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Far cry

• The far cry games is a fist person shooter game series published by
the company Ubisoft who is also responsible for publishing
the assassin's creed games
My Top ten Far Cry 6 items
10) postapocalypica
• It is a head gear that makes melee kills cause enemies to flee
• I like it because it is themed like the helmets the highwaymen where
in far cry new dawn.
• I put it in the number 10 spot because it does not show up in the cut
scenes which is the biggest down fall about it in my opinion.
9) Crackle and pop
• It is a light machine gun with a decent damage output and velocity.
• It is at the number 9 spot because it has low accuracy, stealth and
handling. However, it has an rate of fire of 800rpm and a magazine
size of 80
8) revolutiony pants
• They are leg gear
• They have an ability called bounce back which begins the regen of
health quicker after taking damage.
• It is at the number 8 spot because you don’t get it until late into the
7) revolutiony gloves
• They have an ability called speed surgeon which greatly improves
manual heal recharge.
• It is at the number 7 spot because you don’t get it until late
into the game because it is in the same set as revolutiony pants.
6) impact boots
• It has an ability called tricky toes which disable tripwires when there
stepped on.
5) badge of honor
• It is chest gear
• It has an ability called focused breathing improves hold breath
• It is at number 5 because the top is from the game is from far cry 5
and it looks good
4) Smg-issimo
• It is an smg that sets things on fire. It has a low damage output,
decent velocity and accuracy and stealth, great handling with an rate
of fire of 950rpm and magazine size of 30. It has a
suppresser and indiarey
3) exterminador
• It is the first Armagedón supremo you get and is great well within to
the late game it allows you to take out planes and helicopters without
wasting ammo with the use of rockets. It gives you access to gadgets
and mods that can be used on any supremo.
• The downfall is that it takes a long time to recharge meaning you
don't want to use it if you don’t have anything flying over you incases
you get in turbel.
2) royal mint
• It is a rifle that’s has decent damage output, high velocity, decent
accuracy, stealth and handling, a rate of fire of 600rpm and a
magazine size of 30. You can add things like scopes and supressers
along with being able to change the look of it.
1) one ping only
• It is a rifle that you get late within to the game. It has a decent
damage output, extremely high velocity, decent accuracy, stealth, and
handling, a rate of fire of 900 rpm and a magazine size of 20 meaning
the downfall is how much ammo it uses at a time

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