthy immune system, which protects against
infectious diseases(Prof Dr Sha”ari Abd. Hamid et al., 2017). Regular exercise, healthy
eating habits, a low-stress level, and adequate rest all contribute to improved heart and
cardiovascular strength, resulting in optimal body functioning and delaying the onset of
chronic diseases such as heart attack and stroke. All of these are forms of protection that help
to protect the body from premature death and promote chances of better and faster recovery
from injuries.

Individuals who choose to live a healthy lifestyle increase their chances of living a longer
life. The death that occurs before the average death age in a given population. The average
death age in the United States is around 75 years(Franklin, n.d.). According to the National
Center for Health Statistics WISQARS Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) Report, Cigarette
smoking and secondhand tobacco smoke exposure are the leading causes of premature death
in the United States. They can raise the risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, and
a variety of other health issues contributing to the rise in premature death ("Explore
premature death in the United States | 2020 annual report," n.d.). As a result, all of these


causes can be avoided through consistent exercise and good dietary habits, lowering the
likelihood of dying prematurely.

Figure: 7.0- Reduce premature death risk







From the six benefits of a comprehensive health and wellness lifestyle above, we can see
that simply changing the way we live our lives will allow us to live healthier, stress-free, and
longer lives. There are four areas that can be achieved by everyone in cardiorespiratory
fitness that has been recommended by the American College of Sport Medicine. These four
benefits will be elaborated on in detail in the next part of the discussion.

Figure 8.0- Four areas to achieve cardiorespiratory fitness

As recommended by the American College of Sport Medicine
Source:-Module OUM, Subject MPU3313_V2(Health and Wellness 2)

3.1 Mode of Activity

The mode of activity is any continuous physical activity that uses our large muscle
group, it can be rhythmic or aerobic in nature(“Physical activity”, 2020). Well, swimming,
walking, running, jogging, cycling, skipping, hiking, aerobic dance, and kickboxing are all
examples of cardiorespiratory workouts or aerobic exercises that we can do, each mentioned
activity has its benefits that will give the best cardiorespiratory fitness. These activities are
best accessed through aerobic capacity, which is defined by the American College of Sport
Medicine (ACSM) as the product of the cardiorespiratory system's capacity to supply oxygen
for the working muscle of our body and the skeletal muscles' capacity to utilize
oxygen("Aerobic vs anaerobic exercise training effects on the cardiovascular system," 2017).

All of these types of activities will condition your heart and lungs to work more quickly
and efficiently. You can choose any of the activities to do but most important thing is to pick
something enjoyable! Having multiple cardio activities on hand is the best way to reduce
boredom and increase variability.


Figure: 9.0- Types of exercise


3.2 Frequency of Training

Furthermore, we as adults require a regular exercise program that includes
cardiorespiratory, resistance, flexibility, and neuromotor exercise training in addition to
activities of daily living to improve and maintain physical fitness and health. The American
College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) recommends that most adults should engage in
moderate-intensity cardiorespiratory exercise training for 30 minutes per day for 5 days per
week for a total or adding up to 150 minutes per week to achieve positive training effects,
vigorous-intensity cardiorespiratory exercise training for 25 minutes per day for 3 days per
week (75 minutes per week), or a combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity exercise
for total energy expenditure of 500-1000 MET min week.

We also should perform resistance exercises for each of the major muscle groups and
neuromotor exercises involving balance, agility, and coordination every 2-7 days.
Completing a series of flexibility exercises for each of the major muscle-tendon groups (a
total of 10 to 60 seconds per exercise) two days a week is critical to maintaining joint range
of motion. The individuals' habitual physical activity, physical function, health status,
exercise responses, and stated goals should all be considered when developing an exercise
program(Physical activity, 2020). If we are unable or unwilling to meet the exercise targets
outlined here can still benefit from doing less exercise than is recommended(Morey,1999).

