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 Refers to digital inequality or gap  Feeling of guilt, anxiety,
between groups in terms of depression, dishonesty,
knowledge, usage, and access to feeling of great happiness or
ICT due to circumstances like excitement (euphoric) in front
location, income and age. of the computer, defensive,
 The disparities in access to distress, escaping of work,
telephones, personal computers, isolation, and cannot follow
and the internets across certain schedule
demographic groups (Benjamin 2. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS
Company)  Back pain, headache increase
COMPUTER ADDICTION or decrease of weight, sleep
 It is the “overdependence” or disorder, carpal tunnel
damaging need to do something syndrome, blurred or strain
on computer or internet” (E- visions
Learning Guide on MIL)
 An issue may come as a result of COMPUTER ADDICTION CAN BE
an intention, or a habit that has PREVENTED THROUGH:
gone worse. If not addressed, 1. Set limit in using computers and
these issues could distress one’s doing online activities.
health and relationships. 2. Talk to your family and friends and
 The impact could be linked to mingle with them most of the time.
sleep deprivation, anxiety, and 3. Organize a non-computer related
even depression. Setting a limit activity like sports.
and immersing yourself with 4. Place your gadgets away from you
outside activity can obviate when not needed.
addiction. Remember!
TYPES OF COMPUTER Anything beyond moderation is not
ADDICTION good. To put it simply, learning to
1. Information Overload- excessive properly use digital resources is
online surfing resulted to insufficient responsible internet behavior.
at work and have less family BULLYING
interconnection. It is an unwanted, aggressive
2. Compulsion- over time spent in behavior among school-aged children
online activities like gaming, that involve a real or perceived
bartering of stocks, gambling which power imbalance. Simply put, kids
cause to a problem at work. who see themselves superior to
3. Cybersex Addiction- exceed time others display their misplaced power
spent in surfing porn sites that could by causing physical, emotional, or
interfere one’s relationship. social harm to those they perceive to
4. Cyber-Relationship- excessive time be weak.
spent in social networking sites to CYBERBULLYING
make relationship online than  Is the use of digital means of
spending time to real persons like communication that could hurt or
family and friends harass a person. Example of this
DIFFERENT SYMPTOMS OF A are sending hurtful texts or SMS
COMPUTER ADDICT PERSON messages, posting embarrassing
photos or videos, and spreading CYBERBULLYING CAN BE
mean or malicious rumors online. PREVENTED BY DOING THE
 Such act or acts comprise FOLLOWING:
cyberbullying if the offender does 1. Be optimistic person.
them intentionally and repeatedly, 2. Share to the person whom you can
and should be addressed at once. trust with.
 According to UNICEF Poll in 3. Keep your password by yourself.
September 2019, one in every Don’t share it.
three young people in 30 4. Always check the content before
countries has reported being a posting or sharing.
victim of online bullying (UNICEF, 5. Always log out your account after
2019) using.
6. Respect and love other people and
You must always protect your mental
health. If cyberbullying happens to
you, do not be afraid to seek help
and defend yourself.


OPPORTUNITY  Identity theft
A set of situations that makes it ECONOMICS OF MEDIA:
possible to do something RATINGS AND REVENUES
 Economy The economics of media can
 Education be explained in the simple equation
 Politics Ratings=Revenues. As a commercial
 Tourism industry, the media earns profit
 Employment (Job Hiring) through advertisements. Advertisers
 Business Processes pay for air-time or ad space in media
CHALLENGE platforms to reach or to promote
A test , problem, trial their goods or services to the media’s
 Illegal content (Age-inappropriate audience. Advertisers are more likely
content) to invest if there is a high volume of
 Lack of verification of content consumers patronizing the media
 Incitement of harm programs or content or if their target
 Infringement of human rights/ market is among those consumers.
defamation What is Media Economics?
 Money theft/ phishing Are the economic policies and
 Commercial fraud practices of media companies and
 Bullying disciplines including journalism and
 Disclosing private information the news industry, film production,
 Inappropriate advertisement and entertainment programs, print,
marketing to children broadcast, mobile communications,
 Privacy internet, advertising and public
 Copyright infringement relations.
How is Media related to existence of cheap or even free
Economics? digital technologies like torrent
The main relationship downloading makes piracy even
between media and economic more attractive to consumers.
development lies in the function of MEDIA AND INFORMATION FOR
media as a source for the EDUCATION
dissemination of information Education as a knowledge,
regarding political reforms and skill, and understanding that you get
policies aimed at economic from attending a school, college, or
development. university (Merriam- Webster’s
RATINGS dictionary )
A colloquial term for audience Media and information have
measurement that influences timing, made a radical impact on education
placements, and markets for media Before……
content and advertising. (Balnaves, A student or a learner’s
O’Regan, & Goldsmith, 2011) Ratings education is limited to sitting in class,
determine the number of people who listening to a professor, passing the
watches, listens, to or reads a exams and completing the course
particular media content. works or projects
REVENUES Education traditionally
Is an income generated from requires a student to prove that
the sale of goods or services, or any learning took place. One must be
other use of capital or assets, able to pass exams that will test their
associated with the main operations knowledge.
of an organization before any costs THE OPPORTUNITY
or expenses are deducted. (Business Today….
