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Sector: Manufacturing

Submitted To

Shree Chanakya Education Society’s Indira

Institute of Management, Pune

Under the guidance of Prof. Ajay Varade

ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 - 2023

Submitted by

Ankita Arun Wadhe

Roll No- MKB06

Marketing Mix: Manufacturing Sector......................................................................................3





Application of Digital Marketing, SEO & Google Tools in the manufacturing sector.............5

Digital Marketing...................................................................................................................5

SEO in the manufacturing sector...........................................................................................7

Google Tools in the manufacturing sector.............................................................................8

Application of Social Media Marketing Mix Fundamentals in manufacturing sector...............8

Developing Marketing Plan in the manufacturing sector.......................................................11

Situation Analysis................................................................................................................11


Marketing Budget.................................................................................................................14


Evaluation and Control........................................................................................................15

Developing Marketing Team...................................................................................................15


Marketing Mix: Manufacturing Sector
The marketing mix is a framework that outlines the key elements of a marketing plan. It
consists of four elements: product, price, promotion, and place. These elements, also known
as the four Ps.

In the manufacturing sector, this includes the physical goods that are produced, such as
machinery, electronics, consumer goods, etc. The product must meet the needs and desires of
the target market and have a unique selling proposition. Product development is a critical
component of the marketing mix and involves designing and producing a product that meets
the needs of customers. This includes research into customer needs and wants, design and
development of prototypes, testing, and refinement of the product.

In the manufacturing sector, product features and benefits are often key selling points. For
example, a manufacturer may promote the energy efficiency of its products, or the durability
and reliability of its machinery. Product design and packaging are also important factors, as
these can influence customer perception and purchase decisions. To remain competitive,
manufacturers must also continually evaluate and improve their products. This may involve
making changes to the product design, incorporating new technologies, or adding new
features and benefits.

Overall, product is an important component of the marketing mix, as it is the primary focus of
the customer. A successful product must meet the needs of the target market and have a
unique selling proposition in order to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

In the manufacturing sector, the price of a product is determined by a number of factors,
including production costs, competition, and consumer demand. The price must be set at a
level that will allow for profitability while still appealing to customers. In the manufacturing
sector, prices may be influenced by economies of scale, production efficiency, and
technological advancements. For example, a manufacturer may be able to produce products
more efficiently, which could lower production costs and allow for a lower price. On the
other hand, the cost of raw materials and other inputs may increase, which could lead to
higher prices.

In addition to production costs, the competition in the market can also influence pricing.
Manufacturers must consider the prices of competitors when setting their own prices. If
competitors are offering similar products at a lower price, the manufacturer may need to
lower its prices in order to remain competitive. Finally, consumer demand also plays a role in
pricing. Manufacturers must consider the demand for their products and set prices
accordingly. For example, if demand is high, the manufacturer may be able to charge a higher
price, while if demand is low, it may need to lower prices in order to generate sales.

Hence, price is an important element of the marketing mix in the manufacturing sector.
Manufacturers must consider a range of factors when setting prices, including production
costs, competition, and consumer demand, in order to ensure that their products are
competitively priced and appealing to customers.

In the manufacturing sector, there are a number of different distribution channels that can be
used, including:

1. Direct sales: The manufacturer sells its products directly to customers, either through
its own retail locations or through e-commerce sites.
2. Wholesale: The manufacturer sells its products to wholesalers, who then sell the
products to retailers.
3. Retail: The manufacturer sells its products to retail stores, which then sell the products
directly to customers.
4. Online sales: The manufacturer sells its products through e-commerce sites or online
marketplaces, such as Amazon or eBay.

When deciding on a distribution strategy, manufacturers must consider factors such as the
target market, the nature of the product, and the competition. For example, a manufacturer of
high-tech electronics may choose to sell its products directly to customers, while a
manufacturer of consumer goods may sell its products through retail stores.

Place is an important element of the marketing mix in the manufacturing sector, as it affects
both the availability of the product and the customer's ability to purchase it. By carefully
choosing the right distribution channels, manufacturers can ensure that their products are
reaching their target market in the most effective way possible.

There are several elements of promotion, including:

1. Advertising: The use of paid media, such as television, print, or online advertising, to
reach a large audience and increase awareness of the product.
2. Sales promotion: Short-term marketing strategies, such as discounts or special offers,
designed to encourage customers to make a purchase.
3. Public relations: Building and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders, such
as customers, suppliers, and the media, to enhance the reputation of the product and
the company.
4. Personal selling: Direct interaction with customers through face-to-face sales calls or
other forms of direct communication, such as telemarketing or email marketing.
5. Sponsorship and events: Sponsoring or hosting events, such as trade shows or sports
events, to promote the product and build brand awareness.

