Human Resource Management

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Research Paper Semper 1


( Affiliated to D.A.V.V and Bar Council Of India)



Submitted to : Submitted by

Asst. Prof Kavita Dive Aditi Singh Parmar


5th semester


Research Paper Semper 2


This is to certify that Aditi Singh Parmar of 3rd semester, B.B.A.LL.B ( HONS) has
successfully completed the project work in partial fulfilment of requirements for the
knowledge of : Effect of time management as a tool for organisational survival
given by Asst . Prof. Kavita Dive prescribed by Indore Institute of Law. This as-
signment is the record of authentic work carried out during academic year 2020-2021

Teacher’s Signature :
Research Paper Semper 3


I hereby declare that the project entitled : Effect of time management as a tool for
organisational survival submitted for fulfilling essentials criteria of INDORE IN-
STITUTE OF LAW, is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance
of Asst. Prof. Kavita Dive in B.B.A.LL.B ( HONS) 5th semester, INDORE INSTI-
TUTE OF LAW for the academic year 2020-2021


5 Semester
Research Paper Semper 4


Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all
your ways acknowledge hm, and will direct your paths.
It is not possible to prepare a research paper without the assistance and encourage-
ment of other people. This is certainly no exception. On the very outset of this re-
search paper I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt obligation towards all the
personages who helped me in this endeavour. Without their guidance, help, coopera-
tion and support I would not have made headway in this research paper. I am ineffa-
bly thankful Miss. Kavita Dive for conscientious guidance and encouragement to ac-
complish this assignment. I extend my sincere gratitude to Indore Institute Of Law for
giving me this opportunity.
I also acknowledge a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my friends and
family members who have always supported me morally as well economically.
Research Paper Semper 5


Time is a basic resource every administrator needs to achieve the goals and focuses of an affilia-
tion. It is fragile to the point that it can't be saved anyway should be spent and once mishandled it
can never be recovered. Every administrator is hunting down ways to deal with improve time the
load up. Notwithstanding whether it is the organization of an affiliation hunting down business
improvement or an individual hunting down ways to deal with all the more promptly contribute
their vitality, time the load up is basic to both. Effective time the load up passes on a lot of inspi-
rations to an affiliation and its goes past basically administering time alone.

Keywords: Time management, organizational effectiveness, prioritizing, delegating, scheduling,

profitability, customer satisfaction
Research Paper Semper 6


Time is an exceptional amount a business person (supervisor) can't store it, lease it, and get it.
Everything requires it and it goes at a similar rate for everybody. Time the board includes con-
tributing time to figure out what one looks for from his exercises. Successful time the executives
is the speculation of time so that ideal outcome is gotten from exercises devouring a particular
time amount. Time the board relies on the rule that it is more essential to do the correct things
than to do things right. The capacity to pick between the vital and the immaterial and be tenacious
on the accurately picked succession is the key determinant of viability in time the board. In the
present quick paced business condition, advancement is an essential for progress-and maybe not-
withstanding for survival. That is the reason development has discovered its way to the highest
point of the motivation at associations around the globe. When considered basically a yield of
R&D labs, development has turned into a corporate need that contacts each feature of, and, to be
sure, every worker in, an association. Outside constituents, as well-clients, the scholarly world,
the administration, merchants, even contenders-are assuming a developing job in organizations'
innovative procedures. The AMA/HRI Innovation Survey 2006 found that more than 66% of the
1,356 worldwide respondents considered development either "critical" or "exceptionally impera-
tive" to their associations today. However, those amazing numbers appear to be unobtrusive when
contrasted with respondents' forecasts about what's to come. About portion of respondents figure
development will be "critical" to their associations in 10 years, and 35% state it will be "pro-
foundly important."(American Management Association Journal (2007)
Management study has revolved over long period of time and successive means of thought in in-
dustry and commerce have severely described it as the basic ingredient of administering a busi-

In support of this view Yakubu (1989) defined management “as a social process entailing respon-
sibility for effective and economical planning and regulation of the operation of an enterprise, in
fulfillment of given purpose or tasks” while organization have been working hard to attaining the
purpose for which they have been established, the issue of the time it takes to achieve this often
neglected. This situation is unfortunate and need to be taken seriously by organizations if the at-
tainment of set goals is to be at maximum profit.