Dictionary). In this context revenue is Education has taken whole
the amount of money brought by new meaning with media and
advertisers to the media industry. information. Distance learning or
THE OPPORTUNITY online education is now a fast-
 The Philippine media is a great becoming trend in society. Schools
asset in the country’s economy. In and universities are adopting this
fact, the Philippines Star reported practice as part of their offered
that in the year 2010 alone, the services.
creative or copyright-based Everyone with access to the
industries contributed P661.23 internet need not physically attend a
billion to the Philippines economy. class to get an education. This setup
THE CHALLENGES is popular among those who wish to
 Despite thriving as an industry, further their education but do not
the media remains vulnerable to have the time or energy to deal with
economic threats. The most regular school. With media and
notorious among them is privacy. information, one can earn a degree
Privacy is defined as the from the comfort of their homes.
unauthorized use of another’s Another application of media
production, invention, or and information on education is its
conception especially in network of information and
infringement of copyright by the contributors. A student can now have
Merriam Webster’s Dictionary. The multiple experts as professors, learn
from a variety of information sources between people or groups has
like books, articles, videos, etc. and become routine and repetitive) and
study according to his pathway e.g. cultural patterns (shared ways of
visual, intellectual, and experiential. living and thinking)
Media and information have
expanded the horizon of education. THE OPPORTUNITY
Media and information makes Development Communication
this process a little less rigorous uses communication to aid in the
through content contribution. By development of society. One practical
allowing people to share their of this, is community-based media
knowledge online for others to see, programs. Though information
the network of experts can check and dissemination, promotion of
balance each other’s understanding development advocacies, and
of subjects, therefore refining providing a medium for social
learning through interaction. interaction among communities,
The convenience, abundance, these types of programs pave the
and interconnection, aspects of way for a positive social change.
media and information for education THE CHALLENGE
are opportunities worth taking Media and information have
advantages of. the power to sway society’s beliefs
THE CHALLENGE and perceptions. People have the
The ease of access to media tendency to receive data from the
and information for educational media and accept it as fact right
purposes, while convenient is also away without conducting due
problematic. Not only does this diligence. So should the media fail to
promote laziness, constant access provide facts, or abuse their
also puts a lot of pressure on servers, influence, society will be all too
requiring constant upgrades and vulnerable because of their
regular maintenance around obliviousness? This is the fatal flaw in
cyberspace. the relationship, hinders true positive
This hampers the profitability social change.
aspects of media. When a creative or THE MEDIA AND POLITICS
intellectual content is pirated, the Sarah Oates (2008) noted
right of the owner to sell-either that there are two perspectives to be
directly or indirectly through considered in understanding the
advertising-is violated. relationship of media and politics.
Its influence is so apparent This is best illustrated during
that media and information have the election period in democratic
become a reflection of society and political setups. Prior to the actual
vice versa. It is no surprise then that election day, the media features
media and information have been candidate profiles, hosts political
linked to social changes. debates, gives updates on the
Social Change is the fluctuations of polls, and reports
significant alteration of social pertinent news on electoral
structure (persistent networks of campaigns and issues concerning the
social relationships, where interaction candidates.
These election coverage Provisions in the law like the
activities of the media introduce Freedom of Information Bill which
political aspirants, to the voters mandates the release of public
informs the public of their platforms; documents to those who requires it
and exposing their track records to benefits the media in their access to
the voters. The information the information and the government in
public derives from the media often its war against corruption (The
sways support from one candidate to Official Gazette)
the next and therefore affecting the
results of the election itself.
Politics regulates the media As a developing country, the
industry. They enforce the rules and governments concentrate on solving
regulations governing the media problems like poverty,
industry as prescribed in a country’s unemployment, lack of proper
political system. It is for this reason healthcare, and access to education.
that the nature of media varies from In its preoccupation to put a stop to
country to country. these issues, the government has
For instance, in a communist given little support to efforts that will
system like North Korea’s the help strengthen the media industry.
government prescribes the content of The shortage of government
the media. They impose strict funding, not to mention the lack of
restrictions in on what consume for projects and programs, help cultivate
entertainment and severely censors creativity- which is the core of media-
news and information before allowing prevent the media industry in
dissemination. reaching its potential for success.
OPPORTUNITY Even the weak enforcement of
The interrelationship between certain laws to protecting the media
media and politics provides a fair exposes them to threats that could
foundation in the function of media damage repercussions on the
as a source of information. industry.