Figure: 10.0 – Physical Activity Recommendation


3.3 Intensity of Training

The heart is a built-in system in our body for measuring exercise intensity. Our heart rate
will rise in direct proportion to the intensity of our workout. Calculating our Target Heart
Rate (THR) range allows us to track and guide our exercise intensity(Physical activity, 2020).
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that healthy adults exercise
at a level of intensity between 65 and 90 percent of their maximum heart rate. Our target
heart rate (THR) is usually expressed as a percentage (between 50 and 85 percent) of our
maximum safe heart rate. The maximum rate is determined by subtracting our age from 220.
So the maximum heart rate for a 50-year-old is 220 minus 50, or 170 beats per minute.

At a 50 percent effort level, our target would be 50 percent of that maximum or 85 beats
per minute. Our target heart rate would be 145 beats per minute at an 85 percent effort level.
As a result, the target heart rate for a 50-year-old during exercise is 85 to 145 beats per
minute. The target heart rate (THR) is a tool that can help you set goals for your exercise
intensity. It is most commonly used as a measurement of cardiovascular exercise(Target
Heart Rate, n.d.). Our THR is the recommended number of beats per minute for a healthy
heart in a person your age and gender at various exercise intensities.


Figure 11.0 – Heart rate target


3.4 Duration of Training

According to the American College of Sport Medicine(ACSM), the duration of each of

your workouts is determined by the amount of time you have available as well as your current
fitness level. If you're just starting out, don't worry about meeting some arbitrary time goal;
instead, find an activity that you can do continuously for 10 minutes. As the exercise session
becomes easier to complete, lengthen it. Add a few minutes to each session until you reach 30
minutes of aerobic exercise per day. Depending on your starting fitness level, this could take
weeks, months, or even years. The important thing is to keep going and make progress.

If you've been exercising (or have now built up to 30 minutes of continuous activity) and
are comfortable with moderate-intensity activity for this length of time, decide whether you
want to maintain your current intensity and go for a bit longer, or if you want to start
increasing the intensity. Time and intensity are teeter-tottering. When you increase the
intensity, the length of the session usually decreases. If you reduce the intensity of your
workouts, you will need to increase the amount of time you spend exercising to reap the full
health benefits. According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 1 minute of
vigorous-intensity activity is equivalent to 2 minutes of moderate-intensity activity. A 15-
minute run, for example, would provide the same health benefits as a 30-minute walk. Labels


are difficult to apply universally, but table 1.0 provides some activity status
terminology(American College of Sports Medicine & Bushman, 2017).

Table:1.0- Activity status and aerobic training status

Source: Book ACSM, American College of Sports Medicine & Bushman


To different people, living a healthy lifestyle can mean different things. For some, health
means being free of disease, while for others, it may simply mean being able to meet the
demands of daily life. Although everyone's definition of health differs, living a healthy
lifestyle remains the most important factor in achieving an individual's optimal level of
mental and physical well-being.

As discussed throughout this report, the benefits of living a comprehensive health and
wellness lifestyle go beyond simply improving a person's physical wellness and include
mental and emotional wellness as well. It is clear from the benefits discussed in the preceding
section of this report that a healthy lifestyle includes not only regular exercise and good
dietary habits but also good social and environmental connections. A healthy lifestyle is a
valuable resource for lowering the risk and severity of health problems, allowing people to
cope with life stressors more effectively and improving a person's overall quality of life.

Therefore, people need to be aware that the importance of health needs to be increased
every day by doing proper exercise that requires to live a happy and healthy life. It is very
important to achieve the 4 factors of our cardiorespiratory fitness as per recommended by the


American College of Sports Medicine. With this, we need to adopt a healthy lifestyle from
now on and practice a healthy lifestyle that can help to prevent any disease.

