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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 10

I. Objectives: : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, with the aid of instructional materials, the
students will be able to do the following with at least 85% level of proficiency:
a) Identify the difference between individual and dual sports;
b) Appreciate the importance of the different fitness activities and types of sports in our
daily lives; and
c) Perform proper execution and fitness activity including poses, and stretching.
II. Subject Matter: Individual/Dual Sports
Reference: MAPEH 10 The 21st Century MAPEH in Action Eduardo V. Cipriano, 2016 -
Materials: PPT, folded papers
Values integration: Cooperation and appreciation

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparatory/Introductory Activities
1. Prayer
Good afternoon class! All: Good afternoon ma’am!

How are you today? We’re fine ma’am!

Glad to hear that class.

Now, before we start our lesson, let us pray first.
Jason, please lead the prayer. Jason: Okay, let's bow our head and feel the
presence of the Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son, the

Holy Spirit, Amen.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed

be thy name thy kingdom come, thy will
be done in on earth as it is in heaven,

Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us

our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against, and lead us
not into temptation but deliver us from
evil, Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and

the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Okay, before we will start our class, let me
check your attendance first.

(Checking the attendance one by one) (Everybody is present)

Very good! Only few are absent.

2. Drill
Before we proceed to our lesson for today, let’s
do a warm-up exercise first.

I request everyone to stand.

Now that you’re all standing, be in a prayer

position with the palms of your hands together in
front of your body. Also, keep your feet together.
Then try to breathe and do this for 30 seconds to
1 minute.
With feet on the ground, raise your toes slowly
and return them. In this position, stand with
stomach in and shoulders relaxed. Maintain the (Students did the instruction)
alignment of your hips and shoulders.

Do you feel relaxed? Yes teacher!

Alright class, the next one you’ll do is hold your

head with one hand, then slightly pull your ear
toward your shoulder in 30 seconds, then repeat
on the other side.

And the last one, place your one arm in front of

your body- palm facing down. Then, hold your (Students did what the teacher instructed)
elbow using the other arm for 30 seconds, and
repeat on the other side.

Very good class! You got it right! Let us give

ourselves a round of applause! You can go back
to your seats now.

3. Review
So class, who among you here can still recall
about what we’ve discussed last meeting?
Anyone? Jen: Me teacher!

Yes, Jen go ahead.

Jen: We discussed about the Physical Fitness

Very good!
Okay I’ll ask you again, how can you determine if
someone is in good physical shape? Kath: Me teacher!

Okay, Kath go ahead. Kath: It is when people go about their everyday

activities without feeling tired.

Yes, very good! What else? Cherry: People who are physically healthy can
Yes Cherry? see from his weight, behavior and attitude that
they are always positive on a regular basis which
reflects his/her mental health, and have regular,
rhythmic, and stable breathing.

Wow! Excellent! You really did listen to our last


B. Development/ interaction Activities

1. New Lesson
a. Motivation

Now class, I have here folded papers.

Inside the folded papers are the different types
of sports I have written. I will group you into 2
groups and every group has to pick their
representative. The chosen one will have to
come to me and pick one of the folded papers.
They will be going to pick one sport and will give
an action to that sports. You as their group
members, all you have to do is to identify what
kind of sport are presenting. Understand? Yes, ma’amn

Now, the left side is the group 1 and the right

side is the group 2.

2. Presentation

Now class, based on the activities that we have

done, what do you think will be our topic this
afternoon? All: I think it’s about sports ma’am.

So, for today’s lesson class, I will discuss the

“Individual and Dual Sports“.

2.1 Setting of Standards

So, before we continue to our lesson, what you
should do if someone is talking in front of you? Jeah: Listen carefully ma’am

Yes, What else? Jason: Be good and behave.

Very good. How about if I will give you some

activity, what will you do? Jacky: Cooperate and be active.
Good. How about if the teacher is posting cards
and charts on the board, what will
you do? Algin: We will give our full attention to the
Very good. If some of your classmates
are answering, what will you do?
Jhean: We will listen carefully so that
we can also participate ma’am.

Wow! Good to hear that class.

(The students smiled)
So class, I want you to listen carefully so that
you can clearly understand the flow of today’s
discussion. Can I expect that from you class?
All: Yes ma’am!
Very good! Thank you, class.

3. Discussion

But before we move on to this topic, let’s first

have these fitness activities. We have first, The
Yoga. Do you have any idea what is yoga class?
The purpose of yoga practice was to bring
stability and relaxation periods of meditation,
Very good! The one we did earlier is part of the
yoga exercises. The first one we did is the
Tadasana or what we called the mountain pose
which is while you’re standing, you will be in a
prayer position with the palms of your hands
together in front of your body. But do you know
that there are different yoga poses? The
tadasana, urdhva, uttanasana and adho mukha

How about this one?

It’s running ma’am.

It helps you tone your muscles, providing energy,
This is walking. And by walking it will increase and maybe extending your life.
your body’s demand for oxygen. Helping you
lose and maintain weight, increasing heart and
lung efficiency, and keeping you young and I think it’s stretching ma’am

How about this one class? *Insert pic*

Okay. How about running? It will help you to?