A. STEREOTYPING following still remain a subject of
Is defined as the process of labeling much controversy.
an entire group of people according 1. Gender Roles
to the characteristics of some. The The alpha-male or the depiction of
have been found guilty of the heterosexual male as superior to
stereotyping multiple times. As a the other genders is still ever present
form of communication that deals in most media content. It seems that
with the general public, it is not hard countless protests from feminist
to see why the media is prone to movements and the LGBT (Lesbians,
generalization. Although there is an Gays, Bisexual, Transgender)
obvious improvement in the number community have done little to
of stereotypes in the media, the eradicate sexiest elements in the
2. Racial Discrimination considered personal and opinion
The Caucasian is at the top of the based on content.
social ladder. Black people slavery C. ACCOUNTABILITY
may have been long gone, but It is defined as taking
media’s tendency to favor whites in responsibility for one’s actions. It is
lead roles and giving sidekick roles to at the core of media ethics. Bertrand,
other people of colors raises racial (2000) emphasizes that a media
discrimination allegations. professional is not just “accountable”
B. CONFLICT OF INTEREST he or she is accountable to someone.
Are situations in which there In his book Media Ethics and
are competing professional, personal Accountability Systems, he explained
and/or financial obligations or that a person in the media is
interests that complete with the accountable to one’s self, towards
journalist’s obligation to his outlet peers, toward sources, towards
and audience. people involved in the news, towards
Potential Conflicts of Interest media users, and towards the
(NYU Journalism Handbook for community where they operate.
Students, Penenberg) Media accountability involves self-
1. Writing about friends and family regulation by remembering and
members respecting those who they are
2. Press junkets trips offered to accountable to in their work.
journalists that are paid for by the D. CENSORSHIP
entities the reporters cover, i.e., Philip Steele (1999) defines
movie studios, electronics companies, censorship as any attempt to limit or
government agencies. prevent the free exchange of
3. Accepting hospitality: information. It suppresses
Overindulging on the subject’s information, ideas, or artistic
hospitality expressions. Most definitions argue
4. Gifts that censorship happens only when
5. Free tickets, copies of books, CDs, an outside party stifles information.
DVDs, and access to subscription- Meaning if a content producer
only websites to be reviewed, written decides to edit out parts of his work,
about, or used as background he or she is not committing
material censorship.
6. Paying sources: Compensating Forms of Censorship
sources for information undermine (The State University of Oklahoma)
content integrity 1. Preventive-exercised before the
7. Quid pro quo: Promising expression is made public. Examples
something in return of which includes government
8. Investment: Any financial restrains, licensing, and self-
entanglement with the subject censorship.
9. Political and charitable donations: 2. Punitive- exercised after the
The objectivity of the reporter will be expression is made public. This type
questioned if he covers and writes of censorship is penalizing in nature.
about organizations which he 3. Taboo- is censorship of which
donated money to. society deems inappropriate or
10. Blogs: Writing blogs raises ethical offensive.
concerns and credibility issues it is a
 Media become the common outlet offered by the University of
of self-expression and creativity. Manitoba, “Connectivism and
 Technological advances and Connective Knowledge”,
people’s connectivity created a  The learning materials or video
huge impact on the lives of content used in the MOOC is
today’s generation. created by a n educational
MOOC institution, usually a university or
 Massive Open Online Course a college that offers such
(MOOC) is an acronym for Massive programs.
Open Online Course. The word  The organization and
“massive “means accessible to all, administration operation of MOOC
“online” means connected to or are coordinated by active MOOC
available through a system, and platforms (Coursera and edX)
“course” means the act of moving MOOCs were created from the
in a path from point to point. idea of covering an entire
 Refers to a route or pattern of university course online and
getting a content or information thereby making it accessible to
available through an online everyone in the world. The intent
system that can be accessed by was to “democratize” educational
many people. MOOC is also content from elite universities.
described as a pattern for Advantages of Open Online
providing learning information. Course (MOOC)
 Are asynchronous web-based 1. Relax requirements
courses geared towards enabling 2. Video format
several hundreds of students all 3. Accessibility
over the world to enroll and learn 4. Repetition
from top world-renowned 5. High quality
academic institutions at the same 6. Feasibility
time. 7. self-paced
 Deliver content via recorded 8. Online Collaboration
video, lectures, online readings,
and online assessments, with
various degrees of student-
student and student –instructor
 Many MOOC providers offer free
courses, which entice more people
to enroll. There are MOOCs that
provide certificates of completion
to the students; however, most of
Sample of MOOC Platforms
them do not count for college
a. Coursera- 20 million participants.
credit. The concept of MOOC was
Courses were created by the
invented in 2008 by Dave Cormier,
universities of Stanford, Princeton,
from the University of Prince
Yale, London, Munich, Zurich, and
Edward Island., for a course
many more.
