Role Play Finallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-1

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Dadu --- No color

Ashwath --- Green
Vishal --- Dark Blue
Rohan --- Faint Blue
Aryan --- Grey
Ankur --- Pink
Pranay --- Red
Idioms --- Yellow
Emotions/Actions --- Brown


Small companies tend to be vulnerable during an economic crisis, in part because they have
fewer resources with which to adapt to a changing context.Nearly two-thirds of micro and
small firms reported that the crisis strongly affected their business operations, compared
with about 40% of large companies.
1. Aryan (Shopkeeper) is a small scale businessman. He has a sweet mart and a general
store. His mart was one of the most famous sweet marts in the city but his shop was
pretty far as he decided to shift his shop and the business was not going so good and he
was never ahead of the pack. During the lockdown his business was shattered. As the
government declared a complete shut down. He started having financial crisis. And he
couldn’t accept the fact that he had to go back to square one.

2. Vishwesh (Helper) was a helper at the sweet mart. He always went by the book. He was
one of Aryan’ trusted men. He would go the extra mile to give the customers the best
experience. He lost his job in the lockdown. And he too started to have financial crisis.
He was in the same boat as aryan.

3. Pranay (Grandfather) was an old man he was kind hearted and he always tended to
help the poor or the one in need. He knew who Aryan was. Aryan’s father was a good
friend of Pranay. But sadly Aryan’s father was tested positive for COVID-19 and he
couldn’t make it.

4. Vishal (1st brother) Ankur (2nd brother) the another costumers who come to the sweet
mart as they were passing by the road. They were the regular customers. They had a
joint family and whenever they had a celebration or a occasion they would buy sweets
from Aryan.

5. Rohan is the retailer that supplies Aryan with the general stuff such as chips packet,etc.
Aryan would buy things from him and would give the money after the profit or after the
sale is done but0
6. due to lockdown Aryan was not able to pay the money and he had bought a bulk of
things and that became a big burden on him.

(Let’s see what happens when they all meet after lockdown when the vaccine was
Aryan (Shopkeeper): [It was a relief for him to have this lockdown finish but still his business
was low key when he didn’t want it to be so, not like it used to be before but this was the
condition of every man like him, He and vishwesh were cleaning his shop and there he saw
Aryan: Good Morning grandpa, what brings you here?

Pranay: Not much, how are you and did the retailer stop disturbing you for the money?

Aryan: Yes granpa thank you for giving me the money the retailer finally stopped disturbing

(Granpa smiling)

Vishal: Hi Aryan uncle how are you.I needed to buy some chips packet for my younger

Aryan: oh Vishal is that you I didn’t recognize you because of the mask. Let your brother help
himself with whatever he wants.

(The brother walks in)

Vishwesh: Don’t worry I will help him with what he wants

Ankur : Thank you

(points to everything he wants and the helper gives that to me)

Helper: Thanks for buying things from our shop.

Grandpa: So where are you kids from and buying all of this junk food huh little boy what’s it
for you know it’s not good for your health though.

Vishal: we live across the street.All of Ankur’s friends are going to meet at our house, a little
get together. They didn’t see anyone due to the lockdown so they decided to meet up.

Ankur: I don’t like junk food uncle. These are for my friends they love it. I am in the driver’s
seat you know!

Grandpa: Good and don’t forget to use sanitizer okay and try maintaining distance as much
as you can.

ankur: yes uncle

Helper: That’ll be 100 please.

Vishal: ok here take this.

Helper: Thank you

Aryan: Take care kids and don’t remove masks okay?

ankur: yes uncle

(Retailer comes there)

Retailer: Good morning aryan.

Aryan: it’s good to see you after a tough break of this lockdown.

Retailer: I just wanted to thank you for paying my money it really helped me at stack of

Aryan: Don’t thank me thank this man sitting right here he is the one who gave me the
money and then I gave it to you.

Retailer: thank you old man, you are really a good man.

Retailer: do you know I was tested positive for COVID-19 and I finally feel okay to say it out
loud because I know that I have been cured and it is okay if people want to stay away from
me it is obvious as they care for themselves. The money you paid really changed my pace
and helped me as my business had given me the thumbs down. I have fully recovered now
and my experience in the hospital was really traumatizing. Thank you for everything

Molar of story: After lockdown many people realized that business is not a simple nut to
crack because of lockdown many people became creative tried new things and discovered
stuff and got to know their hidden talents. Many people helped the poor and many people
learned to be alone.

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