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University Of central Punjab

Name: Muhammed Abdullah Reg: L1F22BBAM0481

Section :M Assignment
Pak study
Introduction of Sir Syed Ahmad khan
Sir Syed was born on October 17,1817 in Delhi. And sir Syed Ahmad khan
was passed away on March 27,1898 As personality, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
was a good social reformer, thinker, philosopher and a great visioner also
he is a member of royal family that’s why he gets great facilities and good
education also there are so many contributions Allah sent a great leader in
the form of sir Syed Ahmad khan to protect the Muslims. His far-reaching
eyes had understood the whole situation well. He started a huge movement
in the subcontinent to save the nation of Islam from extinction sir Richard
Symonds admitted in his work that the people of Pakistan have similar
claim about sir Syed Ahmad that he was one of the creators and founders
of this country there are so many contributions which he done for Muslims.
some aspects were discussed in following manner

Educational services of sir Syed

Sir Syed point of view was that the development of the Muslim nation can
be smoothed only with the help of education. He not only gave advice, but
also tried his best to provide facilities for Muslims to acquire knowledge. He
attracted Muslims towards science, modern literature and social science. In
1859 sir shed founded Murad Abad and in 1862 in Ghazipur from Madar.
Apart from Persian, English language is also taught in these madrassas
In 1863, sir Syed created an organization called scientific society in
Gazipur. The aim of establishing the institution was to translate books
written in western language into Urdu. Later in 1876, the offices of the
society were shifted to Aligarh. Sir Syed encouraged the new generation to
learn the English language so that they could be familiar with modern
western sciences. Sir Syed founded an organization called the
muhammadan educational conference. This organization help a lot in
providing funds for the educational needs of the Muslim nation, and various
personalities were influenced by the performance of the conference in their
respective areas. Started educational activities Islamia college in Lahore,
Sindh Muslim madrasa in Karachi, Islamic college in Peshawar and Aleem
college in Kapur were founded. He made so many schools and colleges to
give good education to Muslims

Social and economic services

Sir Syed took several successful measures to bring back the lost position to
the Muslims. By writing books such as Risala sasab pubada hind Lyall
muhammadan of India and Bain Al-kalam, he succeeded in improving the
relations between Muslims and British government and in stopping the
ongoing campaign of oppression against Muslims open the closed doors of
employment for a large number of Muslims. In various field

Political services and two nation theory

He advised Muslims to stay away from politics. Give so that they can get
equal status with Hindus. Sir Syed was also in Favour of eliminating Hindu-
Muslim differences and taking the path of cooperation and unity. He made
continuous efforts to bring the two nations closer to each other. He
recruited Hindu teacher in his educational institution and gave admission to
Hindu students. Hindus started efforts to make Hindi the language of
government offices against Urdu. In 1867, the Urdu –Hindi conflict angered
sir Syed and he started his movement solely to protect the rights of
Muslims. Started working through the language conflict changed sir Syed's

Thinking and actions. He decided to find solution to the political and other
problems of the subcontinent on the basis of the bi-national theory the
basis of sir Syed Ahmad political strategy was the bi-national view. Sir
Syed proved that Muslims are a separate nation sir Syed was the first
person who used the term of “two nation theory” he said that in the
subcontinent there are two big religions first is Hinduism and the other is
Muslims and they both have different because Hindu believes in many
gods Muslims believe in one god also Hindus see the world as an endless
cycle of reincarnation while Muslims believes in heaven and hell

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