b. EdX- 10 million learners/ place on the global scale.
participants, courses were created Connecting learners and
from Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, and instructors all over the world to
oxford, among others. one another to maximize
C. Udacity- is created as an MOOC education.
platform at Stanford. Now mostly THE USE OF WEARABLE
programming courses in cooperation TECHNOLOGY
with industry partners such as  As a fashion statement
Google, Facebook, or Daimier.  As a fitness tracker
Courses topics include artificial  As a treatment for hearing
intelligence and self-driving cars. impairments
D. Future Learn- is MOOC platform  For remote treatment of
(UK-based) includes various British speech and voice disorders
and European universities. Courses  To synchronize data and
offered are shorter in duration communication from other
compared to other. gadgets
Examples of MOOC  For specific health issue
 Introduction to Computer Science monitoring, for example
(Harvard/edX) stress management
 Learning how to Learn (UC San  As gauge for alertness and
Diego/ Coursera) energy levels
 Machine Learning (Stanford/  As navigation tools
Coursera)  As media devices
The Implications  As communication gadgets
 By taking learning into virtual A. SMART WATCH
space, attendance is no longer a This watch is worn as
determining factor in one’s a typical wristwatch
education. This makes MOOC but do more than just tell time.
learning a popular alternative for Modern smart
those whose life situations make watches perform the same functions
them unable to attend regular of a
schools. smartphone. Some, on the other
 Managing MOOC is relatively hand, do not
cheaper than running educational have access to the internet, which is
institutions. By taking out why they
expenses of Universities- which have connection capability to a
are passed down to students to smartphone via Bluetooth. Smart
exorbitant fees. MOOC addresses watches are developed for
the high cost of education. convenience, but is inability to
 Analytics provides information function as an independent gadget
about the learning process of puts it at a distinct disadvantage.
students. Through the use of B. FITNESS TRACKER
data collected through analytics, It is derived from
MOOC provides the means to smart watches in form and
improve learning. design but serves health
 Since it focuses on connectedness applications. The types of
as part of the learning process, fitness trackers can either
MOOC allows education to take count steps like pedometers,
measure distance in runs or products, packaging, and
jogs, monitor’s calorie intake, architectural designs.
and heart rate.  Earlier 3D motion pictures require
Fitness tracker aim to promote health their audience to wear glasses
and wellness among its enthusiasts, with red and blue lenses.
unfortunately, issues on their  According to How Stuff Works,
accuracy have been raised in several lenses force one eye to see the
reviews. red part of the image and the
C. VIRTUAL REALITY (VR) other eye to see the blue or green
Is gradually growing in part. The difference between the
popularity among enthusiasts. two, makes the
Oculus, a high-end VR  brain perceive them one image
headset intended for with three dimensions. Although
entertainment has been effective in making objects appear
released to the public on solid, old 3D films cause
March 28, 2016. discrepancies. Recent
D. AUGMENTED REALITY development in 3D has solved this
The merging of a view problem.
of the real-world environment DIGITAL 3D
upon a digital image in real  is also a fast-growing element in
time. The oculus has so far the graphic design and imaging
received positive reviews world. Computer software with 3D
among users. However, design capabilities like Daz Studio
concerns were raised about allows graphic designers to create
VR technology’s potential to 3D art and environments.
cause total disconnect from 3D PRINTER
the physical world.  This technology brings digital data
E. GOOGLE GLASS and design to the physical world
an optical head- literally. The process begins with a
mounted display designed in virtual design that can either be
the shape of a pair of created through a 3D model
eyeglasses. It was developed program or copied from the actual
by Janco Vander Merwe, with object through scanner.
the mission of producing a UBIQUITOUS LEARNING
ubiquitous computer. is common in the age
THE CONCEPT OF 3D of information. Since
ENVIRONMENT information in the digital age
3D OR THREE DIMENSIONAL can be accessed by anyone,
 refers to anything that has a at any given time and place,
width, height, and depth. The ubiquitous or an ever-present
concept of 3D environment is type of learning is possible.
explored to mimic the physical Key Characteristics of Ubiquitous
world in the media. Learning
 Widely used by animators and  Permanent
designers for the film, games,  Accessibility
broadcast, wed and advertising  Immediacy
industries as well as by engineers  Interactivity
and architects to visualize their
 Situated Instructional  Adaptability
A. TEXT AND INFORMATION content. As a consumer, these are
MEDIA the questions that you need to ask
Text – a simple and flexible format with regards to the content of text
of presenting information or media and information:
conveying ideas whether hand-  Who or what institution is sending
written, printed or displayed on- this message?
screen.  What techniques are used to
a. Text is very powerful as well in attract and hold attention?
disseminating information,  What is the language used by the
providing direction and giving writer?
