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In recent years legume milk has been successfully converted into low-cost edible products such as

yoghurt and yoghurt like product (Aidoo et al., 2010). Yoghurt is a fermented product obtained from
lactic acid fermentation of milk by Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp bulgaricus and Streptococcus
thermophillus with Propionibacterium freudenreichii as a supplement or co-culture (Ekinci et al., 2008).

Legume milk contains prebiotics such as oligosaccharides amongst others, which confer benefits such as
increase in viscosity within food matrices encouraging probiotics survival during preparation and storage
(Bernat et al., 2014).

Susu kacang-kacangan mengandung prebiotik seperti oligosakarida, yang memberikan manfaat seperti
peningkatan viskositas dalam matriks makanan yang mendorong kelangsungan hidup probiotik selama
persiapan dan penyimpanan.

Bernat, N., Ch´afer, M., Gonz´alez-Mart´ınez, C., Rodr´ıguez-Garc´ıa, J., & Chiralt, A. 2014. Optimisation
of oat milk formulation to obtain fermented derivatives by using probiotic lactobacillus reuteri
microorganisms. Food Science and Technology International, 21 (2), 145–157. doi:10. 1177 /

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir susu kacang-kacangan telah berhasil diubah menjadi produk yang dapat
dimakan dengan biaya rendah seperti yoghurt dan yoghurt like product (Aidoo et al., 2010). Yoghurt
merupakan produk fermentasi yang diperoleh dari fermentasi asam laktat susu oleh Lactobacillus
delbrueckii subsp bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophillus dengan Propionibacterium freudenreichii
sebagai suplemen atau ko-kultur (Ekinci et al., 2008).

Aidoo, H., Sakyi-Dawson, E., Tano-Debrah, K. and Saalia, F. K. 2010.Development and characterization of
dehydrated peanut–cowpea milkpowder for use as a dairy milk substitute in chocolate manufacture.
Food Research International, 43 (1): 79-85.

Ekinci, F. and Barefoot, S. 2006. Fed-batch enhancement of jenseniin G, a bacteriocin produced by

Propionibacterium thoenii (jensenii) P126. Food Microbiology, 23 (4): 325-330.

The use of lactic starter cultures and probiotics for the production of yoghurt and yogurt like products
has been reported to provide a measurable defence against pathogens and spoilages microorganisms.
However, as indicated earlier, many of these spoilage microorganisms tolerate the acidic conditions
created by these starter cultures and probiotics thus thrive in these products (Devereux et al., 2003).

Penggunaan BAL kultur starter dan probiotik untuk produksi yogurt dan produk sejenis yogurt telah
dilaporkan memberikan pertahanan terukur terhadap patogen dan mikroorganisme pembusuk. Namun,
seperti yang ditunjukkan sebelumnya, banyak dari mikroorganisme pembusuk mentolerir kondisi asam
yang diciptakan oleh kultur starter dan probiotik sehingga berkembang dalam produk ini (Devereux et
al., 2003).

Devereux, H., Jones, G., McCormack, L. and Hunter, W. 2003. Consumer acceptability of low fat foods
containing inulin and oligofructose. Journal of Food Science, 68 (5): 1850-1854.

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