In the manufacturing sector, promotion is a critical component of the marketing mix, as it

helps to differentiate the product from competitors and create a positive image in the minds
of customers.

So promotion is an important element of the marketing mix in the manufacturing sector, as it

helps to inform, persuade, and remind customers about the product and ultimately drive sales.
By effectively utilizing a range of promotion tools and strategies, manufacturers can increase
awareness of their products and build a positive image in the minds of customers.

Application of Digital Marketing, SEO & Google Tools in the

manufacturing sector
Digital Marketing
Website optimization: Optimizing the company's website to improve its search engine
ranking, attract more relevant traffic, and increase conversions.

E.g. John Deere, a manufacturer of agricultural and construction equipment, uses digital
marketing to reach customers and promote its products, including a robust website with
detailed product information. They also share content about sustainable agriculture and the
use of technology in farming on their website.

Email marketing: Sending targeted and personalized emails to the company's mailing list to
promote products, offer discounts, and share news and updates.

E.g. Bosch, a leading manufacturer of automotive and industrial products, uses email
marketing to engage their existing customer base and keep them updated regarding the newly
added products in product portfolio.

Content marketing:

Case Studies: Sharing case studies and real-life examples of how a manufacturing company's
products or services have helped customers solve specific problems or meet specific needs.

Product Demos and Tutorials: Creating product demos and tutorials that show customers how
to use a manufacturing company's products effectively, including videos, images, and written

Industry Insights and Thought Leadership: Sharing industry insights and thought leadership
content that helps establish the manufacturing company as a subject matter expert in their
field and position them as a trusted resource for their target audience.

Blog Posts: Writing blog posts that provide valuable information and insights on topics
related to the manufacturing industry and the products or services the company offers.

Infographics: Creating infographics that visually communicate complex information about

the manufacturing process, products, and services in a way that is easy to understand and

Webinars: Hosting webinars that provide in-depth information and insights on specific topics
related to the manufacturing industry and the products or services the company offers.

Paid advertising: Running targeted advertising campaigns on search engines and social media
platforms to reach a wider audience and drive conversions.

Social media marketing: Engaging with customers and promoting the brand through social
media channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

GE Appliances: Sharing behind-the-scenes factory tours on Instagram to showcase the

manufacturing process and company culture.

Ford Motor Company: Using Facebook and Twitter to share updates on new vehicle releases
and to connect with customers.

Bosch: Leveraging Instagram to showcase their innovative products and the manufacturing
process through visually appealing photos and videos.

Whirlpool Corporation: Utilizing influencer partnerships and user-generated content on

Instagram to showcase the company's products in real-life scenarios.

3M: Using LinkedIn to showcase their research and development efforts and to educate
customers about their products and services.

Search engine optimization (SEO): Improving the visibility of the company's website in
search engine results pages by optimizing its content and technical structure.

Video marketing: Creating and sharing engaging and informative videos to promote the brand
and its products.

Eg Caterpillar Inc.: Sharing product demonstrations on YouTube and LinkedIn to educate

customers about the company's heavy equipment.

By using these strategies, manufacturing companies can improve their online presence, reach
a wider audience, and increase sales and conversions.

SEO in the manufacturing sector

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website's visibility and
ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). In the manufacturing sector, SEO can help

Reach their target audience: By optimizing their website for relevant keywords,
manufacturers can increase their visibility to potential customers searching for products or
services in their industry.

Increase website traffic: Higher visibility in search engines leads to increased website traffic,
which can help drive sales and lead generation.

Establish credibility: Ranking well in search results can help establish a company as a
credible source in their industry, which can increase trust among potential customers.

Stay ahead of the competition: SEO helps manufacturers stay competitive in their industry by
improving their website's visibility and ranking compared to their competitors.

Improve the user experience: By optimizing their website for search engines, manufacturers
can also improve the user experience by providing a faster, more organized, and easy-to-use

Google Tools in the manufacturing sector

Website Analytics: Google Analytics can be used to track website traffic, monitor user
behavior, and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This can help
manufacturers better understand their target audience and optimize their online presence.

Search Engine Optimization: Google Search Console can help manufacturers monitor their
website's search engine performance, including search traffic, indexed pages, and crawl
errors. This information can be used to improve the website's visibility and rankings in search

Local SEO: Google My Business can be used to manage a company's online presence across
Google, including search and maps. This can help improve the company's visibility in local
search results and reach potential customers in specific geographic locations.

Online Advertising: Google AdWords can be used to target potential customers through
search and display ads. This can help manufacturers reach their target audience and drive
traffic to their website.

Market Research: Google Trends can be used to analyze search data to understand consumer
interests and market trends. This can help manufacturers make informed decisions about
product development and marketing strategies.

