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Workplace: STS Via Camillo Olivetti, 2, 20864 Agrate Brianza MB, Italy Date:09/01/2023

Name of supervisor or presenter:Andrei Dumineca Time:10.00 AM

Persons present

Name Signature Name Signature

Usturoi Aurel Andrei Dumineca

Duta Horia

Ene Ionel

Manica Catalin

Boboc Iirinel

Stoian Dumitru

Iordachius Florentin

Neacsu Adrian

Topics discussed and feedback

Before starting work, make sure that the work permit is valid and signed by all
Check the PPPOE equipment before starting work!
Check that the work area is isolated and closed to avoid any accidents or
interference with other contractors.
Check the electronic work platforms before using them.
Check that the execution plans are the correct and approved version!
Check the stability of the raised floor before moving on it with electric platforms, check
the maximum load per square meter.

Do not drive with the electric platforms directly on the epoxy coating ,
it is only allowed to work on the installed floor protection!

Make sure there is a valid fire extinguisher near where hot work is
being done!

Electric platforms must be driven only by people who have a valid and
specific driving license!

STS -Via Camillo Olivetti, 2, 20864 Agrate Brianza MB 2-2 Mon 09/01/2023

At working on ceiling all workers should be connected with the harness from an
approved fix point!

Make sure there the ceiling is not loaded with a bigger load than the maximum
addmited load bu the producer!

Check all technical specification for ceiling before to start to work above!

The ceiling should be inspected and approved by the executor contractor before to
be released for work above the ceiling for other involved trades!

For all mechanical processing by grinder angle or saws googles and visier face
protection shpuld be used!

All drillings in concrete should be done with vaccum cleanner protected by Hepa

All electrical tools devices >/= 220 V from site should have the DGUV labeling

Electric platforms must be driven only by people who have a valid and specific
driving license!

Don,t work close to ceiling openings before to take extra safety measures or cover
and signalise properly the opening!

Inform the site supervisor and mark properly in case that you msut open the ceiling
in some parts to ensure that all involved parts are informed about new openings!

STS -Via Camillo Olivetti, 2, 20864 Agrate Brianza MB 2-2 Mon 09/01/2023

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