suggestions.  What views are represented? Are
b. Text is available in different they balanced?
sources whether it is formal (news  How might the message be
articles, published books, interpreted in different ways?
newspapers, magazines,  What is omitted, slurred or added
advertisements, research works, in the message?
etc.) or informal (blogs, personal e. As a producer of text media and
e-mails, SMS or text messages, information, we need to review
online messengers, social media the media and information design
platforms, etc.). framework: target audience,
• Formal text-based author or sender, key content,
materials are created and purpose, form/style and format.
distributed by established B. VISUAL INFORMATION
institutions (such as AND MEDIA
publishing companies, news 1. Visual media and information
agencies, etc.) and go – materials, programs, applications
through a rigorous process of and the like that teachers and
editing or evaluation and are students use to formulate new
usually governed by information to aid learning through
censorship of the state. the use, analysis, evaluation and
• Informal text-based production of visual images.
materials, on the other 2. Types of visual media –
hand, come from personal photography, video, screenshots,
opinions or views on different infographics, data visualization
issues, processes, etc. (charts and graphs), comic
c. Text can be as short such as a strips/cartoons, memes, visual note-
single sentence or phrase, or they taking, etc.
can be as lengthy as news articles 3. Formally and informally
or investigative reporting. No produced visual media – visual
matter how brief or lengthy, media produced by formal
however, a text is always carefully organizations such as schools,
written with the intent of sending government, and established
a very specific message to the media/publishing outfits are
target audience. considered formally produced. Other
d. In our exposure to text media and visual media are considered
information, we can either be a informally produced.
consumer or a producer of
4. Purpose of visual information reactions about the world around
– the primary purpose of visual us. It is therefore important to
information is to gain attention, create color palettes that evoke
create meaning, and facilitate the appropriate audience
retention. reactions. Color has three
5. Visual design elements - the properties.
building blocks or basic units in the f. Form – a figure having volume
construction of a visual image. and thickness. An illusion of a 3-
THE DESIGN ELEMENTS ARE: dimensional object can be implied
a. Line – describes a shape or with the use of light and shading.
outline. It can create texture and Form can be viewed from many
can be thick or thin. Lines may be angles.
actual, implied, vertical, C. AUDIO INFORMATION AND
horizontal, diagonal, or contour MEDIA
lines. Hearing is simply the act of
b. Shape – usually a geometric area perceiving sound by the ear. If you
that stands out from the space are not hearing-impaired, hearing
next to or around it, or because of simply happens. Listening, however,
differences in value, color, or is something you consciously choose
texture. Shape may also be to do. Listening requires
organic. concentration so that your brain
c. Value – the degree of light and processes meaning from words and
dark in a design. It is the contrast sentences.
between black and white and all TYPES AND CATEGORIES OF
the tones in between. Value can AUDIO INFORMATION
be used with color as well as black a. Radio broadcast - live or
and white. Contrast is the extreme recorded audio sent through radio
changes between values. waves to reach a wide audience.
d. Texture – the way a surface feels b. Music - vocal and/or instrumental
or is perceived to feel. Texture sounds combined in such a way as to
can be added to attract or repel produce beauty of form, harmony,
interest to a visual element. Visual and expression of emotion. It is
texture is the illusion of the composed and performed for many
surfaces peaks and valleys, purposes, ranging from aesthetic
resulting in a feeling of pleasure, religious or ceremonial
smoothness or roughness in purposes, or as an entertainment
objects. product.
e. Color – determined by its hue c. Sound recording - recording of
(name of color), intensity (purity an interview, meeting, or any sound
of the hue), and value (lightness from the environment.
or darkness of hue). Color and d. Sound clips/effects - any
color combination can play a large sound, other than music or speech,
role in the design. Color may be artificially reproduced to create an
used for emphasis or may elicit effect in a dramatic presentation, as
emotions from viewers. Colour the sound of a storm or a creaking
maybe warm, cool, or neutral. It door.
plays a major role in our visual e. Audio Podcast - a digital audio
perception, as it influences our or video file or recording, usually part
of a themed series, that can be c. WAV - is a Microsoft audio file
downloaded from a website to a format standard for storing an audio
media player or computer. bitstream on PCs. It has become a
DIFFERENT WAYS OF STORING standard file format for game
AUDIO MEDIA: sounds, among others.
a. Tape - magnetic tape on which d. WMA (Windows Media Audio)
sound can be recorded. - is an audio data compression
b. CD - a plastic-fabricated, circular technology developed by Microsoft
medium for recording, storing, and and used with Windows Media
playing back audio, video, and Player.
c. USB drive - an external flash MEDIA
drive, small enough to carry on a key • There is no universally adopted
ring, that can be used with any definition for motion media.
computer that has a USB port. • Motion media is visual media that
d. Memory Card - (aka flash gives the appearance of movement.
