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Problem – to measure the intelligence of the testee using Mohsin general intelligence test.

Introduction – Verbal test is a test or scale in which performance depends upon one’s ability to
comprehend use, or otherwise manipulate words.

Mohsin general intelligence test is a verbal test which is used for individual test and group test. It’s a
power test but not a speed test because if any testee solves the questions before time then an extra
score is awarded for that.

This test has been established by Dr. Mohsin in 1956 for children aged between 9 - 15 years. It
includes 6 sub tests for which time, items and maximum score is fixed.

For 1st sub test, each item has three alternate answers – a, b, c out of which only one option is
correct. For each correct answer 1 mark is awarded.

For 2nd sub test, each problem or item has four alternate answers – a, b, c, d out of which only one
option is correct. For each correct answer 1 mark is awarded.

For 4th sub test, each problem or item has five alternate answers – a, b, c, d, e out of which only one
option is correct. For each correct answer 1 mark is awarded.

For 5th sub test, each problem or item has four alternate answers – a, b, c, d out of which only one
option is correct. For each correct answer 1 mark is awarded.

For 6th sub test, each problem or item has four alternate answers – a, b, c, d out of which only one
option is correct. For each correct answer 1 mark is awarded.

Purpose – This test is used to measure the intelligence of the testee by verbal test.

Preliminaries – (a) Name of testee – Mina Gupta

(b) Sex - Female

(c) Age - 15 years

(d) Qualification - 11th passed

Test materials – (a) Test booklet

(b) Answer sheet

(c) Manual

(d) Stop watch

(e) Pencil, paper, etc.

Procedure of test -

(a) Design of test

No. of sub test 1 2 3 4 5 6

Time duration 5minute 5minute 8minute 7 minutes 7 minutes 10 minute
Marks obtained

(b) Planning - Planning has been made according to which 6 sub test has been distributed to
each testee and necessary instructions are given and each test should be solved in a given
time period.

(c) Arrangement for the test – Mohsin general intelligence test booklet’s one set, one answer
sheet, one manual, one pencil and a stop watch has been kept on the table and examined.

(d) Instruction – Testee should be made to sit on the chair comfortably, then test booklet and
answer sheet are given and asked not to open the booklet unless asked to do so. They are
made to write the name and other details in the answer sheet and general instructions are
given as “you will find different kinds of questions and each question will have 3-4 options.
Only for one sub test 3rd, there will be 2 options correct. You will have to answer the
questions within time limit and hence you should answer the questions quickly. If the
questions seem difficult you should go to attempt next question instead of wasting time for
the same question. For the whole test period, you will be do the same as I (the examiner)
ask to.”

(e) Actual test administration – Testee are asked to open the booklet after the general
instructions are given. Then they are asked to see page number 2 of the booklet and read
the examples and understand what need to be done. For the question given in this page
three options are given out of which what seems correct to them, should be marked. And
then “start” and stop watch is made on. Then after 5 minutes get over, they are asked to
stop and then they are made to attempt sub test 2 and so on…

Data collection –

No. of sub 1 2 3 4 5 6
Scores 13 23 31 29 21 11
obtained =128

Intelligence of brightness (IB) = obtained score – Standard score + 100

IB = 128 – 103 + 100

= 125

Name – Mina Gupta

Age – 15 years

Sex – female

IB – 125
Grade - Superior

Interpretation and conclusion - According to the record sheet the testee’s intelligence grade is
superior intelligent. This conclusion is very reliable because the test is very standardized test. The
reliability is high.




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