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Name: Zedrick Charles G.

Sabay GNED06

Section: BSESS 2-1 Sports Coaching

Science, technology and society are interdependent and interconnected. Scientific discoveries lead to
technological innovations, which in turn shape and influence society. Conversely, society's needs and
values drive scientific research and technological development. This interplay between science,
technology, and society creates a feedback loop that propels the advancement of each discipline.

For example, advances in communication technology have revolutionized the way society functions. The
internet and social media have changed the way we interact and communicate, creating a more
connected world. Science has also made significant contributions to the development of medical
technology, allowing for more effective treatments and diagnoses of various diseases.

However, the impact of science and technology on society is not always positive. New technologies can
bring about new ethical dilemmas and challenges, such as privacy concerns and the unequal distribution
of resources. It is therefore important for society to critically evaluate the consequences of scientific and
technological developments and ensure that they are used in responsible and ethical ways.

In conclusion, science, technology, and society are interconnected and interdependent, shaping and
influencing each other in complex ways. The responsible and ethical use of science and technology is
crucial for the advancement.

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