memory card or storage card) is a • Motion media can be a collection of
small storage medium used to store graphics, footage, videos. It is
data such as text, pictures, audio, combined with audio, text and/or
and video, for use on small, portable, interactive content to create
or remote computing devices. multimedia
e. Computer hard drive - ADVANTAGES OF MOTION
secondary storage devices for storing MEDIA AND INFORMATION
audio files. • It captures motion in a manner that
f. Internet/Cloud - websites or file can be viewed repeatedly
repositories for retrieving audio files, • It can show processes in detail and
and more precisely the files are in sequence
stored in some datacenter full of • Simulations allow for safe
servers that is connected to the observation
Internet. • It can cut across different cultures
FORMATS: • It allows scenes, history, events
a. MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3) - a and phenomenon to be recreated
common format for consumer audio, • It enables learning with emotions
as well as a standard of digital audio LIMITATIONS OF MOTION
compression for the transfer and MEDIA AND INFORMATION:
playback of music on most digital • Compared to other forms of visual
audio players. media the viewer cannot always
b. MP4A/AAC (MPEG-4 interrupt the presentation.
Audio/Advanced Audio Coding) - • It is oftentimes more costly than
an audio coding standard for lossy other forms of visual media.
digital audio compression. Designed • Other data may be presented best
to be the successor of the MP3 using still images. Examples are
format, AAC generally achieves graphs, diagrams, maps.
better sound quality than MP3 at • It is subject to misinterpretation
similar bit rates. E. MANIPULATIVE AND
a. Interactive Media – a method of players to play with one another or
communication in which the play together.
program's outputs depend on the d. Role-playing games (RPG) - a
user's inputs, and the user's inputs in game in which players assume the
turn affect the program's outputs. roles of characters in a fictional
Interactive media engage the user setting. Players take responsibility for
and interact with him or her in a way acting out these roles within a
that non-interactive media do not. narrative, either through literal acting
Websites and video games are two or through a process of structured
common types of interactive media. decision-making or character
b. Interactivity – the development.
communication process that takes e. Massively Multiplayer Online
place between humans and computer Roleplaying Game (MMORPG) -
software. The most constant form of any story-driven online video game in
interactivity is typically found in which a player, taking on the
games, which need a continuous persona of a character in a virtual or
form of interactivity with the gamer. fantasy world, interacts with a large
Database applications and other number of other players.
financial, engineering and trading f. Interactive websites (pools,
applications are also typically very surveys, exams, exercises)
interactive. g. Virtual reality and immersive
c. One area where interactivity is environments - the computer-
most useful is in online training. generated simulation of a three-
Interactivities in this area allow dimensional image or environment
learners to interact with the course in that can be interacted with in a
terms of action and/or thinking. seemingly real or physical way by a
person using special electronic
DIFFERENT PLATFORMS OF equipment, such as a helmet with a
INTERACTIVE MEDIA: screen inside or gloves fitted with
a. Mobile apps - a software sensors.
application developed specifically for h. Social media - websites or online
use on small, wireless computing services where users (actual people)
devices such as smartphones and are the creators and consumers of
tablets, rather than desktop or laptop the content, and where social
computers. interactions (commenting, liking,
b. 3D TV - a television display posting, talking) are the main
technology that enables a three- features of content. Examples are
dimensional effect, so that viewers Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
perceive that an image has depth as Snapchat, Vine, etc. Relate this topic
well as height and width, similar to to their output in the previous
objects in the real world. activity.
c. Video games (multi-player) - a F. MULTIMEDIA AND
game played by electronically INFORMATION MEDIA
manipulating images produced by a Over the years, it has
computer program on a television been established that
screen or other display screen. information can be expressed
Multiplayer games allow two or more through text, speech, sound,
graphics or images,
animation, and video. A transmitted and processed
combination of these media digitally.”
sources is considered While traditional or
multimedia. analog media still co-exist
Dave Marshall defines with computer-controlled
multimedia as “the field media, Savage and Vogel
concerned with the computer- (2009) assert that the
controlled integration of text, contemporary definition of
graphics, drawings, still and multimedia is mostly in the
moving images (video), digital form. Moreover, both
animation, audio, and any trending and emerging forms
other media where every type of multimedia are described
of information can be as ubiquitous, interactive,
represented, stored, massive, and immersive.


