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plating electronic GmbH - Marie-Curie-Str.

6 - D-79211 Denzlingen - Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)7666/9009-0 - Fax.: +49 (0)7666/9009-44 e-mail:

1 General security informations

This rectifier was delivered after a thorough function- and safety-control.

Only qualified staff shall connect the rectifier module and put it into
operation. Service and maintenance only by qualified personnel.

Parts carrying a high voltage potential are installed inside the


These are marked with a warning sticker. Improper handling of the

electrical parts is life endangering and by doing so, including improper
operation, cancels the guarantee.

Mechanical and electrical installation and operation of the system is only

to be done by authorised personnel. Observe all instructions of the
manufactures, else the warranty for rectifiers and accessories will expire.

Do not operate any rectifier with one or more loose cable connectors !
If during operation one or more plugs are pulled out of the boards inside
the modules, electronic parts and the power unit will be destroyed !!!

1.1 High voltage

There are components inside carrying a high voltage for at least 5

minutes after turning off.

Without casing, the rectifier has protecting grade IP 00. It is dangerous to

open the casing because of the possibility to touch voltage carrying parts.
Therefore it is not permitted to use the rectifier without protection against

After performing maintenance on the unit, all orange connectors must be

checked to ensure proper contact. Failure to do so may result in a loose
connection which will result in serious damage to the unit.

It is prohibited to do any kind of constructive changes on the rectifier !

1.2 Security information

The plating rectifier modules are devices that are not ready to use and
are not allowed to be put into operation if they are not installed inside
casings or cabinets. Protection covers against touching such as
protection lattices and air conduits are to be installed!

Mounting, repairing, electrical installation, adjusting and maintenance is

only to be done by qualified personnel!

The rectifiers are only to be operated in the permissible ranges of current,

voltage, environmental temperature and atmospheric humidity according
to the rating plate and the operating manual.

The plating rectifiers are only to be used for galvanic systems! No

charging of batteries, no starting of engines.
Guarantee a sufficient fresh air stream for the cooling of the rectifier.

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