Unknown Words

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Snatch - robar Latety – recientemente/ recently

Rush off – salir pitando Fairly – justamente

Pack off – mandar alguien a… Shepherd – artzaina/ pastor
Failure - fracaso To look after – to take care of
Encourage – animar / discourage – desanimar Put the dog down – ayudar a morir
Take over from – take control of something Indoor vs outdoor – interior vs exterior
Keep up- continuar Inside vs outside – adentro vs afuera
The aisle – pasillo Property – things that belongs to you
Blow up – exlotar, inflar Earthquakes – terremoto
Send out – enviar Sheltered – protegido
A toast – propose. Brindar Accurate – preciso
Speech – make/give Keen on/ interested in – entusiasta
Unwrap presents Sold out – agotado/ OUT – OF – STOCK
Guests – invitados Gather – recoger/ group
Host – anfitrión Come on – vamos!
Tasty – rico/ sabroso Call off – cancelar/ suspender
Spicy – picante Look over – echar un vistazo
Flavour – sabor Otherwise – de otra manera
Keep it down – mantenerlo bajo Catch up with – alcanzar
Keep it up – mantenerlo arriba The youngster – el joven
Turn down – bajar el volumen/refuse Orchard – huerto de árboles frutales
Turn up – subir el volumen Wheat - trigo
Profit – beneficio Field – campo
Tidy up – recoger Stardust – nebulosa
To do up – decorar Brim – visera
Look up – look for information Dived – zambullirse / To dive – echarse de cabeza
Let down – decepcionar/disappoint Mud – barro
Put up – desplegar Dropping of – leave something
Take down – desarmar Newcomers – alguien nuevo
Refuse – rechazar To insure – segure
Resign – renunciar/ give up To ensure – make sure about something
Aside from – apart from Breakdown – descomposición/ ataque de nervios
Quirkiness – stange, different, unusual (not negative) Reassure – tranquilizar
To enable – able to/ allow Courage – valor/ valentía
Make something up – inventar Dealers – comerciante
Set up – configurar Aim – objetivo/ propósito
Set off – salir Heartbeat – latido
Carry out – realizar Output – resultado
Assert – afirmar Among – entre
Concern – afectar Racket – ruido
Play – obra Humble – humilde
Coach – autobus turistico Concern – afectar/ preocupar
Brochure – folleto Unconern – despreocupado
Headteacher – director del cole Ease – facilidad
Headmaster – director del cole Hidden – escondido
Headmistress – directora del cole Encourage – animar
The dole – el paro informal Thrill – entusiasmo
Unemployment benefit – formal Joy – alegría
Jobseeker´s allowance – prestación personas desempleadas Overnight – por la noche
Toddler – 2 3 años Fee – entrada/ precio  amount of money that you have to
Crawl – gatear pay for something
Tutorial – lesson / Tutor – teacher Hints – pista
To a lecture – to teach at the university Field – campo
Apron – delantal Ridge – cresta
Nursery school/ Kindergarten/ Creche Hens – gallinas
Daycare – play school/ guarderia, centro de día Track – hipodromo
Resit – recuperar Beside – junto
Attend – asistir Cord – soga
Standing on your own feet – aprender a vivir Knocked out – inconsciente
Put off – desanimar Name up – nombrar
Trade – comercio Somehow – de alguna manera
To dive – bucear Aid – ayuda
Sailin – navegando Vanish – desaparecer
Disappointed – decepcionado Fade – desvanecerse
Display – demostración Claim – declaracion
Surface – superficie Witness – testigo
Referee – arbitro Widespread – extendido
Umpired – arbitro Thrills – emoción
Pace – ritmo Delights – placers
Dust – polvo Grant – beca
Dusting off – desempolvar Gain – obtener/ ganar
Whisk off – sacudir/ llevar rápidamente Onto – en/ sobre
Unwilling – reacio Leisure – ocio
Flame – llama Profits – beneficio
Keen – entusiasta Narrow – estrecho
Daunting – abrumador Brief – breve
Unfolds – desdoblar Seeking – buscar
Come up – surgir Produced – dar/ producer
To cope – supercar Keep up – mantener/ actualizar
Unfold – desdoblar Catch up – alcanzar/ ponerse al día
Seed – semilla Wheat – trigo
Hang – colgar Rather – preferir
Unveile – to reveal Bearing – modales
Hike – caminata Fully – completamente
To/ a trekked – to/ a hike EVERY + SING
Seldom – pocas veces EITHER – AT THE END OF THE PHRASE
Put somebody off – desanimar IN SPITE OF/ DESPITE =
To be hocked on – enganchar / when you like smthing a lot MANY – COUNTABLE NOUNS
Provided – dado SING NOUN + A