A. PEOPLE MEDIA c. American and Japanese Era-
Philippine media has grown During this era, major newspaper
throughout history and how new (i.e. Manila Times and Manila
professions for people in media have Bulletin), radio broadcasting and
evolved. Traditional media has movies became available. Media
affected Filipinos in the past, was used for propaganda by
throughout the different era. government and other groups.
a. Pre-Spanish Era- knowledge Careers: book writers, newspaper
was passed on through folk media writer, editor, publisher, copyreader,
and indigenous forms of media. artist, cartoonist, reporter, producer,
Careers: Town crier, messenger, broadcaster.
community scribe. d. Post-war Era- the golden age of
b. Spanish Era- while education Philippine Journalism, Advertising,
was limited to the elite, Communication Education, and
publication of books (i.e., Noli Me press freedom flourished in this
Tangere and El Filibusterismo) era.
and newspapers (La Solidaridad) Careers: book writers, newspaper
advanced the propaganda writer, editor, publisher, copyreader,
movement which led to the artist, cartoonist, reporter, producer,
people’s revolution against media technicians, advertisers.
Spanish rule. Filipinos at that time e. Martial law Era- Highlights of
did not have a common language. this era include the government
Only the elite spoke and takeover of media and the press
understood Spanish. Thus and the image engineering of the
communication was limited. Pen Marcoses in the name or
names were used to avoid political nationalism.
oppression. Careers: book writers, f. Post- EDSA Era- People Power
newspaper writer, editor, brought greater freedom for
publisher, copyreader, artist. Philippine media. During this era,
the new constitution recognized
the vital role of communication  Individualized, builds profiles
and information in nation- (includes personal details,
building. Press freedom influenced pictures, likes)
the growth in media careers.  Connect with friends and people
g. Modern Era- Careers: web (includes referrals by other friends
designer, online instructors, digital or by the site itself)
producers, bloggers, animators,  Uploads content in real time
programmer, archivist, metadata  Enables conversations (both
analyst, data miner, user private and public)
experience designer, call center  Provides tracking (history and
agents, virtual assistants. threads)
B. PEOPLE IN SOCIAL MEDIA c. Formats and examples of social
Social media has enabled media
people to be channels of information,  Relationship or social media-
thereby becoming a medium of Facebook
communication.  Micro- blogging- Twitter,
a. People as media- Individuals Instragram
serve as channels of information.  Special interest networks-
Traditionally, this is limited to folk Linkedin, Pinterest
media, writing, or creating a  Media Sharing- YouTube , Flickr
media artifact. With the advent of  Collaborative news- Reddit, Waze
social media, individuals have  Discussion Forums- Google Groups
been empowered to not just  Group buying/ merchant sites-
create media artifacts but to give OLX, Groupon, Dealgrocer
feedback, edit and add on to the  Virtual worlds- Farmville, world of
media artifact. Warcraft, Secondlife, Minecraft
b. Characteristics of social d. Advantages and limitations of
media: using social media in the following
Areas Advantages Limitations
Relationships People who physically apart Demands on relationship-building
can continue to increases with social media.
communicate at a lower People expect friends and family
cost, send pictures, use live to respond immediately. Some
streaming, thereby private conversations can be
strengthening the ties made vulnerable to exposure.
between them.
Diversion/ Social media can provide This form of entertainment can
Entertainment great entertainment and often be addictive. Others find it
allow users to have a more difficult to manage this time
respite from their bust wisely and to focus on the task at
schedules. hand.
Learning Social media provides a Teachers need to develop skills
platform for real time for a more inclusive and
collaborative learning. personalized way of facilitated
Resources can be made learning. Not all information is
readily available. Learners valid, accurate, or beneficial.
can take control of their
own learning.
Recognition Instant recognition by the Social media has created a
way of simply liking a post specific need for validation and
can be very gratifying and attention.
Career It has become easier to There is no separation of private
progression market oneself through and professional. What is posted
social media. Connections about the private self may affect
and referrals are the professional.
established more quickly.

The 5 areas above are the key important reason why social media is popular, and hint at the value
of social media.
C. TEXT AS VISUAL billboards. Examples: Rockwell,
a. Typeface also called font, font Playbill. Blackoak.
type, or type) refers to the 4. Script- draws much attention to
representation or style of a text in itself because of its brush-like
the digital format. strokes. This must be used sparingly
b. A typeface is usually comprised of and not to be used in large body
alphabets, numbers, punctuation text. This font is usually used in
marks, and other special wedding invitation cards or other
characters. formal events.
c. In the absence of images and Example: Edwardian, Vladimir,
drawings, text is the easiest way Kunstler
of communicating to your 5. Display or Decorative – caters
audience. The use of font types to a wide variety of emotions (such
can express different emotions or as celebration, fear, horror, etc.) or
meaning. themes (such as cowboys, circus,
TYPES OF TYPEFACES: holidays, summer, kiddie, etc.)