Finally, life has no meaning without health; life is valuable, but health is more valuable
than life because life without health is akin to food without flavor. Health enables us to live a
happy life and engage in all of its activities as we see fit. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
keeps your body healthy and your mind intuitive and fresh. As a result, you will be protected
from many serious diseases and will be able to live a healthy life to the fullest.



Aerobic vs anaerobic exercise training effects the cardiovascular system. (2017,February 26).

PubMed Central (PMC).

American College of Sports Medicine, & Bushman, B. (2017). ACSM's complete guide to

fitness & health, 2E. Human Kinetics.

Cardiovascular diseases. (2019, June 11). WHO | World Health Organization.

Chen, S., & Gu, X. (2018). Effects of cardiorespiratory fitness and weight status on

knowledge of physical activity and fitness, attitude toward physical education, and

physical activity. BMC Public Health, 18(1).


Dunn, H. (1977). High-level Wellness (1st ed.). Thorofare, N.J.: Charles B. Slack.

Explore premature death in the United States | 2020 annual report. (n.d.). America's Health



Franklin, B. (1998). Regular physical activity or cardiorespiratory fitness decreases the risk

of death from cardiovascular disease, particularly coronary heart disease. ACSM'S

Health & Fitness Journal, 2(Supplement), 8???11.


Felman, A. (n.d.). What is health? Defining and preserving good health. Medical and health


Larson, J. S. (1996). The World Health Organization's definition of health: Social versus

spiritual health. Social Indicators Research, 38(2), 181-192.

Morey, S. S. (1999, January 15). ACSM revises guidelines for exercise to maintain fitness.

AAFP American Academy of Family Physicians.

Pollock, M. L., Gaesser, G. A., Butcher, J. D., Despr, J., Dishman, R. K., Franklin, B. A., &

Garber, C. E. (1998). ACSM position stand: The recommended quantity and quality

of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness,

and flexibility in healthy adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 30(6), 975-


Prof Dr Sha'ari Abd.Hamid, Assoc Prof Raijah Rahim, Mahatam Rai, R. P., & Noor Asiah

Md Noor. (2017). HEALTH AND WELLNESS 2 (2nd ed.). Open University Malaysia.

Physical activity. (2020, November 26). WHO | World Health Organization.


Sarnataro, B. R. (2004, June 18). The basics: Build muscle for better health. WebMD.


Target heart rate. (n.d.). Personal Fitness Training, Athletes guide to total fitness, healthy


What is cardiorespiratory endurance and how can it boost your performance? (2019,

November 4). Airofit USA.




Based on my learning experience for the subject Health and Wellness 2 through the forum
discussion and online classes, I have gained a lot of knowledge about the benefits of
comprehensive health and wellness that an individual needs in life. Leading a comprehensive
health and wellness lifestyle is beneficial for us because staying in a healthier lifestyle will
decrease life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, various cancer, and blood
pressure. I also have learned how to achieve cardiorespiratory fitness, because increasing
cardiorespiratory endurance improves oxygen uptake in the lungs and heart, allowing a
person to engage in physical activity for longer periods of time and it is also easy for a person
to carry out their daily task.

First of all, living a healthier lifestyle includes many impacts such as a nutritious diet, daily
exercise, adequate sleep, being happy, and thinking positively. Apart from that, when we take
the necessary elements to have a healthier lifestyle surely our lives will go on the right path.
Living a healthy lifestyle is essential for us to be happy and feel good in our present life and
for the future(Prof Dr Sha”ari Abd. Hamid et al., 2017).

Secondly, in today’s life, people prefer to consume food that is simple in nature as
adopting a diet is of snacks or fast food. Therefore, in our society is on today it is easy to
forget that the effects of fatty food intake or food that has a high content of sugar, salt, or
sodium glutamate can cause a variety of chronic diseases. Among them are heart disease,
diabetes, high blood pressure which can cause death. A healthy eating plan provides your
body with the nutrients it requires on a daily basis while keeping you within your daily
calorie goal for weight loss(Morey, 1999). A healthy eating plan will also reduce your risk of
heart disease and other health problems. The consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains,
and fat-free or low-fat dairy products is encouraged. There are lean meats, poultry, fish,
beans, eggs, and nuts.