How about this one? *Insert pic*

Yes this is very important to keep the muscles

flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that
flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the
joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and
become tight. Then, when you call on the
muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to
extend all the way.

As you can see in the picture, haven’t you

realize that we did the two of that earlier? The
first one was the yoga and the second one was
the upper neck or trap stretch then the last one
was the anterior shoulder stretch.

Well, enough for this. Let’s now proceed to

Individual and Dual Sports.

What do you mean by individual and dual


Individual sports are defined as activities in

which competing as a part of a team isn’t
required. The athlete is on their own and is the
one who’s responsible for bringing home the win.

Example of individual sports include tennis, track

and field, golf, boxing, swimming, gymnastics,
skiing, bowling, wrestling, powerlifting, figure
skating, speed skating, diving, mixed martial
arts, table tennis, racquetball, badminton,
archery, cycling, surfing and snowboarding.

In individual sports, no partner is required to

compete or play the game, while dual sports are
sports that require two players on each side.
Dual sport is played by partners or two people
against another set of partners.
For example, volleyball; you can consider it as
dual because it can be played by 2 each side but
in a competition it must be a team. Keep in mind
that sports can only be categorized as either Justin: Individual ma’am!
individual, dual, or team based on the number of
players on each side.

So much for that, let’s talk about the Table

tennis. What do you think these sports belong to
or categorized?

Yes Justin?

Very good! This will also be considered as dual if

it consists of 4 players. Table tennis is also
called Ping pong by hitting the ball using a table
tennis racket on a table divided by a net. The
game’s objective is that the players should hit
the ball toward them, and it should bounce once
on their side of the table and return it so that it Faye: Individual and Dual Sports, and Fitness
bounces on the opposite side. Activities

C. Concluding/Integration Activities Mary: Yoga, Walking, Running, and Stretching

1. Generalization ma’am
Now class, let’s do a recap.
What have we discussed about this afternoon?
Yes Faye?
In individual sports, no partner is required to
Very good! compete or play a game. For example, archery,
And what are those fitness activities that we gymnastics, and boxing. While dual sports, it
have discussed again? Yes Mary? requires two players on each side. For example,
badminton and volleyball.

Very good! What’s the difference of individual

and dual sports again?

Jeaselle: Yes ma’am. Regular physical activity is

Very good! one of the most important things you can do for
It seems like you really understand the whole your health. Being physically active can improve
discussion we tackled this afternoon. your brain health, help manage weight, reduce
the risk of disease, strengthen bones and
muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday
2. Valuing activities.
Do you think having fitness activities on a daily
basis is important?” Yes Jeaselle?
Joyce: Because of sports, we also experience a
positive shift in perspective and gradually
Very good! become more disciplined in all aspects of our
Do you believe that performing in different types
of sports can help you maintain or improve your
body? What else do you think we gain from it
aside from maintaining your body in good
shape? Yes Joyce?

All: Yes teacher!

Very good!

Sports introduce numerous rules to each game

so we also become more disciplined and eager
to win the title. You will improve your self-
perception as a result of the confidence you gain
from joining many sports. That’s how it is.

Did you get me?

3. Application
Alright class, now that I am done with my
discussion for today, I will give you an activity to
find out if you truly understand the lesson. All: Yes teacher!

I will divide you into 3 groups and each group will

have to perform the poses and activity fitness
that I'll say. For example, I’ll say perform one of
the yoga exercises, it’s either the tadasana,
urdhva, uttanasana yoga poses, each group All: Yes teacher!
should be performing after the count of 5. After
the five counts, you have to stop moving for a
couple of seconds, okay? (Students did the instruction)

And I’m giving points to the group who can

perform exactly to what poses and activity
fitness I’ll be saying.

Do you understand class?

Alright! To group yourselves, you may count 1 to

3. Starts here.
IV. Evaluation
Now, I’ll be giving you a short quiz. Get ¼ sheet of paper.
Direction: Write T in the space provided if the statement is true, and F if otherwise.

_______1. Regular activity does not have the health benefits that vigorous exercise offers.
_______2. The best time to exercise is at night.
_______3. Running a mile burns the same amount of calories as walking a mile.
_______4. A body-weight exercise is a form of exercise that uses dumbbells to develop strength
and build muscles.
_______5. Weight lifting uses machines to develop different body parts.
_______6. Individual sports require two players on each side while dual involve organized
groups of people competing against each other.
_______7. When serving, players should stand and serve behind the table opposite the
opponent and don’t let the ball bounce first on half of the table.
_______8. The objective of the game table tennis is that the players should hit the ball toward
them, and it should not bounce to the opponent’s table.
_______9. Stretching involved physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing to bring
stability and relaxation periods of meditation.
_______10. Fitness walking has several advantages, including helping you lose and maintain
weight, increasing heart and lung efficiency, and keeping you young and stress-free.

V. AAssignmen
Write on ½ sheet of paper. List down 5 examples of individual, dual, or team.

Individual Dual Team

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.

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