Research Paper Semper 7

With the end of the year rapidly approaching, many managers are under plenty of stress trying to
complete multiple tasks in the next month.  Here are four principles of effective time manage-
ment to help you achieve more with less stress.

1. Important Items V. Urgent Items

Many managers spend their workday in a frenzy of activity, but achieve very little.  To make the
most of your time, ensure that your understanding of what’s important is not clouded by your
sense of urgency.
Important items are the proactive or progress tasks that will move you closer to your goals and
objectives, help you reach a position fundamentally better than the one you are in now, and have
a direct impact on moving the business forward.
Urgent items are the reactive and maintenance tasks that do not support your goals and objec-
tives, but still must be completed, occur as a result of everyday interruptions, and leave you in the
same position as you were before.

2. When are you most effective?

Knowing when you are at your best and planning to use that time of day for your priorities is ef-
fective time management.  Whenever possible, tackle important work or activities when you are
most alert and energetic because they will seem easier and you will accomplish them faster.  Be
sure to schedule less demanding tasks when your energy levels are decreasing.

3. Remain Flexible
Avoid scheduling each day to the extent that it is impossible to stay on track.  Consider that inter-
ruptions are bound to happen and projects may take longer than anticipated.
To allow for the unexpected, leave some open time in your daily plan.  A good rule of thumb is to
leave approximately 40% of your day unplanned because certain days of the week can be more
hectic and require more time.  Leaving part of your day unplanned can also help ensure that you
have time to work on the important tasks that will move you toward your goals.
Research Paper Semper 8

4. Planning Time

Underestimating the time needed to accomplish a task is not uncommon.  To give yourself suffi-
cient time to do things properly, reduce stress, and promote productivity be sure to:
• Schedule about 10-20% more time than you think the task will require
• Set aside larger blocks of time for priorities
• Build extra time into your schedule when planning a new project.
The managers who accomplish the most know exactly what needs to be completed each day. 
They consider the time spent on planning to be an investment in effectiveness and success and
understand that the tasks that need to be accomplished in any given day or week are more likely
to be completed when time is taken to plan properly.

Why managers face time management failure

1. Failing to prioritize

Identifying your top priority tasks can be overwhelming if most of your tasks require the same
level of dedication. For example, you have just started working on a high-priority task and you
are in the middle of brainstorming some brilliant ideas with your team when one of your col-
leagues steals your attention by pointing out that you need to refocus on an urgent issue that has
just come up.
Be mindful that this kind of situation is unavoidable and there will always be some time eaters
you will have to deal with. Learning how to prioritize is a process and you’ll need time and expe-
rience to find out the most efficient technique, that is, the one that works best for you. There are
tools like Action Priority Matrix or Google Keep that can help you prioritize and maintain a sta-
ble productivity level.

2. Ineffectively scheduling tasks

The level of our productivity does not only change from day to day, depending on a number of
factors, but it also varies from person to person. While some people are at the peak of their pro-
Research Paper Semper 9

ductivity the moment they open their eyes in the morning, others tend to show their maximum
potential once the sun sets. The easiest way to balance your time is to find out what your peak
time is and allocate that time for doing top-priority work instead of spreading it on completing
some less important, repetitive tasks.

3. Procrastinating

Procrastination is probably your worst enemy. There is nothing more detrimental to your concen-
tration and true potential than going around in circles and making excuses about not getting down
to real work. Not only does it create a huge backlog but it also makes you feel guilty about not
having started your work, especially if it is urgent.The best way to avoid this scenario is to devote
a small amount of your time to start the task. This will trigger your imagination, draw your atten-
tion and soon you will be entirely involved in the project. If that doesn’t help, try breaking the
task into manageable pieces. That will also help you with time tracking and will leave you with a
clear overview of how much time you will need to accomplish it.