Accomplish – lograr/ conseguir not used in the continuous)
Stitch – puntada STATES
Cocoon – Capullo I THINK … IT COULD BE … IT MIGHT BE …
Undergoing – someterse MODIFYING ADJECTIVES – to express a big difference
Subdued – apagado/ sumiso/ suave/ sutil far/a lot/ much + comparative (better)
Fond – cariñoso by far/ easily + superlative
Cherised – querido not nearly as…as
Expense – coste MODIFYING ADJECTIVES – to express a small difference
Arises – surgir Slightly/ a bit / a little + comparative
Loose – flojo Just about + superlative
Concern – afectar/ preocupar Nearly/ not quite as…as
Thorough – a fondo I WISH I HAD – REGRET
Throughout – durante/ a lo largo de EVERY – SING
Out of – fuera de EITHER – AT THE END
Stunning – deslumbrante IN SPITE OF/ DESPITE
Sparkle – brillar NO ARTICLE – when we are talking about something in
Remain – permanecer general (schools are too big nowadays)
Swith – cambiar/ intercambiar A FEW - SOME
Hold – agarrar FEW – NOT MUCH
Come across – encontrarse con A LITTLE – SOME
Smash – destrozar LITTLE – NOT MUCH
Shatter – desmenuzar BE + USED TO + ING = accustomed to it (i´m used to eating
Assert – afirmar spicy)
Eventually – finalmente GET + USED TO + ING = can´t get accustomed to, it´s very
Use up – gastar difficult (I can´t get used to driving)
Eager – entusiasta SAY = something_ yes/no_hello_your name
Sight – vista SPEAK = a language_your mind
Stage – escenario TELL = someone_time_the truth_a story_ a secret_ a lie
Concrete – hormigon TALK = rubbish_ business_politics_ sport
Edge – borde/ acantilado Say something to someone
Tell someone something
Snatch – robar/arrancar Take off – despegar/ quitar la ropa/ became popular
Pack off – mandar a alguien Take up – start
Take over (from) – take control of something To put on – dress
Failure – fracaso Hedges – setos
Snap – romper/ chascar Jumble – lío
Doze – dormir/ siesta Huddle – juntarse
Walk down – bajar por Amuse – diverter
Blow up – inflar Dare to dream – animarse a sonar
Blow out – soplar Cut down – reduce
Guests – invitados Manage to = succeed in LOGRAR
Host – anfitrion Story/ storyline/ plot =
Borrow – pedir prestado Waistcoat – chaleco
Lend – prestar Sign up – inscribirse
Spicey – picante Roller coaster – montaña rusa
Do up – decorate p.101 speculation and deduction
Take down – remove To yawn – bostezar
Wrap up – envolver Disease – enfermedad
Turn down – refuse Sight – vision
Let down – disappoint Laces – cordones
Disappoint – decepcionar/ defraudar Briefcase – maletin
Look up – look for information Fate – destino
Preservatives – para conservar Flustered – nervioso
Aside form – apart from p.108 reported speech
Quirckness – strange p.116 ability
Crawl – gatear earthquake – terremoto
Apron – amantala Unwilling – reacio
Professor/ lecturer – to a lecture_ to teach at the university Hang on – esperar
Resit – recuperar Eager – entusiasta
Hardy working – do nothing Surface – superficie
Lately – recently p.146
Fairly – justamente/bastante Branch – ramal/ bifurcación
Quite – bastante Concern – afectar
Dull – aburrido Merely – simplemente
Dough – masa Lead – guiar
Moth – polilla Lead to – provocar
Tail – cola Enable – activar
Hooves – pezuña Fee – precio/ tarifa
Seal – foca Charge – cobrar
Fins – espinas Expense – coste
Scratch – rascarse Accomplish – lograr/ conseguir
Feather – plumas Regard – considerer
Jelly fish – medusa Arises – surgir
To look after something = to take care of Arise from – surgir a partir de
Put the dog down – ayudar al perro a morir Survey – sondeo/ encuesta
Indoors = inside Greater – mayor
Outdoors – outside Stunt – escena peligrosa
Vicar – pastor Even – aún
Priest – sacerdote Pad – block de notas
Nun – monja Vicar – pastor
Shepherd – artzaina Bleak – triste
Gather – group Depth – profundidad
Hail – granizar Beg somebody to do something – rogar a alguien algo
Fog/ mist – niebla Indeed – ciertamente
Drizzle – xirimiri Come out – salir
Gale – strong wind Pull out – sacar
Thunder – trueni/ tronar Bully – abusón
To be dizzy – estar mareado Sharp – afilado
Fairground – feria Wicked – malvado
Soaked – very wet Tied sdown – atado
Bring up – traer Maid – criada
Take to – llevar a Speed up – aumentar la velocidad Master – amo
Bench – banco de la calle Shut – cerrar

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