Project 001

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inside the restaurant seemed a little perturbed by their current assemblage of

customers and the old manner with which they moved about the premises. It was an
unsettling scene for the teenage burger flippers, this pasty man with an accent
they didn’t understand, wearing a grotesque Hawaiian shirt and tiny hot pants
revealing milk-bottle legs was asking them for something. Do we speak English?
Asked a McDonald’s employee slowly and clearly, after trying in vain to understand
What to her was Japanese…The two hearies that were with Barry added a strong dose
of intimidation to the already tense atmostphere .They had been scoping-out the
restaurant in a dangerous fashion, but now they looked directly into the sales
assistant’s terrified eyes Jowering over everyone in the place, they learned over
the counter so far that their Cargo was almost blocked out from sight .The more
talkative of the men in black translated for his English associate. He says he
wants a happy meal’ What does he err-want in it? asked the burger flipper shakily
after a moment of conferring and he says make sure you remember to put in his toy’
Barry turned to one of his burly esconts as he waited for his meal, ’The toy is the
best part’ as Barry slurped his coat loudly on the back seat of the once again
moving black limestone, He played with the toy he’d received from Ronald McDonald,
a tiny Hammer all terrain vehicle ‘How cool is this ,take a look’, said Barry
shaking the plastic plaything in the face of one his chaperones ‘very nice Mr.
Broomfield,’ answered the dark-suited man through gritted teeth ,the first sign. Of
emotion and being human . He’d shown your average MLB experiences a hard life,
although it’s all necessary emotional toughening, allowing them to serve there
country in the role of secrecy that’s required. These two men that esconted Barry
had been put through exhausting…physical and mental training regimes, witnessed
truly gruesome horrors committed by the own government and on more than one
occasion dealt in death but in spite of all these experiences, this was the closest
thing to unbearable they’d come across. The Broomfield effect was pushing them to
their emotional limits. After an extremely long drive in which Barry had spent most
of the time complaining about how long the journey was taking the car finally
stopped, halting abruptly in the middle of an arid desert surrounded by imposing
mountains on all the sides. Barry looked out the window and was disgusted by what
he saw, ’We’re in the middle of nowhere , there’s nothing here! ‘first glances can
be deceiving Mr. Broomfield’. The ground in front of the car began to move amongst
the random scattering of barred cacti and prickly pear, a giant trapdoor was
lifting up out from under the sand. Kit didn’t screech or make any sound as it rose
up out of the desert and after it ceased to move, having opened to its full, it was
revealed that the road which had at first appeared to have its end now continued
steeply downwords underground. ‘What the! We’re not going down there are we?’.
Barry’s stupid questions were no longer answered because the two men sitting in
front of him had completed their mission, which meant that they now deemed small
talks needless. For the first time since his arrival in America, Barry sensed that
something was amiss. One thing he could be cheerful about though was how he was
going to save small fortune on suntan lotion at this present time however, the
potential sun-block savings, he was going to procure were the farthest thing from
his mind pulling at the door handless, Barry found to his growing distress that
they were locked… After Barry the two MLBs and the limo has descended steadily
deeper for what seemed like an age, a period of time, that’s passage wasn’t made
any smoother by the ominous silence save for the occasional whimper that escaped
from Barry’s lips. The car stopped. It had come to rest inside a large underground
car park that had marked on a wall Level. Car parking/Tunnel Bore Storage even
thought being located deep underground and apparently top secret ,this car parked

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