Well, in our everyday life exercise is one of the important parts for us to do, because it will
keep our body fit and healthy. It is crucial for us to do physical activity at least 150 minutes
of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per
week, or a combination of the two spread out over the week. Physical activity is good for our

cardiorespiratory fitness including walking, running, jogging, aerobic dance, skipping robe,
and Zumba. Sports such as basketball and volleyball can also improve your cardiorespiratory
fitness and also will strengthens your muscles. For the type of exercise, you want to
incorporate into your fitness routine, you must consider the duration, frequency, and
intensity. The overload principle is thought to be excellent for improving cardiorespiratory
fitness(Chen & Gu, 2018). You must push yourself out of your comfort zone, according to
the overload principle. This holds true for all types of exercises. For your cardiorespiratory
system to improve, it must be subjected to overload.

Your heart rate determines the intensity of your exercise. The faster your heart beats, the
more intense your exercise will be. Set goals for yourself to improve your endurance. Begin
with a half-hour workout and gradually increase to 5 or 10 minutes per day after a week or
so. The frequency of your exercise is simply the number of times you perform
cardiorespiratory exercises per week.

When confronted with a health crisis, actively cultivating positive emotions can strengthen
the immune system and combat depression. Living a positive outlook mindset will lead to a
healthy and wellness lifestyle because positive thinking will also give a higher sense of self-
esteem and self-efficacy. There is an undeniable link between having a positive attitude and
health benefits such as lower blood pressure, less heart disease, better weight control, and
healthier blood sugar levels. Even in the face of an incurable illness, positive emotions and
thoughts can significantly improve one's quality of life as a result, you tend to reduce stress,
depression, and the risk of cardiovascular disease. (“positive outlook may be good for your
health(Published 2017), “ 2017).

Another important aspect of a healthy lifestyle is improved interpersonal relationships. Our

social connections can have a significant impact on our health. Social connections, whether
with romantic partners, family, friends, neighbours, or others, can have an impact on our
well-being. Social ties are associated with longer life. Loneliness and social isolation, on the
other hand, have been linked to poorer health, depression, and an increased risk of premature
death. Having a diverse social network may help reduce stress and heart-related risks. Such
connections may enhance your ability to fight germs or provide you with a more positive
outlook on life(Medicine, 2017).


Taking this subject has a lot of benefits for me. I personally follow the above example in
my life now because before this I didn’t take much care of my health but now, I’m strictly
following all the above benefits to lead a healthy lifestyle. My understanding of health has
vastly improved and I am beginning to understand how important to lead a comprehensive
health and wellness lifestyle and maintain cardiorespiratory fitness achievement. Now I am
able to explain to all my family members and friends to lead comprehensive health and
wellness lifestyle for longer longevity. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my tutor
Sir Amran Bin Abang for teaching this subject so well and in detail.

(Total Words:- 4026)

7.0 Reference

Chen, S., & Gu, X. (2018). Effects of cardiorespiratory fitness and weight status on

knowledge of physical activity and fitness, attitude toward physical education, and

physical activity. BMC Public Health, 18(1).


Morey, S. S. (1999, January 15). ACSM revises guidelines for exercise to maintain fitness.

AAFP American Academy of Family Physicians.

Medicine, N. (2017, February 13). Five benefits of healthy relationships. Northwestern



A positive outlook may be good for your health (Published 2017). (2017, March 27). The

New York Times - Breaking News, US News, World News and Videos.


Prof Dr Sha'ari Abd.Hamid, Assoc Prof Raijah Rahim, Mahatam Rai, R. P., & Noor Asiah

Md Noor. (2017). HEALTH AND WELLNESS 2 (2nd ed.). Open University Malaysia.


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