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Name Pooja Adhiya

Question 1

Lisa felt disappointed during her first few weeks due to the following reasons:

Linton: On the first day Linton said she did not like MBAs, especially from Harvard, as
they act like they know more than they do. She did not feel welcome on her first day.

Scoville: He gave Lisa menial jobs that he couldn’t finish because of his poor planning.
He was also acting like a condescending big brother when he took Lisa out for lunch on
her first day.

Question 2
Write your answer for Part A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to high He was competent and smarter than most

Experience people at Homecare. He also moved from
operations to Marketing, showing his creativity
and openness to new experiences.

Conscientiousness low He was not organized and had bad planning as

he gave last minute task to Lisa due to in poor
time management (copying incident)

Extraversion low He does not work well with people and thinks of
himself as smarter than most people. He also
describes himself as a no-nonsense guy who has
no interest in office politics.

Agreeableness low He does not work well with people and rarely
even has lunch with them.

Neuroticism high He yelled at Lisa about a minor thing (copying

incident), thus disrespecting her in front of her

Write your answer for Part B here.

Using the OCEAN Framework Lisa can improve her relationship with Scoville by doing the
following things:
• As both are high on openness, they are both creative and ambitious in their own way.
They can work on different parts of the project while complementing each other.
• As they are the opposite when it comes to extravertion, Lisa can handle the parts which
involves dealing with teamwork and people and Scoville can handle parts of the
project that are dealt more internally.

Question 3

Write your answer for Part A here.

The area of the Johari window is the hidden area.

Write your answer for Part B here.

Lisa can reduce the hidden area by doing the following things.

• She should come out of learning mode and start voicing her opinion more, which
would make Linton see her analytical and organizational skills.
• As Linton’s boss Vernon is fond of Lisa, she should ask his help for conflict resolution
between her and Linton.
• She should ask for different responsibilities which are more suited to her abilities.

Question 4

Write your answer here.

• Linton could have started by stating that Lisa Benton is an asset to the company.
• Linton should also have given Lisa the opportunity to speak and explain herself.
• Rather than just stating the problems, she should have advised Lisa and given her
solutions to overcome her shortcomings.

Question 5

Write your answer here.

Lisa could have felt motivated to work at Houseworld by the following engagement
tactics by her superiors:

• Linton should have appreciated Lisa’s small victories like how Vernon did. Lisa
would have felt motivated to work harder.
• Lisa should have been given a role in the organization that compliments her skills
and strengths.
• Linton should have provided a roadmap or her objectives to Lisa like she initially
promised she would.

Question 6

Write your answer for Part A here.

1. Lisa could use soft tactic like persuasion with Scoville as we saw that Scoville was at
least open to feedback.
2. Lisa could use impression management tactic with Linton as Linton believed Lisa did
not take enough initiative or voice her opinion.

Write your answer for Part B here.

1. As Linton’s boss Vernon is fond of Lisa, she could use hard tactics like coalition
forming with Vernon to get more responsibilities and showcase her range of skills to
2. Lisa can use Assertiveness with Scoville because he is not her direct boss. She could be
assertive while denying menial tasks that are not a part of her job.

Question 7

Write your answer here.

Yes, there has been a breach of ethics from Lisa’s coworkers.

1. Scoville lost his temper and yelled at Lisa over something minor. When Lisa went to
Linton about this, rather than mediating things between them, she scolded her and
asked them to work it out between themselves.
2. Linton did not provide Lisa with a roadmap nor clearly defined her objectives. She
promised to make time to talk to Lisa about this over lunch, which she only did after 3
months for her performance review.
3. Linton did not take initiative to give Lisa a 3-month performance review which was a
custom at the company. She only agreed to do so when asked by Lisa.

Question 8

Write your answer

I believe Lisa should not leave her job. The reasons for this opinion are as follows:

1. The reason Lisa chose to join Houseworld was to get classical marketing training
under industry leaders. At Houseworld, she has a great opportunity to do so.
2. At houseworld, assistant product managers are given assignments which only last
12-18 months. Since working with Linton and Scoville is only temporary, Lisa
could build better relationships in the meanwhile to get an opportunity to work
with superiors who match her strengths in the future.
3. Since Lisa already gets along with other colleagues, she could use conflict
resolution methods to get along with Scoville and Linton during the short span
she has to work with them, rather than running away from her problems.
4. As Houseworld already employs more and more number of Harvard MBAs now,
this is a great opportunity for Lisa to personally grow in an organization that
gives more value to her educational background.

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