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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Ordinary Level

* 6 6 0 4 6 6 5 6 8 4 *

SINHALA 3205/02
Paper 2 Translation and Reading Comprehension May/June 2017
1 hour 30 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces at the top of this page.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 7 printed pages, 1 blank page and 1 Insert.

DC (ST) 137949/3
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Section A – Translation

1 Translate into English.

















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2 Translate into Sinhala.

The carpenter set off early, with his ladder and paint loaded into the back of his small van. He had
to fix a wooden window frame on the upstairs floor of a home on a narrow but busy street in the
middle of town. He knew that he had to begin early in order to find a parking space.

When he arrived at the house, the owner told him that parking was not allowed on the street
during the morning rush hour. The carpenter drove around the nearby streets for a long time and
eventually found a parking space. It took the carpenter nearly 30 minutes to walk back to the

Fixing and painting the window frame took only 20 minutes. As the carpenter walked back to his
van, he decided that he would not take any small jobs in the town centre again.






















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Section B – Reading Comprehension

Read the passage in the Insert and then answer Questions 3–12 on this Question Paper. You should
use your
Read own words
the passage as far
in the as possible.
Insert and then answer Questions 3–12 on this Question Paper. You
should use your own words as far as possible.

33 .fï ld, .=Kh fln÷ ù o@ i;sh ;=< § Bg isÿjQfha l=ula o@ [2]

4 nvq /ialr.; hq;=hehs .fï whg is5;=fKa l=ula ksid o@


5 ..........................................................................................................................................................
wka;fha in the
§ is Insert
ÿjQfha andl=then
ula answero@ Questions 3–12 on this Question Paper. You [2]
should use your own words as far as possible.
6 ......................................................................................................................................................[2]
.fï kdhlhdg wjYH jQfha .eñhka ,jd l=ula lrjkak o@ [3]
3 .fï ld, .=Kh fln÷ ù o@ i;sh ;=< § Bg isÿjQfha l=ula o@ [2]
7 ld¾ .uka lf<a ljod" fldfya o@ [2]
44 nvq /ialr.; hq;=hehs .fï whg is5;=fKa l=ula ksid o@ [2]
8 i;r fokdf.a lKavdhfï ñksiaiq lf<a l=ula o@ ta wehs@ [3]
5Read the
i;s passage
wka;fha in the
§ isInsert
ÿjQfhaandl=then ula answer
o@ Questions 3–12 on this Question Paper. You [2]
9(a) use yourgown ;uka wordsf.a as ld¾ far as
keje;a possible.
ùug isÿjQfha uka o@ [2]
6 ..........................................................................................................................................................
.fï kdhlhdg wjYH jQfha .eñhka ,jd l=ula lrjkak o@ [3]
3 .fï ld, .=Kh fln÷ [2]
9(b) ta wjia:dfõ § Tjqkg a isù ;=fo@Kai;s l=uhla;=o@ < § Bg isÿjQfha l=ula o@ [1]
7 ......................................................................................................................................................[2]
ld¾ .uka lf<a ljod" fldfya o@ 5 [2]
4 nvq /ia l r.; hq ; = hehs .fï whg is ; = f Ka l= ula ks i d o@ [2]
10 mdf¾ ;;ajh fln÷ ù o@ [1]
8 i;r fokdf.a lKa vdhfï ñksanswer
iaiq lf<a l=ula o@ ta wehs@ [3]
55 thei;s passage
wka ; in the
fha § Insert
is ÿ jQ f and
ha l=then
u la o@ Questions 3–12 on this Question Paper. You [2]
should nQuse
rejkayourgown lrka kg asyels
words far asjQpossible.
fha l=ula o@ [1]
9(a) .eñhkag ;ukaf.a ld¾ keje;aùug isÿjQfha uka o@ [2]
6 ..........................................................................................................................................................
.fï kdhlhdg wjYH jQ f ha .eñhka ,jd l= u la lrjka k o@ [3]
312 nQrejka
.fï ld, msg.=.uka
Kh fln÷ l< whg ù o@ld¾j,s i;sh k ;=a <.sh wh is
§ Bg ÿka
ha l=
l=uulala o@o@ [1]
9(b) ta wjia:dfõ § Tjqkg a is;=fKa l=ula o@ [1]
7 ..........................................................................................................................................................
ld¾ .uka lf<a ljod" fldfya o@ [2]
4 nvq /ialr.; hq;=hehs .fï whg is;=fKa l=ula ksid o@ Language and spelling [5] [2]
10 mdf¾ ;;ajh fln÷ ù o@ [1]
8 ......................................................................................................................................................[2]
i;r fokdf.a lKavdhfï ñksiaiq 5lf<a l=ula o@ ta wehs@ [3]
5 i;s wka;fha § isÿjQfha l=ula o@ Total Marks [25]
11 nQrejkag lrkakg yels jQfha l=ula o@ [1]
Read .eñhka g ;uka f .a ld¾ keje;a ù ug is ÿ jQ fha uka o@ [2]
6 6 the.fï passage
kdhlhdg in the Insert
wjYHand jQfthen answer Questions
ha .eñhka ,jd l=ula 3–12 on this
lrjka kQuestion
o@ Paper. You [3]
12 nQuse
rejkayourmsown g .ukawords l< as far whgas possible.
ld¾j,ska .sh wh ÿkafka l=ula o@ [1]
9(b) ta wjia:dfõ § Tjqkg a is ; = fKa l= u la o@ [1]
7 ..........................................................................................................................................................
ld¾ .uka lf<a ljod" fldfya o@ [2]
3 .fï ld, .=Kh fln÷ ù o@ i;sh ;=< § Bg isÿjQfha l=uLanguage la o@ and spelling [5] [2]
10 mdf¾ ;;a j h fln÷ ù o@ [1]
8 i;r fokdf.a lKa v dhfï ñks i a iq lf<a l= ula o@ ta wehs @ [3]
4 nvq /ialr.; hq;=hehs .fï whg is;=fKa l=ula ksid o@ Total Marks [25] [2]
11 nQ r ejka g lrka k g yels jQ f ha l= u la o@ [1]
9(a) .eñhka g ;uka f .a ld¾ keje;a ù ug is ÿ jQf ha uka o@ [2]
5 i;s wka;fha § isÿjQfha l=ula o@ [2]
12 nQ r ejka ms g .uka l< whg ld¾j,s k a .s h wh ÿka f ka l= u la o@ [1]
9(b) ta wjia : dfõ § Tjq k g
a is ; = f Ka l= u la o@ [1]
6 .fï kdhlhdg wjYH jQfha .eñhka ,jd l=ula lrjkak o@ [3]
Language and spelling [5]
10 mdf¾ ;;ajlf<a h fln÷ ù o@ [1]
77 ld¾ .uka ljod" fldfya o@ [2]
Total Marks [25]
11 nQ rejka g lrkak g vyels [1]
8 i;r fokdf.a lKa dhfïjQfñks ha i
l=ai uq lalf<a
o@ l=ula o@ ta wehs@
12 nQrejka msg .uka l< whg ld¾j,ska .sh wh ÿkafka l=ula o@ [1]
9(a) .eñhka g ;ukaf.a ld¾ keje;aùug isÿjQfha uka o@ [2]
Language and spelling [5]
9(b) ta wjia:dfõ § Tjqkg a is;=fKa l=ula o@ [1]
Total Marks [25]
10 mdf¾ ;;ajh fln÷ ù o@ [1]