1. Serif- connotes formally and Examples: Chiller, Jokerman, Curlz
readability in large amount of texts. MT
This font is usually used for the body DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND
text of books, newspapers, ELEMENTS
magazines and research publication. 1. Emphasis- refers to the
Also, serif fonts give a classic of importance or value given to a part
elegant look when used for title or of the text- based content. When
heading. Examples: Times New trying to make a point or highlighting
Roman, Garamond, Baskerville a message, you can make the text
2. Sans serif- brings a clean or bold, italicized, have a heavier
minimalist look to the text. This font weight, darkened or lightened
is used for clear and direct meaning (depending on your background
of text such as road signage, building color) or enlarged.
directory or nutrition facts in food 2. Appropriateness- refers to how
packages. Also, sans serif font gives fitting or suitable the text is used for
a modern look and is used primarily a specific audience, purpose or
in webpage design. Examples: Arial, event. In the creation of text-based
Helvetica, Tahoma, Verdana, Calibri content, make sure that the selection
3. Slab serif- carries a solid or criteria(tone, style, purpose, clarity)
heavy look to text. This font can be is followed. As for the choice of
used for large advertising sign on typefaces to be used, refer to the
discussion of the characteristics of achieved when two elements are
the fonts. When it comes to large different from each other. When you
body text, the font should be clear place a white text on a very light
enough to read. yellow background, contrast is not
3. Proximity- refers to how near or achieved and the text will be difficult
far are the text elements from each to read, but when you put a white
other. When two things are closely text on a dark brown background,
related, we bring them close contrast is created. Contrast can be
together. Otherwise, we put text achieved in a various ways, by
elements far from each other. For joining the following elements: large
example, the main title and subtitle font with the small font, serif and
are usually placed close to each sans serif, thin elements with thin
other. elements, cool color and warm color.
4. Alignment- refers to how the text VISUAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES
is positioned in the page. This can be ARE:
left, right, center or justified. 1. Consistency of margins,
5. Organization- refers to a typeface, typestyle, and colors
conscious effort to organize the necessary, especially in slide
different text elements in a page. presentations or
Organization ensures that while some documents that are more than
text elements are separated from one page.
each other (based on the principle of 2. Center of interest- an area that
proximity), they are still somehow first attracts attention in a
connected with the rest of the composition. This area is more
elements in the page. When there important when compared to the
are many elements needed to fit in a other objects or elements in a
page, start by creating a framework composition. This can be by
or a compartment for the elements. contrast of values, more colors,
Divide the space by creating lines and placement in the format.
across the page, making it look like 3. Balance- a feeling of visual
cabinet with various space sizes. equality in shape, form, value,
Once you are done color, etc. balance can be
compartmentalizing, you can place symmetrical and evenly balanced,
the different text elements on the or symmetrical and uneven
boxes. balanced. Objects, values, colors,
6. Repetition- concerns consistency textures, shapes, forms, etc. can
of elements and unity of the entire be used in creating balance in a
design. Repetition encourages the composition.
use of repeating some typefaces 4. Harmony- brings together a
within the page. When several composition with similar units. If
typefaces are used on a page, it for example your composition was
might distract the audience and fail using wavy lines and organic
to communicate what you want them shapes, you would stay with those
to get from the content. To strike a types of lines and not put in just
balance, do not also use just a single one geometric shape.
typeface for a visual design product. 5. Contrast- offers some change in
7. Contrast- creates visual interest value creating a visual discord in a
to text elements. Contrast is composition. Contrast shows the
difference between shapes and volume. Better for voice
can be used as a background to transitions, than for
bring objects and forward in a • Sound Effects- any sound other
design. It can also be used to than music or dialogue.
create an area of emphasis. • Music- vocal or instrumental
6. Directional movement- a visual sounds 9or both) combined in
flow through the composition. It such a way as to produce beauty
can be the suggestion of motion in of form, harmony, and expression
a design as you move from object of emotion.
to object by way of placement and • Silence- absence of audio or
position. Directional movement sound
can be created with a value b. Principles of Sound Design-
pattern. It is with the placement the techniques of combining the
of dark and light areas that you different elements or objects.
can move your attention through  Mixing- the combination, balance
the format. and control of multiple sound
7. Rhythm- a movement in which elements.
some elements recur regularly.  Pace- time control. Editing. Order
Like a dance, it will have a flow of of events: linear, non-linear, or
objects that will seem to be like multi-linear.
the beat of music.  Transitions- How you get from
8. Perspective- created through the one segment or element to
arrangement of objects in two- another.
dimensional space to look like TYPES OF TRANSITIONS
they appear in real life.  Segue- one elements stops, the
Perspective is a learned meaning next begins (“cut” in film)
of the relationship between  Cross-fade- one element fades
different objects seen in space. out, the next fades in, and they
overlap on the way.
ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES OF  V-Fade- first element fades to
SOUND DESIGN inaudible before the second
a. Elements of Sound Design- the element begins.
objects or things that we have to  Fade to Black- V-fade with some
work with. silence between elements effects
• Dialogue- speech, conversation,  Stereo Imaging- Using left and
voice-over. right channel for depth
-waterfall- as first fades out, the
second element begins at full

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