Tag Management: Google Tag Manager can be used to simplify website tracking by allowing
manufacturers to manage tags in one place. This can help streamline the tracking process and
provide more accurate data for analysis.

User Experience Optimization: Google Optimize can be used to perform A/B testing and
personalization to improve the website's user experience and conversion rates. This can help
manufacturers provide a better experience for their target audience and drive more sales.

Application of Social Media Marketing Mix Fundamentals in
manufacturing sector
Here is a look at some of the social media platforms a manufacturing company can utilize to
work toward establishing an effective online presence.

LinkedIn for B2B Clients

LinkedIn has over 500 million users from across the globe. The professional networking site
makes it easy to engage with new clients. Users and companies on LinkedIn visit the site/app
with a business focus in mind which makes this resource ideal for B2B content sharing.

Not only do company have access to online clients, but company can focus your posts to
target seniors, VPs, managers and more through the following filters: Location, Industry, Job
titles, Experience level, Interests, Educational background, And more

Whether company creates an account for the business, its decision-makers or post through a
personal account, company can gain all the latest updates about the industry through

Facebook Social Media for Manufacturing Companies

Facebook allows users to create pages for businesses. The social media channel can enable
your manufacturing company to create ads to share for the sake of B2B marketing, and with
over 1.5 billion users on Facebook daily, the social medium is the most popular channel in
the world.

Managers can use this statistic to their advantage by crafting business pages using SEO
keywords for higher traffic. Exposing the brand to an all-new audience can generate clients
over time as company builds a following on Facebook. Users following company’s page have
the opportunity to like, comment and share your posts, which creates a web of publicity for
your manufacturing company.

YouTube for Manufacturing Companies

YouTube creates an online community perfect for B2B marketing strategies. What better way
to send a clear message about company’s mission than with a video?

YouTube is accessible to users without needing to create an account. This works in favor of
manufacturing companies and other businesses as company can share how-to, tutorial,

product and demonstration videos seamlessly. This social media platform is often
underestimated, but video-sharing is great for industrial companies looking to establish a

Company can stand out with well-developed video content that features your industrial
equipment. Viewers are inclined to do business with company when they use your channel as
a resource for understanding manufacturing processes.

Social Media Ideas for Manufacturing Companies

While LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube are beneficial social media channels for
manufacturing businesses, other platforms exist that can cater to your audience as well. In
general, company want to set up social media accounts and maintain a consistent voice across
each outlet. Begin your social media campaign with the following questions for guidance:

How many social media outlets does your business have, and are they effective?

What kind of content do company produce, and how does it reflect your brand?

What are your social media numbers, and are company reaching your target audience?

Your manufacturing business provides a unique service for clients, but appealing to new
customers online involves the creation of original content for sharing. Your social media
pages generate leads and clients when company educate the audience.

1. Content Blogs- Blog posts are an effective way to inform your audience about industry-
related topics. By integrating keywords specific to the manufacturing industry, viewers can
find your content and can encounter your business site for more information.

Frequent blog posts help company gain online presence and are friendly with social media
channels for sharing.

2. Product/Comparison Guides- Potential customers won’t search long for what they want.
Company can increase your chances of new client leads by spelling out reasons to engage
with your service. Your manufacturing company can appeal to those on social media with
online guides for the pros and cons of specific products.

Make sure to include contact information for further questions, but explaining methods,
product materials, applications and more connects the dots for readers. They start to

understand their options for your manufacturing company and are inclined to choose your
business after seeing comparisons and step-by-step guides.

3. Product Videos- Potential customers trust a service when they can see products, demos,
tutorials and more through video content. Product videos for a YouTube channel are a
powerful selling tool for establishing credibility during the customer conversion process.

Videos increase clicks and shares across social media pages and require less effort from
consumers. Product videos for your manufacturing company do not require a huge budget,
either, as a smartphone camera can do the job.

Developing Marketing Plan in the manufacturing sector

The purpose of this marketing plan is to develop a comprehensive strategy for the

manufacturing sector that leverages the company's strengths and capitalizes on market

opportunities. The plan outlines the market overview, SWOT analysis, target customer

segments, product analysis, marketing objectives, marketing mix, budget, and


plan. The overall goal is to increase sales, improve brand recognition, and achieve a

market share in the target market

Situation Analysis
Market Overview

• Analyze the overall market conditions, including the size and growth of the market,

current trends, and competition.

• Identify the key drivers and challenges of the market and the potential opportunities for


SWOT Analysis

• Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of the

company to identify its internal and external factors that could impact the marketing


• Use the results of the SWOT analysis to inform the overall marketing strategy.