11 nQrejkag lrkakg yels jQfha l=ula o@ [1]

© UCLES 2017 3205/02/M/J/17
12 nQrejka msg .uka l< whg ld¾j,ska .sh wh ÿkafka l=ula o@ [1]

Language and spelling [5]

Read the passage in the Insert and then answer Questions 3–12 on this Question Paper. You
6 .fï kdhlhdg wjYH jQfha .eñhka ,jd l=ula lrjkak o@ [3]
should use your own words as far as possible.
7 7 [2] [2]
3 ld¾.fï
ljod" fldfya
h fln÷ ù o@o@i;sh ;=< § Bg isÿjQfha l=ula o@
8 8 4 i;rnvq
fokdf.a lKahqv;dhfï
/ialr.; =hehs ñksiai
.fï whg is5;l=
q lf<a =fuKalal=o@ula
ta ks
id@ o@ [3] [2]

9(a) 5Read
.eñhka gwka;uka f.a [2] [2]
i;spassage ;fha in § ld¾
the ÿjQfkeje;a
isInsert uù
haandl=then laug o@ isÿjQQuestions
answer fha uka o@ 3–12 on this Question Paper. You
should use your own words as far as possible.
9(b) 6 ta wjia :dfõ § Tjqkg a wjYH is;=fjQKa [1] [3]
.fï kdhlhdg fhal=.eñhkaula o@ ,jd l=ula lrjkak o@
3 .fï ld, .=Kh fln÷ ù o@ i;s h ;=< § Bg isÿjQfha l=ula o@ [2]
10 7 mdf¾ ;;a j h fln÷ ù o@ [1]
ld¾ .uka lf<a ljod" fldfya o@ [2]
Read4the passage nvq /ia inlthe
r.; Inserthq ; and
= hehsthen
.fï answer whg Questions
is ; = f Ka 3–12
l= u onks
la this
i dQuestion
o@ Paper. You [2]
should ......................................................................................................................................................[3]
11 8 nQuse rejkayourgown lrka words
k g asyels far asjQpossible.
f ha
i;r fokdf.a lKavdhfï ñksiaiq lf<a l=ula o@ ta wehs@ l= u la o@ [1] [3]
5 i;s wka;fha § isÿjQfha l=ula o@ [2]
312 .fï
nQ r ejka ld, ms g.=.uka
Kh fln÷ l< whg i;sh 5k
ù o@ld¾j,s ;=a <.sh
§ Bg wh is ÿjQffka
ÿka ha l=
l=uulala o@o@ [2]
9 9(a) (a) .eñhkag ;ukaf.a ld¾ keje;aùug isÿjQfha uka o@ [2]
6 .fï kdhlhdg wjYH jQ f ha .eñhka ,jd l= u la lrjka k o@ [3]
4 the
/ialr.; in thehqInsert
;=hehsand .fï thenwhganswer is;Questions
=fKa l=ula 3–12ksiond this
o@ Question
LanguagePaper. You [5]
and spelling [2]
should9(b)use ...................................................................................................................................................
wjiaown :dfõ
words§ as Tjqfarkas g
a possible.
is;=fKa l=ula o@ [1]
7 ld¾ .uka lf<a ljod" fldfya o@ [2]
5 i;s wka;fha § isÿjQfha l=ula o@ 5 Total Marks [25] [2]
3 10.fïmdf¾ ...................................................................................................................................................
ld, ;;a .=Kjh h fln÷
fln÷ ùù o@ o@ i;sh ;=< § Bg isÿjQfha l=ula o@ [2] [1]
8 i;r fokdf.a lKavdhfï ñksiaiq lf<a l=ula o@ ta wehs@ [3]
6 [3]
kdhlhdg wjYH jQfha .eñhka ,jd l=ula lrjkak o@
4 11the
lr.; in
g the hqInsert
lrka ;=hkehs gand thenwhg
.fï jQanswer
fha isl=;Questions