4. Failing to manage numerous distractions

While a variety of communication channels and social media platforms allow us to communicate
more easily, they are also the main cause of distraction we experience both in life and business.

Whether it’s the phone that keeps ringing or notifications that you keep getting from either chat
or social media groups, they interrupt our workflow and break our creative process. Turn off all
the notifications and chat, schedule time free from interruptions, an hour or two, and minimize

the time you spend on things that don’t have much impact on your work.

5. Undervaluing the time something will take to finish

Research Paper Semper 10

One of the most common pitfalls most ambitious people tend to make is to miscalculate the time
and energy they will need to complete a particular task. This behavior is typical of A-type over-
achievers who think they can keep everything under control and never turn down an opportunity
no matter how demanding it is.

If you are suffering from the same ailment, a productivity coach, Kimberly Medlock, has a solu-
tion. She suggests writing down the amount of time you will need to complete each one of your
tasks on your to-do list. She also recommends, doubling the time. For example, if one task takes
20 minutes, block off 40 minutes, just to feel safe.

6.  Multitasking

Striving to become proficient at what we do, we usually fall into the trap of multitasking. Theo-
retically, multitasking is feasible if you have to get on top of your workload. However, doing
many things at the same time prevents you from focusing on all of your tasks equally and takes
much more of your time than completing your tasks in a sequence. In other words, if you want to
be good at multitasking you need to be super-organized and maintain a high level of concentra-
tion, creativity, and precision. In the end, multitasking isn’t for everyone so choose your battles
carefully. Whenever the circumstances allow it, forget about multitasking and focus on one task
at a time. This will help you produce high-quality work and give you a sense of completion.

7. Being busy vs being effective

As much as we would like to stay focused on the high-value work, we sometimes lose track and
find ourselves doing a bundle of low-priority things that not only eat our energy and time but also
have little or no impact on the final outcome we’re trying to achieve.

Research Paper Semper 11

Organizing aptitudes are the capacity to perceive what undertakings are increasingly imperative
at every minute and give those assignments a greater amount of consideration, vitality, and time
(Green and Skinner, 2005). Association centers around what is imperative to the detriment of
lower esteem exercises (Major, Klein and Ehrhart, 2002)]. Association has numerous activities,
and they never have time and vitality to do them all. Numerous things will be left fixed, regard-
less of how hard associations attempt. Organizing is an approach to take care of troublesome is-
sues (Farmer and Seers, 2004) . Claessens, et al. (2004) presented that one key motivation behind
why organizing works great is the 80/20 Rule. The 80/20 Rule expresses that 80 percent of our
run of the mill exercises contribute under 20 percent to the estimation of our work. In this way,
on the off chance that you do just the most imperative 20 percent of your undertakings despite ev-
erything you get the vast majority of the esteem. At that point, on the off chance that you center
the majority of your endeavors around those best esteem exercises, you accomplish considerably
more than previously, or you will have more opportunity to go through with your family. Orga-
nizing is tied in with settling on decisions of what to do and what not to do. To organize viably
should probably perceive what is vital, just as to see the contrast among direness and signifi-
cance. The imperative or high need, assignments are the undertakings that assistance us accom-
plish our long haul objectives or can have other important and huge long haul results.


Appointment is the exchange of power to settle on choices and complete explicit undertakings
(Alonso, Dessein and Matouschek, 2008). Figuring out how to designate is a standout amongst
the most essential aptitudes for directors and pioneers to have. Solid designation procedures can
enable administrators to spare time, inspire individuals, and train individuals, just as these strate-
gies can empower chiefs to accept on new open doors (Ghosh, Lafontaine and Lo, 2012)


Research Paper Semper 12

1. Procrastination

Procrastination is usually as a result of fear of failure or even success or believing that you cannot
do things perfectly. Indecisive and disorganized personalities tend to procrastinate. For effective
time management, you should teach your employees the danger of procrastinating and why they
should not even think of procrastinating their work. Procrastinating will not only consume a lot of
time, but will also lower the productivity of the company.
Procrastination is actually not solving particular problem, but is avoiding it. The sad thing is that
even if you run away from your problems today, you will wake up with more problems tomor-
row. Your employees should never consider procrastinating as an option. They should thrive to
tackle every problem head on no matter how tough the task may be. This will greatly save time.


