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1. Which is correct answer?

1. Chickenpox is caused by HHV-3
2. Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease
3. Chickenpox is a benign disease of children
4. Chickenpox is a primary infection caused by the varicella zoster virus
5. All answers are correct

2. It is typical for chickenpox

1. Vesicular rash
2. Erythematous rash
3. Spotted rash
4. Petechiae rash

3. Which is correct answer?

1. During chickenpox, the virus infects dorsal root ganglia where it remains latent and
establishes lifelong residence (latent infection).
2. In case of recurrence of chickenpox, the disease is mild
3. Varicella-zoster virus genetic material represented by ribonucleic acid
4. Chickenpox is a disease of high lethality

4. Which is NOT correct answer?

1. Immunity is not strong after recovery from chickenpox
2. In temperate countries, chickenpox is more common in late winter and early spring.
3. Chickenpox cases are more common in children aged 5-9 years.
4. The incubation period of chickenpox ranges from 10 to 21 days
1. Which is correct answer?
1. Prodromal symptoms during chickenpox are: nausea, loss of appetite, muscle pain,
2. During chickenpox, the symptoms start suddenly
3. Prodrom during chickenpox is shorter in children than in adults
4. Children with chickenpox may have no prodromal symptoms at all and the disease
may start directy with rash
5. All answers are correct

2. Which is NOT correct answer?

1. The rash during chickenpox is characterized by pleomorphism
2. Chickenpox is characterized by a rash on the scalp at the beginning
3. During chickenpox, rash may be in the mouth, nose, ear, vagina and rectum
4. Chickenpox occurs in immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals
with equal severity.

3. Which is correct answer? When is patient with Chickenpox infectious?

1. Patients are infectious ~ 48 h before onset of the vesicular rash, during the period of
vesicle formation (which generally lasts 4–5 days), and until all vesicles are crusted.
2. The patient is contagious one week before the onset of the rash and during the rash
3. The patient is contagious only during the rash period

4. Which is correct answer? Complication of chickenpox is:

1. Bacterial superinfection of the skin
2. Encephalitis
3. Virus-induced pneumonia
4. bleeding diatheses
5. All answers are correct

5. Which is correct answer?

1. Antiviral medication is not prescribed for chickenpox in children
2. Antiviral treatment is necessary in adults with chickenpox
3. Antiviral treatment should be started 24-48 hours after the onset of symptoms
4. All answers are correct

6. What is used to prevent chickenpox?

1. Vaccine
2. Immunoglobulin
3. Antiviral medications
4. All of the above

7. . Which is correct about the chickenpox vaccine?

1. Chickenpox vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine
2. Genetically engineered vaccine
3. Contains a killed virus

8. Which is NOT correct about chickenpox immunoglobulin?

1. Used in individuals who do not have immunity, have a high risk of chickenpox
complications, and have had exposure.
2. Immunoglobulin should be used no later than 96 hours after exposure

Immunoglobulin should be used for a maximum of 7 days after exposure

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