u=flaKao@l=ula 3–12ksiond this
o@ Question Paper. You [2] [1]
should 9(a)
use .eñhka
your owngwords ;ukaasf.a far ld¾ keje;aùug isÿjQfha uka o@
as possible. [2]
7 ld¾ .uka lf<a ljod" fldfya o@ [2]
5 12i;s nQ rejka
wka ;fhams§g is.uka ÿjQfhal< l=uwhgla o@ld¾j,ska .sh wh ÿkafka l=ula o@ [2] [1]
3 (b)
.fïtald, wjia.=:K dfõ § Tjqkùg
h fln÷ a o@is;i;s =fKah l= ;=u <la§ o@ Bg isÿjQfha l=ula o@ [2] [1]
8 i;r fokdf.a lKavdhfï ñksiaiq lf<a l=ula o@ ta wehs@ [3]
6 .fï kdhlhdg wjYH jQfha .eñhka ,jd l=ula lrjkak o@ Language and spelling [3] [5]
4 10nvq ...................................................................................................................................................
/ia lr.; ;;ajhqh;fln÷ =hehs .fï ù o@whg is;=fKa l=ula ksid o@ [2] [1]
9(a) .eñhkag ;ukaf.a ld¾ keje;aùug isÿjQfha uka o@ [2]
7 Total Marks [2][25]
.uka lf<a ljod" fldfya o@
5 11i;s nQ rejka
wka ;fhag §lrka isÿjQkfgha l= yels
ula jQo@fha l=ula o@ [2] [1]
9(b) ta wjia:dfõ § Tjqkg a is;=fKa l=ula o@ [1]
8 i;r fokdf.a lKavdhfï ñksiaiq lf<a l=ula o@ ta wehs@ [3]
6 12.fïnQkdhlhdg
rejka msg .uka wjYH l< jQfhawhg .eñhka ld¾j,s ,jd ka l= .sh
ÿkafka k l= o@ula o@ [3] [1]
1010 mdf¾ ;;ajh fln÷ ù o@ [1]
9(a) .eñhkag ;ukaf.a ld¾ keje;aùug isÿjQfha uka o@ [2]
7 ld¾ .uka lf<a ljod" fldfya o@ Language and spelling [2] [5]
11 ..........................................................................................................................................................
nQ rejkag lrkakg yels jQfha l=ula o@ [1]
9(b) ta wjia:dfõ § Tjqkg a is;=fKa l=ula o@ [1]
8 i;r fokdf.a lKa v dhfï ñks i a iq lf<a l= ula o@ ta wehs @ Total Marks [3] [25]
12 ......................................................................................................................................................[1]
nQ rejka msg .uka l< whg ld¾j,ska .sh wh ÿkafka l=ula o@ [1]
10 mdf¾ ;;ajh fln÷ ù o@ [1]
9(a) .eñhkag ;ukaf.a ld¾ keje;aùug isÿjQfha uka o@ [2]
Language and spelling [5]
1111 nQrejkag lrkakg yels jQfha l=ula o@ [1]
9(b) ta wjia:dfõ § Tjqkg a is;=fKa l=ula o@ Total Marks [25] [1]
12 ..........................................................................................................................................................
nQ rejka msg .uka l< whg ld¾j,ska .sh wh ÿkafka l=ula o@ [1]
10 mdf¾ ;;ajh fln÷ ù o@ [1]
Language and spelling [5]
11 nQrejkag lrkakg yels jQfha l=ula o@ [1]
Total Marks [25]
1212 nQrejka msg .uka l< whg ld¾j,ska .sh wh ÿkafka l=ula o@ [1]

Language and spelling [5]

Total Marks [25]


Language and spelling [5]

Total Marks [25]

© UCLES 2017 3205/02/M/J/17



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