Giving your employees freedom to be themselves cannot not only increase productivity but can
also save time. Some employees work best by taking unpleasant tasks while some work best
when they start doing their job from the middle. You should learn to appreciate that each member
of your staff is unique each perform his/her work differently.

One important aspect of effective time management techniques is actually giving your employees
freedom to be themselves. So long as the job gets done in a timely manner it actually doesn’t
matter which steps they did first.

Some employees may work more efficiently if they take most urgent matter or difficult task and
complete it first while others work best when their start with easy tasks then progress to difficult
ones later. Studies show that employees perform at their level best when they are given freedom
to do things their way. You cannot actually teach your employees to be free but you can allow
them to be free when doing their tasks.

3. Work must be done anyway

Research Paper Semper 13

One aspect of time management technique is teaching your employees that work must be done;
whether they dread the project for days of just accomplish the task right away. Teach them that
work must be done in one way or another and hence they should not try to avoid them.

Let them know that how they approach each assignment given to them will make a difference in
their performance review, promotion potential and earnings. When your employees know that,
they will always strive to do quality work on time.

4. Reward your employees

By rewarding your employees in small ways or having them reward themselves, you will greatly
inspire them to get the job done efficiently and on time. every employee like to be recognized
when they do great work and when you do so by rewarding them for their hard work , you will
greatly boost their moral which will improve their quality of work and will also improve on their
delivery time.

5. Keep a log

When you first begin to teach your employees on time management, have your employees keep a
log for a week of everything they do throughout the day, then have them analyze the log that they
have kept and look for any time that was wasted each day .If you then help then to keep that
wasted time to a minimal level, then you can greatly help them use that time to do something use-

6. Create time management goals

Remember the focus on time management is actually changing your behavior not changing time.
You should teach your employees on how to eliminate time waster. For instance, you can chal-
lenge them to set a goal of not taking personal call while working and see who much time they
Research Paper Semper 14

will save. By helping your employees create time management goals, you will help them be more
productive and efficient in service delivery.


The final point about time the executives is the idea of equalization. The most critical thing that
you can ingrain in your life is parity and balance. By rehearsing the strategies, thoughts, and pro-
cedures in this book, you will end up being an ace time supervisor, and possess more energy for
your family and your own life. Frequently, individuals require significant investment the execu-
tives programs with the goal that they can build the quantity of things that they can do on an ev-
eryday premise. Be that as it may, as the shrewd man stated, "There is a whole other world to life
than essentially expanding its speed." The principle reason for learning and rehearsing time the
executives abilities is to upgrade and improve the general nature of your life. It is to expand the
measure of delight and joy you experience
Research Paper Semper 15


2. American Management Association Journal, 2007.

3. Ancona DG, Goodman PS, Lawrence BS, Tushman ML. Time: a new research lens, Acad-
emy of Management Review. 2001

4. Alonso R, Dessein W, Matouschek N. When does coordination require centralization?

American Economic Review. 2008;

5. Eruteyan JO. Effective time management for high performance in organizations, Journal of
Nigerian Institute of Management, 2008

6. Farmer S, Seers A. Time enough to work: employee motivation and entrainment in the work-
place, Time & Society. 2004;

7. Frank L. ‘Effective time management, ‘The Appraisal Journal. 1994;

8. Green P, Skinner D. Does time management training work? An evaluation. International

Journal of Training and Development. 2005;

9. Ghosh M, Lafontaine F, Lo D. Delegation and pay-forperformance: Evidence from industrial

sales force, working Paper, University of Arizona, 2012.

10. Kinicki A, Kreitner R. Organizational behavior: Key concepts, skills and best practices. Mc-
Graw-Hill Irwin, 2003.

11. Major VS, Klein KJ, Ehrhart MG. Work time, work interference with family, and psycholog-
ical distress, Journal of Applied Psychology. 2002;

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