Customer Segmentation

• Identify the target customers based on their demographics, psychographics, and buying


• Segment the customers into different groups based on common characteristics and


Product Analysis

• Evaluate the existing products and their positioning in the market.

• Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the products and identify opportunities for

improvement or expansion.

Clearly define the overall goals and objectives of the marketing plan, including sales and

market share targets, customer acquisition, and brand recognition.

Establish SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals for each

aspect of the marketing plan.

Marketing Mix

The marketing mix is a key component of a successful marketing plan and is comprised of

4 P's: product, price, place, and promotion. The following marketing mix plan outlines the

strategies and tactics for each of the 4 Ps for the manufacturing sector.


Product Strategy

The product strategy for the manufacturing sector should focus on improving existing

and developing new products that meet changing customer preferences and market needs.

can be achieved through increased investment in research and development, collaboration


customers and suppliers, and leveraging technology to improve production efficiency and

product design. The goal is to offer a diversified product portfolio that is recognized for its

quality, reliability, and sustainability.

Product Features:

• High-quality materials and manufacturing processes.

• Innovative design and features that meet customer needs.

• Efficient and reliable performance.

• Sustainable and environmentally responsible manufacturing processes.

Product Line

The product line should be expanded to include new products that meet changing customer

preferences and market needs. This can be achieved through research and development,

collaboration with customers and suppliers, and leveraging technology. The goal is to offer a

comprehensive product portfolio that covers a broad range of applications and markets.


Pricing Strategy

The pricing strategy for the manufacturing sector should balance the need to remain

competitive with the need to achieve a fair profit margin. This can be achieved through

consideration of costs, market trends, and customer preferences. The goal is to offer

competitive prices that reflect the value of the products and the brand.

Pricing Tactics

• Regularly review and adjust prices based on market trends and competition.

• Offer discounts for volume purchases to encourage repeat business.

• Consider offering different pricing tiers for different customer segments.

• Offer promotional pricing for new products and special promotions.


Distribution Strategy

The distribution strategy for the manufacturing sector should leverage the existing

network and partnerships with key suppliers. The goal is to ensure that products are readily

available to customers when and where they need them. This can be achieved through the use

of direct and indirect channels, e-commerce, and strategic partnerships.

Distribution Tactics

• Expand the distribution network to cover new markets, both domestic and international.

• Develop partnerships with key suppliers and distributors.

• Offer a range of ordering and delivery options, including online and mobile ordering.

• Use technology to improve the efficiency and reliability of the supply chain.


Promotion Strategy

The promotion strategy for the manufacturing sector should focus on building brand

recognition, creating customer loyalty, and promoting the benefits of the products. This can

achieved through a mix of traditional and digital marketing channels, including advertising,

public relations, events, and social media. The goal is to create a consistent brand message

resonates with the target customer segments and differentiates the brand from the

Promotion Tactics

• Develop a strong brand message that highlights the quality, reliability, and

sustainability of the products.

• Use traditional advertising channels, such as print, radio, and television.

• Utilize digital marketing channels, such as email, social media, and search engine


• Leverage public relations to build brand recognition and credibility.

• Participate in trade shows and events to showcase the products and interact with


Marketing Budget
• Allocate a budget for each aspect of the marketing mix, taking into consideration the

goals and objectives, competition, and overall market conditions.

• Determine the most effective and efficient use of the budget to achieve the marketing


Develop an implementation plan that outlines the steps to be taken to execute the marketing

plan, including the roles and responsibilities of each team member. Establish a system to

monitor and evaluate the results of the marketing plan and make necessary adjustments.

Evaluation and Control

Regularly track the results of the marketing plan and compare them to the goals and

Make necessary adjustments to the plan based on the results and feedback from the

Continuously monitor the market conditions, competition, and customer needs and

and make necessary changes to the marketing plan accordingly.

Developing Marketing Team

Here are some steps to develop a marketing team:

Define the team structure and roles - Determine the size and responsibilities of the team,
including positions such as marketing manager, content creators, data analyst, etc.

Hire the right people - Look for individuals with diverse skills and experience who align with
your company's values and culture.

Provide clear goals and expectations - Set measurable and attainable goals for each team
member, as well as performance expectations and standards.

Offer training and development opportunities - Ensure your team members have the
necessary skills and resources to succeed, including ongoing training and professional

Encourage collaboration and teamwork - Foster a positive and inclusive work environment,
and encourage teamwork and cross-functional collaboration.

Regularly evaluate performance - Regularly review and evaluate each team member's
performance and provide feedback to help them improve and grow.

Hire specialized roles - Consider hiring individuals with expertise in manufacturing,

engineering, and technical marketing to help effectively communicate the company's



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